Niagara Vintage Wine Review - May 2017

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Happy Mother's Day I would like to take this time to wish all the mothers out there a very happy, family-filled Mother’s Day. Over the years and in my profession, I have had the rare opportunity to work very closely with a few very important matriarchs and central women in the Food & Wine industry! A few of the main women that have played a major part in my life and have been my direct reporting Managers are Cathy Horvath, owner at the Kit Kat Restaurant Toronto; Luciana Mollica, Chef Owner at Casa Mia Ristorante; Madame Bosc, owner operator at Chateau Des Charmes Winery NOTL; Lena Pillitteri, owner operator Pillitteri Winery NOTL, and last but not least my wife and business partner Gabriela Butera Fuccillo. One thing I have noticed about working with all these very spunky and energyfilled women is that they are the glue that holds everything together. They are very direct people who want to get things done! They know the Ins and Outs of the personal side of the business. And they are extremely energetic and work tirelessly in providing a work ethic that emanates throughout the team. It cannot be denied and it has to be respected! Each one of these women has had to juggle their careers, their business, a husband, and a growing family. All of which can be taken for granted at times because they make it look so easy. Whereas the rest of us have to conjure up the energy to fulfill our tasks each day. These women in their own area of expertise and in their family roles are the oil that keeps the machine running most days. They all have a respect for how things once were; where they have come from and how they got to where they are. The learning curve is tough and short and you are expected to be loyal and work towards success every day and never fall short ..…”shoot for the moon and settle for the stars so to speak” but never lose sight of the goal!

Each one of these great Women has had a major impact on how we run our business here at Niagara Vintage Wine Tours. While I was in their presence it was either by osmosis (by saying nothing and just watching them go!) or by their direction that I was able to get the job done and learn the ropes. The lessons I learned from my matriarchal mentors have given me the strength I've needed within this company and industry. Their influence on any success we have had here is a direct correlation from my time spent with each one of these women as my manager through conversation or watching as they ran their business. I believe that I owe them all a debt of thanks for helping me realize my own potential.They have been such an influence on my actions, my belief system, and how we direct staff and fulfill our tasks on an everyday basis. These women have shaped our values of taking care, not letting the customer down, and not letting your family down as you grow your successes. A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing, and when someone walks through the doors of your business they deserve your 100% attention. Your name is on everything you do and how you treat the guest and maximize each day on a business level. It is imperative to tell the guests the story of how it all began, to be proud of what you serve, and to give a little bit of yourself away to each and every guest that you encounter; a hand shake and a small story, or by speaking the language of your homeland. It is true what they say: "life is in the details", but each and every one of these women thrive on these details in their personality and work ethic. There are many clichés I could use, but behind every great business there is a family matriarch that tries to keep everything moving forward smoothly, successfully, and together ! In closing, thank you to all of these great women and Happy Mother’s Day to my Mother and also the late Bonita Whyte, who gave me the courage and taught me to respect, to listen, and to learn from each one of these strong women as people who could be a positive influence in my life.

Happy Mother’s Day & Thank you

Christopher Fuccillo Founder Niagara Vintage Wine Tours INC THE WINE SMART PEOPLE!

Casa Mia Ristorante

La Famiglia e tutto … ”The Family is Everything” By Chris Fuccillo : Founder, Niagara Vintage Wine Tours

Casa Mia Ristorante is literally the “home” where the Mollica family has spent most of their lives and off-time refining their amazing food and hospitality that has been given to the public for over 33 years. The Casa Mia Ristorante is their passion and it is where they spend every waking hour. It is 100% a family affair; passed from the grandparents to the kids, and to the grandkids so that nothing in the lineage gets lost. The Casa Mia has engrained itself as the mecca for Italian fine dining cuisine in the Niagara Region and throughout Southern Ontario. It is a Napa Valley or New York style eatery, bustling with life. A buzz is always in the air with live music and regular customers who come and go daily, treating Casa Mia as their home away from home. The reason for the continued patronage to this restaurant is the amazing friendliness and old school Italian hospitality you are granted when you attend a day or night out at this location. Upon arrival one can easily tell that you are in another place …a sense of place so to speak. Once you have stepped off the street and through that front door, you are engulfed with first class service and the smell of fine foods. You know you are in a “good place “: a place of being and where food and wine is a way of life ! The atmosphere is Italian Mediterranean, but sexy and classy at the same time. It is romantic yet laid back. It's a place where if you get dressed up you will fit right in, but you're also welcome to relax and kick back with Charcuterie and a bottle of Brunello with the boys or girls at the bar!

If you took the time to read my Founders notes you’ll see that owner / operator Chef Luciana Mollica is a personal inspiration. She is the heart and soul of the establishment (a closet Italian philosopher) who speaks though her refined Italian cuisine. She is accompanied by both Chef Claudio Mollica, her youngest son and her eldest son Patriarch Dominic ( Dom ) Mollica who are the driving forces that steer the ship and have brought the ma and pa Restaurant of 33 years ago into the present day. With the help of blood, sweat, tears, and lots of passion, the Casa Mia has accumulated amazing accolades and awards (including multiple Wine Spectator awards) for its evolution into a full fledged place of homage for fine Italian food. The main floor is open and inviting and has multiple private rooms for functions or group dining. The restaurant even comes with its own underground grotto (wine cellar) for full-on wine maker's dinners and Chef tasting menu dinners. It's a perfect place for those who live for food and wine. Sommelier Laura is top rated in the region and would be honored to pair any or all your dishes from the extensive wine list which is one of the best in Canada and cutting edge for the Niagara area! The restaurant is not pretentious by any means even though what they do is above average by leaps and bounds. They just simply want to offer the best there is and want you to enjoy what they believe good food should be! It’s just one of those places where you know people care about the food they are serving and how they serve it, and with all the big lights and franchise restaurants in Niagara Falls this place is truly a haven. If you have been to the Casa Mia in Niagara Falls, you know of what I speak. If you haven’t been and you are a lover of well-crafted high-quality fresh food, complimented by fine wine in a classy robust atmosphere, it is an absolute must!

Mother's Day Brunch

Over the years the restaurant has become famous for its Mother’s Day Brunch. Being that Niagara Falls is on the border with the USA, guests who are in the know will come as far away as Ohio & New York to celebrate the offerings and huge selection and array of fine Italian dishes to enjoy on this special day. It sometimes feels like there is everything under the Tuscan sun to choose from, even a table where hand carved fare is at your request!

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Abe a ut i f ul whi t es pa r kl i ngbur s t i ngwi t hg r a pe f r ui t , l e monz e s ta nds pr i ngbl os s oms . Thepa l a t ei sf r e s hwi t hl i medomi na t e dc i t r us , mi ne r a l a ndf r e s hc utpi ne a ppl e . Themout hf e e l i ss of ta ndc r e a my , l i g hta nddr e a my . Fa nt a s t i cf ort hos eupc omi ngs pe c i a l oc c a s i ons , l i keWe dne s da y , r i g ht ?

$24. 95


Ce r t ii e dOr g a ni ca ndBi odyna mi c

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$49. 95

S YRAH-CREEKS I DEWI NERY VQAS t . Da vi d’ sBe nc h

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$42. 95

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$49. 95

Ge tt okno wo urgui de s !



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Al wa y st r yi ngt oke e phi ms e l fbus y , J oea l s odi v e di nt ot hewor l dofwi net our s !S o, hej oi ne dNi a g a r aVi nt a g eWi neTour s . Wi t hhi se x pe r i e nc ea ndknowhow, J oewa sape r f e c ti t . Hi swi nee x pe r i e nc ec ont i nue s !

Gift Ideas For Mom By: Rebecca Hare

Whether they have raised you since birth, have taken on the title, or filled a mother-like role somewhere along the way, Mother’s Day is great time to honour the special women in our lives. It doesn’t always make finding the right gift any easier though. If you are having trouble here are a number of unique ideas. Niagara has something to offer for any mother type; adventurous or more conservative, the shopaholic or the wine lover. If your mom prefers to getaway or is looking to stay close to home, or whether she is difficult to buy for or easily pleased, Niagara could be your answer! We all have special ladies in our lives and it doesn’t matter if they are your mother, someone else’s mother or simply a motherly type, when Mother’s Day rolls around you want to make sure that you show them how much they are appreciated and loved. Since we are all so unique it is sometimes hard to find the perfect thing to express just how much we care. Well, it is time to think outside the box. Maybe flowers and a card are just what your mother would like this year, but maybe that isn’t quite her style. So take a moment and check out some of these gift ideas and suggestions for a wide variety of personalities. I have categorized the ideas below based on some personality types, but only you know what she will truly love.



Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours Niagara Riding Stables Niagara Parks Trails Country and Golf Clubs


Butterfly Conservatory Botanical Gardens Historical Museums Art Galleries A Spa day or membership

SHOPAHOLIC MOMÂ o Outlet Collection at Niagara o Old Town Niagara-on-the-Lake o Art Galleries o Winery Boutiques


WINE-LOVING MOM o Private Luxury Wine Tours o Public tours and tastings o Wine Pairing dinner events o Wine Boutique tasting and shopping

DAY-TRIPPER MOM o Scenic or Sightseeing Tour o Professional wine tour o Enjoy lunch or dinner in one of many 4 diamond restaurants or a local winery o Horse-drawn Carriage Ride

Some of these are available seasonally but most of them are year-round options. Many will accept advance bookings or provide open ended gift certificates to better ensure you find just the right thing for your mom! Whether you live in the area or are visiting there is something for everyone. Remember that the special ladies in our life are special for a reason and have most likely put our needs and desires before their own at one time or another. Be sure to take the effort to provide them with more than just a gift. Give them a Mother’s Day experience with memories that they will remember forever!


The founder of Vieni Estates brings his passion for wine from Italy and combines it with his love for this distinctly Canadian wine region, and particularly the unique attributes of the rolling hills of the Vinemount Ridge. Master winemaker Mauro Salvador takes the best of the many varietals grown on the estate to produce a broad and compelling range of still wines, ice wines and sparkling wines crafted in the Charmat method (Metodo Italiano). Each offering is crafted to reflect the best of the terroir, the varietal, and the winemaker's skills. Our property is situated on a diverse and breathtaking 175 acre estate on the edge of the Niagara Escarpment. We are host to 18 different grape varietals including the ancient Aglianico grape, of which we are the only producers of in Canada. Keeping with the Italian influence, we use unique winemaking techniques to dry grapes for Appassimento and Ripasso style wines. In addition, Vieni Estates also offers traditional Italian-style grappas and spirits distilled from the many fruits of Ontario.

Stay At Vieni Immerse yourself further in the Vieni experience by staying at the beautifully updated Bed & Breakfast, where every room has a stunning view of the vineyards.

Upcoming Events Hospitality Center Grand Opening- June 11, 2017 Come visit us during the grand opening of our hospitality centre. Featuring beautiful rustic barn board beams with a picturesque view into the vineyard and a stunning stone hearth fireplace. Enjoy a glass of wine in our beautiful courtyard or out on the patio backing the vineyard where you can get a pizza from our authentic wood fired pizza oven, imported direct from Napoli.

Thursday Pizza Nights - Mid June Thursday nights all summer we will be hosting our famous pizza nights. $15 gets you a personal wood oven pizza and a choice of Vieni Estate grown red or white wine. Try your hand at bocce ball on our courts, we will be firing up the oven mid June. Reservations are required.

Taste of Italy - August 20, 2017 Every summer we celebrate our anniversary with our Taste of Italy event. This will be our 4th year hosting the event, where we invite you to celebrate summer with Italian culture, food, wine and entertainment.

Contact Info 905-563-6521 - sdimora -

N i a g a r a V i n t a g e W i n e R e v i e w PUBLI SHEDBYNI AGARAVI NTAGEWI NETOURSI NC. CHRI SANDGABRI ELAFUCCI LLO EDI TOR( Cr eat i ve&Des i gn)— Nat al i eWor den CONTRI BUTORS: Chr i sFucci l l o,Pr es i dent&FounderofNi agar aVi nt ageWi neT our sI NC JoeBur ke,Ni agar aVi nt ageWi neSmar tGui de BeckyHar e,Gues tSer v i c esandGr oupSal es ,Ni agar aVi nt ageWi neT our s St evenDi Mor a,ManageratVi eni Es t at es Jor danCowe,CWE,Ni agar aVi nt ageWi neSmar tGui de

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