NM | NM Dealer Insight | October 2019

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T H E O F F I C I A L M A G A Z I N E O F N E W M E X I C O I N D E P E N D E N T A U T O M O B I L E D E A L E R S A S S O C I AT I O N | O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 019




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INDUSTRY NEWS | By Used Car News


$100,000 Hyundai Impact Award Grant Index

05..................... It’s Time to Take Time for Training 06............................... NIADA Compliance Program 08................................... TCPA and Text Messaging 10............................... Customer-Friendly Websites 12.......................... Put That Lobby Monitor to Work 13........................Enhancing Customer Experience

Advertisers Index

ACV Auctions...................................................... IBC Alliance...................................................................9 Lobel Financial.......................................................3 Manheim ................................................................ 11 NextGear Capital .............................................12-13 vAuto......................................................Back Cover Warrantech......................................................... IFC

What’s New

S AVE T H E DAT E FO R 2 02 0 WA A C : M AY 1

Save the Date for the 2020 World Auto Auctioneers Championship! It will be held at Manheim Dallas Auto Auction on Friday, May 1. The event will be streamed live on NIADA.tv. To learn more, visit autochampionship.com.

Hyundai Hope On Wheels, a non-profit organization supported by Hyundai and its U.S. dealers, announced a $100,000 Hyundai Impact Award Grant to the University of Illinois at Chicago to continue its longstanding fight against pediatric cancer. The institution is one of 77 recipients receiving a combined $16 million in new grants this year to develop innovative approaches to finding a cure for the disease. The Hyundai Impact Award was to


New Mexico Independent Automobile Dealers Association 604 Chama NE • Albuquerque, NM 87108 Phone: 505.232.0809 • Fax: 505.232.0810 email:marc@nmiada.com website: www.nmiada.com

NIADA Headquarters


For advertising information contact: Troy Graff (800) 682-3837 or troy@niada.com. NM Dealer Insight is published bimonthly by the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association Services Corporation. 2521 Brown Blvd., Arlington, TX 76006-5203. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NIADA State Publications, 2521 Brown Blvd., Arlington, TX 76006-5203. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of NMIADA or NIADA. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or their identification as members of NIADA, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured. Copyright © 2019 by NIADA Services, Inc.

STATE MAGAZINE MGR./SALES Troy Graff • troy@niada.com EDITORS Jacinda Timmerman • jacinda@niada.com Andy Friedlander • andy@niada.com MAGAZINE LAYOUT Jeffrey McQuirk • jeffrey@niada.com PRINTING Nieman Printing


be presented to Dr. Mary Lou Schmidt, chief of the hematology/oncology section in the Department of Pediatrics at UIC’s College of Medicine. HHOW remains one of the largest funders of pediatric cancer research in the nation.


James Santistevan Zia Auto Wholesaler LLC 4913 Menaul Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 889-9653 ziawhsl@cs.com


Robert Martinez ABQ Auto Deals, LLC 169 Griegos NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 554-2428 Rob@abqautodeals.com


Luis Soto Sun City Motors 8504 Central Ave SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 256-1200 suncitymotors@yahoo.com


Jeda Craddick Auto Solution 5200 Alameda Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 (505) 856-6252 jeda@autosolutionnm.com

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Marc Powell marc@nmiada.com


Victor E. Saenz 604 Chama St NE Albuquerque NM 87108 505-232-0809

COMMUNICATION & POLICY DIRECTOR Adelina Torres adelina@nmiada.com 505-232-0809


Roger Barkoff Affordable Auto Sales 4525 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 266-2886 affordableauto@hotmail.com Chris Rangel Hiwest Auto Sales Inc 5901 W. Main St Farmington, NM 87401 (505) 324-8878 Leo Doyal Greenlight Auto Sales 7500 Lomas Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 200-2664 leo@greenlightautonm.com



Susan Wheeler Automotive Finance Corp – New Mexico (505) 244-3828 www.afcdealer.com Maxine Vega Manheim New Mexico (505) 242-9191 www.publish.manheim.com/ en/locations/us-locations/manheim-new-mexico.html

Mike Godin Godin Dealer Services (505) 881-8700


Julio Lopez

TexCap Financial (214) 446-0597 http://texcapfinancial.com



Get Started on a More Successful Dealership With everything you handle on a given day, it’s easy to dismiss training for you and your staff. You understand the value, but always find a reason to put it off. But that can end today. Sure, your main goal is to sell cars. That goes without question. Without finding ways to keep things fresh and continuing to evolve, however, you risk falling behind the competition. You probably already understand this and therefore see the value in dealership training, but it’s easy to watch the busy days, weeks and months fly by without pursuing the training your dealership needs. That said, there’s no better time than the present to overcome these common reasons for putting training on the back burner and get started on a path to a more successful dealership today. Not Enough Time This is the easiest excuse when it comes to avoiding a training program. It’s also the

easiest to overcome. There are countless options for online training you can complete on your own time. Convenience is just the first step though. Setting deadlines is on you. Give you and your team goals to complete certain coursework and you can begin holding each other accountable to chip away at the training iceberg. Not Enough Money Training can be expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. Looking in unexpected places for ondemand training (like your vehicle service contract provider) might be your ticket to affordable – or even free – training resources. A quality VSC provider will value your loyalty and be able to provide training for your entire dealership that will help you be more successful and efficient in every aspect of your business. Not Enough People So you have a small team, maybe even a

team of one, and you think training would be a waste of your time, right? Wrong. Small teams need training that can maximize success and efficiency more than any others. If you’re running a small shop, you need to maximize all your resources. Learning best practices, pro tips and processes that diversify your skills could actually be the best use of your time. Not Enough Opportunity You might be more of a numbers person and you’ve historically had trouble quantifying the opportunity training holds. When overcoming this objection, think about if you had two more upsells in the F&I office each month. Or if you sold five more cars. Or if you learned about a new product that could double F&I revenue. Unless you train on the processes and methods you can employ to achieve these goals, you’ll have no path to get there. There is always opportunity and room for improvement in your dealership, and training is the road to get there.



By Shaun Petersen and Adam Crowell


Helping You Maintain a Culture of Compliance For years, government regulators have demanded that dealers maintain a strong compliance management system to comply with the numerous and ever-changing laws and regulations that apply to dealerships. Those regulators have not been shy about taking enforcement action against dealers who don’t comply. Agencies such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau have said businesses under their authority must establish a “culture of compliance” that includes frequent self-policing and effectively remediating issues promptly. They have dropped heavy hammers on businesses when those criteria have not been met.

A major benefit of the NIADA CMS is it removes the hassle from documenting a culture of compliance through its well organized and thought-out systems, which automatically alert employees about the need to take training, complete tasks and resolve issues.

In addition, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has criminally prosecuted business owners and managers in the automotive industry when the failure to adhere to the appropriate standards have resulted in injuries. Other agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission, have recently taken enforcement action against automotive businesses for “lax” practices that result in the risk of economic injuries to others. To assist dealerships in establishing, maintaining and documenting a culture of compliance, NIADA has partnered with ComplyNet, an auto industry leader in environmental health and safety, sales and finance, and information security compliance management solutions, to offer an all-in-one workforce compliance management system (CMS) for tracking all compliance efforts – on-site and online. The NIADA CMS has the capability of tracking: • Online compliance training. • Review and acknowledgement of policies, procedures and guides by employees. • On-site inspection and audit results. • Resolution of discovered compliance issues. • Handling consumer complaints. Subscribing dealership managers and supervisors have the ability to easily determine how well their teams are meeting their compliance objectives directly from the NIADA CMS, through intuitive data visualization tools that dynamically and interactively enable managers and supervisors to better manage those compliance efforts. To minimize the most common risks to a dealership, the NIADA CMS primarily focuses on sales and F&I compliance, environmental health and safety compliance and information security awareness compliance. Employees are educated on applicable subject matter based on their job roles through policies and guides that must be reviewed and acknowledged by the employee, as well as through online training that tests employees and recurs periodically to breed familiarity with the subject matter. Topics covered include: • Adverse action. • IRS 8300 tracking and reporting. • OFAC. • Risk-based pricing.


• Red Flags Rule. • Safeguards Rule. • Disposal Rule. • Unfair and deceptive acts and practices (UDAP). • Used Car Rule. • Repossessions. • Hazard communication. • General safety. • Lift safety. • Bloodborne pathogens. • DOT hazmat for hazwaste and disposal. • General cyber awareness. • Email phishing. • Payment card industry standards. A major benefit of the NIADA CMS is it removes the hassle from documenting a culture of compliance through its well organized and thought-out systems, which automatically alert employees about the need to take training, complete tasks and resolve issues. There are other benefits, too. Insurance carriers would rather do business with a dealership that is serious about mitigating its risks and can document all of the various ways the dealership is a better risk than the next one. Sometimes those insurance carriers will compete for that business by offering better premiums. That pleasant consequence is sometimes unintended, but it should be an intended strategy in operating your dealership since less expense equals greater profit. The information captured in the CMS can be leveraged by a knowledgeable insurance agent to tell that great story. NIADA and ComplyNet have collaborated to offer affordable monthly subscription plans to the CMS that will accommodate small and large dealerships alike. For more information about the NIADA CMS and plans, visit www.niada.com and click on the “Compliance” tab. Additional on-site inspection, audit and training services can be provided to NIADA members by ComplyNet. For information about those additional services, visit www. complynet.com or call 1-800-653-1869. Shaun Peterson is NIADA’s senior vice president of legal and government affairs. Adam Crowell is president and general counsel of ComplyNet, which has combined on-site auditing services with intuitive software to assist dealerships in achieving regulatory compliance goals, mitigating risks and retaining talent since it was founded in 1994. He can be reached at adam.crowell@complynet.com.




Are Your Dealership’s Texts Up to Code? Could your auto dealership bounce back from a $2.5 million mistake? Sounds daunting, doesn’t it? Well, the executives at Lithia Motors faced that very real question just a few years ago. The source of their troubles was a text messaging law called TCPA. In 2011, Lithia Motors of Medford, Oregon, sent a short text message to 57,800 consumers. A week later, they sent a second message to 48,000 of those people. What followed was a class action lawsuit that forced Lithia to settle for $2.5 million. Luckily for Lithia, they are one of the country’s largest auto groups. But could your dealership take a blow like that? For most independent dealers, the answer is a resounding “no.” How can dealers avoid this fate? The answer is simple, although not always easy. Complying with TCPA text messaging rules can be challenging if you don’t have the right tools in place. TCPA Text Messaging Laws and Lawsuits TCPA, or the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, is a 1991 law that prohibits companies from sending any form of unsolicited communication to customers via telephone technology. TCPA applies to prerecorded messages, robocalls, faxes, and, yes, text messages. For a dealership to call or text a customer, they must have prior written consent. But that’s not all. Business communication must also comply with several other conditions as outlined by TCPA. Lithia Motors is not the only dealership that has paid for violating TCPA. In 2016, Interstate National Dealer Services agreed to a $4.2 million class action settlement after sending robocalls to customers with unsolicited offers. In 2017, another dealership faced legal action for texting customers about a vehicle recall. This message seems innocent enough, but because the recall wasn’t covered under the car’s warranty, the plaintiff claimed it was a scam to get her to buy more services. The lawsuit was unique because it expanded TCPA law to “service-related” communication instead of just marketing. The latter case illustrates just how fine a line dealers must walk with texting customers. If only one of your salespeople makes a mistake, the penalty could be steep. Fines for violating TCPA can cost up to $500 per text message. How to Keep Text Messages TCPACompliant One of the biggest risks for dealerships is salespeople messaging customers from their personal phones. Those messages are not TCPA-compliant, which means your dealership is at risk of facing legal action.

Maintaining TCPA-compliant text messages takes a lot of work. Luckily, there is a shortcut for dealers to maintain compliance without all the hassle. But before we get to the shortcut, here are the guidelines dealers should follow to adhere to TCPA. •A cquire written consent. First and foremost, GMs should ensure all communication with a customer has been agreed to beforehand. Consent must be in written form and consist of a double opt-in. In other words, when a customer agrees to share their phone number with you, dealerships need to send a follow-up message that asks them to confirm. That message could look something like this: “ABC Motors News and Deals Updates. Messages sent weekly. Reply HELP for help. Reply YES to confirm your sign up.” A customer must reply with a Y or YES to start receiving messages. This is to ensure customers are not signed up without their permission. •B e specific and share important information. Customer consent is not universal. Dealerships need what’s called “contextual consent,” which means customers agree to specific types of communication, like marketing or service-related messages only. Dealerships need to be specific when requesting permission. Instead of asking customers to simply “subscribe,” dealers should ask them to, “subscribe to weekly promotional deals and updates.” Dealers also need to make customers aware of any fees they might incur. With some cell phone data plans, customers must pay for each text message received, so dealers need to include “message and data rates may apply” in their opt-in messages. A dealership’s privacy policies should be easily accessible on their websites. Add a link to your company’s privacy policy in the footer of your website. Make sure an attorney reviews the policy. •S tick to your word. Even after obtaining consent from a customer, dealerships can still violate TCPA by not sticking to their word. Remember, customers must consent to specific types of communication. If they sign up to receive vehicle recall messages, you cannot send them marketing messages without consent for those, too. Consent is also broken by sending more messages than promised. If you say messages will be weekly, but you send them out daily, those extra messages are considered unsolicited and in violation of TCPA. The rule regarding contextual consent is simple: Do what you say you were going to do and nothing more.


•A llow customers to opt out at any time. Just as important as opting in is giving customers the opportunity to opt out at any time. Every message sent by your dealership should include, “Reply STOP to cancel” at the end. Dealers need to maintain a Do Not Call list of all customers who have opted out. It is critical this list is maintained and followed. Many TCPA class action lawsuits are filed because dealers ignored customers’ requests to be removed from call lists. •S tay up to date on changing regulations. Since becoming law in 1991, TCPA has evolved several times. The most recent example is the “services-related messaging” lawsuit mentioned above. With each new case, TCPA’s interpretation changes. It’s important to stay up to date with the latest reading of the law to avoid unknown pitfalls. Take the TCPA Shortcut: Use a CRM System If maintaining TCPA text messaging compliance sounds like a lot of work, you are right. From managing opt-ins to auditing messages to keeping up with new regulations, TCPA compliance is a full-time job in itself. Luckily for busy independent dealers, there’s to a shortcut to TCPA compliance that will save you significant time, money, and headache. The secret is using an automotive CRM with built-in, TCPA-compliant text messaging. CRM systems automate the process so you and your salespeople can focus on the customers. When you add a phone number to your CRM, the customer automatically receives an opt-in message. Each message after that includes optout instructions, and the CRM keeps your Do Not Call list up to date. Additionally, all text messages are stored inside the system, not in a salesperson’s private phone. If a salesperson ever leaves the dealership, they won’t take any sensitive customer information with them. CRMs also make sure your salespeople stay TCPA-compliant with phone calls. No matter the method of communication, using a CRM ensures your dealership stays on the right side of the law and away from lawsuits. Using a CRM to Stay TCPA-Compliant It’s smart to use text messaging to communicate with customers. However, dealerships absolutely need to protect themselves from expensive TCPA violations. The steps to staying TCPA-compliant are clear, but implementing them on a regular basis is difficult and time-consuming. The better way is to rely on a CRM system to take care of it for you. With the right tools, TCPA-compliant text messaging is easier than you think. Zach Klempf is founder & CEO of Selly Automotive. He can be reached at 415-562-7104 or zach@a1softwaregroup.com.




Copart New Mexico 7705 Broadway SE Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 877-2424 www.co part.com/locations/ albuquerque-nm-75/

Farmington Auto Auction 1661 W. Murray Dr. Farmington, NM 87401 (505) 326-1005 farmingtonautoauction.com

ACV Auctions - NEW www.acvauctions.com SAVE: $350

Insurance Auto Auction 4400 Broadway Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 873-2081 www.iaai.com/auctions/ branchlistingview.aspx? branchcode=140 Manheim New Mexico 3411 Broadway Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87105 (505) 242-9191 publish.manheim.com/en/ locations/us-locations/ manheim-new-mexico.html

BacklotCars - NEW

MOBILE AUCTION Texas Lone Star Auto Auction Lubbock 2706 E Slaton Rd Lubbock, TX 79404 lsaalubbock.com/location/ SAVE: $250 Stay tuned for their mobile auction in New Mexico!



By Kathi Kruse


Making Your Website More Customer Friendly One of the highest priorities for dealers in 2019 is to make their website more customer friendly. However, even though most dealers agree it’s a priority, the resulting website often doesn’t live up to what they envisioned. I recently spent a few days doing a website audit for a local dealer. I was investigating their competitors and found a lot of sites that desperately needed updating – many were not even mobile-friendly. Bad website design, outdated aesthetics, and poor usability are all credibility killers. The Internet does not hand out second chances. No matter what you want people to do once they click to your site – buy, sign up, inquire about service, etc. – it’s all about conversions. Your website’s main role is to compel visitors to take action. Your dealership website must include a strategy to convert visitors. There’s a simple dealership website secret many seem to miss: If you make your website more customer friendly, your conversions will improve. But where do you begin? It’s best to focus on the simple fixes first. 6 SIMPLE FIXES Here are areas that can be modified to improve user experience, engage visitors longer, and answer their questions – thereby setting your site up to convert more customers. Clearly State What You Do Studies show you have less than 10 seconds to convince visitors to stay on your site. If they don’t feel their needs are addressed, they will click away – often to a competitor. To gain several minutes of user attention, you must clearly communicate your Unique Value Proposition within 10 seconds. Also known as a unique selling proposition (USP), your UVP is a clear statement that describes the benefit of buying from you, how you solve your customer’s needs and what distinguishes you from the competition. Your unique value proposition should appear prominently “above the fold” in your hero image section at the top of your homepage. Easy to Find Contact Info Many websites still don’t give visitors an easy channel for getting in touch with the dealer. Some websites don’t even have an email address or contact form. Make your website more customer friendly with these simple fixes: • Make sure you have a “Contact Us” page. •P ut a link to your contact page in a conspicuous place in your header menu. •C reate “click-to-call” and “click-to-email” links so mobile users can easily reach you. Simplify Choices Hick’s Law is a popular theory. It states,

“The time it takes for an individual to make a decision is proportionate to the possible choices he or she has.” In other words, by increasing the number of choices, the decision time is also increased. You might be tempted to copy Amazon in their presentation of seemingly unlimited choices, but do everything you can to fight that urge. The reality is too much choice is overwhelming and often leads to customer inaction. Wading through a lot of information involves the conscious brain, and results in decision avoidance. The brain dislikes figuring out how one choice is different from the others. Simplify choices so they are easily distinguishable from one another. When presenting choices, keep in mind the brain is lazy and unwilling to wrestle with things. Make it easier for customers to choose by limiting the number of options, showing what makes an option different from the others, and visually emphasizing the choice you want them to act on. Simplify Menu Navigation The navigation on your site serves two purposes: • I t helps the user find what they’re looking for. • I t helps your search engine rankings. Website visitors should come first, search engines second. Use descriptive navigation instead of generic text. Use words your visitors would use and words your visitors are searching for. It’s fewer clicks for the user and it helps search engines indicate your relevance. Keep menus short and concise so they serve the user’s needs. Avoid the temptation to over-complicate. Your customers are on your website to do something, so the navigation should help them do that thing as quickly and pain-free as possible. Pricing The debate on whether or not to include prices on the dealership website rages on. Why? Because every dealer is different and website owners look to Google to help them decide, which often only confuses the situation. The fact is to make a website more customer friendly, there are good reasons to list pricing, or at least a “starting at” price or range of prices: • Give visitors what they want. If someone loves what they see but they have to email you to get pricing, you may never hear from them. And, poor user experience may cause them to tell others. • Saves visitors time. People have an idea of what they can spend. Pricing saves time for those people who aren’t your target customer for budget reasons.


• Save yourself time. Pricing on your site allows potential clients to figure out what a vehicle or service will cost them without bombarding your inbox with inquiries. Clear Calls to Action Calls to action (CTA) should be strategically placed and designed to stand out. Buy now buttons, lead forms, contact pages, click-to-call buttons, newsletter sign ups and more are all crucial to your website performing the way it should. Use strong command verbs: • When a visitor is on a specific vehicle, “Schedule a Test Drive” is a good next step for them. • How about a simple vehicle inquiry? Start your CTA with words like “Find Out More” or “Got Questions?” • Are you looking for more newsletter subscribers? Start your CTA with words like “download” or “subscribe.” • Want someone to request more information? Try “fill out a form for…” or “find out how…” Guide your website visitors through the buying journey with strategically placed, clear calls to action. Focus your efforts on outstanding website user experience. Ninety-five percent of all vehicle purchases begin online. Take a few minutes and go through your website as your customer would. Make note of what works for you and what doesn’t. Take these simple fixes to make your website more customer friendly to your company website provider. Ask them to consider each one and how it may improve your conversions. The changes will help you avoid the negative results that happen on your store’s website and ultimately delight your customers. Kathi Kruse is an automotive social media marketing expert, blogger, consultant, author, speaker and founder of Kruse Control Inc., which coaches, trains and delivers webinars focused on integrating social media and online reputation management into dealership operations. She can be reached at kathi@ krusecontrolinc.com.



Make Your Job a Little Easier

Something as simple as a monitor in your showroom can go a long way toward helping how your business performs in the F&I office. Having videos on a loop that help customers get on board with the idea of a service contract is a great way to make your F&I job a little bit easier. The great thing about video is it helps customers get to the decision about a VSC on their own rather than being sold the service contract. In these instances, customers feel like the VSC purchase was their idea and therefore feel more comfortable with the value of a VSC purchase. Cost of Repairs A video that describes the cost of common repairs gives customers an idea of what they might be on the hook for if something small or major were to happen to their vehicle. The reality of buying a used car is they are more likely to break down over time. As long as customers know what these repairs can cost, they can justify the cost of a VSC once they get to that point in the process.


Customer Reviews If you work with a quality VSC provider, they should have content on hand to show how they’ve taken care of customers in the past. You can sell customers on the peace of mind associated with a service contract, but seeing how it actually paid off shows just how valuable a VSC can be in a customer’s time of need. Coverage Videos Once customers have an idea of what some common repairs cost and how valuable a VSC can be during a difficult repair experience, you can begin to educate them on the coverage levels you offer. Using video to educate your customers on different coverage levels shows them what is covered under different plans. If they know components they want to protect, they’ll connect that knowledge with the coverage level videos to start making up their minds on what product to purchase. When it’s all said and done, these videos plant the seed about service contract early on, so when the time comes to present your coverage options, your job can be a little bit easier and the sale a little bit smoother.



3 Ways to Enhance Customer Experience at Your Dealership As a car dealership or detail facility, you’re always looking for ways to add value by creating a more meaningful, memorable customer experience. You want to attract repeat business while bolstering your customers’ confidence in your brand. One way to do so involves giving them a clean car experience, from the inside out. Let me explain. Your customers are begging for a tangible experience in an otherwise intangible world. You can’t feel an oil change, an exterior car wash, or a tire rotation. But you can immediately feel the effects of a cleaning treatment that actually removes resins, allergens, and other issues filling your vehicle. And your customers are willing to pay for this feeling. According to a 2015 Customer Experience and Impact survey sponsored by Synchrony Financial, 53 percent of consumers would pay a higher price for the experience they value most. Are you delivering premium products that actually clean the interior of your customers’ cars, or are you just masking the issue with cheap coverup products? Giving your customers what they deserve will help you differentiate your business in a

crowded marketplace of consumers hungry for a positive – and clean – experience. Think safe. Think eco-friendly. Thanks to easy access to Internet research, consumers are better informed today than at any time in the past. They are aware of what’s in their cleaning products. They care what their families are breathing in. Carpool moms don’t want harsh chemicals near their kids. Smart customers see right through slick marketing for inferior products. Do customers a favor when reconditioning their vehicles – give them a safe, reliable product line that gets the job done. Don’t mask the problem. Solve it. Odor removal and interior vehicle cleanliness has been a decades-long challenge for operators of dealerships and detailing companies. That’s because so many products on the market are only meant to cover up the cause of odors rather than truly eliminate them. As a dealership owner, you spend big bucks on all sorts of things in hopes of growing your business – equipment and employees to name a couple. Don’t forget to invest in product quality. If customers aren’t happy with the look, smell, or cleanliness of their vehicle’s interior

once it’s been detailed, you’ve wasted an opportunity to make a positive impression where it matters: Product effectiveness. Satisfy. Retain. Repeat. There is no getting around it. Retention is your lifeblood. To keep recurring revenue flowing, find ways to generate return customers. Partner with vendors who will help throw a new-product party at your dealership. Suggest loyalty programs for customers with the vendors selling your most popular products. Make sure these vendors are truly your partners, and that they are offering a reliable product you can stand behind. In the end, customers are more educated and selective than ever before. If your dealership or detail shop delivers anything short of outstanding service, the customer has multiple other businesses to try. As an owner/operator, you must make it a priority to deliver quality products. Your customers demand it. Alan Brown is the executive vice president of NuVinAir Global, a Dallasbased company offering a patented cleaning process and proprietary product line to automotive businesses and service centers across the United States. Email info@ nuvinair.com for more information.



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