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We Asked You
Carolyn Young, 45, Hinckley
Timothy West. I did meet him when he played King Lear at the Gala Theatre in Durham and he just has such a talent for Shakespearian acting. He’s now looking after his wonderful wife Prunella Scales who is suffering with Alzheimer’s. I love to watch the Great Canal Journeys programme they made where they travelled round the UK. And after him, I’d probably say Joey Tribbiani.
Jeremy Corbyn. As a working-class man, I believe Jeremy Corbyn fought for a lot of people like me. He fought for us to have a better life with the help of the law. He never won any elections, but he still fought for change until the day he resigned. Being so powerless to make such drastic changes myself, the thought of having someone like Jeremy gave us hope that things could get better
Ryden Williamson, 38, City centre Joe Middleton, 30, City centre
My inspirational male is Sir Ian McKellen who I think is an absolute icon. He has done so much for gay and LGBTQ rights and he’s also an incredible actor, director and producer, which are things I’m passionate about – I love the theatre, acting and being creative.
Who is an inspirational man to you?
As November is Men’s Health Awareness Month and this issue focuses on men’s inspirational stories, we asked city goers which men have inspired them and why
Ric hard Awdry, 42, Market Harborou gh
Probably Curtly Ambrose, who is a West Indian cricketer. He was a bowler late ‘80s, early ‘90s and also happened to play for Northamptonshire when I lived there. I don’t really know why he stuck, but he has just always been a sporting hero. And I do know that he plays bass in a reggae band and I’m a bit of a musician myself as well.
My father brought five children all under 10 to this country almost 36 years ago. He did this to provide us with a better life, it was very challenging for him; financially, emotionally, and physically. However, he always knew that bringing us to the UK would provide us with opportunities he never had growing up. For instance, a good education, a safe home, and clean food and water. As a result, this has made me a very hard-working man and a father that would do absolutely anything for his children.
Kadir Malhotra, 64, City centre
Gandhi. Firstly, he is the father of my nation, he brought independence to India. He is the reason we are able to indulge in our culture proudly, not only in our nation but all over the world. He did not just stop there; he also inspired the civil rights movement. Not only to me, but I believe he is the most inspirational man from India.