Advanced Design Portfolio Spring 2021 - Summer 2022 | University of South Florida | Nicholas Gascon
Table of contents A Village on a Hill Advanced Design C |Jan Wampler | Spring 2021 The Tampa Greenway Advanced Design B |Michael Halfants | Fall 2021 Ecological Research Centers Advanced Design B |Daniel Powers| Spring 2022 St. Arnand’s Residence Tropical Architecture|Michael Halfants| Summer 2021 Modern Housing Design Development|Currea & Halfants| Summer 2022 Model Making Michael Halfants|Derick Pirozzi| Fall - Winter 2021 1 2031371197137565432
1 2 6 3 4 5 3

Daniel Corn | Nicholas Gascon |Leah Crowe Bahia de Caraquez is a coastal city in Equador with a strong Latin influence that has recently been devasted by earthquakes. The city gains most of its income from tourism, fishing, and agriculture but has lost a lot of its infrastructure and community by recent natural disaters. A vacant hilltop will be used to create a place for Bahia’s people through sustainable and vernacular design.
Bahía de Caráquez es una ciudad costera de Ecuador con una fuerte influencia latina que recientemente ha sido devastada por terremotos. La ciudad obtiene la mayor parte de sus ingresos del turismo, la pesca y la agricultura, pero ha perdido gran parte de su infraestructura y comunidad por los recientes desastres naturales. Se utilizará la cima de una colina vacante para crear un lugar para la gente de Bahía a través de un diseño sostenible y vernáculo.
A Village for Bahia Ecuador
Advanced Design C |Jan Wampler


Nuestro objetivo es realzar la belleza natural de bahia y crear un sentido profundo de lugar en la colina. Queremos crear un pueblo sostenible que trabaje con, en lugar de en contra de las limitaciones naturales, y aborde los problemas de accesibilidad al agua. Cada miembro de nuestro pueblo merece acceso a espacios públicos recreativos para la interacción y el disfrute personal. Nuestros diseños se esfuerzan por ser multiusos, funcionales y estéticamente armoniosos con el paisaje. También deberían ser alcanzables para que cualquiera construya en la colina. Virtual tour | Tour virtual:
Purpose | Proposito


The first drawings and junk model show a dense settlement at the top of the hill with water being pumped up from the sea and to the top of the hill with pedestrian only walkways. Air gondolas take you over agriculture fields on either side of the hill that are fed from the river. Plazas are scattered throughout with the largest being at the church to the North-East. The center of economic activity is at the very top with residential houses sloping down the hill and connecting back to Bahia.
Los primeros dibujos y el modelo de chatarra muestran un asentamiento denso en la cima de la colina con agua que se bombea desde el mar y hasta la cima de la colina con pasarelas peatonales. Las góndolas aéreas lo llevan por los campos agrícolas a ambos lados de la colina que se alimentan del río. Las plazas están dispersas por todas partes y la más grande está en la iglesia al noreste. El centro de la actividad económica está en la parte superior con casas residenciales que descienden por la colina y se conectan con Bahía.
First pass at design | Primer paso en el diseño

Junk Model | Modelo Basura 9

El “SeaRaser” desarrollado por Ecotricity, una empresa de energía verde con sede en el Reino Unido, puede bombear 137.000 metros cúbicos de agua cuesta arriba al
es relativamente barata y tiene un costo estimado de $ 0.02 por kWh de producir y se utilizará para bombear agua a la costa donde se desaliniza. Después de que el agua se desala en la orilla, se envía más arriba de la colina para ser reciclada entre los dos estanques.
Investigar Water from the sea and up a hill | Agua del mar y subiendo una colina
The “SeaRaser” developed by Ecotricity, a UK based green energy company, can pump 137,000 cubic meters of water uphill a day. This technology is relatively cheap costing an estimated $0.02 per kWh to produce and will be used to pump water to shore where it is desalinated. After the water is desalinated at the shore it is sent further up the hill to be recycled between the two ponds.

The system is relatively cheap and efficient and the energy obtained in the solar panels is used to power compact desalination machines stored in shipping containers.
El sistema es relativamente económico y eficiente y la energía obtenida en los paneles solares se utiliza para alimentar máquinas desalinizadoras compactas almacenadas en contenedores de transporte.envía más arriba de la colina para ser reciclada entre los dos estanques.
The ‘GivePower’ non-profit founded by Tesla’s subsidiary ‘SolarCity’ supplies solar-powered desalination systems to some of the world’s neediest communities.
La organización sin fines de lucro “GivePower” fundada por la subsidiaria de Tesla, “SolarCity”, suministra sistemas de desalinización con energía solar a algunas de las comunidades más necesitadas del mundo.
Solar and hydroelectric energy | Energía solar e hidroeléctrica
Each agricultural terrace will have a thirteen foot drop off onto the next terrace that will have a watermill to harvest the hydroelectric energy and recycle the water back to the top of the hill. This technology is relatively cheap and easy to construct and will add to the energy sustainability of the village.
Cada terraza agrícola tendrá una caída de trece pies a la siguiente terraza que tendrá un molino de agua para recolectar la energía hidroeléctrica y reciclar el agua de regreso a la cima de la colina. Esta tecnología es relativamente barata y fácil de construir y contribuirá a la sostenibilidad energética de la aldea.

Final Design| Diseño final Population | Poblacion: 2000 Our final hilltop village, hidden in the leaves, respects the naturally sloped terrain while also reinvigorating the underdeveloped forest(s) of Bahia. The manmade river flows through the center of the village connecting multiple plazas, branching off to provide irrigation for both agriculture fields while also absorbing the heat of Bahia’s hot tropical climate.
en la cima de una colina, escondido entre las hojas, respeta el terreno con pendiente natural y al mismo tiempo revigoriza los bosques subdesarrollados de Bahía. El río artificial fluye a través del centro del pueblo conectando múltiples plazas, bifurcándose para proporcionar riego a ambos campos agrícolas mientras también absorbe el calor del cálido clima tropical de Bahía. En nuestro proceso de diseño, nos enfocamos en crear espacios públicos al aire libre para reuniones sociales, entrelazados con el diseño orgánico de calles y vecindarios. Este pueblo autosuficiente está hecho para acomodar a la gente de Bahía y las generaciones futuras.
In our design process we focused on creating open air public spaces for social gathering, woven into the organic layout of streets and neighbourhoods. This self-sustaining village is made to accomodate the people of Bahia and future Nuestrogenerations.últimopueblo


Building Use | Uso del Edificio - Commercial | Commercial - Mixed Use | Uso Mixto - Residential | Residencial - Institutional | Institucional - Industrial | Industrial - Existing | Existente - River | Rio - Agriculture | 0’100’200’300’Agricultura


Paths and Places | Caminos y Lugares - Vehicular | De vehiculos - Pedestrian | Peatonal - Public Space | Espacio publico - Five minute walk distance | Cinco minutos a pie de distancia - Air gondolas | Góndolas de aire - Neighbourhoods | Barios - Commercial District | Distrito comercial 1, 2, a,b,c,d,e3 0’100’200’300’

c A B D E 17

Main chunk | Chozo PrincipalPlazasPlazas and sections | Plazas y secciones 1 0’100’200’300’

13322 19


32 AB 21
Large and small scale drawings diagram the space inbetween the architecture on the sloped land and how the space is utilized by the people.
Space inbetween | Espacio en el medio
Los dibujos a gran y pequeña escala diagraman el espacio entre la arquitectura en la tierra inclinada y cómo el espacio es utilizado por la gente.

A variety of large open air spaces for people to gather and narrow and shaded pathways are created going through neighbourhoods on either side of the mountain. Se crean una variedad de grandes espacios al aire libre para que la gente se reúna y se crean senderos estrechos y sombreados que atraviesan los vecindarios a ambos lados de la montaña. C F E

D Space inbetween | Espacio en el medioEF 23

0’ 50’100’
Above shows three combined chunks with the main central plaza and the surrounding commercial and residential buildings along the riverwalk. se muestran tres trozos combinados con la plaza central principal y los edificios comerciales y residenciales circundantes a lo largo del paseo del río.

Chunk studies| Estudios de fragmentos North-East Axo|Axonométrica del noreste 25

Chunk studies| Estudios de fragmentos
Above shows a detailed birdseye view of the public spaces along the central river walk with a section showing the space inbetween to the Arribaright. se muestra una vista de pájaro detallada de los espacios públicos a lo largo del paseo central del río con una sección que muestra el espacio intermedio a la izquierda. Birdseye of central public space | Vista de pájaro del espacio público central

The main passage at the top of the hill is lined with retail and mixed buildings along the river with bridges connecting the east and western neighbourhoods.
Public space and the space inbetween | El espacio público y el espacio intermedio
El pasaje principal en la cima de la colina está bordeado de edificios comerciales y mixtos a lo largo del río con puentes que conectan los vecindarios este y oeste.

Elevations| Elevaciones BA

Las elevaciones A y B muestran barrios residenciales en el lado este de la colina con el espacio público en el medio. La elevación C muestra un vecindario en el lado occidental de la colina y el espacio intermedio que se mueve hacia arriba. Se muestran diferentes esquemas para las fachadas de los edificios. C
Elevations A and B show residential neighbourhoods on the Eastern side of the hill with the public space inbetween. Elevation C shows a neighborhood on the Western side of the Hill and the space inbetween moving up. Different schemes for the building facades are shown.

East/West Section | Sección este / Oeste 2/3 Family Housing | 2/3 Vivienda Familiar

Interior North/WestPerspectivasperspectivesinterioresSection| Sección Norte / Oeste Level 1 Level 2 31

Perspectives | Perspectivas Above shows the public park thats connected to the open air church with lightweight structrues and dense foilage to create a place of tranquility and play. To the right shows the Eastern air gondola that takes you from the agricultural fields to the East back to the top of the hill. Open air space | Espacio al aire libre Looking South-West | Mirando al Suroeste

Arriba se muestra el parque público que está conectado a la iglesia al aire libre con estructuras ligeras y follaje denso para crear un lugar de tranquilidad y juego. A la derecha se muestra la góndola aérea del este que lo lleva desde los campos agrícolas hacia el este hasta la cima de la colina. North-East | Mirando al Noroeste

Perspectives | Perspectivas Above shows a small football field with surrounding spaces for open air leisure and public gathering. To the right shows a neighbourhood on the East of the hill and the pedestrian paths inbetween. Community | Comunidad Looking North-East | Mirando al Noreste

Looking North-East | Mirando al Noroeste
Arriba se muestra un pequeño campo de fútbol con espacios circundantes para el ocio al aire libre y la reunión pública. A la derecha se muestra un barrio al este de la colina y los caminos peatonales intermedios.

The Tampa Greenway Advanced Design B | Halfants | Fall 2021 Nicholas Gascon | Bobby Jiang | Enrique Barnett The Selmon Expressway has been removed and the space left in its wake provides opportunity to reinvigorate Tampa’s downtown area. A greenway of interconnecting public parks and plazas with a Gondola system overhead will connect Western Ybor to Hyde Park with mixed use highrises along its edges. This urban valley will create a stronger sense of place in Tampa’s downtown and knit together the city once separated by the Selmon Express highway.


Research and Site Analysis The Selmon Express

Above and to the left shows maps of downtown Tampa with the orange indicating the current location of the Selmon Express Highway and the dotted oranges lines where we propose to break it. With the Selmon removed, other means of transport and passive income generation will have to be considered into the design,

AScale:Masterplan1”=700’publicgreenway surrounded by mixed use midrise and highrises stretches from Western Ybor to Hyde Park with public transit stations located throughout, The main roads on either side of the park have also been shrunk to two lane roads with streetside parking to slow down traffic and provide a safer place for pedestrians. Air gondola stops are also located throughout the park within five minite walking distances of commercial buildings. - Commercial - Mixed use - Institutional - Transit centers - Public green space - Existing - Hillsborough river - Roads


C BA Scale Models 1” = 100’ Large scale site showing downtown connection to Hyde Park Plan view

Birseye looking East from Hyde Park (C)Birdseye looking East from river (B) View looking East from park ampitheater (A) 43

Scale Models 1” = 40’ Medium scale site model showing central park with surrounding highrise mixed use buildings. Plan view CBA

View from park playground looking East (A) Birseye looking East from Hyde Park (C)Birdseye looking East from river (B)

Scale Models 1” = 40’ Small scale site model showing Hyde Park intervention with plazas enclosed by low rise mixed use buildings. A B C Plan view

Birseye looking West (C)Birdseye looking East (B) Render from intersection looking West (A) 47

Final model Scale: 1” = 40’ Looking South-East

FinalScale:model1”=40’LookingEast 51

Final model Scale: 1” = 40’ Looking North-West


Commercial floorplans Level 1 | Scale: 1”=50’ 1 - Residential lobby 2 - Office lobby 3 - Office stairs 4 - Restaurant 5 - Cafe 6 - Plaza 7 - Retail spaces 8 - Garage entrance 9 - Adjacant 0’25’50’75’retail 1 3 2 5 7 8 96 9 4

The mixed use tower stands 212’ tall with the first four floors allocated for retail and and office space, the fifth for ammenities, and the rest for residential. The main residential lobby faces the park with a corner restaurant and the office lobby is tucked behind the facade. Each unit comes with a few bags of seeds and planters so residents may partake in decorating the facade with green. looking South-West from park

1 - Main stairs 2 - Outdoor lounge 3 - Residential Elevator 4 - Office entrance 5 - Parking entrance 6 - Office lounge 7 - Offices 8 - Bathrooms 9 - Parking A 1 2 3 654 7 9 8 Commercial floorplans Level 2 | Scale: 0’25’50’75’1”=50’

Streetside parking and bike lanes protect the outdoor seating area and pedestrian pathways. The main stairs invite you into the building beneath the overhanging assembly hall with offices overlooking the outdoor ampitheater. The automated parking garage to the South is adjacaent to elevators that connect to each office floor and also provides access for residents to go to their unit. looking East (A)

A 21 364578 9 1 - Lobby 2 - Lounge 3 - Conference room 4 - Kitchen 5 - Archive room 6 - Offices 7 - Parking 8 - Balcony access 9 - Assembly Commercialhall floorplans Level 3 | Scale: 0’25’50’75’1”=50’

Three stories of office space overlook the plaza keeping it safe it night while retail stores and cafes activate it during the day. The ground floor is shaded by the overhanding towers while letting enough sunlight through to keep it well lit and allow large planting to strive. looking West (A)

1 - Reception 2 - Lounge 3 - Offices 4 - Conference room 5 - Kitchen 6 - Parking access 7 - Parking garage 8 - Archive room 9 - Assembly hall 9 3 5 621 4 7 8 Commercial floorplans Level 4 | Scale: 0’25’50’75’1”=50’

Perspective of assembly hall looking North towards park.
The office space comes with an assembly hall where the public is invited to partake in the decision making process for the development of downtown Tampa and its surrounding communities.

1 - Main elevator access 2 - Auxiliary elevator 3 - Gym 4 - Fire pit 5 - Pool 6 - Garage rooftop A 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Commercial floorplans Level 5 | Scale: 0’25’50’75’1”=50’

Perspective looking North-West from parking garage rooftop (A)
Residents have access to a gym and pool on the fifth floor with views overlooking the greenway . The South Western portion has a rooftop garden with solar panels to power the automated parking garage below.

1 - Unit A (3 bed) 2 - Unit B (3 bed) 3 - Unit C (1 bed) 4 - Unit D (1 bed) 5 - Unit E (2 bed) 6 - Unit F (2 bed) 123456 0’ 10’ 20’ Residential floorplans Level 6 | Scale: 1”=20’

Interlocking residential units float above ammenity space with varying views of the city throughout each unit. Each unit is different with double height spaces in the living and dinning spaces. looking East from rooftop pool

1 - Unit A (3 bed) 2 - Unit B (3 bed) 3 - Unit C (1 bed) 4 - Unit D (1 bed) 5 - Unit E (2 bed) 6 - Unit F (2 bed) 7 - Unit G (2 bed) 8 - Unit H (3 bed) 9 - Unit I (3 bed) 10 - Unit J (2 bed) 11 - Unit K (2 bed) 12 - Unit L (1 bed) 123109 11 4 5 7 6812 0’ 10’ 20’ Residential floorplans Level 7 | Scale: 1”=20’

Residential towers have circulation every two floors with 12 different unit types. The circulation for each tower ends with a community garden spaces that frame different views of Tampa’s downtown.
Perspective looking North-West from community garden space (A)

1 - Unit L (1 bed) 2 - Unit H (3 bed) 3 - Unit B (2 bed) 4 - Unit A (2 bed) 5 - Unit I (3 bed) 6 - Unit G (2 bed) 1 5 4 3 6 62 1 0’ 10’ 20’ Residential floorplans Level 8 | Scale: 1”=20’

The interlocking unit layout provides views on different sides of the towers. Pushing and pulling parts of the mass creates shaded outdoor balcony spaces for dining and different scales of space in the unit.
Perspective looking North from Unit B’s kitchen

Long Section North - South | Scale: 1”= 28’ Three towers with communal garden spaces every two floors look out in every direction with bridges connecting it to the automated parking to the South. A - Residential B - Office C - Retail D - Parking A 212’ CB 10’0’ 20’30’

D 71

Advanced Design B | Powers | Spring 2022 Florida’s everglades are in decline with water qualities worsening from human pollution.
The Ecological Science Research Center for Everglades National Park sits on the edge of the marsh closely monitoring the water while providing a place for its inhabitants to live harmoniously with their surroundings. Moments along the main circulation branch off into the river for recreation, exploration, and reflection. Residents sleep amongst the Everglade’s vast avian wildlife fifteen to twenty-five foot above grade with views of the vast pine to the North and communal spaces facing the water. Early Seminole inhabitants of the Everglades gathered near the waters edge around a campfire to eat and share stories. The lodge at the center of the village acts as a focal gathering point with a watchtower at the end overwatching the wildlife and the research center’s inhabitants.
Everglades Research Center

Everglades National Park is a 1.5-million-acre wetlands preserve located in Southern Florida. Often compared to a grassy, slow-moving river, the Everglades is made up of coastal mangroves, sawgrass marshes and pine flatwoods that are home to hundreds of animal species. Area: 7800 mi² Elevation : CypressMarl20’ Pine PeatOak Soil SummerLumbercompositions:types:Temps.(May-November): 30-35 C Winter Temps. (May-November): 12-25 C Annual rainfall: 56" Dominant wind direction: Research and Site Analysis

The Seminoles lived in "Chickee" that were constructed from cypress and palm thatch. These log cabin-type homes were 2 stories tall with sleeping quarters upstairs. The house was relatively fast to construct and also disposable when they had to run.
Seminole history begins with bands of Creek Indians from Georgia and Alabama who migrated to Florida in the 1700s. Conflict with other tribes and Europeans made them seek new lands in order to live in peace. In 1821, the lives of many southern indigenous people were changed when U.S. troops under Andrew Jackson pushed them out to the West of the Mississippi river. By 1913 the Seminole in the Everglades were no more than 350 with the people living in relative isolation from the majority culture.

Final BirdseyeDesignofresearch center The ecological science research center is interconnected by walkways elevated 5’ above grade along the edge of the marsh. The lodge is located inbetween the cabins to the West and the science labs to the East acting as a focal gathering place for the facility’s occupants. The main circulation branches out to moments along the water’s edge and crosses the slough ending at the watchtower to the West. View looking South from lodge great room View looking West from lodge breezeway


A - Entry Lobby B - Great Room C - Dinning Hall D - Recreation E - Kitchen F - Gym G - Mud Room H - Mech I - Janitors closet A BC H GEF DI ScaleLodge: 1/2” = 20’ Section A-A Level 1 Level 2 Plans and Long Section 0’ 20’40’

A - Entry Lobby B - Offices C - Meeting Room D - Kitchen E - Labs F - Specimen Storage G - Mech H - Computer Room A BCDEEFFG H G Science lab Scale : 1/2” = 20’ Level 1 0’20’40’ 79

South Elevation


Cabin Plans and Sections C F E HG DAB I Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 AA Housing for 3 permanent families are located right before the water’s edge with built in elevated single car parking. Double heighted living and kitchen spaces overlook the water with bedrooms on the third floor facing the pine forest to the North. A - Garage B - Mudroom C - Living D - Kids bedrooms E - Laundry F - HVAC G - Loft H - Studio I - Master bedroom 0’ 12’24’

Section A-A 83

Perspective of Cabins Looking North-East 85

Looking WestLooking South The cabins are made from post and lintel timber construction with double heighted openings facing the South. Adjustable louvers and sliding panels on the front and sides of the building allow it to be closed up for hurricane protection and privacy. Interior Perspectives

Final model Scale: 1/16” = 1’ Looking West 87

Final model Scale: 1/16” = 1’ Looking North-East 89

Final model Scale: 1/32” = 1’ Looking North East


Ottawa Research Center
Advanced Design B | Powers | Spring 2022 Standing at the top of a hill, the Ottawa research and education center acts as an inhabitable retreat amongst the trees with paths that slope downwards through the forest until you meet the water’s edge. Story telling was a focal point of Ojibwe tradition which was integrated into the design of the amphitheater that acts as an anchor connecting the separated private and public masses. The main objective of the center is to bring people together to learn, share, and experience nature and the environment around them by forming an experiential and informational threshold to the site. Its transparent façade also allows for maximum solar energy to enter during the winter and be stored with sufficient openings on its backside to allow for ventilation during the summer. Michigan’s copper mining traditions are also reflected in the building’s weathering copper roof that will, like the seasons, eventually change and merge with the tree canopy.


The Ottawa National Forest is located in the upper peninsula of Michigan under the jurisdiction of the U.S Forest Service. The climate consists of mainly boreal forests covered by spruce, pines, and birch that experience the 4 seasons of the year. Area: 1 mil acres Elevation : Up to 1800’ Summer Temps. (June - Septermber): 31 to 36’C Winter Temps. (December - March): -23 to -25 C Annual rainfall: 36” Annual snowfall: 200” Dominant wind direction: ConiferLimestone Pine ClayBirch Rock ResearchLumbertypes:types: and Site Analysis .

Traditionally, the Ojibwe would come together around bonfires to share stories and trade. Recently, there has been a “quest to reconnect to their food traditions” where the Ojibwe have been expanding community gardens and have started mobile kitchens to teach communities about nutritious food preparation.
The Ojibwe are one of the largest tribal populations among Native American peoples. They are respected keepers of detailed and complex scrolls, maps, and stories that record their history. Some of the oldest maps of North America were made by the Ojibwe on birch bark scrolls. They traded across the continent for thousands of years migrating via 95

View lodge room looking South View from school cafe looking South East Final BirdseyeDesignofresearch center The access road is tucked behind the research center and drops off students at the school’s ampitheater. Lab workers and lodge residents park on the Northern side of the road with cabins having integrated parking. The science lab is seperated from the school by the ampitheater with lodge residents living beneath and Cabins to the East. ADA accessible stone paths carve down the hill and through the dense woodlands and ends at the edge of the river. .

A - River B - School C - Lodge D - Science lab E - Parking A Long Section North - South | Scale: 1”= 28’ The research center sits at the top of the hill with the labs, school, and cabin spaces elevated to the treeline with lodge rooms and classrooms looking beneath to the river.

EDCB 0’15’ 45’30’ 60’ 99

South Elevation


Looking South from living room stairs Cabin Graphics
Permanent housing with covered parking for 3 families are located on the Eastern end of the research center. Houses are row house style with triple heighted living spaces framing the pine forest to the South. Bedrooms are located on the second and third floor with loft and study spaces overlooking the living room.

dn dn dn dn A - Garage B - Mudroom C - Broom Closet D - HVAC E - Kitchen F - Dining G - Living H - Porch I - Kids Study J - Laundry K - Kids Bedrooms L - Loft M - Master Bedroom 0’ 4’8’’ 12’’10’’Floorplans4’ 1-3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Section A-A A B c D EFG H IJK L MK A AA A AA 103

Looking North Final model Scale: 1/16” = 1’

Looking North West 105

Birdseye Looking North-West


2 111 4 75 6 3 1 - Cabins 2 - Science building 3 School 4 - Parking 5 - Ampitheater 6 - Great room 7 - Access road 0’ 32’ 64’ 96’ 128’ 1 1 1 LevelFloorplans3|Scale: 1”= 64’

Birdseye looking North into cabin
Triple heighted living spaces face the Southern pine forest with large balcony space to enjoy the outdoors from. The kids bedrooms are on the second floor with study space and the parents on the third with reading space.

2 46532 7 1 - Cabins 2 - Labs 3 Janitor closet 4 - Storage 5 - Lab mech 6 - Generator 7 - Outdoor lab 0’ 32’ 64’ 96’ 128’ LevelFloorplans2|Scale: 1”= 64’

The research lab, lodge, and cabins all share the same roof with spaces that elevate into the treeline or submerge into the ground facing the river to the South.
View from research lab entrance looking south

1 - Cabins 2 - Lab parking 3 - Lab entrance 4 - Lab offices 5 - Conference room 6 - Computer lab 7 - Specimen storage 8 - Lodge parking 9 - Lodge entrance 10 - Ampitheater 11 - School entrance 12 - Cafeteria 13 - Kitchen 14 - Teacher offices 15 - Trophy room 29 8 9 11 6 1514 13 544 3 3 10 12 7 LevelFloorplans1|Scale: 1”= 64’ 0’ 32’ 64’ 9696’ 128128’

The school’s outdoor ampitheater seats one hundred and acts as a place everyone in the research center can gather, reflect, and share. View from road entrance looking South.

1 - Lodge lobby 2 - Kitchen 3 - Recreation room 4 - Gym 5 - Great room 6 - Lodge mech 7 - Lodge units 8 - Laundry room 9 - Locker room 10 - Classrooms 11 - School mech 12 - River dock10 5 12 LevelFloorplans-1|Scale: 1”= 64’ 0’ 32’ 64’ 9696’ 128128’

115 When the winter comes a warm space around a fire submerged into nature brings together lodge and cabin dwelllers View from great room looking South

Final model Scale: 1/32” = 1’ Birdseye looking North-West


St. Arnand’s Residence Tropical Housing | Halfants | Summer 2021 The site is located at 355 N. Washington Drive on St Arnands Key in the city of Sarasota. The land is zoned RSF-2 with the owners asking for a three bedroom, two and a half bath house up to 2100 square foot with two car parking and a pool. The tropical Florida climate and the site’s proximity to the sea provided opportunity to maximize natural ventillation for the house and views of the key. The front facade opens up to bring the sea breeze in with adjustable mechanical systems within that adjust the air flow and lighting. A swimming pool in the backyard with lounging and cooking areas are hidden behind the facade providing a private oasis to enjoy Florida’s tropical atmostphere. Actual lot area: 5781 sq. ft. Actual lot width: 50 ft. Maximum height flood : 35’ No limit on stories Min.Setbacks:Front : 20’ Max Front: None Min. Sides: 8’ / 20’ total Min. Rear: 15’


Final Model Video walkthrough:

Axonometric looking North-East 121

Looking SoLooking South-East Final AxonometricsModel

uth-West Looking North-West 123

Level 1 0’ 10’ 20’ 30’ 1 - Lodge lobby 2 - Kitchen 3 - Recreation room 4 - Gym 5 - Great room 6 - Lodge mech 7 - Lodge units 8 - Laundry room 9 - Locker room 10 - Classrooms 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 9 10 Floorplans and Perspectives

Two entrances, one with bicycle storage and the other stepping up from the covered outdoor parking take you immediately into the triple heighted living space. Adjustable shutters on the roof and rotating windows on the Northern facade ventilate the space with a fire place for the winter. Guest bedroom and bath are to the back of the house where the pool extends up to the living area with outdoor cooking and lounge areas.
View from main entrance looking South-East

1 2 2 7 6 83410 10 5 9 Level 2 1 - Lounge 2 - Balcony 3 - Master bedroom 4 - Master closet 5 - Master bath 6 - Laundry 7 - Kid’s bathroom 8 - Kid’s bathroom 9 - Air tower 10 - Adjustable louvers 0’ 10’ 20’ 30’ Floorplans and Perspectives

The second story takes you into the main lounge area with openings facing the West overlooking the Key and a covered balcony to the East. The master and kids bedrooms are separated by a bridge with the master having the Western view to the key and its personal balcony facing the pool.
View from second floor lounge looking South-East

1 4423556 Level 3 1 - Library space 2 - Nook 3 - Gym 4 - Adjustable louvers 5 - Sky lights 6 - Wind tower 0’ 10’ 20’ 30’ Floorplans and Perspectives

A gym to the East and a library space facing the key to the West overlook the living space below. A ladder from the kid’s bedroom on the second floor takes you up to a secret nook, a place of solitude with access to its own louver control wheel.
View from reading nook above child’s bedroom

1 - Sidewalk 2 - Solar Panels 3 - Wind tower 4 - Fixed skylight 5 - Adjustable skylights 6 - Pool shower 234 51 6 5 5 0’ 10’ 20’ 30’ FloorplansRooftop and Perspectives

The curved rooftops help with air circulatoin throughout the building with skylights that can be opened to vent the house. A wind tower also passively ventilates the house without opening skylights with solar panels providing energy throughout the day. View from backyard looking North-West

Cross Section B-B Long Section A-A A 1 - Living room 2 - Kitchen 3 - Dining 4 - Bicycle storage 5 - Adjustable skylights 6 - Pool 7 - Rotating louvers 8 - Lounge 9 - Reading space 1014Gym17 9 Scale:Sections1”=12’

133 B 0’ 12’ 24’ 36’ 78 23 1069

Perspectives 135 View from East balcony looking inside View from pool deck looking West View from fire pit looking South-West

Modern Housing Design Development| Currea |Summer 2022 The Oasis is a mixed use building on riverfront property located in Tampa, Florida, bewetween W Oask Ave and Market Street. The once vacant two acre lot is scheduled for RMU-100 land use and has been used to build a 7 story mixed use building with public ammenities. Oasis stands 92’ feet tall with the ground floor being used for retail, utilities, and parking, the second for an open public courtyard with ammenities and the rest for residential and offices on it’s South-Eastern corner. Circulation occurs on every other floor with various unit typees and double heighted spaces. The project extends and activates the public space from armature works to further continue the riverwalk West.


The site is in Tampa, Florida, inbetween Market street and W Oak Avenue with a view of the Hillsborough river looking Southwards towards Tampa’s skyline. The chosen lot is currently empty and directly next to a public hotspot that connects back to the city core through a riverwalk. The surrounding lots are vacant and connect to the residential district to the North West. It has an opportunity to be part of a phase of designs that act as the threshold connecting the residential district to an urban village and ultimately downtown Tampa. Tampa
0 West Oak Avenue, Tampa Jurisdiction - City of
Flood Zone : X (Area of minimal flood Futurehazard)Land Use : RMU-100 / CC-35 Current Landuse Code: 1000 Vacant Acreage:Comm 1.98 Market Value: $926,936 Folio: 183341.0186-Parking-Commercial/offices - Mixed use - Residential - Green space / public park - Institutional - Vacant lots Site Analysis


Summer SolsticeSpring Equinox Fall Equinox 6:23 PM September 22 6:22 AM 12:00 PM W ESN 6:23 PM September 22 6:22 AM 4:00 PM W ESN 6:23 PM September 22 6:22 AM 8:00 AM W ESN 7:25 PM June 21 5:38 AM 12:00 PM W ESN 7:25 PM June 21 5:38 AM 4:00 PM W ESN 7:25 PM June 21 5:38 AM W ESN 6:37 PM March 20 6:38 AM 12:00 PM W ESN 6:37 PM March 20 6:38 AM 4:00 PM W ESN 6:37 PM March 20 6:38 AM 8:00 AM W ESN 8 412ampmpm Environmental Analysis

Winter Solstice Average Temperature (2021) Source: Average Rainfall (2021) Source: Average Windspeed (2021) Source: 5:35 PM December 7:21 AM 12:00 PM W ESN 5:35 PM December 7:21 AM 4:00 PM W ESN 5:35 PM December 7:21 AM8:00 AM W ESN 141

The 2 acre lot has retail and MEP services along the perimeter of the first floor that enclose the parking garage which acts as the floor for the inner courtyard. The entrance to the South-East welcomes the public from Armature works while also connecting to the riverwalk from its Southern opening. Residential units with a run-skip-run form of circulation all look outward with private spaces facing inwards to the courtyard.

143 - Parking - Gym/Bar - Residential - Circulation - Retail - Utilities Retail stores line the street edge with two grand entrances leading into the courtyard with parking beneath. Two main exterior stairs take you up to your units with a run skip run form of circulation. The main ammenities and offices face the South with a view of the Hillsborough river. Parti Diagram

W Oak Ave MarketStreet AveGascon 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 13 16 15 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 12 11 14 19 18 17

The ground floor is lined with retail on all sides but the West side which is used for utility and covered parking access. The bus stop is located between the two main entrances which take you up into the courtyard with elevators for ADA access available at each fire stair. 1. Electrical room 2. Electrical transformer 3. Backup Generator 4. Pool pump room 5. Garbage chute 6. Fire pump room 7. Fire backflow preventer 8. Fire riser 9. Fire control room 10. Fire hydrants 11. Post indicator valve 12. Pack collection room 13. Security check 14. Bus stop 15. Potable water distribution 16. Grey water collection / distribution 17. Mail room 18. Delivery man dropoff 19. Garage entrance 20. ArmatureGroundWorks Floor Scale 1” = 50’ Electric line Water main Sewer main Fire water line Main SetbackPropertyentrances/exitsLineLine E 7th Ave 145 20 0’ 25’ 50’ 75’ Land use: ResidentialRMU-100SQFT:108,000 (69 units) Mercantile SQFT: 22,400 Office SQFT: 15,000 Parking spaces: 72 GSF: 273,300

0’ 25’5 50550’ 7575’

147 0’ 8’ 16’ 32’ Floorplans and Unit ScaleLevelPlans2UnitA1”=16’Unit A Lvl 1 Unit A Lvl 2

0’ 25’5’5 5050’5 7575’

149 0’ 8’ 16’ 32’ Floorplans and Unit ScaleLevelPlans3UnitB1”=16’Unit B Lvl 1 Unit B Lvl 2

0’ 25’5 550’ 775’

151 8’ 16’ 24’ Floorplans and Unit ScaleLevelPlans4UnitC1”=16’Unit C Lvl 1 Unit C Lvl 2

0’ 25’5’5 5050’5 7575’

153 0’ 8’ 16’ 24’ Floorplans and Unit ScaleLevelPlans5UnitD1”=16’Unit D Lvl 1 Unit D Lvl 2

0’ 25’5’5 5050’5 7575’

155 0’ 8’ 16’ 24’ Floorplans and UnitLevelPlans6 Units E and F Scale 1” = 16’ Units E and F Lvl 1 Units E and F Lvl 2

0’ 25’5’5 5050’5 7575’

157 0’ 10’ 20’ 30’ Floorplans and Unit ScaleLevelPlans7UnitA1”=20’Unit G Lvl 1 Unit G Lvl 2

0’ 25’5’5 5050’5 7575’ 762


Section A Looking North Scale 1” = 24’ 1 - Unit B 2 - Corner Store 3 - Unit A 4 - Two story gym 5 - Unit E 6 - Unit F 7 - Unit C 8 - Fire stairs 9 - Bus stop 10 - Offices0’ 12’ 24’ 36’ 123 45B
161 6 7 8 910
Section B Looking East Scale 1” = 24’ 1 - Unit F 2 - Unit E 3 - Covered parking 4 - Elevated pool 5 - Eastern stairs to pool 6 - Covered circulation 7 - Courtyard 8 - Southern stairs 9 - Unit C 10 - Retail0’ 12’ 24’ 36’ 123456
163 7 8 910 A




169 Structure Plan and DetailsLevel1 Prestressed reinforced concrete columns with caped precast pile shafts submerged 15’ below grade. Two way flat concrete slabs with drop panels are used for parking lot structure while 8” post-tensioned flat concrete plates are used for the perimeter of the building. 1 - 2’x1’ Concrete columns 2 - 18” Diameter round columns 3 - 1’x1’ Concrete columns 4 - Precast Piles 5 - Drop panels 6 - Two-way flat plate 7 - Two way flat slab 8 - Load bearing walls (7) Two-way flate slab with concrete drop panels(6) 8” post-tensioned flat concrete plate 5674 Looking North-East

Structure Axonometrics Looking South-West 1 - Concrete piles 2 - 18” Diameter round columns 3 - Concrete drop panels 4 - 2’x1’ concrete columns 5 - 1’x1’ Concrete columns 6 - Two-way flat plate 7 - Metal louvers 8 - Vertical metal brackets12345678

Each floor on the perimeter of the building above level 2 is made of beamless 8” post-tensioned concrete systems to achieve 45’ spans. The parking garage uses a two-way flat concrete plate system with drop panels due to the non-uniformity of it’s column grid and to allow more space between vehicular lanes. An adjustable metal louver system wraps around the building from the fourth floor and above to control the heat and sunlight entering units. North-East
12348765 Water softner (2) P-Trap (6) AxonometricPlumbing and details 1 - City main (1’) 2 - Water backflow 3 - Grey water filters 4 - Water pump 5 - Sewer line (4”) 6 - Water heater 7 - Potable distribution (4”) 8 - Floordrain (4”)


Plumbing Plans and Section Scale:Plans 1” = 30’ 1 - Sewer out 2 - Water softner 3 - Pressure guage 4 - Distribution risers 5 - Sewage line (4”) 6 - Sink with p-trap 7 - VTR (6”) 8 - Hot supply (.5”) 9 - Cold supply (.5”) Level 1 Level 4 Level 2 Level 5 Level 3 Level 6

175 987654321 Section looking North

HVAC LookingAxonometricsNorth-East 1 - Supply diffuser ( 24”x 24”) 2 - Return diffuser (24”x 24”) 3 - Supply duct (12”x12”) 4 - Return duct (12”x12”) 5 - Rectangular elbow 6 - Supply / return loop 7 - Split system AHU 8 - Carrier aquasnap ACC Diffuser Diagram (1)Air cooled chiller (8) Looking North-West

87654321 177

HVAC Plans and Section Scale:Plans 1” = 30’ Level 1 Level 4 Level 2 Level 5 Level 3 Level 6 Residential towers with retail on the base are cooled by Carrier’s AquaSnap 60 ton air cooled chiller. One module (HVAC Iso 1) requires 22 tons of cooling as it is 270,000 BTUs which was divided by 12,000 per ton. Each chiller can cool up to 3 modules.


Axonometric looking South-West

181 Fire water backflow preventer (4) Siamese standpipe (3)87654321 Fire Protection Detail components 1 - City main (1’) 2 - Post indicator valve 3 - Siamese standpipe 4 - Fire water backflow 5 - Fire pump 6 - Riser 7 - Main line 8 - Vertical standpipe

7654321 8

183 Fire Protection Plans andScale:SectionPlans1”=30’1 - Fire truck access 2 - Fire hydrant 3 - Drain out 4 - Pressure guage 5 - Monitoring station 6 - Flow switch 7 - Sprinkler 8 - Fire escape Level 1 Level 4 Level 2 Level 5 Level 3 Level 6
Electrical Axonometrics Detail components 1 - City electrical main 2 - Pad mounted transformer 3 - City utility meter 4 - Building utility meter 5 - Main terminal 6 - Main distribution panel 7 - Main electric risers 8 - Main distribution lines Recessed ceiling light (8) Wall mounted light (9)

185 87654321

Electric Plans and Section Scale:Plans 1” = 30’ 1 - Ground 2 - Backup generator 3 - Emergency shutoff 4 - Office subpanel 5 - Residential distribution lines 6 - Residential subpanel 7 - Light switch 8 - Recessed ceiling light 9 - Wall mounted lights Level 1 Level 4 Level 2 Level 5 Level 3 Level 6
187 987654321

Roof Juncture Detailing Scale 1/2” = 1’
6" FHOD 3/8" D.O.DLODLO2"2" 1/16"1 O.D. F.H. D.O. DETAIL 1 - TRANSOM HEAD DETAIL 2 - TRANSOM BAR AND DOOR HEAD DETAIL 3 - DOOR SILL Door and Entrance Scale 1/2” = 1’
CORNER MULLION CONNECTIONS (2) 90° OUTSIDE CORNER 1/4" INFILL3/8" 6 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" FILL VOID W/ INS. OTHERSBY FA E E 6" F.W. 1" O.D. 2"DLOR.D. 3/8" 1/8"6F.W.1" O.D. 2" R.D.BR-DLO0.125" ALUM. BRAKE SP-0.031" X 6" LONG ALUM. BRAKE MILL FINISH CONT.FAF Exterior Building Corner Scale 1/4” = 1’
PANNING SILL FIXEDFIXEDHORIZONTALHEAD WD DLO13/16"3OD WD 2"DLOOD DLO WD DLO11/16"1 3/8" OD 4 5/8" Window and Spandrel Scale 3/8” = 1’
the Sarasota Christian
the addition of many buildings with renovations done
the existing all connected by an elevated
walkway with
Model Making Sarasota School |Halfants| Winter 2021
was covered in old trees which would be replanted and integrated throughout the new
Much of
The first model done the fall was School renovation project. was group project made by Enrique Barnett and I designed by Halfants + Pichette. design proposed to blue recreational fields to the North. the land site.


Final BirdseyemodellookingNorth from school entrance Birdseye looking North-East from chapel


Final BirdseyemodellookingSouth-West from baseball fields Birdseye looking North-West from new classroom halls


Model Making Sarasota Sailing Club | Pirozzi | Winter 2021 This project was also a group project made over the winter break by me, Enrique Barnett and Alan Zreik. The proposed design was done by Derek Pirozzi for the Sarasota Sailing Squadron. The new Sarasota Youth Sailing Eduction building acts as a community oriented place on the edge of the water that functions as an education center and a house for boats. The design gets its character from the vernacular of the place and uses its butterfly roofs to collect water which is then stored in tanks on either side.


Final Site Model and Construction Process Images beneath show the construction process of the 1/8th final model with the image on the right showing where the intervention is located on the site.


Final model Scale: 1/8” = 1’ Looking North-West


Final model Scale: 1/8” = 1’ Looking North-East


“It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we go.” Jim Rohn