the Pulse concept and a study of
BI O M IM IC RY Authors Nicholas Baker, Marjorie Ballun, Nathan Beck, Samantha Bennett, Grant Flinn, Margaret Gregory, Mark Hemphill, Kathryn Kennedy, Joshua Lofgreen
Š 2014 SCAD School of Design All work that is not ours is attributed to the creator.
Project Participants
Guest Participants
Ernst Kortschak, Scientist at the Design Table
Nicholas Baker Marjorie Ballun Nathan Beck Samantha Bennett Grant Flinn Margaret Gregory Mark Hemphill Kathryn Kennedy Joshua Lofgreen
Sandy Bartus Catie Bausinger Melissa Bell Dionis Carter Islea Galazin Kate Holland Joseph La Vallee Dana Wait Hampton Watts
Regina Rowland, Professor of Design Management, Biomimicry Specialist
First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude towards nature, from sending us moments of joy, to guiding us through this project, to literally providing the conditions necessary for us to live. Additionally, we thank Biomimicry 3.8 for the framework and the process and for the certificate we have earned for this work — the Biomimicry Basics for Designers Certificate. We also give gratitude to our advisors for leading us to success and sharing their knowledge and wisdom so freely. We especially thank each other for mutual inspiration, and all our guest designers for lending their genius during our creation phase, in particular, Dionis Carter, a fibers major who was instrumental in the conception of our final prototype. Special mention is warranted to Nicholas Baker and Marjorie Ballun for their excellent service to the group in completing this process book above and beyond their call of duty. Last but not least, we thank President Wallace and SCAD for making it possible for us to have had this extraordinary learning experience in the beautiful Provençal Region of Southern France. We loved learning in Lacoste!
table of
Introduction..............................................................................9 Design Team...........................................................................10 Intro to Biomimicry...............................................................13 Scoping.....................................................................................16 Discovering..............................................................................30 Creating....................................................................................52 Pulse.........................................................................................70 Evaluating................................................................................80 Checklist...................................................................................97 Appendix................................................................................101 References..............................................................................117
int rodu cti on Our process book describes the Biomimicry Framework and tells the story of the Biomimicry Thinking design process that we followed toward the completion of our bio-inspired innovation, from conception to a final draft, of a potential prototype addressing the design challenge of transporting people vertically in an efficient way. On the following pages, we are sharing our team’s design experience, describing all of our incremental steps in order to demonstrate the structure and the process of our collaborative design journey. Our book is divided into four sections, following the four phases of the Biomimicry Thinking design process. While the process has a linear sequence in theory, the practice involves projective thinking, as well as iterative back-tracking. In order to stay true to the lived process, the story follows our steps as they emerged in real time. The book is constructed in a parallel format, pairing theory with practice, so that the strategy of the steps is explained along with the descriptions of the actual team experience — ensuring clarity in the process description and confirming the completion of each phase. Each phase chapter opens with an introduction that focuses on two elements: the guidance of Biomimicry 3.8 (citing the Biomimicry Handbook) and a description of each phase as we actually experienced the journey. The chapters then walk through the activities, methods, and process steps that the team worked on during the phase. Finally, each chapter closes with concluding thoughts about our learnings and listing what we take forward to the next phase.
Nathan Beck Service Design
d es ign te a m Only a few of the students in our class had any knowledge of what Biomimicry was, but the room was full of designers that were passionate about nature. As this project started abroad in Lacoste, France, our usual timeframes and design resources were not readily available to us. However, the rustic landscape offered many sources of natural inspiration, and our small village lifestyle allowed for more human interaction and plenty of outdoor exploration. In addition to our professor, our team was lucky enough to also have a “Scientist at the Design Table” join us on our learning journey, whose expertise in ecology made him a unique and extremely helpful consultant. With fresh minds, new territory, and an abundance of nature, our group was ready to learn the Biomimicry framework and design process.
Nathan is a person that loves to serve people. All of his pants are too short and he wears flowers in his front pockets. He is learning how to be a service designer and the beach is his home. Sunflowers bring him joy and butterflies make him chuckle.
Jorie Ballun Design for Sustainability Outside of learning about sustainability in school, Jorie enjoys playing beach volleyball, painting, and reading. Her favorite plant is a boxwood plant because of its texture and the ability to shape it. Her favorite animal is a giraffe because it looks so goofy and has awesome spots. The natural setting she enjoys most is Rocky Mountain National Park because the views are fabulous and she loves to hike.
Josh Lofgreen Industrial Design When Josh is not working on school work or furthering his knowledge, he enjoys rafting, hiking, and playing professional paintball. His favorite plant is an Aloe Vera plant because of how it relieves the pain of a sunburn. Josh’s favorite animal is a River Otter because of their love for play. His favorite natural setting is on the river.
Nicholas Baker Industrial Design
Samantha Bennett Industrial Design
When Nicholas is not designing, he enjoys building furniture, playing Ping-Pong, and camping. His favorite plant would have to be the Venus flytrap; his favorite animal is the Black Panther. The best place in nature, he believes, is a nice, mature forest with large trees on a mountain.
Aside from studying Industrial Design, Samantha focuses on working, rock climbing, and exploring the outdoors. Her favorite plant is an Aloe Vera plant because it requires very little attention, but gives so many opportunities for nutrients. Her favorite animal is a dolphin because of their incredible intelligence and uniqueness as a species. She really enjoys any setting in the sun, whether that be the beach or in a field of grass.
Grant Flinn Industrial Design (Design for Sustainability Minor)
Mark Hemphill Industrial Design
Outside of class Grant creates artworks made out of natural materials, goes hiking, and swims. Grant’s favorite plant is the Venus Fly Trap, his favorite animal is the Deer, and his favorite natural setting is the woods of North Carolina.
Aside from his current educational focus on industrial design, Mark enjoys surfing, reading, and cooking. His favorite plant is wisteria because its purple bundles of aroma remind him of an arbor outside of his childhood home. His favorite animal is a seagull, mostly because he admires the fact that it can eat trash and drink seawater. The natural setting in which he feels most alive is a rowdy ocean because he loves the power and elegance it both demonstrates and demands.
Katy Kennedy Interior Design
Maggie Gregory Industrial Design
Outside of school Katy reads a lot of classic literature, works as an intern at an interior design firm, and does more school work! Her favorite plant is a water lily because they provide unexpected pops of color on top of the aquatic environment. Her favorite animal is a gecko! She had one for eight years, and after studying Biomimicry, she appreciates the animal’s natural abilities a lot more. Her favorite natural setting is the desert.
Maggie plays the guitar, reads, and scuba dives outside of school. Her favorite plant is the Sequoia because of its immense size and presence. Her favorite animal is the whale shark. She thinks they are marvelous peaceful sharks. Her favorite natural setting is the seashore.
int r o duc t i o n t o “Biomimicry is the conscious emulation of nature’s genius. It is an interdisciplinary approach that brings together two often disconnected worlds: nature and technology, biology and innovation, life and design. The practice of biomimicry seeks to bring the time-tested wisdom of life to the design table to inform human solutions that create conditions conducive to life. At its most practical, biomimicry is a way of seeking sustainable solutions by borrowing life’s blueprints, chemical recipes, and ecosystem strategies. At its most transformative, biomimicry connects us in ways that fit, align, and integrate the human species into the natural processes of Earth.” (Baumeister, 2013)
es se n stial elem ents Essential Elements: Biomimicry DesignLens “The practice of biomimicry embodies three interconnected, but unique ingredients; the three Essential Elements of Biomimicry represent the foundation of the biomimicry meme. By combining the essential elements together, bio-inspired design becomes biomimicry. • The ethos element forms the essence of our ethics, our intentions, and our underlying philosophy for why we practice biomimicry. Ethos represents our respect for, responsibility to, and gratitude for our fellow species and our home. • The (re)connect element reinforces the understanding that, while seemingly “separate,” people and nature are actually deeply intertwined. We are nature. (Re)connecting is a practice and a mindset that explores and deepens this relationship between humans and the rest of nature. • The emulate element brings the principles, patterns, strategies, and function found in nature to inform design. Emulation is about being proactive in achieving the vision of humans fitting in sustainably on earth.” (Baumeister, 2013)
lif e p r i nc i p l e s “Life’s Principles are design lessons from nature. Based on the recognition that Life on Earth is interconnected and interdependent, and subject to the same set of operating conditions, Life has evolved a set of strategies that have sustained over 3.8 billion years. Life’s Principles represent these overarching patterns found amongst the species surviving and thriving on Earth. Life integrates and optimizes these strategies to create conditions conducive to life. By learning from these deep design lessons, we can model innovative strategies, measure our design against these sustainable benchmarks, and allow ourselves to be mentored by nature’s genius using Life’s Principles as our aspirational ideals.” (Baumeister, 2013) 14
b i o mimicr y th inkin g “Biomimicry Thinking provides context to where, how, what, and why biomimicry fits into the process of any discipline or any scale of design. While akin to a methodology, Biomimicry Thinking is a framework that is intended to help people practice biomimicry while designing anything. These are four areas in which a biomimicry lens provides the greatest value to the design process (independent of the discipline in which it is integrated): scoping, discovering, creating, and evaluating. Following the specific steps within each phase helps ensure the successful integration of life’s strategies into human designs.” (Baumeister, 2013)
i ntr odu cti on to “In general, scoping occurs prior to actual design and includes preparatory work determining the project’s challenges, collecting and analyzing the facts, setting goals, and harmonizing the project team. Scoping also sets the vision for the project. It provides the opportunity for stakeholders to unite behind a common aspiration, focus on priorities, and set performance standards. The project scope is the chance to determine which goals are non-negotiable and which goals are areas to be monitored for improvements. When it comes to creating a sustainable design, the scoping phase is the time to set the bar as high as possible to start, recognizing the current system we are all tied to will likely eat away at the edges of that expansive vision. A well-adapted design must meet the functional needs of the design challenge in the context in which it must exist in order to contribute to its success.” (Baumeister, 2013) As in nature, we had our design challenge emerge collectively. While still allowing requisite uncertainty to remain, we moved forward in defining a human context to reference during our inquiry into nature. By keeping a subset of “must have” life principles in mind throughout this process, we were ultimately able to articulate a clear design vision. The following section walks through the process of defining the context, identifying the function, integrating life’s principles, and defining a vision for our project.
d efin in g the c ontext The goal of this step was to determine a specific design challenge within its context so that the group understood the research space and the context in which to work. It involved picking a design challenge category, and researching the specific environment(s) the challenge would serve. In order to brainstorm and explore possible design challenges, our group performed a “sticky note on wall� (S.N.O.W.) activity to define a design direction to pursue. We each walked in a circle around the room, sticky notes and markers in hand, and for 8 minutes we wrote as many ideas as possible on post-its. The ideas generated from this brainstorming activity yielded depth and complexity, and the prominent overlaps in topics helped us gravitate towards two preferred challenge topics: transportation and waste.
In a conversation attempting to merge the concepts of transportation and waste, we came upon traffic jams as a wasteful activity in transportation. We then extended the notion of traffic jams from roadways to building interiors. Waiting for elevators in tall buildings seemed like a certain flavor of “traffic jam,� so we decided to move forward from there.
v er tic a l tran s p or tati on 19
r ese archin g th e c ontext
As a next step, our team researched the context of indoor vertical transport and performed a round of “lightning-speed research,� in which each person searched for information for a short period of time before combining the results. This method was efficient in quickly producing a high volume of information. As each person approached research differently, the results varied in subject matter and seemed to comprehensively address the topic.
In our cumulative research findings, we discovered that any building with multiple floors requires a form of vertical transport for people to access each level. The three most common modes of vertical transport were stairs, escalators, and elevators. These modes are typically designed to work together in a combined effort as determined by the building shape, number of floors, volume of traffic flow within the building, frequency of use, and even the aesthetic design of the space.
mo s t c om m on t y p es of v er ti cal tra n s p or t When we considered how individuals interact with each of these vertical transport options, we found that the stairs require large amounts of physical effort from the user while the other options involve periods of waiting and standing. The elevator is the most accessible for users as the space in which they stand must legally accommodate a range of physical disabilities. The stairs have benefits in that they do not require power to work and are a feasible option during fires (making them required exit routes in all buildings). On the other hand, escalators and elevators offer convenience and ease by doing the work of transporting for the user. While all options have their selling points, all have drawbacks in categories such as safety, space feasibility, or cost, for example. The research informed us that the design must fit the type of building and the context in which it will operate. By understanding the characteristics, options, and limitations within the building of choice, the design can address these trade-offs in order to efficiently move people at the rate and in the direction they require. Furthermore, significant efforts have already been made in the elevator sector in order to improve speed, cost, and efficiency of the different systems to reduce overall use of resources and optimize transport processes. These techniques indicate that the design should consider the entire system of the building in its operational strategy.
d es ign in g t he c ontex t The context for which we designed consists of a tall building, with four or more floors, that utilizes an elevator-type system as its main mode of vertical transport. This means that the audience prefers a low-effort solution for their transport needs, is exposed to wait times, and needs access to any floor in the building within a short time period. While stairs must be offered as an attractive alternative, the design should serve as the main means of transport throughout the entire building, providing a direct route to a desired floor. Additionally, the focus of the building is centered 22
upon reaching a final destination, such as an office or department, rather than navigating the entire building (e.g. visiting a museum). This means that the traffic is more intermittent and personalized as people travel in discrete trips, versus moving in a constant flow, throughout the building. Limiting factors to consider include building geometries, energy requirements, load capacity, audience needs, programming, aesthetics, and of course environmental impact.
id ea l au d ie n c e
The context in which we envision our design to exist is an innovative space where diversity is invited to interrelate (as nature would do), engendering idea and information transactions between very different communities of building occupants. In this model, our design serves as the central transport for a building in order to link distinct sets of groups during movement. There is a group of risk-takers that includes investors, designers, and venture capitalists who bring the futuristic mindset to this cooperative environment. To ground and counterbalance this dynamic combination, an elementary school and a collection of “wisdomatic� individuals (e.g. philosophers, theologians, etc.) are present to mix ideas, learn from the businesses, and serve as inspiration. These higher thinking organizations include divinity schools, think tanks, academic research facilities, or any number of wisdom-embracing entities. Overall, the building’s occupants form an eco-system that thrives upon informational exchange facilitated by the design itself. This centralized vertical transport system moves a high volume of traffic consisting of individuals with a wide range of ages and expertise. Furthermore, the interior column of the building serves as an exhibition space, conveying the ongoing activities of each organization to the others. This curation of nonproprietary organizational knowledge and/or practices is facilitated by a person or group of people whose responsibility it is to help building occupants elucidate and visualize their own ideas. By encouraging and helping each organization in the building externally present its own processes of thought and production, knowledge is reinforced internally. Through this process of curated sharing, information is reshuffled and unexpected ideas can be incorporated into the mental schemes of others.
d esi gn s tat em e nt : O u r d e sig n is to tra n s po r t p e o pl e ver ticall y in a n ef fic i ent w ay . v isi on s tateme nt : O u r d e sig n s u c c eed s by o r g an icall y f a c i litati n g tr an spor tati on of p eo pl e and id e as thro u g hou t i nter i o r spa c e s. 24
u s i n g b i om i mi c r y ta x on omy When trying to express the intention of the design, it was necessary to distinguish a function, rather than a physical outcome, so that solutions would not be limited to a narrow preconception of elevator form. Thus, pursuing a function allowed for the team to investigate strategies to emulate rather than forms to duplicate. The Biomimicry Taxonomy was the guide for this step and the team’s pathway on the card was as follows: • Group: “Move or Stay Put” — focusing on vertical transport • Sub-Group: “Move” — focusing on how things move, not how they “attach” to something that is already moving • Function: “In/On Solids, In/On Liquids, In gases” — to inspire our research of nature’s genius
int e gratin g li f e pr inciple s During scoping, we committed to incorporating specific life principles into our design in order to create conditions conducive to life. We made sure to continually reference these throughout conceptualization and synthesis to ensure the holistic evolution of our design. Replicate Strategies That Work – We believe there must be a viable strategy from the plethora of existing biological transportation methods. Self-Organize – The design should attune itself to the organic, spatial, and temporal flow of people throughout the building. Be Locally Attuned and Responsive – The design should be scalable and behaviorally customizable for specific implementations. Leverage Cyclic Processes –We believe that the individual’s cumulative journey begins and ends at the building entrance, therefore creating a cycle (i.e. what goes up must come down). Use Feedback Loops – The design should respond to the user, incorporating their location, destination and time spent in each stage of the experience.
d iscu ssi on of c hoic e s When making these choices, we focused on the principles we thought were most relevant to our context and would best serve as a strategic platform and basis for growth. Although we recognize that all of life’s principles are important to try to incorporate, these five spoke to us as exceptionally poignant for our design challenge of transporting people vertically in an efficient way.
c o nc l usi o n to Throughout our scoping phase, we worked together as a team to decide upon our design challenge. Through this process, we became familiar with available Biomimicry tools, such as the taxonomy. We learned about the ways others had already addressed our design challenge by researching existing and near-future solutions in the categories of elevators, escalators, and stairs. The information we gathered led our team to decide upon a specific context, as well as inform us of the considerations needed to create a successful design for our intended audience. With the novel perspective (for us) of nature as a model, mentor, and measure we prepared ourselves to transition into learning from nature directly.
i ntr odu cti o n to “While some may blend research commonly in the discovering phase with the background assessment of the scoping phase, we tease them apart here to demonstrate the unique value that biomimicry thinking brings to the research aspects of the discovering phase… The general objective of the discovering phase is to enter the realm of divergent thought, where team members broaden their perspectives to allow for a wide range of ideas, inputs and influences…While market research is often the driving input into most design processes, most radical innovations come from outside of the norm, be it visions of a possible future, completely unexpected connections and inspirations, or purely brilliant insights. In many ways, biomimicry thinking best serves radical innovation because natural models generally aren’t standard sources, yet nature’s strategies can provide very compelling future visions and brilliant insights, proven by 3.8 billion years of R&D.” (Baumeister, 2013) After unveiling our design challenge from the scoping phase, we moved on to the discovering phase, equipped with a solid context and design vision. To start, we began the critical period of targeted biological inquiry by formulating our design statement into a biologized question. Using that as our guide, our team sought inspiration from nature and grasped strategies used by organisms for fulfilling their functions within living systems. Our team used different lenses to explore nature’s genius from multiple perspectives, including those of the biological, ecological, naturalist, local, and functional variety. All of the discoveries were captured in “function cards” (formatted summaries of life forms) that explained the unique functions, strategies, and mechanisms of those models. From those descriptions we abstracted design principles to promote emulation of nature’s strategies in the following creating phase.
disc ove r natu ra l m o d e ls During this part of our discovering phase, we focused on learning about the natural models found in nature. We asked the question “how does nature move (and not move) vertically in an efficient way?� We directly explored nature around us to physically observe these functions and supplemented this methodology by researching online and asking for the input of Ernst Kortschak, our scientist at the design table.
To focus our team’s design challenge onto a path of biological investigation, it was important to “biologize” the design function so that we could find suitable case studies for emulation. Referencing the Biomimicry taxonomy and incorporating our specific design intention, we chose the question:
H ow d oe s nat ur e tra n s p or t o r g ani s m s v er tic a ll y ? 33
In the process of discovering natural models, we participated in a variety of methods, including nature adventures, films, lectures, and personal sketching. The adventures included field trips to local sites, chosen by our scientist at the design table, which offered unique settings such as coastal mountains or cedar forests. The films and lectures focused on understanding specific ecosystems and the planet as one system by providing scientific explanations and fine-tuned visualizations. Individually, team members spent time in our natural setting to attune with nature and observe it through iSite activities and sketching. To round out discovering with more pertinent models, our team also researched the AskNature database and other resources. Biomimicry thinking involves adorning our minds with different perspectives, called lenses. These allow you to focus on and process information from a certain point of view, creating varied versions of how to understand the models. The perspective offered by the ecological and biological lenses led us to conduct a literature review and engage in conversation with our scientist at the design table. Investigating underlying theory and having an expert with which to share our curiosity (and confusion) provided us with solid foundation to build upon. Throughout the process, we often donned the naturalist lens, randomly exploring nature and forcing associations by taking what we observed and relating it to our specific challenge of vertical transport. Similar, but slightly different, was the local lens. This also entailed walking around the mountains, coastline and forests of Provence, France, but instead of doing so randomly, we were armed with the specific goal of identifying vertical transport systems in nature. Finally, the functional lens allowed us to zero in on strategies and mechanisms through which different organisms achieve specific functions, ultimately leading to the abstraction of design principles. In summary, these lenses induced subtle shifts in our perspective while exploring different contexts, thereby contributing to a more nuanced view of what nature has to offer.
re se ar c h i ng n at ur a l mo d e l s
In order to create specific research avenues, our team participated in a brainstorming activity called “What? Why? Who? How?� In respective order, we identified as many examples of what nature transports vertically, why it needs to do that, who does the moving, and how they manage to do it. A large list was compiled of possible research topics, allowing us to investigate a multitude of specific natural models.
ab stra cting b i o l ogical str ate gie s Throughout this process, we took what we found during our discovery of natural models and began to identify biological strategies. We abstracted the concepts used by our natural models in order to define additional opportunities for application and direct our minds towards emulation rather than replication. We then condensed that information by formulating intellectually accessible “function cards� in order to gather inspiration and guide design during our later creating phase.
fo r mu latin g fu n c ti on c ar d s More specifically, the cards explained the natural model’s function (a specific aspect of moving vertically, efficiently, or anything semi-related), the strategy used to perform the function, the mechanism behind that strategy, and finally abstracted design principles from the descriptions of the specific mechanisms. Functions, strategies, and mechanisms were directly drawn from biological content, while the abstraction of the design principle required a translation from biology into language that could be understood by a wide range of participants in the creation phase. This type of principle represented the essence of the genius design of an organism, as it pertained to human design,
and served as a guiding tool to ensure the team properly emulated nature in the creating phase. On the next few pages is a series of cards to serve as examples of the level of detail that was explored for each. The rest of the cards are contained within an appendix at the end of the book. In order to aid in locating a desired card, a matrix (which follows the sample cards) was created that is sorted by general function. Once the desired card is identified, the appendix contains the cards listed in alphabetical order by the name of the organism. 37
photosynthesis Function: To convert energy Strategy: Plants use photosynthesis to convert solar energy into chemical energy. Mechanism: Plants, some protists, bacteria and blue-green algae obtain energy through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis usually occurs within the organism’s leaves, which absorb sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. They convert these nutrients into sugar, or plant fuel, and oxygen. Plants function efficiently using their surrounding resources. Design Principle: Our design is to convert light so that it produces energy to transport its users.
absorbs sunlight
oxygen leaves carbon dioxide enters
roots absorb water Citation: Creating Energy from Sunlight: Plants. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from Tracy, W. (2006, April 21). How the Earth Works. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from http://science.howstuffworks. com/environmental/earth/geophysics/earth3.htm
Whitmarsh, J. (1995, January 1). The Photosynthetic Process. Life.Illinois.e du. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from edu/govindjee/paper /gov.html
spi t t l e b ug Prosapia bicincta
Function: To protect and cushion Strategy: The bubbles produced by spittlebugs allow the bug to protect and cushion itself. Mechanism: Spittlebugs produce a white bubble substance on plants. The spittlebug creates this foam-like substance to protect itself from other insects and to cushion itself. When spittlebugs feed, they puncture the plant’s stem, eating the sap. The sap is then pumped through the body and expelled through the anus. The secreted fluid combines with air and produces the protective bubbles. Design Principle: Our design is to create a flexible, bubble-like structure so that it provides protection and cushioning.
spittlebug produces bubble substance on leaf
spittlebug sits in bubbles for cushion and protection
Citation: Kulzer, L. (1996, June 1). Spittlebugs. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Optimally Packing Spheres: Spittle Bug. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from
Marsman, I. (2005). Spittle Bug Nymph on Clover [Photograph], Retrieved April 17, 2014, from
Buss, E., & Williams, L. (n.d.). Twolined Spittlebugs in Turfgrass. EDIS New Publications RSS. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from
giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis Function: To pump blood in a controlled flow Strategy: The elastic blood vessels have valves to facilitate return of blood from the legs to the heart. The valves in the neck impede the back ow of blood to the head when a giraffe lowers its head to drink. Mechanism: Giraffes have twice the amount of blood pressure than other mammals. To help deal with high blood pressure, they have a complex pressure regulation system (Mikalowsky, 2012). Blood pressure depends on the strength of the cardiovascular system, as well as the efďŹ ciency of the pump. Giraffes adjust the muscles of the cardiovascular system to enable shrinking and expanding of the blood vessels so that blood may reach far distances from the heart. The neck contains elastic blood vessels that open and close, which are used to prevent too much blood from going to the head. Design Principle: Our design is to use contracting tube structures and valves so that we can control the flow of resources.
elastic blood vessels contract to pump blood
valves open and close to control blood flow Citation Circulatory System. (n.d.). Circulatory System. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from c3974/Circulatory_System.html Giraffe. (n.d.). : Circulatory System. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from
Pressure Assists Blood Circulation: Giraffe. (n.d.). - AskNature. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from
l i n ed s ea s t ar Luidia clathrata
Function: To move and handle food Strategy: The Lined Sea Star uses a hydraulic system of contracting tubes. Mechanism: The Lined Sea Star uses a hydraulic system in its tube feet in order get food. Above each tube foot is a bulbous chamber, or the ampulla, that is equipped with circular muscles and perpendicular, reinforcing fibers (Jonathan, 2000). When the foot muscles contract, fluid is forced into the ampulla, expanding the volume of this muscle. At the same time, a one-way flap valve prevents contraction of either foot or ampullary muscle from simply forcing water back into those pipes. These tube feet are used for locomotion and pumping food. Design Principle: Our design is to use a hydraulic system of contracting tubes so that it can transport itself and intake desired objects.
water or other material is pumped
contracting and expanding muscles
Citation Jonathan, D. (2000, May 10). How Starfish Move. The Madreporite Nexus. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from http://www.madreporite. com/science/movement.htm Tube Feet Assist Locomotion, Feeding: Lined Sea Star. (n.d.). - AskNature. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from strategy/6ba26b115ac157c034bd010eca57dd5b#.U2fs6RBD6Dc Meadows, Dr. Dwayne. (July 2004). Mouth of Magnificent Star Starfish [Photograph]. Retrieved from
e ar t hw o r m Lumbricus terrestris
Function: To move Strategy: Earthworms shorten and lengthen their bodies in order to glide through the soil and maneuver around obstacles. Mechanism: Earthworms move through soil by contracting and lengthening their bodies. A segment of the body remains anchored to the soil around it with hairs and bristles while another advances. Some species excrete a lubricating mucus which helps them glide as they burrow through the soil. Design Principle: Our design is to implement compression and expansion so that movement is created.
annelids are segmented parts of the worm that help it move
worm is covered with tiny hairs called setae
setae anchor part of the worm to the ground while the other segments move Citation Large volumes move through small spaces: common earthworm. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from http://www.asknature. org/strategy/4c48cda5028087b65964b74e38fe2671#.U2ftfRBD6Dc Common Earthworms, Common Earthworm Pictures, Common Earthworm Facts - National Geographic. (n.d.). Retrieved from Earthworm adaptations. (2012, May 7). Science Learning Hub RSS. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Science-Stories/Earthworms/Earthworm-adaptations
Meadows, Dr. Dwayne. (July 2004). Mouth of Magnificent Star Starfish [Photograph]. Retrieved from
a r my ant s Eciton burchellii
Function: To move large groups of ants in an organized manner Strategy: Army Ants use pheromone trails to guide themselves in mass quantities. Mechanism: By following pheromone trails, army ants move in groups up to 700,000, both efficiently and strategically. Although they are blind and moving in opposite directions, army ants stay in correlated lines while very rarely breaking away. To do this, they form three lanes of traffic. The center lane consists of ants carrying food while the other ants follow a pheromone trail left by its predecessor. The outside lanes are formed by ants heading towards food, as directed by the center lane. Pheromone trails are secreted through the ventral venom gland with the primary goal of leading other ants to food sources (Couzin & Franks, 2002). Design Principle: Our design is to release a signal so that mass transportation is guided in an organized direction. ants create organized traffic flow
food pheromone trail Citation Groups move efficiently: army ants. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Couzin, I., & Franks, N. (2002, December 9). Self-organized lane formation and optimized traffic flow in army ants. . Retrieved April 17, 2014, from,%202003.pdf Gallice, Geoff. (16 October 2011). Army Ant Bivouac. [photograph]. Retreived from
m o squi t o fi sh Gambusia affinis
Function: To move in large masses without colliding with one another Strategy: Mosquitofish use a lateral line sensing system to detect surrounding objects. Mechanism: The lateral line is a row of ultra sensitive cells located around the head and side of the body. In order to detect surrounding objects, mosquitofish sense changes in water motion and pressure gradients through outer scales (Lateral Line Systems of Fish, n.d.). The water is then sensed within the lateral line canal. A receptive feature, called a neuromast (composed of sensitive hair cells, support cells, and sensory neurons), detects pressure waves generated by the movements of neighboring mosquitofish. Design Principle: Our design is to use external feedback about relative position so that its elements can fluently move in large masses. water displacement lateral line canal
Citation Individuals avoid contact: mosquitofish. (n.d.). - AskNature. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from
mattk1979. (n.d.). Fish Shoal. [photograph]. Retrieved from
Lateral Line Systems of Fish. (n.d.). National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from http://www.ncbi. Slime Mold
sl i me m o l d Physarum polycephalum
Function: To network and consolidate in order to find food sources Strategy: The Slime Mold self-organizes and uses an efficient network of tubes to locate its food. Mechanism: Slime Mold is a single-celled, primitive life form with a sophisticated foraging technique. It pulses and spreads an efficient network of tubes in order to locate food. After it has located a source of food it shrinks back its unused tubes to conserve resources. Each connecting tube serves as a way for the mold to transfer nutrients. The mold always has more than one connecting tube to a food source in order to protect itself from damage. Design Principle: Our design is to use efficient networks and consolidate so that it can focus on certain resources.
2 slime mold expands in search of the food
once it finds food, the slime mold trims any unused tubes to conserve energy
Citation Cytoplasm seeks efficient routes: slime mold. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from d96cadb1bcaa0c0b041483d60a9c7721#.U1BUvVP5nes Slime Molds. (n.d.). Microbeworld. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Genome: Physarum polycephalum. (n.d.). Genome Institute at Washington University. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from http://genome. [Photograph of slime mold]. Retrieved April 30,2014, Retrived from
s e a ur c h i n Heterocentrotus mamillatus
Function: To transport resources from a central point to extended branches Strategy: Sea urchins use radiating tubes to minimize the distance materials have to be transported. Mechanism: Sea Urchins use radiating tubes to efficiently transport resources from their center to their extended legs. Having the tubes come from a central point shortens the distance that resources have to travel. By incorporating centralized branching forms, sea urchins are able to gather resources and transport them to their extremities (or vice versa) more efficiently. This central area is called the peristome. Spines around this area are capable of aiding locomotion, burrowing, and food gathering (Follo & Fautin, n.d.). Pedicellarine, located between spines, allow the urchin to clutch food. Design Principle: Our design is to incorporate radiating shapes so that distance is minimized while transporting resources.
sea urchin transports materials through extended spines to minimize distance traveled
Citation Follo, J., & Fautin, D. (n.d.). Echinoidea. Animal Diversity. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from accounts/Echinoidea/
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Pacific Region’s. (14 June 2006). Red Pencil Urchin. [photograph]. Retrieved from
Radiating shape makes for efficient transport: sea urchin. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from strategy/07f435ba908c828e491d8da0db2679be#.U1BlIFP5nes WW
g l a s s s p o ng e Euplectella aspergillum
Function: To provide a solid, yet lightweight structure Strategy: It develops crisscrossed patterns in varying sizes and angles both along and perpendicular to the plane of growth. Mechanism: The glass sponge uses long spicules of silica to build a robust skeleton, taking advantage of the stabilizing effect of crisscrossed stiff fibers. These fibers allow the sponge to reduce the weight of its skeleton by avoiding solid surfaces. Design Principle: Our design is to use crisscrossed fibers so that it can construct a lightweight, robust structure. spicule structure
sea sponge skeletal structure
crisscrossed silica build up
Citation Hexactinellid. (n.d.). . Retrieved May 8, 2014, from,d.d2k Glass Sponges. (2013, February 13). . Retrieved May 8, 2014, from,d.d2k
[Photograph of Glass Sponge]. Retrieved May 8, 2014, from
Dohrmann, M. (n.d.). Hexactinellida. . Retrieved May 8, 2014, from,d.d2k W
functi on ca rd m atri x Group Attach
Organism Strategy Remora
By sliding backwards on organisms, Remora create suction, only releasing that suction when they swim Our design is to use suction to attach elements to larger entities so that energy is saved. forward in relation to their current host.
Design Principle
to attach to objects
Glory Lily
Glory Lilies climb over neighboring plant life in order to receive more light.
Our design is to use other structures to climb so that less energy is exerted.
to float up and down in water
Blue Sea Slug
The gas-filled sac in its stomach allows the blue sea slug to float upside down and to the surface.
Our design is to change density so that it floats or sinks.
to maintain neutral buoyancy in fluid
Ray-finned Fish
It regulates the amount of gas present in an internal, inflatable chamber.
Our design is to change density so that it floats or sinks.
to float or sink
It alters its density through volume change at phase transitions (liquid to solid at cold temperatures and Our design is to change density so that it floats or sinks. vice versa).
to move large groups of ants in an organized manner
Army Ants
to attach to objects
Army Ants use pheromone trails to guide themselves in mass quantities.
Our design is to release a signal so that mass transportation is guided in an organized direction.
to move in large masses without colliding with one another Mosquitofish
Mosquitofish use a lateral line sensing system to detect surrounding objects.
Our design is to use external feedback about relative position so that its elements can fluently move in large masses.
to network and consolidate in order to find food sources
Slime Mold
The Slime Mold self-organizes and uses an efficient network of tubes to locate its food.
Our design is to use efficient networks and consolidate so that it can focus on certain resources.
to protect and cushion
The bubbles produced by spittlebugs allow the bug to protect and cushion itself.
Our design is to create a flexible, bubble-like structure so that it provides protection and cushion.
to generate lift and hover in place
Rotating shoulders over wide arcs allows wings to generate lift from both directions of flapping.
Our design is to rotate wings in sweeping figure eight patterns so that it can hover.
to generate lift
Fruit Fly
Fruit flies beat their wings at extremely high frequencies.
Our design is to uses quick wing flapping so that lift is generated.
to provide lateral propulsion for efficiency and a secondary Vampire Squid propulsion system for bursts of speed
The vampire squid normally uses fins to conserve energy and engages the traditional squid jet propulsion only in times of need.
Our design is to include a backup propulsion system so that increased speed in times of need is available.
to generate lift efficiently
Parasitic Wasp
A “clap and peel” flapping method creates vortices around wings.
Our design is to clap and peel wings so that it creates lift.
to achieve precise maneuverability and efficiency in flight
Dragonflies use direct musculature to control multiple pairs of wings in alternating phase.
Our design is to implement direct tensile control of propulsion mechanisms so that it is maneuverable.
to reduce drag and improve lift during flight
Micro-sized scales on wing surface improve flight efficiency.
Our design is to use scales to control fluid flow along surfaces so that flight is more efficient.
to move
Caterpillars use their muscles and unique structure to move over a number of surfaces.
Our design implements flexible structures so that it can move in wave-like motions.
to move quickly
Cheetahs have spinal disks that elongate and compress in order to take longer strides and increase speed.
Our design is to implement compression and expansion of an articulated structure so that movement is optimized.
to move
Earthworms shorten and lengthen their bodies in order to glide through the soil and maneuver around obstacles.
Our design is to implement compression and expansion so that movement is created.
to move or stay put
Northern Leopard Frog The northern leopard frog stores elastic energy in its tendons and releases it when jumping.
Our design is to store elastic energy so that it can be used when moving later.
to jump with rapid power
Bush Baby
The strength and shape of the bush baby’s legs allow agile leaping and climbing through trees.
Our design is to use a catapult motion so that we can quickly and efficiently transport individuals.
to move gas through a tube
They use height-dependent wind speed (and therefore air pressure) to suck air into a hollow tube.
Our design uses pressure differentials so that it can move gas through a tube.
to quickly deliver oxygen
Flies have branching tube structures that deliver oxygenated air, instead of blood, directly to muscles.
Our design is to use branching tubes so that it can quickly transport substances.
to create structures for moving resources
Using its head to flick out sand, the antlion creates a slippery sand pit at the angle of repose.
Our design is to create a funnel shape structure so that humans or resources fall to a desired location.
to move through liquid
Tiny, hair-like organelles around the body of the paramecia act as paddles to move it.
Our design is to utilize multiple paddles so that it can easily move through water.
to change direction swiftly, in a controlled manner
Whirligig Beetle
The whirligig beetle moves by creating thrust and rotation with its hind legs while the middle set of legs stabilize movement.
Our design is to use strategically placed paddling structures so that it turns quickly, in a stabilized manner.
to efficiently swim through water
Dogfish Shark
The dogfish shark creates jets by varying the stiffness of its tail in a swinging motion.
Our design is to uses varying stiffness during tail oscillation so that smooth and efficient thrust is created.
to land softly
Honey Bee
The honeybee uses a simple visual processing algorithm to enable smooth landings.
Our design is to create a simple landing system so that it lands efficiently.
to navigate
Magnetic Bacteria
Magnetic Bacteria use magnetosomes and the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate.
Our design is to use magnetic fields so that it orients itself in space.
Provide Energy
to convert energy
Plants use photosynthesis to convert solar energy into chemical energy.
Our design is to convert light so that it produces energy to transport its users.
to pump blood in a controlled flow
The elastic blood vessels have valves to facilitate return of blood from the legs to the heart. The valves Our design is to use contracting tube structures and valves so that we can control flow of resources. in the neck impede the back flow of blood to the head when a giraffe lowers its head to drink.
to move and handle food
Lined Sea Star
The Lined Sea Star uses a hydraulic system of contracting tubes.
Our design is to use a hydraulic system of contracting tubes so that it can transport itself and intake desired objects.
to move
Moon Jellyfish
Moon jellyfish move smoothly through water by producing complex vortex rings.
Our design is to use radially contracting movements so that objects are propelled forward.
to move
Marine salps move through water by drawing in fluid through one end of their bodies and forcing it out through the opposite end, a technique known as jet propulsion.
Our design is to use jet propulsion so that we can transport resources.
to repel bacteria
Cicada wings kill bacteria through physical (instead of chemical) means.
Our design is to use a coating of microscopic pillars so that bacteria and dirt are repelled.
Space Optimization
to utilize extra space
Surinam Toad
Surinam Toads use the space on their back to raise their young.
Our design is to use the extra space of a structure so that surfaces are used optimally.
to maximize space
Sessile Barnacles
Sessile Barnacles compete by rapidly reproducing so they can expand into unoccupied space faster than other organisms.
Our design is to use modularity so that space is used optimally.
to traverse large, horizontal distances while falling
Sycamore Maple Seed During their fall, the sycamore maple seeds rotate and create lift.
Our design is to use rotation to create lift so that it can travel far.
to dive into water at high speeds
Cape Gannet
The body of a diving gannet safely enters the water in a rotating cone shape at a speed of 100 km/h.
Our design is to use a rotating cone shape so that fluid dynamic properties are improved.
to move and carry
Changes in wind direction and air temperature create a substantial rotating funnel or tornado.
Our design is to use spinning cyclone motion so that it can transport resources up and down.
to move in a spiral
Eddies transport material radially and vertically in downward spirals.
Our design is to use a vortex so that it can transport materials vertically.
to transport resources from a central point to extended branches
Sea Urchin
Sea urchins use radiating tubes to minimize the distance materials have to be transported.
Our design is to incorporate radiating shapes so that distance is minimized while transporting resources.
to glide long distances for optimal disbursement
Alsomitra Vine Seed
Large, light wing structures allow the seed to glide to the ground.
Our design is to use lightweight wings so that it can glide long distances when falling.
to provide a solid yet lightweight structure
Glass Sponge
It develops crisscrossed patterns in varying sizes and angles, both along and perpendicular to the plane Our design is to use crisscrossed fibers so that it can construct a lightweight, robust structure. of growth.
to swim in multiple directions
African Knife Fish
The knife fish possesses a joined caudal and anal fin, allowing it to create counter-propagating waves.
Our design is to use undulating waves so that we can propel something in multiple directions.
to extend and contract in an accordion-like motion
Boa Constrictor
Waves of lateral bending are used throughout the body from head to tail.
Our design is to use accordion-like motion so that it can move in a line.
Jumping Miscellaneous
The following matrix aids in locating specific function cards. It is organized by general function and the corresponding function cards are listed in the appendix (in alphabetical order by organism name).
c o ntext a n d c ontent Through our research, we realized that nature has infinite answers to moving vertically in an efficient way. Initially, it was a challenge to remove our preconceptions in perceiving and processing the design challenge, but thankfully, nature’s genius was abundant and available to us at any time. We found many inspiring processes on the subjects of vertical and efficient movement and became even more enthused about the potential for nature-inspired design, as practiced in the Biomimicry Thinking design process. After finding examples of movement in both large-scale settings and single organisms, as well as condensing our findings into function cards, the team felt confident that their research collection would provide excellent fuel for the creating phase. Specific examples that stood out to the group included those that incorporated mechanical movement of materials, as seen in the earthworm, giraffe, and lined sea star examples. The research extended as far as to include models that utilized propulsion, transported resources efficiently due to unique structures, and used communication to organize traffic flow, for example. The assortment of idea-sparking design principles, inferred from the examples, formed a large body of work to draw from in the creating phase, setting the team up to explore multiple strategies that promoted both movement and efficiency, as well as minor features that helped the design operate and fit within the context in a life-sustaining manner.
c o nc l usi o n t o
During the discovering phase, we became one with nature and learned how to leave human ego and ideas behind. The exposure to nature at a personal level provided an opportunity for memorable research and refreshing time spent outdoors, notably distant from our computers. The observation portion of the experience called upon the artistic skill set of the group and helped translate natural systems with familiar forms of visual expression. Additionally, we were able to digest the life principles more fully with actual examples from our local environment, and as our exposure to nature increased, our comprehension and enjoyment of the Biomimicry process grew as well. In a sense more specific to design methodology, it was an eye-opening experience to discover the natural models and exactly how they accomplished their specific functions. It is common practice to appreciate the elegance of human-crafted design, but to approach natural examples with the same level of respect was humbling and a break-through process for the team. Focusing on specific characteristics of the different organisms, and peeling away the layers of the function until we understood the biological mechanism of how exactly it was accomplished, surprised all of us and revealed true elegance in design: simplistic perfection that literally functions in the most efficient and effective way possible. To see and understand truly well-designed creatures escalated our excitement and inspiration, building momentum to start the next phase. 51
i nt r odu cti o n to “The creating stage is the high profile piece of designing; it results in a new human product or design. It is creating something new, putting things together in a new way, making, and inventing. The ideation phase of creating is the most fun and traditionally involves a combination of incorporating research results on how others have solved for that opportunity or challenge and brainstorming new solutions… Instead of relying on human cleverness alone, integrating biomimicry thinking into the creating phase means being inspired by successes found in nature. Biomimicry in the creating stage models solutions after design principles abstracted during the discovering phase and/or Life’s Principles.” (Baumeister, 2013)
During our creation phase, we looked to our research of nature’s genius to help us innovate. We invited other creative thinkers to a design charrette in order to expand our perspectives and address our design challenge through collaborative brainstorming. From there, we moved to prototyping and refining our design.
d es ign charrette After completing the discovering phase, our design team invited students from other majors to join us early on a Saturday morning to begin a scheduled design charrette. We worked from 9:00 am until 10:00 pm, with breaks for lunch and dinner. The collective design team (composed of the original designers and other invited creative professionals) was equipped with a rich description of the context, prior nature-based research, abstracted design principles from the strategies of organisms researched, and Biomimicry’s life principles. Our goal for the day was to conduct an intense brainstorming workshop in order to first diverge creatively 54
and subsequently develop a clear and direct vision, primed for future development. The intention of the all-day workshop was to immerse ourselves in a specific, creative methodology, surrounded by the elements we wanted to incorporate into our ideas. As soon as the core design team introduced Biomimicry and our collection of design principles to our guests, kinesthetic modeling began. The process involved a structured set of creative sessions in order to generate abundant and creative ideas, ultimately offering each other constructive criticism regarding those ideas.
The preparation included gathering small items from nature and every-day life, used for constructing physical models. First, four teams built ideas on their own table using a collection of these items. Verbal and written communication was not permitted in order to tap deeply into “intuitive knowing.” Ideas were expressed physically, without any verbal input to guide or stop creation. Once the groups had constructed their ideas, each group took a tour around the room. Neighboring teams recorded their first impressions of each prototype on underlying paper tablecloths. After this process, we returned to our stations to consider the comments and continue to build, this time using our peers’ responses as inspiration. The process of commentary was then repeated with lists of observations, interpretations, and a title for each piece. Finally, we listed the design and life principles incorporated into each group’s rough prototype.
After kinesthetic brainstorming at the tables, each group moved to a wall to further develop their ideas on large panels. Emphasis was placed on incorporating and developing the desired life principles at a deeper level. Through a series of collaborative feedback, the charrette participants refined their ideas, strengthened the incorporation of principles, and started to elucidate potential design solutions. Eventually, all of the groups merged after working through a series of creating and fine-tuning sessions, as well as group shares and discussions.
efficie n cy d i s c u s s i on During the panel sessions (as groups were developing potential solutions that aimed to “transport people vertically in an efficient way”), it turned out that each group’s definition of “efficient” differed. The meaning of our design statement was evidently unclear and needed to be addressed. Rather than forcing the entire charrette group into a firm definition, each group reflected upon their own interpretation and presented it during the next feedback session, which allowed for diverse design strategies. This approach fostered designs that approached efficiency issues in disparate, yet direct, paths without neglecting energy use, traffic flow, travel speed, wait time reduction, and increased quality of time spent traveling. Our final definition of efficiency was: low energy usage and a psychological experience in which no time spent in the system is perceived as wasted. 59
cha rret t e o ut c o me The outcome of the charrette was an elevator-like solution that was inspired mostly by the vertical blood circulation in a giraffe’s neck (our champion organism). The idea was to “pump” elevator capsules up and down using layers of contracting fabric that mechanically forced the capsules in the direction of desired travel. Similar to the veins in many circulatory systems, the pods would be squeezed between the fabric layers by a constricting fibrous mechanism that functioned like muscles — contracting when activated by a signal.
emu latin g d es ig n p rin ci pl e s In the post-charrette portion of the Creating Phase, it was necessary to develop the proposed design solution further while simultaneously incorporating both numerous and relevant design and life principles. A preliminary evaluation of the design was performed by assessing the solution against each life principle, quantifying and qualifying how well the design performed when asked, “Does it follow this principle?� The options were no, maybe, and yes; maybe was included so that we could point out potential ways to incorporate the principles more effectively. As expected, there were many areas that needed more attention, or even basic consideration, and efforts were thus made to improve the design following our preliminary assessment.
l ife prin cip les red irect d e s i g n An interesting phenomenon regarding life’s principles occurred multiple times during the work sessions. Whenever there was an unclear portion or an issue with the design, team members discussed ways to alter it in order to make it more successful. In doing so, more often than not, life’s principles were either added to the design or were integrated at a deeper level. One occurrence of this phenomenon came up when an issue arose regarding how the fabric would function if pods were passing each other
and therefore activating similar fibers. The design shifted from one large piece of fabric to connected, modular sections of fabric, thus starting to incorporate one of the life principles: combine modular and nested components. While it might have occasionally proven challenging to include the principles, ultimately, nature’s wisdom suggested logical solutions to each design flaw.
r e-explo ri n g a n d r e-d isc ov erin g To continue developing potential solution formation and to help create a realistic vision of the design, additional research was performed to further understand our natural design principles, scan for more contextual insights, and research and mine existing materials and methods that could be used in prototyping the design. Small groups were formed to accomplish these tasks. To more deeply analyze our natural models, a group went back to our function cards, picking out the relevant ones and conducting further research into each function. Our class traveled to Paris during this time and had the opportunity to observe many vertical transport systems in the museums. Many students took notes, thereby clarifying the use and setting(s) in which our challenge currently exists. Finally, a group devoted energy to researching technological advances that could be used in fabricating the design, including high-strength, fibrous materials, and methods for stimulating the necessary fabric functions.
par i s r ese arch In our contextual research, the main observation of vertical transports in the Parisian museums was that one-directional modes were preferred for vertically transporting vast amounts of visitors. As there were typically fewer than four floors in each building, the main focus was on getting people to wander through the exhibition spaces (i.e. the horizontal transport on each floor). Transport was facilitated via the usage of escalators, regulating the traffic and guiding the flow of people into a single line (separate from the opposing flow). By spreading out the people that were going up and going down, the horizontal traffic could travel through the exhibits with intentional directionality.
Furthermore, most of the transport modes were in a centralized location, but the elevators were typically located off to the side so that they were only used when necessary. The dominant form of transport was stairs, which were usually incorporated into the museum experience through aesthetic appeal and spatial proximity to exhibit spaces.
In the contextual research from Paris, it was apparent that the transport systems must be designed around the desired traffic flow. Since our context will be a building with a large number of floors, ideally with diverse groups sharing the space, our emphasis should remain on reaching different floors efficiently. This ideal is somewhat in opposition to the guided, one-directional flow emphasized in the horizontally dominant, pedestrian transport systems present in the museums of Paris.
fab ric re sea rc h Recent advances in material science have resulted in synthetic muscle fibers that are capable of powerful and repeated contraction. This contraction can be induced electrically, chemically, or photonically (Kim et al, 2012), and the fibers themselves could be comprised of super strong, paraffin-filled carbon nanotubes and/or inexpensive fishing line (Spinks et al, 2014). These biomimetic muscle fibers can be synthesized and “woven, sewn, braided and knotted,� and are thus appropriate as a material for our vertical transport system within a building. Specifically, our contractive fabric squeezes human transport capsules just as veins in circulatory systems assist in pumping blood back to the heart. We also experimented with types of modular, fiber structures. Utilizing mock-ups, we tested which ones wrapped around objects better and which ones could contract and expand. This exploration of material helped us visualize our design and encouraged our thinking.
ene rg y re sea rc h In order to use readily available sources of energy, our vertical transport system employs variation and decentralization via three energy collection mechanisms: photovoltaic, triboelectric and piezoelectric power sources. What we mean by this is that the sun, the rubbing motion of the capsules against the fabric, and the vibrations from pedestrians on the stairs can all contribute energy towards powering our system. Carbon nanotube (Söderbergh, 2014) and graphene-based (Gluba and Nickel, 2013) photovoltaics are improving the economic feasibility of ultra-thin, optically transparent solar cells. This type of photovoltaic could be incorporated onto the entire surface of our fabric, with sunlight fed into the building’s open central column via a rooftop lens. While there are multiple motivations for using carbon-based structures in photovoltaics (energy collection efficiency, cell thickness, avoiding rare elements, etc.), one barrier to implementation thus far has been cost. Thankfully, new processes are currently under development that would allow for industrial-scale manufacture of graphene (Coleman, 2014). Furthermore, the transport capsules will be constantly rubbing the fabric surface as they bring people between floors in the building. This motion is powered by the fabric’s biomimetic muscle fibers and the triboelectric effects
could be utilized to recapture a portion of that energy. Specifically, if an electron donor and an acceptor touch and separate repeatedly, and one of these materials is a polymer nanomaterial with huge surface area, a current is produced at a density of 300 watts per square meter (Toon, 2013). This effect could be utilized both between the capsule and the fabric and also between the capsule’s floor and inner wall (see concept sketches for illustration). Thus, this constant motion could mitigate the total energy usage of the system by constantly recycling power triboelectrically. Finally, the central spiral staircase that complements the power fabric could collect pedestrian energy via piezoelectric generators. Piezoelectricity is generated by applying pressure to a certain type of material (certain crystals or ceramics), which produces an electric charge when mechanically stressed. A team of researchers has managed to synthesize a highly piezoelectric inorganic material, barium titanate (BaTiO3), by employing the assistance of a modified M13 virus (Lee and Nam, 2013). This process facilitates the self-assembly of a sophisticated nanostructure without the use of toxic, expensive, or extreme environments. When the spiral staircase receives pedestrian traffic, it not only saves energy by avoiding the power fabric, but it actually generates electricity that can be used immediately to transport other building occupants.
d es tin ati o n d is p atch s y st em Placing human transport capsules in this cylindrical fabric structure allows for movement in multiple dimensions. In contrast to the one-dimensional motion of standard elevators, this freedom allows for the capsules to pass by each other without impeding progress from one floor to another. In order to programmatically control the motion of these capsules, a genetic algorithm could be employed. By establishing fitness indicators to optimize (e.g. wait times, travel times, energy usage, and acceleration), and allowing the destination dispatch system algorithm to “reproduce” imperfectly, the computer code in control of the system can evolve without further human involvement. Multiple examples of genetic algorithms have already been implemented, reaching as far back as 1959 (Johnson, 2001).
final d e sig n
Our prototype focuses on efficient vertical transportation within a building. By looking towards nature as our model, we created a prototype that incorporates functions and processes from organisms we researched. Main sources of inspiration included the giraffe, glass sponge, slime molds, and mosquito fish. We took processes that these organisms use and tried to mimic them in our design. We created an elevator concept that uses synthetic muscle fibers, capable of repeated contraction, induced by electricity, to transport pods vertically.
b uil din g str u ctu re The building itself is inspired by the glass sponge and mimics its form. It is a tall office building that incorporates the elevator concept in the center to act as the main means of transportation. On each floor, in the center of the elevator, is an employee lounge where people can have the opportunity to socialize, cook and eat food, or take a relaxing break. Offices are located between the elevators themselves and the edges of the building. On the outer edges of the building, additional staircases can be found. These would be used for emergency purposes to allow everyone to easily evacuate the building if necessary.
glass sponge structure
c e nt e r s t r uc t ur e Pulse is located in the center of the building. It is a cylindrical structure that allows the capsules to move efficiently in a vertical direction and unite the people in the building in a central location. On the top of this cylindrical structure is a glass dome that allows sunlight to flow into the building. Energy from the sunlight is harnessed to supply some of the energy throughout the building. Individual pods travel around the structure, transporting people to their destinations. The pods communicate with one another about positioning, similar to the way mosquito fish avoid collision and slime mold networks explore, in order to create efficient routes to reach their intended destinations.
mosquito fish collision avoidance 73
pul se po d The pods will transport people vertically from one location to another. People will enter a pod at one floor, input their desired destination, and the pod will take them there. The pods are capable of navigating up, down, and sideways around the center structure. The pod features a gyroscopic floor so that at all times, the floor will be lying flat, even if the pod itself is tilted. The pod has a rounded shape, which allows the fabric to transport the pod with minimal friction throughout the structure. The pod interacts with the system by being “pumped� to its desired location, similar to how a giraffe pumps blood in its long neck. The pods reside between the main structure and the fabric as they are squeezed to the destination when prompted, like a circulatory system.
giraffe vein pumping mechanism
f ab ric The fabric is intended to contract like muscles in order to squeeze pods in the direction that they need to travel. The fibers could be made of materials that perform electrically-induced, mechanical operations that are capable of repeated contraction motions and local activation. The fabric itself is transparent to allow the people inside to peer out as the pod travels between floors.
inte rf a c e Buttons are used as the interaction mechanism with the elevator, so that the user can direct it where it needs to go. The interface of the button design consists of a 0-9 number pad where people are able to easily enter the floor level desired. It also contains a directory to help people orient themselves within the building. This saves them time because while they are traveling, they are also directing themselves, rather than once they leave the pod. 75
mosqito fish pressure sensing
dockin g stati on The docking station is where pods stop at doors to let users board and exit. The floor panel in front of the door senses a pressure presence, like the Mosquitofish senses its neighbor, and thus calls a pod to arrive promptly. The range of the sensing can be extended in order to bring pods to areas with heavy traffic sooner so that wait times are reduced. This will increase the efficiency of transport and adapt to the building conditions. Furthermore, it gives the user a feeling of connection with the building as it seems to read their travel movements. 76
rev i s itin g the d e s i g n c ha llen g e Our group’s proposed solution to the design challenge focused mainly on our champion, the giraffe, and the strategies nature offers for pumping blood back to the heart. The design principle we derived from the mechanism of that strategy was: Our design is to use contracting tube structures and valves so that we can control flow of resources. With inspiration from the flow induced by muscle contraction, a large column structure was developed that utilizes constricting fabric layers to mechanically move traveling pods. The idea to pump human transport capsules up and down like blood in a giraffe’s neck led to vertical transport that offers the opportunity for a unique control system to deliver pods in more dynamic and direct pathways that adapt to the local traffic conditions. While a giraffe’s blood may be constrained to pumping in the veins, our pods travel in a similar fashion, but can adjust their route as needed.
c on clu si o n t o Our charrette worked well within the “brainstorm bio-inspired ideas” arena as it provided a structured means for creating a myriad of wild ideas to shape into a solution. We were diligent in keeping the design and life’s principles at the table with us, and by generating ideas in waves and different groups, endless permutations of principle combinations crossed our minds until a clear solution was agreed upon. The degree to which certain groups attempted to incorporate design and life’s principles varied as well, raising the question of whether the group wanted to pack in as many as possible or strongly focus on the combination of a select few. In the end, we focused on the number of embodied principles, thereby bolstering the design with more opportunity for success. In the ideation process, the benefits of collaboration were evident. Specifically, our decision to include interior designers, fiber designers, and a painter (fine artist) enhanced our discussions surrounding the context of transport within a building. Learning about the importance of the aesthetics and locations of stairs, escalators, and other modes of transport within a building shaped our thinking about the requirements also needing to be built into our solutions, and provided confidence in the tangibility of the designs. In addition, the contextual research in Paris helped illustrate how interior transportation design can determine traffic flow and reminded us of the army ants’ three-lane, directional, traffic configuration. While finalizing our proposed concept, we stressed the act of consciously emulating the life and design principles. The most useful tool in accomplishing this task was discussing scientifically dense areas that were unclear. Asking each other about the specific details forced us to adopt those principles in a deeper way, so that we could fit our prototype to them. More often than not, the solution to an issue involved remedies that aligned better with the life principles than the previous version did – a sign that nature really does know best. For example, we needed to address the concern of disorienting the passengers with horizontal motion (normally absent in an elevator experience). We came up with the concept of a gyroscopic capsule floor (inspired by the Cape Gannet’s proclivity for rotation), and subsequently realized that we could harness energy from that motion, thus leading to a cooperative relationship, which just so happens to be a life principle. 79
i nt r odu cti o n to “Evaluating is essentially ensuring you’ve designed with nature in mind. It is a “quality control” check to ensure that your design passes a sustainability test, as well as an audit to check for missed limits and opportunities. Any evaluation can enrich a project if there is an opportunity to revisit the design and incorporate improvement, especially if the objective of the evaluations is more than just an inspection to determine compliance with minimum quality and safety standards. Ideally, the measuring tools used in the evaluating phase were specified in the scoping stage as life principles. This provides the legitimacy and standards to return to the creating phase for improvements if life’s principles are not met.” (Baumeister, 2013) During the evaluating phase, we measured against the Biomimicry life principles, and also took a step back to see if our prototype fit its original context and properly addressed the design challenge. This was the opportunity to identify unforeseen limits and to ensure that quality and safety standards were addressed. This phase typically results in revisiting other phases to address gaps or missed opportunities. Specifically, the life principles offered a structured way to both assess the fitness of our current solution and pose categories in which that solution could be improved.
incorporated in our design
potential to be met in our design
is not addressed in our design 82
life pri n c i p les In the following pages, the life principles that we believe are incorporated in our design are highlighted in green, those that might have the potential to be met are shown in yellow, and those that the design does not address appear in red. Integrate Development with Growth: In order to embody this life principle, our design would need to add functionality and/or reduce complexity as the structure grows. However, the height of a building remains the same over time, and working systems are rarely redesigned. Our design clearly does not meet this life principle. However, if we imagine a situation in which it might integrate development with growth, the power fabric could grow underground, ultimately connecting with local subway systems, or even directly to power fabric installations in other buildings. Fit Form to Function: Our design’s form suits its function in two ways. First, it centrality brings the building’s residents together in an environment that fosters cross-fertilization of ideas which also addresses another life principle, cultivating the conditions for cooperative relationships. Second, the modular construction of the fabric (tessellating triangles composing a cylindrical structure) was formulated so that capsules could cross paths without activating the same fibers, a decision on form that was based upon a functional need. Recycle All Materials: The degree to which our design satisfies this requirement will depend heavily on recycling processes that are speculated during the planning and construction phases of the design. A full life-cy-
cle analysis for the materials of the project should be included into the building plans, and the operations of the construction site should be monitored as well. Closely related, the prototype incorporates methods for transforming relative motion between surfaces (capsule & fabric and capsule floor & capsule interior surface) into new forms of energy, thus fitting with the idea of recycling. Use Multi-Functional Design: While it may seem inconsequential in comparison with the scale of our power fabric concept, the floor of each capsule maintains a dual purpose. Similar to the spherical ball in a moving bowl metaphor used by Dayna Baumeister in her 2011 InnoTown presentation, the floor of each capsule can rotate in relation to the capsule itself. This would occur when accelerating horizontally in order to both maintain the sensation of being upright and also to triboelectrically generate electricity, or capture energy through a process that relies on the rubbing between the underside of the floor and the inner surface of the capsule. Use Low Energy Processes: Our design most likely uses a considerable amount of energy due to the necessary power requirements of the system. However, the proposed materials and systems incorporated therein could potentially compensate for the energy usage by supplying local energy sources (e.g. piezoelectric, photovoltaic and triboelectric generators), thus delivering a low net energy usage. Be Resource Efficient (Material and Energy): As our design utilizes modular components and regenerative
systems, energy is consumed on demand in the areas that require it. The system recaptures and converts energy such that, overall, the net energy consumption is low. Furthermore, the lightweight, high-strength materials require less energy to transport to the construction site, thereby providing a higher strength-to-shipping cost ratio. The fabric will cover a large surface area, but will be extremely low volume, meaning it, too, will be efficient with raw materials. Do Chemistry in Water: The most efficient method of graphene production we were able to find involved the solvent N-methyl-pyrrolidone (Coleman, 2014), and carbon nanotubes are most commonly created via chemical vapor deposition of ethylene (Coleman, 2013). While our design at least avoids the necessity of petroleum-based lubricants, it would seem that we have not met the standard for this principle. However, incorporating these materials into the design would push demand for them and thus could aid in stimulating funding for processing improvements. Build Selectively with a Small Subset of Materials: Our design’s central movement and energy collection mechanisms (carbon nanotubes and graphene, respectively), are both carbon-based, meaning that they are formed using a single, abundant element, simply arranged in different structural formations. Break Down Products into Benign Constituents: It is unclear at this point whether or not carbon nanotubes, graphene, and whatever other materials our design incorporates would pose a significant threat should they
be released into the environment. While purportedly nontoxic (Gluba and Nickel, 2013), we were unable to find actual research ensuring the harmlessness of carbon nanostructures in nature. Use Life-Friendly Chemistry: As stated in the “Do Chemistry in Water” discussion above, the nanoscale carbonaceous materials we are proposing for our power fabric design are not currently produced using green chemistry. However, these are emerging materials and as such, potential does exist for radical innovations in production technique (which might bring them more in line with the goal of using life-friendly chemistry). Cultivate Cooperative Relationships: Our design is strategically located in the center of the building, which forces convergence of building occupants. This physical convergence has the potential to extend into an intellectual and emotional relationship, if and when individuals engage in conversation (ideally facilitated by organizations’ informational displays). As briefly stated in the creating phase, the most disparate groups (e.g. investors, holistic thinkers, elementary school students, designers, etc.) seem to have the potential for the most mutually beneficial relationships, due in part to the lack of economic competition and therefore opportunity for trust between them. Thus, while the organizational occupants of our proposed building will undoubtedly shift over time, we believe that bringing them together in this central space (and fostering visual communication between them) creates conditions for cooperative relationships to emerge organically. Use Feedback Loops: The genetic algorithm of our design’s destination dispatch system [see creating phase for technical discussion] will continuously incorporate feedback regarding wait times, travel times, capsule location, and energy usage. However, one opportunity for deeper feedback could be a ratings and/or gratitude 84
mechanism that is related to the cross-hybridization of ideas between building residents, which our design aims to encourage. Use Readily Available Materials and Energy: While large-scale manufacturing has yet to occur, the core material of both carbon nanotubes and graphene (which feature heavily in our design) is not only abundant, but would be environmentally beneficial to sequester in solid form. In terms of energy usage, the combination of photovoltaic, triboelectric and piezoelectric generators ensure that ambient energy is funneled directly into the operation of the power fabric. Finally, while we have yet to propose a specific material for the actual capsules, we are cognizant not only of materials’ strength and lightness, but also their abundance. Leverage Cyclic Processes: Our design’s primary function is to move people between floors of a building. Precluding skybridges and the like, people must both enter and exit from the ground floor. Thus, any passenger in our system will use energy on their way up, and will generate energy (via triboelectric means) on the way down. Additionally, the daily cycle of the sun means that our design’s photovoltaic panels will be most effective during the period of greatest activity in the building (daytime, that is). Be Locally Attuned and Responsive: The only way our design fits into and integrates with its surrounding environment is by responding appropriately to pedestrian traffic patterns. However, its response is limited in that capsules are not added in real-time if peak flows force the system past optimal capacity. Embody Resilience through Variation, Redundancy, and Decentralization: Our design largely fails the test set forth by this principle. We have consciously created a centralized vertical transportation system within a
building, and the mechanism of synthetic muscle-fiber-induced motion is elegant in its versatility, but does not qualify as redundant. Varied capsule paths are employed, and we do propose a helical staircase form to complement our power fabric, but we recognize that these aforementioned traits are a far cry from true variation, redundancy and decentralization. If we were to incorporate these traits into our design, perhaps the building would have several power fabric structures, interspersed radially like layers of an onion throughout the building’s horizontal cross section. This proposal might qualify as redundant and decentralized, but it would forego photovoltaic energy production in all but the inner- and outermost layers. Furthermore, resilience from variation necessitates alternative modes of vertical transport. These modes of transport could range from simple (ropes, fireman poles, zip lines, etc.) to absurd (mechanical dragonfly-wing backpacks or sycamore seedling spinning parachutes). Maintain Integrity through Self-Renewal: While our design is incapable of repairing itself from a material perspective, its modularity allows triangular sections of the power fabric to be individually replaced as they become damaged (or as photovoltaic and triboelectric technologies progress). Additionally, a different number or different type of capsule(s) could be incorporated in the future if the building’s needs changed, or more optimal capsule forms were identified. Incorporate Diversity: As required by building codes, our design affords two primary means of vertical transportation (with satellite stairs acting as an emergency option): capsules powered by synthetic muscle actuated fabric, and a colossal spiral staircase. In contrast to many current buildings, this staircase would invite usage with its open-air construction and helical aesthetic. In addition to this and the diverse forms of energy collection (photovoltaic, triboelectric and piezoelectric generators),
our design encourages a meeting of the diverse minds and industries that occupy the building. Adapt to Changing Conditions: Our design responds to user input and traffic demands, perhaps even sensing areas in the building with the highest density of people in order to bring capsules closer to those areas prior to explicit demand from users. This capacity to adapt to changing conditions would apply to both normal and extraordinary conditions, including special events up to emergencies. Reshuffle Information: The aspect of our design that most clearly embodies this principle is the centralized socialization and knowledge-sharing space. This space occupies the central column of the building, inside the power fabric and adjacent to the large spiral staircase. It could include places commonly known to foster idea sharing (the proverbial water cooler), but we also envision it as a sort of building “bulletin board” through which each organizational occupant is encouraged to visually present and discuss nonproprietary aspects of their work with the other building residents. By devoting one or more building employees to the task of facilitating the distillation and visual curation of knowledge, our design provides organizations with a structured opportunity to elucidate their thoughts, setting the stage for conceptual cross-hybridization. Integrate the Unexpected: One requirement for the destination dispatch system’s genetic algorithm is the imperfect “reproduction” of the code that controls the motion of capsules. Analogous to the genetic mutations necessary for natural selection, these “unexpected” blips in computer code are prerequisites for the “synthetic selection” of an optimal control algorithm. However, we have yet to incorporate methodologies that could intelligently draw from larger-scale unexpected events.
Replicate Strategies that Work: We have emulated the behavior of multiple success stories from nature. Specifically, the giraffe’s circulatory system (power fabric actuation), the glass sponge’s skeleton (building’s exterior), and the army ant’s navigational strategies (capsule control algorithm) have all been adopted in our vertical transport system. Evolve to Survive: Due to the semi-permanent nature of buildings, it is unlikely that significant alterations of the power fabric structure will be made after initial installation. However, on a larger timescale, we intend to use materials and technologies that will advance sustainable practices as this vertical transportation system gains market traction. Investing in and leveraging emerging sustainable materials would ideally serve as a marketing opportunity for wider development and implementation of those materials (beyond our own design).
capsules can be added or removed at any time to match actual traffic flow patterns). Build from the Bottom Up: As previously mentioned, the power fabric will be comprised of modular patches, so buildings of any height could theoretically be accommodated. Also, once the fabric is installed, transport capsules can be inserted into the system from the ground floor one by one as the building’s vertical transportation need demands. In order to truly exemplify this life principle, the nanostructures our design employs would self-assemble, reducing the need for explicit control of material production.
Self-Organize: Setting upstream conditions for the programmatic “fitness” of our destination dispatch system (e.g. don’t allow capsules to bump into each other, minimize wait and travel times, seek energy efficiency) allows our design to refrain from employing a “command and control” coding scheme. We are openly admitting that we have very little idea what an efficient flow of capsules might look like, but by affording motion in two dimensions and setting metrics for systemic success, our vertical transport system is given the freedom to efficaciously organize itself. Combine Modular and Nested Components: Our design is to construct a scalable vertical column of fabric from hybrid carbon nanotube yarn patches. By having triangular modules, damage done to the fabric is spatially isolated and the downtime due to maintenance is minimized. Furthermore, the fleet of transport capsules themselves can be considered modular insofar as the number of capsules is independent of the fabric (i.e. 85
natu re an d lif e’s p ri n c i pl e s We believe our design incorporates (at least partially) eleven of the twenty-six life principles, and has the potential to fulfill another ten. Our design is physically distant from nature insofar as its context is indoors, in a city. However, it does bring people together in a more social way than traditional elevators, and it provides a viscerally impressive visualization of nature’s genius. Our design functions as a bridge between levels of a building, between people and, ultimately, between people and the rest of nature. By showcasing one story from nature (blood veins’ pumping abilities), the design gives its audience a tangible metaphor that could induce them to think more deeply about embedding wisdom from nature into human systems. 86
w it h i n the d es i g n p ri n c i pl e s The design principles we identified from the discovering phase as pivotal to our context can be summarized as follows: • Using solar energy • Employing contracting tube structures as a transport mechanism • Using a flexible bubble-like structure to provide protection and cushion • Giving and utilizing feedback to organize position and motion • Minimizing distance travelled via radial structures
As elucidated in the creating phase and within the evaluation of the design against each life principle, we have retained most of these design principles. The sole exception is the absence of any bubble-like structures for purposes of protection and cushioning.
w it hin the c ontext Assuming the technological and economic feasibility of our design, we believe this power-fabric-based vertical transport system fits well within the context of a tall, multi-use building. Earlier in our process, we defined an “efficient system” as one that results in low energy usage and a psychological experience in which no time spent in the system is perceived as wasted. Our design is quicker than standard elevators, more impactful in its embodied meaning (as an attractor towards Biomimicry and a facilitator of cooperative relationships), and simply more fun to use. We believe that these characteristics, combined with the design’s diverse energy generation mechanisms, fulfill this original definition of “efficiency.”
wh at w o ul d n at ur e d o ? Nature would most likely either take the stairs, or wait patiently for a naturally occurring cyclic process to carry it between floors of a building. For example, raspberry seeds can stay dormant for two hundred years on the forest floor before sprouting, conserving energy until conditions are ripe for growth. Nature would use carbon, but in a biodegradable manner. Also, nature would give itself away, accepting a high rate of failure; sycamore trees shed millions of seeds in their lifetime, yet only one in every three hundred years must mature fully in order to propagate the species. While humans are likely too impatient to accept completely passive transport, our design could plan better for failure. Perhaps a bubble structure similar to that of the Spittlebug could cushion and protect each capsule in the event of a power outage, with the bubbles’ volume causing sufficient friction to slow and pad the descent of each capsule on its way to the ground floor.
what w ou ld n atu re not d o ? If we assess the situation honestly, nature would not inhabit structures it could not navigate under its own power. Conversely, if it were not capable of positioning itself within a space, it would leverage the locomotion of another entity, thereby foregoing direct control over its journey. In this regard, nature would not plan for specific destinations in the same way that humans do. Additionally, nature has a much longer-term perception of time. It pulls (insects with scents, nutrients with membranes and chemical receptors, etc.) rather than pushes (humans dictating a final destination within the building). Most notably, nature would not rely on machines, especially those that require computers to operate.
how d oes ou r d es i g n d eviate from n at ur e ? Our design deviates from nature in that it utilizes complex manufacturing processes and relies heavily on computer algorithms’ aptitude for elegance. This technological reliance could eventually be a healthy one if life-friendly chemistry were underlying all technology involved and other sectors had a chance to benefit from the scientific and engineering breakthroughs discovered in the process of implementing our design. On a deeper, more global level, our design is addressing a challenge that does not represent a problem in the same way that toxic waste, global warming, world hunger or deforestation do. Thus, regardless of how effectively we transport people vertically in a building, our mental effort could have been better spent elsewhere. Nature addresses the most pressing and important
challenges at hand. On the other hand, we have also learned that nature is inherently unpredictable, so it is possible that a design attempting to address poverty, hunger or environmental degradation could actually do the opposite by inducing some unforeseen state change in the larger system. Imagine, for example, that a humanitarian aid delivery system in a war-torn area creates dense concentrations of resources, somehow centralizing power in the wrong hands and resulting in further violence. Similarly, it is possible (albeit unlikely) that our revamped elevator system could be the catalyst for a plethora of more beneficial innovations. If there is anything nature has taught us, it is that we humans are extremely limited in our mental capacity; we don’t actually know as much as we’d like to think we do.
h ow d oe s ou r d es ig n l ead to a s u s ta i n ab le fut u re ? Contrary to the ways in which our design does not align with nature (unclear recyclability, unknown energy usage, lack of resilience, etc.), the design does illustrate the power of consciously emulating nature’s genius by creating a system in which the vertical flow of people in a building is no longer limited by one dimensional shafts. While it is admittedly hubristic to propose a power fabric based elevator system, we hope that it could be an improvement both in terms of net energy usage and in the quality of time people spend travelling between floors of a building. In an ideal scenario, the design’s biomimetic origins encourages people to wonder, even in brief spurts, at the amount of beauty and complexity inherent within any part of nature.
evalu tin g t he c ontex t In evaluating our design in its context, we were prompted to acknowledge the serious engineering challenges that lie ahead, as well as the pragmatic mindset of potential stakeholders in this project. Regarding the human element, the evaluation phase implicitly pointed out that humans only care about this design if it causes them less stress and sparks their own creativity. While the nature ingenuity of our design’s construction (modularity, preponderance of carbon, etc.) is important, our audience is unlikely to expend attention on the science behind the system. Quieting our human cleverness (via the life principles’ objective structure) made us ponder the humanistic impact of our design from a broader perspective. We recognized how far we are from nature in our demands upon (rather than indifference to) time. Similarly, the structure of peak flows (morning, noon and evening rush hours) is relatively foreign to nature. Instead, nature operates under a system in which randomized flows combine to dynamically self-organize traffic; things are always changing and are always capable of adapting to change. In summary, we acknowledge that our design pales compared to the full range of possibilities offered by nature, but we hope that we have addressed our challenge in a way that embodies some of the life principles and has given the concept an actual chance at future implementation. 92
c o nc l usi o n t o At the core of the evaluation phase is the prerogative to step back from the outcomes of creation and candidly question our design’s worth. Contrary to often used metrics of economic viability or “wow factor,” comparing our design to the life principles and discussing its similitude to nature allowed us to recognize humans’ potential for both greatness and abject failure. Using nature as a measure, we recognized our design’s limits. For example, its safety is suspect and the fabric’s power, force, contractibility and cost are all unknown at this point. The dynamic positioning of the capsule floor (to match passenger’s perception of the horizon) is also questionable insofar as it has yet to account for off-center positioning of passengers within the capsule. On the positive end of the spectrum, the evaluating phase and the Biomimicry process in general instilled a deeper respect for nature. In satisfying each life principle, nature puts forth powerful and elegant designs, honed by millions, sometimes billions, of years of trial and error. Contemplating the scope of nature (from nanoscale forms to massive systems) expanded our minds by cross-fertilizing nature’s genius with whatever cleverness we do possess. Closer looks to nature continuously revealed deeper and deeper layers of insight, and we have been humbled by this realization. Working with nature as a model and mentor has been, and will continue to be, fruitful, even in the realm of human-specific needs totally absent in nature (i.e. elevators). As innovation only happens when people leave the beaten path, there may be intrinsic value simply in exploring wild ideas.
che ckli s t In order to properly outline the biomimicry process and understand the necessary steps, a checklist was created so that the group could not only include each step, but keep track of how their activities completed the overall process experience. This action aligns the design experience with the proposed methodology and proves that the class followed the intended techniques as published by Biomimicry 3.8.
Scoping Phase Checklist • Define Context • Explore the challenge context – SNOW and lightning group research • Consider natural model conditions – consult our expert, Scientist at the Design Table • Identify Function • What do we want our design to do? – group discussion and merge • Ask Why? to refine challenge – class discussion • Biomimicry Taxonomy – selected “move” from the taxonomy table • Integrate Life’s Principles • Commit to incorporating them into the design – select 5 most applicable Discovering Phase Checklist • Discover Natural Models • Biologize the question – class discussion • Discover natural models – trips, nature explorations, films, expert talks, iSites, research, observation • Abstract Biological Strategies • Identify core design concepts in models – created the function cards • Describe without biological terms – created the “design principles” on the function cards • Look for patterns – grouped the function cards in larger design concepts Creating Phase Checklist • Brainstorm Bio-Inspired Ideas • Create multiple solutions – four groups in charrette • Emulate multiple design principles – design brief, posters, activities in charrette • Bring Life’s Principles into the design space – design brief, posters, activities in charrette • Use random and systematic approaches – charrette format: structured activities for abstract idea generation • Emulate Design Principles • Use ideas to develop a designed solution – prototyping, sketching, and technical research • Do more exploration and discovering – Paris research, revisit function cards • Ask experts and consider systems – consulted Scientist at the Design Table on feasibility and natural elements • Consider scaling and context – discussed context and audience further Evaluating Phase Checklist • Measure Using Life’s Principles • Use the Life’s Principles as a checklist – principle evaluations • Audit design for missed opportunities – principle evaluations and design improvements • Keep nature in mind – compared and contrasted the design within our context and a natural context • Create a design conducive to life – assessed design with various questions
n ext s tep s In a general sense, we learned about the Biomimicry framework and practice. We feel confident that we will apply these learnings in our future design endeavors and will be able to facilitate this process for other project teams. In addition to passing on the meme, our future work on the project must address numerous gaps and flaws in our design. Specifically, we need to consider safety concerns, scalability of technology, computer coding schemes, structural support systems, and most importantly, a broader and deeper incorporation of life principles in the design and its surrounding ecosystem.
Now it’s the end, and we’ve had a great time We’d like to thank everyone with a short bit of rhyme Nature the most – it gives genius inspiration Biomimicry 3.8 as the host of expanding education Ernst as our mentor, our expert, our guide Regina, our professor, leading this wild ride Paula Wallace for the vision and belief in our endeavor SCAD Lacoste for the memories that will last forever Friends, family, and those who gave support Our classmates and each other for being such good sports Thank you and thank you and thank you some more Please certify us so we can rejoice in our chore!
a p p en d i x
Afri ca n Kn i f e F i s h Alsomitra Vine Seed Gymnarchus niloticus
Alsomitra macrocarpa
A ntli on Myrmeleon acer
Function: To swim in multiple directions
Function: To glide long distances for optimal disbursement
Function: To create structures for moving resources
Strategy: The knife fish possesses a joined caudal and anal fin, allowing it to create counter-propagating waves.
Strategy: Large, light wing structures allow the seed to glide to the ground.
Strategy: Using its head to flick out sand, the antlion creates a slippery sand pit at the angle of repose.
Mechanism: Unlike most, the knife fish lacks a dorsal fin but makes up for the lack of stabilization by possessing a combined caudal and anal fin. The two fins coming together give it a long continuous fin on its underbelly. This fin undulates, allowing superior movements within water, both forwards and backwards. The wave-like movement of the fin allows the fish to propel itself with a minimum amount of wasted energy.
Mechanism: The seeds have large wings made of very thin material, which make them very light. The wings aid in obtaining a descent angle of 12 degrees, thereby allowing the seed to travel great distances as it falls. Design Principle: Our design is to use lightweight wings so that it can glide long distances when falling.
Design Principle: Our design is to use undulating waves so that we can propel something in multiple directions.
Mechanism: The antlion digs a funnel-shaped sand pit. It crawls backwards, using its abdomen as a plough to shovel up the soil. It places sand on its head then jerks its head back to throw the pile of sand clear of the hole. The antlion continues until the pit reaches the critical angle of repose (or the point where the sand is unstable). Due to the slippery slope, any insect attempting to pass through the pit will create a landslide and fall into the jaws of the antlion. Design Principle: Our design is to create a funnel shape structure so that humans or resources fall to a desired location.
Citation: Swimming forward and backward: knife fish. (2010, January 1). AskNature. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from
Citation: Scott Zona. (14 April 2013). Alsomitra Vine Seed. [Photograph]. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from http://www.
Citation: KABT BioBlog. (n.d.). KABT BioBlog Site Wide Activity RSS. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from http://www.kabt. org/2009/06/
Gymnarchus niloticus (Aba Aba). (n.d.). Seriously Fish. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from
Seed Glide To Earth: Alsomitra Vine. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2014, from 4e79f2#.U1GMgOaSwsY
University of Nebraska–Lincoln. (n.d.). Antlions. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from resources/antlions.shtml
[Photograph of Black ghost knifefish]. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from http://nationalaquarium.wordpress. com/2011/10/31/
Zona, Scott, (Photographer). (2013). Alsomitra Vine Seed [Photograph], Retrieved April 18, 2014, from: http://
Joseph Berger. (24 November 2008). Myrmeleontidae (antlion). [Photograph]. Retrieved from
A rmy A nt s Eciton burchellii
B lue S e a S lug Glaucus atlanticus
Boa C on stri ctor Boa constrictor
Function: To move large groups of ants in an organized manner
Function: To float up and down in water
Function: To extend and contract in an accordion-like motion
Strategy: Army Ants use pheromone trails to guide themselves in mass quantities.
Strategy: The gas-filled sac in its stomach allows the blue sea slug to float upside down and to the surface.
Strategy: Waves of lateral bending are used throughout the body from head to tail.
Mechanism: By following pheromone trails, army ants move in groups up to 700,000, both efficiently and strategically. Although they are blind and moving in opposite directions, army ants stay in correlated lines while very rarely breaking away. To do this, they form three lanes of traffic. The center lane consists of ants carrying food while the other ants follow a pheromone trail left by its predecessor. The outside lanes are formed by ants heading towards food, as directed by the center lane. Pheromone trails are secreted through the ventral venom gland with the primary goal of leading other ants to food sources (Couzin & Franks, 2002).
Mechanism: With the aid of a gas-filled sac in its stomach, the blue sea slug decreases its density and floats at the surface. Due to the location of the gas sac, the sea slug floats upside down.
Design Principle: Our design is to release a signal so that mass transportation is guided in an organized direction. Citation: Gallice, Geoff. (16 October 2011). Army Ant Bivouac. [photograph]. Retreived from wiki/File:Army_ant_bivouac.jpg Groups move efficiently: army ants. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from http://www.asknature. org/strategy/ec1282ada97db7ba470f9ad6c6e78891#.U1AedXdD6Dc Couzin, I., & Franks, N. (2002, December 9). Self-organized lane formation and optimized traffic flow in army ants. . Retrieved April 17, 2014, from,%202003.pdf
Design Principle: Our design is to change density so that it floats or sinks.
Mechanism: The bottom of a snake has a start and stop motion that is employed through its successive muscle segments fixated on the ground. The segments include three muscles: semispinalis-spinalis, longissimus dorsi, and iliocostalis. The powerful band of ventral muscle activity begins when that portion or section has reached maximal extension and ends when it is maximally contracted, thereby creating a wave-like pattern, or lateral undulation. As the boa constrictor moves forward, each point along the rest of its body follows the initial path established by the head and neck. Design Principle: Our design is to use accordion-like motion so that it can move in a line.
Citation: Scocchi, C., & Wood, J. (n.d.). Marine Invertebrates of Bermuda. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Cobb, Gary. (n.d.). Glaucus Atlanticus [Photograph], Retrieved April 18, 2014, from nature-online/species-of-the-day/collections/our-collections/glaucus-atlanticus/taxonomy/index.html
Citation: [Photograph of Pearl Island Boa]. Retrieved May 1, 2014 from Waves of shortening used to move: boa constrictor. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from http:// HOW SNAKES MOVE. (n.d.). Snake Facts. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from snakes/facts04.htm Morphol, J. (1988, January 1). Muscular mechanisms of snake locomotion: an electromyographic study of lateral undulation of the Florida banded water snake (Nerodia fasciata) and the yellow rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta).. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from http://www.ncbi. Moon, B. (2001). Snake locomotion. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from locomotn.htm
B u s h B aby Galago moholi
B utte rfl y Danaus plexippus
C ape Gan n et Morus capensis
Function: To jump with rapid power
Function: To reduce drag and improve lift during flight
Function: To dive into water at high speeds
Strategy: The strength and shape of the bush baby’s legs allow agile leaping and climbing through trees.
Strategy: Micro-sized scales on wing surface improve flight efficiency.
Strategy: The body of a diving gannet safely enters the water in a rotating cone shape at a speed of 100 km/h.
Mechanism: The bone (tarsus) in the midsection of a bushbaby’s foot is typically elongated to 1/3 the length of their shin-bones. This allows for extreme hopping motions. Bush babies also have leg tendons similar to catapults: they stretch slowly, then recoil rapidly. The work returned through the recoil can’t exceed the work done by stretching the tendon, but it can be done in a shorter amount of time, thus making the power greater.
Mechanism: The scales of butterfly wings control boundary layer flow, helping the air smoothly flow over the wings during flight. It has been calculated the scales provide 10% more lift to the butterfly and improve overall gliding performance. Design Principle: Our design uses scales to control fluid flow along surfaces so that flight is more efficient.
Design Principle: Our design is to use a catapult motion so that we can quickly and efficiently transport individuals.
Mechanism: In its marine setting, the cape gannet dives into the water to get food at speeds up to 100 km/h. To do this without bodily damage (despite changing winds and waves), the bird aligns itself into a cone shape, diving head-first, while using its tail to rotate its body. The rotation stabilizes the dive path and allows for it to plunge into the water in a controlled manner. Design Principle: Our design is to use a rotating cone shape so that fluid dynamic properties are improved.
Citation: Carter, D. (2006, January 1). Galago senegalensis. UWL Website. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from https://bioweb.
Citation: Jones, A., & Lang, A. (2013, October 23). The University of Alabama. University of Alabama News. Retrieved April 18, 2014, from
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Spring in its step - Weird Nature. (n.d.). BBC News. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from nature/adaptations/Jumping#p00pyjx0
Buczynski, B. (2010, October 12). Scientist Develops Water-Resistant Solar Panel Coatings Inspired by Iridescent Butterfly Wings Read more: Scientist Develops Water-Resistant Solar Panel Coatings Inspired by Iridescent Butterfly Wings | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building . inhabitat. Retrieved April 18, 2014, from
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C at e r p i l l a r Melachacka Jeseri
C he eta h Acinonyx jubatus
C i cada
Magicicada septendecim
Function: To move
Function: To move quickly
Function: To repel bacteria
Strategy: Caterpillars use their muscles and unique structure to move over a number of surfaces.
Strategy: Cheetahs have spinal disks that elongate and compress in order to take longer strides and increase speed.
Strategy: Cicada wings’ kill bacteria through physical (instead of chemical) means.
Mechanism: Caterpillars have many legs, but no bones. They crawl by contracting their muscles from back to front in a wave-like motion.
Mechanism: Cheetahs are able to run with incredible speed due to elongating and compressing spinal disks. Their flexible spine allows them to take longer strides, with a larger range of motion, while sprinting. It therefore optimizes the amount of energy spend on each stride as distance travelled is increased per effort.
Mechanism: The wings of cicadas kill bacteria through their physical structure. A cicada’s wings are covered with hexagonal structures called nanopillars. Nanopillars are blunt microscopic spikes, around the same size as bacteria. When bacteria settles on the wing’s surface, its cellular membrane sticks to the surface of the nanopillars and stretches into the crevices between them, ripping the bacteria apart. This creates an antibacterial surface (Quirk, 2013).
Design Principle: Our design implements flexible structures so that it can move in wave-like motions.
Design Principle: Our design implements compression and expansion of an articulated structure so that movement is optimized.
Design Principle: Our design is to use a coating of microscopic pillars so that bacteria and dirt are repelled. Citation: [Photograph of Black swallowtail caterpillar] Retrieved May 1, 2014. from
Citation: Cheetah Speed. (n.d.). - National Geographic Education. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from
Citation: Quirk, T. (2013, March 4). Insect Wings Shred Bacteria to Pieces. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from
Geoffrey, B. (2010, July 23). Gut Check: How Do Caterpillars Walk?. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from http://www.
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D o g fi sh S h a r k Squalus acanthias
Dra g o nfl y Libellula depressa
Ear thworm Lumbricus terrestris
Function: To efficiently swim through water
Function: To achieve precise maneuverability and efficiency in flight
Function: To move
Strategy: The dogfish shark creates jets by varying the stiffness of its tail in a swinging motion.
Strategy: Dragonflies use direct musculature to control multiple pairs of wings in alternating phase.
Strategy: Earthworms shorten and lengthen their bodies in order to glide through the soil and maneuver around obstacles.
Mechanism: Radialis muscles within the tails of sharks allow stiffening in mid-swing to create a unique, locomotive force. By altering the concavity of the tail, a dual-linked vortex is produced. Compared with other fishes’ wakes, this dual-linked vortex generates smoother thrust that is aligned with the shark’s direction of movement (AskNature, 2011).
Mechanism: The dragonfly employs tensile muscles to directly control both the upwards and downwards motion of each wing. They do this asynchronously, with one pair moving in the opposite direction (up or down) from the other. This independent control of its cross-placed wing pairs enables efficient hovering, direction changes, and gliding during flight.
Mechanism: Earthworms move through soil by contracting and lengthening their bodies. A segment of the body remains anchored to the soil around it with hairs and bristles while another advances. Some species excrete a lubricating mucus which helps them glide as they burrow through the soil.
Design Principle: Our design is to use varying stiffness during tail oscillation so that smooth and efficient thrust is created.
Design Principle: Our design implements direct tensile control of propulsion mechanisms so that it is maneuverable.
Design Principle: Our design is to implement compression and expansion so that movement is created.
Citation: Flammang, B. (n.d.). Tail creates double jets: shark. AskNature. Retrieved April 10, 2014, from http://www.
Citation: Sandlin, D. (2013, May 21). Dragonfly Wings in Slow Motion - Smarter Every Day 91. YouTube. Retrieved April 18, 2014, from
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Ed d i e s
Fl y
Musca domestica
Fr u i t Fl y
Drosophila melanogaster
Function: To move in a spiral
Function: To quickly deliver oxygen throughout the body
Function: To generate lift
Strategy: Eddies transport material radially and vertically in downward spirals.
Strategy: Flies have branching tube structures that deliver oxygenated air, instead of blood, directly to muscles.
Strategy: Fruit flies beat their wings at extremely high frequencies.
Mechanism: Eddies form under certain conditions (e.g. at the confluence of two opposing currents). The fluid motion in this type of vortex results in a pressure distribution that is lowest at its center. This pressure gradient can draw objects towards the center of the eddy and suck them down along the axis of rotation.
Mechanism: A fly’s respiratory system allows it to distribute great amounts of oxygen, which is required to support the energy used when flying. The fly muscles’ need for oxygen is so great that blood cannot deliver oxygen quickly enough. To help this process of delivery, flies have a branching tracheal system which also helps to cool hard-working muscles (Ask Nature).
Design Principle: Our design is to use a vortex so that it can transport materials vertically.
Design Principle: Our design uses branching tubes so that it can quickly transport substances.
Mechanism: The Fruit Flies use indirect flight muscles to beat wings quickly through a fast actomyosin reaction (muscles contracting). Fruit flies have the fastest known muscle type, allowing them to beat their wings very quickly. This is due to a high density of mitochondria (cellular power plants) and enhanced energy release to the muscle, which in turn can contract and relax in the shortest known intervals (Swant & Maughan, n.d.). Design Principle: Our design uses quick wing flapping so that lift is generated.
Citation: Why whirlpool causes force towards its center?. (2013, October 13). fluid dynamics. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from
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G i ra f f e
Giraffa camelopardalis
G la ss S po ng e Euplectella aspergillum
Glor y Li l y Gloriosa superba
Function: To pump blood in a controlled flow
Function: To provide a solid, yet lightweight structure
Function: To attach to objects
Strategy: The elastic blood vessels have valves to facilitate return of blood from the legs to the heart. The valves in the neck impede the back ow of blood to the head when a giraffe lowers its head to drink.
Strategy: It develops crisscrossed patterns in varying sizes and angles, both along and perpendicular to the plane of growth.
Strategy: Glory Lilies climb over neighboring plant life in order to receive more light.
Mechanism: The glass sponge uses long spicules of silica to build a robust skeleton, taking advantage of the stabilizing effect of crisscrossed stiff fibers. These fibers allow the sponge to reduce the weight of its skeleton by avoiding solid surfaces.
Mechanism: A Glory Lily uses long tendrils as arms to climb over other plants. This allows them to get closer to the sunlight. The Glory Lily can live in nutrient poor areas because it uses little energy. The plant is supported by a long stalk which also allows it to reach higher than most plants.
Design Principle: Our design is to use crisscrossed fibers so that it can construct a lightweight, robust structure.
Design Principle: Our design uses other structures to climb so that less energy is exerted.
Citation: Hexactinellid. (n.d.). . Retrieved May 8, 2014, from,d.d2k
Citation: Weed Profile: Glory lily | NSW Department of Primary Industries. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.dpi.nsw.
Mechanism: Giraffes have twice the amount of blood pressure than other mammals. To help deal with high blood pressure, they have a complex pressure regulation system (Mikalowsky, 2012). Blood pressure depends on the strength of the cardiovascular system, as well as the efďŹ ciency of the pump. Giraffes adjust the muscles of the cardiovascular system to enable shrinking and expanding of the blood vessels so that blood may reach far distances from the heart. The neck contains elastic blood vessels that open and close, which are used to prevent too much blood from going to the head. Design Principle: Our design is to use contracting tube structures and valves so that we can control the flow of resources. Citation: Circulatory System. (n.d.). Circulatory System. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from http://wiki.hicksvilleschools. org/groups/hsbiology/wiki/c3974/Circulatory_System.html Giraffe. (n.d.). : Circulatory System. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from http://paigemikalowskygiraffe.blogspot. fr/2012/04/circulatory-system.html Pressure Assists Blood Circulation: Giraffe. (n.d.). - AskNature. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from http://www.
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Ashley, M., & Medoa, D. (n.d.). Facts About the Glory Lily. Home Guides. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from http:// Gratwicke, Brian. (2012). Gloriosa Superba [Photograph], Retrieved May 1, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/File:Gloriosa_superba_1.jpg
H o n ey Be e Apis mellifera
Hum m ing bird Archilochus colubris
Li n ed S ea S tar Luidia clathrata
Function: To land softly
Function: To generate lift and hover in place
Function: To move and handle food
Strategy: The honeybee uses a simple visual processing algorithm to enable smooth landings.
Strategy: Rotating shoulders over wide arcs allows wings to generate lift from both directions of flapping.
Strategy: The Lined Sea Star uses a hydraulic system of contracting tubes.
Mechanism: Honeybees can softly land from any direction and speed. They quickly slow down and hover immediately prior to landing. In order to gently lower themselves onto surfaces, they slow down such that the rate of expansion of the ground remains visually constant.
Mechanism: Hummingbird wings rotate throughout full 180 degree arcs, create lift during both directions of flapping. This flat figure eight pattern expels a downward vortex from each wing at both direction changes (from forward to back and vice versa).
Design Principle: Our design is to create a simple landing system so that it lands efficiently.
Design Principle: Our design is to rotate wings in sweeping figure eight patterns so that it can hover.
Citation: The Physics of Hummingbirds: Magic in the Air. (n.d.). PBS. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from http://www.pbs. org/wnet/nature/lessons/the-physics-of-hummingbirds-magic-in-the-air/video-segments/5725/ Citation: Salleh, A. (2013, October 29). Bees use ‘biological autopilot’ to land › News in Science. Bees use ‘biological autopilot’ to land › News in Science (ABC Science). Retrieved May 1, 2014, from science/articles/2013/10/29/3878414.htm
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Flowers, A. (2013, February 26). Hovering Hummingbirds Generate Two Trails Of Vortices Under Their Wings. The Mysteries Of Hummingbird Flight. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from news/science/1112791378/hummingbird-study-challenges-one-vortex-flight-consensus-022613/
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Mechanism: The Lined Sea Star uses a hydraulic system in its tube feet in order get food. Above each tube foot is a bulbous chamber, or the ampulla, that is equipped with circular muscles and perpendicular, reinforcing fibers (Jonathan, 2000). When the foot muscles contract, fluid is forced into the ampulla, expanding the volume of this muscle. At the same time, a one-way flap valve prevents contraction of either foot or ampullary muscle from simply forcing water back into those pipes. These tube feet are used for locomotion and pumping food. Design Principle: Our design is to use a hydraulic system of contracting tubes so that it can transport itself and intake desired objects. Citation: Meadows, Dr. Dwayne. (July 2004). Mouth of Magnificent Star Starfish [Photograph]. Retrieved from http:// Jonathan, D. (2000, May 10). How Starfish Move. The Madreporite Nexus. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from Tube Feet Assist Locomotion, Feeding: Lined Sea Star. (n.d.). - AskNature. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from
Magnetic Bacteria Magnetospirillum magneticum
Mo o n Je ll yfish Aurelia aurita
M osqu i tofi sh Gambusia affinis
Function: To navigate
Function: To move
Function: To move in large masses without colliding with one another
Strategy: Magnetic Bacteria use magnetosomes and the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate.
Strategy: Moon jellyfish move smoothly through water by producing complex vortex rings.
Strategy: Mosquitofish use a lateral line sensing system to detect surrounding objects.
Mechanism: Magnetic Bacteria are made up of magnetosomes which serve as a navigational device. Its magnetic particles function as a compass needle, allowing them to maneuver in relation to the Earth’s magnetic field. It is believed that these microbes may be some of the Earth’s earliest inhabitants.
Mechanism: Moon jellyfish create vortex rings which propel them forwards. In order to create a vortex ring, the jellyfish contract its bell by pushing itself forward. A second vortex ring whirls around the bell as the bell relaxes. This vortex draws in water, pushing against the center of the jellyfish and giving it an extra boost.
Design Principle: Our design is to use magnetic fields so that it orients itself in space.
Design Principle: Our design is to use radially contracting movements so that objects are propelled forward.
Mechanism: The lateral line is a row of ultra sensitive cells located around the head and side of the body. In order to detect surrounding objects, mosquitofish sense changes in water motion and pressure gradients through outer scales (Lateral Line Systems of Fish, n.d.). The water is then sensed within the lateral line canal. A receptive feature, called a neuromast (composed of sensitive hair cells, support cells, and sensory neurons), detects pressure waves generated by the movements of neighboring mosquitofish. Design Principle: Our design is to use external feedback about relative position so that its elements can fluently move in large masses.
Citation: Chen, L., Bazylinski, D., & Lower, B. (2010, January 1). Bacteria That Synthesize Nano-sized Compasses to Navigate Using Earth’s Geomagnetic Field. Retrieved April 16, 2014, from http://www.nature. com/scitable/knowledge/library/bacteria-that-synthesize-nano -sized-compasses-to-15669190 [Untitled photograph of magnetotactic bacterium]. Retrieved April 15, 2014, from scitable/knowledge/library/bacteria-that-synthesize-nano-sized-compasses-to-15669190
Citation: Yong, E. (2013, October 7). Why a jellyfish is the ocean’s most efficient swimmer. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from
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Northern Leopard Frog Rana pipiens
Pa ra m e cia Paramecium pentaurelia
Parasi ti c Wasp Encarsia formosa
Function: To move or stay put
Function: To move through liquid
Function: To generate lift efficiently
Strategy: The northern leopard frog stores elastic energy in its tendons and releases it when jumping.
Strategy: Tiny, hair-like organelles around the body of the paramecia act as paddles to move it.
Strategy: A “clap and peel” flapping method creates vortices around wings.
Mechanism: The northern leopard frog jumps using previously stored elastic energy. It quickly releases this energy during its jump, creating a large amount of power. Initially, the frog’s muscle shorten without joint movement. Immediately afterwards, its tendon stretches and recoils. Energy is produced by this tendon recoil and is absorbed by the frog’s muscles. (Astley & Roberts, 2011).
Mechanism: Paramecia are enclosed in an elastic membrane called the pellicle. The pellicle is enveloped with cilia or hair-like organelles. The cilia act as tiny paddles, moving the paramecia in a given direction. They move by whiplashing themselves in a coordinated, wave-like fashion.
Mechanism: The “clap and peel” flapping method consists of just that: clapping both wings together at the top of the stroke and then peeling them away from each other, starting with the leading edge of the wing. A hard vein at the front of the wing causes that edge to peel away first. This motion induces a vortex ring around each wing, which is shed on the downstroke, thereby generating lift.
Design Principle: Our design is to utilize multiple paddles so that it can easily move through water.
Design Principle: Our design is to store elastic energy so that it can be used when moving later.
Design Principle: Our design is to clap and peel wings so that it creates lift.
Citation: National Geographic. (n.d.). National Geographic. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from
Citation: Haselton, A. (n.d.). Paramecium putrinum. Paramecium. Retrieved May 3, 2014, from edu/biology/conn.river/parameci.html
Citation: Chapman, R. F. (1998). Aerodynamics. The insects: structure and function (4th ed., ). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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Ph otos y nt h e s i s
Ray- finne d Fish Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Phragmites australis
Function: To convert energy
Function: To maintain neutral buoyancy in fluid
Function: To move gas through a tube
Strategy: Plants use photosynthesis to convert solar energy into chemical energy.
Strategy: It regulates the amount of gas present in an internal, inflatable chamber.
Strategy: They use height-dependent wind speed (and therefore air pressure) to suck air into a hollow tube.
Mechanism: Plants, some protists, bacteria and blue-green algae obtain energy through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis usually occurs within the organism’s leaves, which absorb sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. They convert these nutrients into sugar, or plant fuel, and oxygen. Plants function efficiently using their surrounding resources.
Mechanism: The swim bladder can absorb variable amounts of dissolved oxygen from the fish’s blood. In order to prevent re-dissolution of the oxygen back into the blood, the swim bladder wall is comprised of a specialized membrane. Additionally, as blood passes through the “gas gland” in the swim bladder wall, it is forced through an exchanger to send excess, dissolved gas back into blood moving towards the swim bladder.
Mechanism: Differential air pressure caused by wind blowing across dead culms (i.e. tubes) sucks air into the lower culms, through the rhizomes and into the roots of the taller culms (Ask Nature, n.d.). The wind speed is height-dependent, blowing harder across the higher reeds. Due to the Bernoulli Effect, this pulls water up the taller culm and pushes air down the shorter culm, delivering oxygen directly to the plant’s roots (Deane, n.d.).
Design Principle: Our design is to convert light so that it produces energy to transport its users.
Design Principle: Our design is to change density so that it floats or sinks.
Design Principle: Our design uses pressure differentials so that it can move gas through a tube.
Citation: Creating Energy from Sunlight: Plants. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved May 5, 2014, from http://www.asknature. org/strategy/4a77b8541f02437695521f1c4185c93a#.U2fqBxBD6Dc
Citation: Swim bladders diffuse gas: ray-finned fish. (n.d.). AskNature. Retrieved April 18, 2014, from http://www.
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R em o r a
S a lp
Echeneis naucrates
Cyclosalpa bakeri
Function: To attach to objects
Function: To move
Strategy: By sliding backwards on organisms, Remora create suction, only releasing that suction when they swim forward in relation to their current host.
Strategy: Marine salps move through water by drawing in fluid through one end of their bodies and forcing it out through the opposite end, a technique known as jet propulsion.
Mechanism: A Remora will attach itself to a host species using an organ on the top of its head that creates suction by sliding backward. This allows the Remora to avoid the energy costs of swimming and hunting, instead opting to consume the nutrients from its host (through food scraps or feces). Attaching to a host allows for further travel while expending less energy.
Mechanism: Salp move around by means of jet propulsion, drawing in water through an aperture at one end of the body, and subsequently ejecting it through another aperture at the opposite end. Design Principle: Our design is to use jet propulsion so that we can transport resources.
Design Principle: Our design uses suction to attach elements to larger entities so that energy is saved. Citation: Riding with Sharks: Researchers Study Adhesion System of Remora Fish to Create Bio-Inspired Adhesive | Georgia Tech Research Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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S ea Urchi n
Heterocentrotus mamillatus Function: To transport resources from a central point to extended branches Strategy: Sea urchins use radiating tubes to minimize the distance materials have to be transported. Mechanism: Sea Urchins use radiating tubes to efficiently transport resources from their center to their extended legs. Having the tubes come from a central point shortens the distance that resources have to travel. By incorporating centralized branching forms, sea urchins are able to gather resources and transport them to their extremities (or vice versa) more efficiently. This central area is called the peristome. Spines around this area are capable of aiding locomotion, burrowing, and food gathering (Follo & Fautin, n.d.). Pedicellarine, located between spines, allow the urchin to clutch food. Design Principle: Our design is to incorporate radiating shapes so that distance is minimized while transporting resources.
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S es s i l e B a r na c l e s Chthamalus challengeri
S lim e Mo ld Physarum polycephalum
S pi ttlebu g Prosapia bicincta
Function: To maximize space
Function: To network and consolidate in order to find food sources
Function: To protect and cushion
Strategy: Sessile Barnacles compete by rapidly reproducing so they can expand into unoccupied space faster than other organisms.
Strategy: The Slime Mold self-organizes and uses an efficient network of tubes to locate its food.
Strategy: The bubbles produced by spittlebugs allow the bug to protect and cushion itself.
Mechanism: Sessile Barnacles reproduce at a rapid rate. They expand laterally to take up a large surface area. Each barnacle must have enough space to maintain a habitat, but they take advantage of every piece of available space to optimize living areas. Their shape allows for them to pack tightly. The resulting pattern of space utilization shows the competitive and cooperative processes between barnacles that create desired living conditions.
Mechanism: Slime Mold is a single-celled, primitive life form with a sophisticated foraging technique. It pulses and spreads an efficient network of tubes in order to locate food. After it has located a source of food it shrinks back its unused tubes to conserve resources. Each connecting tube serves as a way for the mold to transfer nutrients. The mold always has more than one connecting tube to a food source in order to protect itself from damage.
Mechanism: Spittlebugs produce a white bubble substance on plants. The spittlebug creates this foam-like substance to protect itself from other insects and to cushion itself. When spittlebugs feed, they puncture the plant’s stem, eating the sap. The sap is then pumped through the body and expelled through the anus. The secreted fluid combines with air and produces the protective bubbles.
Design Principle: Our design uses modularity so that space is used optimally.
Design Principle: Our design is to use efficient networks and consolidate so that it can focus on certain resources.
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Design Principle: Our design is to create a flexible, bubble-like structure so that it provides protection and cushioning.
S u r i na m To a d Pipa pipa
Sycamore Maple Seed Acer pseudoplatanus
Torn ado
Function: To utilize extra space
Function: To traverse large, horizontal distances while falling
Function: To move and carry
Strategy: Surinam Toads use the space on their back to raise their young.
Strategy: During their fall, the sycamore maple seeds rotate and create lift.
Strategy: Changes in wind direction and air temperature create a substantial rotating funnel or tornado.
Mechanism: The female surinam toad uses the space on her back by carrying her young on it. The toad’s eggs are embedded in the skin of its back, gradually forming a honeycomb-like structure. This structure gives each of the offspring enough room to mature into adolescents.
Mechanism: Sycamore maple seeds fall while rotating. The seed has a wing like-structure that creates a stable vortex along its leading edge. The lift that is created by this vortex allows for the seed to drift. This slows and prolongs the seed’s flight time, which allows it to travel farther away from the tree.
Design Principle: Our design uses the extra space of a structure so that surfaces are used optimally.
Design Principle: Our design is to use rotation to create lift so that it can travel far.
Mechanism: A tornado is created when hot humid air becomes trapped under a layer of cold dry air. First horizontal spinning starts when the winds change direction. Then a rotating funnel is created when cool, moist air from the downdraft and warm air in the updraft converge. The tornado system can become strong enough to travel great distances and carry large objects. Design Principle: Our design is to use spinning cyclone motion so that it can transport resources up and down.
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Vamp i r e S qui d Vampyroteuthis infernalis
Function: To provide lateral propulsion for efficiency and a secondary propulsion system for bursts of speed Strategy: The vampire squid normally uses fins to conserve energy and engages the traditional squid jet propulsion only in times of need. Mechanism: Two lateral fins extend from the sides of the mantle. Flapping these fins (like a bird) serves as the primary means of propulsion (moving around). The jet propulsion system is more energy intensive and is only used in short bursts as an escape response. Design Principle: Our design is to include a backup propulsion system so that increased speed is available in times of need.
Whirlig ig B e etle Dineutus americanus
Zooplan kton Calanoides acutus
Function: To change direction swiftly, in a controlled manner
Function: To float or sink
Strategy: The whirligig beetle moves by creating thrust and rotation with its hind legs while the middle set of legs stabilize movement.
Strategy: It alters its density through volume change at phase transitions (liquid to solid at cold temperatures and vice versa).
Mechanism: The beetle has two sets of legs related to its motion: hind legs and middle legs. The hind legs paddle and create thrust due to their excellent contact with the water (due to their swimming hairs, or laminae). The hairs are located far from the center of gravity so that they maximize torque (a force that rotates an object about an axis). While the beetle is turning quickly, the middle legs stabilize the motion by balancing it with their own paddling.
Mechanism: Once this zooplankton reaches depths of 400 meters (one quarter mile), the cold temperatures cause a large pocket of waxy liquid within its body to transform into a dense solid, causing the organism to sink. As a buoyant substance, the waxy liquid is made up of saturated fatty acids, which are long chains of carbon atoms attached to each other by single bonds. To prepare for its descent and hibernation, the crustacean changes the waxy substance from saturated to unsaturated; that is, many of the single bonds connecting the carbon atoms to each other are converted to double bonds.
Design Principle: Our design is to use strategically placed paddling structures so that it turns quickly, in a stabilized manner.
Design Principle: Our design is to change density to that it floats or sinks. Citation: Seibel, B., Thuesen, E., & Childress, J. (). FLIGHT OF THE VAMPIRE: ONTOGENETIC GAIT-TRANSITION IN VAMPYROTEUTHIS INFERNALIS (CEPHALOPODA: VAMPYROMORPHA). The Journal of Experimental Biology, 201.
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