A Shorter Workout Could Be Enough | Nicholas Fainlight | Young Professional Living in Hartford, CT | Sports & Fitness
a A Shorter Workout Could Be Enough
Even people who are casually working out likely set aside as much as 4 hours a week just for their gym time. And for those who nd gym time enjoyable, this might be an excellent way to spend their time. However, for those who have to work up the strength just to enter the gym, a new study could save them the trouble.
The Study According to the peer-reviewed journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, You may see similar results if you work out for just 13 minutes versus if you work out for a full halfhour. The study took 3 di erent groups who performed di erent numbers of sets of exercises during 3 weekly training sessions. A low-volume exercise group which performed 1 set, a mid-volume group which performed 3 sets, and a high-volume group which performed 5 sets. At the end of an 8 week trial, each participant’s strength and endurance was tested with squats and bench presses, as well as muscle hypertrophy – muscle growth. https://nicholasfainlight.org/a-shorter-workout-could-be-enough/