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Scotland roadshows, Scottish
Contractors out in force at roadshows
More than 400 electrical contractors attended our NICEIC roadshows in Scotland recently. Th e four events in Inverness, Glasgow, Dundee and Edinburgh proved popular with sparks, who quizzed NICEIC’s technical experts about some of the latest developments in the electrical industry.
Th is year’s seminars covered topics such as BS 5389 (fi re detection and alarms), electric vehicle charging, surge protection devices (SPDs) and EICR coding. Th e events were also CPDaccredited for the fi rst time, meaning attendees could use their lessons from the day as part of their ongoing professional development.
Stuart Th ompson, NICEIC’s area manager for Scotland, said: “Our roadshows give us the opportunity to speak to electricians directly about the latest happenings within the industry and allow us to fi nd out fi rst-hand the issues they want us to look at.
“It was a great series and a good way for anyone working in the industry to get the opportunity to speak to leading names in the industry and to talk face to face with suppliers, manufacturers and other contractors in the area.”
In addition to the seminars, attendees were also able to chat to representatives of the Electrical Industries Charity and discuss the practical support services and fi nancial relief on off er for electrical contractors and their families who come into diffi cult circumstances.
NICEIC has welcomed the Scottish Government’s pledge to launch an awareness campaign to make it easier for consumers to fi nd qualifi ed electricians. The announcement also included a promise to publish a consultation on the debate regarding the regulation of electricians.
NICEIC has been working with government and other industry parties to drive rogue electricians out of the sector. The campaign will highlight the need to use a registered electrician who is qualifi ed to carry out the work.
Kevan Parker, managing director of NICEIC, said: “This announcement adds further momentum to our commitment to improve consumer safety and protection.”
The government’s programme for 2019/20 can be found at gov.scot
For more information about the government’s intentions regarding regulation see page p10 inside

NICEIC updates training centres
NICEIC has updated its network of approved training centres in Scotland.We now have a spread of centres across the region, improving access to a range of courses to build your skills. NICEIC Training can now be accessed at: • • Glasgow, City Building Glasgow • • Aberdeen, Imorph Limited, Altec Centre • • Kirkcaldy, Building Services Business Centre • • Inverness, IVtwo, Kintail House • • Edinburgh, Plumbing Pensions, Bellevue House.
Th e extended network means electricians in Scotland can now access more NICEIC courses in Scotland than ever before, including the 18th Edition. NICEIC off ers the full three-day 18th Edition training course or the one-day update course at the venues above.
For more information about dates and times for the course please visit www.niceicscotland.com/training