Medway Maternity Services Liaison Committee Annual Report 2009/10
1. Aim of the Report and Context
2. Key Achievements
3. Additional Projects
4. MSLC Work Programme for 2010/11
5. Summary
Appendix 1: MSLC Terms of Reference
Appendix 2: MSLC Terms of Reference Membership
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SECTION 1 | Aim of the Report and Context 1.1 Aim of the Report The purpose of the Annual Report is to give an overview of the role of the Medway Maternity Services Liaison Committee (MSLC), details of its membership, details of its activities in the 12 months to March 2010 and its objectives for the year 2010/2011. 1.2 Background The Medway MSLC is an independent advisory committee, acting as a multi-disciplinary forum bringing together the different professions involved in maternity care and user representatives. It was established in April 2008 and its purpose is to contribute to the development and provision of high quality maternity services which meet the needs of local women and their families. The committee aims to ensure that the views of women and families who use the local maternity services are taken into account by both commissioners (NHS Medway) and providers (Medway NHS Foundation Trust and Medway Community Healthcare). The MSLC meets quarterly at either the PCT’s headquarters or Medway Maritime Hospital. All meetings have been well attended by a good mix of user representatives, PCT Members and clinical staff. The MSLC is chaired jointly by two user representatives, in line with the National Guidelines which suggest that MSLCs should be user led to ensure strong lay member engagement. Responsibility for maintaining the MSLC lies with the PCT. The user members, who all act on a voluntary basis, are able to claim reimbursement for travel and childcare expenses, in line with the MSLC National Guidelines published in February 2006. The current terms of reference are attached at Appendix 1. 1.3 Membership The total membership of the MSLC at the end of March 2010 is 27. A full list of members can be found in the Terms of Reference at Appendix 2. User members total 12, with 10 of those being full user members and 2 being associate members. Associate members may sit on other sub-committees as required and may be invited to join the main MSLC when numbers permit. The remaining 15 members of the MSLC are from NHS Medway, Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Community Healthcare and Medway Council. The national guidelines for MSLCs state that at least a third of the membership should be made up of user representation; Medway MSLC clearly exceeds that criterion.
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1.4 Meetings The Medway MSLC has met four times in the last year on 6 July 2009, 6 October 2009, 8 December 2009 and 23 March 2010. Informal User Meetings were held before each of these meetings to agree the agenda and content for each session.
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SECTION 2 | Key Achievements 2.1 Increased user membership of the group and now have effective user member leadership of group. Following on from the MSLC’s initial year of operation, membership has grown a little and in particular, 2009/2010 saw further changes to the make up of the user representation on the Committee, including inviting the Strategic Health Authority’s leading MSLC advocate to attend Medway MSLC meetings. We have continued to work hard in year to maintain the integrity and productivity of the Committee, encouraging all user members to be actively involved in meetings and sub group activity. Increasing and strengthening user engagement continues to be a key priority. Furthermore, the MSLC now has a GP representative for the first time following the recruitment of Dr Kavita Pancholi to the Group. The MSLC has consolidated its position as a well-respected user engagement body. Throughout the year, MSLC user members have regularly attended the Maternity Strategic Change Programme Group in the PCT and the bi-monthly Labour Ward Forum meetings and the Midwifery Led Unit Planning meetings held by Medway NHS Foundation Trust. Participation in the meetings of commissioners and providers ensures that user members play a full part in the planning and monitoring of maternity services throughout the commissioning cycle. 2.2 New leaflet and poster advertising the MSLC We developed a new poster and leaflet to advertise the MSLC, and to support recruitment of new members. These were signed off by the Committee at its March 2010 meeting and rolled out across all Children’s Centres and other facilities in Medway where maternity services are delivered. 2.3 Engagement with the planning of the proposed Midwifery Led Unit. The development of the new Midwifery Led Unit at Medway NHS Foundation Trust remained a key priority for the MSLC throughout the year. Over the course of the year slippage to the project occurred but the MSLC were kept fully engaged and informed by the Foundation Trust. It was decided to suspend the regular Planning Meetings whilst the project was delayed, but the MSLC maintained regular contact with the Foundation Trust throughout. MSLC user members were also invited to attend visits to neighbouring Midwifery Led facilities to inform the development of the Medway unit in due course. When it became apparent in March 2010 that the timetable for establishment of the Unit remained unconfirmed, the MSLC Joint Chairs formally wrote to the Chief Executive of the Medway NHS Foundation Trust seeking clarification on the timeframe for the project.
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MSLC ANNUAL REPORT 2009/10 2.4 Single point of access to maternity services with piloted telephone contact service. The MSLC has been key in seeing the introduction of a single point of access to maternity services through a piloted telephone contact service. This new service was established in the Summer of 2009 and enables women to directly refer into midwifery services. The MSLC continue to monitor this service and have requested that Medway NHS Foundation Trust, which operates the service, continue to review the effectiveness of the telephone service, as it is not currently manned all of the time. 2.5 Postnatal de-brief service. Following the Informal Users’ meeting to agree the 2009/2010 work programme, it was agreed that the MSLC would raise with Medway NHS Foundation Trust the scope for establishing a postnatal de-brief service for women who felt that they needed support and help in understanding their experiences in labour and birth. The proposal was initially made as a possible way of managing potential complaints that may be made about the services that women have received. The MSLC felt that establishing and actively promoting a de-brief service would enable women to talk about any concerns that they may have about their experiences, and this may help them to better understand their experience and also to allay concerns that they have in future pregnancies. Although Medway did offer a de-brief service, it was felt that there was scope to develop it further and the Deputy Head of Midwifery has undertaken to take this forward. The MSLC anticipate that a new service will be launched in 2010/2011. 2.6 More flexible and family friendly visiting hours on the maternity wards. The MSLC was asked to comment on proposals to review the visiting hours on the maternity wards at Medway NHS Foundation Trust. This was debated by the Committee when it met in October and December 2009. It was agreed that revisions were needed to enable more flexible and family friendly visiting sessions. The new arrangements were put in place in January 2010. Medway NHS Foundation Trust took on board all of the MSLC comments when it established its new visiting times. 2.7 User friendly information packs for women and families Another key element of the MSLC Work Programme for 2009/10 related to the review of all information given to women and families during and after pregnancy. The Committee felt that the information provided lacked consistency, was often of poor quality and was not fit for purpose in many cases. It was agreed that a full review should be undertaken of all information given out over the maternal pathway. This was an extensive and complex project, which was managed through the MSLC, but the Medway NHS Foundation Trust, as the key owner of the bulk of the information provided, was responsible for leading on the revision of the materials given out. This project was commenced in March 2010 with a full review of antenatal literature. It was continued into the next year.
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SECTION 3 | Additional Projects In addition to the group’s achievements, MSLC members have taken part in various projects: 3.1 South East Coast Strategic Health Authority (SHA) Local Supervisory Authority (LSA) Audit programme for 2009/10 Medway MSLC user representatives were invited to attend LSA audits at neighbouring units in South East Coast SHA. A member attended the audit of Darenth Valley Maternity unit and MSLC members will continue to be engaged in LSA audit visits in 2010/11. 3.2 Department of Health Infant Mortality National Support Team visit to Medway The MSLC Chairs were invited to attend a work shop held in Medway by the Department of Health’s Infant Mortality National Support Team. The NST was reviewing Medway’s strategy for managing infant mortality and the MSLC chair was interviewed by the NST as part of that process. 3.3 Development of an SHA wide choices leaflet The MSLC was invited to comment on and engage with the development of a leaflet being designed by the SHA. The Medway MSLC commented extensively on the proposals to develop a leaflet, its potential content and its potential layout. This project remains on going. 3.4 Perinatal Mental Health Network for Kent and Medway Medway and Eastern and Coastal Kent Primary Care Trusts jointly established a Perinatal Mental Health Network to oversee development of a clinical care pathway for perinatal mental health services. It also oversaw the establishment of a new Mother and Infant Mental Health Service. The MSLC was invited to comment on the strategy documents and was also invited to nominate members to sit on the Network. Two MSLC members from Medway and one from Eastern and Coastal Kent sat on the Network Group and user views were sought by the Network on the clinical pathway being developed. MSLC user representatives also attended a workshop in December 2009 to shape the strategy and work programme. 3.5 NHS South East Coast SHA “Fresh Eyes” Maternal Death Review” An external review was carried out into twelve maternal deaths that occurred in the South East Coast region between January 2007 and November 2008. The aim of the review was to identify the lessons that could be learned from all the twelve deaths that occurred. The final report was presented to all the Trusts in the region and an MSLC representative was invited to attend the presentation of the “Fresh Eyes” report to the maternity staff at the Medway Foundation Trust in January 2010. The report concluded with a comprehensive listing of 32 recommendations which all Trusts need to address
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MSLC ANNUAL REPORT 2009/10 with an Action Plan. The MSLC will be reviewing the “Fresh Eyes” Action Plan for Medway NHS Foundation Trust over the coming months. 3.6 MSLC Chairs’ networking Event On 2 March 2010 the South East Coast Strategic Health Authority held a workshop for all MSLC chairs. This was an extremely useful and enlightening event and enabled MSLC chairs across the region to exchange views and updates. Chairs were also briefed on key issues arising in maternity services across the Region and it was agreed that the forum would meet bi-annually in the future.
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MSLC ANNUAL REPORT 2009/10 SECTION 4 | MSLC Work Programme for 2010/11 The MSLC will develop a work programme for 2010/2011 that is likely to include the following key areas: Membership – The Committee is keen to continue to review its membership and expand it where necessary to ensure we are representative of all users. Midwifery Led Unit – This is an ongoing project and the MSLC will continue to work closely with the Trust in the planning and development of the unit. This is considered a priority for the MSLC given its importance in terms of broadening the choice on offer for women and families in Medway. Implementation of Combined Screening Programme – Medway NHS Foundation Trust introduced combined screening (nuchal translucency scan and blood test) during 2009/10. The MSLC are keen to continue to work with the Trust to review progress in relation to screening and have been invited to sit on the Screening Committee that the Foundation Trust will be establishing.
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MSLC ANNUAL REPORT 2009/10 SECTION 5 | Summary The Medway MSLC has had a busy and successful year, and looks forward to continuing to grow and expand its influence in the future. It is important to once again acknowledge the strong and effective partnership working relationships that exist across the commissioning and provider organisations in Medway. In turn, these organisations have demonstrated a strong commitment to engaging the MSLC in their respective work programmes. The continued support and active involvement of various healthcare professionals and PCT members who sit on the Committee remains key to supporting its effectiveness as a user led voice involved actively in shaping maternity services in Medway. We look forward to continuing to work effectively together over the coming year to developing further maternity services in Medway in the interests of local women and their families.
Medway MSLC 2009/2010
Report Distribution: Medway Foundation Trust Chief Executive Medway Foundation Trust General Manager of Women’s Services Medway Foundation Trust Head of Midwifery NHS Medway Chief Executive NHS Medway Director of Commissioning Medway Community Healthcare Head of Children’s Services SHA Consultant LSA Midwifery Officer
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MSLC ANNUAL REPORT 2009/10 Appendix 1 MEDWAY MATERNITY SERVICES LIAISON COMMITTEE Terms of Reference A Maternity Services Liaison Committee will be established and maintained by Medway PCT as a commissioning group and will be known as Medway Maternity Services Liaison Committee (MMSLC). The group will act as a multi-disciplinary forum bringing together the different professions involved in maternity care and user representatives. 1.
The current membership is detailed in Appendix 2. The Committee must include representation from NHS Medway, Medway NHS Foundation Trust, Medway Council and Medway primary care services as well as user members.
User members must represent at least one third of the total membership and users should be able represent current service user perspectives.
Associate members may be appointed to contribute to specific work streams or agenda items as required.
Membership Terms
Members will serve for a period of 2 – 6 years, with the option to renew by mutual agreement. Service user representation should form at least one third of the membership, with a target of 10 members sitting on the MSLC.
Additional Associate Members may be appointed to serve on specific work streams. Associate members will receive all communications relevant to their specific work streams and any other documents that the MSLC considers necessary.
The MSLC Service Users will disseminate appropriate information to Associate Members.
All members of the MSLC and Associate Members will respect the confidentiality of commissioning and providing organisations and Service User representatives and will not discuss confidential information outside the remit of the group.
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Aims and objectives
To deliver effective user representation input across the broad maternity agenda to maximise the effective development of maternity services in Medway.
The MSLC will advise NHS Medway to inform commissioning of maternity care, and other commissioners (for example Medway Council) on all aspects of maternity services provided for its residents, including:• • • • • •
Progress on implementing the standards and recommendations of the Maternity Matters National Service Framework in the area. Setting targets, monitoring progress and assessing effective delivery. Lessons from investigations and reviews of maternity services by the Healthcare Commission. Quality standards for maternity services and ways of monitoring standards. Communications – methods, target audiences and delivery mechanisms. The consistency in the delivery of maternity services and clinical practice across Medway, based on reliable research evidence, including:o Antenatal care – access, continuity, quality and education. o Service design – hospital and community (including birth centre options). o Labour and birth care – access, continuity, quality and education. o Postnatal care – access, continuity, quality and education.
The MSLC aims to ensure that maternity services commissioners and provider units take account of the views of women and families using the service.
The MSLC will agree and review an annual work programme.
The MSLC will produce an annual report based on that programme – this report will be discussed at public PCT and Patient Forum meetings and will be widely circulated by the PCT commissioning maternity care to primary health care teams, Patient Forums and PALS and all relevant groups in the community, both statutory and non-statutory, with an interest in maternity services.
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Administrative arrangements
The MSLC will meet quarterly with an option to call additional meetings if required. Meetings will be scheduled in line with the programme arrangements governing the Maternity Matters business agenda in order to satisfy the programme reporting arrangements.
The MSLC will be chaired jointly by service user representatives on a team chair basis.
The MSLC will be administratively supported by the PCT. This will include canvassing meeting dates, managing and circulating papers, taking action notes and supporting the chair as necessary.
Papers will be circulated 5 working days before each meeting. Subsequent action notes will be circulated for comments no more than 10 working days after each meeting.
Review Date – June 2010
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Appendix 2 MEDWAY MATERNITY SERVICES LIAISON COMMITTEE Terms of Reference Membership Existing Membership as at 31 March 2010 User Representation Clare James (Joint Chair) Angela Quadling Jacqueline Parker Johanna Grant Sarah McGregor Sarah Hardy Jacqui Stillwell Stephanie Wilkin Rob Carmen Rachel Stead Associate Members:-
Liz Eldridge Phil Parrett
NHS Medway Ann Judges Amanda Kenney Sue Calvert
Maternity Commissioning Programme Manager (Joint Chair) Head of Commissioning Engagement (attends when required) Administration Assistant and Secretary to the MSLC
Medway Community Healthcare Liz Bailey
Chlidren’s Services Manager
Medway NHS Foundation Trust Dr Soe Miss Helen Watson Karen McIntyre Kate Taylor Dot Smith Katrina Ashton Tina Cable Valerie Andrew
Neonatal consultant Consultant Obstetrician Head of Midwifery General Manager – Women and Children’s Directorate Deputy Head of Midwifery Specialist Midwife – Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health Community Midwife / Supervisor of Midwives Community Midwife, Team Leader Riverside
Public Health – NHS Medway / Medway Council Jinny Robinson
Teenage Pregnancy Strategic Co-ordinator
Medway Council Michael Griffiths
Principle Officer, Children’s Centres
Medway GP Representative Dr Kavita Pancholi
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It’s your NHS Make your experiences count Find us NHS Medway Fifty Pembroke Court North Road Chatham Maritime Chatham Kent ME4 4EL 01634 335020
Get involved
The Maternity Services Liaison Committee (MSLC) is a friendly network of local parents (user members), midwives, doctors, health visitors and service managers in Medway. We meet quarterly as a formal Committee. User members also meet informally in between meetings. For more information about the Maternity Service’s Liaison Committee, please contact either of the chairs: Ann Judges: Clare James: Or phone: 01634 335173
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This guide has been produced by NHS Medway. Information in it can be made available in other formats and languages on request to or by ringing 01634 335173
PALS is here to help when you need health advice, have concerns or don’t know where to turn. email: freephone: 0800 014 1641
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