East Riding Mag: May 2023

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May 2023 Issue No.101 TOWNS & VILLAGES EDITION FIND OUT MORE... a: Keldgate, Beverley, HU17 8HU w: www.chapter-house.co.uk 01482 243165 EXCEPTIONAL & PERSONALISED CARE in the heart of Beverley... Find out more on Page 15 No
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Editor’s note

Welcome to the May edition of the magazine. I hope that you are all keeping well and are now looking forward to King Charles III Coronation and the May breaks - it is still very tough for everyone with the current cost of living crisis and the state of the world that we live in. I don’t ever remember things been as bad as they are now - please continue to use the local businesses, shops, tradesmen and services that advertise in the magazine - it really does help our local economy, the local employment situation and ultimately the planet when you do.

We have an interesting and varied range of topics in this edition for your enjoyment including a House and Home Feature that looks at Debunking some of the most common decorating myths, we also have a feature on Hull City’s Season Round-Up, plus much more We also have our usual round up of all the New Books to read this month as well as a feature from Stevie Mann on Mood Food. Roy Woodcock takes a look at the new Alfa Romeo in his Motoring Column.

We have our regular Gardening column with Patrick White who takes a look at Vegetables. The Food & Drink section has two great recipes from Erkan at The Olive Tree: Turkish Chocolate Dessert and Kisir - A Turkish Salad for you to try at home. We also have our regular Wine Column with Roy Woodcock who relays the latest wine news and takes a look at Sparkling wines and also the best buys currently available. As usual we finish off with Fiona Dwyer’s ‘food for thought’

Until next month take care and look after each other


Magazine Team

Managing Director: Nic Gough.

Sales Director & Editor: Jane Gough.

Advertising Sales: Heather Mapplebeck.

Distribution Manager: Phil Hiscott.

Finance Manager: JP Kinnersley.

Designers: Mervyn King, Adam Jacobs.

Photography: Clash Pix.

Contributors: Fiona Dwyer, Roy Woodcock, Chris Warkup, Rebekah Robinson, Helen Smith, Frances Lindley, Patrick White.

© Dalton Spire Limited 2023. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. All information contained in this magazine is for information only and is as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press.

We cannot accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. Readers are advised to contact advertisers directly with regards to the price of products and/or services, referred to in this magazine.

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The pendulum swings between honouring the legacy of the sovereign who has gone before (and after 70 years, what a legacy Queen Elizabeth II leaves) and looking forward to the new reign.

King Charles has, arguably, had a trickier time than most. There have been the public-relations disasters of two Windsor ‘spares’ (Princes Andrew and Harry), a resurgence in republican fervour (both at home and abroad in the 14 other Commonwealth realms over which King Charles reigns), and the daunting prospect of his short reign (at 73, Charles was the oldest ever heir to the British throne) being compared to the glittering arc of what went before.

Post-coronation, with the razzle dazzle crowns back in the Tower of London, the golden coach parked in the Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace and the bunting packed away, Charles can draw a line under the past and look forward to his Carolean age. A royal reset, if you will.

Charles has shown, as monarch, that he can be more ruthless than his mother. Harry and Meghan have been sent packing from Frogmore Cottage, and Andrew has his marching orders from Windsor’s

Reminder - free compost give aways will be held in May

Royal Lodge, as Charles is not prepared to financially indulge his younger brother and younger son in the same way Queen Elizabeth did.

Titles have been ironed out –Edward takes over his father’s mantle as Duke of Edinburgh, William and Kate have stepped up as Prince and Princess of Wales, and Princess Anne continues as the royal workhorse.

As an olive branch, Archie and Lilibet are allowed to use their ‘birthright’ titles of Prince and Princess, but I understand that Charles has also made clear that they are growing up as Americans and are royals only in the familial sense.

He will rule in a similar vein to his mother, doing as asked by his government – he was effectively told to visit France (he subsequently wasn’t able to go) and Germany for his first state visit, just as he was advised not to attend the COP27 UN climate summit in Egypt last year. Yet he is determined to use his powerful position to unite people in solving the most pressing world problems of climate change, inequality and conflict.

At 74, most of us would be putting our feet up. But King Charles III has only just begun.

Free compost giveaways run by East Riding of Yorkshire Council will begin on 13 May.

Nine giveaway events will be held across the East Riding from then until 27 May.

Fifty-five tonnes of compostaround 4,500 bags - will be given away to residents for free.

The compost has been recycled from the garden and food waste residents placed in their brown bins.

Residents are invited to drive to their nearest event, where they can claim two free 15kg bags of compost. The bags will be placed in their car boots by staff.

The giveaways follow successful events held in May and September last year.

People can recycle the following in their brown bins: grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, small branches, leaves, flowers and weeds, all cooked and uncooked food, peelings, plate scrapings, bones, bread, meat, eggshells and small amounts of soups, sauces and gravies.

All brown bin contents get recycled into compost by the Biowise plant in Willerby – where all the giveaway compost comes from.

Carl Skelton, acting director of streetscene at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “Residents have helped to make us one of the top recycling authorities in the country, and these giveaways are our opportunity to thank people for their support.”

Free compost will be given away at the following events:

Saturday 13 May, 10am – Beverley, Beverley council depot, Annie Reed Road, off Grovehill Road and Beck View Road, HU17 0LF

Monday 15 May, 4.30 pm – Preston, Holderness Academy and 6th Form College, Station Road, HU12 8UZ

Monday 22 May, 4pm – Brough/ Elloughton, Brantingham Park, Brantingham Road, Elloughton, HU15 1HX.

Residents are asked not to queue at the venues beforehand or they may be turned away for safety reasons.

The compost is best used as a soil improver.

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The transition period between the death of a monarch and the coronation of a new one can be tricky at the best of times.
King Charles III
Council staff prepare to giveaway compost at last year’s Pocklington event in May. From left, Ryan Perry, Chris Black, Richard Gaukroger and John Cooper.
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Twenty Decorating Myths Debunked



Ever heard the design rule that states large furniture can’t be used in small rooms? Or that patterns and prints shouldn’t be mixed? The world of decorating is full of myths and misconceptions, often setting such rigid expectations that there’s little room for creativity. Navigating these no-go zones can be frustrating and disheartening but that doesn’t have to be the way. Allow us to poke holes in some of the more outdated notions so you can be free to create a home that represents your style, and most of all, makes you happy.

1 Blinds trump curtains

Myth busted: When it comes to window treatments, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, however, if interior designer Gabrielle Rice had to choose one option, curtains would win hands down.

“Custom curtains are not only functional, either defusing or blocking the light, they also add softness to a room,” she says.

“Curtains provide warmth and insulation in winter and help block out the sun and heat in summer.”

Gabrielle likes to specify sheer curtains with partial or black-out lining on a separate track: “The sheers are ethereal and soft and the lining is for functionality.”

2 Wallpaper is a big commitment

Myth busted: For our parents and grandparents, this was certainly true, with copious amounts of glue and patience required to apply

wallpaper, and expensive steamers needed to remove it. But today’s wallpapers are much easier to apply and remove, with a huge variety of textures, patterns, colours and finishes.

“I love using wallpaper in studies, bedrooms, lounge rooms, dining rooms and even in laundries and bathrooms,” says Gabrielle. “A study nook, pantry or a powder room can be a great place to ease your way into this look.”

3 You can’t have nice things if you have children or pets

Myth busted: That white linen sofa, leather armchair or shag pile rug that you’ve always wanted but didn’t trust your kids and fur babies around? Buy it now, says Gabrielle. “If you wait until your kids grow up to have nice things, you’ll miss out on creating a beautiful home for you and your family to enjoy together.” If there were studies into these things, they’d probably show that children and pets who are exposed to precious items from a young age grow up to be more mindful of their surroundings. And in the meantime, Gabrielle suggests using washable fabrics, coasters, placemats and some firm ground rules to protect your belongings.

4 Natural light is best

Myth busted: While natural light is an eco-friendly, efficient way to light and warm a home, in some situations artificial light

Continued page 8

House & Home
May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed

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may be preferable for visibility and functionality, says interior designer Kate Waller. “Artificial light can be a useful tool in situations where natural light is limited or unavailable, or when a specific mood is desired,” she says. “It’s ideal for highlighting specific elements in a room, like artworks or architectural features, and can also control and manipulate the ambience and mood, with dimmers adjusting the intensity of light.”

5 Symmetry is key

Myth busted: Using symmetry in decorating stems from a more traditional style, where rooms were split in two and each half designed to mirror the other. But if you’re after a more relaxed mood for your home, “Feel free to forgo the symmetry in favour of less structured arrangements with more variety”, says Gabrielle. She keeps disparate elements cohesive by incorporating a common thread, such as a consistent colour palette or repetition of forms, while also ensuring there are moments for the eye to rest. “Negative space plays an important role in asymmetrical design,” Gabrielle explains.

6 Period homes must be white

Myth busted: While white is synonymous with the classic elegance of Victorian style, Kate Waller argues that the success of this aesthetic lies in its balanced blend of hues. “Incorporating different tones and textures will add depth and interest to the overall design, whilst maintaining a sophisticated elegance. Try timber and wicker furniture set on dark timber floors with highlights of soft blue, sage green and sandy beige.”

7 Books belong on bookshelves

Myth busted: Your favourite coffee table tomes and page turners don’t have to be relegated to a shelf to gather dust. Stack them on the floor, on a fireplace mantel, in the kitchen or on your office desk. “Books are always an arm length away in my home,” says Gabrielle. “They are one of my greatest sources of inspiration and there is no place they don’t belong. It would be sad if they all lived on a bookshelf.”

8 Don’t mix patterns and prints

Myth busted: There is no better way to add character to a room than by layering it with a mix of prints, colours and textures.

“If everything is too coordinated or matching, it just looks flat or overly prescribed,” says Gabrielle. Her top tip: “When designing a room, I choose a hero fabric or large-scale print with a number of colours in it and then combine this with other colours and smaller scale prints. If the scheme is looking too ‘samey’, I’ll throw in the colour pink as I find pink just makes everything work.”

9 Art is an expensive investment

Myth busted: Sure, an original Van Gogh may not be in your budget, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and art comes in all shapes and styles. “My recommendation for selecting art is to spend time sourcing as widely as possible, from local art galleries and artists, to country fairs or markets,” says interior designer Kate. For her, it’s about the feeling that the piece provokes, not its price tag. “My particular favourites are small still life pieces, which often capture a delicious, serendipitous moment in time.”

10 Decorate for resale

Myth busted: It’s often suggested that design and decorating decisions should be made with future buyers in mind – think allwhite kitchens, neutral palettes and universal lighting schemes – but there is little value in this, says Kate. “I tell my clients – including those who are not in their forever home – to style spaces with their own personal preferences and needs in mind,” she says. “The next owner might be completely different to them in age, preferred aesthetic and number, so there is no way of knowing what hey will require in terms of style, finishes and colours. However, what is appealing to any buyer is an interior that’s well designed with good flow, functionality and elegance.”

11 Small room = Small furniture

Myth busted: Getting the scale of furniture right in a room is

Continued page 10

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House & Home

so important, but as Gabrielle explains, “Lots of small furniture in a small room can make it feel even smaller and cluttered”. Instead, she likes to choose a larger statement or hero piece, such as a deep sofa or oversized floor lamp, and play around with different scales. “For a really small room, consider built-in furniture that makes use of all available space and also serves a dual purpose, such as a built-in sofa with storage underneath,” she says.

12 Renting restricts creativity

Myth busted: Not so, says Kate Waller. Just because you’re a renter, you don’t have to put up with a bland interior or your landlord’s design decisions. “Go bold with colour choices in your bedding, furniture and accessories,” she says. “Make your rug the artwork rather than having to use the walls or invest in feature lighting to create cosiness; lighting can truly transform a space into a home.”

13 Dark colours don’t belong in small spaces

Myth busted: The general consensus is that white walls will make a small room feel larger, but Gabrielle argues that small spaces need a “wow” moment even more than larger rooms. “Colour is one

of the easiest ways to deliver this,” she says. “In small bathrooms and powder rooms, limit the number of finishes so the room doesn’t feel busy and instead choose one amazing colour for the walls for high impact.”

14 Bedrooms are just for sleeping Myth busted: While we are firm advocates for getting our eight hours of shut-eye each night, bedrooms are now becoming multi-purpose spaces for work, relaxation and play. “In a busy household with young children, the parents’ retreat is just that – a place to escape and take a break from the busyness of life,” says Gabrielle. “For small children, a bedroom is where they play and retreat into their own creative worlds. And a teenager’s bedroom is where they can have time to themselves.” While selecting the right bed is important, there are certainly other elements to consider, too.

15 Country homes should be rustic Myth busted: “Country homes ideally reflect their surroundings and are also inspired by the textures and tones of nature,” says Louise Romans of Two Four Interiors. While traditional

Continued page 12













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House & Home

country cottages tend to favour eclectic homewares and chintzy fabrics, today’s more modern interpretations are pared-back in style and form. By leaning in to organic and earthy materials and finishes, they complement the natural surroundings. “Modern homes with clean lines and a material palette of timbers and textures ooze relaxed country without the need to be ‘rustic’,” she adds.

16 New homes deserve new furniture

Myth busted: If you’re building from scratch or moving into a new home, it can be tempting to sell everything you own and start afresh. But Kate cautions against this. “It’s really nice to have pieces that stay with you for a lifetime,” she says. “By all means, add some new pieces into the mix, but hang onto those old treasures, too. That’s what makes a house a home.”

Not only is this approach more economical but it’s sustainable as well. And if those benefits aren’t enough to convince you, consider that you might end up with a few family heirlooms to pass on to grown children.

17 It’s better to decorate all in one go

Myth busted: While it’s good to have a clear plan and idea of the look and feel you’d like for your home, decorating is a gradual process, says Gabrielle. “As time marches on and families grow, your needs will change, so I believe in changing and adding pieces to suit your lifestyle and situation.”

Lighting, accessories, books and art are all good ways to add personality, comfort and interest to an evolving interior.

18 DIY is cheaper

Myth busted: Many small jobs like repainting the front door, changing a light fitting or putting together a flat-pack bookshelf can be tackled by anyone with the right tools and know-how, but if you’re renovating on a larger scale, engaging a good interior designer or decorator could be the most cost-effective decision you make. “An interior designer has professional expertise and experience to help you avoid costly errors, can save you time and stress and can manage the budget, planning and coordination of your project for you,” says Kate Waller. They might also be able to pass on some trade discounts not available to the general public – ca-ching!

19 Style over comfort

Myth busted: While a pleasing aesthetic is an important part of any home design, extended time

spent at home during Covid lockdowns and ever since has seen a big shift towards cosy spaces that breed relaxation. “The need to be able to walk into our homes and relax into our favourite chair or sofa is a must in our busy lives,” says Louise.

20 Laundries don’t need to be beautiful Myth busted: Typically considered to be functional, rudimentary and utilitarian spaces, laundries often don’t get a look-in when it comes to decorating. But Kate Waller is keen to change this. “A well designed laundry can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing,” she says. Materials, storage and lighting can all be chosen for their look as well as function. “Then add decorative elements, such as an appealing colour scheme that matches your home’s decor, some feature tiles or wallpaper,” says Kate. “Don’t be afraid to feature artwork to bring the space to life.”

May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed

UpholsteryDesignsSpringsaleisnowon,andvisitorsareinfor atreat.Despiteitsunassumingexterior,thestorespanstwo floorsandboastsavastrangeoffurnitureanddecordesignsto suitalltastes.

Thecompany,whichwasestablishedin1977underthename TonyBlowmanUpholstery,hascomealongwaysinceits humblebeginnings.FounderTonyBlowmanandhiswifeTricia startedoutinasmallworkshoponEmpringhamStreet,where theymadeandrecoveredsofas.Astheirbusinessgrew,they movedtolargerpremisesonBoothferryRoadandBrighton StreetbeforefinallysettlingonSpringBankWestin1984.

Overtheyears,UpholsteryDesignshasexpandedconsiderably, takingoverfourshopsandflatsabovetocreateaspacious showroom.Today,thestoreismanagedbyTonyandTricia'sson IanandhiswifeDonna,whoarebothpassionateaboutfurniture andcommittedtoprovidingexcellentservice.

Whilethecompanynolongermanufacturesorreupholsters,it workscloselywithsmallUK-basedcompaniestomaintainhigh qualitystandardsandkeeppricesaffordable.Thestorenow boastsadedicatedriseandreclinerdepartment,aswellasan extensiverangeofdining,cabinet,andoccasionalfurniture.

IanandDonnaarealwayslisteningtocustomersfeedbackand asaresultthisyeartheyhaveintroducedalargedisplayof SwivelReclinerChairs.Moststyleshave3sizeoptionsandyou canchoosefrommanualorelectricrecliners,andthereareeven massageandriseroptions.Allareavailableinfabricorleather andyoucanevenpickyourbasestylesoitcanfityouandyour roomperfectly.

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Likeallofthebignationalcompanies,UDoffersinterest-free creditforover12monthsonmostordersandisalsoso confidentofthevalueformoney,italsooffersaseven-dayprice promise*!Visitorscanexplorethestoreattheirleisurewithout feelingpressuredbysalestactics,buthelpandadviceare alwaysavailablefromDonna,Hannah,andtherestoftheteam.

ThestoreisconvenientlylocatedonSpringBankWestnextto theoverheadrailwaybridge,withampleparkingatthefrontof thestore.Whetheryou'relookingforanewsofa,apieceof artwork,orsimplysomeinspirationforyourhome,Upholstery Designsiswellworthavisit.

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New Books to Read this May

If you’re looking for ways

to pass the time this May then make space on your bookshelf for these top releases....

The Premonitions Bureau

On 20 October, 1966, 10-yearold Eryl Mai Jones, from Aberfan in south Wales, told her mother about a dream she’d had the night before. “I dreamt I went to school and there was no school there,” she said. “Something black had come down all over it.” The next day, at 9.14am, a colliery waste tip came crashing down the hillside, smothering the village school and the surrounding houses. Eryl Mai was among the 144 dead.

Visiting Aberfan in the days after the tragedy was John Barker, a 42-year-old psychiatrist and superintendent of a large mental hospital in Shropshire who had an interest in “psychiatric orchids”, or unusual mental conditions. Barker had conducted studies on Munchausen syndrome, sufferers of which are known to feign illness, and was in the midst of researching Scared to Death, a book about people who accurately foretold their own deaths.

Eryl Mai Jones wasn’t the only child to anticipate the tragedy at Aberfan: the day before, an eightyear-old boy, Paul Davies, had drawn a picture of a mass of figures digging at a hillside accompanied by the words “The End”. Barker was so struck by their portents that he wrote to Peter Fairley, science editor at London’s Evening Standard, and asked him to publish an appeal requesting that anyone who had experienced premonitions of Aberfan to get in touch. They received 76 replies.

In The Premonitions Bureau, a strange and gripping account of Barker’s adventures in precognition, the journalist Sam Knight writes: “Premonitions are impossible, and they come true all the time. The second law of thermodynamics says it can’t happen, but you think of your mother a second before she calls.” His book – an expansion

of a New Yorker article published in 2019 – blends history and popular science with biography as it plots the career of Barker, a highly respected doctor who was also a member of Britain’s Society for Psychical Research, founded in 1882 to investigate paranormal happenings.

Even the most hardened sceptic can’t fail to be electrified by the stories of ordinary citizens assailed by visions of earthquakes, tornadoes, collapsing buildings and planes falling out of the sky, and the eminent physician in their thrall. The final chapter brings a doozy of a plot twist that stretches all rational responses to breaking point. If there is something to be understood from the Premonitions Bureau, it’s that not everything can be explained!

People Person

Cyril Pennington, the roving Jamaican patriarch and shifty centre of People

Person, Candice CartyWilliams’s follow-up to her bestselling debut Queenie, considers himself “more of a people person than a father”. He has five children with four different women and zips around south London in his gold Jeep, ingratiating himself with everyone but his own aggrieved offspring.

Dimple Pennington, the middle child, has a list of Cyril’s contact numbers saved on her phone under “Dad”, “DAD”, “Dad recent”, “Dad THIS ONE”. Cyril is a well-drawn cad, a “master of detachment” who affably deflects any personal responsibility. People Person explores the legacy of emotional damage wreaked upon his five adult children when an unexpected event draws them all together, as Dimple winds up in a dire situation that requires her family’s help and these half-siblings who barely know one another are suddenly made present and vitally instrumental in each other’s lives. The narrative includes crime and subterfuge, uncomfortable sexual situations, and not one but two funerals – yet despite all this, People Person is a breezily enjoyable read that foxes genre; a family comedy in the guise of domestic noir, with a redemptive fairytale journey from alienation to acceptance at its heart.

While the novel contains several madcap plot turns and implausible red herrings, it is anchored in emotional realism and a hopeful warmth. People Person is highly empathic towards its characters’ struggles to accept the indelible failings and traumatic legacies of their childhood and regain agency over who they are and how they want to be. Ultimately, this is a delightful, uplifting and emotionally satisfying novel about building new connections in the face of deep-rooted abandonment wounds and hideous disappointment. The Pennington siblings may never get the paternal love and approval they so crave –but they have each other, and that’s more than enough.

Sea of Tranquility

The story begins in 1912 as a young British immigrant, Edwin St John St Andrew, is embarking on a new life in Canada. He’s one of the so-called “remittance men” –wastrel sons of upper-class British families who were packed off to the colonies on a private income to keep them out of further trouble. One day, as Edwin wanders in the woods of western Canada, he undergoes a paranormal experience whose meaning he cannot begin to fathom.

A few dozen pages on, the scene suddenly shifts and we are plunged into the present. At a concert in New York a composer is playing an old piece of video that seems to show a version of whatever Edwin found in the forest. Now that we’re invested in the mystery, the weirdness can really begin. There are two subsequent interwoven storylines. One unfolds in the 23rd century, where a writer called Olive Llewellyn, who was born and raised on a lunar colony, is visiting Earth on a book tour. The other plot strand takes place 200 years later, when an investigator named after a character in one of Olive Llewellyn’s novels begins to piece together the connections between all these different lives.

Just as Station Eleven seemed ultimately to be about mortality itself and how art allows us to step outside the immediate confines of our existence, Sea of Tranquility reminds us that humanity’s resting state is crisis. Someone’s world is always ending: that is the keynote

of this book. And the echoes and callbacks that give it its shape reflect the ways we make our own lives meaningful.

Portable Magic by Emma Smith

One of the most familiar visual tropes to emerge from the pandemic has been that of Serious People seated in front of their bookshelves. Whether it’s a cabinet minister on television or an accountant working from home, the poetics of Zoom insist on a backdrop of titles composed of equal parts stuffy professional manual, well-thumbed Penguin Classic and, for those who like to raise the stakes, last year’s International Booker prize shortlist. Books don’t just furnish a room, they semaphore to the world exactly how you yourself would like to be read.

In this brilliantly written account of the book-as-material-object, Emma Smith explains that people have been posing in front of their libraries ever since Gutenberg started cranking up the printing press. Before, in fact: one of her earliest revelations is that people in China and Korea were printing books several centuries before sluggish northern Europe got round to it. Still, one of the most deft proponents of the early “shelfie” was Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, also known as Madame de Pompadour, companion of Louis XV. In the 1750s, when Jeanne was making the tricky move from maîtresseen-titre to femme savante, she enrolled her favourite painter, François Boucher, to manage the transformation. From now on he was to paint her either against a backdrop of crammed bookshelves or, better still, actually reading a book and looking thoughtful about it.

Portable Magic is a love song to the book as a physical object. In tactile prose Smith reminds us of the thrills and spills of shabby covers, the illicit delight of writing in margins when you have been told not to and the guilty joy that comes from poring over traces left by someone else. It is these haptic, visceral and even slightly seedy pleasures of “bookhood” that she brings so brilliantly to life.

All the books in this feature are available at The Beverley Bookshop, 19 Butcher Row, Beverley HU17 0AA.

May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed
Hymers College Come and see our Year 3 -Year 6 campus in action Hymers Junior School Open Morning Wednesday 7 June Book your place at www.hymerscollege.co.uk Offering all-through education from 3-18 Pre-School - Year 2 Hymers Hessle Mount, Jenny Brough Lane, Hessle Year 3 - Year 13 Hymers College, Hymers Avenue, Hull Come and see us in action! With extensive bus routes throughout Hull & East Riding, getting to Hymers College is easy! If you would like to tour any part of the school, please contact admissions@hymers.org 'Excellent' 'Excellent' Hymers College Independent Schools Inspectorate Report 2022 Hymers Hessle Mount Pre-School - Year 2 Transition to the Junior School with no entrance assessment Hymers Junior School Year 3 - Year 6 Transition to the Senior School with no entrance assessment Hymers Senior School Year 7 - Year 11 Transition to the Sixth Form with no entrance assessment Hymers Sixth Form Year 12 - Year 13 …and the doors are opened to countless onwards opportunities 15

Roy Woodcock’s World of Wines

of a number Champagne brands to hold a Royal Warrant from Elizabeth II, alongside Bollinger, Pol Roger, Lanson, Mumm, Krug, Louis Roederer and Veuve Clicquot.

charity partner the Royal British Legion.

Just 2,000 bottles of the Chapel

Down Coronation

Edition 2016 will be released. The liquid inside the speciallydesigned bottle replete with Union Jack flag hails from the “exceptional”

Talking of which, not surprisingly, there are many anticipating our demand for anything that will help us remember this historic day. Souvenirs of all shapes and sizes abound and communities up and down the country plan to come together with special events that ensure we stay in celebratory mood across the whole extended weekend.

In the world of wine, Moët & Chandon is marking the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla with the release of an exclusive Moët Impérial magnum that’s fit for Royalty. Moët has a longstanding historical association with the British Royal Family. In 1893, Queen Victoria granted the house a Royal Warrant, meaning that it was supplied to the Royal household.

In the 20th century, this relationship would continue, with Coronation cuvées being released for Edward VII (1902), George V (1911) and George VI (1937) and Elizabeth II (1953).

The house also marked the Silver, Golden and Diamond Jubilees of the late Queen with the release of limitededition Champagnes. It was also one

Best Buys for May

The souvenir bottle (a magnum, of course, being the equivalent of two standard bottles) features a badge commemorating the May 6 date of the ceremony in Westminster Abbey, and a label which commemorates the date, time and location of the ceremony and reads: “The House of Moët & Chandon are proud to present this special cuvée to celebrate the Coronation of His Majesty The King.”

The recommended retail price for the limited-edition Moët & Chandon Impérial Magnum, which will be available online from May 1, is £96. And should you see the bottle as an investment, rather than for drinking on the big day, I’ve seen auction listings for Queen Elizabeth II’s 1953 Coronation Champagne selling online in the range of £400 – £600.

I should also say I’ve seen, as a much cheaper option, souvenir Champagne gift packs, including one from Moët than includes a 20cl bottle (enough to raise that glass), along with a souvenir flag and beer mat in a commemorative box for £28. And I don’t suppose there’ll be any shortage of similar rival offerings.

English wine producers are also getting in on the act, with Kent-based Chapel Down announcing a limited edition English sparkling wine from the “exceptional” 2016 vintage to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III. All profits from the sale of the Chapel Down Coronation Edition 2016 will be donated to

Bredon Cuvee Jean Louis Brut NV

Price: £21.99 (was £32.99)

Where: Waitrose

When: Now, until May 9

Why: Of all the Champagne offers floating around to tempt us ahead of the Coronation, this one caught my eye - offering a saving of a third on normal pricing. This is a smooth, fruity Champagne made by the award-winning team at Champagne Lombard. Pinot Noir gives the wine attractive complexity and depth of flavour, while a dash of Chardonnay adds pure vibrancy.

Las Pampas Malbec

Price: £7.99 (was £9.49)

Where: Townend’s Cellar Door, Melton

When: Now, while stocks last

Why: A classic Malbec from Mendoza - Grapes are carefully hand picked to produce a fruity red with intense colours. With aromas of ripe plums, strawberries and blackberries, La Pampa Malbec is soft and juicy with silky tannins and balanced acidity.

2016 vintage, which was characterised by cool weather during the growing season and a warm, dry August and September. It’s a classic blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier aged on the lees for five-and-a-half years before its release.

Chapel Down’s head winemaker, Josh Donaghay-Spire, described the fizz as boasting “complex aromas of ripe apple, fresh red berries and toasted brioche” making it “perfect for grand celebrations”. It has a recommended retail price of £65 and is available to purchase via the winery’s website.

Chapel Down Coronation Edition

2016 Chapel Down chief executive Andrew Carter commented: “Whilst this is a moment for great celebration, it is also a moment of reflection and of giving back to those that protect our great nation. For that reason, we are proud to be donating the profits from the sale of this wine to the Royal British Legion, a charity that supports members of the Armed Forces community and their families. We are also running a number of wider fundraising initiatives to support the Royal British Legion.” And Ben France, head of corporate partnerships at the Royal British Legion, added: “We are grateful that Chapel Down will be donating profits from the sale of its

Coronation Edition English sparkling wine to the Royal British Legion.

“The RBL provides a lifeline for serving personnel, veterans and their families, supporting them in the face of hardships, injuries and bereavements. As the nation comes together to celebrate the crowning of a new monarch, the money raised from this Coronation Edition wine will help the RBL continue its vital work supporting the Armed Forces community throughout their lives.”

And finally, Nyetimber - their fizz was a particular favourite of the late Queen - has also released a Coronation Classic, created especially for the occasion from selected vintages, which is available at £39.50 alongside a Coronation wine gift set, which includes two glasses as well as the bottle, for £61.50.

So lots of options to help us celebrate. Do join me in raising a glass!


Please drink responsibly. For the facts, visit drinkaware.co.uk


& Brolly English Sparkling

Price: £19.99

Where: Aldi

When: Now

Why: Aldi’s sparkling was one of three wines to be awarded a Best Buy following a rigorous blind English wine taste test, organised by Which? Judges noted its ‘’light and lemony” characteristic, with notes of “ripe apple and honeysuckle”, and commented how its “impressive, slightly savoury finish” was likened to bread-andbutter pudding.

The Great Wave Sauvignon Blanc

Price: £6.99 (was £9.49)

Where: Waitrose

When: Now, until May 9

Why: A silver medal winner in the 2021 International Wine Challenge, this Chilean Sauvignon is fresh and vibrant, with zesty notes of lime and tropical fruit.

Food & Drink
Well, here we are in May and what a month in prospect . . . I’m sure we’ll all be raising a glass in celebration of the King’s Coronation on the 6th; a glass (or two) of fizz is definitely in orderChampagne preferably.
May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed
17 Food & Drink To Advertise Please Telephone 01964 552 470 A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS Telephone: 01430 876767 BengalBrasserieRestaurant Opening Times: Tues/Weds/Thur/Fri/Sat: 5pm to 10pm Sunday: 5pm to 9pm • Closed Mondays • Open Bank Hol Mon The Bengal Brasserie • 4 High Street, Market Weighton YO43 3AH Booking for Fathers Day 18th June The Finest Bengali Cuisine B l B R T A K W e l c o m e t o t h e h o u s e o f S u p e r b B e n g a l i C u i s i n e All major credit cards accepted Fully licensed and air conditioned www bengal-brasserie com The Bengal Brasser ie 4 High Street, Market Weighton YO43 3AH TEL: 01430 876767 / 876768 Chi k Tikk Sh hlik £7 95 Chi k Tikk £5 95 (O f h b ) Tikka Lamb £6 95 T d i Ki g P £8 95 T d i Mi d G ill £7 95 T d i Chi k £5 95 (On the bone) The Tandoor i and T kka d shes served at h B g B i h h been mar inated skewered and cooked in a y Th f l g d h d h i g pl i h d d d h h f h i t p p d d i y for your p easure K £4 95 Bh £4 95 R g £4 95 D pi £4 95 P ti £4 95 M d £4 95 D n k £4 95 Vind l £4 95 Ch Chi k L b P K P £3 00 h h b d h TRADITIONAL FAVOURITES TA N D O O R I V E G E TA R I A N M A C H ( F I S H ) Mor ich Mach £5 95 Whit fi h k d i pi y ith g i gi g g hil i garnished with coriander T nd r i M h M ll £7 95 Wh te f sh prepared in a delica ely f d y King Prawn Methi £7 95 K g p g tly k d ith specia enugreek eaves creating a light subt y f avoured dish Tandoor i King Prawn Massalla £9 95 K g p p t k d i th tandoori clay oven then simmered in a de icately flavoured creamy curry King Prawn Sag £7 95 K g P g tly k d ith pi h t g ight bt y flavoured dish Ki g P Bi y i £9 95 Traditional dish of King Prawns k d ith b ti i d d ith g t bl y Mach Jalf e i (Hot) £5 95 A ti - i d di h ith ight y b i d i g li gi g t t d fresh green chi lies Sh h g i M h £7 95 Barbecued pieces of salmon cooked with courgettes in a med um strength sauce Chilli Begun (Hot) £4 95 Ch pp d b gi k d i h f pi y sauce that inc udes green ch llies and caps cum Shabji Chameli £5 95 Aubergine Caulif ower Okra mixed in a curry with onion garlic tomato and simmered w th pickles that gives i y t Sh bji B lti £5 95 Mi d g t b k d t h f ip d d i p i l p t l d B lti Vegetable Bir yani £7 95 V g t bl k d th B ti i d ith vegetable curry An old favourite Shabji Massalla £5 95 Fresh mixed vegetab es prepared in a del cately lavoured creamy sauce Shabji Korai £5 95 A succulent blend of herbs and spices sizz ing away in K i di h f h i fl g i h d i h f h t t d p i Sh bji P £5 95 M h p t t d p k d ith tt g h i di t gth Shabji Jalfrezi (Hot) £5 95 A ti -f i d di h th lightly b i d i g li g nger tomatos and green chillies Monday to Thursday 5 30pm - 11 00pm Friday & Saturday 5 00pm - 11 30pm Sunday 4 00pm - 10 00pm Bank holidays Sunday 4 00pm - 11 00pm OPENING TIMES Th di h t i t N d g d d h gh g k d g p p f l y g g h d h * * * * * * S U N D R I E S S I D E D I S H E S Mixed Vegetable Bhaji £2 50 Ch Bh ji £2 50 B ndy Bhaji £2 50 B g Bh ji £2 50 Bombay A oo £2 50 Sag Bhaji £2 50 S g Al £2 50 Aloo Gobi £2 50 C li Bh ji £2 50 Mushroom Bhaji £2 50 Tarka Da l £2 50 S g P £2 50 B il d Ri £1 50 Pillau Rice £1 80 M h Pill £2 25 Vegetable Pillau £2 25 Special Pillau £2 75 O i Pill £2 25 Garlic Pillau £2 25 Egg Pill £2 25 Nan Bread £1 50 G li N £1 80 Chill & Cor iander Nan £1 80 K N £1 80 Peshwar i Nan £2 00 G l & C i d N £1 80 Cheese Nan £2 00 Kee a & Garl c Nan £2 00 P i P th £2 00 Stuffed Pratha £2 00 K P th £2 00 Aloo Pratha £2 00 Ch p i £0 40 French Fr ies £1 50 Papadom £0 45 A t d Ch t y per Tray £1 20 R it £1 00 O i C b ) NB M y fi d l b i l f h di h BENGAL MW ADVERT_Layout 1 11/11/2014 08:18 Page 1 Telephone: 01430 876767 BengalBrasserieRestaurant Opening Times: Tues/Weds/Thur/Fri/Sat: 5pm to 10pm Sunday: 5pm to 9pm • Closed Mondays • Open Easter Monday The Bengal Brasserie • 4 High Street, Market Weighton YO43 3AH Book now for Easter Bank Holiday The Finest Bengali Cuisine AtraditionalpubsetinbeautifulWalkington Introducingournew beergardenmenu NewmenufromMay Wearenowtakingbookingsfor Father’sDay,Sunday18thJune (Depositrequired) Bookearlytoavoiddisappointment.Phonebookingsonlyon 01482881622 WeareRecruiting! Wearelookingforthefollowingstafftojoin oursmall,friendlyteam: RestaurantManager FullTimeChef Part-timeDay,waitingonstaff ContactJoeorNicktoapply 01482881622 Weservefoodatthefollowingtimes: TuesdaytoFriday:12noon-3pmand5pm-8pm Saturday:12noon-8.30pm, Sunday:12noon-6.30pm Ourpopular 3courselunch menuisavailable TuesdaytoFriday12noon-3pm,Saturday12noon-5pm wwwdogandduckwalkington.co.uk 1EastEnd,WalkingtonHU178SX

Erkan’s Turkish Chocolate

chef shares his recipe for Lentil and chestnut soup.

➤ SERVES 8-10

➤ PREPARATION 1 hr plus at least 4 hrs chilling


This is one of my favourite desserts – rich and comforting, yet simplicity itself to assemble.


• 25 amaretti biscuits

• 75-100ml amaretto liqueur (to taste), plus 2 tbsp 300g dark chocolate, broken into pieces

• 5g unsalted butter

• 500ml double cream

• 100g mascarpone, whipped to loosen

• 4 egg yolks, plus 1 egg white (freeze the remaining whites for another recipe)

• 110g golden caster sugar

• 100g ground almonds

• 10g icing sugar

• cocoa or espresso powder, to serve


1 Line a 900g loaf tin with two criss-crossed strips of baking parchment. Crush 8 amaretti

biscuits and scatter these over the base of the tin. Sprinkle over 2 tbsp amaretto liqueur. Set aside.

2 Tip the chocolate and butter into a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, ensuring the base of the bowl doesn’t touch the water. Stir for 5 mins until melted. Or, melt in the microwave in 20-second bursts. Dip 8 amaretti biscuits in the chocolate, then arrange on a sheet of baking parchment. Set both the biscuits and chocolate aside to cool.

3 Whip 400ml double cream to soft peaks using an electric whisk, being careful not to over-whip. Use a large metal spoon to fold 80g mascarpone into the cream. Crush 5 amaretti biscuits and fold into the mix with 75ml amaretto liqueur. Set aside.

4 In a separate large bowl, whisk the egg yolks and caster sugar together using an electric whisk until light, fluffy and tripled in volume - the mixture should form a slowly disappearing trail when you lift the beaters. Gently fold the almonds into the egg yolk mixture, then fold in the amaretto cream to combine.

5 Add the cooled melted chocolate and mix gently to combine. Whip the egg white to stiff peaks using an electric whisk, then fold this in, too, being careful not to knock out the air. Taste and fold in the remaining 25ml amaretto liqueur, if you like.

Kisir - Turkish Salad

6 Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and chill for at least 4 hrs or overnight until set. If you have any extra mixture that won’t fit into the tin, you can pour this into small dessert glasses and chill alongside the tin until set.

7 Tip the remaining double cream, the rest of the mascarpone and the icing sugar into a bowl and whisk to soft peaks. Spoon this into a small

➤ SERVES 4-6




This salad is glorious, jewelled and unusual. Serve to accompany a roasted aubergine dish with a spoonful of yogurt or tzatziki.


• 1 tbsp olive oil

• 1 small red onion, sliced

• 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

• 2 tsp ground cumin

• 1 red and 1 green chilli, halved, deseeded and finely shredded

• 1¾ tbsp tomato puree

• 250g bulgur wheat

• 4 plum tomatoes, chopped

• 15g walnuts, roughly chopped

• ½ pomegranate, seeds only (about 60g seeds)

• 30g flat-leaf parsley, finely chop

• large handful of mint leaves, torn

• 1 large lemon, juiced

• 85ml extra virgin olive oil

• 1¾ tbsp pomegranate molasses

serving bowl and dust with cocoa or espresso powder. Invert the set dessert onto a serving plate or board, lift off the tin and remove the parchment. Dust with cocoa or espresso powder. Crush the rest of the amaretti biscuits, scatter these over the top and decorate with the chocolate-dipped biscuits. Slice with a warmed knife and serve with spoons of the mascarpone cream.


1 Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over a medium heat and fry the onion briefly. Add the garlic and cook for another 30 seconds. Add the cumin and chillies and cook for another 1 min. Stir in the tomato puree and 175ml boiling water. Add the bulgur, season and stir. Remove from the heat, cover and leave to stand for about 15 mins until the water has been absorbed.

2 Separate the grains with a fork, then add the tomatoes, walnuts, pomegranate seeds and herbs, and gently stir. Combine the lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil and pomegranate molasses in a small bowl. Add three-quarters of this to the grains, then taste to see if it needs any more (if it seems well flavoured and moist, leave it). Will keep at room temperature for a few hours or covered in the fridge - let it come to room temp before serving.

Food & Drink
May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed





90. Chicken Guvec: £10.00

Pan fried cubes of chicken with onions, peppers, mushrooms, garlic, cream, tomato sauce and herbs. Topped with mozzarella cheese and served with rice

91. Lamb Guvec: £10.00

Pan fried lamb cubes with onions, peppers, garlic, mushroom, cream, tomato sauce and herbs. Served with rice

92. King Prawn Guvec: £10.00

Pan fried king prawns with onions, peppers, mushrooms, garlic, cream, coriander, dill, tomatoes and white wine. Served with rice


93. King Prawns: £9.50

Tomato sauce, dill, coriander, garlic and cream

94. Penne Pollo: £8.00

Strips of chicken cooked with onions, garlic and mushrooms in a creamy white wine sauce

95. Meatball Penne: £8.00

Home-made meatballs with tomato sauce

96. Spaghetti Bolognese: £8.00

Home-made Bolognese sauce with spaghetti

Turkish desserts








peppers, mushrooms, garlic, cream, tomato sauce and herbs. Topped with mozzarella cheese and served with rice

91. Lamb Guvec: £10.00

Pan fried lamb cubes with onions, peppers, garlic, mushroom, cream, tomato sauce and herbs. Served with rice

92. King Prawn Guvec: £10.00


Pan fried king prawns with onions, peppers, mushrooms, garlic, cream, coriander, dill, tomatoes and white wine. Served with rice


93. King Prawns: £9.50 Tomato sauce, dill, coriander, garlic and cream

94. Penne Pollo: £8.00

Strips of chicken cooked with onions, garlic and mushrooms in a creamy white wine sauce

95. Meatball Penne: £8.00

Home-made meatballs with tomato sauce

96. Spaghetti Bolognese: £8.00

Home-made Bolognese sauce with spaghetti


97. Penne Arrabiata: V £7.50

Mixed vegetables, chilli, Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce

98. Chicken Penne: £9.00

Tender cubes of pan fried chicken and mushrooms, cooked in a creamy tomato sauce with garlic and fresh herbs


(Main Course)

99. Mediterranean: V £6.90


Mixed leaf salad with fresh tomato, cucumber, onion, green peppers and parsley

100. Chicken Caesar: £8.50

Mixed leaf salad with strips of chicken breast, onion, cucumber, tomato and Caesar dressing

101. Greek Salad: £7.00

Salad leaves, tomato, cucumber, onion, peppers, black and green olives, feta cheese and olive oil with our special Olive Tree dressing

102. Halloumi Salad: £7.00

Salad leaves, tomato, cucumber, onion, peppers, black and green olives, halloumi cheese and olive oil with our special Olive Tree dressing


97. Penne Arrabiata: V £7.50

Mixed vegetables, chilli, Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce

98. Chicken Penne: £9.00

Tender cubes of pan fried chicken and mushrooms, cooked in a creamy tomato sauce with garlic and fresh herbs

SALADS (Main Course)

99. Mediterranean: V £6.90

Mixed leaf salad with fresh tomato, cucumber, onion, green peppers and parsley


100. Chicken Caesar: £8.50

Mixed leaf salad with strips of chicken breast, onion, cucumber, tomato and Caesar dressing

101. Greek Salad: £7.00

Salad leaves, tomato, cucumber, onion, peppers, black and green olives, feta cheese and olive oil with our special Olive Tree dressing

102. Halloumi Salad: £7.00

Salad leaves, tomato, cucumber, onion, peppers, black and green olives, halloumi cheese and olive oil with our special Olive Tree dressing


Turkish desserts


NEWMENUMAY2022 Simply the best Lincoln Way - Beverley - HU17 8RH 01482887777 Monday-Thursday-12Noon-10pm Friday-12Noon-10.30pm Saturday-3pm-10.30pm Sunday-3pm-10pm A true taste of the mediterranean finest Italian & Turkish Cuisine PIZZA-PASTA-BURGERS-KEBABS-CHICKEN WEDELIVERFROM4PM Beverley&Woodmanseyonly£2.00 Walington,CherryBurton&Tickton£2.50 Mindelivery£10.00 103. French Fries: £1.90 104. Large French Fries: £2.70 105. Small Chips £3.50 with Cheese: 106. Large Chips £4.50 with Cheese: 107. Garlic Fried £3.20 Mushrooms: 108. Garlic Fried £3.80 Mushrooms with Cheese: 109. Pitta Bread: £1.00 110. Tortilla Wrap: £1.00 111. Coleslaw: £2.50 EXTRAS &
112. Chips with £5.50 Bolognese: 113. Chip Butty: £2.50 114. Portion Doner £4.00 Meat: 115. Onion Rings: (10pcs) £2.30 116.£3.70 117. Spicy Wedges £5.00 with Cheese: 118. Side Salad: £2.00 119. Sauces & Dips: £1.00 Tomato sauce, Mayonnaise, Garlic Mayonnaise, Chilli Sauce, BBQ Sauce
All served with a portion of fries & can of drink. 120. Chicken Nuggets (4): £4.50 121. Chicken Popcorn (8): £4.50 122. Lamb Doner Meat: £4.50 123. 1/4lb Chicken Burger: £4.50 124. 1/4lb Burger: £4.50
125. Fig Dessert: Served with cream & walnuts £4.00 126. Apricot Dessert: Served with pistachios & cream £4.00 127. Chocolate Fudge Cake: £3.50 OFFER5-£22.00 Anypizza,anygarlicbread, 1largedonerkebab,2xchips OFFER1-£16.00 Any12”pizza,any2x1/4lbburger withchips,2cansofdrink OFFER6-£22.00 Anypizza,2pcchicken&chips, 1/4lbcheeseburger&chips, portionofdonermeat&2xchips OFFER2-£18.50 Any2pizzasand 2portionsofFrenchfries OFFER7-£16.00 Any2pastadishes 2xchips OFFER3-£19.50 Any2kebabs,2portionsof SOME OF OUR DISHES MAY CONTAIN NUTS AND ALLERGENS. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC DIETARY REQUIREMENTS PLEASE ADVISE A MEMBER OF STAFF AT THE TIME OF ORDERING OLIVE
128. Cans 330ml: Coke/Cherry Coke/Diet Coke/7Up/ £1.00 Lilt/Tango/Apple Tango/Fanta 129. Bottled Water: £0.80 130. Bottle 1.5L: Coke/Diet Coke/Tango £3.00 1. Margarita: V The classic pizza base 2. Al Fungi: V Fresh Mushroom £8.00 3. Pepperoni: Pepperoni £8.80 4. Pepperoni Hot: Pepperoni, Jalapenos £8.90 5. New York: Pepperoni, Salami and Sweetcorn £8.80 6. Salami: Salami, Onion £8.60 7. Siciliano: Bolognese, Onion £8.60 8. Mexicano (hot): Bolognese, Onion and Jalapenos £8.90 9. Toscona: Bolognese, Onion and Mushroom £8.80 10. Pollo: Chicken breast £8.50 11. Pollo Supreme: Chicken breast, Mushrooms and Sweetcorn £8.90 12. BBQ Chicken: £8.80 13. Hawaiian: Ham, Pineapple £8.80 14. Ham: £8.80 15. Philippino: Ham, Pineapple and Sweetcorn £8.80 16. Ham & Mushroom: 17. Hot Shot (hot): Pepperoni, Jalapenos, Onion and Chilli £8.90 18. Turkish (hot): Doner Meat, Fresh Chilli £8.80 19. Doner: Doner Meat, Mushrooms and Onion £8.90 20. Meat Feast: £9.00 Doner Meat, Ham, Pepperoni, Salami, Bacon and Chicken 21. Valentina: Mushrooms, Ham and Pineapple £8.80 22. Macho: Salami, Pepperoni, Ham and Bolognese £9.00 23. World of Spice (hot): £9.00 Spiced Beef, Spiced Chicken and Jalapenos 24. Neptune: Tuna, Mushrooms and Black Olives £8.80 25. Spicy Combo (hot): Pepperoni, Spiced Beef £8.80 26. Vegetarian: V £8.20 Mushrooms, Peppers, Aubergine, Sweetcorn and Onion 27. Seafood: Prawns, Tuna and Peppers £8.80 28. Prawn Delight: Prawns, Garlic Butter £8.50 29. Chicago: Chicken Breast, Avocado, Olives and Sliced Tomato £8.90 30. Americano: BBQ Sauce, Pepperoni, Chicken and Onion £8.90 31. Kiev: Chicken, Ham, Mushroom and Garlic Butter £8.90 32. Choice Pizza: Margarita with four toppings of your choice £9.00
All pizzas are freshly made and topped with a delicious homemade tomato sauce, 20% Cheddar Cheese & 80% Mozzarella Cheese. Pre-baked size 12”. 33. Vegetarian: V £8.90 Aubergines, Peppers, Mushrooms, Sweetcorn and Onion 34. La Besta: Salami, Ham, Pepperoni, Chicken and Bacon £10.00 35. Kiev: Chicken, Ham, Mushroom and Garlic butter £10.00 36. Doner: Doner Meat, Onion and Mushroom £10.00 37. Choice Calzone: Your choice of 4 toppings £10.00
All our calzones come with a cheese stuffed crust. Extratoppingsforpizzaandcalzone£1.50each: Cheese • Meat • Chicken • Vegetables orwhynotaddaCheesyStuffedCrusttoyourpizzaforonly£2.00 38. Plain: V £4.90 39. Tomato: V £5.70 40. Cheese: V £7.00 41. Mushroom: V £7.00 42. Spicy: V £6.70 With Tomato & Cheese
43. Cheese & £7.30 Mushroom: V 44. Spicy Tomato: V £6.50 With Chilli Flakes 45. Garlic Royal: V £7.30 Garlic, Tomato & Cheese 46. Beef Burger: £3.50£4.50 47. Cheese Burger: £3.80£4.90 48. Doner Burger: £3.80£4.90 49. Chicken Burger: £3.80£4.90 50. Hawaiian Burger: Topped with Pineapple £3.80£4.90 51. Chilli Burger: With Jalapenos (optional) £3.80£4.90 52. Bolognese Burger: £3.80£4.90 53. Veggie Burger: V £3.80£4.90 54. King Kong Burger: Triple cheese burger -£6.50 55. Halloumi Burger: Grilled Halloumi £4.20£4.90 56. Olive Tree Burger: £4.20£5.00 Beef Burger, Turkish Sausage & Halloumi Add Chips for £1.20 or Bacon for £1.50
All burgers are served in a burger bun with a choice of fresh salad and a sauce of your choice.
Chinese style served with chips and salad. 57. Plain: V £4.58 58. Cheese: V £5.50 59. Chicken: £6.50 60. Prawn £7.00 61. Mushroom: V £6.20 62. Mushroom, Peppers & Sweetcorn: V £6.70 63. Bolognese with Green Peppers: £6.90 64. Special - A little bit of everything: £8.00 65. Large Doner Kebab: Traditional doner kebab in pitta £6.90 66. Doner Meat & Chips: Traditional doner meat & chips £7.80 67. Doner & Lamb Shish Kebab: £10.00 Doner meat and tender lamb cubes 68. Doner & Chicken Kebab: Doner meat and chicken breast £9.00 DONER
Served with fresh salad and sauce. 69. Chicken Shish Kebab: £8.50 Marinated fresh chicken breast with rice & pitta bread 70. Lamb Kofte (5 pcs): £8.30 Marinated juicy minced meat with rice & pitta bread 71. Lamb Shish Kebab: £9.70 Cubes of tender succulent lamb with rice & pitta bread 72. Mixed Grill Special: £14.50 Doner meat, lamb shish, chicken breast and lamb kofte with chips and pitta bread, served in Calzone box KEBAB SKEWERS Served with fresh salad & sauce.
Served with French fries. 73. Doner Meat: £6.70 74. Lamb Shish: £7.90 75. Chicken Shish: £7.50 76. Lamb Kofte: £6.80 77. Halloumi: £6.50 78. Beef Burger: £6.00 79. Popcorn Chicken: £7.20 80. Cheesy Chips: V £6.30 81. Chicken & Doner: £7.90 82. Turkish Sausage: £6.70 83. 1pc Chicken and Chips £3.50 84. 2pc Chicken and Chips £4.50 85. 3pc Chicken and Chips £5.50 86. 4pc Chicken and Chips £6.50 87. Family Bucket: 6pc chicken and 2 portion of fries £12.00 88. 8 Chicken Nuggets and Chips £5.80 89. Chicken Popcorn (15 pieces) and Chips £7.00
33. Vegetarian: V £8.90 Aubergines, Peppers, Mushrooms, Sweetcorn and Onion 34. La Besta: Salami, Ham, Pepperoni, Chicken and Bacon £10.00 35. Kiev: Chicken, Ham, Mushroom and Garlic butter £10.00 36. Doner: Doner Meat, Onion and Mushroom £10.00 37. Choice Calzone: Your choice of 4 toppings £10.00 CALZONES All our calzones come with a cheese stuffed crust. Extratoppingsforpizzaandcalzone£1.50each: Cheese • Meat • Chicken • Vegetables orwhynotaddaCheesyStuffedCrusttoyourpizzaforonly£2.00 38. Plain: V £4.90 39. Tomato: V £5.70 40. Cheese: V £7.00 41. Mushroom: V £7.00 42. Spicy: V £6.70 With Tomato & Cheese
43. Cheese & £7.30 Mushroom: V 44. Spicy Tomato: V £6.50 With Chilli Flakes 45. Garlic Royal: V £7.30 Garlic, Tomato & Cheese 46. Beef Burger: £3.50£4.50 47. Cheese Burger: £3.80£4.90 48. Doner Burger: £3.80£4.90 49. Chicken Burger: £3.80£4.90 50. Hawaiian Burger: Topped with Pineapple £3.80£4.90 51. Chilli Burger: With Jalapenos (optional) £3.80£4.90 52. Bolognese Burger: £3.80£4.90 53. Veggie Burger: V £3.80£4.90 54. King Kong Burger: Triple cheese burger -£6.50 55. Halloumi Burger: Grilled Halloumi £4.20£4.90 56. Olive Tree Burger: £4.20£5.00 Beef Burger, Turkish Sausage & Halloumi Add Chips for £1.20 or Bacon for £1.50
All burgers are served in a burger bun with a choice of fresh salad and a sauce of your choice. OMELETTES Chinese style served with chips and salad. 57. Plain: V £4.58 58. Cheese: V £5.50 59. Chicken: £6.50 60. Prawn £7.00 61. Mushroom: V £6.20 62. Mushroom, Peppers & Sweetcorn: V £6.70 63. Bolognese with Green Peppers: £6.90 64. Special - A little bit of everything: £8.00 65. Large Doner Kebab: Traditional doner kebab in pitta £6.90 66. Doner Meat & Chips: Traditional doner meat & chips £7.80 67. Doner & Lamb Shish Kebab: £10.00 Doner meat and tender lamb cubes 68. Doner & Chicken Kebab: Doner meat and chicken breast £9.00
Served with fresh salad and sauce. 69. Chicken Shish Kebab: £8.50 Marinated fresh chicken breast with rice & pitta bread 70. Lamb Kofte (5 pcs): £8.30 Marinated juicy minced meat with rice & pitta bread 71. Lamb Shish Kebab: £9.70 Cubes of tender succulent lamb with rice & pitta bread 72. Mixed Grill Special: £14.50 Doner meat, lamb shish, chicken breast and lamb kofte with chips and pitta bread, served in Calzone box
with fresh salad & sauce.
Served with French fries. 73. Doner Meat: £6.70 74. Lamb Shish: £7.90 75. Chicken Shish: £7.50 76. Lamb Kofte: £6.80 77. Halloumi: £6.50 78. Beef Burger: £6.00 79. Popcorn Chicken: £7.20 80. Cheesy Chips: V £6.30 81. Chicken & Doner: £7.90 82. Turkish Sausage: £6.70 83. 1pc Chicken and Chips £3.50 84. 2pc Chicken and Chips £4.50 85. 3pc Chicken and Chips £5.50 86. 4pc Chicken and Chips £6.50 87. Family Bucket: 6pc chicken and 2 portion of fries £12.00 88. 8 Chicken Nuggets and Chips £5.80 89. Chicken Popcorn (15 pieces) and Chips
90. Chicken Guvec: £10.00 Pan fried cubes of chicken with onions,
103. French Fries: £1.90 104. Large French Fries: £2.70 105. Small Chips £3.50 with Cheese: 106. Large Chips £4.50 with Cheese: 107. Garlic Fried £3.20 Mushrooms: 108. Garlic Fried £3.80 Mushrooms with Cheese: 109. Pitta Bread: £1.00 110. Tortilla Wrap: £1.00 111. Coleslaw: £2.50
& SIDES 112. Chips with £5.50 Bolognese: 113. Chip Butty: £2.50 114. Portion Doner £4.00 Meat: 115. Onion Rings: (10pcs) £2.30 116. Spicy Wedges: £3.70 117. Spicy Wedges £5.00 with Cheese: 118. Side Salad: £2.00 119. Sauces & Dips: £1.00 Tomato sauce, Mayonnaise, Garlic Mayonnaise, Chilli Sauce, BBQ Sauce
All served with a portion of fries & can of drink. 120. Chicken Nuggets (4): £4.50 121. Chicken Popcorn (8): £4.50 122. Lamb Doner Meat: £4.50 123. 1/4lb Chicken Burger: £4.50 124. 1/4lb Burger: £4.50
125. Fig Dessert: Served with cream & walnuts £4.00 126. Apricot Dessert: Served with pistachios & cream £4.00 127. Chocolate Fudge Cake: £3.50 OFFER5-£22.00 Anypizza,anygarlicbread, 1largedonerkebab,2xchips OFFER1-£16.00 Any12”pizza,any2x1/4lbburger withchips,2cansofdrink OFFER8-£22.00 Any2specialities,1tomato garlicbread,2xchips OFFER4-£19.50 Anypizza,anykebab, 2xchips OFFER6-£22.00 Anypizza,2pcchicken&chips, 1/4lbcheeseburger&chips, portionofdonermeat&2xchips OFFER2-£18.50 Any2pizzasand 2portionsofFrenchfries OFFER7-£16.00 Any2pastadishes 2xchips OFFER3-£19.50 Any2kebabs,2portionsof chips,1coleslaw SOME OF OUR DISHES MAY CONTAIN NUTS AND ALLERGENS. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC DIETARY REQUIREMENTS PLEASE ADVISE A MEMBER OF STAFF AT THE TIME OF ORDERING PRODUCED BY LIMEHOUSE 01943 515356 (05/2022) 8183J DRINKS
129. Bottled Water: £0.80 130. Bottle 1.5L: Coke/Diet Coke/Tango £3.00
Cans 330ml: Coke/Cherry Coke/Diet Coke/7Up/ £1.00 Lilt/Tango/Apple Tango/Fanta

Hull Philharmonic prepares for final concert with ‘beloved leader’

“As I look back, I am truly amazed at the range of music we’ve performed. Some of this repertoire has been audaciously challenging.”

based guest conductor James Ham. Both musicians are rapidly making a name for themselves on the on the concert stage.

Violinist Pat Mitchell, who joined in 1973, will lead the orchestra for the final time in a performance at Hull City Hall on May 13.

The concert, which will be conducted by guest artist James Ham, features Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5, Dvorak’s The Noonday Witch, Liadov’s The Enchanted Lake and Franck’s Les Djinns with piano soloist Graziana Presicce.

Welsh-born Pat led the National Youth Orchestra of Wales in 1966-67 before moving to Beverley and embarking on a long teaching career as head of the music department at Beverley High School.

She said: “I played in my first Hull Phil concert in November 1973, when the famous artist Paul

Tortelier performed the Elgar cello concerto. What an amazing introduction!”

Pat was made leader when the orchestra’s former musical director and conductor Andrew Penny MBE took the reins from Terence Lovett in 1982.

“Andrew’s style was innovative, and he inspired in us all a loyalty and commitment to give our best, which led to some thrilling performances. The Hull Phil became an orchestra to which we were all proud to belong,” she said.

“I now have to recognise that 50 years is a significant milestone and probably the appropriate moment to step back. It’s not an easy decision to make, but it’s the sensible one. I am immensely grateful to have played amongst so many fine musicians, soloists and conductors, and wish the orchestra every success in the exciting future ahead.”

Margaret Pinder, chair of the Hull Philharmonic Orchestra, said: “Pat is beloved by both orchestra and audience members alike for her talent, commitment and unassuming generosity.

“She has created an extraordinary legacy of music making in the city and the region through her roles as leader and teacher. We will miss her and wish her all the best.”

The dramatic and lyrical programme, which closes the orchestra’s 2022/23 season, will showcase the talents of local pianist Graziana Presicce and London-

James said: “I am looking forward to working with the Hull Philharmonic on this exciting programme. The first half is imbued with tales of folklore and fantasy, and we end the concert with Shostakovich’s monumental response to life under an authoritarian regime.”

The Hull Philharmonic has a track record of long service. Andrew Penny MBE stepped down as musical director in May 2022 after 40 years in the post, and there are a significant number of players who have achieved more than 25 years with the orchestra.

The concert starts at 7.30 and is preceded by a pre-concert talk which is free to ticket holders.

Tickets are priced from £10 –£28.50. Concessions are available.

Please visit Hull Box Office

https://www.hulltheatres.co.uk/ events/hull-philharmonicorchestra-may-2023

80’s Mania in Beverley Minster

Beverley Minster sees Europe’s Official 1980’s Multi-Tribute Concert featuring 28 chart topping pop icons authentically recreated with live band and awesome dancers rolling into town for a full theatre style production on 9th June.

On a purpose built full size stage with full lighting and effects the audience is in for some real authentic 80’s entertainment. Performing over 35 chart topping smash-hits live in concert, with tributes to Duran Duran, The Human League, Kim Wilde, Culture Club, Madonna, Wham!, Nena, Toni Basil, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Bananarama, Dead or Alive, Madness and many many more ! As Ex-Radio1 and Top of the Pops presenter Mike Read enthusiastically described “It’s like Top of the Pops meets Live Aid with the sexy dance troupe Legs ‘n’ Co.” There is also a full bar which will be open on the evening for patrons to enjoy a drink. So it’s time to dig out your 80’s fashions and Party!

What’s On
Hull Philharmonic’s long standing, popular leader is retiring after 50 years of service...
May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed


Thomas’emotiveandhilariousplay 'UnderMilkWood'

You’llbeimmersedintheintimaciesofvillagelife inthefictional Welshvillageof Llareggub’ (bestreadbackwards!)acrossthe periodofasinglespringday.


Meetupwith Mrs.Ogmore-Pritchardassherelentlesslynagsnot onebuttwodeadhusbands!

JudgeforyourselvesthecomplexcharacterofMr.Waldo,“rabbit catcher,barber,herbalist,catdoctor,quack”,anddiscoverthe mysteriousRosieProbert.

ConsideredasThomas’mostenduringwork, 'UnderMilkWood' recognisesthe goodnessthatpeoplearecapableofandthe warmthoffriendship,familyandcommunitythatcanstillbindus together.

80’s Mania Live in Beverley Minster

Friday 9th June

Europe’s Official 1980’s Multi-Tribute Concert featuring 28 chart topping pop icons authentically recreated with live band and awesome dancers.

Performing over 35 chart topping smash-hits live in concert, with tributes to Duran Duran, The Human League, Kim Wilde, Culture Club, Madonna, Wham!, Nena, Toni Basil, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Bananarama, Dead or Alive, Madness and many many more!

21 What’s On To Advertise Please Telephone 01964 552 470
time to
www.daltonevents.co.uk Telephone:
552470 present Scan the
So it’s
dig out your 80’s fashions and Party! Support Act • Licensed Bar Tickets £25 • Doors 6:30pm
QR Code to book your tickets

The Johnny Cash Roadshow ‘Through the years’ tour

Press Reviews:

‘Extraordinary concert’ (Daily Record and Sunday Mail)

Every bit as Dark as Cash himself and ‘A voice better than the original’ (John Wheatcroft, York Mix)

Award winning Clive John pays homage to Cash’s career as the Man In Black, alongside his iconic wife June Carter (Meghan Thomas) and a genuine top of the league band playing double bass, fender telecaster and acoustic guitars, drums, piano, trumpet and four part vocal harmonies. Delivering all the hits such as Walk the Line, Ring of Fire, Jackson, Orange Blossom Special and Boy Named Sue along-side some of the darker more atmospheric songs from the later American Recordings such as Hurt, this year’s show is an emotional roller-coaster through Cash’s career, packed together in one fantastic unforgettable evening’s entertainment.

With standing ovations every night, Johnny Cash Roadshow is the

longest running, most recognised and still the biggest and best celebration of Johnny Cash in the world today guaranteed to leave you wanting more.

Johnny Cash Roadshow endorsement quotes:

‘His Resemblance is uncanny’ –Rosanne Cash.

‘Clive captures my Grandfather JUST as he was’ - Caitlin Crowell -

Granddaughter of Johnny Cash

‘Absolutely authentic to the point where it felt as if it wasn’t a tribute’ - Caitlin Crowell - Granddaughter of Johnny Cash

Clive sings moves and acts just like the ‘Man in Black.’ The Johnny Cash legend will continue.... Lasse Lindfors - Author and lifelong friend of Johnny Cash

‘the closest we will get to attending a Johnny Cash concert. We should be grateful for this opportunity’ (The Edge, Bournemouth)

‘What an amazing show, you could have sworn that Johnny Cash was there with you’ ***** (The Ironworks, Inverness)

‘Clive John was mesmerizing as the Man in Black’ (John Carter, New Theatre, Oxford)

‘Energetic and entertaining 5 Star show’ (What’s on stage)

‘Pull out all the stops to see Clive John and his show it is one which is exciting, memorable and quite frankly, unforgettable. ‘ (Carol Lovatt, Whats on, Birmingham)

Beverley Minster 10th June Tickets £25 • Licensed Bar www.daltonevents.co.uk

Addams Family Beverley Debut

The Addams Family musical comedy is making its debut in Beverley and surrounding areas, performed by Beverley Musical Theatre. The show starts starts on June 13th until June 17th 7.30pm nightly and Saturday matinee 2.30pm at Beverley Memorial Hall Tickets are just £12 and available from www.beverleymusicaltheatre. co.uk from Beverley music emporium Norwood Beverley or go to Beverley musical theatre’s facebook page.

The story is based on the dysfunctional Addams family and how they cope with Wednesday played by Rachel Goldspink, their daughter, falling in love with a ‘normal’ American boy, Lucas played by Joseph Bough and how his so called normal parents Mal Played by Mike Wells and Alice played by Jade Easom-Samuels turn out to be just as dysfunctional as the Addams.

Morticia played by Claire Cooper rules the house with her passion for all things macabre alongside her husband Gomez Played by Richard McDonald who is romantic and loyal. There is the obnoxious brother Pugsley played by Melissa

Kay who loves being tortured by his sister and Fester played by Tim Drage the crazy uncle who loves the moon, along with a zombie butler Lurch played by Simon Trow and very rude Grandma Played by Helen Aitchen, this musical is a comedy but also has a lot of emotion and pathos which most families can relate to.

The cast of the Addams family are now fully in the swing of rehearsals making sure that this quirky musical comedy is ready for their audiences.

Only show to be endorsed by the Cash Family! The Johnny Cash Roadshow is coming to Beverley on 10th June.
What’s On
May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed


Live in Beverley Minster

Saturday 10th June

Only show to be endorsed by the Cash Family! Johnny Cash Roadshow is back and better than ever. This year, award-winning Clive John pays respect to the Man in Black, with a brand new show featuring ‘June Carter’ and the Spirit Band. With favourites such as Walk the Line, Ring of Fire, Jackson, Orange Blossom Special and Hurt it’s an emotional journey through Cash’s entire career.

‘His resemblance is uncanny’

– Rosanne Cash


To Advertise Please Telephone 01964 552 470 23 What’s On
Act • Licensed Bar
Tickets £25 • Doors 6:30pm www.daltonevents.co.uk Telephone:

Amy Johnson’s belt

Amy Johnson has a long association with Sewerby Hall – it was Amy who first opened the Hall to the public in 1936 and we have a large collection of items relating to the Hull-born aviator. On her epic 1930 flight to Australia, Amy crash landed in Burma. Charles W Scott was working in the country as a forestry officer at the time. Charles gave Amy a leather belt as she couldn’t fasten her shorts due to all the tools stuffed in the pockets! Charles’s son has kindly donated the belt to East Riding Museums and it is now on display in the Amy Johnson Room at Sewerby Hall.

Contemporary collecting at the Guildhall

The fireplaces at Beverley Arms during refurbishment

The Guildhall recognises the importance of capturing contemporary images to document the town’s ongoing transformations: it’s amazing how quickly these ‘present day’ photos evolve into historic ones! One of our regular contributors, Tony Finn, is always happy to go on photographic assignments on behalf of the Guildhall. He is very

adept at persuading building site managers to allow him on-site if necessary (he always keeps hi-vis and steel-capped boots in his car for such a purpose!). This enables him to obtain photographs which really enhance our collection, such as this image of Beverley Arms during its 2017 refurbishment.

Beverley Art Gallery

New exhibition opens on Saturday 27 May. It features lithographs of collages created by an artist known for his use of bright colours and fluid forms. The artist began working with collaged paper shapes when losing his eyesight.

East Riding Yeomanry

A new mini-display about local regiment the East Riding Yeomanry has opened in the Treasure House Museum and a relative of one of the regiment’s soldiers took part in the unveiling. Pictured with registrar Dr David Marchant is Eileen Tutill holding the ceremonial sword of her grandfather Quartermaster Sergeant Sefton Tomlinson which has kindly been donated to us. The sword dates to before the First World War but has an interesting later history as it was used at special

family events including for cutting wedding cakes! The display runs until the end of August and a resource on our website has lots of information about the regiment.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Wildlife Photographer of the Year, the world-renowned exhibition from the Natural History Museum in London, opens on 5 May at Sewerby Hall and runs until 11 July. The exhibition launched in 1965 with 361 entries and now receives over 50,000 entries from all over the world. The stunning images, such as this study of tree frogs by Brandon Güell, shine a light on stories and species around the world and encourage a future of advocating for our planet. Entry to the exhibition is included in general admissions.

Exhibition at Garton on the Wolds

As part of the East Riding Museums Visual Arts Uplift, a community project, The Wolds Around Me, saw three artists work with school groups across the area to explore the heritage of the Wolds in different forms. The workshops

were staged in January and February 2023 and were led by artists Mandy Keating, Kremena Dimitrova and Ceaac. Thanks to the kindness of Rev Jane Anderson and her parishioners, an exhibition based on the exciting work completed during the project will be open in the Church of St Michael and All Angels, Garton on the Wolds, from 25 April to 8 May. The church is open daily from 10am to 4pm around services. The free exhibition is an accumulation of the works produced in sessions with school groups, totalling over 600 pupils from primary and special schools across the North Wolds.

Glam and Gloom - 1970s Britain

Our next Treasure House exhibition shines a light on the 1970s, the decade which saw glitter pop bands, sunshine holidays and great British TV shows mixed with rising inflation, power cuts and endless strikes. Glam and Gloom runs from 13 May to 26 August and is a touring exhibition from The Exhibitours.

For more info on all events: www.eastridingmuseums.co.uk/

Brand new gym equipment coming soon to East Riding Leisure Beverley

The gym at East Riding Leisure Beverley will be temporarily closed from Monday, 22 May – Friday, 2 June, for the installation of brand-new equipment, much of which will be in use for the first time at the Leisure Centre.

This will include:

l Matrix Double Power Rack

l Matrix 4 Stack Multi-station

l Matrix virtual training cycles

l Magnum MG-PL79 Squat/Lunge

l Magnum MG-PL78 Glute Trainer

l Assault Air Bike Elite.

The gym will reopen on Saturday, 3 June, and to celebrate, will be hosting an open event on that day from 12noon - 6pm.

There will be a chance to come and see the new gym, and to win a sixmonth Premier membership worth almost £200. The event will include free tours, a free gym or swim session, and the first month will be free for any customer signing up to a new membership.

Chris Armstrong, general manager, East Riding Leisure Beverley, said: “We are sorry for the temporary brief closure of our gym, but I can promise our customers amazing new facilities and features when it reopens!

“I would like to remind our members that they can use any of the gyms at our our other sites as part of their membership whilst the works take place.

“Come along on 3 June and see the fantastic facilities we will have available for the community, showcasing our newly refurbished gym. We will also launch a new MX4 exercise station soon after our initial gym refurb.”

What’s On
EastRidingLeisure @ERLeisure er_leisure eastridingleisure.co.uk FREE tours and offers on the day! First month FREE A chance to WIN a 6 monthmembershippremier worth almost £200
3 June 12 noon
Information East Riding Leisure Beverley, Flemingate, Beverley, HU17 0LT
Museums What’s On Bulletin May 2023 May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed

France, something for everyone…

A country so close with many travel options making it very accessible. Travel is easy via rail and sea for non flyers whilst only an hour or so away on a plane.

For those who enjoy travelling by rail, Eurostar offers a great service not only to the capital Paris but also a direct route to Lille, Disneyland Paris, Lyon, Avignon & Marseille. Plus I should mention the French Alps on a weekend during the Ski Season! Of course from these destinations you can connect all over France and to its neighbouring countries. Alternatively travelling on an organised touring holiday allows you to sit back and enjoy the sights as you are shown the delights of your chosen area. Crossing the channel used to be regularly offered via Zeebrugge from Hull but with the demise of this route either the tunnel or a short sea crossing are the favoured routes for the tour operators. A coach tour gives you so many opportunities to immerse yourself in the history & culture France has to offer.

WW1 Thiepval

The WW1 & WW2 battlefields, one visit is never enough to absorb the ghastly events that happened here. The gardens and chateaux or the Loire. Versailles & Monet’s garden are often teamed with a visit to Paris. Travelling further south the alps offer stunning mountains and Lakes one of my favourite being Lake Annecy. The colours in the fall rival those that Canada are so famous for. Nice & Menton right down in the south are well known for their Lemon Festivals during late February.

River and canal cruising has great options. The Rhone includes centuries of history, the Seine art and culture, the Loire its many Chateaux whilst the Garonne & Giron are renowned for their winelands including St Emilion. The Canal barges offer something really special, stopping in many small places that are so interesting, Dole the home of Louis Pasteur creator of Pasteurisation. A visit to the town of Sarrebourg where at the Chapelle de Cordeliers there is a stained glass window made by Marc Chagall the Russian/French artist. Whilst on the Lateral canal how about tasting wine at Pouilly Fume at 9am in the morning by noon a visit to the second vineyard done and dusted! If you have exhausted the rivers don ’t ignore the canals. You can hire and drive your own boat on the Canals great for ambling along on the water relaxing rather than taking in hidden sights. Self drive, a great way to explore France but don’t forget if you want to cover a vast distance into the Alps or down to the South of France to budget for your motorway tolls! As an idea from Calais to the Alps you are looking at approximately £100 each way. If you have the time to wander down the N roads I really recommend this as you will drive through nicer scenery and can enjoy exploring towns along the way. My husband ’s opinion is the motorways are excellent roads with very little congestion.

There are many types of accommodation in France, you may wish to camp, take your own motorhome or at the other end of the scale book a full chateaux for your family and friends. Hotels range from simple to the best in the world, as I said earlier there is something for everyone. Markets offer fresh food for you to prepare yourself, but you most definitely need to indulge in the many local restaurants too. The South of France can be chilly in the winter it is not a winter sun destination but in the summer it is hot! The mountains offer a brilliant playground winter skiing and in the summer cycling, walking, golf etc. For those not liking too much heat in the summer the northern Opal coast offers wonderful beaches, is blessed with many golf courses and even horse racing in the lovely resort of Le Touquet. With so many options available to travel around our wonderful world, the time to see them is upon us and I would recommend a holiday as a great tonic, as the saying goes change is as good as a rest”.

We look forward to fulfilling your holiday dreams and creating wonderful memories for you to treasure in 2023, 2024 and just out on sale 2025!


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Monet’s Garden Alp’s in Fall Annecy

If you only read one of my columns ever, make it this one. How you fuel your body will have a direct impact on your mood. And then an improvement in your health and energy levels will follow. There’s so much to say on this topic that I got myself into a lather and had to pace up and down for half an hour to collect my thoughts. I’m going to plant three words in your mind. Gut. Mood. Body.

We’re going to start with a case study. Let’s take Susan. She’s 53, works full-time, and has two boys in their late teens. She has a busy usband, who also works full-time. The onus on life and house admin generally falls to Susan. She’s frazzled, so evening meals are quick and often pasta based (the white

stuff, the boys don’t do anything ‘brown’). The rest of her diet is given over to bowls of cereal, orange juice (‘It’s fruit, isn’t it?’), sandwiches and crisps for lunch and, occasionally, something with the word ‘lentil’ written on the pack.

She arrives home each evening tired, and the only thing that calms her is the half-bottle of Chardonnay and squares of (milk) chocolate. Her sleep is sporadic (toilet trips, snoring), and she has heart palpitations and a delightful river of sweat down her cleavage every night. While the palpitations and the sweating may largely be due to hormonal changes of the menopause, the rest of Susan’s discomfort and exhaustion is also hormonal.

6:30pm to 9:30pm

The emphasis on white carbs and sugary foods in her diet means a lot of insulin production. The more insulin we produce, the more we crave the carby, sugary food, and the more frequent the sugar crashes. The response of other hormones to this creates yet more turbulence, and means Susan faces each day feeling grouchy and cantankerous. If she flattened those curves a little then Susan’s mood (and life) would regain some balance.

What’s the plan? Well, the gut has a strong connection with the brain, and therefore keeping that in good shape will boost her spirits, energy and improve her general wellbeing. An upturn of her inner health will radiate outwards, and Susan’s skin, hair and nails will also start to feel the benefits.

How? It’s important to focus on eating a diverse range of vegetables, nuts and seeds each week – this will maximise vitamin and mineral uptake, as well as fibre. The more fibre we have, the more we’re feeding those gut microbes.

Next up, protein. Among other things, it fills us up, stops sugar cravings and helps slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood. It also helps keep our mood stable and calm. Let’s fill our boots with a range of plant- and animal-based products – dairy, fish, eggs, soy products, chicken, beans, pulses.

Why the right food can be good for your mood Wedding Fair

If Susan was to start her day with a big bowl of high-protein yogurt, fruit, almonds or an omelette, she would breeze through her conference calls, the tussle with her boss, the tricky situation with her children, and be able to empty her inbox all without snarling or feeling remotely hungry.

Cutting down on sugary and processed foods, and eating more protein along with a more diverse range of vegetables every day, means your mood, body, gut and skin will radiate happiness. And so will your family.

Top Tip

Make your own kefir – a runny, fermented yogurt drink that feeds your gut microbiome and has huge health benefits. To make it, you simply add kefir grains (like a starter culture, available from happykombucha.co.uk), to whole milk. Left for around 24 hours, the grains multiply and ferment the sugars in the milk. Remove the grains and the leftover milk is your kefir – you can then reuse the grains again and again.

It is advisable to consult with your doctor or a nutritionist before making any significant changes to your diet.

Health & Wellbeing
This month, our health expert Stevie Mann explains how a better menu could be key to a happier summer.
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Things are looking Rosier

Another season comes to an end and although Hull City’s owners hoped for a promotion push following their big transfer investment and signing spree during the summer the club will only finish four or five places higher than last year. However there has been considerable progress over the past six months since Liam Rosenior’s appointment.

With hindsight you would wonder how much different things may have been if he was appointed instead of Shota back around a year earlier. City never really looked organised, except defending in depth away from home in the first five months of the new regime and survived on the back of Keane Lewis’s goals. Then a massive summer of change with almost twenty newcomers, many not fit, many without experience of the English league and a multitude of midfielder’s who barely played whilst here. Pre-season is another subject of debate. Some of the signings may have had underlying injuries before and it is questionable if there was a sufficiently strenuous pre-season to condition these players for a hard physical season as one by one the majority of the signings suffered muscle injuries or tore hamstrings. Half of this team ended up injured this season but few injuries came from tackles or collisions with opponents. The defence which seemed solid the previous year also turned to mush

instead of McLoughlin, there wasn’t much fight in midfield and there was a team of individuals struggling to cope with the Championship and each other. Things started brightly with three wins in August and a goal fest for Oscar Esupinian but by the autumn the team were conceding two to three games a match and there was no way the injury depleted side could turn the tide under Shota..

Andy Dawson took charge for around a month and a Portuguese Manager turned up for a game then never came back after Acun arranged a flight home to settle things at home before joining us. So the saga and delay continued until Rosenior became the man in charge. Several experienced managers were considered or interviewed but Liam became the man. He played for City through promotion campaigns, played in the FA Cup Final and even watched City from Bunkers Hill when he stayed with his Nana back in the 1990s! No one has had such a bond with this club or its fans for so many years. Being at Hull City and making Hull City successful is quite obviously a passion for him rather than possibly just another couple of years to add to your CV for some of the other candidates.

So, the first tasks were to sort out fitness, organise the team and stop

conceding goals. Acun funded a training camp in Turkey during the World Cup and the players had a second pre-season regime to get them fitter than before as well as intensive drills in how we were to play. As well as this it would appear that bringing back Sean McLoughlin was obvious. Nearly everyone wondered which he was so conspicuously absent despite being a player of year candidate last season and once again this year. If you want someone to stop people scoring than he was the man to shore up the defence.

Since November the tide has turned and Hull City have one of the tightest defences in the division and at home it is something like one home defeat in the last ten games. Back in the autumn it seemed like a defeat in every home game! The downside has been the lack of goals that have been scored, City rarely look like conceding nowadays but also struggle to score a goal. Due to injuries there has not been a fit striker for three months and the service from the wings or creativity from the midfield has been lacking all season. Things have been improving not least with the emergence of Harry Vaughan, a youngster brought in from Oldham and long-awaited appearance of Adama Traore who managed to get injured at the training ground

before even signing his contact back in June. Added to this Aaron Connolly looked very impressive in his brief loan cameo and Benjamin Tetteh looked excellent against West Brom before again getting injured the following game.

Things are getting positive, City have played several play-off contenders recently and have only lost once despite a make shift forward line and you can see things are coming together, it’s just the lack of goal threat. We now expect several changes during the summer, some players will be surplus, some may be sold to fund deals and maybe some of last year’s signings could be moved out if they cannot be relied on to play regularly next year. A big close season and big pre-season is expected. Will the likes of Tetteh finally get match fit as he looks so good when plays yet it is less than a dozen games since joining. Several of the summer signings finally look the part, others have gone already and others may depart this summer but we anticipate the Rosenior signings to be players of proven quality or at least proven fitness.

There have been four consecutive gates of over 20,000, the fans have started to believe again and there is optimism for a promotion push next year.

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The new Alfa Romeo Tonale.

Sporty but nice - that’s the new plug-in hybrid version of Alfa Romeo’s compact SUV, the Tonale. Roy Woodcock reports . . .

If this was a word association game and the words were Alfa Romeo, what would they conjure up? Sporty? Definitely. Macho? Almost certainly; along with other responses suggesting speed and motoring thrills. And although other colours are available, if you were contemplating owning an Alfa, it would have to be red, wouldn’t it?

The Italian car-maker has been inextricably linked to motor sport, and the idea that it’s a brand that delivers exciting motoring, for just about its entire 112-year existence. Which is both a major plus but, also, it has to be said, can be a major obstacle in the minds of those who simply want everyday practicality. The latter is probably why Alfa sales volumes have never been off the scale.

In recent years, a visit to an Alfa dealership would have seen you looking at a choice of just two models - the Alfa Giulia saloon or Stelvio SUV, the latter offering a hot 510 horsepower model in the range capable of eye-watering speeds. Usher in the Alfa Romeo Tonale, which marks the metamorphosis of Alfa Romeo into a new era of electrification - first with the mild hybrid version which debuted on our roads last year and now, from this month, the PHEV Q4, a plug-in hybrid version.

A fully electric model will follow in due course.

I joined other motoring journalists for a first drive of the latest version on the roads of the Yorkshire Dales and, I have to say, I came away hooked.

The first thing to say is that the Tonale PHEV has lost none of the Alfa DNA - this is still an exciting and rewarding car to drive. But so far as compact SUVs go it can also be viewed and judged by other criteria, as it’s both a fabulouslooking car that oozes a premium quality and, most importantly of all, is extremely practical in terms of everyday family motoring.

The rear-wheel drive associated with the Guilia and Stelvio is replaced by an all-wheel set-up (hence the Q4 part of the name) that will bring added confidence to the most cautious of drivers. A 1.3-litre petrol engine sends power to the front wheels while an electric motor drives the rear wheels - giving a combined output of 280 horsepower.

It also delivers decent economy figures and tax advantages. According to Alfa Romeo, the Tonale Q4 can cover up to 42 miles on electric power alone, or 50 miles if you’re just driving around town. The plug-in Tonale can also return up to 217mpg while emitting 29-32g/km of CO2, which is how it attracts the same eight per cent Benefit-in-Kind tax rate as the latest BMW X1 PHEV, and well below the 14 per cent BiK rate for the equivalent XC40. Those figures alone show why this car will appeal to a far wider clientele than those who simply want red-blooded thrills.

The PHEV adds something like £6,000 to the mild hybrid Tonale but, at launch, comes in the same three trim levels - Ti, Veloce and Edizione Speciale. I was driving the

latter, with an on the road price of £44,595. The standard kit list is lengthy, as it should be at this price point, with every model receiving LED headlights, a reversing camera, powered boot lid, keyless entry, 18- to 20-inch alloy wheels, 12.3inch digital driver’s display and 10.25-inch central touchscreen with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto smartphone connectivity.

Rivals will include those already mentioned as well as Audi’s Q3, and Range Rover Evoque and I can tell you it stands up well. Alfa’s design flair will guarantee this car gets plenty of admiring glances - whether it’s front-on and that eye-catching grille and offcentre number plate or the stylist interior that’s both minimalistic but eye-catching; right down to the steering wheel-mounted starter button.

I can certainly vouch for the attention the car gets having stopped off at Britain’s highest pub - The Tan Hill Inn - on my Dales drive (not for a drink, just for the photos!). And there’s lots to admire inside the car, too.

The new infotainment system looks amazing, responds quickly and has contemporary creature comforts like Amazon Alexa voice control. It’s spacious, too, so far as head and legroom goes, front and rear. The rear seats will sit three but only at a pinch and that’s pretty normal for this size of car. My only real gripe is the boot - the plug-in model, because of the battery pack and rear axle electric motor, sacrifices some 115 litres against the mild hybrid version, leaving boot space equivalent to what you would get in something like a Renault Clio. That said, you can fold the rear

May 2023 Get Your Business Noticed

seats down if you want to pack stuff in.

So, good to look at, practical and reassuring to drive and offering decent running costs. But this being an Alfa, how does it drive: I repeat, it’s lost none of its Alfa DNA and is exciting and rewarding to drive. With all that power on tap, 0-62mph takes just 6.2 seconds while the top speed stands at 128 mph. A torque-vectoring system that moderates the powertrain’s performance to suit the road conditions, means it turns-in like a hot hatchback on demanding B-roads. Instant punch from the electric motor results in responsive acceleration out of the slowest bends.

The suspension, with frequencyselective dampers, provides a great ride/handling balance that’s satisfying on a twisty road, yet comfortable enough when cruising. And adaptive dampers on Veloce models and upwards can be controlled independently of the drive modes via a button in the middle of the rotary selector, so even if you’re in the sportier Dynamic setting, the bumpy road mode makes the ride much softer.

Charging is straight-forward - a full battery is possible in less than two-and-a-half hours when using a 7.5kW fast-charger. Lots to admire, then, in a car that’s bound to open up new markets for Alfa in the UK. More details: www.alfaromeo.co.uk

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Get your garden in shape

seeds but they were never planted out until the 2nd week of June at the earliest.

Welcome to ‘Mad’ May, a very busy time in the garden, hopefully with plenty of sunshine too. The bedding plants e.g. geraniums, begonias (pictured right), fuchsias, petunias etc. can be planted out in the garden at the end of the month. If we are lucky with the weather, the frosts should have finished now until the autumn. However, beware, as many supermarkets will have been selling bedding plants for a few weeks now, encouraging you to buy and plant out, but it is still too early as they can easily be killed off with a late frost.

Many years ago, I worked for the council in Bridlington, in the nursery at Sewerby Park. We grew 1000’s of plants from cuttings and

Your lawns should be looking good now. Moss and weeds can be a problem, but treatments are available from your local garden centre. In order to keep your lawn in tip top condition, make sure you cut your lawn when it is dry and bright. If we get a drought, cut it less often. Last year I didn’t cut my lawn in June or July because it was too hot and sunny and many peoples lawn became yellowish because they had cut it in the hot temperatures.

Any trees or scrubs which have been planted recently, do need to be watered regularly to get them established. Water early in

Fruit & Vegetables to plant...


Plant out alpine strawberry seedlings sown in early spring.

Remove any winter protection from figs and carry out pruning.

Move growing-bags into the greenhouse to warm up two weeks before planting indoor melons, and water well two days before planting.

Gently run your hand over indoor grape vine flowers to pollinate them.

Make sure fruit isn’t drought stressed, especially those in containers, against a wall or newly planted.

Make sure bees can access caged and cloched fruit flowers to ensure pollination.


Sow French beans, runner beans, squash, cucumbers and pumpkin seeds directly into prepared beds outside. Be alert to late frosts (for which a covering of horticultural fleece should provide sufficient protection).

Sow sweet corn outside in blocks, at least 45cm (18in) spacing, with two seeds per hole. The strongest seedling can be selected later.

Sow cauliflowers and purple sprouting broccoli for harvesting next winter.

Try sowing some unusual vegetables such as kohl rabi (like a large white above-ground turnip), scorzonera and salsify.

the morning or late evening to avoid evaporation, also trees and scrubs drink a fair amount of water, especially if it is sunny or windy.

Some varieties of roses, like Canary Bird (pictured above), will flower in May so keep an eye out for greenfly or aphids and spray with an insecticide and make sure you follow the instructions on the container.

Also, keep an eye out for slugs and snails if it is wet weather as they can do a lot of damage. You can use crushed egg shells or bits of grit to

Witloof chicory can be sown this month, to have some ready for forcing next winter. Sow in drills directly outside.

After all risk of frost has passed, plant out tomatoes, courgettes and pumpkins that were previously sown under cover.

Other young plants can be planted out once conditions are suitable, and once they’ve been hardened off (acclimatised to the colder outdoor conditions) for 10 to 14 days.

Brussels sprouts for next winter should now be ready for transplanting after early or midspring sowing.

Plant out artichokes that were previously sown under cover.

Self-blanching celery can also be planted out towards the end of the month.

keep them at bay or there are many kinds of pellets available from your local garden centre.

And finally, the later flowering bulbs in your garden like tulips etc. may well have finished now for this year, so snap off the finished flowers and let the old leaves die back. This method helps the bulbs for next year to feed on the old leaves. Then sit back and relax with a good book, and great company but remember to keep on top of the weeds by regular hoeing.

Happy Growing

Ridge cucumbers (above) can be sown indoors now, for planting out in early June.

Earth up potatoes when the shoots are 23cm (9in) high, in order to prevent the new tubers going green. Earthing-up is the drawing up of soil around the stems of the plants, leaving just 5cm (2in) of shoot uncovered so that the plant has enough foliage to continue growing (photo below).

Start to remove sideshoots from cordon tomatoes as you see them. The sideshoots develop in the leaf axils (i.e. between the stem and leaf), and if allowed to develop will sap the energy of the plant and reduce the quality of the yield.

Strings stretched along the tops of broad bean plants can support them, and prevent them flopping once pods develop.

Peas need staking with pea sticks, netting, or pruned twigs from the garden.

This month we have a special May message from Mitch, Nurseryman at Bell Mills Garden Centre, Driffield, sharing his top tips for getting the garden in shape in May.
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The Coronation – an historic occasion

For the majority of us, we are witnessing history in the making this month as King Charles III and Queen Camilla are crowned. What an occasion it will be. I love to see all the pomp and ceremony and will be watching avidly, as I’m sure many of you will be too. It’s also a time when our communities come

together to celebrate. Street parties, Coronation Big Lunches, watching the Coronation Concert (unless you’re lucky enough to be going along to Windsor Castle!) as well as getting involved in the Big Help Out on Monday 8th May. And an extra bank holiday! Always a bonus! However you celebrate, have an amazing time!

Too much squash?

Have you noticed that supermarkets are now selling diluted squash in ‘quadruple concentrate’ bottles? It’s no doubt a way to save even more plastic waste which should be commended. However, it’s far too easy to put too much into your glass before you add water, so it kind of defeats the object…. So while, in theory, you are getting four times the amount for a similar price, is it just a sneaky way of pretending to do the right thing but actually selling the same amount as ever. Or am I being too cynical? My children put the same amount of squash in their glass regardless of concentration despite my best efforts to point it out. To be fair, it’s actually pretty hard to just put the tiny amount you need in. So you end up drinking a bit that’s far too strong so you can fill it up again with more water. I understood selling the ‘double concentrate’ but I think ‘quadruple concentrate’ might be a step too far! What do you think?

Sully coming back to Hull Truck

It’s great to see ‘Sully’ coming back to Hull Truck theatre from June 6th – 10th. This year, the late, great rugby legend Clive Sullivan would have celebrated his 80th birthday - and Sully tells his story. Written by Hull playwright Dave Windass, it’s being brought to life by local Hull theatre company Mosaic Productions under the direction of Scott Solway.

Many newcomers to Hull and lots of our youngsters only know Clive’s name because of the Clive Sullivan Way, so it’s a great way to remember him as well as to bring his story to a new generation - the proud Welshman who became a son of Hull, uniting a city, representing both Hull FC and Hull Kingston Rovers. He was also the first black captain to represent his country in any sport and went on to win the Rugby League World Cup in 1972. Such an incredible man who sadly died in 1985 when he was just 42 years old. He has just been included in the Rugby League Hall of Fame and “The Sully Ball” was used in the recent Rugby League World Cup in tribute to him. So amazing – and I’m really looking forward to it. Maybe I’ll see you there!

Have a great month everyone! Let’s hope we see a bit more sunshine!

The Last Word
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