18 minute read
Building for the future
from Connections - Summer 2016
Rather than being a niche technology that only larger electrical contracting firms need to be concerned about, building information modelling (BIM) is fast becoming a mainstream fixture on all construction projects.
By allowing everyone to understand a project or building through the use of a digital model that gathers information about every component of it in one place, BIM creates more eff icient and integrated ways of working during all stages of the construction lifecycle through the digital representation of physical and functional characteristics.
With a history of unimpressive performance and poor value for the public purse, the UK government has long bemoaned the way in which its construction projects have been delivered. The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills’ Construction Industrial Strategy, published in early 2013, suggested that £40 billion of public money is spent on centrally funded public buildings every year and, from this, millions of pounds are lost through poor practices. It also found that 30 per cent of the construction process is rework, 60 per cent of the labour eff ort is wasted and 10 per cent of loss is due to squandered materials.
The UK government has taken the lead in promoting the use of BIM since the publication of its Construction Strategy in May 2011. This report announced its intention to require the use of collaborative BIM by 2016, and since April all centrally procured public sector projects have required the implementation of BIM at Level 2. Meanwhile, October will see each government department’s capability to electronically validate BIM information delivered from the supply chain assessed.
“The UK is now leading the global race towards digitalisation of the construction industry and we will not let it slip,” says the government’s BIM task group chair Mark Bew. “BIM is very much business as usual. Level 2 is driving eff iciency and creating a competitive supply sector with our businesses in demand internationally. BIM will become a required UK standard across the entire built environment.”
Julian Carter, head of commercial services at the South East Centre for the Built Environment (SECBE), believes this top-down approach will make a diff erence. “Without the government’s backing, through the successful delivery of the Construction Strategy,
Building information modelling will play a vital role in how construction projects are designed, built and managed in the future. Rob Shepherd explains why electrical contractors need to get on board now

BIM would not be where it is today,” he says. “Where the government has led, others are following and it has created the investment in BIM knowledge that the industry is now making.’
Broad scope
The positive impact of BIM extends far beyond public sector projects, though, as it demonstrates the geometry of a building’s spatial relationships, geographic information, and material quantities and properties. It also consolidates much of the information contained in specifications and schedules, as well as project management and post-construction facilities management.
All relevant parties are able to access that information for any purpose. For example, exact quantity take-off s mean that materials are not over-ordered, while precise programme scheduling enables just-in-time delivery of resources and equipment. Furthermore, it identifies when automated fabrication of equipment and components can be used, enabling more eff icient materialshandling and waste recovery.
The government predicts BIM will save UK construction and its clients £2 billion a year, and Gary Buckingham, marketing manager of partner business at Schneider Electric, suggests there will also be “cost savings in the facilities management of the building through defined maintenance and repair costs”.
Although there has been significant progress, there is still much work to do to raise awareness and make sure all parties take the leap towards BIM. This was borne out in the recent 2016 NBS National BIM Report, which highlighted that although BIM is happening, only 37 per cent of those surveyed are using BIM from the start of a project to the very end, with just over half (54 per cent) of all respondents saying they are using BIM at all.
Furthermore, research conducted by the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA) last year found that over half of contractors (54 per cent) with a turnover of less than £1 million were ‘not ready at all’ for BIM, while 30 per cent with earnings between £1 million and £20 million were in the same position. “It is vital that building services firms of all shapes and sizes quickly get up to speed with BIM, as it won’t work properly if the specialist supply chain is not fully ready,” warns Bill Wright, head of energy solutions at the ECA.
Level pegging Working towards BIM:
Level 0: Computer-aided design (CAD), likely 2D, with communications and collaborations via electronic sources and paper in an unmanaged environment. The majority of commercial projects are still at this level
Level 1: CAD, in either 2D or 3D, which is managed and used to give a visual image to a client. It can also check clashes visually, and can be used to reduce waste costs and confl icts
Level 2: Collaboration by all parties of the design team is required. 3D models are used, but this does not necessarily mean working from one model, as members may work from separate models
Level 3: The model itself will be held on a central server where access will be enabled and controlled by the project teams. Level 3 ‘smart’ BIM is signifi cantly easier to achieve if the correct intelligent-building technology has been installed during the construction phase
60 per cent:
The amount of labour in the construction process that is wasted, according to government fi gures

54 per cent:
The number of smaller contractors that admit they are not ready for BIM
Croydon-based King & Moff att is one firm already making good use of it. “BIM is revolutionising the electrical contracting industry; however, it is fair to say there are varying degrees of awareness in the sector,” says Padraic King, the company’s BIM manager. “Our senior management have grasped its importance and we have been involved in a number of projects where BIM has been used. But from attending numerous meetings and conferences, it’s clear to see that not many mechanical and electrical contractors have any knowledge in this area.”
Taking action
For those new to BIM, there will be initial costs incurred to cover new computing equipment, software and processes. In some circumstances, training might be required, but this should be considered in the light of greater eff iciencies further down the line and the introduction of more eff icient working practices.
Simon Brown, senior Cymap application engineer at Cadline, warns that businesses need to take the time to understand how to use BIM eff ectively. “There is no software package out there at the moment that covers all bases in one suite, so it is important that users are trained in the appropriate piece of software, then also trained based on their workflow as to who does what and when in the process,” he says. “It’s important they examine their workflows as an organisation and look at how the software packages interact with each other. Failure to adopt this approach means they have bought suites of software that each user can manipulate but can’t join up the process.”
This tallies with King’s experience, but the benefits have outweighed the costs. “Implementing BIM has required significant investment in hardware in the form of desktop computers that are capable of running the Autodesk’s Revit software, and we have also trained and upskilled our engineers,” he says. “But the costs have not been prohibitive in our case and we choose to view BIM as an opportunity.”
Victoria Harding-Domeney, BIM/ Revit MEP manager at SB Electrical,
Benefit check BIM offers:
• A single, shared multidimensional model, cultivating collaborative working relationships
• Exact quantity ordering, so that materials are not over-ordered. Precise programmescheduling enables just-in-time delivery of materials and equipment, while the use of BIM for automated fabrication of equipment and components enables more effi cient materials handling and waste recovery
• Swift and accurate comparison of diff erent design options, enabling development of more effi cient, cost-eff ective and sustainable solutions, and true whole-life asset management
• The ability for projects to be visualised at an early stage, giving owners and operators a clear idea of design intent and allowing them to modify the design to achieve the outcomes they want
• Product information that assists with commissioning, operation and maintenance activities
• Faster project delivery. This can be achieved by agreeing the design concept early in project development to eliminate stage design changes using standard design elements when practical
• Multidisciplinary design integration using a single model. This allows interface issues to be identifi ed and resolved in advance of construction, eliminating the cost and time impacts of redesign through service clashes
agrees. “There is a spectrum of levels of involvement with BIM, depending what a company wishes to have,” she says. “However, the cost is not prohibitive as long as it is properly thought through. Furthermore, manufacturers are producing BIM products, which can be used by electrical contractors to develop their design in a more eff icient way.”
Standard issue
Standards have been introduced that will assist firms working on BIM-based projects. PAS 1192-2 sets out how to share information and is available to public and private sector clients for use on jobs. In 2014 PAS 1192-3 was published, which extended BIM’s remit into the operational phase of the building lifecycle and defines the handover of the building from construction to operations, as outlined in BS 8536.
These standards mean that contractors are obliged to stay involved beyond the stage of practical completion and assist during initial operation and beyond. More recently, two additional standards have been released – PAS 1192-4 and PAS 1192-5 – addressing the exchange of information and data security respectively.
“Standards play an important role in ensuring the wider adoption of BIM technologies, processes and collaboration by ensuring that the same accurate data can be accessed throughout the supply chain,” says Bew.
By providing intuitive and interactive tools, BIM provides the foundations for achieving streamlined operational eff iciencies. Ultimately, it will need to be used by all parties, irrespective of size, in order for them to evolve within a changing industry. Those ignoring the BIM revolution do so at their peril.
» Rob Shepherd is a freelance business journalist who specialises in the building services industry
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Having been with WAGO for 25 years, and seen the changes during that time that have led us to where we are now, I’d like to think I’m particularly well positioned to assess what the future might hold for the electrical industry. Screwless technology was not exactly in its infancy 25 years ago, but it was far from widely adopted. Now, having proven itself time and time against older technologies, screwless is becoming the industry standard.
But what challenges face us in the future? It’s the customer who holds the key here; in our industry new technologies develop because there exists a customer demand that older technologies aren’t fulfilling. Whether it’s a demand for improved product features, lower costs, greater ease of use, reduced maintenance requirements, or more streamlined delivery channels between supplier and customer. The market leaders will always be the companies that can respond fastest in eff ectively leveraging these emerging technologies to create useful products, and getting those products to the customer.
At WAGO this means constantly innovating and never standing still, as you never know when the next game-changing technology will come along that might capture customers’ imaginations. Smart controls are starting to creep into homes and businesses through wireless heating and lighting controls, but whilst the technology is there, the smart home as a fully integrated package is still some way off widespread adoption. This is why WAGO is utilising its expertise in the building automation sector to develop connection solutions not just for now, but for years to come.
The complexity of such technology could mean that maintenancefree becomes increasingly important, and we’re already seeing signs of this happening. For property and premises owners, fit and forget is always going to be preferable to having to provide frequent maintenance, but customers have to trust the technology first. However as we’ve seen with screwless connections, once that trust is earned, even revolutionary technologies can very quickly become the norm.
Without a crystal ball it’s diff icult to say exactly where we’ll be in 40 years’ time, but I can observe that 25 years ago our customers’ needs were very diff erent. Innovation is not just about the “eureka” moments, it’s also about the incremental improvements – smaller, safer, cheaper – making sure that we’re providing what the customer needs, when they need it. Clive Humphrey – Product Manager – Interconnection

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The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) promises a brave new world of connected devices, smart homes, smart cities and ultimately, better living. According to technology research firm Cisco, the number of connected devices is expected to pass 50 billion in the next five years. The ability of devices to connect to each other and feed information back to us should lay the path for a smarter, more holistic way of managing and interacting with our environments, where continual improvements and eff iciencies can be gained.
New IoT technologies are emerging which enable quick and easy personalisation of energy management and home comfort scenarios, either through devices in the home or remotely, via apps on a smart device. This means that switching lights on and off , adjusting room temperatures and security management is no longer restricted to on-site push-buttons, touch panels or preset programmes. Home management systems can act as self-learning tools that note the behaviour of occupants and adjust environments accordingly. Bringing in turn a new level of comfort to living spaces, tailored to our daily routines, whilst reducing energy costs. The market is bringing connectivity to homes and businesses, enabling us to monitor and manage our needs in smart spaces - helping people to achieve a quality of life that wasn’t possible just a few years ago.
The advent of IoT provides rapidly increasing opportunities for electricians to grow their business by moving into areas which may have been perceived as too complicated or unrelated previously. Home comfort with remote access for smart heating control is an available solution today, where an electrician is able to upgrade a residential heating control system and have it operational and connected to the internet within 15 minutes. The growing trend for intuitive home products signifies that the days of time consuming and complicated installations are diminishing. This appetite for connectivity will also bring diff erent prospects for aftercare and maintenance services to meet the future ongoing needs of clients.
It’s an exciting time for electricians as the proliferation of the IoT promises greater innovation. To stay ahead of the competition and to be ready for new business opportunities, electricians will need a good knowledge of the evolving IoT trends, including how big data, security and privacy are transforming the electrical sector.
Simplfying safe isolation
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New Developments
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Martindale safe isolation kits provide the simplest solution for implementing safe isolation practices and include everything needed to prove dead, lock off and stay safe.

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