Vol. 16, Issue 8

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VOL 16/ ISS 8

The Senior Issue

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(770) 497-3828 nhsmessenger@gmail.com 10625 Parsons Rd Johns Creek, GA 30097 nhsmessenger.com

Nithya Mahakala Sarika Temme-Bapat

Atenea Caldera Megan Cistulli Kyndal Dickey Kaushal Gandikota Arib Husain Upasna Kotakonda Suchita Kumar Nikki Lokhande Ben Minder Evan Moody Meghana Ramineni Noelle Reid Irene Rho Sophia Rivers Sruti Sajja Erin Shin Jennah Sooknanan Sheetal Tadiparty Jennifer Xia Sravika Yerneni Sydney Yim

PUBLICATION The Messenger is a student publication published for and distributed to the Northview community. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the entire staff or those of Northview High School, its students, faculty, staff, or administration. Content is edited and controlled by staff editors. The staff will publish only legally protected speech, adhering to the legal definitions of libel, obscenity, and the invasion of privacy.

Amanda Beard Mira Sydow


Shashank Ganeshan




PHOTO EDITOR Justine Ulrich



The Messenger staff welcomes letters to the editors but reserves the right to edit all submissions for length, grammar, libel, obscenity, and invasion of privacy.


ADVERTISING The Messenger publishes ads with signed contracts provided that they are deemed appropriate by the staff for the intended audience. For more information about advertising with The Messenger, please contact the business manager.


Cover design: Mira Sydow



Alex Perry Chris Yarbrough

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Back in Session D

oes anyone remember geocaching? Let me refresh your memory: geocaching got big in the 2000’s as a treasure hunt for all ages. Specially designated items were hidden in unconventional nooks and crannies, buried at the base of a tree or sunk in the bed of a stream. Geocachers would spend days searching them out, just for the satisfaction of the find.     I never had the persistence or determination for real geocaching. Just another 2000’s fad that existed on the periphery of my limited cultural consciousness; it came and went and never crossed my mind again. But driving past Shakerag the other night with Brett Eldridge’s “The Long Way Around Your Town” playing on the radio, I couldn’t help but think about geocaching again.     Out of my 18 years, I’ve spent a decade in this town. And without noticing it, I’ve been planting little geocache-memories all over the place. Like over there, that cracked, 4 lane, asphalt track at River Trail where I first felt the rush of sprinting a 400. The parking lot where so many of us sat behind the wheel of a car for the first time. The playgrounds and woods that at recess in elementary school, we did not merely enjoy, but conquered, building monuments and civilisations in the mulch. The hallways that diminished in size every year. That

over-photographed trail off of Rogers Bridge, that a combination of good weather and good company could quickly transform the place into a slice of paradise. The shopping complex with the Chipotle where you would never fail to see someone from school. Or the coffee shops and bubble tea establishments that hosted any number of study dates and late night cram sessions.     These places saw first and lasts, big wins and even bigger losses. Important, red letter moments and the small, mundane ones that are sharp in my memory all the same. All geocaches of different shapes and sizes- some in plain sight, others hidden from view.     People are quick to criticize Johns Creek, and it’s easy to see why. A thoroughly gentrified, aggressively suburbian “city” with wretched traffic. But if you were to plot every geocache of every Northview student, you wouldn’t be able to see the streets on the map for the abundant dots of significance. I might go (metaphorical) geocaching again this summer, take the long way around Johns Creek, reminiscing on all the people and places that made me who I am. How many of these geocaches will never be uncovered again, fated to remain buried forevermore? I like to think that I carry a piece of each one with me, that all of us do.

Sarika Temme-Bapat, Editor in Chief




Former first lady Barbara Bush passed away on April 17.

4/23     A memorial ceremony was recently held at Northview High School in remembrance of Sara Lepkofker, a former science teacher who passed away recently. Lepkofker was widely loved by the Northview student body and faculty for her passion for dedication to her work; she touched the hearts of many at the school. Northview science teacher Laurel Rogers regarded the memorial as the best and most appropriate way to to memorialize her late co-worker and close friend’s impact.     “I personally gained comfort from the ceremony, because when she died last summer I was in up in Canada so I couldn’t see her at the end. Her husband texted me telling me ‘Sara wants to see you,’ so I knew it was the very end,” Rogers said. “She died the next day, and it was very sad. I couldn’t get back for the actual funeral ceremony held for her. I wanted to hold this one for her earlier but we weren’t able to get it organized.”     The ceremony was held in front of the school where they added her plaque to the others mounted on the memorial. Her past students, family and friends spoke at the event and gave departing words to the legacy of Lepkofker.

4/26 French President Emmanuel Macron and later German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the US to meet with President Trump and duscuss key issues such as the Iran Nuclear Deal.


The Messenger’s monthly digest of events at Northview and around the world

4/27 In a historic summit, the leaders of South and North Korea shook hands and stepped across the border into the other country respectively.


On May 11, the many fine arts deparments at Northview, such as band, chorus, drama, orchestra, and visual arts, will be celebrating their hard work this year at the Fine Arts Banquet while simultaneously recognizing the parents who works tirelessly behind the scenes to support students through their leadership on the board. At the end of the year, awards are given out to outstanding members of the different categories in fine arts, proving to be a time of celebration for everyone who has been involved in the arts this year, regardless of whether it is their first or their last year involved with the program.     “This is my first year here at Northview High School so there have been a lot of learning curves, but I’ve really enjoyed it,” visual arts teacher Brooke Boldus said.

4/19     Each year, teachers, coaches, and administrators nominate students who symbolize excellence and merit for the Arete Award. Northview hosts a lunch reception following the award ceremony to recognize these students who positively impacted the school whether in their leadership or hard work. Faculty pick students who exemplify the four pillars of Northview High School: positive attitude, compassion, integrity, and personal responsibility. Along with the lunch recpetion, students receive a celebratory letter from the nominating teacher or staff member and an Arete Award certificate.     “These Arete awards give me a chance to recognize the great students that sometimes tend to fly under the radar,” literature teacher Ashley Ulrich said. “I look for kids who are goodhearted positive influences in the classroom- the ones who work hard, are willing to try new things when asked, and make teaching a joy.”



Wishing Whitlatch Well

Diane Whitlatch says goodbye to Northview after 16 years MEGAN CISTULLI, STAFF WRITER


s the 2017-2018 school year comes to an end, Northview says goodbye to Diane Whitlatch, a long time Northview teacher since the Fall of 2002 when the doors first opened to the public. Teaching in the social studies department as well as teaching special education, Whitlatch has made a lasting impact on students. She cares about her students and always puts in extra time to help them succeed in and out of the classroom.    “She made me stay after school and helped me do my work,” senior Ruhi Patel said. “On top of that, she has presented me with many other opportunities to succeed. She really cares about me as a student, and I will miss her support.”     Principal Brian Downey, along with the rest of the staff, will miss her as well as her experience and passion for her kids. Between staying after school and contributing extra time to individual students, Whitlatch always goes the extra mile to make sure students will be successful whether it be on a math test or in a job interview.    “She is definitely a rare teacher in her passion and caring about the kids she works with. She s so involved with the success of that individual kid siitting infront of her,” Downey said.    Along with her passionate teaching in special education and social studies studies, Whitlatch is heavily invo-lved in HOSA donating a tremendous amount of her time to


the enormous group of wonderful students in this organization. Whitlatch goes on trips with the students as well as serving to guide and supervise them; creating a genuine and intimate bond with students in a hopes of cultivating success.     “It’s hard to find someone that is so willing to give without much in return,” Downey said.     From Whitlatch’s point of view, Northview has always been a home for her, so investing time into her students have never felt like a task to cross off her to-do list. For example, Patel has seen her impact multiple students including himself by staying extra hours and coming in early to make sure her students comprehend what they are learning and are successful in that field. Moreover, she works well with the rest of her department and the rest of the school system faculty.     “I care about all of my students, as do all of the people in my department,” Whitlach said. “We all work together for the success of each of our students.”    Over the years, Whitlatch has seen the Northview culture of success remain constant, but there has been a dramatic change with how society within the school interacts. On the positive side of things, Whitlatch finds it very helpful how the rise of technology and its increased accessi-bility has enhanced the learning experience rather than distract from it. With the rise of platforms like Edmodo and Google Classroom, stu-

dents have been able to learn in new ways, that deviate from the traditional learning experience. On the other hand, Whitlatch has seen a decline in face to face interactions between students.     “Social media is much bigger now. Students use to spend more time talking to each other because they didn’t have phones or devices to be on,” Whitlatch said.    Overall, Whitlatch will miss the atmosphere of Northview along with her co-workers and students that she could interact with every day. Her passion and emotion for teaching make her a valuable asset and friend Northview is going to miss dearly.     “From a principal’s chair, that’s what you want all of your staff to be like. To have that excitement, passion, and emotion wrapped up into the success of their kids,” Downey said. Whitlatch helps aid Northview students in their future success, and frequently she becomes more excited for the students when they succeed than the students themselves are.     Her devotion and dedication to teaching has served Northview well contributing to its culture of success. The lasting imprint she is leaving on Northview adds to the solid structure that this school prides itself on. As a veteran of Northview High School, Whitlatch will never be forgotten because not only does she love what she does she lives it.



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n April 20th, Northview’s most talented students showcased their skills at the annual talent show: a two-hour long program consisting of 15 different acts. The event was sponsored and put together by language arts teacher Ashley Ulrich and the tenth grade student goverment. The winners of the show were Quake Crew, in first place, Akash Ronanki, in second place, and Jazmynn and Jhordan Taylor in third. Quake Crew won the show with their dancing performances, while the Ronanki and the Taylor placed with their singing acts. “The talent show went great, and we had an array of talent, including a variety of singing, dancing, performing and even Chinese yo-yoing,” sophomore Ann Philip and member of class council said. “...We worked very hard to make this show possible. This entire event is all really about the performers.” The evening was kicked off with Sabrina Sisto performing a rendition of “Never Enough” from the movie The Greatest Showman and went on to feature many other cultural, musical and perfoming acts ending with the Taylor sisters singing act. Some of the highlights of the show included, a rapping duo performance by freshmen Anoop Jalla and

Adithya Raman and a comedic monologue act by junior Constantin Claasen. In between the performances, co-hosts juniors Ankita Vayalapalli and Mackenzie Rawlin infused humour into the show with puns and witty remarks, entertaining the audience while the perfomers got ready backstage. “It was a really great show and I'm glad I got to be apart of it,” Vayalapalli said. “It was a great experience co-hosting with Mackenzie and hopefully the audienced enjoyed it.” (will interview again and reword) This year, all the performers went through an audition process and had to attend rehearsal sessions after-school to get into and prep for the show. Outside of school, the participants also had to practice to get ready for rehearsals as well as the actual event. “There’s been a lot of practice and rehearsals that went into our performance, and it has definitely paid off,” Doyel Datta, a senior and performer, said. “[This applies to] not only the performers, but also the backstage-crew and class council. They have worked very hard into making sure the show went well.” Outside the auditorium, snacks and candy were sold alongside tickets by student government volunteers. All the funds generated


from the show and concession sales will be going towards supporting next year’s prom and other festivities put on by Northview. The turnout this year was one of the highest ever for the show, and it is possible that the event may expand for next year. “We usually bring in several hundred dollars, sometimes close to $1000,” Ulrich said. “We had 150 tickets in presales, with probably about 50 more sold at the door, the night of the show.” The performers, hosts, tech assistants and student council all collaborated tor organize a successful and memorable Northview event, representing how the school is able to work together in the hopes of achieving something great The performers, hosts, tech assistants and student council all collaborated tor organize a successful and memorable Northview event, representing how the school is able to work together in the hopes of achieving something great “I’ve been the sponsor of the tenth grade class council for several years, so I’ve gotten to do this event with them each year,” Ulrich said. “There’s always some stress, but each year it comes together in the end and it was a wonderful show.


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Dessert Theater

Expressing art through improvisation and mystery SUCHITA KUMAR, STAFF WRITER


orthview’s annual production of Dessert Teater is on May 4 and 5 at 7 pm showcasing a murder mystery set at a rock concert. The show provides as much excitment and suprise for the cast memebers as it does the audience seeing as the majority of it is improvised. Lines are developed on the spot and the fun, comedic event attracts a steady stream of students, as a time to sit back with a show and desert in the midst of the stress exams bring.     The production, directed by senior Aidan Lord and overseen by teacher Elizabeth Lake, is initially scripted and rehearsed until the actors have memorized their lines and developed a genuine character. The cast prepares for the opening night by attending rehearsals that take place weeks, often months before. The most rigorous rehearsals take place during the four weeks before the show, during which the cast will usually stay after school until 5:30 pm every day of the week with the exception of Fridays.     “Being thespians allows us to be largely involved in theatre within high school and the local area,” Lord said. “It’s a huge community that keeps growing every year.”     However, the actors do more than just


run through lines during practices. They often attempt to improv and participate in character building exercises to create an organic viewing experience. The crew starts managing the lights, props, and stage set-

choose the casting, which is based on a multitude of factors such as monologue choice and acting style, but ultimately focuses on the quality of the auditions. The choice of the monologue and their performance indicate the ability of self expression and whether each actor will be a right fit for the show.     “A comedic monologue for a comedic show is far better than a dramatic monologue for the same show,” junior actor Constantin Classen said. “If we are considering them for a role, we ask them to come to callbacks where they will read parts of the script to see how they act in the role.”     The actors usually chosen for roles are able to take direction very well and put in their effort into memorizing lines early in the process. They work hard in developing their characters’ personality without the fear of appearing foolish. The goal is to allow the actors to fully give themselves into their roles so that they are able to affect the audience while providing entertainment.     “It also comes down to my love of theatre,” Classen said. “The most satisfying feeling I have ever had is making a full audience erupt into laughter.”

“It’s a huge community that keeps growing eve ry year.” Aidan Lord tings during “tech week,” or the week before opening night, viewing the show for the first time and then working to integrate lights and sound into the runs of the show. Stage manager Ria Puri works everyday after school with her crew to manage sound and light cues and time them with the appropriate scenes.     “I also take notes of blocking, lines actors frequently mess up, and record absences,” Puri said. “It really helps the show run smoothly.”     Before “tech week”, Lord and Lake






olton McDaniel, a senior at Northview, has been a star athlete since his early days in high school. Throughout his high school career, he has excelled in both academics and athletics. McDaniel has maintained a strong work ethic and put in many hours working out and watching film to be the best he possibly can. Throughout his athletic career, he has made numerous sacrifices all of which have developed him into the player he is today.     “It comes down to how bad you want it COLTON MCDANIEL/ SPECIAL


as well as your priorities. You have to be really invested to succeed at both. I put school first but I wanted to be the best on the field as well, so I put in more time than my competition,” McDaniel said.     His work ethic led him to get the position of starting quarterback on the football team during his sophomore year in high school. However, his sport of preference is baseball. He has been the starting pitcher on the baseball team since sophomore year as well, while simultaneously handling the position as captain of the team.     “I have 3 kids, and Colton is by far the most driven. He wants to do well and succeed, but not just for himself. He wants to succeed for his teammates as well,” Northview Athletic Director and father Scotty McDaniel said.    McDaniel knew from the start that he wanted to attend one of the military academies in the US, but when it came down to what sport he would play for the college he attended it was a tougher decision. He ultimately felt that baseball would be the sport that he would enjoy playing the most in college.     “Baseball and football are the two sports I’ve played for about 12 years each. I played basketball when I was younger but I realized that I could be more successful by dropping it to grow my abilities in the other two sports,” McDaniel said.     His journey as a successful player began during his childhood with the guidance of his father who has helped him develop as both a football and baseball player. His dual-sport nature allowed him to hone his hand-eye coordination and endurance.     “I’ve been his baseball coach since he was

first Nor thview pitcher to throw a perfect game

back-to-back 100+ strikeout seasons ERA under .200 for the past two seasons

4 years old, and I’ve been his football coach since he was 6 years old. Its been a long road and Friday was the last time him and I would be in a dugout together,” Coach McDaniel said.     Despite his various accomplishments, he remains a humble and grounded athlete. He always credits his teammates for his individual achievments rather than boasting about his own accolades. Despite his father’s guidance, McDaniel has prided himself in being a self-driven athlete.    “I was my main driving force to play sports at a young age. I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to play. I loved getting out there with my friends to play and compete,” McDaniel said.     This June McDaniel will be attending the US Merchant Marine Academy to play baseball and to pursue any possible interests he has in the armed forces.The US Merchant Marine Academy is the only armed forces school that allows graduates to pursue any field in the armed forces and the government. That factor was a major reason why McDaniel chose to attend it as opposed to the likes of West Point. “He’s a great teammate, and he has big things in store for his future,” junior and fellow teammate Sam Clayman said.

sports in REview


Northview’s spring sports wrap up their seasons and prepare for playoff trips AKSHAY NAIR, SPORTS EDITOR MEGHANA RAMINENI, STAFF WRITER



fter making it to the semifinals last season, the Northview girl’s tennis team looks primed to take home their first state championship in school history. The team retained a majority of its players only losing two seniors while adding young, talented athletes. The addition of the youth coupled with the experienced returning players has allowed the team to dominate the region. They only suffered one loss in region play while cruising through a majority of opponents on the way to the region tournament. The team has various playing styles, but the players quickly adapted to the variety and maximized everyone’s strengths and weakness.     Tennis is largely an individual sport with much of the training done outside of school, but despite this, the girls try to develop a strong bond amongst one another. The chemistry the girls’ possess has undoubtedly pushed them to be the best version of themselves. The cheering and motivation the team provides instills motivation and a positive environment that everyone can feed off of and thrive in. Whether it be on the bench or on the court, all the players try to help out in whatever way they can.     “I’m helping out [the team] by showing up to every match with a smile on my face and a boatload of enthusiasm to cheer on my teammates with,” junior Ema Goh said.     The starting lineup consists of many high caliber talents as many of the players spend many hours training with private coaches or at prestigious academies. Sophomore Chloe Brown, freshman Sarah Yang, and freshman Kayleigh Yun-Thayer, all of whom are four star recruits, all start despite being underclassmen. These three occupy the singles spots while Goh and junior Karina

Senior Suma Yarabarla and Junior Karina Limnaydi prepare for an incoming serve


Limnaydi, sophomore Daniela Rincon, and senior Suma Yarabarla take on the two doubles positions. Even though they are all highly skilled players, head coach Donna McCarthy still provides her experience and knowledge of the game, which gives the players the extra motivation to win tough games.    “Coach McCarthy has focused on the importance of positivity, teamwork, and the love of tennis,” Brown said.     In the 2017 season, they placed fourth in the region tournament, causing them to have a lower seed in the state tournament. The team eventually fell to Alpharetta High School who lost to the eventual champions, Cambridge High School, in the finals. This

year, however, they took down Cambridge in the regular season 3-2. The accumulation of skill powered the Titans to the region championship title, beating rivals Johns Creek High School in the finals. Because of this, they entered the tournament as the number one seed, providing them with a slightly smoother draw. With a potential semi-final matchup against Johns Creek and a finals clash against Cambridge, the team is hard at work to ensure that they are able to lift the trophy for the first time.     “ We have just continued to practice as much and whenever we can, and we now know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, so we know how to cheer each otheron, which helps everyone on the team,” Yarabarla said.




inishing with a 9-8 record going 4-4 in the region, the Northview boy’s lacrosse team has vastly strengthened its game. Still learning the new schemes of head coach Ned Kaish, the team made significant strides last season, but this year the team came to its own. Their ability to finish close games against tough opponents as well as the profficiency on both the offensive and defensive sides of the ball have propelled them into the fourth seed in the state tournament.    “This year we have just been able to execute in big games. Both our offense and defense has been stepping up, allowing us to compete at a high level,” junior Preston Rhodes said.    Improving on last season’s record of 8-11, the team has steadily made progess and learned from previous mistakes. Offseason workouts and intense practices have allowed them to keep up with the better teams in the region, evident by their average of five goals in the fourth quarter. The increased stamina and endurance of the players enables the starters to play for longer periods at a high level. In addition, the coaches have emphasized adding depth, so that towards the end of the game when opposing teams are fatigued, the team can stil employ talented players to finish the game strong. The coaches acknowledge the toll of extra sprints or drill, but they utilize the player’s

Senior Patrick Ryan battles for the ball against a Chattahoochee player


competitiveness to push them harder and perfrom better.     “ We have struggled with pulling together in tough positions or being down in a game. We work on this by implementing it into practice [whether it is] drills for sprints or pure bragging rights for offense or defense,” senior Owen Perrine said.    Last season, the team acquired new head coach Ned Kaish who took over the reigns and has provided a breath of fresh air in the program. The new coaching staff he brought in has provided extra motivation and encouragement. In addition, they have implemented new tecnhiques and plays that have led to greater success.     Regardless of how the season turns out for the Titans, the achievements and accolades

of the season, and more importantly, the life-long bonds the players have created are the greatest have truly made it a memorable season.     “We’ve accomplished a lot. Our winning record shows how we’ve come together over time throughout the season to become a true team. I’d say the biggest accomplishment is the closeness we have created,” Perrine said. “We want to create more than just players but a family.”






s the season has progressed this year, the gir’ls golf team has started off strong and they continue to keep pushing forward. The team, containing nine members, has won many tournaments since the start of the season in March, and this month, they have gone on to win the Area tournament on May 1. The team placed third at last year’s Area tournament and became state runner-up. With state this year on May 21 and 22, the team has been working hard to push further and reach their goal of winning state.    The addition of new talent includes freshmen Julie Wu, Krutika Joshi, and Erica Scutt. These newcomers’ contribution to the team as well as the strength of the older players, including senior Diana Liu who was a gold medalist, has driven the success behing the team. Winning requires not only hard work and practice but also team bonding.

The creation of positive energy in a reassuring environment is extremely important for any sport in order to help players win. The bonds that the team members form are especially valuable because they allow the girls to better understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and therefore what they can work on to improve their performance as a team. Although golf is an independent sport, the team helps each other by supporting one another at tournaments and providing encouragement as a motivation to win for the team.     “We’re always being positive and telling each other we can do it,”Scutt said.     Not only do the team members motivate each other, but Coach Wesley Henderson instills confindence and encouragement in the players as well. Having a supportive mentor figure plays a huge role in the guidance of the

girls as both players and people. Henderson specifically puts importance on both the physical and mental aspects of the girls before and during the tournament.    “He’s really encouraging and usually during tournaments he tries to make sure everyone’s ok,” Liu said.    With state coming up in a couple of weeks, the team has been working harder than ever to make sure they reach their goal of winning state for both themselves and for the team. Their win at the area tournament has provided both the motivation and the confidence to win state, however the team continues to work diligently. Although the team consists of only a small amount of people, the girls have proven that they are capable of being successful through their many wins this season.


End of an Era Boy’s varsity coach, Tracy-Hefner Ramage retires after years as coach SHASHANK GANESHAN, NEWS EDITOR




n 2009 after being encouraged from former fellow teacher and tennis coach Sarah Lepkofker, Northview math teacher Tracy-Hefner Ramage took the reigns of the girls junior varsity tennis team; thus began her coaching tenure that has lasted nine years. After coaching girl’s junior varsity for two years, Ramage took over the boys varsity tennis program. Despite having initial reservations regarding coaching boy’s tennis, Ramage agreed to coach the team, and in her seven year with boy’s varsity tennis, she led the team to the playoffs every year and to multiple state titles, three of which have come in the last four years. However, Ramage has decided to call her teaching and coaching career to an end. Nonetheless, she regards her coaching experience as one of special parts of her time at Northview, having the opportunity to work with some of the most talented tennis players in the state.     “I’ve been very blessed in terms of the talent the program recieves each year. I have 40 to 60 boys tryout each year. It is really incredible the caliber and the level of talent that we have here,” Ramage said.    Though the boy’s tennis program has been one of the powerhouses in the state year in and year out, there have been periods when the team has been less successful, namely prior to when Ramage became the coach. Atheltic Director Scotty McDaniel notes how early on in the program’s history, around 2007, the program experienced immense success, winning multiple state titles. Following that extraordinary spell, the team fell back, failing to perform at the same caliber as the school had just a few years prior. However, when Ramage stepped in as the boy’s tennis coach, the boys quickly regained their position as one of the elite teams from the state of Georgia. McDaniel emphasizes the pivotal role that Ramage has played in the team’s success as yearly some of the top tennis players enter the program, and what


really is able to separate a good team from a great team is the coach.    “A lot of people think that if she’s inheriting all this talent, that makes her job easy. It doesn’t. It makes it difficult for her to manage all that talents and ensure that she has the best players in the best position to succeed,” McDaniel said.     For Ramage, her favorite part of coaching has been watching the students play and display their talent and character on the court. Because many of the students in Northview’s tennis program have private coaches, Ramage has been able to serve an

expanded role rather than teaching the students how to play. Ramage, a tennis player herself, loves to play a tactical game, planning and analyzing how to best put herself at an advantage against her opponents.     “I’ve enjoyed watching them. It’s gotten to the point where I enjoy watching them play more than I enjoy playing myself,” Ramage said.     As the varsity coach, Ramage has implemented her strategic proficiency by planning lineups and rotating players to set up the team for success during matches. Beyond planning for each individual match, Ram-

age’s forward thinking has been even more critical for the team’s success during her tenure. Each year, she ensures that the team sets goals so that each player understands what is expected of them. Senior Sugeeth Kandikattu has noted that the goal-oriented practice has been beneficial in keeping the team accountable and united towards a common goal.     “I’ve become more focused on the court. Usually before on JV, I usually just messed around. I can’t do the same on varsity. I definitely focus on winning more and taking care of business on the court,” Kandikattu said     Kandikatu reflects on the player coach relationship, crediting much of his maturation as a player towards Ramage’s dualistic coaching strategy, one embedded in mutual respect, discipline, and compassion. He summarizes the team’s relationship with Ramage as akin to that between a mom and her children. On the one hand, Ramage ensures healthy discipline amongst the players, providing constructive criticism when a player makes a mistake. On the other hand, Ramage is quick to celebrate and applaud the team’s every success. Moreover, Kandikattu considers Ramage’s energy and passion as one of the most important losses for the prgoram.    “We are definitley going to lose the intensity that she brings to the court. She strives to win,” Kandikattu said.     The school has not yet found a replacement. Currently the school is hiring teachers, one whom later may potentially agree to coach the tennis team if he or she has a tennis background. McDaniel has been aiding the assistant principals with the hiring process, encouraging them to look for applicants who may have a tennis background. For McDaniel, filling the role of boy’s tennis head coach is of utmost importance because of the school’s history for success. During rising freshman orientation, McDaniel loves talking to upcoming students about how Northview has 18 state championships, most of which are from tennis. He looks to instill a sense of pride around Northview athletics, and tennis for years has led the way.    “Obviously replacing Ramage is going to be very difficult, but it is a priority. When I talk to 8th graders about our tennis program, I’m trying to let them know that we are pretty good beyond SAT and ACT scores,” McDaniel said.



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The Messenger’s monthly foo d review SHERRY LIANG, FEATURES EDITOR

The Messenger’s monthly foo d review SHERRY LIANG, FEATURES EDITOR


n 10th grade I did a Powerpoint presentation criticizing the meat and dairy industry. I showed pictures of cows getting artificially inseminated, baby chicks with their beaks cut off, and ducks with pipes forced down their esophaguses. As the bell rang, releasing us to lunch, I waited in line for nachos with ground beef and cheese. It was as delicious as school lunch gets; rather, in my words from the presentation, it was as delicious as cow sperm and slaughtered cow gets. I am no messiah. I love beef; I love pork; I love ice cream and butter and pizza, but I also love cows and pigs and chickens too. This puts me in a moral dilemma. How can I tell other people they’re wrong when I am more wrong?     The day I went to Avocado Vegan Cafe and Juice Bar was the day I was going to change myself. I even prepared the night before by sleeping before 2 a.m., and once I woke up, I went to a 10 a.m. gym class. I was on a roll. The next step was lunch, so I brought some friends with me to this hip, cool vegan place on State Bridge Road.     The first thing you notice when you walk in is that it’s not hip and cool; rather, it is hip and warm. I’ll give them the benefit of the


doubt since it was a particularly hot spring day, but I had to hold myself from asking the waiter if air conditioning is vegan too. There are paintings of plants on the wall, but I would have preferred paintings of animals because then it would be a reminder of the lives I am saving.     The waiters were all decked in black uniforms, mourning the loss of animals from other restaurants. All the dishes were reasonably priced — entrees were around seven to ten dollars — but it cost a whopping four dollars just to drink a small cup of watermelon.     First, I ordered the Kale Avocado Salad. Without the dressing, kale tastes like biting directly into a tree, but the vegan caesar dressing made it taste exactly like a normal salad. The dressing almost made me forget the decadence of normal sodium and cow sperm-filled ranch.     Next, I ordered a Pulled-Pork Sandwich, made with soy protein. On one hand, I could taste the smokiness of the pork, but it still lacked the texture, which was closer to lentils than dead pig. The sweet potato fries, on the other hand, were the best I have ever had. Admittedly, I never order sweet potato

fries, but these made me forget golden, crispy goodness of regular french fries.    My friends ordered a “B”LTA (tempeh bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado) and Kale Coconut Curry, respectively. Like the pulled-pork, the tempeh bacon was confusing. My nose said it was bacon while my tongue said it was dense tofu. I don’t like it when my senses argue. Either way, it was a good sandwich. The Kale Coconut Curry was the most satiating of the dishes, served with tofu, beans, and rice.     For dessert, I ordered the special of the day, a slice of Oreo cake. The beginning of the bite tastes of hopes and dreams, but the aftertaste leaves a sense of despair and regret. Initially, the Oreo masks the taste of fake sugar and dense cake, but once the Oreo is gone, the only taste left is the latter aspect of subpar flavors. Either way, the splenda-saturated cake paid an appropriate homage to our lunch of new (feigned) beginnings.     Did this make me suddenly turn vegan? No, but it did open my eyes to more animal-free alternatives to eating. Did I remain vegan for the rest of the day? No, but my mother’s homemade dumplings surpass any soy or tofu alternatives anyone has to offer.


& ac he rs.


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mong the relationships a student can form with, perhaps the most sacred is that of coach and athlete.     “Football. It all starts with football,” senior and varsity linebacker Connor Henn said.     For Robert Lumpkin, football shaped his career, and was part of what brought him to teaching at Northview. In 2010, Lumpkin was teaching at Peachtree Ridge, but began working as a football coach at Northview. By 2014, Henn’s freshman year, Lumpkin was teaching in the science department and coaching the Varsity linebackers. At the end


of the year, when Henn started to play up with the Varsity team, Lumpkin recognized the freshman’s budding talent.     “As a young guy, Connor was probably better than most of the other guys,” Lumpkin said. But in a sport like football, talent alone is not enough. As an athlete progresses, he has to work harder and harder to stay ahead of the competition.     “You get to the point where you’re always the man. As you get older you have to work to be the man,” Lumpkin said. “Connor always worked hard and it paid off.”     For all of Lumpkin’s respect for Henn’s

He will always sit down with you to help if you do not understand a concept.”

-Connor Henn

commitment and sincerity, the young player’s headstrong attitude sometimes proved difficult.     “A little bit about Connor’s belief in himself. Sometimes you have got to explain to connor that hes not always right,” Lumpkin said. “And even when he probably was right, it didn’t matter, because it was what I said.”    Henn’s talent brought with it its own challenges. Like so many talented young athletes, one of the biggest lessons high school taught him was humility.     “When you do what you’re supposed to, everybody will sing your praises,” Lumpkin said. “You don’t have to tell people. I always

said that “If you’re good, you don’t have to tell anybody.”     As you grow older, you learn to be a little bit more humble and it pays off in the long run.     As time went on, Henn found that putting in the time to be a varsity football player alongside maintaining a rigorous academic load is far from simple. Fortunately for Henn, his football coach was also his chemistry teacher.     “Having Coach Lumpkin as your chemistry teacher while you’re playing football is the greatest combination ever. He understands that stuff is going on which is very

helpful because it is a very stressful time of year,” Henn said. “Knowing that he was understanding of the time and effort that goes into not only chemistry, but football in the afternoons was very helpful for me. I feel that my grade showed his ability to help me.”     As a teacher, Lumpkin was not only understanding of Henn’s schedule and commitments, but he was also persistent and thorough when it came to the subject matter.    “He will always sit down with you to help if you don’t understand a concept. Like stoichiometry. I could not get stoichiometry for my life. So he sat down with me and helped me and we...well, we got through it,” Henn said.     Lumpkin shot a sideways look.     “That’s the best way to put it,” he said.     Lumpkin’s singular brand of dry wit also added a levity to the classroom that helped Henn succeed.     “Not every teacher can be as creative and unique as Coach Lumpkin. He brings a comedic relief to teaching,” Henn said.     But as fun as Lumpkin could be in the classroom, he expected his players and his students to bring the intensity and the focus in the moments that mattered. Lumpkin credits Henn’s success on the field and in the classroom to his ability to give his all to the sport and his work ethic.     “He was the same way in the classroom. We had a job to do and there wasn’t any sense in complaining about it. Let’s just get it done,” Lumpkin said. “I always say, if we treated students the same way we treat football players, they all buy in. They all know what we’re here to do and they’re all doing it.”     At the core of Lumpkin and Henn’s relationship is their shared love for the sport that brought them together. Connor’s passion and enthusiasm for the game, matched with Lumpkin’s years of experience and knowledge, made them a formidable team.    “He’s been coaching linebackers for a very long time. He respects the game. His biggest strength is his knowledge and his ability to come up with scheme,” Henn said.    Lumpkin summed up the energy that surrounds the sport, the passion that pushes coaches and athletes to dedicate everything to the game.     “Football was so exciting when I was a young coach. I mean it just made anything worth doing just to get that Friday night feeling. It wouldn’t matter. We could practice in a monsoon nonstop for hours a day if you would just give me that Friday night,” Lumpkin said.



he usually difficult relationships between most teachers and students often overshadow the uncommon, compelling ones. A surplus of homework, supposed unfair treatment, and disagreement regarding grades all lead to the inner dislike in just about every teacher. But Abigail Page, a senior here at Northview, and language arts teacher Tania Pope’s friendship is something they cherish dearly, as both would not be who they are now without one another.     Undoubtedly, Page sports confidence as she walks on stage to perform. As someone who has experience performing expressive writing, she shows little sign of hesitation

lot of ups and downs. Sometimes even now, I struggle with my self image and self love,” Page said. “Mrs. Pope is really supportive, and she’s taught me that it’s okay to not be okay with yourself, it’s okay to say no when you don’t think you can’t handle it, and it’s okay to not be what everyone expects you to be.”     Being a language arts teacher, Pope is able to see a whole different side to her students through expressive writing. She has helped Page take her creative side to another level by providing much needed encouragement, and offering opportunities to better her future. Page has more than happily taken these opportunities and turned them into something

to the next level, adding a passion that Page would not have without the friendship. Page’s bold performances come from Pope’s influence, but Pope also credits her with inspiration for so many extraordinary qualities that they share. “She’s been such a strong, passionate, and confident influence in my life. She’s taken initiative at things I haven’t seen other students do,” Pope said. “When she decides on something, she goes for it and I think that in that way, she has influenced me in her belief in herself and what she’s able to do.”     Page also takes in a lot of Pope’s guidance into her personal life. She aspires to be as level headed and bold as Pope especially at times when she is willing to fight the school system for something she believes in strongly. Pope’s happiness radiates off of her onto Page as well who values it greatly. Page knows that she has someone there for her.    “Because we connect over writing and I’m never afraid to be myself around her, I am confident that I have someone to go to if I ever have a problem,” Page said.     As Page is graduating this year, it is sad for both to leave each other as Page is attending an out-of-state college. She does not expect to return to Johns Creek often, but she definitely plans on staying in touch with Pope. With a bond as close as theirs, Page even plans on one day inviting her mentor to her wedding. As for Pope, she treasures the four years they have had with each other, and she cannot wait for what the future holds for Page.     “I’ve really enjoyed these moments we’ve been able to share and I just love that we share a passion and a love for life and an understanding of this deeper aspect of life,” Pope said.

Mrs. Pope is really supportive, and she’s taught me that it’s okay to not be okay with yourself, it’s okay to say no when you don’t think you can’t handle it, and it’s okay to not be what everyone expects you to be.


before speaking her mind. However, the amount of self-assurance she carries now as a senior was not always there. Being able to show vulnerability in high school is also something that is not easily achieved as most students show insecurity and a lack of selflove.     Page has Pope to thank for guiding her through the years, allowing her to grow without fear of the change and the pressure that high school brings upon most students. Having a mentor who has already experienced the reality of change allowed Page to have an open mind when discovering who she is inside.     “For the last few years, I’ve really struggled with my identity, and I went through a

-Abbi Page of her own.     “She was so easily able to step out of the box and do creative things, and I think it just added that quality to the classroom which is something I loved,” Pope said. “And then I got her involved in Lit Mag because of that, and so I was really able to extend her creativity in that way.”     The school’s literature magazine has led to both taking a memorable trip to New York and collaborations regarding Black History Month performances that Page participates in actively. These performances became another reason for the pair’s amazing bond as Pope could help her student take her poetry



friends.     “Best friends” Hart corrected me. Hart and Sohani met in 2014, Sohani’s freshman year, when his older brother, Sumit, introduced them. When Sohani joined Northview’s chapter of Beta Club, the two began to work together more closely his sophomore year, and finally side by side as he became Beta president his junior year. Although Hart never taught Rohan in a formal classroom setting, the two spend most mornings planning for Beta Club. One can imagine how the easy repartee the two share would make the long hours of coordination that go into leading Beta Club more bearable. Rohan credits Hart for this ease of communication, and their ability to work so well together.    “A lot of teachers are standoffish in that way; they never build a relationship with their students they just kind of know their name and that’s about it. But Hart takes the time to know everything about each student. In terms of being a Beta sponsor I think she’s a really good listener,” Sohani said.    Hart’s openness and ability to relate to students has created an environment that stimulates new ideas and suggestions among Beta leadership.

“Harts openness allows for more creativity in the board. Which is something I’ve tried to stress this year. No idea is a bad idea is a good foundation, you kind of build on it. That’s something I learned from Hart,” Sohani said. “Some teachers will judge you if you say something stupid, but Hart understands we all have our moments.”    The results of innovation among Beta’s leaders as well as the effectiveness of the Hart-Sohani partnership speaks for itself.     “The club has doubled in size since Rohan became president,” Hart said.     This increase is due, at least in part, to Sohani’s natural capacity to head a group: the magnetism of his personality, his easy interpersonal skills.     “He’s very genuine. He’s very polite and kind. Hes charismatic,” Hart said. “He’s a leader. People listen to him and like him.” Rohan’s natural talent as a leader doesn’t operate in isolation, however. Hart provides an often necessary foil to his enthusiasm and energy, pumping the breaks on some projects that would prove more costly than effective.     “Hart knows when to scale it back. She provides the insight, often the other side of the argument,”Sohani said. “I usually don’t think about money and things like that but Hart always has the bigger picture in mind.”     But like all good things, the super-duo’s time together must come to an end. Sohani will graduate this year and then it’s off to Indiana for college. At the mention of Sohani’s departure, Hart lets out what can only be described as a pained groan.    “He’ll be expected to visit on holidays and especially my birthday,” Hart said. “October 28th, by the way.”

Harts openness allows for more creativity in the board. Which is something I’ve tried to stress this year. No idea is a bad idea is a good foundation, you kind of build on it"


n their four years at Northview High School, many seniors have had the opportunity to form deeper connections with members of the teaching staff, beyond the typical student-teacher relationship. Senior Rohan Sohani and literature teacher Megan Hart are one example of a staff member and a student who, over the course of Sohani’s high school career, became

-Rohan Sohani THE MESSENGER | 25


world of healthcare as well. Vayalapalli was extremely glad to be learning from someone who has a professional background.     “I was really excited to learn from someone directly involved in the healthcare field,” Vayalapalli said.     Over the past few years, Morgan realized the similarities the two of them share, which, in turn, were the building blocks of their relationship. The foundation of their bonds is their shared character traits: a relaxed and level headed manner. Even though they may go about some situations a bit differently, they still maintain that cool and poised at-

duo often finds themselves discussing their families and lives at home, understanding the value of putting family first.     “[We have] a genuine care for others with our mutual philosophies of the importance of family,” Morgan said.     The pair would agree that these past two years have been a great way for the two to bond and strengthen their friendship, as well as a way for Vayalapalli to learn more about the healthcare field. But because she is a senior, she is graduating this month, and this is the last year that she will have Morgan’s class. When students and teachers form these strong bonds, it is truly saddening for the pair to see one of them go.    “Now that I’m graduating, I will miss Mr. Morgan, who genuinely cares for every one of his students,” Va y a l a p a l l i said. But it is not the end for either of them, as she plans to visit him here at Northview in the near future. Morgan is not sad, necessarily, to see Vayalapalli go. There is more of a feeling of bittersweetness rather than sorrow as Morgan is proud of all the work that she has put in and is excited for her future.     “I have full confidence in her and I know she will be successful at all her endeavors,” Morgan said.


orthview High School is known for its students who strive for continuous success in the competitive and sometimes stressful environment that the school maintains. The classes, both core and elective, help to cater to the interests that students may have. However, it is the teachers that make taking the classes worthwhile, as they are truly compassionate about their careers and their will to see students succeed. For some, forming a bond with a teacher is important in order to gain more leniency with them. But for others, the students find themselves becoming true friends with their teachers by sharing similar interests. Teachers take the time to form these close relationships with their students because of this passion, and they end up being friends with their students from freshman to senior year.    Amoolya Vayalapalli, a current senior at Northview, and healthcare teacher Sean Morgan formed a close friendship when Vayalapalli was a junior. The two started to form their relationship when she first started taking Northview’s sports medicine class. She learned to love the way that Morgan would teach his classes and interact with students. A relaxed style of teaching helped to make the classroom a place in which the students are rarely stressed and constantly enthusiastic to learn. She was also drawn to his experience in the

Now that I’m graduating, I will miss Mr. Morgan, who genuinely cares for every one of his students"

-Amoolya Vayalapalli titude.    “I have noticed that we both are calm and collected. We may process situations differently, but our calm demeanor reflects our nature as individuals,” Morgan said.    They both maintain a passion for the healthcare industry and share an understanding towards those around them. Morgan considers this caring nature a direct result from them both growing up as the older sibling. Because neither of them are an only child, they are each strongly family oriented. The


Senior Senior Advice Advice Class Class of of 2018 2018



ow that my high school days are coming to an end, there are a few things I think I would’ve done differently. The idea of graduating is something you look forward to from the moment you start high school. The high school experience goes by in the blink of an eye. First of all, always make time for your family because before you know it you will be out of the house and won’t get that opportunity as frequently. Second of all, make sure you keep working hard until your last day of high school or it will catch up to you and you won’t be able to exempt those final exam days. Third of all, start applying to colleges early so you have the time to find out where you want to go exactly. As every senior says, high school is something that flies by and you never get the experience back so enjoy every moment of it while you can.

Kyndal Dickey     Looking back at my first day of high school, I realize I would have done some things differently. First off, enjoy every moment because it goes so fast, but in order to enjoy every moment, you must find a balance. A balance between friends, sports, and school work. Without this balance you will lose yourself. Next, you will meet all different types of people throughout your high school career: some good and some not so good whether it is a teacher or another peer. You have to learn to work with these kinds of people because you will always have a boss you do not like or a partner who frustrates you. Most importantly, this is the time to make mistakes and grow, so enjoy your high school career, discover yourself, and get involved because sooner than you think, you will be in the real world.

Megan Cistulli 28


Evan Moody

One thing I can say and can’t stress enough is to get your college visits done before your senior year. Waiting too long will leave you second guessing yourself and from personal experience: it wasn’t fun. It also helps when it comes to applying to college because you’ll know where you would want to go and won’t waste the money applying and then realizing you hate everything about the school.     Secondly, as cliché as it may sound, you really do figure out who you enjoy spending your time with your senior year. Hold on to those friendships and cherish them. Lastly, just enjoy it. Don’t stress yourself out with overly complicated classes or dedicate all your time to academics. Senior year is about having fun and enjoying you last year of high school.

Sherry Liang

If there’s one thing I’ll take away growing up in a place of privilege is that the universe doesn’t owe you anything. It doesn’t owe you that president position or that boy you like. It doesn’t owe you that good grade or those shoes. It doesn’t owe you something you shoulda, coulda, woulda done. All it owes you is a time and place to live. Your high school years will be the last years of your life where you can experiment, so step out of your comfort zone, and stop worrying about the little things. After all, how sad would it be if you spent your entire life regretting your high school years?

Sarika Temme-Bapat

The best advice I can give is to stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep. It’s incredible how much biology plays into our happiness. Find some friends who can help you celebrate victory and laugh off failure. Humor is the best way to make sense of a nonsensical world. Express appreciation regularly and with specificity. Derive joy from the process.






Auburn University Anthony Jones William Jones Grace Keenan Hayden Light Evan Moody Grant Morgan

Birmingham Southern College Timothy Assaf

University of Alabama Piper Chans Tristan Everett Meghan Rosati

University of Alabama at Birmingham Sugeeth Kandikattu Navya Kapa Anish Myneni Amanda Waller



Arizona State University Nick Biffil

University of Arizona Christopher Pirolo


California Institute of Technology Camila Buitrago

San F rancisco State University Megan Cistulli

University of California: Berkely Saira Chawla Brian Chuo Alex Lin Yi Lin

University of California: Davis Eeheet Hayer

University of California: Santa Barbara Olivia Chung

University of California: San Diego Stephanie Duan


School of the Art School of Chicago Yuree Jang

Loyola University of Chicago Isabella Martinez

University of Chicago Sarika Temme-Bapat


DME Sports Academy Jaden-Duane Causwell

Florida State University Kristen Harold Parker Rawlin

District of Columbia

George Washington University Tife Abimbola

American University Jasmyn Archie Ana Pereyra Baron


Appalachian State Caroline Zittrouer

Augusta University Sneha Chauhan Drew Esposito Arsheen Kudchikar Vinay Mehta Vishaal Motla Abraham Teklu Amoolya Vayalapalli

Clayton State University Xiaver Williams

East Georgia State College Genesis Walker

Emory University Sreekar Bommireddy Jina Lee Cody Lu Anudeep Venapally Nathaniel Yang



Georgia College and State University Lorena Aleman Nicolas Mendicino SooJin Paek Owen Perrine Catherine Skjoedt

Georgia Gwinnett College David Ackley Vincent Akromah Chance Dollard Grace Harvey

Georgia Institute of Technology Ghaith Al Tibi Jose Alatrista Alexander Ahn Anna Terese Aucoin Ananda Badari Rupkatha Banerjee Yeojin Chang Dennis Dong Timothy Gallagher Sneha Kadiyala Rayen Kang Joshua Lau Richard Li Helena Liao Diana Liu Joseph Ni Cahil Potnis Seong Ryoo Siddarth Seemakurti Abdullah Shah Thomas Tan Arnold Wang Horace Yao Jiale Zheng


Zachary Clowe Cooper Contardo Amayia Daniels Nia Dorsey Andrew Gerhardstein Anahita Ghafarian Max Gound Matthew Hudzina Camryn Imberman David Andrews-Johnson Ryan Kugelman Grace LaForge Kenneth Limyadi Jessica Miller Taylor Olsen Jacob Ruppert Lindsey Ryan Edward Shriner Kane Siebold McKay Siebold Tyler Tolnai Jeffrey Weiss Danielle Wilson

Georgia Southwestern University Matthew Limyadi

Georgia State University

Georgia Southern University

Noor Abouassaf Oluwafunmi Aina Dania Al-Sabbagh Samuel An Zoe Anderson Israa Arman Nidah Arman Kaylee Austin Saithanusri Avirneni Asya Azkin Aditya Bagchi Elizabeth Boegel Adriana Boice Ousman Cambi Jack Chancey Shih Chen Yennah Choi

Peilin Chung Mackenzie Craig Ian Cunningham Sylvia Daklouche Monica Damidi David Diamond Kyndal Dickey Marina Dixon Lexy Dowling Zion Dowling Waleed El Saqa Chihumeya Eresia-Eke Ariana Esmailian Eric Fleckenstein Andrew Hao Ghayiannis Hapke Natalie Hargis Emily Head Connor Henn Alice Hsu Jill Jacobs Justin James Anand Jandayala Ethan Jeong Aneisha Jeyamurthy Zavion Jones Yewon Jung Heidi Lee Maxine Lee Randy Li Emily Lim Juli Lim HaoJun Long Ethan Lowenthal Jie Shen Lu Timothy Ly Arzu Mannan Elisabeth Martilotta Gabriel Mendez Sachin Menon Bruno Mine Rose Mironove Selena Nguyen Cathy Ni Erika Ni Vijay Panthayi Anushka Parekh Carson Pate Michael Paulo

Gwinnett Technical College Lana Asad Timothy Aucoin Kimberly Cleveland Jason Hall Sydney Hopkins

Brian Gao Yijun Ling Julia Sohn Madi Wangle

Toccoa Falls College Nick Beard Jonathan Byers

Kennesaw State University of University Maria Abreu Georgia Samuel Adams Adam Ammons Alexia Anthony Heemanshu Badhan Kim-Yen Banh Lorainne Cadet Cynthia Cheong Callie Christiansen Madison Dodds Matthew Gazdik Alexandra Girma Lauren Jordan Lyndsey Kallish Noah McEarchern Amy Mullins Carson Pearson Ilancheran Rammohan Peter Ruby Alison Thompson Natalie Waagner Hassan Zabalawi

Mercer University Ashitha Dama Mahek Gupta Colin Lynch Ian Nachazel Caitlin Nguyen Ankur Ravikanth Pooja Vikraman

Piedmont College Emily Martilotta

Savannah College of Art and Design

Andres Bethancourt Hermela Kibrom Jason Chang Jyoti Chavan Blake Chen Tiffany Chen Zach Cherian Christie Chow Audrey Davern Apoorva Dhanala Sean Ferrel Rebecca Francis Toby Fu John Gregg Gaurav Gopu Charlena Gu Stella Gurin Sophia Hamill Drew Hoffman Harrison Hong Stephen Horn Jamie Horton May Hu Vincent Huang Pamela Issa Giulia Jackson Faeez Juneja Eshaan Kalra Rayyan Khan Rohan Khattar Neha Kotike Ashwin Kumar Preston Lee Joseph Lee Sherry Liang Willy Lin

Leja Lizunaite Kaivalya Mannam Jonathon Martin Shruti Muruganandan Luc Nguyen Anny Ni Bianca Patel Abhijeet Patil Preetish Patil Mahit Ramakrishnan Vivek Ramchandan Patrick Ryan Sanjay Shridhar Nikita Tallapally Divya Umapathy Ishan Vaish Katie Wang Liz Wong Corey Xing Larry Yan Lindsey Yang Suma Yarabarla Sandeep Yerraguntla Anthony Yu

University of North Georgia: Dahlonega Aubrey Alvilhiera Elizabeth Burton Sarah Hahn Isabella Rivas Caleb Slate

University of West Georgia Camil Butler

Valdosta State University Courtney Normand Jordan Stewart Joshua William

Young Harris College


Taylor Greenberg


University of Illinois Rounak Chowdhury

Northwestern University Vanessa Streng Michael Trautwein


Purdue University Sravya Ambadipudi Shanzeh Faisal Sara Huang Rohan Shahani Rohan Sohani

University of Notre Dame

Nichola Keane-Murphy Daniel Kim


East China Normal University Shanghai, China Anita Zhang


University of Kentucky Maya Fuller 34


Naval Academy Alexis Bell

John Hopkins University Ananda Thomas

Massachusetts Boston University Ashley Kim


University of Minnesota Duluth Stephen Riechel


University of Mississippi Santiago Atkins

Mississippi State Alexa Ward

New York

Barnard College at Columbia University Kassia Karras

Cornell University Alan Caldera Julia Lu Christopher Chandra

New York University Arianna Adeseye Vidya Gopalakrishna Mahika Jain Terry Kim Audrey Lu Tommy Su

P ratt Institute


Case Western Reserve University Jada Reidling

W right State University Aidan Lord

So Hyun Bae

School of Visual Arts Sooyeon Chung

North carolina Duke University Joshua Li Carrie Wang

North Carolina A&T State University Christyn Carr

North Carolina Central University Nissi Ficklin

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Vivian Luu Mehal Churiwal

University of North Carolina at Charolette Amy An


University of Tulsa Joseph Kim


Empire Beauty School Jaylin DeArmas

Carnegie Mellon Hyojun Jeong Maria Vinokurskaya


University of Pennsylvania Jennifer Ahn Maia Lum

Washingotn and Jefferson College Vineet Reddy

Rhode island Brown University George Hu Abigail Page

Rhode Island School of Design Annie Chen

South carolina Clemson University Brooke Bolton Michael Smith

Coastal Carolina University Claudia Moreno

North Greenville University Shelby Shepherd

The Citadel, Military College of South Carolina David Lee

University of South Carolina Julian Eaves Issac Jarrar Ian Ricks Ana Vetrovsky Will Whitman



Rice University Daphne Manning Ethan Tsaur

University of Texas at Austin Steven Yao


Sewanee: the University of the South Peter Irwin

Vanderbilt University Preethi Karnam


Hampton University Jada Buford Kourtney Hawkins

University of Virginia Joshua Jeon

Liberty University Leah Ruby

West virginia

Huntington P rep School Judah Woods



Nathan Ching

Congrats Grads!


The Messenger’s annual summer events calendar, by MARTA access. Arts, music, and food around Atlanta. All summer long.



in the




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east lake transit station


August datdate date at Harmony Park Gold Southbound to Airport Station till Five Points. Blue Line to Indian Creek Station till East Lake Transit Station.

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Should graduating seniors value financial aspects of college over the name prestige?






he cost of a college education these days ranges from expensive to obscenely expensive. So the decision is likely to be tougher and more emotional than most parents and children imagined as they weigh offers from colleges that have given real financial aid against others that are offering just loans. Debt after college is a common problem for college graduates, but can easily be evaded by simply attending a cheaper school. While this may mean sacrificing the glamour of the Ivies and other top schools, there are plenty of affordable colleges out there that offer quality education. College is only four years of your life, and a degree can only take someone so far before it comes down to work ethic and maturity. By attending a more affordable school, graduates have more options when it comes time to grad-


uate. While these schools are cheaper, that doesn’t mean that the level of education drastically changes when moving from one to the other.     While the glamour of the Ivies isn’t unfounded, children today grow up listening to their teachers and parents rave about those schools- romanticizing the idea of going to a top college over an affordable school. Attending a university simply for the name prestige is problematic. We glorify Ivy League graduates, but plenty of prominent people have succeeded without having to attend an Ivy League school. 15 of our 45 presidents didn’t attend Ivy Leagues, yet still were able to become successful. There are plenty of top schools out there that can provide a level of education equal in beneficiality to the Ivies.     The problem with us romanticizing a

small selection of schools is the thought that an affordable and top tier school is suddenly downgraded when put next to an Ivy. With the future in mind, it would be foolish to enroll in an expensive school knowing you would graduate facing a mountain of debt. Of course, those Ivy League schools are well funded and have high post graduation success rates, but what they don’t share are the statistics of thousands of students struggling to pay back their loans.     Leaving college with a framed degree and thousands in debt is daunting, but no matter what school students attend, they all leave the same. However, I’m sure that we could agree that someone with less debt would live a more comfortable life after college compared to someone with an Ivy League sticker overloaded with debt.

son that these schools can get away with charging such large tuition fees, and it is because these schools will set you on a very successful path for the rest of your career. If a student is lucky enough to be allowed entrance into such a school, he would be insane not to take it, no matter the cost.     A recent study also found that business students who went to top schools earned 12 percent more than their peers, and those who went to mid-tier schools earned 6 percent more than those who went to the least-selective schools. Likewise, social science and education grads made more if they went to a better-ranked school.     Schools with great reputations can also provide impressive alumni networks and help students make contacts with peers who could go far in the future. While many families might not have a way to pay the tuition fees, there are ways people have been able to do it for years. While student loans are notorious

for taking years to pay back, they are the best way for someone who cannot pay their tuition in full to still get an education. If a student takes out student loans to go to Yale, the degree and experience they receive will be more than enough for them to get a job that will pay back their loans in a timely fashion. Student loans are not the only way to pay for college. Many scholarships like the Hope and Zell Miller scholarships allow for financial aid with tuition. While financial stress is almost guaranteed to happen at the start of nearly everyone’s college career, the experience gained from it more than outweighs the monetary cost.     Getting into college can be very stressful. Despite this, there are many ways to circumvent the financial stress brought about by the high tuition costs of highly prestigious schools. Nearly every college that charges a high tuition fee is going to give you much more than you are paying for in knowledge, and future benefit.



round this time every year, every high school senior goes through the difficult process of deciding which college they will attend. Students have to pick from the colleges that have seen their resumes and deemed them worthy of attending their prestigious school. Often, seniors tend to focus too much on the price tag of attending a prestigious school more than the difference attending one of these schools could have on their future.     While the cost of going to an Ivy League school might be high, it will almost certainly be worth it in the long run. Not only is the diploma you receive at the end of your enrollment an invaluable asset for finding work, it can also open many doors for students that other colleges could only dream of doing. For instance, if a Yale graduate and a Kennesaw State graduate apply for the same job, and are both fresh out of college, the Yale graduate will have a much better chance of getting the job. There is a rea-


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More Money for Less Minorities The film industry fails to represent the diversity of young television show views and movie-goers to day in a move to increase financial earnings NOELLE REID, STAFF WRITER


s we approach summer break, movies that are aimed at teenagers are released and tv shows aimed at teens are renewed for another season. Because of the summer being absent of any school days, more teens are able to see these movies and television shows that are aimed at them. Movies and tv shows from past decades are being rebooted to appeal to the younger generations.     However, some of these shows and tv shows display characters that do not accurately represent their viewers. It is as if these shows are written and produced for teenagers, but teens are not in mind when these forms of entertaining media are written.     The writers of some tv shows and movies try to write a script that is supposed to mimic the dialogue of real teenagers in their dayto-day lives when they talk to their friends and peers or parents and teachers. But, as a teen, listening to the back-forth-conversations of these characters that are meant to be teenagers is insulting. Many teens have slang terms from the internet in their daily vernacular, but these show and movie writers incorporate the slang into their scripts in excess. Characters will not go a sentence without saying “OMG” or “BTW, which is ridiculous and painful to listen to and watch. This leaves the characters sounding cringe-worthily inarticulate. They also write

the teenagers to all sound the same, they all have the same limited vocabulary. No two adults speak the same, not even babies share the same babble. Why would a whole highschool full of teenagers speak the same way?     Writers tend to incorporate tropes into their character writing, making the characters one-dimensional and underdeveloped. The same cheerleader or football players, goths, nerds and geeks stereotypes find their way in teen movies and tv programs. The villainous ‘popular’ characters have no redeemable features, even though most antagonistic villain characters have some feature that makes them likeable or relatable. The protagonists never seems to mess up, and when they do it is something of a catastrophic proportion. Sure the plot wouldn’t be interesting without a vicious villain or a do-no-wrong protagonist, but even cartoons aimed at younger children have characters with human traits.     Another trope that had been around for a while and is as harmful as it is present is the gay best friend or GBF stereotypes. This limits the public to seeing gay boys as anything other than overly-happy and overly- feminine. It also leads to high-school age girls believing that gay boy are only an accessory to help them choose outfits and talk about boys with instead of an actual person with emotions. The GBF is also an attempt from the writers of these shows to diversify

their cast by making this character gathered from untrue stereotypes. Writers also attempt to reach a diversity quota by adding a few characters of color, a gay character, and a character that is part of a religion other than Christian.    Movies and tv shows from past decades continued to get a reboot that could potentially appeal to the younger generations. Many of them try to push a progressive agenda that seems disingenuous. It is almost oxymoronic when writers try to make their characters ‘feminist’ or ‘pro-any minority whatsoever’ when they write characters to be walking stereotypes of said minority.     These movie and tv producers need to write what sells in order to make money. But, simply writing a script on based on what they think teenage dialogue is an example of poor research. In order to write dialogue, real life examples of it need to be listened to. Going to actual high schools and listening to how the teenagers talk and interact with those around them should be mandatory research for writing a youth film or television show. Developing accurate minority characters that do not stem to far from reality or become the butt of a joke should not be a “bold” move. It’s time the film and tv industry stops producing films that they think teens will like rather than what teens want to see.




Dear Downey


n the masthead of this, and every, copy of the Messenger, there’s an exact list of everyone who has contributed to that issue. From editors to writers to photographers, every magazine goes through weeks of brainstorming, writing, and editing, for eight issues in a school year. Some of our themes are lighthearted, like our February cover story on fashion, while others require a more sensitive approach, like our March and April issues on gun violence and sexual harassment.     But one name behind and supporting each and every issue is not on the masthead at all. He’s not a writer or a photographer or an editor or even an adviser. He goes by Downey, Mr. Downey, the bossman, Papa PBIS, but most people know him as our principal.     Every month without fail, Downey sets aside an hour of his lunch to speak with us about our upcoming issue. We throw at him questions from every possible corner of Northview, anywhere from athletics to academics, and he provides us with details and quotes to write our stories. Many of his contributions for the Messenger go unnoticed — besides his quotes, of course, which periodically appear from story to story. But his involvement and support for the publication span well beyond answering questions.     This year in particular, journalism has played a pivotal role in activism, politics, and pop culture, and as student journalists, it’s important for us to reflect these shifts in society with the stories we cover. Unlike major news outlets, though, like “The Washington Post” and “New York Times,” school publications are still subjected to restrictions regarding the content that they cover, since student’s first amendment rights are limited. Many school systems exercise a policy called “prior review,” which means that student publications do not function as their own entity; rather, every publication they distribute must be approved by school administrators.     Because of this, many publications are censored by their school systems, prohibiting them from covering pressing topics that may insight controversy. At the National Scholastic Press Association Convention in Dallas, Texas,


publications from different schools discussed the oppressive nature of prior review, censoring topics as simple as school dress code. Fortunately at Northview, The Messenger functions as a separate entity from direct oversight by administrators, giving us the liberty to pursue more controversial topics; however, with that privilege also comes responsibility, and especially with sensitive issues, our adviser and administrators play a significant role in ensuring the quality and accuracy of our stories.     Even if it’s just reading our stories, Downey is especially supportive of our publication, and within the last few months, he has been an integral figure in helping us publish stories that matter-- no matter how controversial. At the request of an email, Downey is down at Room 788, open to discussing anything we throw at him.     While we speak from a journalistic point of view, Downey’s positivity and compassion radiates throughout Northview, acting as the true role model for maintaining our four pillars. During the Walkout, while other schools punished students for voicing their opinions, Downey was right there on the frontline, supporting our students’ right to political activism and, above else, ensuring the safety of these students.     Next time anyone is reading an article in the Messenger, pay close attention to Downey’s quotes. Every single one speaks volumes of his genuine compassion for everyone at Northview, and his tireless involvement in supporting the endeavors of all his staff and students.     Downey, we know you’re reading this. Thank you for all you’ve done in supporting our publication this year and every year. Sorry for making you almost cry at our press conference on gun violence, but thank you for caring so deeply for the well-being of your students. We know we’ve pushed some boundaries, and we’ve forced you to push some of your own, but some of these stories would have never hit the stands if it weren’t for your support. Here’s to the future of telling Northview’s story, and in your own words, “to hell with everything else.”



Help. We're being held hostage.



.R.A money corrupting our republic: Donald Trump-- $11,438,118. John McCain-- $7,740,521. Richard Burr-$6,986,620. Roy Blunt-- $4,551,146. Thom Tillis-$4,418,012. Cory Gardner-- $3,879,064. Marco Rubio-- $3,303,355. Joni Ernst-- $3,124,273. Rob Portman-- $3,061,941. Todd Young-- $2,896,732. Bill Cassidy-- $2,861,047. David Perdue-$1,985,773. Tom Cotton-- $1,968,714. Pat Roberts-- $1,584,153. Pat Toomey-- $1,467,821. Ron Johnson-- $1,268,486. Mitch McConnell-$1,261,874. French Hill-- $1,089,477. Ken Buck-- $800,544. David Young-$707,622. Jon Thune--$632,486. Mike Simpson-- $385,731. Jeff Flake-- $365,302. Greg Gianforte-$344,630. Shelley Moore Capito-- $335,770. Richard Shelby-$259,464. Don Young-- $245,720. Chuck Grassley-- $232,337. Lloyd Smucker-- $221,736. John Kennedy-- $215,788. Bruce Poliquin-$201,398. Pete Sessions-- $158,111. Lisa Murkowski-- $141,536. Orrin Hatch-- $140,748. Barbara Comstock-- $137,232. Bob Goodlatte-- $137,126. Johnny Isakson-- $130,809. Dean Heller-- $126,802. Steven Daines-$121,711. Steve Chabot-- $115,548. Mike Coffman-- $112,501. Tim Walberg-- $105,605. Rand Paul-- $104,456. Scott Tipton-- $104,023. Sam Graves-$102,137. Jaime Herrera Beutler-- $95,298. Mike Rounds-- $93,049. Karen Handel--$90,258. Roger Wicker-- $89,406. Steve Pearce-- $88,314. John Boozman-- $82,352. Bob Corker-- $79,203. David Schweikert-- $77,687. Ted Cruz-- $77,450. Bill Shuster-- $77,348. Carlos Curbelo-- $75,425.

Steve Stivers-- $70,997. Ben Sasse-- $68,623. Martha McSally-- $68,234. James Inhofe-- $65,191. Joe Barton-- $63,912. Steven King-- $63,404. Charlie Dent-- $62,773. Hal Rogers-- $61,429. Paul Ryan-- $61,401. John Shimkus-- $61,304. Ken Calvert-- $61,125. Mike Crapo-- $59,989. John Cornyn-- $59,635. Bill Johnson-- $56,656. Walter Jones Jr.-- $56,655. Lee Zeldin-- $56,281. Sean Duffy-- $55,514. Kevin Yoder-- $53,938. Tom McClintock-- $52,842. Frank Lucas-$52,121. David Valadao-- $51,579. Robert Aderholt-- $50,928. Sanford Bishop-$49,496. Collin Peterson-- $49,259. Lindsey Graham-- $49,049. David Joyce-- $47,921. Jeff Denham-$46,861. Gene Green-- $46,814. Claudia Tenney-- $46,529. Ji m Renacci-- $46,347. John Katko-- $46,001. John Faso-- $45,939. Greg Walden-$45,746. Rodney Davis-- $45,269. Rod Blum-- $44,148. Patrick McHenry-$44,070. Robert Latta-- $44,022. John Culberson-- $42,839. Mike Gallagher-- $41,121. Lamar Smith-- $41,014. Blaine Luetkemeyer-- $39,375. Ed Royce-$38,800. Daniel Webster-$37,881. Darrell Issa-- $37,636.    67% of Americans support stricter gun laws. But these 100 elected officials, and many more, would rather let our nation’s children continue to be senselessly gunned down in their own classrooms instead. This money could have helped so many needy children-- instead it contributed to their eventual deaths. This is the definition of cowardice. The N.R.A is holding our country hostage. End the suffering. Vote them out.




ollapalooza takes place from August 2 to the 5 and in the city of Chicago. Tickets range from $88 to $335. There are many artists playing like the Weeknd, Bruno Mars, Travis Scott, and Khalid. It’s a great event for anyone thinking traveling with friends for the summer before going to college or even just for fun.


he Pitchfork Music Festival is also in Chicago from July 20-22 this summer. With great scenery, it is a great way to meet new people and to discover new artists. Tickets range from $75 for a single day, $175 for three days, and $375 for a PLUS pass. This festival is focused around a more retro and laid back style of music. Artists like Fleet Foxes, Tame Impala, and Chaka Khan, and Syd, create a great variety of music.


anorama is in New York City which is a great city for friends to visit and spend their last memories together before going to college. It takes place from July 27 to the 29 with tickets ranging from $79 to $450. There are many top chart artists attending this event like The Weeknd, Janet Jackson, Migos, SZA, and Cardi B. It provides a chance to create new relationships with people who have similar taste in music.


Men’s floral print shirt, Bonobos, $88

Women’s Yellow One Piece, Zaful, $18

summer fashion

Flower Print Striped Bikini, US Shein, $13


s the summer of 2018 comes closer, more and more are soft pastels changing to stunning yellows and vibrant florals. Swim wear begin to branch out as one piece bathing suits make a come back and prints mix with stripes. THE MESSENGER | 47

the messenger ONLINE AT


nhsmessenger@gmail.com Like our Facebook page facebook.com/nhsmessenger Follow us on Twitter at @nhsmessenger


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