2017- 2021
Culturally & Globally Engaged
Experientially Focused
Institutional Foundation: Collaborative and Resourceful
Creative, Innovative Entrepreneurial Thinking
2 Niagara College
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 3 4 Message from the President 5 Message from the Chair, Board of Governors 6 The Preemptive College 8 Environmental Scan 10 Vision, Mission, Values 11 Niagara’s Bold Future 12 Strategic Direction I 14 Strategic Direction 2 16 Strategic Direction 3 18 Institutional Foundation CONTENTS
Message from the President
Among Niagara College’s key strengths is a longstanding ability to anticipate changes and trends, and position our college – and our students – to succeed in a world marked by constant transformation. Our focus on student success is unwavering; our support for our community is strong; and our perspective is global and growing.
As post-secondary education faces its most significant shift in decades, we have leveraged these strengths in developing a strategic plan that leads us to success as we adapt to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Our plan provides a common purpose that will unite our college community in pursuit of our vision of enriching lives and fulfilling dreams, and our mission of providing outstanding applied education for a changing world.
As we move forward we will create a more culturally and globally engaged college, focused on inclusivity and engagement, more diverse in its enrolment and known for a broad range of programs that infuse new skills and competencies that align with our changing world.
As a leader in applied education, we will significantly enhance our model of experiential learning, leveraging our location, expanding our offerings and developing a broader range of opportunities for work-integrated learning.
We will apply creative, innovative and entrepreneurial thinking as we meet the evolving needs of students and employers alike, fostering the development of intangible skills in students while developing innovative programs to meet the needs of emerging and existing industry sectors.
All of this is built on an institutional foundation that defines our college and its approach: a collaborative and resourceful culture that values innovation and entrepreneurship in our programs and operations.
Like any effective strategic plan, ours was developed collaboratively, and reflects input, insight and ideas from all corners of our college community. For more than a year, we have consulted with faculty, staff, students and college partners to chart a course that will guide us for the next four years. I extend my sincere appreciation to all who have contributed to our strategic plan, and I look forward to working with all of you to pursue and achieve the goals and ambitions we have identified together.
Dan Patterson, PhD President
Niagara College
Message from the Chair of the Board of Governors
In 2017, Niagara College celebrates its half-century anniversary, marking 50 years of student success, local economic development and community engagement.
Along this journey, the College has achieved tremendous success, catapulting it and the region to new heights.
The College’s success has been and continues to be founded on its unwavering commitment to an unparalleled learner experience. That commitment, pioneered at Niagara College and reflected in our consistent ranking among the top tier of Ontario colleges for student satisfaction has differentiated it from competitors and collaborators alike and more importantly, driven every major advance that Niagara College has achieved.
The journey ahead, while driven by the core values that have made Niagara College so successful, is significantly different and marked by sector-wide disruption, driven in large measure by technological advances, new competition, evolving learner demands, financial constraint and changes in demographics.
The College’s future vision and critical path to success, embodied within Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 sets forth a bold plan for change that responds to today’s context. More importantly, it creates the conditions necessary for institutional transformation that will outpace the disruption in the years ahead.
From my vantage point in an industry that has transformed its approach in the face of profound change, I feel that Niagara College’s strategic direction for 2017 to 2021 positions it to succeed by producing highly-qualified graduates who will fill the widening skills gap and drive economic growth at the local, regional and national level for the decade ahead.
At a time when economic growth is so tied to highly-skilled and adaptable workforces, the College’s forward looking vision and commitment to excellence will serve to further differentiate it from its peers across the postsecondary education sector.
On behalf of the Board of Governors, we congratulate Dr. Patterson and his team for creating a renewed strategic vision that captures the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation that has made Niagara College a Canadian success story.
Carolyne Watts Chair, Board of Governors
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 5
Niagara College is a leader in Ontario’s college system. By anticipating the factors that have transformed post-secondary education over the past decade, Niagara College has positioned itself well to overcome the challenges that lay ahead. Niagara is a “preemptive” college whose success can be tied to a clear focus on student success, built on a strong team of educators, sound strategic planning and targeted investments that have placed Niagara College ahead of the curve. Offering hands-on learning environments that support a unique model of applied education, Niagara College is founded on supporting the local communities it serves, with key areas of strength that respond to provincial needs and beyond. Our strong local ties are enhanced by an expanding global reach and perspective. Niagara College also benefits
from its unique location and global name recognition, allowing it to create specialized learning environments in a broad range of program areas – from environment to wine, culinary and tourism.
The 2013-2016 period offers a clear snapshot of the achievements and initiatives that reflect Niagara College’s growth and success as a post-secondary leader. Within this span, Niagara College students, faculty and alumni earned provincial, national and international recognition in a range of program areas, and in the case of Junior Culinary Team Canada, represented our country on the global stage.
The construction of the Walker Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre significantly enhanced the College’s capacity for applied research projects in support of Niagara’s
advanced manufacturing sector, while the growing global demand for responsive, hands-on education and training, and Niagara College’s reputation as an outstanding provider have driven increased international student enrolments and created new opportunities to deliver projects and programs abroad. A strong focus on applied research has enhanced student experience, community engagement and economic development. Niagara College has emerged as a national leader and advocate for applied, industry engaged research, as reflected in Niagara College’s Top Ten ranking among Canada’s colleges according to Research Infosource’s report, Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges. Niagara College activities have helped to place colleges at the center of the national research discussion.
Niagara College established an institutional
6 Niagara College
quality framework that supports a culture of improvement in its programs and services, and a $50-million capital expansion launched in 2014 has significantly enhanced the student experience and modernized our learning environments.
Over the past decade we have implemented a strategy to expand international operations, notably through international recruitment to our domestic campuses, and increased revenues through the development of operations and engagements in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world.
A move toward integrated student services and increased investment in student leadership and co-curricular programs has significantly enhanced student experience, satisfaction and success, while increased online resources and courses have enhanced current delivery – and provided greater flexibility for students.
Niagara College was also an early adopter of differentiation, a key priority for the government as it looks to transform postsecondary education. In addition to providing strong programs connected to our local economy, Niagara College has also continued to develop niche programming in areas of strength responding to emerging trends and market needs – including food technology, commercial beekeeping, renewable energies, and craft brewing.
Strategic allocations to support experiential learning through the Applied Health Institute, the expansion of learning enterprises, the Canadian Food and Wine Institute and the Wine Visitor + Education Centre catapulted the College’s brand across the region and the province, creating the conditions to diversify enrolment and the College’s regional economic impact.
A commitment to sustainability, including ambitious targets for waste, water, paper and energy consumption and the integration of new green technologies has reduced Niagara College’s carbon footprint, led to new efficiencies in operations and created a culture of environmental responsibility.
Each of these contributed to a financially strong Niagara College, delivering exceptional student experience and expanding the College’s global brand while affirming the College’s capacity to grow and adapt to a changing operational landscape marked by decreasing domestic enrolments, increased competition and a climate of fiscal constraint. More importantly, our success confirms a readiness to embrace a transformational shift that will propel the College to become a global education leader.
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 7
Positioning NC to succeed and adapt within a changing post-secondary landscape
The education landscape is evolving.
Post-secondary education has entered a time of significant transformation, defined by shifting demographics, fiscal constraint and an increasingly competitive education sector.
Niagara College’s forward looking approach – the embodiment of its status as a preemptive college – has positioned it to succeed within this shifting landscape. As we look ahead to this new reality, our strategy for success and for new growth stands ahead of the coming shift.
Realizing our aspiration of becoming Canada’s leader in applied, experiential learning will require choices that are bold and that reflect our strengths, our vision and our place within the evolving education and training context.
Our position in Canada, as an entrepreneurial and innovative post-secondary
institution that produces graduates capable of driving the key industries and emerging sectors of our economy, now requires a renewed approach, imbued with the foresight that enabled Niagara College to prepare for the change, to succeed within that context and to differentiate itself from its competition in Ontario, in Canada and globally.
Niagara College will significantly expand its global involvement by leveraging its world-renowned expertise in education management to expand markets in Canada and abroad. A more diverse student base, access to new markets and enhanced and expanded programming that reflects the changing learner and employer will help to mitigate shifting demographics that project a provincewide, multi-year decline in secondary school enrolments. Our strategy anticipates growth
in non-traditional demographic segments, including aboriginal learners, new retirees and those in search of retraining.
We will realize our strategic vision of a Niagara College that is culturally and globally engaged, experientially focused, creative, innovative and entrepreneurial in its thinking underpinned by resourcefulness and collaboration.
Cultural and global engagement, and an expanded and enhanced range of experiential opportunities will create a comprehensive learning experience that aligns with the changing student profile and the evolving needs of employers.
Our approach will distinguish Niagara College in a post-secondary market that is more competitive, marked by new entrants, blurring lines and changing market share: universities
8 Niagara College
that are increasingly creating vocational outcomes, private career colleges showing greater flexibility in meeting the needs of second career learners, and new entrants providing short, just-in-time training for working professionals.
Our strategic directions are supported by a resourceful and collaborative culture that serves as our institutional foundation. Fostering an integrated, entrepreneurial and innovative approach in our programs and services and a strategic approach to resource allocation, Niagara College will have the financial strength to navigate funding decreases from government sources and a reduced enrolment outlook. Our strategic directions are bold in their outlook and transformative in their approach, translating ideas into actionable, forwardlooking and preemptive responses to a
fundamentally different post-secondary landscape.
As we pursue our vision and mission, we will leverage our longstanding ability to stay ahead of the curve – to identify and anticipate emerging trends and opportunities and deliver responsive and effective programs and services that support the future needs of learners, business and industry.
Our strategic directions are integrated and inclusive, enabling all members of the College community to own future success through leadership opportunities therein.
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 9
Enriching lives and fulfilling dreams.
To provide outstanding applied education and training for a changing world.
Student Focused Locally and Globally Connected Respectful and Inclusive Committed to Excellence Innovative
Canada’s Leader in Applied, Experiential Learning
Niagara College is Canada’s leader in applied, experiential learning, offering its students a breadth of programs that reflect and respond to the key sectors of our region, our province and the broader global economy.
Our programs immerse students within a highly experiential learning environment, enhanced by digital technologies. Our graduates possess cultural and global competencies; they are innovative, adaptable and entrepreneurial, pushing the boundaries of the possible for industry in Niagara, in Canada and abroad.
We are a globally active college that leverages its expertise in educational programming and management in new sectors, in new markets and new countries.
Our future, realized through bold strategic directions is built on a foundation of entrepreneurial thinking, innovation, efficiency and global reach.
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 11
Student experience and graduate success are the centerpieces of our mission as we diversify our enrolment base across a breadth of programs, attracting students from different age groups, environments and backgrounds through programs and delivery that reflect the emerging needs of students and employers alike.
As we look forward, our focus on inclusivity and engagement will transcend all areas of the College, realized through a concerted, institution-wide effort to infuse new competencies within academic programs, cognizant that the landscape is more culturally diverse and global in scope than ever before.
A culturally and globally engaged Niagara will sustain the College’s brand position within an increasingly competitive post-secondary sector, serving to further differentiate ourselves while solidifying our reputation as Canada’s leader in applied, experiential learning.
As we build broader and deeper connections to where our students come from, our work-integrated learning more closely reflects our students’ journeys. Program outcomes reflecting this diversity will support the variety of employers with which our graduates engage. Our learners will emerge from the College as world-ready, culturally and globally engaged graduates,
succeeding as collaborators and innovators in Niagara, Ontario or wherever their career path may lead.
We will expand and diversify student opportunities for intercultural study/work travel through internships, field studies and research projects, capitalizing on the range of global partnerships the College has established.
As we build a learning environment that is increasingly inclusive and responsive to the diverse needs of our learners, we will support and engage with Indigenous learners and communities in new ways, guided by the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
12 Niagara College
Infuse diversity and cultural and global competencies within our academic programs; Act on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations;
Build international and domestic enrolments that are diverse in age and background, in a breadth of programs;
Expand opportunities to experience intercultural study/work travel – “Be World Ready.”
New program review criteria to include cultural and global competencies within program curricula;
A more diverse enrolment base driven by new programs that respond to employer and learner demand;
An inclusive learning environment that better reflects the diverse needs of learners, including enhanced support for, and engagement with Indigenous students and communities.
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 13
“I walked away from my Be World Ready trip with memories of a lifetime and skills that will help me become the leader I hope to be one day.”
Nickita Dcunha Tourism Management – Business Development
An unparalleled range of real-world student experiences is what sets Niagara College apart.
Our model of applied education, embedded in a world-renowned location, gives Niagara College graduates an edge as highly capable, community-engaged professionals. As post-secondary education moves toward more distant and remote program delivery, our strategic vision will strengthen the exceptional campus experience through experiential learning delivered by forward-looking faculty within specialized teaching environments.
Our new strategic vision builds on our history of providing hands-on, real-
world experience enhanced by a range of educational technologies; providing practical experience and opportunities that align a graduate’s knowledge, skills and abilities with the evolving needs of employers. More than 80 programs offer formal work-integratedlearning, an approach our employers confirm as critical to graduate success. Programs now infuse applied research capabilities, global competencies and a focus on sustainability within the teaching and learning environment.
Niagara College’s integrated approach to the learning enterprise model provides experiential learning opportunities for students through active participation in
the planning, operation and management of client-facing enterprises that generate revenue, build the brand, and, above all else, prepare our graduates for new and exciting opportunities as employers and entrepreneurs. This successful model combines applied research, academic programming and student experience to produce a truly unique, made in Niagara, applied learning offering. Niagara College will leverage its unique expertise to launch new learning enterprises, linking them to existing and emerging programs to provide a broader range of experiences for students in Canada and abroad.
14 Niagara College
Expand our range of experiences and applied learning offerings including expanded learning enterprises – small businesses that give students the opportunity to provide products or services to the public;
Diversify student opportunities for work-integrated learning, in Canada and abroad; Develop the skills for lifelong learning; Build on our unique learning environment/location.
Expanded learning enterprises;
A broader range of work-integrated learning opportunities beyond Niagara; Enhanced experiential learning outcomes developed through the program review cycle.
“I had always excelled academically, but knew that I needed the practical learning offered by Niagara College to properly equip me for the workplace.”
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 15
Sarah Greig, NC graduate and recipient of the 2016 Governor General’s Academic Medal
As Niagara College looks to the future, it is driven by a commitment to experiential learning and its leadership position in applied education, and will capitalize on its culture of creativity and innovative thinking towards a digitally proficient, culturally aware and adaptable team of practitioners. In parallel, the College will strategically invest in learnerdriven services, systems and technology to meet the evolving needs of tomorrow’s learners.
Through applied research, Niagara College is a key player in the economic development of Niagara and beyond. As the quantity and scope of applied research projects grow, so too will the opportunities for students to apply the skills and knowledge they’ve developed in the classroom alongside faculty, researchers and industry partners to solve real-world problems. Programs will further develop curricular opportunities
for students to engage in applied learning projects. These research opportunities strengthen the link between industry and education and foster innovative and entrepreneurial skills in students. The strategic vision sees Niagara College expanding its scope to include Canadian and global initiatives which leverage the College’s market position in its focus countries and which supports Niagara’s small-to mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) seeking to go global.
It will do so through new growth opportunities, ensuring the College community’s skills align with emerging learning models and technologies, changing student needs/expectations and new market opportunities.
As the needs of students evolve, we are witnessing the emergence of new education models that include for-profit online modules or badges, online credentials and private-public
partnerships. There is also an increasing demand to recognize prior learning outside formal educational institutions as reflected in emerging partnerships that recognize industry-specific education and training. Niagara College will pursue industry-academic collaboration that capitalizes on the College’s strong connections and support for key industries and partners.
Building on its ability to develop niche programs such as Culinary Innovation and Food Technology, Renewable Energies Technician, Artisan Distilling, and Commercial Beekeeping, Niagara College will develop new offerings and adapt existing programs in response to emerging trends and the needs of key industry sectors.
16 Niagara College
Foster development of creativity and innovative skills within our students; Support entrepreneurial thinking in students appropriate to career opportunities and expectations; Develop innovative programs that meet the needs of diverse students and open new recruitment markets; Support the local and global success of business through engagement with our students, our faculty and our local and global relationships.
A program mix that preempts market demand and reflects employer and learner needs; Applied research and course-based research projects support business goals.
“Niagara College brings youth, enthusiasm and knowledge to a tough playing field where every dollar is critical to the survival of many small businesses.”
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 17
Bob Benner, Hamill Machine Company Inc.
The College’s strategic plan is built on the premise that continuing institution-wide transformation is a necessary ingredient to long-term success. Our transformation is driven by our ability to leverage our resourceful, entrepreneurial and collaborative culture as we move our specialized areas and departments to a fully integrated organization in pursuit of common objectives and goals. This new, consolidated approach is vital to creating an organization where globalization and innovation expand beyond traditional divisions to become an integral function of all college operations.
The College is already leveraging the outcomes of recent institutional assessments to operationalize new efficiencies and make strategic allocations across college operations that ensure programs, services and facilities align with both the current and projected physical, emotional and academic needs of learners while positioning the College to achieve its vision and mission.
Capitalizing on its strong entrepreneurial culture and focus on integrated, data-driven decision making - Niagara’s Unique DNA
- the College is investing in its business architecture to enhance the learner experience and promote increased learner retention and diversify the College’s global portfolio of applied research, education and training initiatives.
As a preemptive college, we continue to align our programs, services and initiatives with the opportunities created by new and emerging trends in business and industry.
Our strategic plan will see the College delivering its unique, signature programs and services beyond Niagara to include deeper education market penetration in Asia, Africa and the Americas, drawing on new and longstanding relationships within our global networks. These opportunities will serve to increase and diversify revenue streams, leverage recruitment geared to domestic audiences and bolster the College’s brand visibility to international students across Canadian markets.
The College has successfully increased global training revenues and global projects have also increased to include several capability building projects where Niagara is playing a leadership role in supporting
national education reform in South East Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Our achievements have established a strong foundation for future success and diversified funding sources. Our strategic plan will create the internal conditions for a nimble, competitive Niagara that secures global projects, drawing on its expertise in educational programming and management, to deliver global programs, operate global campuses and offer a range of consulting services.
Sustainability will further develop at Niagara College, building on a strong track record and commitment to reducing our carbon footprint. Sustainability – in words and in action – will guide organization-wide planning, promote a culture of consciousness and deepen our commitment to corporate stewardship.
18 Niagara College
Integrated and entrepreneurial thinking across the College; Innovation in our services and business processes; Efficient/strategic allocation of resources; and Expanded sources of global funding.
Increased revenue from global initiatives and engagements; Completion of integrated student services model; Achievement of balanced budgets; High levels of employee engagement; Maintain College Performance Indicator (CPI) results.
“Working on food and beverage projects has helped me become a more investigative, more engaged winemaker, and has broadened my knowledge base with regards to many of the topics I teach in the classroom.”
Strategic Plan 2017-2021 19
Gavin Robertson, Winemaker, Wine Instructor, and Researcher & Industry Liaison, Niagara College Teaching Winery
Culturally & Globally Engaged
Above all else, our strategy draws on lessons of history, of foresight and pre-emption that made Niagara College what it is today: a leader in experiential learning, a driver of local and regional economic growth and an institution committed to its vision of enriching lives and fulfilling dreams.
Experientially Focused
Creative, Innovative Entrepreneurial Thinking
Institutional Foundation: Collaborative and Resourceful