2019 Membership Information Guide

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National Independent Automobile Dealers Association

N AT I O N A L I N D E P E N D E N T A U T O M O B I L E D E A L E R S A S S O C I AT I O N S I N C E 19 4 6

Dear Member: Welcome to Team NIADA and congratulations on joining the preeminent national trade association working to make a real difference in the used automotive industry. By joining your state association, you are now a member of a growing team of small business owners in the automotive industry – nearly 17,000 members strong – that has unique access to member benefits, educational programs and key industry information that can help you become more profitable, compliant and best-in-class. The enclosed Membership Information Guide, complete with your Membership Certificate, Code of Ethics, NIADA Window Decal and your NIADA Membership Card, will serve as a great reference point for you to understand how to get the most out of your membership and help you find a way to maximize the benefits to your business. Whether you want to become a better educated dealer, join a Dealer 20 Group, become a Certified Master Dealer, offer the NIADA CPO Program, or get access to floor-planning, marketing, sales, legal, operations, compliance, auctions or any number of other services, NIADA has something for every dealer, regardless of your size or time in business. Thank you for taking this important step and allowing NIADA to continue our legislative and regulatory efforts to advance and protect the best interests of independent automobile dealers in Washington, D.C. and in state Capitols all around the country. Although many of the issues we face as an industry have changed over the years since we began in 1946, our long-standing voice at the federal level, coupled with the grass-roots efforts of your state association, provide you with dual layers of advocacy that are unmatched in our industry. I am proud to have you on the team and I’m looking forward to helping you find ways you can engage in the NIADA Mission as we all drive forward together. If there is anything I can ever do to assist you, please feel free to contact me directly here at the NIADA National Headquarters. At your service,

Steve Jordan CEO | NIADA

*Membership Dues to National Independent Automobile Dealers Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes; 75% of the dues may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. We estimate 25% of the dues are used for lobbying activities and are not tax deductible. Please seek advice from a tax professional for guidance on this deduction.

National Independent Automobile Dealers Association


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F LORIDA OFFICE SARASOTA, FL 888.906.8283 | 941.203.3577 FA X: 941.203.3585 WWW.TWENT YGROUPS.COM


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NIADA MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association, the only national not-for-profit organization representing the independent motor vehicle industry, is to promote, educate and advance the independent motor vehicle dealer by: • Accumulating, processing and disseminating information relative to the motor vehicle industry;

laws, rules and regulations on the consumer and the motor vehicle industry;

• Developing, compiling and providing to the consumer information that will promote a better understanding of the independent motor vehicle dealer’s place in the economy;

• Assisting in the promotion and organization of local, state or regional independent motor vehicle dealer associations; and

• Providing relevant information to regulatory and lawmaking bodies so they may have a better understanding of the possible effects of proposed

• Anticipating, recognizing and responding to current and future issues and needs of the independent motor vehicle industry and the consumer.


The NIADA Code of Ethics is a set of operational and business values to which all members agree to adhere. Our Association is committed to providing a better buying experience, better products and top-notch level customer service before, during and after the sale. Based in honesty and integrity, your commitment to the Code of Ethics will provide a foundation for your business to make a meaningful impact on your customers and your community.

• We will have a general duty of integrity, honor and fair dealing toward the general public. • We will comply with all city, county, state and federal laws and shall endeavor to keep ourselves informed of those laws governing our business. • We will not intentionally injure the business reputation of another member or competitor. • We will employ truth and accuracy in advertising and selling. • We will stand behind any guarantee given with the sale of a motor vehicle.

• We will expose or halt, where found, any scheme designed to deceive or defraud the automobile buying public and aid in prosecuting those guilty of such acts. • We will constantly strive to improve business methods to the end that the public will be better served. • We will encourage the American system of free enterprise. Membership may be revoked if a member is found to be unethical and not adhering to the NIADA Code of Ethics.

• We will not perform any act which would bring disrepute to the motor vehicle industry.


As a member of NIADA you should proudly display your membership logo. The NIADA logo is a widely recognized sign of trust. It tells consumers that you believe and adhere to a professional code of ethics that includes integrity, honor and fair dealing with the public. You are authorized to display the NIADA member logo on your advertisements, letterhead, business cards, promotional materials, and website for the length of your membership. If you would like to receive a digital copy of the NIADA Member logo for your printing and website needs, you may access this at www.niada.com after login and profile set-up.

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Discover the many benefits and services offered to you throughout this kit.









Your NIADA membership is the best investment you could make in support of your business and tells your customers that they are trading with a business owner committed to fair dealing and ethical business practices. Important items are enclosed in this packet such as your Membership Certificate, Personalized NIADA Membership Card and a Window Decal. Display them proudly. The certificate and card represent both your state and national membership(s).


Take a look at the enclosed Member Services Guide and take advantage of the many discounted products and services to help your dealership become more profitable.

We need your feedback: Please take a moment to complete and return the enclosed Member Information Change Sheet to ensure that you are receiving the latest industry news and updates from NIADA as rapidly as possible.

Help us, help you.

Also please take a moment to complete the enclosed Business Confidence and Dealer Member Survey. The results will be used for the 2018 Used Car Industry Report, which is a very valuable and useful tool for comparing your stats and sales with other dealers nationwide.

Help us, help you.

Stay Connected:

Be among the first to be alerted to news that impacts the automotive industry with our legislative and industry email alerts. Be sure we have your email address on file. You may also subscribe to any and all select email notifications you prefer. Just visit www.niada.com and click on the email icon in the “Follow Us” banner.


For educational and charitable purposes, the Association established the NIADA Foundation in 2006. Structured as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code, the foundation was organized to assist members of the automobile dealers profession in ways that promote academic and educational advancement, develop scholarships for higher education and to meet charitable needs in service to the automotive community and, by extension, the general public. Our Mission The NIADA Foundation exists to identify and promote value-added opportunities for its members and corporate partners to understand and respond to compelling educational and charitable needs at the local and national levels.

NIADA Disaster Relief Fund DISASTER The NIADA Foundation has established an emergency RELIEF FUND relief fund to provide a venue for members of the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association to assist fellow dealers and others in the automotive community devastated by the effects of natural disasters. 100% of all contributions received will be donated to provide relief as needed from the attributable effects of these disaster-related event(s). Disbursements are considered on a case-by-case basis as identified through the application process in collaboration with NIADA state associations and local leadership.

NIADA Membership MissionStatement Statement | Code Ethics | NIADA Foundation NIADA Membership || Mission | Code of of Ethics


The NIADA Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization that serves as the focal point of NIADA’s scholastic and charitable efforts and coordinates the association’s charitable giving. For more information or to contribute, visit www.niadafoundation.org.

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NIADA Scholarships

The NIADA Foundation promotes the academic growth of youth throughout the United States by awarding scholarships annually at our June convention. •F our students who have displayed outstanding abilities in education will receive a $3,500 scholarship to the college or university of their choice. •T he NIADA Foundation also coordinates industry-related scholarships sponsored by individual companies to attend Northwood University.

UTA College of Business Endowment

With matching funds from the College of Business at the University of Texas at Arlington, the NIADA Foundation has established a permanent endowment with UTA in the amount of $250,000 for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the automotive industry. Whether it’s a career in automotive retail operations, finance and insurance, sales, technology, wholesale inventory, banking, warranties or other specialized areas of the used auto industry, this endowment will help bring bright, entrepreneurial minded, future leaders into the industry and help change the narrative about what it means to be in the car business. Once the UTA Endowment is fully funded, the Foundation anticipates additional endowments across the nation in each of its four regions.

National Quality Dealer of the Year Award The National Quality Dealer Award Program, which began in 1976, continues to generate much interest and pride for those participating. Awarded annually at the National Convention, the award nominees are honored during a special ceremony and live webcast, where the National Quality Dealer of the Year is announced. Nominees eligible for this award are selected on the state level each year for outstanding service to the industry and the community. The National Quality Dealer receives considerable publicity in his or her home state as well as in the trade media.

NIADA Ring of Honor From time to time, NIADA selects a person from within the automobile industry to receive NIADA’s highest allied industry award, the Ring of Honor. These are individuals who have dedicated their careers to the industry, always giving of time and resources to improve the image of the automobile industry and assisting dealers throughout the country. We are deeply indebted to their service.

NIADA and Cox Automotive Community Service Award This award was created to honor independent dealers across the nation who contribute every day to their community through special improvement projects, sponsorships, and other financial support that often goes unnoticed. They are provided by an individual company with $10,000 toward the dealer’s preferred charity.

NIADA Eagle Award The Eagle Award signifies a drive to increase association membership and connect with others and is given annually to Member Dealers for personally recruiting new members or personally securing renewing membership for the association. There are three (3) levels for this Eagle Award recognition:

• Eagle Certificate: personally recruit five (5) or more new/renewing members

• E agle Plaque: personally recruit twenty (20) or more new/renewing members within a one (1) year period.

• C rystal Eagle: personally recruit one hundred (100) or more new/renewing members

within a one (1) year period.

within a two (2) year period.

NIADA Association Executive of the Year Awarded to one of NIADA’s state association executives selected by his or her peers for outstanding leadership and service.

NIADA CPO Dealer of the Year The CPO Dealer of the Year award was created to recognize an outstanding participant of the NIADA Certified Pre-Owned program for the quality of dealership operations, vehicle certification process standards, volume of CPO sales and the dealer’s commitment to providing a better product and level of service to his/her customers and community.

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Since 1946, NIADA has been the voice of the independent automobile dealer in Washington, D.C., representing your interests before the White House, the U.S. Congress, federal regulatory agencies, and many other policy organizations governing used car dealer operations. That tradition continues today as our government affairs team daily watches the legislative and regulatory activities coming from our nation’s capital and in state capitals across the country to determine how they might affect our dealer members and their businesses. Led by Senior Vice President of Legal and Government Affairs Shaun Petersen, NIADA actively builds and maintains relationships with members of Congress and key officials at regulatory agencies that oversee the industry, such as the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (BCFP), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Labor (DOL) and others. NIADA works hard to keep you up to date with the latest legal, legislative and regulatory information that could affect your dealership through our website, email, social media, magazines, and industry events.

Make Your Voice Heard NIADA is committed to advancing the cause of the used motor vehicle industry and the dealers we represent across the country. NIADA’s advocacy is best accomplished when you, the independent dealer, are personally involved in that effort. To that end, each fall we hold our National Policy Conference and Day on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. This annual event provides a dealer with an opportunity to meet face-to-face with their Congressional representatives on Capitol Hill. Here, you can personally tell your story to our elected government officials to let them know what our association does, what and who we represent, and share the unique problems and challenges our dealers face. The Policy Conference will also give you the opportunity to hear from and engage with regulators directly impacting your business. In past conferences, we have heard from the White House, BCFP, FTC, DOJ, DOL, and others about issues important to them as they oversee the industry. As you know, relationships are everything, and we will continue to build relationships with our government officials to ensure we are the voice of the industry! Join us in that effort and make your voice heard!

Know How to Contact Congress Communicating with members of Congress should not be limited to the National Policy Conference only. You can connect with your member of the House of Representatives and Senators at any time to discuss what’s affecting your business. In fact, NIADA will, from time to time, ask you to contact your Representative and Senators to communicate NIADA’s position on key issues. You can find your legislators at www.senate.gov and/or www.house.gov. You may also reach them through the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121.

NIADA Awards & Recognition | NIADA Government Affairs


NIADA Political Action Committee (NIADA-PAC) A critical part of advocacy includes supporting candidates for elected office who will protect this vital industry and keep the economic engine of our small businesses running strong. Campaigns cost money to effectively disseminate the candidate’s message to the electorate. The NIADA Political Action Committee (NIADA-PAC) was established to financially support candidates that share our vision for the future of the independent dealer. NIADA members and individuals associated with them can donate to the NIADA-PAC in any amount they feel appropriate up to a $5,000 maximum annually. Your contribution to the NIADA-PAC will allow us to work more closely with elected officials from a position of collective strength. Each year, the NIADA-PAC engages in an effort to increase awareness of and contributions to the NIADAPAC. The four NIADA regions compete to raise the most funds with the winning region being awarded the coveted PAC Cup. Although each contribution to the NIADA-PAC is critical, members who contribute $250 or more will be recognized. Donations of $5,000 will entitle donors to participate in special VIP events.

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NIADA offers world-class automotive training and education programs. As the best in the industry, many of our award-winning programs are conducted on a regional or state level around the country. Each training leader has a minimum of ten years of experience in their area of expertise. From the sales associate to the controller to the receptionist, we have a training workshop that will fit your needs. Each year we are privileged to provide training and education programs at over 20 state and national conventions. Please contact us if you would like NIADA to visit your event.

NIADA Dealer Twenty Groups www.twentygroups.com



The NIADA Dealer Twenty Group program helps dealerwww.niada20groups.com © owners run their operations more profitably, conducting Twenty Group meetings all across North America. Whether it is one of our independent dealer, Retail, BHPH, LHPH, Controller, Finance or Service groups, we have a Twenty Group to fit your needs. Our Twenty Groups are considered the “graduate school” of automotive management. A Twenty Group will help you run your business more efficiently and more profitably. Dealers have used Twenty Groups to build their businesses for more than 50 years. On a regular basis and under the direction of one of our seasoned moderators, your Twenty Group will meet to exchange ideas, identify best practices and discover opportunities and challenges facing your dealership. A Dealer Twenty Group is an association of 12 to 20 automotive dealers with similar business models and similar-size operations. Members meet at various locations, decided on by the group, to share best practices, their successes and failures, ideas to improve operations, and most important, their financial (composite) data. Each Twenty Group meets three times per year at approximately four-month intervals.

Certified Master Dealer™ Program www.niadacmd.com 888-906-8283

The CERTIFIED MASTER DEALER™ program was developed to help you manage and grow your business. It is one of the industry’s most respected training programs. This course offers something new for you whether you have been an independent dealer for only 5 days or more than 50 years. Dealers who attend this training are committed to the industry, support ethical business standards and practices, and are leaders in their communities. They bring a wide range of experience to each class, and leave with new strategies for analyzing their business practices and increasing their bottom line. This course emphasizes practical and effective management and leadership skills to improve employee performance. Dealers will also learn how to efficiently and effectively manage their own time. One full day is devoted to analyzing the dealer’s own financial data in order to learn how to minimize expenses, increase operating capital, and control the high costs associated with obtaining and maintaining inventory. The 2½ day course wraps up with a comprehensive look at current, up-to-date and dealer proven marketing, advertising, social media and promotional concepts. This course is designed and delivered in a manner proven to be highly effective and successfully completed by CMD candidates without regard to their previous academic background.

NIADA Boot Camps

www.niadabootcamps.com Sales Training - Sales Training focuses on building on existing relationships and developing business in today’s competitive marketplace. Prospecting targets, effective telephone skills and strategies, objection handling, vehicle presentation, moving old-age inventory, maximizing down payment, selling a program instead of just a car are some of the key points in this interactive session. Managers - Cash flow management, inventory acquisition, reconditioning and after-sale service, advertising rules, personnel management and expense control are just a few of the topics addressed. This is the perfect way to introduce new managers/supervisors to the role of management in our industry. It is also a great refresher training for more seasoned leadership. Collections - Always well attended. This course tends to fill up quickly. We will discuss proper compliant collections strategies and techniques, building and maintaining relationships, overcoming reasons not to pay, proper use of GPS and Payment Assistance Device technology, electronic communications, repossession management, queue structuring and maximizing the strengths of your collectors and much more.

Onsite Consulting and Training 888-906-8283 We provide consulting services and guidance for dealers just like you. Our training leaders are able to review your operation and provide an action plan to help your dealership achieve benchmark performance. Virtually every week of the year our consultants are onsite in dealerships identifying opportunities and creating net profit improvement for dealers. Very often our dealer-clients realize in excess of $100,000 of net profit improvement within the first year of utilizing our programs. Ask us about Consulting. Some of the programs we offer include:

•S trategic Planning •R etail Training • Buy Here-Pay Here Training • Collector Training • Special Finance Training • Dealership Review and Evaluation • Net Profit Improvement • Compliance Auditing • Telephone Skills Workshop • Forecasting • Customized Consulting

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NIADA Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle Program www.niadacertified.com/dealers

The NIADA Certified Pre-Owned Program is designed for you, our member dealer, and has your consumers in mind. NIADA Certified provides a flexible, easy to implement and cost-effective program that lets your customers know the vehicles and dealership are being held to a higher standard through a vigorous certification checklist, vehicle history reports and much more, to provide them with the peace of mind they need to buy with confidence. Did you know that 68% of used-vehicle buyers intend to purchase a certified pre-owned vehicle? Across the country, pre-owned buyers agreed on one simple idea. They all said, “I’ll buy your vehicle if you minimize my risk, document an extensive safety and performance inspection and back it up with an A rated insurance carrier (AmTrust Financial), that gives me peace of mind after the initial purchase.” Our members asked for it and we listened! If you’re not offering a nationally recognized certified program, you’re missing out on these consumers.

The NIADA CPO Program Provides • Customer peace of mind. • Quality vehicles inspected and reconditioned to NIADA approved standards. • More selling opportunities ... faster inventory turn … higher gross profit … long term customer satisfaction. • Roadside assistance, vehicle rental, towing and key replacement. • The financial strength of Warrantech as administrator. • Extensive, OEM CPO quality merchandising resources. • Carfax partnership that delivers co-branding opportunities and high consumer trust/validation of quality. • Complimentary OnStar emergency roadside services, directions, and vehicle diagnostic subscriptions. • Lucrative CPO retail inventory placement opportunities via Carfax and eBay Motors. • SiriusXM radio 3-month complimentary service. NIADA CPO helps you level the playing field vs. new car franchise stores. It is built by NIADA dealers… exclusively for NIADA dealers.

Get on board this major industry retail sales growth segment and provide your customers another reason to make your dealership their first priority when looking for a high quality used vehicle backed by a strong and trustworthy CPO program! For more information, call 1.877.310.0288 or visit: www.niadacertified.com/dealers.

NIADA Online Dealer Compliance www.niadadealercompliance.com Compliance Training & Education

•O n demand, online access for your entire staff to a comprehensive suite of training videos that focus on federal regulations and compliance. •T ailored content depending on employee function (sales, service, finance, collections). • Interactive testing after each video session.

Required Compliance Policies & Deal Agreements

•D ownload and print a variety of federally required dealership compliance policies. •D ownload and print documents & agreements designed to limit dealer liability.

Tracking & Reporting

• Track employee training participation. • Store test results. • Report on participation for proof of compliance.

Standardized Dealer Accounting Tools This three volume series was written for used car dealers by Page Publications© to assist you, the dealer, in managing your business with the need to be able to see the details of your accounting system. NIADA’s Accounting Manuals are an essential tool for helping to manage your money.

•D ealership Accounting Training Manual: General accounting principles.

• Chart of Accounts Manual:

Complete listing of NIADA dealership account numbers and descriptions of each.

•D ealership Internal Control Manual: Checklists and suggested procedures for NIADA dealers, office managers and outside accountants to use in maintaining good internal control of dealership assets.

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National Corporate Partners NIADA is dedicated to partnering with the best automotive product and service providers in today’s marketplace. The NIADA National Corporate Partner program is designed to help you network with those automotive vendors who meet stringent criteria, whose company financials have been reviewed and whose products and services meet the highest level of standards among their competitors. NIADA assists our dealer members by taking the guesswork out of researching these partner companies, assuring that you will receive a high quality product and outstanding customer service, to gain a substantial return on investment with your membership. Participating partners receive Diamond, Platinum, Gold or Bronze status of partnership based upon their level of association support.

National Member Benefit Program Through discounted affinity agreements NIADA Member Services now offers numerous member benefits. The NIADA National Member Benefit Program was formed to provide you with a broad portfolio of discounted services only available to NIADA members which could not be secured by the member on a standalone basis. These services are provided by providers who have gone through a very extensive due diligence vetting process by NIADA ensuring best in class, high quality, highly competitive, and relevant solutions. • Accounting Tools • Aftermarket Parts • Auction Technology Services • Business Management Services • Business Supply Services • Business Utility Savings • Checks/Business Forms E-checks Discounts • Credit Report Savings • Dealer Education • Dealer Management Systems • Facility, Maintenance & Operations Products

• Financing Services/Solutions Franchise Opportunities • Fuel Cards • Hotel Savings • ID Fraud Detection Services • Insurance Products • Internet and Search Engine Applications • Parts and Service Discounts • Payment Processing Discounts • Payroll Processing Savings • Prescription Drug Savings • Sales Training

NIADA Health Insurance Exchange 3 Easy Steps:


1. Assess your situation and find out if you are eligible for subsidies. 2. Shop for plans ON and OFF the Public Health Insurance Exchanges. 3. Apply for the health plan of your choice with or without subsidies.

The following are the major NIADA National Member Benefit Program Solutions Categories. To learn more information about each endorsed provider along with contact information for ordering or addressing questions you might have, refer to the Member Benefits & Services Guide inside the front pocket of this folder. • Shipping Services Savings • Shop Tools and Equipment • Telecommunications Discounts • Tire Sales/Service Program • Title/Salvage Verifications • Uniform & Site Services • Vehicle History Reporting • Vehicle Pricing Guide Discounts • Vehicle Repair Diagnostic Services • Vehicle Title/Registrations Services • Vehicle Diagnostic Services • Waste/Recycling Services • Wireless Services

NIADA Programs | NIADA Benefits & Services


•L ook at plans OFF the Exchange and decide what’s best. •N on-ACA qualified plans are also available for thousands a year in savings (tax penalty may apply). •E mployers can give access to Employees to shop as well and may contribute to their premium but this is not mandatory. •A pply online or over the phone. No medical questions asked. •A ll pre-existing conditions covered. •A ccess to the Federal and State Marketplaces. ***Plan designs and access to product may vary by state***

Visit www.niadahealthplans.com to enter the NIADA Health Insurance Exchange or call 1-888-308-9340 and speak with a licensed and certified Exchange Specialist. Shop multiple quality carriers like Blue Cross, Aetna, Assurant, Cigna, Humana and many others.

BenefitHub niada.benefithub.com The NIADA Member BenefitHub significantly expands the number of member benefit offerings and enhances user navigation, along with making it much easier for our members to register and sign up for member benefit programs. Visit to take a tour at niada.benefithub.com. We are extremely excited about this substantial member services enhancement and hope you find this portal to be of great value to your business and personally!

Following are some of the key attributes to this Member Services gateway: • Enhanced transparency of the various NIADA member benefit program offerings. •M uch improved user navigation within the member benefit offering content. •E xpanded member benefit consumer related offerings for personal use including travel, electronics, dining, health/beauty, tickets, sports/outdoors, apparel, etc. •C onsolidated central Member Services hub, eliminates user confusion, enhances ease of use, understanding of the special offers, and sign up process. •P rovides enriched capability for member benefit partners to develop new, innovative, and compelling NIADA member benefit offerings.

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NIADA PUBLICATIONS Used Car Dealer Magazine www.usedcardealermagazine.com Read the most current and comprehensive automotive information in your complimentary monthly issue of Used Car Dealer magazine. Used Car Dealer magazine is the official monthly flagship publication of the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA) and is the most established publication serving the used motor vehicle industry. All members of NIADA receive the monthly magazine as a benefit of their annual membership.

• Used Car Dealer is targeted to automotive dealer professionals who are on the cutting edge of the automobile remarketing industry and looking to go further. • Used Car Dealer can also be viewed online at www. usedcardealermagazine.com. The current and past 12 months of issues are all archived on the site. Viewers can email and share specific articles, can search for info via specific keyword searches, and have direct access to vendors/advertisers of interest to your business with our interactive hot-links.

NAAA On the Block Magazine

• Used Car Dealer also includes a monthly auction directory listing section which includes details on all of your favorite auctions’ sales dates, sales times, key auction contacts, and a list of consignors and special sales for each participating auction location. • Used Car Dealer provides the most relevant, concise and unbiased editorial content in the industry. Its reputation is unparalleled among its competitors, and industry professionals have come to rely on its educational and up-to-date content.

NIADA Annual Used Car Industry Report

NIADA has teamed up NAAA to provide the NAAA On the Block newsletter as a bi-monthly supplement of Used Car Dealer magazine on the odd months of each year, giving NIADA dealers a chance to learn more about the auction side of the industry.

BHPH Dealer Magazine BHPH DEALER provides used vehicle professionals with timely, informative industry news, analysis and expert advice empowering BHPH dealers with the knowledge and expertise necessary to operate their businesses more profitably and efficiently. BHPH DEALER includes real strategies, market analysis and tools to help the BHPH dealer community maximize the performance and profitability of their dealerships. BHPH DEALER focuses on the financial interests of used vehicle dealers, both franchised and independent. Our magazine has a special focus on the BHPH, s ubprime and specialty finance segments of a $345 billion a year industry. To view the latest issue of the BHPH DEALER please visit www.bhphinfo.com and click on the BHPH Dealer Magazine tab.

NIADA’s Annual Used Car Industry Report, distributed annually in September, is yet another member benefit. Valued at $150, it is our most popular and useful publication offered. This yearly report presents a concise and thorough evaluation of the used motor vehicle industry, and is a great tool to compare your dealership operations to national averages. •D ealer demographics, governmental data, and pertinent information from industry experts are just a few of the many items highlighted throughout the report. •D ealers and allied industry partners alike will depend on this data source to maneuver through the highly competitive used motor vehicle industry. •T he NAAA Annual Yearly Review is included within NIADA’s Used Car Industry Report each year.

NIADA State Magazines Program www.niada.com/state_magazines.php


In partnership with 20 of our state associations, NIADA’s media services department publishes state specific magazines to communicate about timely local and state dealer issues. These publications are distributed to all used car dealers in each specified state. The state magazines highlight dealer financing, indirect lending and offer a mix of local state-specific and national information for independent dealers as well as regulatory and government issues.

The state magazines published by NIADA are:





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Alabama Arizona California Carolinas(NC/SC) Colorado Illinois Indiana Iowa Louisiana MA/New England*


AIADA Arizona Independent Dealer West Coast Dealer CIADA Auto Dealer News CIADA Insider Dealer’s Edge Car Lines Street Smart Open Road MIADA Dealer News

Michigan Driveline Nebraska Dealer Updates Nevada NV Dealer News New Jersey NJ Dealer News New Mexico NM Dealer Insight New York NY Driving Force Ohio Independent Dealer News Oregon Oregon Dealer News Tennessee TN Dealer Connect Utah Utah Dealer

All of these magazines are available online by going to www.niada.com/state_magazines.php. F O R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N G O T O W W W. N I A DA .C O M O R C A L L 8 0 0 - 6 8 2 - 3 8 37

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Online www.niada.com NIADA’s website at www.niada.com is your one-stop shop for everything NIADA, including membership information, code of ethics, association leadership information, state affiliate contact info, national member benefit discount programs, national corporate partner information, educational opportunities, Certified Master Dealer and Dealer 20 Group class schedules, NIADA Convention information, industry and events calendar, links to NIADA magazines, auto auction directory links, NIADA Vendor Guide links, NIADA’s Used Car Industry Report, NIADA Accounting Manuals and more.

Association eNotes and For Your Benefit eNewsletters NIADA keeps you up to date with Association news and new member benefit discounts and programs through these two monthly emails. NIADA also emails all members weekly NIADA.TV updates, vendor and partner programs and discounts, special legislative emails, convention email updates, and other forms of e-communication to keep you constantly informed to get the absolute most benefit from your membership. Be sure we have your email address on file. You may also subscribe to any select email notifications you prefer or subscribe to all, just visit www.niada.com and click on the email icon in the “Follow Us” banner located at the top right.

NIADA ONLINE DEALER EDUCATION 24/7 NIADA.TV NIADA.TV is a free network of educational training programs available exclusively for NIADA, NADA and NAAA members, their employees, and industry leaders and vendors. Located at www.niada.tv, this network includes over 600 hours of educational training programs, industry news programs, industry highlights, as well as live webcasts of industry events and educational sessions. All of these programs are designed to assist dealers in establishing and expanding their dealership operations and profitability. NIADA.TV also hosts several weekly and monthly special programs and live webcasts throughout the year.

NIADA Publications & Web | NIADA Online Education


Automotive Industry News NIADA.TV’s Automotive Industry News is a weekly news program that brings you a variety of news, information, trends, highlights of NIADA events and fun features from throughout the automotive world. Automotive Industry News is brought to you in streaming video over the Internet on the home pages of NIADA.TV and NIADA.com. NIADA promotes this streaming video news program to thousands of industry emails throughout the country. Commercial advertising is available throughout the webcast. Contact Chase Tidwell or Troy Graff at 1-800-682-3837 for more information.

F O R A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N G O T O W W W. N I A DA .C O M O R C A L L 8 0 0 - 6 8 2 - 3 8 37

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NIADA OFFICERS NIADA Executive Committee The NIADA is governed by an Executive Committee of Officers that extends to four regions of the United States. The Senior & Regional Vice President positions on the NIADA Executive Committee provide dealers a venue through which they can share ideas, express concerns and make their voices heard at the National level. Many great ideas have originated at the state or local level and filtered their way up to NIADA for consideration and in some cases implementation. Officers are elected for one-year terms and begin serving at the Annual Meeting of the NIADA Board of Directors which takes place in June at NIADA Convention & Expo. The 2018–2019 NIADA Officers are listed below: CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD David Andrews 901-377-9502 City Auto Sales Memphis, TN dandrews@cityllc.com PRESIDENT Andrew Gabler, CMD 814-898-2886 Lakeside Auto Sales, Inc. Erie, PA writeitupandy@gmail.com CEO Steve Jordan 817-640-3838 NIADA Arlington, TX steve@niada.com

PRESIDENT-ELECT Henry Mullinax, CMD 256-835-0101 Oxford, AL mullinaxauto@mindspring.com SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Louis Tedeschi, CMD 781-329-5144 ASPI Motor Cars Dedham, MA aspided@aol.com SECRETARY John Cousins 352-377-4373 Southeast Car Agency, Inc. Gainesville, FL cousj1@aol.com

TREASURER Gordon Tormohlen 815-232-5543 Tormohlen Motor Sales, Inc. Freeport, IL goodpeople@aeroinc.net

REGION 3 VICE PRESIDENT Scott Allen, CMD 817-834-4222 Auto Land Haltom City, TX scotta@goodwheelsgooddeals.com

REGION 1 VICE PRESIDENT Dan Reel, CMD 440-437-5893 Reel’s Auto Sales, LLC Orwell, OH dan@reelsauto.com

REGION 4 VICE PRESIDENT Joe McCloskey 719-594-9400 McCloskey Motors, Inc. Colorado Springs, CO joe@bigjoeauto.com

REGION 2 VICE PRESIDENT Michael Darrow, CMD 919-957-0156 The Auto Finders, Inc. Durham, NC autofindr@aol.com

AUDIT COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Chris Martin, CMD 910-868-3000 Team E-Z Auto, Inc. Fayetteville, NC cmartin@teamezauto.com

NIADA Services Board The NIADA Services Corporation is the “for-profit” arm of the Association and is structured as a sub-chapter S Corporation under the Internal Revenue Code. Providing much of the NIADA Media Services, print publications and online connectivity to the automotive community, dealers derive many interactive resources through this organization. The 2018–2019 Board of Directors for NIADA Services Inc. are as follows: CHAIRMAN Henry Mullinax, CMD 256-835-0101 Oxford, AL mullinaxauto@mindspring.com PRESIDENT/CEO Steve Jordan 817-640-3838 NIADA Arlington, TX steve@niada.com

SECRETARY/TREASURER Sandra Moss, CMD 434-983-2073 Moss Motor Company, Inc. Dillwyn, VA sandrafmoss@yahoo.com BOARD MEMBER James Santistevan 505-889-9653 Zia Auto, LLC Albuquerque, NM dukecity777@yahoo.com

BOARD MEMBER Darryl Jackson, CMD 704-596-9610 Crown Automotive 5923 Orr Road Charlotte, NC djackson@amsautogroup.com BOARD MEMBER Gus Camacho 661-945-2609 Camacho Auto Sales, Inc. Palmdale, CA gus@camachoauto.com

NIADA Foundation Trustees For educational and charitable purposes, the Association established the NIADA Foundation in 2006. Structured as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code, the foundation was organized to assist members of the automobile dealers profession in ways that promote academic and educational advancement, develop scholarships for higher education and to meet charitable needs in service to the automotive community and, by extension, the general public. The 2018–2019 Board of Trustees for the NIADA Foundation are as follows: CHAIRMAN Arlan Kuehn, CMD 402-494-2677 Kuehn Auto Sales, Inc. South Sioux City, NE arlankuehn@gmail.com

SECRETARY/TREASURER Billy Threadgill, CMD 843-662-5631 Van’s Auto Sales, Inc. Florence, SC billythreadgill@netzero.net

BOARD TRUSTEE Gary Sargent 503-775-9445 Sargent’s Motorsports, Inc. Portland, OR sargiii@sargentsmotorsports.com

PRESIDENT/CEO Steve Jordan 817-640-3838 NIADA Arlington, TX steve@niada.com

BOARD TRUSTEE Lori Kahre 317-975-2657 Cox Automotive Carmel, IN lori.kahre@coxautoinc.com BOARD TRUSTEE Luke Godwin, CMD 803-252-8774 Godwin Motors Inc. Columbia, SC luke@godwinmotors.com

BOARD TRUSTEE Todd Hoagey 585-742-8003 Auction Direct USA Rochester, NY thoagey@auctiondirectusa.com

VICE CHAIRMAN Henry Mullinax, CMD 256-835-0101 Oxford, AL mullinaxauto@mindspring.com

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BOARD TRUSTEE Anthony Underwood, CMD 205-424-4033 Anthony Underwood Automotive Bessemer, AL anthonyunderwood1@gmail.com

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NIADA has a well-established nationwide group of federated State Associations that operate independently of each other but work together for a united cause. At the heart of our collective effort is the drive to maintain strong national and state dealer associations, better serve the interests of the public, provide educational opportunities for our members and preserve a strong legislative and regulatory presence that protects independent dealers from unnecessary litigation, rule-making or legislation that would prohibit them from serving their customers and the public fairly and honestly. Below is the NIADA State Affiliate Directory that will give you key contact information about your state association and a very brief summary of their services and benefits. For a more complete listing of member benefits in your state, please contact your state association directly.


Randy Jones

PO Box 19627 Birmingham, AL 35219 205.942.1000 / 800.239.2423 randyejones@live.com www.alabamaiada.com

• A nnual Coupon Book – value of several thousands of dollars in auction fee discounts. • Garage Liability Insurance - 10% discount on auto owners insurance. • 30-50% discount on automotive forms. • Informed assistance to questions and problems. •E ducation seminars, compliance workshops and sales workshops. • Access to vital industry and legal information. • Annual convention and trade show. •S tate (sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary) & national scholarships. • Discount on NADA Used Car Guide. • Constant updates on changes in laws and regulations. •B uy Here-Pay Here book – covers all legal aspects on BHPH dealer. •P ublications – NIADA Used Car Dealer magazine, Alabama IADA bimonthly magazine, Auto Remarketing, Used Car News. • Dealership accounting manuals. •S pecial discounts on pennants, flags, drive out tags, banners, decals, etc.





Dave Warkentin

540 W Iron Ave Ste 201 Mesa, AZ 85210 602.246.1498 / 800. 352.4232 aiada@aiada.net www.aiada.net

Larry Laskowski


Live help desk; Free legal advice over the phone from our attorney; compliance training; forms.

IADAC exists to serve its members and offer legislative representation with a full time lobbyist. Members receive email updates on new industry regulations, compliance information, new legislation, special events and more. Benefits include buy fee discounts at all major California auctions, Scholarship funds for your children as they enter college, educational seminars and much more. Our hand in the legislative process works to protect your interests and help maintain profitability. Because the benefits available easily exceed the cost of membership, we find the common catch-phrase is “it’s a nobrainer” to be an IADAC member.



Heather Healy


We are THE voice of the independent automobile dealer industry for Arizona. We work to ensure laws, rules and policies work for you and not against you..


AIADA members may receive over $2,500 in waived auction buy/sell fees along among many other negotiated discounts.



208 West Center Street Beebe, AR 72012 501.882.6564 heather.healy@arkiada.org www.arkiada.org

• NIADA Affiliate • State Magazine • State Legislative Representation • Education classes available • Vendor Discounts • Compliance Offering • Dealer HELP LINE

P O Box 343 Roseville, CA 95661 916.893.3306 larry@iadac.org www.iadac.org

NIADA Officers | NIADA State Affiliates


(NC and SC)

John W. Brown

5643 Harrisburg Industrial Park Drive Harrisburg, NC 28075 704.455.2117 / 800.432.4232 jbrown@theciada.com

Serving Carolinas’ independent automobile dealers since 1955. Memberships begin at $299 yearly and offer a range of return on investments including our State magazine, over $13,000 in auction discounts and additional discounts from vendors. CIADA offers the dealers a complete buy and sell forms package in printed and electronic versions. In addition to our Pre-Licensing and yearly state education requirements delivered via classroom, DVD and on the web versions are available in Spanish. CIADA members could qualify to receive their NC Continuing Education at no additional cost. CIADA offers on-location dealer compliance audits, can assist the dealer in obtaining their State Bonding requirements, and provides qualified dealers with discounts on their garage liability insurance. CIADA assists the independent dealer in nearly every aspect they need to run a growing and profitable business. CIADA meets regularly with State DMV officials, Federal Regulators and elected officials to make sure the independent automobile dealer’s voice is heard.


Todd O’Connell

950 Wadsworth Blvd., Ste 101 Lakewood, CO 80214 303.239.8000 / 800.569.1899 toddo@ciada.org www.ciada.org

Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4

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CIADA has been serving Colorado Dealers since 1941 and proudly includes dealers of all sizes in its membership. CIADA employs a full time lobbyist dedicated to safeguarding the used car dealer, plus numerous programs and benefits including: VIP card with more than $500 in discounts; dealer, salesperson and title bonds; dealer forms that comply with the state available at special member pricing; a separate legal fund to protect your dealership; free phone consultation for legal questions; complete insurance coverage through Taggart Insurance our full service agency partner; “Skywerks” – a robust “Dealer Management System” at highly discounted rates for members; expert “compliance audit” inspections at your dealership; full complement of education – compliance, title, technology, pre-licensing and more. In addition, CIADA’s Charity Fund represents the good will of Independent Used Car Dealers helping all Colorado communities with aid, scholarships and support making a positive difference with families of Colorado.

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Debbie Wright PO Box 3272 Waterbury, CT. 06705 475.222.7507 debbie@ctiada.org www.CTIADA.org

John Caudell 75-5721 Kuakini Highway Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 808.344.1111

Judy Wilson PO Box 337 Panora, IA 50216 641.755.4177 iiada@netins.net iowaiada.com


The purpose of the CT Independent Automobile Dealers Association, (CTIADA) is to provide its members with up-to-date information and to educate the dealership community on Federal and State Governmental policies, procedures and changes. CTIADA members are offered a variety of discounts and benefits from many Automotive Industry Affiliates.


Lisette Mariner 1840 Fiddler Court Tallahassee, Fl 32308 Call or Text: 800.237.0448 lmariner@fiada.com www.fiada.com www.fiada.com

The Florida Independent Automobile Dealers Association has been serving Florida’s used auto industry since 1940 and has successfully grown, improved and strengthened the program that offers its members unlimited technical service, education opportunities, up to date industry information, savings on everyday services and auction fees, and unique networking opportunities through quarterly Town Hall meetings and the annual Convention and Expo. Members can access over $8,000 in savings through the FIADA mobile app, receive the monthly Independent Dealer magazine, as well as personal customer service through the FIADA office. Through its website FIADA offers pre-licensing and continuing education courses, valuable resource links, dealer service providers, webinars and important guidelines on compliance topics such as repossessions, red flag rules, tag and title issues, and many others. FIADA has strong representation at the Capitol and is the legislative voice for all Florida independent dealers.


Aloha, our goals are to serve the best interest of used car dealers and the public in the State of Hawaii by: • A ccumulation and dissemination of information relative to the used car business. •E ducation of used car dealer’s so that they may better serve the public. •P resentation to the public, a better understanding of the used car dealer’s place in the economy of the State of Hawaii. •P resentation to regulators and lawmakers, a better understanding of the effects of proposed laws and regulations, and will not inadvertently work undue hardship on used car dealers. •U rging used car dealers in the state to network with one another, to a fuller understanding of their responsibilities to the public and to other used car dealers, working together in harmony for the betterment of the used car industry. •W orking in any other manner advisable for the betterment of used car dealers and the public in the State of Hawaii.


Iowa IADA publishes Street Smart, the state magazine. Membership offers you the Auction Discount card worth $2,000 at Midwest auctions. IIADA has many lenders available for financing your customer’s vehicles. Our state legislative representation offers a lobbyist who works on our behalf within the legislative process and updates to the IIADA website recaps legislation of interest to auto dealers. Join us for our annual meetings and conventions. Dealer Education classes available are 8 hour pre-licensing and 5 hour continuing education. We provide assistance on compliance with state and federal rule, laws and regulations, as well as Buy Here-Pay Here compliance. Please utilize our dealer help line, 6 days a week, as IIADA is here to help our members whenever the need arises. We also offer legal counsel referrals. In 2017 we established a health insurance program for IIADA members. Auto-Owners Insurance provides an 8% discount on IIADA members’ lot owners insurance.


Brenda Dudley 7355 E Eisman Rd Boise, ID 83716 208.463.7709 / 800.950.8227 brenda@isiada.com www.isiada.com WE OFFER: • Newsletters • VIP cards • Dealer Forms & Supplies • Discounts on Dealer Forms • Annual Conventions or Meetings • Pre-Licensing Classes • Continuing Education Classes • State Legislative Representation • Dealer Assistance if needed


Emily Domangue PO Box 13751 Alexandria, LA 71315 877.513.6275 emily@liadaboard.com www.liada.org

The voice of the Louisiana auto dealers since 1974. Representing the integrity and honor of the industry at the state and national level; Educating through our annual convention and trade show, workshops, seminars and compliance updates; Informing through the bi-monthly Open Road magazine, our purpose and accomplishments for significant legislative contributions for a much improved auto industry; and Providing a wide variety of products and services through an impressive network of Dealer Service providers is our commitment. New England I ndependent Automobile Dealers Association


Amy Bennett 6903 Oak Ridge Commerce Way SW Austell, GA 30168 770.745.9650 / 800.472.8101 amy@giada.org www.giada.org

• Representation: Powerful Lobbyists and a Political Action Committee so that your voices will be heard at the Capitol. • Education: Pre-license and continuing education seminars, annual conventions and trade shows. • Information: Bi-monthly magazine keeps you informed of the latest news. Service provider directory lets you know about local businesses associated with GIADA, services they offer and how to contact them. • Savings: A complete line of forms is offered to members at a discounted price, along with GIADA’s discount coupon book totaling over $40,000 in savings from auctions, insurance, finance products, advertising and much more. • Individual Help: Don’t be alone in an ever changing and challenging industry. Qualified staff giving you prompt attention and answers, not lip service.


Scott Alpeter PO Box 7266 Rockford, IL 61125 800.987.6627 alpeterscott@gmail.com www.il-iada.org

The Illinois Independent Automobile Association ( IL-IADA) was organized in 1965 and is currently headquartered in Rockford, Illinois. The Illinois association represents more than 3800 licensed independent automobile and truck dealers in Illinois. Our main mission is to maintain a strong state legislative presence protecting independent automobile dealers from unnecessary legislation and rule making, and promoting legislation which enhances the ability of independent automobile dealers to serve the public fairly and honestly and still maintain a fair profit. Please watch the web site www. il-iada.org for updates.


Debbie Andersen PO Box 1393 Crown Point, IN 46308 219.661.0287 iiada@comcast.net www.iiada.com


Heidi Saad 21 Cocasset St. Suite #2 Foxboro, MA 02035 781.278.0077 director@miada.com www.miada.com

Joining MIADA/NEIADA is the smartest business decision you could make. Your membership will make you money! • V IP discount cards worth over $10,000 in products and services • Dealer bond discount • Bi-monthly industry magazine • Quality dealer of the year program • Hassle-free DRT ordering • Strong lobbyist voice on Beacon Hill and Washington DC • Scholarship program for high school seniors • Annual meeting/vendor expo • Numerous charity fundraising events throughout the year • Information at your fingertips via the website, email or calling our office We are here to serve you and help you better your business, take advantage today!

When your dealership becomes a member of IIADA you will receive $3,000 in discounts off your Auction Buy/Sell fees along with access to financing for your customers and floorplans for your dealership. Other member benefits include discounts on insurance, forms, software, and bonds. We provide assistance and education with compliance regulations required by Indiana Secretary of State, Department of Revenue, and Bureau of Motor Vehicles. IIADA is the only trade association in Indiana representing the independent used car dealer and is recognized throughout Indiana as the official voice of the used car dealer. The association has an established record of accomplishment and we invite you to join an association dedicated to serving you, the independent used car dealer. We are here to help your business succeed!

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Lisa Michael 5119 Highland Rd, PMB 393 Waterford, MI 48327 248-828-7010 lisamichaelmiada@gmail.com www.miada.us

Welcome to the Michigan Independent Automobile Dealers Association (MIADA). Since 1981, this statewide organization has been committed to providing extensive member benefits and promoting legislation for the good of the independent automotive industry. We invite all Michigan independent automobile dealers to join our association. Reap many benefits that come with membership in the only association in Michigan affiliated with the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA), representing the professional independent auto dealer. Our Mission Statement: The MIADA is committed to promoting growth and preserving the vitality and integrity of the independent motor vehicle industry through education and legislation as advocates for consumers and dealers. Take full advantage of your membership by checking us out: www.miada.us / or call us at: 248-828-7010.









Scott Erikson P.O. Box 241189 Omaha NE 68124 402.464.2089 eriksons@aol.com www.neiada.com

Chartered as a non-profit corporation in 1976, NEIADA has been growing ever since. Our association represents the most successful used car dealers in Nebraska. Offering members prompt and professional legal assistance, up to date industry information and the highest level of professional service to support you and your dealership to be successful. We are here to protect your interest at the Capitol, provide compliance resources, forms and partnered with our auctions and select insurance companies to provide savings and discounts for members. One on one help is just a phone call away. You are not alone if you have questions about the fast changing rules and regulations that can impact your business.



Andrew Caldecott 1705 Old Whitefield Rd, Suite A Pearl, MS 39208 601.939.9866 msautodealers@gmail.com www.msiada.org

The professional state trade association for independent automobile dealers and all associated businesses since 1968. Operating under a strong code of ethics dedicated to fair dealing, the M.I.A.D.A. provides auto industry related information to the general public and to our government officials to assist in their provision of pro-business and responsible legislation for our industry. It is an organization in which strength in numbers can promise industry-wide benefits and offer protection from irresponsible legislation or government regulation. Have an Opinion? Get Involved... Be Heard!


Terry Roberts PO Box 481 Blue Springs, MO 64013-0481 800.889.1073 contact@moiada.com www.moiada.com

The Missouri Independent Automobile Dealer Association has represented Missouri independent pre-owned vehicle dealers since 1969. MIADA offers Missouri dealers a variety of dealer services including the MIADA Certified Missouri Dealer Licensing Seminar which is the most informative seminar of its kind in Missouri. MIADA keeps watch at the Jefferson City Capitol on any legislative issues that affect Missouri auto dealers and also provides members with a Dealer Help Line and dealer legal forms.


Owen Kelley P O Box 80326 Billings, MT 59108 406.544.7221 mtiada@hotmail.com www.mtiada.com

We offer programs to create and maintain profit: • NADA Guide Books subscriptions • Dealer bond quotes •D iscount on a complete line of legal business forms and dealer supplies • National dealer network skip-tracing contacts • Quotes for dealer commercial insurance Professional Development • MTIADA newsletter • Compliance resources • Legislative alerts • Dealer education seminars • Individual assistance Help Line • Networking opportunities with other dealers • MTIADA annual convention • MTIADA.com Representation • State lobby and consultant services • State legislative and regulatory tracking and reporting

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Paula Frendel 115 Franklin Trnpk #303 Mahwah, NJ 07430 855.694.2324 paula@newjerseyiada.org www.newjerseyiada.org

The New Jersey IADA works together with the Independent Dealer for a united cause; to maintain strong associations, better serve the interests of the public, provide educational opportunities for YOU- the member, and preserve a strong legislative and regulatory presence that protects all independent dealers from unnecessary litigation, rule-making or legislation that would prohibit you from serving your customers and the public fairly and honestly. •$ 5,000 in discounts on buy/sell fees to NJ/NY/PA auctions •M ARIADA - Mid Atlantic Regional Independent Automobile Dealers Association Conference • Compliance Training • Discount buy /sell fees • Auction coupons • Legal help line • Accounting Advise • Dealer forms • Insurance • GPS discount • Dealer bonds • Temp tag paper discount • Floor plans partners • Financing partners • State Magazine • New Dealer license assistance


Marc Powell 604 Chama St. NE Albuquerque, NM 87108 505.232.0809 marc@nmiada.com www.nmiada.com

Since 1962, our purpose and goal is to encourage the joining together of Independent Automobile Dealers and all automotive entities to promote and form a bond to accomplish one common mission. This mission is to educate, train and promote our dealers in a career field that is ever changing; which means we need to stay in the forefront for our businesses, and treat our consumers and communities with the utmost transparency and integrity. We seek strong interactive members, looking to better themselves, their businesses, and their communities. We build our membership (both dealers and associated entities) to form a strong association on both the State and National levels. Networking with other dealers and associates to further advance the interest of the Independent Automobile Dealer and automobile industry as a whole is highly encouraged. Stay informed through our bi-monthly newsletter and digital newsletters containing the latest information and up to date news, to include: federal, state, city and county legal changes, and other issues affecting the automobile industry individually and collectively.


NIADA State Affiliates





Paula Frendel 565 Hunts Point Ave. Bronx, NY 10474 855.694.2324 paula@newyorkiada.org www.newyorkiada.org

The New York IADA works together with the Independent Dealer for a united cause; to maintain strong associations, better serve the interests of the public, provide educational opportunities for YOU- the member, and preserve a strong legislative and regulatory presence that protects all independent dealers from unnecessary litigation, rule-making or legislation that would prohibit you from serving your customers and the public fairly and honestly. •$ 5,000 in discounts on buy/sell fees to NJ/NY/PA auctions •M ARIADA - Mid Atlantic Regional Independent Automobile Dealers Association Conference • Discount buy /sell fees • Compliance Training • Auction coupons • Legal help line • Accounting Advise • Dealer forms • Insurance • GPS discount • Dealer bonds • Temp tag paper discount • Floor plans partners • Financing partners • State Magazine • New Dealer license assistance


NORTHLAND IADA (Minnesota, North Dakota) REGION 3

Allen Lentsch 850 East Cliff Rd Burnsville, MN 55337 952.894.1766 / 800.879.3433 al@northlanddealers.com www.northlanddealers.com

Since 1979, the Northland Independent Automobile Dealers Association has represented quality independent dealers in the upper Midwest. Northland IADA, through membership, provides dealers with education, lobbying efforts and resources to assist dealers in becoming more successful and profitable. Al Lentsch was appointed as Executive Director of Northland IADA in 1990, and continually works to assist dealers through the simple motto “Dealers Come First.” Members enjoy many benefits including area auction coupons, lobbying efforts, and a membership in the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association along with a free subscription to its magazine, Used Car Dealer, discount on garage liability insurance and much, much more.


Wendy Rinehart 2040 Brice Rd. Suite 110 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 614.863.5800 wendy@ohiada.org www.ohiada.org

The OHIO IADA has many benefits to offer to our members. We provide Legislative & BMV representation, relevant industry training (F&I, How-To-Titles, Compliance, Technology Compliance) and much, much more. We are working diligently to create better policies and procedures for the Independent Dealers in the state of OHIO. We also have partners and associate members which offer discounts strictly for OHIO IADA members. Some of those benefits include but are not limited to; auction fee reimbursements, garage liability insurances, group workers comp rate, tire and parts discounts, service contract providers, floorplan companies & full spectrum lenders. We value our members and want nothing more than to see their dealership succeed and be “Lifetime Members”! OHIO IADA exists to provide support, guidance, and a voice for Independent Automobile Dealers throughout Ohio.

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Diane Sparks 9150 SW Pioneer Court, Suite H Wilsonville, OR 97070 503.362.6839 / 800.447.0302 dsparks@oiada.com www.oiada.com

OIADA ~ Oregon Independent Auto Dealers Association, your only nationally recognized organization since January 24, 1948. OIADA, here to help, support, educate and promote Quality Dealers in Oregon. • Oregon Dealer News is delivered to our dealers monthly • I ncluded in each Dealer News Magazine is 40 minutes towards continued education, free to OIADA members. A savings of $75 annually. • OIADA Auction Punch Card … Value $1100.00. •O IADA offers members discounts on all Meetings and Educational Programs, with an annual savings of over $100. • A ll OIADA members receive a discount on most forms, a savings of up to $100 or more annually. •6 quarterly Regional Dinner Meetings, an outreach to bring programs, education and conversation to all areas within Oregon. • A nnual Convention will host a variety of programs including 8 or more hours of continued education. Quality Dealer of the Year Awards and Banquet. At a savings of $100 for OIADA members. •O IADA has on contract a Lobbyist during sessions to bring forth interests and to protect our dealers at the state level. •O IADA hosts a required certified 8 hour Pre-License Class, upon completion dealers will receive the DMV required 8 hour certificate. • Help and support with your issues will be just a phone ca ll away. • A utomatic membership with NIADA and the NIADA Used Car Dealer Magazine. • Access to NIADA’s annual convention. • Opportunities for Scholarships through NIADA.


106 Cascade Lane Bell Buckle, TN 37020 866.586.4232 www.tniada.com

Please contact us for information on any of the following: • A uction Discount Coupon Book • Magazine/Newsletter • A nnual Convention • L egislative Information •C ompliance Issues • Licensing • V endor Referrals •D ealer Supplies


Jeff Martin 9951 Anderson Mill Rd Ste 101 Austin, TX 78750 512.244.6060 info@txiada.org www.txiada.org

Texas IADA represents the most successful used car dealers in Texas. Offering members prompt and professional compliance assistance, up to date industry information and the highest quality services to help you continue to grow and succeed as an independent auto dealer. We are here to protect your interests at the Capitol, provide educational and compliance resources and save you big money at auctions all across Texas. Members also receive special pricing on all products and event registrations, as well as access to our Legislative Action Center, Dealer Member Directory, Compliance Consultation Service and much more.



Jamie Davis 4700 Thoroughgood Square Virginia Beach, VA 23455 757.464.3460 / 800.394.1960 Jamie.davis1439@gmail.com www.viada.org

The voice of Virginia’s independent dealers since 1960, VIADA provides: Professional Development Education: Several opportunities to educate dealers on various topics such as compliance, federal and state laws and regulations, operational and inventory management, employee/HR policies, marketing, sales, social media, etc. Events include annual Dealer Day, convention and expo, pre-licensing and recertification classes as well as meetings held by eight districts. Legislation/Regulations: Contracted Lobbyist and two staff to introduce and defeat legislation to protect the rights of dealers; dedicated staff to interact with government regulatory agencies; and a political action committee (VIAD PAC) to assist legislators supportive of our industry. Information: A dealer 1-800 number with two veteran dealer staffers who counsel on customer related questions, dealership management, compliance, proper paperwork, plus an attorney on retainer for legal consultation by phone. Publications/Social Media: Quarterly magazine, bi-monthly news/timely updates, legislative email alerts, membership and service provider directory letting you know who supports your industry, and Facebook announcements along with post card mailings to members about district meetings. Forms/Discounts/Savings: A complete line of forms are available to members at a discount, plus an auction card with discounts on buy/sell fees. In addition, preferred vendors offer discounts to members and some provide a rebate that more than covers your membership dues. We also have a CPO program. Websites: www.VIADA.org plus www.VirginiaUsedCarDealers.com that lists dealer inventory for sale.



Reg Evans 1501 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17102 717.238.9002 revans@piada.org www.piada.org

Pennsylvania Independent Automobile Dealers Association (PIADA) merged with Maryland-Delaware IADA in late July 2015 to become a consolidated 3 States trade association with full time staff representing and assisting dealers, vehicle auctions, and industry vendors through separate State chapters, namely, Pennsylvania (PIADA), Maryland Independent Automobile Dealers (MDIADA), and Delaware Independent Automobile Dealers (DEIADA). PIADA, MDIADA, and DEIADA provide Legislative and Regulatory Compliance Advocacy and Representation; Education for Dealers including webinars, telephone updates, newsletters, email blasts, convention, agent training, and our monthly MidAtlantic Dealer News; Networking Opportunities at our various events including our annual MidAtlantic Region Independent Auto Dealers (“MARIADA”) Convention with NJIADA and NYIADA; and Services and Programs such as our approximately $20,000 electronic discount book with auction benefits, dealer call center for titles, legal information, applications, legislative and regulatory updates, health insurance advice from our selected vendor, surety bonds and other dealer-related insurance.


Matt Onnen PO Box 1151 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 605.310.8232 sdiada1@gmail.com http://sdiada.com

Our association represents the most successful used car dealers in South Dakota. Offering members prompt and professional legal assistance, up to date industry information and the highest level of professional service to support you and your dealership to be successful. We are here to protect your interest at the Capitol, provide compliance resources, forms, E-Z Lettering Distributor, partnered with our auctions and select insurance companies to provide savings and discounts for members. VIP Card with over $5,000 cash discounts (i.e. auction fees etc.), 10% off Auto Owners and lots more. One on one help is just a phone call away. You are not alone if you have questions about the fast changing rules and regulations that can impact your business.


Wayne & Adam Jones 7414 South State Street Midvale, UT 84047-2014 801.566.3802 / 800.324.7009 ajones@associationsutah.com wjones@associationsutah.com www.UtahDealers.com.

The Used Car Dealers of Utah (UCDU) has been the only unified voice of the used car industry in Utah for over forty years. UCDU strives to protect the interests of Utah dealers while maintaining excellent relationships with the policymaking organizations including the Utah State Tax Commission, Motor Vehicle Enforcement, the Utah State Legislature, and many others. As a member of the Used Car Dealers of Utah your independent voice is heard and united with those of your colleagues to protect your interests and your business. If you have a concern or issue, we want to hear about it. We thank you for your membership in this amazing organization, and look forward to your input and participation. Find out about more benefits at www.UtahDealers.com.

Todd C. Elliott 707 Auburn Way South Auburn, WA 98002 Stores at 4 auction locations across the state. 1.253.735.0267 1.800.877.DLRS toddelliott@wsiada.com Staff@wsiada.com www.wsiada.com

Established 1953 • The Front Row Magazine published bi-monthly with emphasis on state and regional independent car dealer issues. Washington State Advocacy: • Department of Licensing • Department of Revenue • Office of the Attorney General • Washington State Patrol • Contracted State Lobbyist Education: • State required PreLicensing Education • State required Continuing Education Cost effective tools to enable efficient commerce We welcome input on existing programs and new programs from members and all firms interested in the growth and well-being of the used car business in the State of Washington


Chris Snyder 150 E Gilman St. Suite A Madison, WI 53703 608.251.5577 csnyder@watda.org www.watda.org

Since 1929 WATDA has been dedicated to serving the car and truck dealers’ needs in Wisconsin. United through membership in WATDA, members seek to achieve through “one voice” that which is impossible or too expensive to achieve alone. We provide dealers with a forum to solve problems, and speak out on those issues as one; provide issue advocacy before the state and federal legislatures and Regulatory agencies, conduct conferences, as well as regional, district and town meetings; Present high quality dealer and employee education programs; We coordinate legal actions affecting dealers and publish an online reference manual for legal and dealer operations materials and develop/ sell Wisconsin dealer specific forms; Legislative Updates; Dealer Help Line; Health benefit programs for employees; Manage an educational and charitable foundation.













2521 Brown Blvd Arlington, TX 76006 info@niada.com | www.niada.com | 817.640.3838

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