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We want to remind anyone experiencing emotional distress, thoughts of suicide, and or thoughts of self-harm, to please give yourself permission to do what you can at this time and not put undue pressure on yourself.

If you are able to manage a walk, even to the front gate, or a potter around the garden, that is brilliant; do what is right for you.

If you find there are days where physically and mentally you are not able to do anything, that is ok! Give yourself permission to rest.

We must remember the importance of self-care – do not force yourself to do things you don’t feel up to doing.

We may be experiencing isolation, loneliness, fear. We need to be good to ourselves and not feel forced to try and keep up with the things we would normally have done. To those of you who can‌brilliant and please keep it up as best you can!

To those of you who have been struggling, please look after yourselves. At the minute every achievement is personal so do what is right for you, no matter how big or small.

Parental Guilt Working from Home or Returning to Work These extracts have been taken from Action for Children “How to deal with parental guilt�.

For the full article please see

Parental Guilt Working from Home or Returning to Work You are “at home during a crisis, trying to work�, while trying to manage childcare. Think about where your guilt is coming from. Are you feeling guilty over something out of your control? Accept that you are feeling guilty. Label it as guilt and move on from it. Fighting it wastes energy and can affect your behaviour towards others.

Parental Guilt Working from Home or Returning to Work If you are finding it difficult, speak to your employer about flexible working and workload expectations. Allowing your children to watch TV or play video games is okay. It can help you get some work done, take time for yourself and help create a happier home environment. Please remember, your home is not a school.

Parental Guilt Working from Home or Returning to Work Self-Care

Have realistic expectations of yourself and your children. The happier you are, the happier you will be with your children. Just as a flight attendant instructs you to put on your own mask before helping others, make sure your wellbeing is taken care of, so that you can best support your children.

Parental Guilt Working from Home or Returning to Work Self-Care At the end of the day, share one thing that’s gone well. You can turn it into a shared family activity: put up a board and have everyone write one thing they’ve learned that day.

These are not normal times that we are living in. Please remember your limitations and be kind to yourself at this time. We all need to find a balance in our routine and our actions.

To anyone who is finding it hard to get out of bed – be kind to yourself. To anyone who is struggling to exercise – be kind to yourself. And to those who don’t know when to stop exercising – be kind to yourself!

Remember the importance of self-care and try and find the right balance‌not too much or too little of anything. We are on this journey with you.

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