Submisson Boards

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Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Alternative Guide Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 01 /15 —

Brief: A design lead investigation into alternative places to visit with a focus on San Francisco. I’m going to collaborate to create an informational guide to the alternative side of San Francisco, because it will improve my editorial and layout skills. Product: Publication, website, applications. Range: Applications, website, publication, stationary, branding. Method of delivery: Web promotion, publication, application. The collaboration between Max and myself on this brief will be broken down into two parts and started in week 4 after dissertation week. Again with this project the majority of the research has already been undertaken and any other research will run along side concept development.

SFBA’13: Reviews Page, Culture

these countries in the initial set of six where for there cultural significance and there placing around the world. We wanted to get each important cultural city from across the globe not all from one continent. The nature of the publication would of course allow for many more publications to be added to the set. The application in the same way as the publication has grown to include the five extra cities. With both the application and the publications only propose the added cities, in the case of the publication we have made the front covers and corresponding wrap and for the application the other countries only appear on the home screen.

SFBA’13: New York Embossed Statue of Liberty

The project has been broken down into two sections the first four weeks concentrating on the printed guide and the identity of the publication. The following weeks will be put aside for the introduction of any screen based promotion and collateral for the project, for example website, twitter and applications. Revised brief: The brief has not necessarily changed but grown. The project had good scope for range and what we have proposed to do is create a range of six publications in a similar format to the San Francisco guide, the cities included are San Francisco, New York, London, Rio, Sydney and Berlin. The reason for choosing

SFBA’13: Embossed Golden Gate Bridge

SFBA’13: Directory Page and Dividing Page


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Alternative Guide Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 02/15 —

Flat plan pagination:

Type face:

Content Pages

The format of the Alternative guide is in 8 equal sections which create the different categories covered in the guide each section starts with a different stock from the main body of the publication. The uniformity of the publication has been designed for ease of use it is a guide with easy to access information and therefore the layout of the pages must adhere to this.

Through out the publication three type faces are used for headings is Apercu Bold, this is the same font used in the logo. The main body text is set in ITC Franklin Gothic Std Medium, the subheadings FGS Bold. The chose of type face is reflective of the layout, the fonts are easily readable and clear making the type accessible to a multitude of different people, which is vital when designing a city guide.

05 Food & Drink 15 Night life 25 Museums 35 Shopping 45 Culture 55 Travel & Sights 65 SF Living 75 Notes

Each section starts with some inside knowledge about the city you are travelling to followed by a directory of the best places to, for example eat and drink, this is then accompanied by reviews of the places in the directory. Throughout the publication are photographs of the places mentioned either in reviews or in the directory.

Useful Information





— 05 - 14

— 15 - 24

— 25 - 34

— 35 - 44





— 45 - 54

— 55 - 64

— 65 - 74

— 75 - 84






Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Alternative Guide Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 03/15 —

Application: To accompany the printed guide we have created an application. The problem with printed media such as this guide is it will become out of date in the most part by the next year, which in one sense give range and longevity to a product but in another sense can be frustrating. The application acts in a similar way to the printed version except it can be updated instead of reprinted and distributed. The application would be over arching for all the cities in the featured in each of the publications with the ability to choose your destination and look at it with more detail. Within each cities sections it will have the similar segments as in the printed version, Food, Drink, Nightlife, Museums, Shopping, Culture, Travel & Sights, Living and Numbers instead of Notes. Choosing a category would take you through to a map showing you the nearest, for example, places to drink and then subsequent clicking would take you through to more information about your selection and a more detailed image location of your chosen destination.

The application would of course be available on all phone makes and models compatible with apps but for the purposes of showing the Mapp app we have chosen to use an iPhone and iPad. The two devices have slightly different interfaces and very different screen sizes this is something that had to be considered when designing the app. The navigation tools within the application are colour coded to reflect the city in question which again reflects the printed publication. The navigation of the application has been designed to make it as easy as possible to use, similarly to the print version it follows a uniformed approach each section having the same general look and theme with differing information.


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: His Book (Alzheimer’s) Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 04/15 Brief:

The content:

A research based investigation of Alzheimer’s with a focus on informing and educating through print based media.

His Book, an insight into a mans struggle with his wife in the weeks and months leading up to her diagnosis with the Alzheimer’s disease. The book works around a given content, a letter, written by the husband of the woman with Alzheimer’s, to a doctor explaining in some detail his struggles and experiences he is having with his wife of 30 years.

I’m going to create an awareness campaign into the affects of Alzheimer’s, I will be doing this because aid my research skills and consequently influence my design process in a positive way, it will also allow develop my editorial/layout skills. The revised brief: A research based investigation into the effects of Alzheimer’s on none Alzheimer’s suffers with a focus on informing and educating through print based media.

The design is driven by the content and the characteristics of the disease. The complicated and erratic nature of the layout binding and stock choices have all been made to be representative of an Alzheimer’s suffers mind and the scarcity of there memories.

His Book: Closing Paragrph

I am going to create a publication using the primary research I have undertaken with interviews with family members of Alzheimer’s patients. This will aid my research skills as well as influence my design decisions. The project will also allow me to develop my abilities as an editorial/layout designer and further my ongoing practice in this field.

His Book: Blank Front Cover

His Book: Key Paragrphs/Words


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: His Book (Alzheimer’s) Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 05/15 —

Layout concept/considerations:

Directing the eye: 1

The Layout has been designed around the idea of taking some of the characteristics of the Alzheimer’s disease and the mental state of a sufferer and applying it to the layout of the book. It has the appearance of confusion and randomness, it is not all in order nor is it in the same type face. Despite this it still needs to be legible and readable as the content of the book is as important as the layout of the publication. 3 Grid system:

Dear Doctor


Another technique I tried to implement as a tool to direct the eye line of the reader was having the following or adjacent paragraph to the first in a different weight of the font used, apposed to changing the font to keep some sort of visual coherence, this way the reader will be able to read through while with relative ease.

She can create scenes for no reason other than she take umbrage at something I’ve said or done. More often than not this is linked to 9 memory lapses. During her scenes/ outbursts she resorts to the following sorts of expressions:




My wife does not know of this letter to you. She must not learn of it. My purpose in writing to you is to give you a much fuller picture than you could obtain from other sources, so that my wife can be helped as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I’m not a child; don’t tell me what to do (or treat me like as one)

Nobodies is interested in me, She is suffering from three major difficulties, which interact with each other to an alarming extent. She has become introspective, miserable and moody – totally unlike the out going and cheerful person she used to be.

Any page that does not adhere to these conventions is simple based on the way the eye reads, starting in the top left hand corner and reading from left to right.

Nobody cars for me, You don’t give a damn for me,

You’re a hateful man, You make me feel this size (using her thumb and forefinger) ,

You don’t love me, 5




I don’t know why I




When working with multiple paragraphs on one page or spread I applied three different grids to each paragraph to this enabled me to have a fairly structured design while creating the appearance necessary for the design concept.






married you,


A prayer for the one who is left

A prayer for the one who is left

A prayer for the one who is left


Me m o -



I have life; I have enough money to live on: I have plenty to occupy me: but I am alone, and sometimes I feel that nothing can make up for that.

I have life; I have enough money to live on: I have plenty to occupy me: but I am alone, and sometimes I feel that nothing can make up for that.

Lord compel me to see the meaning of faith. Make me to realise that I have a hope as well as a memory, and the unseen cloud of witnesses is around me; 2 that you meant it when you said that you would always be with me; and make me realise that as long as you leave me here there is something that I am meant to do; and in doing it, help me to find the comfort and the courage that I need to go on.


1.Keys frequently “lost’. Generally located by me – usually where they should be e.g. in her handbag which she has already searched or in a particular draw.


2.Debit cards, nectar cards, bus pass and several other similar items misplaced.

5.Unaware of the day frequently. This row happens almost every day. She often asks me, repeating her question within a few minutes.

4.Hearing aids “lost’ an incredible number of items spectacles also but not quite so often.

In retrospect I should have spoken to the doctor more than a year ago. Her memory has been poor and getting worse. This has been particularly noticeable in the last six months. A few of her close friends have noticed that all is not right. Let me list a few of the problem areas and, later, a few of the disturbing events:


loss 1

In retrospect I should have spoken to the doctor more than a year ago. Her memory has been poor and getting worse. This has been particularly noticeable in the last six months. A few of her close friends have noticed that all is not right. Let me list a few of the problem areas and, later, a few of the disturbing events:

1.Keys frequently “lost’. Generally located by me – usually where they should be e.g. in her handbag which she has already searched or in a particular draw.





5.Unaware of the day frequently. This row happens almost every day. She often asks me, repeating her question within a few minutes.

4.Hearing aids “lost’ an incredible number of items spectacles also but not quite so often.



Lord, the trouble about life just now is that I seem to have all things which don’t matter, and to have lost all the things, which do matter.





Lord, the trouble about life just now is that I seem to have all things which don’t matter, and to have lost all the things, which do matter.


He is 51 and lives in London. He visits us on Fathers Day in June and treated us to lunch – a regular event. The three of us spend about 6 hours together during the day. After he had gone, I1opened up the convocation with her




I have life; I have enough money to live on: I have plenty to occupy me: but I am alone, and sometimes I feel that nothing can make up for that.

Lord compel me to see the meaning of faith. Make me to realise that I have a hope as well as a memory, and the unseen cloud of witnesses is around me; that you meant it when 2 you said that you would always be with me; and make me realise that as long as you leave me here there is something that I am meant to do; and in doing it, help me to find the comfort and the courage that I need to go on.




Lord, the trouble about life just now is that I seem to have all things which don’t matter, and to have lost all the things, which do matter.


Lord compel me to see the meaning of faith. Make me to realise that I have a hope as well as a memory, and the unseen cloud of witnesses is around me; 2 that you meant it when you said that you would always be with me; and make me realise that as long as you leave me here there is something that I am meant to do; and in doing it, help me to find the comfort and the courage that I need to go on.


He is 51 and lives in London. He visits us on Fathers Day in June and treated us to lunch – a regular event. The three of us spend about 6


hours together during the day. After he had gone, I1opened up the convocation with her


about the pleasure that his visit had given me. It transpired that she did not remember

about the pleasure that his visit had given me. It transpired that she did not remember that he was my son (her stepson) even though she had been in his company dosens and dosens of times over about 30years and that she has on numerous occasions expressed her fondness for him.

that he was my son (her stepson) even though she had been in his company dosens and dosens of times over about 30years and that she has on numerous occasions expressed her fondness for him.

She became exceedingly cross with me in her fulsome way when I insisted that he was my son.

She became exceedingly cross with me in her fulsome way when I insisted that he was my son.

“He’s a nice man, but I’ve never met him before” was her battle cry she did

“He’s a nice man, but I’ve never met him before” was her battle cry she did

think that he must be some sort of family member.

think that he must be some sort of family member. 5



2.Debit cards, nectar cards, bus pass and several other similar items misplaced. The way in which this scene developed still leaves me in a state of dismay. She asked the question – ‘if he is your son who is his mother?” I explained that his mother was my ex-wife, whom she had often met and spoken to at many



The way in which this scene developed still leaves me in a state of dismay. She asked the question – ‘if he is your son who is his mother?” I explained that his mother was my ex-wife, whom she had often met and spoken to at many


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: His Book (Alzheimer’s) Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 06/15 —

Design approach

One of the main approaches I wanted to take while undergoing this brief was exploring how the content and research undertaking could directly influence the design, and how that would effect the way I would design the book. As spoken about on previous boards the design of the book is to reflect the Alzheimer’s condition this is not however exclusive to the layout, I want the entire book to have a disjointed incohesive appearance. To achieve this aesthetic, stock was a consideration along with how I would bind and back the book.

Despite this the stock colours are all still fairly uniform and the gradual darkening is to avoid making the book illegible and to difficult to read. The pestle page in the back of the book is a juxtaposition between what is written and the colour of the stock which should perhaps end as a black page, the secondary reasoning for this page is to signify a kind of relief with the unfortunate conclusion of death. His Book: Perfect Bound

The brief I set my self was to aid my research skills both within the design of my product, learning new skills and reengaging with previously learnt ones, and the research of my content and the context of the brief.

The colour of the stock gradually gets darker as the book goes on, although this is not a uniformed darkening of paper, the paper is darkening as the condition ‘darkens’ and becomes harder to deal with for both parties the sufferer and the husband.

Stock consideration The book consists of six different colour stocks, including end papers, and four different weights. The colours are off white and grey stocks all having a fairly grainy texture, with the exception of the back page which is a pestle pink colour, which is smooth in texture.

His Book: French Folds

The significance of the different stock colours and the way they are ordered through the book are as follows;

His Book: Book Binging, Case Bound


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Inpress Design Rebrand Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 07 /15 —

Brief: A print based investigation of branding with a focus on Inpress Design Studio. I’m going to collaborate to create a full brand identity for Inpress, because this will help develop my collaboration and branding abilities/skills.

inpress design: Letter Head

Product: Logo, colour scheme, identity. Range: Business cards, website, letter head, collateral, stationary, publication. Method of Delivery: Screen; website, mailing lists. Print; publication, business cards. Events. The main part of this brief had to be relitivly quickly produced as there were demands on the application of the new brand through prior comitments. The logo its self must be versitile as it would apear on many different examples of media, for example buisness cards but also as a stamp. The logo had to be clear and easliy recogniseable as the key focus of the brand.

inpress design: Business Cards


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Inpress Design Rebrand Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 08/15 —

Brand guidelines: As a part of the brand I have devised the rules for how all publications should look and the rules all printed and screen based colateral should follow, the guide outlines the fonts that can be used including the weights and point size. The Inpress Design branding and guidelines includs the logo, preferred type face, body copy, capitalisation, colour ways, email communication & signatures.

inpress design: Brand Guidelines

This has been made into a small publication allowing for brand consistancy across a wide range of medias from different designers.

inpress design: Logo Composition


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Inpress Design Rebrand Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 09/15 —

Application of the brand: As previously stated the logo has to be applied to multiple different objects in various sizes this means it has to be adaptable regarding colour and appearance. It has to work at A1 for a wall banner but also as a 55mm by 85mm business card.

inpress design: Event at Dock Street

These pictures are example of some of the different mediums that the brand had to translate onto. Although the work has not been personally designed and produced by me they are a good example of the brand, logo and colour in application in the real world. The main colours Pantone Red 032 U & Pantone 285 U are used constantly through any printed or indeed on screen media this along with the logo tie the brand together. Because of this four designer with very different styles can create work but either us the same colour pallet or using the logo in various different colours. inpress design: Poster for Spur Magazine

inpress design: Branded Promotional Postcard Holder


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Truyu Natural Cosmetics Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 10 /15 —

Brief: A print based investigation of natural cosmetics company with a focus on branding. I’m going to create a full brand identity using ethical sourced materials, because this will develop my ability to brand effectively and to meet the needs of a client.

Truyu: Business Cards Truyu: Letter head and Wax Stamp

Product: Logo, branding, packaging, collateral. Range: Business cards, product packaging, collateral, stationary. Method of delivery: Mail outs, websites, product packs. This brief is to create an identity for a natural cosmetics company, the main aim of this brief is to create a coherent brand that can be rolled out to the client and they can take full running of the identity without having to still employ a graphic designer and not having to send items for large scale print runs, this will keep costs low for the client as it is a starter business but also have a low carbon impact as everything is done on a small personal level. The branding is in two parts the logo and the overall identity this is achieved by the choice of paper stocks and other collateral that appears on screen.

Truyu: Branding and Collateral


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Truyu Natural Cosmetics Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 11 /15 —

Self sufficient branding:

The logo:

What I have tried to create with this brand are tools that will allow the client to easily run there own maintenance on there product range. This is ideal for a small start up business, I have done this by implementing simple cost effective techniques such as a ink stamp with the logo on it this will allow the client to band anything they want with ease, another product I have created is a wax stamp for sending letter and other correspondence, and finally a hand embossing stamp. The combination of the three products allow the client to self brand items without having to by prints, for example, in large quantities which can be costly.

The brief required the logo to be ‘modern’ and not stereo typical. I have interpreted this and created a logo that is functional on its own but is also easily applied to multiple different products, collateral and branded items. One of the key features of the logo is that it has to be able to work of cosmetics packaging this, although as of yet not achieved, is the reason behind the portrait style.

Truyu: Wax Seal

Truyu: Logo Composition

Another part of the brand identity are he choices in paper stocks, the stocks are all 100% recycled and eco friendly which mirrors the ethics of the company the paper chosen is available in small quantities in various sizes this again abides by the idea of self sufficient branding.

Truyu: Rubber Ink Stamp


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Truyu Natural Cosmetics Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 12 /15 —

Website: A key part of this brief is a website, where customers can purchase the products but also learn more about the brand and be apart of the Truyu family. The target audience for Truyu is fairly large and diverse but it is primarily aimed at women in there mid to late 30’s this demographic should be computer literate but due to the branding this would lend itself to an easy to use easy to navigate website accessible to many people. One of the main problems when designing for screen with a brief such as this is the lack of texture, which plays such a vital role within the printed side of the brand. I have decided the way to overcome such a problem is to use photography. Warm inviting pictures will hopefully give the same aesthetic and feel as the paper is supposed to convey.


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Make Churchill Famous Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 13 /15 —


Churchill: Poster Range Churchill:Winston Who?

Churchill – the brand, as well as the dog himself - is proud of Britain and all the things that make it great. He is particularly proud of Winston Churchill – his namesake and “greatest ever Briton”. The Sun recently ran a story revealing that more kids know who Churchill the dog is than Winston Churchill. Our lovely dog had mixed emotions. Surely it can’t be right that he is more famous than the esteemed wartime leader! So Churchill the dog has embarked upon a mission to restore Winston Churchill to his rightful place as the most famous Churchill. The ambition for this brief is: “make Winston Churchill famous among 11-18 year old.” Our take on it How to make Winston Churchill, a figure head of British’ness, famous amongst 11-18 year old in Britain. Using modern methods of communication and distribution like Facebook, Twitter and phone applications. This method of distribution is to allow for a more accessible means of communication in terms of learning. If it is made fun and interesting a younger target market will be more engaged. The use of language throughout, baring direct quotes is ‘younger’ especially using more colloquial language and slang. This is to make it seem less like a history lesson and more interesting, this is the same reason for using social media to get the message across. Using quotes and images from/of Winston Churchill we were able to create a broad range of deliverable which feel are accessible to a younger audience/ generation.

Churchill: Famous Quotes


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Make Churchill Famous Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 14 /15 —


Churchill: Winston Mug

Although there would be a focus on the screen/web based media to drive the ‘make Churchill famous’ campaign we thought it would be good to have various print based collateral that can accompany the App, website, Twitter, Facebook and Myspace. Another thing this allows us to have is a book accompany the campaign. The book would be essentially further reading if the campaign is successful and interests people. The book would be in a similar format to the whole campaign still trying to be interesting and being different to a text book or history book which can be heavy and hard to read. Other printed collateral would be things like postcards, billboards, posters and mugs. These things would be distributed to schools and other youth organisations to encourage people to access the online media, such as the Winston Churchill Twitter feed and Facebook. While in them selves would be a useful source of information showing pictures, facts, quotes and information about the man.

Churchill: Posters


Niall Cruickshank-Sutton Level 06 — Brief Title: Make Churchill Famous Module Code: OUGD301 Board No: 15 /15 —

Social media

The application

Social media would be the main focus of the campaign, this is an area which the age group we are looking at (11-18) can connect with easily. One of the main focuses of the campaign is the #Churchill the twitter page will act mainly as a tool to get people talking about the great man, throwing out facts, and quotes along with talking points and interesting links. Social media is a very powerful tool and if publicised correctly can make or break a campaign such as this.

The proposed application would be a little pocket sized information library, this is just another way to distribute the information. The application will have similar information as the website or book but would be formatted in a way in which would link with the other social media sights creating an integrated hub of information.

We also propose a website and other social media sites such as Facebook, Myspace and You tube. The official website would be in place as an over arching base for all of the social media centres to reference. The website would be the similar to the printed book in this sense as it would be a more comprehensive piece of information on Churchill were as the social media sites would give brief pieces of information to encourage curiosity for this subject.


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