St. Arnand's Residence

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Nicholas Gascon Portfolio | Spring 2021 - Summer 2022 | University of South Florida

St. Arnand’s Residence

Tropical Housing | Halfants | Summer 2021

The site is located at 355 N. Washington Drive on St Arnands Key in the city of Sarasota. The land is zoned RSF-2 with the owners asking for a three bedroom, two and a half bath house up to 2100 square foot with two car parking and a pool. The tropical Florida climate and the site’s proximity to the sea provided opportunity to maximize natural ventillation for the house and views of the key. The front facade opens up to bring the sea breeze in with adjustable mechanical systems within that adjust the air flow and lighting. A swimming pool in the backyard with lounging and cooking areas are hidden behind the facade providing a private oasis to enjoy Florida’s tropical atmostphere.

Final Model

Video walkthrough:

Axonometric looking North-East

Final Model


Looking So Looking South-East

Floorplans and Perspectives

0’ 10’ 20’ 30’
10 -
2 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 910
Level 1
1 - Lodge lobby 2
- Kitchen 3 - Recreation room 4 - Gym 5 - Great room 6 -
Lodge mech
Lodge units 8
Laundry room 9
Locker room Classrooms

Two entrances, one with bicycle storage and the other stepping up from the covered outdoor parking take you immediately into the triple heighted living space. Adjustable shutters on the roof and rotating windows on the Northern facade ventilate the space with a fire place for the winter. Guest bedroom and bath are to the back of the house where the pool extends up to the living area with outdoor cooking and lounge areas.

View from main entrance looking South-East

Floorplans and Perspectives

1 2 2 7 6 8 34 1010 5 9
Level 2 1 - Lounge 2 - Balcony 3 - Master bedroom 4 - Master closet 5 - Master bath 6 - Laundry 7 - Kid’s bathroom 8
Kid’s bathroom
0’ 10’ 20’ 30’
9 - Air tower 10 - Adjustable louvers The second story takes you into the main lounge area with openings facing the West overlooking the Key and a covered balcony to the East. The master and kids bedrooms are separated by a bridge with the master having the Western view to the key and its personal balcony facing the pool. View from second floor lounge looking South-East

Floorplans and Perspectives

1 23 44 556
Level 3
1 - Library space 2 - Nook 3 - Gym 4 - Adjustable louvers 5 - Sky lights
0’ 10’ 20’ 30’
6 - Wind tower A gym to the East and a library space facing the key to the West overlook the living space below. A ladder from the kid’s bedroom on the second floor takes you up to a secret nook, a place of solitude with access to its own louver control wheel. View from reading nook above child’s bedroom

Floorplans and Perspectives

1 - Sidewalk 2 - Solar Panels 3 - Wind tower 4 - Fixed skylight 5 - Adjustable skylights
3 2 4 5 1 6 5 5 0’ 10’ 20’ 30’
6 - Pool shower Rooftop

The curved rooftops help with air circulatoin throughout the building with skylights that can be opened to vent the house. A wind tower also passively ventilates the house without opening skylights with solar panels providing energy throughout the day.

View from backyard looking North-West


A 1 - Living room 2 - Kitchen 3 - Dining 4 - Bicycle storage 5 - Adjustable skylights 6 - Pool 7 - Rotating louvers 8 - Lounge 9 - Reading space 10 - Gym 14 1 7 9
Cross Section B-BLong Section A-A
Scale: 1”=12’
B 0’ 12’ 24’ 36’ 7 8 23 6 10 9
View from East balcony looking inside View from pool deck looking West View from fire pit looking South-West

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