The Fedrigoni YCN brief requires the creation of a campaign that will insure the entire UK design industry will hear about the Imaginative Colours swatch tool. The way I propose this is to achieve this is to create a series of event aimed at people within the create industry to come and see, feel and interact with the stocks they should be using with there own work and craft.
Niall Cruickshank-Sutton OUGD203 YCN/Fedrigoni
The main way to promote these events would be through mail outs and posters printed using the Imaginative Colours stock, this would give the recipients a chance to interact with the stock and see how it can be applied and utilised within design.
Niall Cruickshank-Sutton OUGD203 YCN/Fedrigoni
As a part of the exhibition I propose information about the different stocks with the range would be projected onto intalations, here are mocks ups of what the poster might look like if it was to be projected on to a wall at ont of the Fedrigoni events.
Niall Cruickshank-Sutton OUGD203 YCN/Fedrigoni
As a key feature of my proposed event there would be a series of large sculptures made from several different examples of the Imaginative Colours stock. The sculptures would have info graphics projected onto them informing any viewer the name, weight and specific colour of the paper, the purpose of the event is to touch and interact with the different stock options
Niall Cruickshank-Sutton OUGD203 YCN/Fedrigoni
The event would have an opening night for invited guests, but then would become an open event for the public to publicise this i have mocked up what some of the posters would look like in a real world situation, in this instance it is, in and around London as this is wheretht event would be held.
Niall Cruickshank-Sutton OUGD203 YCN/Fedrigoni