Based on the principles that have been introduced so far in the Enterprise module, investigate who you are as a creative in relation to who is out there looking for creative talent. Write a list of all the possible client groups that use graphic design in the development, production, distribution, promotion and/or communication of their products or services. Identify one client group that reflects your current ambitions within the graphic design area (music industry, retail, publishing, education etc.) and focus on identifying:What skills / interests you have and how they relate to the needs of your client group? What skills are needed and what skills do you want to develop? What are your professional/creative aims and how do they relate to the needs of the client group? It is essential that you make references to the 4 Ps which formed the core learning of your first Enterprise Lecture. This is an exercise in applying that theory – it is not appropriate to write about the theory itself. Demonstrate your understanding of it by actually using it.
This is a list of potential jobs I may come across from a range of clients as a graphic designer in industry; Corporate Identity and/or Branding Music Industry Educational material Large Scale Retail Small Scale Retail Web Design Magazine Editorial Publishing (books) Advertising Illustration Photography Packaging Design Marketing Promotion At this stage in my course I am very interested in publications and editorials, from sessions I have done surrounding layout design I have been very interested in this aspect of graphic design. WHAT SKILLS/ INTRESTS DO YOU HAVE AND HOW DO THEY RELATE TO THE NEEDS OF YOUR CLIENT GROUP? As a graphic designer you need to be flexible and attentive to your clients needs, while staying true to the way you creatively express your self through deign. I feel as a designer I would be able to produce work for a client that suits there needs, but also mine as a creative. If I where to be asked to complete a job within my chosen field I would like to think I would have extensive knowledge of layout and what makes a good publication to be be a able to deliver the exact product the client needs. I think of my self as a perfectionist and I would be very prepaired to rip up anything I was not completely happy with, well for at least 30 secondas before and after print, I have become more restrained with this impulsive reatction to destroy all work that is not ‘perfect’, developement a nice word for bad work, but also a nessasry for good design. this compulsive need to have my work correct is sothing of a skill I feel would be apropreate to editorial design as it must look good as it could be reproduced thousands of times and at the end of the day it could be the difference between someone picking up a magazine or not.
WHAT SKILLS ARE NEEDED AND WHAT SKILLS DO YOU WANT TO DEVELOPE? Something i think is an important skill when creating editorial design is being able to get your ideas down on paper quickly, of course being able to translate that into InDesign is important but the initial ideas stage being able to get quick concise, well presented hand drawn layouts is integral. I think this style of working is important while working in many areas of graphic design, and it is this aspect i wish to develop there has been many opportunities in the first few months of the second year to apply this way of working, but I’d still like to improve. Software is also an integral resource when creating a layout for an editorial, InDesign is a program i am familiar with but there is always room to learn and have a greater knowledge of the program, quark express is another layout and finishing program perhaps more widely used in industry than the adobe equivalent so becoming an expert in both software types is integral to my practise as a graphic designer. Another skill I think is important is to no your trade, for example the print process and what is needed when sending work for profesional print, also other aspects of editorial design for exaple binding and the different techneques for binding. To know the enviroment you work will only make you a better deigner.
WHAT ARE YOUR PROFESSIONAL/ CREATIVE AIMS AND HOW DO THEY RELATE TO THE NEEDS OF THE CLIENT GROUP? My ambitions as a creative would be to firstly graduate with a good degree then to progress into a graphic design firm not nessasrily specilising in one particular area but i will have briefs i would be more inclined to work towards. I would like to build a reputaion for high quality, proffesional work that is produced to a high standard and on time. Having a good reputaion will make your client have faith and confidence in the work that you create, failure to achieve to the highest possible standard is not accepable when trying to create a creative and client based network so you can have a successful carear. I would be intrested in working for my self perhaps free lance or even running a small Graphic design firm of my own but i think this will not be able to be achieved without industrial experience.