1 minute read
The Endorsement Logo
Placed on its own
(i.e. not combined with the company logo)
The purpose of the endorsement logo is to be used as a sign of endorsement and support. It must always be used along with the main sender, e.g. the subsidiary brand and its logo. The endorsement logo may be used placed together with the subsidiary brand and its logo, see the right column on this page, or as stand alone in the context of the main sender, see free zones on page 14. Also see examples of both applications on page 17.
Consequently, the endorsement logo may not be used on its own without any connection.
Placed together with company brand
Please use following endorsement logos when placed together with a main logo.
Please note that the width of the endorsement logo relative to the main logo may vary, bearing in mind that the main logo has the leading part.