5 minute read
Should we regulate who
Safety fi rst
Th e need to protect consumers is at the heart of the upcoming consultation into whether – and how – electricians in Scotland should be regulated
In the coming months, the Scottish Government will consult on whether electricians in Scotland should be regulated and how this should be achieved.
In 2017, research commissioned by the Scottish Government found that 92 per cent of those polled believed that electricians should be independently assessed to determine their qualifi cations and/ or competence. Despite this, the UK government does not currently regulate who can call themselves an electrician, or require that only those with suitable qualifi cations or demonstrable competence can carry out certain kinds of electrical work. Th is puts the UK at odds with most of the rest of Europe.
Th e consequences of substandard electrical work can be devastating, and it is often those who are most vulnerable who are most at risk. Th ere is also the need to safeguard the industry for the long term, so that it can continue to attract the skilled entrants needed to ensure good practice remains the norm.
Th ere is already a framework in place that supports the majority of reputable tradespeople to deliver professional standards of electrical work – including the scheme run by NICEIC. However, these schemes operate on a voluntary basis, and there have been calls from parts of the electrical industry to regulate electricians and recognise the high level of skill required to carry out their duties safely and competently.
In 2017, the Scottish Government established an Electricians Working Group to explore the issue, inviting industry and consumer experts in Scotland to join – including NICEIC, SELECT, Electrical Safety First, Scottish Joint Industry Board and Citizens Advice Scotland. I have chaired the group since taking up
the role of Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills in June 2018.
Th e complexity of the issue, and the strong feelings it evokes, are clear. However, there are points on which we all agree and these have guided our discussions. Th ey are that the industry and the Scottish Government must focus on: • • Protecting consumers and ensuring the safety of electrical installations • • Protecting scrupulous traders and creating an inhospitable environment for miscreants

• • Maintaining an environment that allows competition within electrical services provision to thrive.
I recognise that the majority of electricians take pride in the quality of their work and the service they off er. Our task is to tackle the small minority who damage trust.
One of the challenges has been accurately assessing the scale of the problem. Th e Scottish Government does not shy away from regulation where it is required, but it should be proportionate, eff ective and justifi able. Th is requires full understanding of an issue.
It is on this basis that the Scottish Government commissioned a comprehensive study of issues around regulation of electricians. Despite its thorough exploration, reaching any conclusions on the scale of risk required signifi cant assumptions. Th is leads to two conclusions: that, while there is some risk posed by unqualifi ed and incompetent traders, there is also considerable challenge in assessing a suitable response.
Th is challenge is increased by the split of powers between the UK and Scottish governments, which may constrain what’s possible. One proposal is to provide title protection for electricians – making it an off ence for someone to call themselves an electrician without proof of the necessary qualifi cations or competence. Other proposals include building on the current framework to create an expanded, Scottish Governmentbacked voluntary regulatory scheme, or a more comprehensive licensing system that would involve mandatory registration.
I hope you will respond to our public consultation when we publish it. I must stress there is no predetermined outcome, but our response may be curtailed by the limits on our devolved powers. However, to the extent that we can act, we are determined to do so.
I also want to stress that, no matter how we take forward regulation, there is more work to be done to increase public awareness of the safeguards already in place, and to make it easier for them to identify qualifi ed and/or competent professionals. Without this crucial step, regulatory measures alone will have little impact.
I am conscious that much of this work must be led by industry itself. However, the Scottish Government is committed to using its infl uence to help. And while the complexity of this issue requires that we consult before committing to anything, I want to assure those of you who are hoping for change that progress is being made: • • Th e Electrical Safety Working Group is building on the work of the recent white goods campaign to improve consumer awareness of the need to hire qualifi ed, competent electricians and the current ways to do so • • NICEIC and SELECT have agreed to work with Trading Standards and exchange information so as to improve the protection of consumers from substandard work and prevent it, where possible • • Eff orts are being increased to identify the cause of electrical fi res so that harm caused by faulty installation work can be better tracked and tackled.
Th ese may seem like small steps, but they will help ensure that electricians and those who hire them are protected from harm.
To access the Regulation of Electricians in Scotland research report, visit www.gov. scot/publications/regulationelectricians-scotland/
Jamie Hepburn MSP is Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills at the Scottish Government, which is currently working with the electricians group to fi nd a way forward.

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