Niagara College Canada
Strategic Plan 2022–2027 At Niagara College (NC), we have a story to tell. Actually, over 100,000 stories to tell. But before we can tell these stories of NC student and alumni success, we have to set the stage. Provide the back story, if you will. We need to affirm and share who we are and how we work to help make these stories happen. We need to assess our course; where we’re headed, how we’ll get there; to ensure that we provide what is needed to continue moving forward together to make students’ dreams come true. This is OUR NC Story.
Niagara College Canada
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
are community
Table of Contents
Message from the President_______________________4 Message from the Chair of the Board of Governors____6 Environmental Scan______________________________9 Who We Are & How We Work____________________ 24 Niagara College acknowledges the land on which we gather is the
Our Key Areas of Focus_________________________ 32
covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum agreement. Today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples, and acknowledging reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous peoples.
Niagara College Canada
many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples,
Sean Kennedy, President Niagara College Canada: At the heart of Niagara College - the centre of our NC circle are our people. Our employees who are united in their focus on students; who, through every action, create a welcoming and inclusive environment; who continuously innovate and trailblaze through challenges that come their way and who are passionate in their work and in working together as a team. Our people are also our students, who are core to everything we do as a college. As our students evolve in their needs and goals, we evolve with them. And our people include the community around us, the industries we support and our commitment to the overall well-being of those with
The Strategic
whom we live and work.
employees, our students and our community partners, the Plan builds on our unique and strong organizational culture and charts our way forward, leveraging past achievements and core strengths. The events of the COVID pandemic have impacted all parts of the world – including Niagara College. Through all of the change, Niagara College remains unwavering in our focus on students, on being welcoming and passionate in all that we do and in continuing to trailblaze new paths through innovative and creative work. Our organizational culture is a core part of our new Strategic Plan and a key differentiator that drives our success.
Builds on our unique and strong organizational culture and charts our way forward. Strategic Plan 2022-2027
our people. Developed through extensive consultations with our
Niagara College Canada
Niagara College’s 2022 – 2027 Strategic Plan is centred on
Wendy Wing, Chair Niagara College Board of Governors: Niagara College’s focus and commitment on the success of its students and graduates has been strengthened even more since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Faced with unprecedented challenges, NC competently leveraged its organizational strengths to ensure students were supported and continued on the path towards achieving their dreams. The development of Niagara College’s 2022–2027 Strategic Plan was built on this same strong foundation of organization-wide support for students, innovation and evolution in teaching and learning, connections to community and industry and a commitment to
Achieving their
equity, diversity and inclusion. The Plan sets out defined strategic directions that point to a bold future while considering the needs of all stakeholders – the Niagara College team, its students and the community it supports locally, provincially, nationally and around the world. From my history with Niagara College, I have seen the unique and
I have seen the unique and powerful strengths of this organization.
powerful strengths of this organization and NC is well-positioned
needs of the communities it supports locally and beyond. On behalf of the Board of Governors, we are proud of Niagara College’s culture of commitment, dedication and innovation and we congratulate President Sean Kennedy and his team on the creation of a bold Strategic Plan that sets out the path to a prosperous future.
Niagara College Canada
paths to employment for its students and supporting the evolving
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
to continue to play a vital role in the support of industry, providing
are adaptive 8
Given the events of the pandemic that hit the world in 2020, it is tempting to look at the environment in which we operate in terms of “before” and “after” COVID. While every industry was impacted by the conditions caused by the COVID pandemic, it is safe to say that the world of education has never been so severely disrupted. The COVID pandemic created a new world to which education has to adapt in order to survive AND thrive, but the conditions that existed before we even heard the word
“COVID” are still prevalent and must be considered as part of
students, our work environment and our community around us, the conditions of the competitive environment in which we operate and the world of technology that aids us. We consider the longer-term, ongoing trends and factor in how they’ve been impacted by the recent disruption of a global pandemic.
It is a time of renewed examination of our students and our community around us. Strategic Plan 2022-2027
and “after” but instead a blend; a renewed examination of our
Niagara College Canada
Niagara College’s 2022 - 2027 Strategic Plan. So, not “before”
are diverse
STUDENTS Key Trends:
Key Trends
NC Strengths & Opportunities
Niagara College students remain a diverse group, ranging from newly graduated secondary school students to students who have not recently attended school and have spent the last few years working part-time or full-time or seeking work. Our students come from the local Niagara community and also towns, cities and regions around Ontario, Canada and across the world. They might live on their own or with family, and are likely balancing both work and school, along with seeking government
Diverse student group, domestic and international, multi-ages, balancing work and school.
loans and financial support, as they manage the cost of education and rising costs of living. International student enrolment in colleges and universities has risen dramatically in recent years, supported by government and
Strengths in delivery of experiential education and commitment to comprehensive student service supports to evolve with our students and meet their changing needs and expectations.
Continue to build a diverse population of students who bring unique and multi-faceted perspectives that add to a rich education experience and prepare all students for future work in the world.
seen by institutions as a way of enriching and diversifying the
Create and sustain an equitable, diverse and inclusive organization where everyone feels they have a voice and can thrive.
Additionally, students are keenly aware of the world around them and are actively engaged in addressing challenges such as climate change and ensuring equity, diversity and inclusivity for all.
Students concerned with and engaged in the issues of the world around them.
Continue to be an active steward of the environment through the pursuit and adoption of sustainable practices.
Niagara College Canada
global demand for Canadian postsecondary education.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
campus learning environments, and to respond to the strong
are engaged
Niagara College Students: 2020 Canada
United States
Central America
South America
East Asia
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Source: OCAS, Niagara College Students, 2020
International Enrolments by Sector 1992-2021 250,000 ______________________________________________________________________________
Total Annual Loans and Grants: 1993-2020 $12,000 ______________________________________________________________________________ $10,000 _______________________________________________________________________
200,000 ______________________________________________________________________________ $8,000 _____________________________________________________________ 150,000 ______________________________________________________________________________ $6,000 ______________________________________________
Since the year 2000, the total amount of student
of all university enrolments and 16.1% of all college
aid provided by Canadian governments, both
enrolments. Growth has been most rapid in Ontario,
federal and provincial, increased by about 4%
where international student numbers roughly doubled
per year on average after inflation.
Usher, A., (2021). The State of Postsecondary Education in Canada, 2021. Toronto: Higher Education Strategy Associates.
In 2018-19, international students made up 15.9%
between 2016-17 and 2018-19.
Net Loans
Total Annual Loans and Grants Issued, Canada, 1993-2019-20 in Millions of $, 2019. Usher, A., (2021). The State of Postsecondary Education in Canada, 2021. Toronto: Higher Education Strategy Associates.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Niagara College Canada
1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
0 ______________________________________________________________________________
50,000 ______________________________________________________________________________
100,000 ______________________________________________________________________________
are collaborative
Key Trends
NC Strengths & Opportunities
Niagara College supports and engages with industry, government and community partners locally and globally. Industry continues to face critical labour-force shortages due to demographic shifts, particularly for skilled trades. The COVID pandemic has created a disruptive environment that has required businesses to recover and
Critical labour shortages and a need for employees with new skills.
seek individuals with new skills and training to adapt to what is
Capitalize on experience and strength in evolving programs to provide effective training for new skills.
emerging as a “new world”. Employers are rapidly shifting ways of doing business, adopting digital practices and accelerating advances continued focus on equity and inclusivity initiatives in the workplace, and industry is seeking graduates with social and emotional skills as well as technical skills. Collaborative
Governments are focused on job creation and helping people gain the
partnerships to
necessary skills to support a robust and more adaptive workforce, and
support economic
to assist industries to move “from survive to thrive”. To support this, governments are encouraging more collaboration between colleges,
stimulation and growth.
universities, community agencies, industry groups and associations, and are providing funding to industry for wage subsidy and training support.
Build on Niagara College’s deep history in the development of partnerships to connect the community and support success for individuals and businesses.
Use applied research expertise to support business creation, innovation, transformation and growth.
Local and global communities are seeking job stability, while at the same time adapting and needing to develop new skills required by the changing world of work and industry. Communities locally and around the world also share concerns about climate impacts and creating a more fair and just society, where everyone can participate safely with purpose, dignity, and respect.
Community responding to a changing world.
Community engagement and involvement so that Niagara College can provide programs and services to meet their emerging needs.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
in technology and automation at a tremendous rate. There is also a
Niagara College Canada
are experience
Key Trends
NC Strengths & Opportunities
The global technology market has expanded dramatically for both businesses and education. All industries have had to pivot to the advancements may present digital literacy and performance gaps for the employees and businesses who adopted new technologies. In the education sector, the adoption of online learning as well as increased digital teaching techniques and experiences is expected to continue. Technology has enabled a diversification of learning
New technologies create needs for new skills.
and working experiences, creating new expectations for education delivery and models of working.
Enterprise Learning 2021 Annual Report. Adapt. Pivot. Respond. Scale. L & D’s New Role in Driving Businesses Forward in an Uncertain World,(2021), CGS
Continue to adapt and develop programs to provide students with skills needed for career success. Utilize applied-research expertise to assist industry in adopting new technologies and provide experiential learning for students.
Increase in online learning capability and experiences.
Integrate evolving technologies into teaching and learning methods to meet students’ needs and expectations.
Technology has changed how workplaces operate.
Continue to evolve NC’s strong organizational culture using new technologies and ways of working.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
adoption of technology solutions to perform core functions. These
Niagara College Canada
are leaders
Key Trends
NC Strengths & Opportunities
Ontario college enrolments, on a growth trajectory for many years, have been experiencing a decline over the last 5-7 years due to a shrinking youth population and increasing competition from universities. The changes seen in educational delivery methods (in person and online) are causing shifts in competitive college offerings to
Declining college enrolments due to demographic shifts and increased competition.
Grow prospective student markets outside of the region of Niagara, province of Ontario and Canada.
prospective students – locally and globally. Education and training are available from a variety of sources outside of the college sector, such as private sector education and training providers, and universities also continue to shift positioning, moving increasingly toward more experiential learning experiences.
Enrolments in Ontario Colleges 1997-2018 200,000 ______________________________________________________________________________
150,000 ______________________________________________________________________________
Increasing competition from private sector education providers and universities.
Develop partnerships and pathways with other providers and institutions to grow opportunities for NC students.
Continue to grow awareness of NC’s unique experiential learning offerings and competitive advantage.
Tuition short FTE
0 ______________________________________________________________________________
Source: Ministry of Colleges and Universities heqco.ca Tuition Short Programs are programs that are generally less than 52 weeks in duration. Full-time equivalent (FTE) is the total funded activity over the entire academic year. It excludes separately funded nursing enrolment since 2001-02. Full-time headcount includes the number of funded fulltime students enrolled in November for each year.
Niagara College Canada
50,000 ______________________________________________________________________________
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
100,000 ______________________________________________________________________________
“We work well together. We share resources, we collaborate on projects, and we have genuine respect for each other. I like the friendliness and kindness
I experience with my department colleagues.
“I am proud of the caring atmosphere that we have and how my colleagues and I have attempted to
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
throughout the pandemic.
Niagara College Canada
maintain connections to the students
are dedicated
VISION Enriching lives and fulfilling dreams.
There is a driving force behind each and every student and alumni success story. It’s who we are and how we work – as individuals, as a team, as Niagara College. Our vision is to enrich the lives and fulfill the dreams of every student and we do this by providing outstanding applied education and training for a changing world. Driving our actions and decisions every day is our organizational culture. These are
mission. This is the essence of NC. It underpins our commitment to students, has been core to our success and will fuel our prosperity. Strategic Plan 2022-2027
To provide outstanding applied education and training for a changing world.
we strive toward our vision and operate within our
Niagara College Canada
our guiding principles, and they unite us in the way
Student Focused
Our students are at the centre of all that we do at Niagara College. We ensure that student voices are heard and considered, and that student experiences, learning and success remain constant focal points.
How We Work:
In every decision, we consider “How does this impact our students?” and plan for providing our students with the best support and opportunity for success.
We actively partner with our students and Student Administrative Council, and involve them in our work of creating full and rewarding student life experiences. We listen to and advocate for our students, and relentlessly pursue opportunities that will help our students to achieve their dreams.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Niagara College Canada
Our students are at the centre of all that we do.
With a dedicated focus on the career success and well-being of our students, we read the external environment and act swiftly as innovators to seize opportunities and overcome challenges with tenacity. How We Work:
Act swiftly as innovators to seize opportunities.
We take risks with bold, calculated moves, and understand that even if we don’t succeed, we learn.
We are capacity and community builders – locally and globally.
We are innovative; confronting challenges, seizing them as opportunities, and looking for new ground on new horizons.
We are flexible, fluid, and nimble.
We pursue sustainability in all we do, with careful and conscientious use of our environmental, physical, human, and financial resources, to ensure longevity and stability.
We treat students, employees, and others as they expect to be treated, and are fundamentally committed to diversity, inclusivity and understanding from the personal to the global level. How We Work: We care and respect the dreams and uniqueness of all those who connect with NC.
We respect Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing.
We are committed to being an equitable, diverse and inclusive college that promotes a culture of respect and belonging.
We have fun, we lead with heart and humility and
We are a family, we consider the whole person and go the extra mile to support our colleagues and our community - locally and globally.
We are collaborative, and strive to decide and elevate as one team.
We consider and integrate the perspectives of students, alumni and our community in our decision making.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
are informal, friendly, and empathetic.
Niagara College Canada
Committed to diversity, inclusivity, and understanding.
Passionate Grow, advance and showcase our students, campuses, and employees.
We are enthusiastic when we take on challenges and are committed to achieving our goals. We seek out opportunities to grow, advance and showcase our students, campuses, faculty and staff. We gather together to recognize and build on collective contributions.
How We Work:
We are passionate about NC.
We go above and beyond and strive to always be our best.
We play to our strengths, and build capacity, tenacity, and confidence in our students through experiential and skillbuilding opportunities to be work-ready and world-ready.
We celebrate our palpable sense of pride and unique NC culture.
are Flexible take Risks with Bold Calculated Moves
Collaborate & Integrate
look for New Ground and New Horizons
are Community Builders Locally & Globally
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
are StudentFocused
Niagara College Canada
are Community
“ We trust and support ” each other, personally and professionally.
NC is filled with faculty members and staff who are
extremely dedicated to student success. We know our students well, and work hard to provide them with
current knowledge for our industry.
“ dedication to their success The commitment of the front-line staff is evident through strong relationships with students and
through a variety of activities, initiatives, and outreach.
The Niagara College Strategic Plan sets out key areas of focus that provide direction to our longer-term view. Supporting each area of focus are actions that will lead us to achieving our vision.
Academic Excellence Social Inclusion and Environmental Sustainability Global Reach Organizational Excellence
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Alumni and Partner Engagement
Niagara College Canada
Key Areas of
Wholistic Student Experience
Wholistic Student Experience
Wholistic Student Experience
We will nurture and leverage our relationship with the Niagara College Student Administrative Council (SAC) to engage the student voice and enhance the student experience.
We will provide our students with a comprehensive offering of co-curricular opportunities, including meaningful opportunities to engage with and support our local and global communities.
We will support the whole student and develop robust mental health and wellness strategies that acknowledge and respond to the diverse cultures and experiences of students. We will create vibrant learning and living spaces to have an environment where all students can thrive.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Niagara College Canada
We are focused on the wellbeing of the whole student; pursuing services and experiences that support mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health for all students.
Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
We will be unwavering in our focus on immersive and experiential learning on campus, online and in local and global communities.
We will lead, support and encourage innovation through teaching and learning, the use of
We will evolve with our students to provide them with accessible, flexible and dynamic learning options.
We will utilize our strong connections to industry, employers and alumni to develop progressive programs and pathways that enhance employment opportunities for students and graduates. We will ensure all programs meet or exceed the college quality assurance audit process (cqaap) standards.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Niagara College Canada
Academic excellence and constant innovation in our academic delivery and learning experiences is at the core of who we are and what we do.
technology, and research.
Global Reach
Global Reach
We will support a culturally diverse college and bring the world to Niagara, contributing to enhanced perspectives and learning for all students.
We will bring Niagara to the world and expand global operations and program delivery outside of the Niagara
We will prepare graduates by creating pathways to the world through Be World Ready experience opportunities inside and outside the classroom for all students. We will create an inclusive and integrated campus environment where all students engage, support and learn from each other.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Niagara College Canada
We are Canada’s leading global college; engaging, celebrating and bringing together diverse cultures to prepare world-ready graduates.
region to support international capacity building.
Alumni and Partner Engagement
Alumni and Partner Engagement
We will develop strong partnerships locally and globally to increase access, decrease barriers and support our communities and employers.
We will engage, connect with and celebrate Niagara College alumni; “once a Knight, always a Knight”.
We will drive economic development through applied research projects. We will contribute to a continuously effective workforce through responsive educational and training development offerings. We will foster positive student and community relationships.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Niagara College Canada
We actively seek, build and support partnerships with our local and global communities, other postsecondary institutions and government to drive the achievement of mutual goals.
Social Inclusion and Environmental Sustainability
Social Inclusion and Environmental Sustainability
We will work in partnership with students and Indigenous partners; actively respond to and support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.
We will continue to develop and maintain a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion by implementing the diversity and inclusion blueprint.
We will continue to develop a culture of sustainability by setting continuously improving operational processes and standards for our buildings and facilities. We will support the health and well-being of our community and actively model and teach social responsibility to our students as a core part of their Niagara College experience.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Niagara College Canada
We recognize and are committed to taking actions for the betterment of our communities, our environment and society as a whole.
Organizational Excellence
Organizational Excellence
We will develop a multi-year strategic enrolment management plan that supports the continued success of our organization and our students.
We will build on the success of our innovative learning enterprise model and actively develop new
We will evolve our campus operations and services to meet the needs of our students now and in the future.
We are committed to maintaining our outstanding organizational culture and our strong employee engagement, as well as invest in our employees’
We will cultivate a culture of innovation; celebrate our achievements and learn from our attempts; share our best practices and nurture our networks.
We will support student experiences and success by growing and providing access to student financial supports.
We will cultivate diverse revenue sources to support ongoing NC financial sustainability.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
continued professional growth and development.
Niagara College Canada
We are committed to excellence in the operation of our college, the development of our people and our continued financial and operational sustainability.
experiential learning opportunities for our students.
“We are flexible and adaptable but also great at finding creative solutions to challenges.
“ organization I’m proud of being connected to an
that contributes so much to the social and economic
well-being of my community. 46
The result? Dreams become Achievements.
Niagara College Canada
Together, with our shared vision and our common goals, we fulfill our mission.
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
Welland Campus
Niagara College Canada
Daniel J. Patterson Campus 49
Strategic Plan 2022-2027
STRATEGIC PLAN: 2022-2027 niagaracollege.ca
100 Niagara College Boulevard, Welland ON, L3C 7L3