NE July 2017

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04.................How to Get and Stay Motivated when Selling 05................................News Across the State of Nebraska 06.....................Facebook Organic Reach is Near Extinction 08...............................................Rejoice in ROI from Training 12.................Beat Back Used Vehicle Margin Compression


Convention Education Sessions Online

The NIADA Convention & Expo June 12-15 offered a wealth of information for dealers on a variety of topics. If you missed a session, or would like a refresher, sessions will be available on mid-July.


AutoZone............................................................................. 5 Manheim.............................................................................11 Manheim Omaha............................................................. IBC Manheim Pennsylvania......................................................13 Nebraska Auto Auction.....................................................IFC NextGear Capital............................................................... 12 VAuto................................................................... Back Cover


For information on how to become a member please contact Scott Erikson: or 402-464-2089


NATIONAL INDEPENDENT AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION WWW.NIADA.COM • WWW.NIADA.TV 2521 BROWN BLVD. • ARLINGTON, TX 76006-5203 PHONE (817) 640-3838 Nebraska Dealer Updates is published bimonthly by the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association Services Corporation, 2521 Brown Blvd., Arlington, TX 76006-5203. Periodicals postage paid at Dallas, TX and at additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NIADA State Publications, 2521 Brown Blvd., Arlington, TX 76006-5203. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Nebraska Dealer Updates or NIADA. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as members of NIADA, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured. Copyright © 2017 by NIADA Services, Inc.



When you become a member of the Nebraska IADA you also become a member of the National IADA. The National IADA has a wide range of member benefits from insurance to parts supply, title check services, accounting, credit card and financial services just to name a few. Go to niada. com and click on member benefits program under the Service tab for more information.

1) Manheim Omaha: $10 off buy or sell once a week. 2) Auto Owners Insurance: Up to 10% discount off select lot insurance. 3) Auto Services: $90 coupon on warranty service, one year or more. 4) Lincoln Auto Auction: Two $25 coupons for buy or sell fee, one per visit. 5) Nebraska Auto Auction: New member: $100 gift certificate for a buy or sell fee. Renewing member: $100 gift certificate for buy or sell fee.

6) Salina Auto Auction: Two $25 coupons for buy or sell fee. One per visit. 7) National IADA Membership: Includes subscription to Used Car Dealer magazine.

For information on how to become a member please contact Scott Erikson: or 402-464-2089


Conrad Neverve Conrad’s Auto Center 718 3rd Ave. Kearney, NE 68845 308-236-2088

President Elect

Mike Bockmann Bockmann Auto Sales 217 2nd St. St. Paul, NE 68873 308-754-5645


Chad Tessman Velocity Auto Sales 2801 N Lincoln Ave. York, NE 68467 402-362-2886

Extension Officer

Deb Chesterman World Auto Sales 1651 S. 11th St Nebraska City, NE 68410 402-873-6925


Chuck Borgmann Borgmann Auto Sales 105 13th Street Norfolk, NE 68701 402-379-4553 Hugo Cruz All American Cars & Trucks 14706 Schooner Rd. Omaha, NE 68139 402-895-0547

Joel Kershner Kershner’s Auto Korner 220 West South Street Hastings, NE 68901 402-461-3161

Advisory Directors

Arlan Kuehn Kuehn Auto Sales, Inc. 495 Old Hwy. 20 South Sioux City, NE 68776 402-494-2677

Sarah Yeager 14450 Meadows Blvd. Omaha, NE 68138 402-630-1690

Karl Jensvold 25505 W 12 Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48034 402-480-2571

Chuck Rogers Chuck Rogers Auto Sales 675 Hwy. 75 Tekamah, NE 68061 402-374-2400 Michael Smith 4 S Jeffers North Platte, NE 69101

Troy Graff • EDITORS

Jacinda Timmerman • Andy Friedlander • MAGAZINE LAYOUT

Christopher Hanley • PRINTING

Nieman Printing

July/August 2017 / DEALER UPDATES




Sales is a profession that requires you to be “up” and motivated most of the time. It is also a profession in which you can get knocked down very quickly from the amount of rejection that’s required for success. As a result, one of the biggest questions I get from salespeople is: “How do I get and stay motivated?” Here are some forms of motivation. External Negative My first manager would say, “If I put a gun to your head you’d do business.” External negative is a negative consequence or penalty for not doing something. This motivation is all about accountability and consequences. When motivating others, a sales manager usually starts with a probation period followed by loss of one’s job for failing to do the necessary work or make quota. When motivating oneself, the most effective form is usually a financial penalty. For example, when putting off some scary calls to big prospects, I finally told a friend that if I didn’t make the calls in the next 30 days, I owed her $1,000. By the way, I made the calls on day 29. Yes, sometimes I struggle with this stuff too. External Positive External positive is a reward for work done or a goal achieved. This is not as powerful as the first motivator, as generally we respond more to pain, but is still a way to get leverage on ourselves and others. To motivate others, it could be $100 for the person who makes the most calls in the next hour or a limo lunch for whoever closes the most business this week. To motivate ourselves this can be dinner at our favorite restaurant, a dream vacation, or some other indulgence upon the completion of a goal. Intrinsic This is the most powerful motivation among high achievers. This form has the most potential power and, if strong enough, can be used all by itself. This is the personal “why.” In other words, what are the personal reasons you need to be successful? To motivate yourself, decide what you really want out of life. What do you want your life to ultimately look like? What do you want for your family and your kids? What do you want to do and be? If you had no limitations on time or money, how would your life be different? What will your perfect day look like 20 years from now? What drives you? Is it your dream lifestyle, taking care of your kids and future generations, leaving a lasting legacy, or a combination of those things?


DEALER UPDATES / July/August 2017

To motivate others, help them find their why. Where do they want to be in their career five, 10, or 20 years from now? Ask them: If they had no limits on time or money, what would they have and do with their life? What is their endgame? Do they want to retire and to where? Peer This is who you spend your time with personally and professionally. People usually rise to, but rarely above, their peer group. Birds of a feather do flock together. This also relates to your environment. If you have an office of negative people in which no one is held accountable, any success will be fleeting or completely nonexistent. To motivate others, provide a work environment that is positive and professional in which people are held accountable. Have them look at the people they hang out with. To motivate yourself means hanging out with positive people who have goals and are achieving big things. It also means getting rid of negative people and negativity in general. Other Ways to Motivate Yourself • Write out your goals in the morning and at night and have them in front of you during the day. • Create a vision/dream board. • Keep negatives out and put in plenty of positives through books, thoughts, images, and inspirational and motivational ideas. • Have rituals and routines in place to create self-discipline. • Announce goals to friends, family, and in public forums, and have people hold you accountable. • Accept there will be problems and see them as challenges. • Have a support system in place, people who are positive and upbeat and will help you turn around a tough day. • Take 100 percent responsibility for your life. Where you end up will come down to you and what you do, not the economy, the job market, who’s president, or anything else. • Realize that doing what you need to do

is ultimately a question of character and integrity. • Who wins when you win and loses when you win? Who is for you and against you? Make sure the right people win. • Every call gets you closer to a sale. If a sale is $1,000 and you have to make 100 calls, each call is worth $10, regardless of what happens. • If it will ultimately take 10,000 hours of work for success, every hour you put in gets you closer. • Every day you either grow or die based upon the effort you put in. Choose to grow today. • The quickest way to motivation, self esteem, and self-confidence is to get the job done, especially when it’s hard or you don’t feel like it. • Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Face and conquer fears. Do something that scares you every day. • Your legacy, your future, and the future of those closest to you, are all at stake every day. What’s required is that you do what has to be done and push and stretch yourself to your potential. Realize you won’t always be motivated. That’s why it’s important to form good habits through self-discipline. If you have an ingrained habit of making all your prospecting calls every day from 9 to noon, then on the day you feel a little down that habit will help carry you through. Also, whether or not you are motivated, you have a job to do and promises and obligations to live up to. You have to find a way to get the job done. In life there are things we don’t want to do we have to do anyway. If you simply put in the hours, make the calls, and do the necessary activity, you will be successful. John Chapin is a sales and motivational speaker and trainer. He has over 27 years of sales experience as a number one sales rep and is the author of the 2010 sales book of the year: Sales Encyclopedia. For more information, visit or email



Industry Updates

Nebraska Law Change in Salesperson License Bill LB346 was signed by Governor Pete Ricketts on May 9, 2017, which has eliminated the requirement for a motor vehicle, motorcycle or trailer salesperson license. You can go to this link for a complete detail of the Bill LB346: php?DocumentID=31370. There will no longer be a license or the $20 fee to be submitted. Special Thank You to the New Car & Truck Dealers Association We give a special thank you to the Nebraska New Car & Truck Dealers Association for hosting compliance seminars across Nebraska in May. Bill Jackson, executive director of Nebraska Motor Vehicle Industry Licensing Board; Betty Johnson, administrator at the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles and additional staff members presented current information to support all licensed auto dealers in Nebraska.

The attendance was great and we had very good discussions. Every dealer needs to be attending this program and staying current with new programs and how to stay compliant. NEIADA Website Our Nebraska Independent Automobile Dealers Association webpage,, has a new look and feature. With the help of Chris Jackson at AST (www., we have tuned up the site. All new and renewing members will be able to complete membership and pay online. So as you are scrambling to take advantage of a vendor or insurance discount, we have made the process extremely easy. Forms will also be right at the top of the homepage so you will not have to hunt for this link. Your State Benefits Page will link to hundreds of dollars of savings with new, ever-growing national programs. We will continue to be available to support your independent used motor vehicle dealer in Nebraska and take your questions and calls. Kind regards, Scott Erikson and the entire Nebraska Independent Automobile Dealers Association board and staff.

July/August 2017 / DEALER UPDATES



Facebook organic reach refers to how many people you can reach for free on Facebook by posting to your page. Organic reach has been declining for years, and it’s a common misperception that Facebook is doing this to make more money. While it’s true they need to make money (like all businesses), the decline in organic reach can be attributed to more complex issues faced when exponential growth occurs. Why is Facebook organic reach declining? There are two main reasons. The first reason involves a simple fact: More and more content is being created and shared every day.

more than 50 percent last year. With each new page like, competition in the newsfeed increases even further. The second reason for declining organic reach involves how the newsfeed works. Rather than showing people all possible content, the newsfeed is designed to show each user the content most relevant to them. Of the 1,500-plus stories a person might see whenever they visit, their newsfeed displays approximately 300. To choose which stories to show, the newsfeed ranks each possible story by looking at thousands of factors relative to each person. This is what’s known as the Facebook newsfeed algorithm. The Facebook algorithm roller coaster. I was recently asked by a potential client to help create an “organic strategy” to market their business on Facebook. I thought it was an important topic to discuss since there really is no such thing as organic reach anymore. Each social media channel has its own algorithms, and since the introduction of Facebook ads, organic reach has all but evaporated. Social media is a pay-to-play

You’ve probably felt this change yourself. There’s now far more content being created and shared than time to absorb it, something Mark Schaefer talked about in his book The Content Code. On average, there are 1,500 “stories” (posts) that could appear in a person’s newsfeed each time they visit Facebook. For people with lots of friends and liked pages, as many as 15,000 potential stories could appear any time they log on. As a result, competition in the newsfeed is increasing, and it’s becoming harder for any “story” to gain exposure in the newsfeed. In addition to the growth in content, people are also liking more pages. The number of pages liked by the typical Facebook user grew

environment now. As you may know, 10 percent of Kruse Control profits go to animal welfare. The conduit for my cause is Hanaeleh Horse Rescue, for which I volunteer my time on the board, do marketing and personally help with the horses every weekend. We have a lively Facebook page with over 65,000 fans. As a volunteer-run non-profit, we have very little budget to spend on Facebook ads so I’ve become quite creative over the last few years to grow our community of like-minded horse lovers and advocates. It’s amazing to see what you can do with entertaining, informative content when you have zero budget to work with. The page is my bellwether that signals me when



DEALER UPDATES / July/August 2017

Facebook shifts their algorithms. Regarding content, we are a horse rescue so we have that going for us, which many independent dealers don’t. Who doesn’t love horses, right? Our organic reach is always above average because people like horses and we provide awesome content to keep them engaged. For an independent dealer, it’s tougher to come up with awesome content, which is why I recommend starting with a written content strategy. Up until a few months ago, the Hanaeleh page was still getting about 20-30 percent organic reach. But in the last few months I’ve seen it drop to 10 percent, and in some cases even lower. Can dealers succeed on Facebook with decreased organic reach? Currently, according to optimistic data, an average Facebook post reaches around 5 percent of page fans. However, there are other stats available claiming the average organic reach of a Facebook post can be as low as 2 percent. So if your Facebook page has 1,000 fans, your new post will be seen by 20-50 people on average. Facebook ads solve the problem of declining organic reach. Here are four fantastic ways to leverage Facebook ads to reach more people and engage more customers. 1. Create brand awareness. Reach people more likely to pay attention to your ads and increase awareness for your brand. 2. Increase engagement and/or page likes. Get more people to see and engage with your post or page. Engagement can include comments, shares, likes, event responses and offer claims. 3. Lead generation. Collect lead information from people interested in your business. 4. Increase conversions. Get people to take valuable actions on your website or app, such as adding payment information or making a purchase. Use the Facebook pixel or app events to track and measure conversions. Important note: If you don’t have a Facebook ads strategy as part of your social media strategy, you will not get the traction for which you’re looking. Without a solid strategy and Facebook ads to promote your content, many of your entertaining and intriguing content will never see the light of day. Now that you know Facebook ads solve the problem of declining organic reach, commit to taking the next step of putting them into action. Kathi Kruse is an automotive social media marketing expert, blogger, consultant, author, speaker and founder of Kruse Control Inc. Kruse Control coaches, trains & delivers webinars focused on integrating social media and online reputation management into dealership operations.




Few things in the automotive industry can be more fluid than federal regulations and their corresponding compliance requirements. It’s so complicated and confusing that – according to Total Dealer Compliance – just 37 percent of dealers offer comprehensive compliance training to their employees. Furthermore, the same survey found just 23 percent of dealerships employ a dedicated compliance officer. This means nearly two thirds of dealers are putting their entire businesses at risk by not implementing a formal employee compliance training program. How, you might ask? The same research we mentioned earlier found that lack of compliance costs dealerships an average of $792,000 in lost profit. Could your dealership withstand such a blow? Rather than talking about the potential cost of penalties, let’s talk about the profit you’re putting at risk by not enlisting compliance experts in your dealership. There are plenty of dealers out there who

do it on their own. They research regulations, build out processes to remain compliant and stay on top of changes to laws. But this takes up countless hours of your time – hours you could be spending on your lot, selling cars and attracting new business. If you’re one of these dealers, the time you’re losing acquiring and moving inventory could easily outweigh any money spent on compliance training. Let’s not forget about customer perception. Total Dealer Compliance also found 77 percent of customers would refer a

friend or family member to a dealership that makes compliance a priority. That is a lot of potential repeat and referral business. So let’s recap. If you’re not utilizing compliance training, you’re not only putting your business at serious financial risk, you’re also taking away from profitable time spent elsewhere in the dealership and losing out on a serious amount of referral business. If you haven’t already, it’s time to make compliance a priority – a top one.

July/August 2017 / DEALER UPDATES





Particular car shoppers respond better or worse to different words when debating which car to buy, according to new research recently released by CDK Global. The company’s latest edition in its Language of Closers series provides demographic-specific intel valuable to dealers seeking out ways to most effectively describe inventory on their vehicle description pages. “Our research examined the words that would eventually lead buyers of different demographics to leave a review website and head to a dealership site,” said CDK Global lead data scientist Jason Kessler. “In our most recent analysis, we were able to pinpoint specific words that shed valuable light on what vehicle traits matter most to women, Generation-X consumers, recent college graduates, and parents.” CDK found a number of words that resonate with multiple demographics heavily. For example, the research revealed mentioning the word “power” attracted several groups. CDK suggested it helps illustrate the

experience of driving a vehicle in a relatable way. Conversely, certain words fell flat and failed to lead prospective buyers to a dealership site. Women responded negatively to “bigger,” Generation-Xers would rather read “performance” over “design” and most parents felt that both “sound” and “tech” were low priorities compared to others. Below is a list of the top and low performing words associated with four demographics that CDK highlighted. WOMEN Top: drive, power, trip, comfortable, luxury. Low: bought, transmission, owned, bigger, cargo. GEN-X Top: truck, power, luxury, package, performance. Low: back, seat, design, built, difference. COLLEGE GRADS Top: buy, work, truck, power, highway. Low: company, designed, inside, warranty, light. PARENTS Top: truck, leased, row, nice, purchase. Low: sounds, buying, control, tech, company. “As a leading provider of websites and digital advertising for dealers and OEMs, we are always looking for the best ways to help our customers bring the right buyers into their dealership. By making subtle changes to the language used on vehicle description pages, dealers can help customers easily identify cars that they both connect with and fit their lifestyle needs,” Kessler said. “Ultimately, these changes will prime both dealers and customers for success.”



REJOICE IN ROI FROM TRAINING A Wise Investment Think about all the investments you make in your business. Perhaps it’s new advertising. Maybe it’s new technology or signage on your building. And, of course, there are investments in people and inventory. But how much do you know about the return on investment from each of these? Sure, you know how much profit you clear on a car. But do you know how much business you gained from expensive new advertising or a new fancy piece of technology? One activity that can drive added profits and is easily trackable from an ROI perspective is dealership training. Perhaps more so than any other investment you make in your dealership, the effects of training are measurable and profitable – especially when it comes to F&I training. First, you’ll need to start with a baseline. For instance, if your training is aimed at selling more vehicle service contracts, know the percentage of deals on which you sell a VSC


DEALER UPDATES / July/August 2017

today. Set a target, and seek out the tools you need to get there. Next is finding the right training approach. For dealers on the run, online, interactive options often work best. When you can train on your schedule as time allows, it’s easier to make your way through coursework at your own pace. Not to mention that if your service contract provider can offer a discounted or no-charge training option, it’s a major savings compared to paying full freight for a training platform or sending staff away for conferences or seminars. Finally, you’ll need to track your results. With F&I products, it can even be easier than tracking how many more cars you sell because of a new approach or training strategy. By knowing your penetration rates upfront, inserting F&I training can make for a clear cause and effect with more service contracts sold. From there, you’ll be basking in the ROI benefits from your new F&I training strategy – bottom-line bonuses like increased back-end profits, higher profits per unit and even long-term repeat and referral business.


NIADA GOVERNMENT REPORT Latest Government Issues and Activity LEGISLATIVE The House of Representatives passed the Financial CHOICE Act of 2017 by a 233-186 vote June 8. The bill, introduced by Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), would overhaul the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 and make substantial reforms to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It’s been a major focus of NIADA’s lobbying efforts and was one of the top legislative priorities at the 2016 National Leadership Conference and Legislative Summit in Washington D.C. NIADA’s support for the bill centers around three important points. • It would restructure the CFPB to make it accountable to Congress and the American people by subjecting it to expanded congressional oversight and judicial review, and by funding it through the congressional appropriations process rather than automatic funding through the Federal Reserve. • It would protect consumers’ ability to resolve differences with businesses through arbitration, which can be faster, cheaper and more efficient than the courts. • The bill would revoke the CFPB’s anti-consumer indirect lending guidance document, which would have raised the cost of car and truck loans by restricting auto dealers’ ability to discount credit. The bill would require the CFPB to obtain public comments and consider the cost of credit to consumers before issuing similar in the future. NIADA is continuing its efforts to get the bill through the Senate and to the President’s desk. REGULATORY For the moment, the future of the CFPB is in the hands of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, which on May 24 heard oral arguments in the case of PHH Corporation v. CFPB. That’s the case challenging whether the CFPB’s structure, with a single director who can be removed only for cause, is constitutional. Last fall, a three-judge panel from that court ruled it was unconstitutional and could be fixed by allowing the President to fire the director at will, but the CFPB petitioned for rehearing by the full 11-member court. Attorney Lucy Morris, who followed the oral arguments for the Hudson Cook law firm, said the questions asked by the judges suggested the court seems to be leaning in favor of the CFPBs current structure. Morris, a member of the team that set up

the CFPB when it was formed in 2011, said the arguments against the bureau’s position “did not appear to convince several judges, who failed to see how the CFPB’s structural novelty amounted to an unconstitutional defect that diminished the President’s power to enforce the law.” The court’s ruling is not expected until late this year or early 2018. PAC Region I got a big head start in the annual PAC Cup competition at last month’s NIADA Convention and Expo, as Jeff Baker of Muskegon Car Credit in Grand Rapids, Mich., chairman of the NIADA BHPH Commission, and his wife Cheryl both contributed $5,000 to the NIADA-PAC fund – the maximum

annual amount allowed by law. In all, Convention attendees contributed $13,350 to the PAC fund during the event. The PAC Cup competition pits NIADA’s four regions against each other in a battle to raise the most money for the PAC fund between the Convention and the National Policy Conference, coming up Sept. 25-27 in Washington D.C. The winning region is awarded the coveted PAC Cup. Region II – the Southeast – has won the past two Cups. Shaun Petersen is NIADA’s senior vice president of legal and government affairs.

July/August 2017 / DEALER UPDATES



Sex appeal has taken on a whole new meaning in dealerships, with female consumers dictating a new definition of what constitutes sexy. In part, this is because we are now, whether or not you want to admit it, living in a female decision-maker world, especially in the car business. So, the sex being appealed to is increasingly women – turning the stereotypical female sex symbol paradigm on its ear. Sure, you’ll still see female models next

consultant looks but how they perform, and how they treat their customers and meet their performance goals. So, while good looking people shouldn’t be excluded from sales job considerations at all, it just shouldn’t be a priority. Instead, prioritize hires first and foremost for as many of the following attributes as possible: intelligence, integrity, common sense, good instincts, product knowledge, communication skills, closing ability or inability, likeability and the ability to serve with a smart, consultative approach. While each dealership’s priorities will be dictated by their specific situations, make sure job candidates get at least a passing score on each attribute. And for existing sales reps, reinforce solid performance in each of these areas as often as possible. As part of this, make sure they’re tuned into the “little things” that can make or break a deal. For example, when the salesperson greets a prospect couple, he or she should

to this year’s new vehicles at the car show, and I really think that’s because most dealers are used to it. On the showroom floor, though, males still make up a larger percentage of salespeople. Working with clients is now very much a business transaction. Engaging the customer and respectfulness are absolute musts, no matter who you’re working with. Priorities are what they probably should always have been, but now it’s critical salespeople demonstrate an appreciation of how a prospect thinks instead of how they look. Yes, there may be exceptions – but I wouldn’t place a bet on testing it out. Smart consultants will be best served by prioritizing the business end of the deal over any flirtations, harmless or otherwise. Do good looks even matter on the showroom? That’s actually a trick question. It’s logical to assume an attractive salesperson will have a natural selling advantage because humans naturally are attracted to good looks. However, I wouldn’t put a lot of time into how a sales

be very deliberate about engaging both equally, shaking both of their hands. If a male salesperson only engages the man, he’s likely lost all credibility with the couple. Decision-makers have shifted from sexy figures to solid facts. Today’s car-buying culture has clearly shifted from shapely figures to solid facts. While sexy winks and stellar bodies may carry influence, buyers are much more about the facts behind pricing and performance. The majority of prospects have already made decisions about the makes and models they’re interested in and what the price point needs to be. They likely also know about performance plusses and minuses. They’ve checked reviews from multiple sources, and often know many details about key performance indicators and specific model idiosyncrasies. So, salespeople not only need to be well-informed about each make and model, but be able to add something to the conversation to help a prospect confirm their predetermined choice.



DEALER UPDATES / July/August 2017

For example, last year’s Consumer Reports – a respected and supposedly unbiased review authority – gave the Subaru Crosstrek less than stellar ratings about everything from lack of power to noise inside the vehicle. Yet consumers seem to love the brand, borne out by anecdotes detailing their three-word response when asked about it: “I love it.” This is a case where “facts” take on a new dimension – adding personal accounts and preferences to a long list of specs, performance ratings and reviews. The enterprising salesperson can direct consumers to some of this information and ask key questions, which can help cement decisions. One such question is the powertrain issue. If a prospect prioritizes power over handling in the snow, another make and model may crystallize as the best choice. If, however, snow maneuverability is a must, the Crosstrek may be just the right choice. As far as pricing, the days of pricing “car sharks” are all but gone, a concept reinforced by recent CarMax commercials. The slap-on-the-back, hard-negotiating sales processes are fewer and further between than ever before. Now, instead of base price, negotiation may revolve around such value-added options as premium interior extras like high-end car mats, or wheel and tire combinations to further customize a buyer’s selection. Also more than ever before, consumers are savvy about sales clearly aimed at liquidating inventory quickly, and are likely to push for the max. Salespeople need to be prepared to provide answers beyond, “Let me speak to my manager.” Emphasize sexy surroundings instead of people. One area where looks matter is the dealership décor itself. Dynamic and dramatic displays, conspicuous cleanliness, and a clear commitment to an upscale environment all contribute to a more effective selling stage. In facilities ranging from hospitals to government buildings, consumers have become accustomed to fancier, more contemporary and elegant surroundings. To the extent possible, your dealership should emulate this approach. When a dealership sales floor and service area exude cleanliness and class, it reassures consumers. In contrast, dingy and dirty environments can in and of themselves be deal-breakers. Bottom line, looks definitely matter, but not in the way they used to. Make the physical plant sexy while emphasizing smarts and sensitivity with your salespeople. Your bottom line will thank you for it. Former dealer executive Scott Bergeron is the founder of Daily Gameplan, a sales team performance company. Scott can be reached at 303.918.3169 or



It’s like a leaky faucet. Drip by drip, the retail profit you make on used vehicles goes down the drain. But unlike a leaky faucet, the fix for margin compression in used vehicles isn’t as easy as calling a plumber. That’s because, more and more, ongoing margin compression in used vehicles is the nature of the business. According to the National Automobile Dealers Association, used vehicle gross profits as a percentage of transaction prices has been shrinking, bit by bit, for nearly the past decade. NADA data shows that in 2009 used vehicle gross profits ran 14.3 percent of average vehicle transaction prices, compared to 12.1 percent in 2016. This diminished return may not seem like much, but it’s a significant difference when you consider the average used vehicle transaction price has grown by nearly $4,700 – from $15,210 in 2009 to $19,886 in 2016, a 31 percent increase. The challenge, and opportunity, for dealers rests in how you contend with margin compression. The fix isn’t as simple as selling more used vehicles. In a margin-compressed environment, you have to sell more used vehicles more efficiently to maximize an ever-smaller return on an ever-larger investment. To achieve a higher level of operational efficiency and sales, I recommend the following best practices for dealers. A Consistent Sourcing Pipeline You can’t retail vehicles you don’t have in stock. More and more, dealers are employing full time, technology-enabled sourcing specialists to maintain a steady supply of incoming auction inventory. The specialists free up managers who previously found themselves lacking sufficient attention and time to selectively acquire the right auction vehicles, with specific cost to market and market days supply metrics, to fill inventory needs. It’s not uncommon for these time-addled managers to just buy cars because their inefficient sourcing methods lead to frustration and less-than-optimal decisions. Similarly, the specialists give managers more time to oversee appraisals and maximize every tradein opportunity. Faster Retail-Ready Turnaround It’s still fairly common for used vehicles to spend five, seven or even 10 days in service before they are reconditioned, detailed, photographed and posted online. A Midwest Chevrolet dealer found that by trimming three


DEALER UPDATES / July/August 2017

days off his dealership’s eight-day retailready average, he realized an additional $300,000 in front-end gross profits. The dealer is now working to consistently meet a 36-hour turnaround, and anticipates the improvement will generate an additional $200,000 in front-end gross. The example highlights the “time is money” axiom of retailing vehicles in today’s margin-compressed market. Top-performing dealers set aggressive benchmarks of 24 hours or less to complete detail and reconditioning work – a goal that typically requires automotive RO approvals when repair estimates fall within expected ranges, and dedicated recon teams in service. Reduced Inventory Age I recommend dealers strive to retail at least 55 percent of their used vehicle inventory in less than 30 days. Dealers who achieve this objective, which requires a Velocity-oriented pricing strategy, are doing all they can to minimize margin compression and take advantage of retailing vehicles when they are fresh and stand to deliver maximum gross profit. To understand why reducing the days to sale of used vehicles is so important, I encourage dealers to do a quick study of the gross profits they achieve on vehicles retailed in less than 30 days compared to vehicles retailed after 30 days. In most cases, the results show the average front-end gross profit declines by at least 50 percent once vehicles cross the 30-day line. If you segment vehicles retailed after 45 days, it’s not uncommon to see a roughly 50/50 split between vehicles that make a little money and those that lose a lot more. This analysis often leads dealers to agree with my assessment that any vehicle you don’t retail within 45 days represents a failure of management. For some reason, right or wrong, someone turned their back on these units when they should have been working harder to sell them. None of these best practices represents an easy fix. Each requires dealers, managers and team members to think and do things differently, sometimes in a manner that’s contrary to what they’ve been taught. But dealers who get past these hurdles find their reward. It comes in the form of improved used vehicle performance and profitability in an era where neither can be taken for granted. Dale Pollak is founder of vAuto and has published several books on his Velocity Method of Management.


Imagine waking up tomorrow morning with the knowledge there is an army of marketing soldiers battling to send business to your door. I view referrals as marketing soldiers. Wouldn’t it be great to have the ability to generate an endless, steady flow of customers at a reliable, predictable pace? That’s what a referral plan and system can do for your business.

media can be delivered. People record shows so they don’t have to sit through commercials. Newspapers struggle. Yellow Pages are going from print to digital. An overnight algorithm change in Google can hurt your company’s search engine rankings. Your business could go from ranking number one to disappearing off the first page in the blink of an eye. It happens all the time. In 2016, Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click went from ranking 10 ads to four ads on the right side of the first page. If your business previously succeeded by ranking number five of 10 listed, your ad likely disappeared overnight.

The number one principle with referrals is to treat them like other media. Put forth effort, devote time, and invest money with the expectation of earning a positive return on your investment. You could probably find yourself earning a lot more referrals doing so. Stability Let’s look at some things that aren’t so stable. A company reliant upon cold calls likely struggled when the Do Not Call list and regulations were enacted. The same thing happened with broadcast fax, then later texting. New laws and regulations were implemented and had to be obeyed. Then there were changes in the marketplace such as DVRs and the way

Then the world shifted towards mobile. If your advertisements were geared for people who used desktop computers or laptops, and your website wasn’t mobile-friendly, you faced another challenge. These are just a few laws, rules, and changes. The pricing of media is also unstable. You could be totally reliant upon a specific type of media and have a sudden dramatic change occur that hurts your business. These things are not stable. However, a constant flow of referrals is much more stable. If your company has a great referral system in place that is implemented regularly, referrals and repeat purchases

THE ART OF THE REFERRAL Marketing Soldiers


DEALER UPDATES / July/August 2017

will come at a steady and somewhat predictable pace. Hot tip: Think of repeat purchases as previous customers who refer themselves. Implement the same behaviors and systems to generate referral customers you use to generate repeat customers. Under-the-Radar “I don’t know why that dealership is so successful while we struggle. We have similar inventory and I don’t think they advertise.” This is what the head of your competition will likely say when you have a powerful force of referral soldiers doing battle to send business your way. I am a fan of under-the-radar strategies. A constant flow of referrals is hard for a competitor to copy. One Way to Earn More Referrals Your customers don’t spend nearly as much time thinking about your dealership as you would hope, no matter how great their experience was. If one was asked during a casual conversation if they knew of a great dealership, your customer would probably recommend you. If your customer was at a barbeque and overheard someone else’s conversation, your customer may not be willing to walk over, interrupt and say, “Excuse me but I overheard you’re looking for a great dealership. I know just the one.” Each situation requires the escalation of your customer’s motivation to be willing to refer you. To occupy space in your customers’ brains at all times, including situations they are motivated to refer your dealership, you must communicate with them regularly. Occasional big customer events are good. Continuous communication via print and email newsletters that offer fun, value, and prizes is a less expensive way to occupy brain space. Referrals provide stability and consistency. Many behaviors and systems that are used to increase referrals also increase repeat purchases. Keep that in mind when considering the effort or investment associated with communicating consistently with customers. Kenny Atcheson is the founder of Dealer Profit Pros and author of Marketing Battleground: How to Deploy Under-the-Radar Strategies to Explode Your Profits. To learn more, visit

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