NIADA PAC Annual Report 2022

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Annual Report 20 22 NIADA PAC

A Letter from NIADA’s PAC Committee Chair

I am pleased to provide you with the Inaugural NIADA PAC Annual Report.

We are happy and excited to begin publishing this report on NIADA PAC’s activities and finances. The report is a comprehensive analysis of NIADA’s involvement in the political process, including contributions to political candidates, money raised, success rate of supported candidates, and list of individual contributions.

2022 was a record year for NIADA PAC! We raised more money than we ever have before in a single calendar year: $192,106.We also supported a slew of candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate that we look forward to continuing our relationships in the 118th Congress. The amount of money raised and the candidates we supported position NIADA well in the next Congress.

In 2022, we brought the PAC Cup Competition back with new ideas and a new solicitation program! We launched the competition early at the NIADA Annual Convention & Expo in Las Vegas in June, and raised $50,000. We ran a summer long PAC solicitation campaign, and headed into the Annual PAC Cup Dinner having raised $112,000. The Annual PAC Cup Dinner was a resounding success where we not only raised $60,000, but exceeded our original goal to raise $150,000.

NIADA PAC also introduced the challenge coin competition, a member benefit and incentive program. Every PAC donor received a PAC challenge coin and was encouraged to do the following:

• Carry their PAC coin at all NIADA events.

• At NIADA events, challenge fellow NIADA members to present their coins.

• If fellow NIADA members does not have a coin or does not have theirs, challenge them to make a PAC contribution.

We plan to continue with the challenge coin competition next year and in years to come to encourage new donors.

Because of the mid-term elections, we also actively engaged and will continue to engage in the political process, strategically supporting candidates who understand and support the independent auto industry’s priorities. Your ongoing engagement in NIADA PAC enabled us to support candidates, both Democrats and Republicans, who are champions of our industry. During the 2022 election, 93.75 percent of candidates who received contributions from NIADA PAC won their races.

The new 118th Congress will see a shift in policy priorities in the House of Representatives as Republicans take over. We are looking at even more gridlock with a divided Congress as the Democrats kept the Senate, and the Biden Administration will face challenges in accomplishing its policy priorities with the divided government. We look forward to the reopening of Capitol Hill and bringing back Hill meetings to our National Policy Conference. We also are looking forward to the increased oversight of federal agencies such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Trade (FTC) under the Republican majority in the House after years of no oversight. NIADA must continue to be engaged in the political process and educate policymakers on the importance of the independent auto industry to the U.S. economy.

I look forward to our continued success in the 118th Congress. Thank you again for your generous support of NIADA PAC.


Contributions to NIADA PAC will be used to support candidates in federal election campaigns. These contributions are strictly voluntary and anyone has the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any guidelines that may be suggested are only suggestions. All are free to contribute more or less than the guidelines up to the yearly maximum of $5,000, and no one will be favored or disadvantaged in their membership because of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute. All contributions must be from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by any other person or entity. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited. Contributions from federal contractors, and the treasury funds of corporations, labor unions, and national banks are prohibited. Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report to the Federal Election Commission the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.

Contributions or gifts to NIADA PAC are not tax deductible.


NIADA’s PAC 2022 Accomplishments / Priorities


• Submitted comments to various federal regulatory agencies including:

• The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

• The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

• The Department of the Treasury

• Department of Energy

• Department of Transportation

• Built coalitions around Right to Repair and Catalytic Converter Theft

• Successfully Advocated for Policies Addressing Catalytic Converter Theft


• Overregulation by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)

• Catalytic Convertor Theft Policies

• Industry Stakeholder Coalition Building

• Burdensome Regulations by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

• Right to Repair Policies

• Labor and Work Force Employment Policies


NIADA’s PAC 2022 Financial Highlights & Guidelines



• Candidate is a champion of NIADA issues and supports industry priorities

• Candidate has a relationship with NIADA

• Candidate holds a House or Senate leadership position

• Candidate serves on a key congressional committee

• Candidate has the potential for electoral success based on district or state Cook Partisan Voter Index Score (a measurement of how strongly a United States congressional district or state leans toward the Democratic or Republican Party, compared to the nation as a whole, based on how that district or state voted in the previous two Presidential elections)

• Candidate has received previous NIADA PAC support

• Candidate has independent auto industry background

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 B A R C H A R T I N F O G R A P H I C
Begin Cash on Hand Receipts Disbursements End Cash
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NIADA PAC by Election Cycle

NIADA’s PAC 2022 Disbursements


Barry Loudermilk

Beth Van Duyne

Blaine Luetkemeyer

Brian Babin

Brian Mast

Buddy Carter

Cathy McMorris Rodgers

Doug LaMalfa

Drew Ferguson

Gary Palmer

Gus Bilirakis

Jim Baird

Kat Cammack

Larry Bucshon

Lloyd Smucker

Marc Veasey

Mike Bost

Mike Rogers

Morgan Griffith

Patrick McHenry

Robert Aderholdt

Roger Williams

Sam Graves

Troy Balderson

Amount $2,490 $4,990 $2,495 $2,495 $2,495 $2,495 $4,995 $2,495 $2,490 $2,495 $2,495 $2,495 $1,495 $995 $2,990 $2,490 $1,495 $2,995 $2,495 $4,995 $2,495 $2,490 $995 $2,495 Party R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R D R R R R R R R R State GA TX MO TX FL GA WA CA GA AL FL IN FL IN PA TX IL AL VA NC AL TX MO OH District 11 24 3 36 18 1 5 1 3 6 12 4 3 8 11 33 12 3 9 10 4 25 59 12
U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2022 House Disbursements by Party Republicans: 95.8% Democrats: 4.2% 95.8% 4.2%

NIADA’s PAC 2022 Disbursements


2022 Senate Disbursements by Party

Republicans: 100% Democrats: 0%



Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)

First in Freedom PAC Scalise Leadership Fund

2022 Disbursements by Party Republicans: 75%

Democrats: 25%

Name Deb Fischer Ron Johnson Tim Scott
Amount $4,995 $,985 $1,495 Amount $4,995 $4,995 $2,495 $1,495 Party R R R Party D R R R State NE WI SC
Hudson Steve Scalise
75% 25% 100%

NIADA’s PAC 2022

Name Adam Laxalt Herschel Walker Russell Fry Amount $2,495 $4,995 $2,495 Party R R R State NV GA SC 2022 DISBURSEMENTS 2022 CHALLENGERS Amount $4,990 $2,495 $1,495 $1,495 $1,495 $2,495 $2,495 Name Buddy Carter Dean Phillips Doug LaMalfa Mike Rogers Kim Schrier Robert Aderholt Rodney Davis Party R D R R D R R State GA MN CA AL WA AL IL District 1 3 1 3 8 4 13 2021 DISBURSEMENTS U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2022 Disbursements by Party Republicans: 100% Democrats: 0% 2021 House Disbursements by Party Republicans: 71.4% Democrats: 28.6% 71.4% 28.6% 100%

Breakdown of Election 2022

Below is an overview of the 2022 midterm elections and NIADA PAC’s political engagement efforts this election cycle.

Following the November 8th election, Republicans took back the House, but Democrats retained the Senate. In the House, the new breakdown is 222 Republicans and 212 Democrats. In the Senate, Democrat incumbents held off Republican challengers to keep the Senate 51-49. Heading into the Georgia runoff on December 6th with Republican challenger Herschel Walker

versus Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock, the race would only dictate the margin that the Democrats would have in the Senate. These wins result in divided government for the next Congress. We are looking at a Congress of gridlock in 2023.

NIADA PAC supported 30 Members of Congress, 29 of which were up for reelection in the House and Senate, 2 leadership PACs, and 2 party committees in the 2022 election cycle. NIADA PAC also supported 3 challengers.

Win/Loss Ratio of Candidates Supported: Win Loss


Total Dollars Raised for 2020 Election Cycle:



Total Dollars Disbursed for the 2020 Election Cycle: $114,265

Republican: 90%

Democrat: 10%

Democrats lost the House majority Republicans gained back 9 seats and majority

02 04 06 08 0 100

Senate Election Results by State



2022 PAC Donors by Level

NIADA PAC Committee Members

Shawn Richardson, Chair

Chris Maher

Don Griffin

Lawrence Meade

Mike Brill

Tim Byrd

Stan Norton

Steve Taylor


Melanie Wilson, Interim CEO

Brett Scott, Vice President, Government Affairs

Kevin Pendergrass

Lou Tedeschi

Mark Weida

Michael Cunningham

Michael Frazer

Molly Nolan

Patricia Maher

Paul Claborn

Paxton Wright

R. Allen Douglas $1,000

Randy Crump $1,000

Robert Voltmann

Timothy Derham $2,000

Learn More BRETT SCOTT vice president, government affairs direct 817.837.0636 cell 301.461.1043 web 4621 S. Cooper Street, Suite 131-524, Arlington, Texas 76017

Contributions to NIADA PAC will be used to support candidates in federal election campaigns. These contributions are strictly voluntary and anyone has the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any guidelines that may be suggested are only suggestions. All are free to contribute more or less than the guidelines up to the yearly maximum of $5,000, and no one will be favored or disadvantaged in their membership because of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute. All contributions must be from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by any other person or entity.

Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited.

Contributions from federal contractors, and the treasury funds of corporations, labor unions, and national banks are prohibited. Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to obtain and report to the Federal Election Commission the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.

Contributions or gifts to NIADA PAC are not tax deductible.

Capitol Contributor: $500 - $999 Corey Braxton $500 Darryl Jackson $500 Eric Nelson $500 Henry Mullinax $500 Jeremy Beck $500 Jim Woods $500 John Odorisio $560 Joseph Mok $650 Kelly Steely $500 Kevin Stoll $500 Mark Burkholder $500 Matt Woods $500 Pokey Brimer $500 Randy Crase $500 Robert Case $500 Robert Fisher $500 Tim Byrd $600 Founder: Less than $500 Abraham Aryan $150 Alvin Melendez $100 Benjamin Libby $100 Beth Thomason $150 Bill Elizondo $200 Bill Funk $200 Bill Heald $100 Charles Moring $250 Charles Teel $150 Chris Martin $150 Chris Mastantuono $250 Christina Perez $150 Corinne Kirkendall $150 Daniel Saleh $250 Dave Warkentin $150 Dean Cantey $150 Devin Agonis $100 Elva Esquivel $25 Jambo Woldyohannis $100 James Santistevan $250 Jimmy Henry $100 Jo Jandrlich $200 Joseph Monk $150 John Brown $250 Kerri Rotunda $50 Kim Watson $100 Laura Taylor $250 Lisa Dugger $150 Michael Oden $400 Marty Coates $250 Michael Samaan $250 Randy Sugihara $250 Ruth Blanton $150 Sandra Moss $300 Shelly Vandeven $60 Steve Wetmore $150 Tim Gaylord $150 Wanda Lewark $150 Chairman’s Club: $5,000 Bentley Nolan $5,000 Bob Mulkey $5,000 Bob Shaver $5,000 Brian Holmes $5,000 Bruce Nerison $5,000 Cheryl Baker $5,000 Chris Maher $5,000 Darla Booher $5,000 David Frayer $5,000 Don Griffin $5,000 Don Wimbish $5,000 Florence Richardson $5,000 Jake Frank $5,000 Jeffrey Baker $5,000 Jodi Allen $5,000 Joe McCloskey $5,000 John Good $5,000 Ken Shilson $5,000 Lawrence Meade $5,000 Michael Brill $5,000 Michael Darrow $5,000 Nick Markosian $5,000 Scott Allen $5,000 Shawn Richardson $5,000 Stan Norton $5,000 President’s Circle: $2,500 - $4,999 Dan Grosvenor $3,000 Dan Morrison $2,500 Jeffrey Williams $2,500 Richard Barnard $2,500 Timothy Ehde $2,500 Xander Swartz $4,000 Host Committee: $1,000 - $2,499 Ace Christian $1,000 Ariad Sommer $1,500
Betty Gaylord
Billy Threadgill
Brenna Stansberry
Carl Page
Dale Matthews
Daniel Haight
Daniel Johnson
Don Boucher
Donald Sullivan Jr.
Emelee Johnson
Gordon Tormohlen
Greg Reine
Gus Camacho
Jason March
Jim Hardy
Kevin Delillo

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