ST. VINCENT Vo. 1 No. 6
October 2005
Things I like about the NDP “Over the last decade my criticism of the NDP has been unrelenting .. and in my estimation .. I have never subscribed to the .. that the tenure of the NDP has … waste. I have said it before and I repeat, the 1984 to 1989 term of the NDP will go down as possibly the most significant period of governance in the country since 1961.”
“Mr. Mitchell’s bold call to go to the land. His attempts at land … give some poor people a chance to … of the soil and an opportunity … body and soul together.”
“I liked banning some imports. Had the nation … lead on these issues, our … might have been more …. our import bill might …
under control.” “… I liked his sense of … and his understanding …” “… example to prove my point. In 1982 and early 1983 ... “... Ralph Gonsalves had left the UPM citing the specter of communism, ultra leftism, sectarianism and other such bogeymen …”
“… the enormous network of paved roads that Labour Party operatives arrogantly dismissed as agouti tracks.” “… that is why many of our people are eternally grateful. To the NDP goes the glory.”
“It is significant that in the sixteen years of the NDP rule, the party leaders never resorted to
FORCE to resolve a political contradiction with the opposition.”
“The people’s rebellion of April/ May 2000 tested the regime to the fullest and it passed the test. It did not employ police terror against the people. This is the standard by which we should now hold future administrations.”
“… The truth be told, Mr. Mitchell and the NDP were NEVER as repressive or oppressive as the Labour Party government of Milton Cato.”
“To those of us who remember old Labour and its propensity to use force against the people, the NDP’s record is even more commendable.”
“The NDP introduced FM radio and effectively broke the state monopoly on information. Whatever the reason, the result was the democratization of discourse in the country.”
“… Mr. Mitchell and the NDP has left us at least a corner stone on which to build. … .” Jomo Snaga Thomas Searchlight May 18, 2001