"Biggest Wall Possibly Ever" by Nicholas Tran

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Biggest Wall Possibly Ever 2019

Nicholas Tran

Biggest Wall Possibly Ever Written for the #45miniatures project 2019 Nicholas Tran Program Note: The Trump WALL is one of the most profane examples of propaganda, exemplifying xenophobia and nationalism. This piece builds a “wall of sound,” though at the end of the piece, it should be clear that the wall has little substance—in other words, ineffective. It is just noise.

The pianist should hold the pedal down for the entire piece, only clearing it at the end. All of the harmonies are drawn from other musical sources, since Trump is incapable of original thought.

Before performance, the pianist should dramatically take out their phone and read the newest Trump tweet about the wall. Should this piece be performed after his “presidency,” then simply choose a favorite infamous tweet.

Optional: The pianist may yell Trump’s insane tweets while playing. Tweets may be real or fake.



Play notes in any order

3-5” (l.h. only)

Play notes in any order and/or as written

(l.h. only)


Whatever meter that is a good meter

The Wall is the Wall. -Trump via Twitter, Jan 18, 2018

...Remember this. Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL! -Trump via Twitter, Dec. 31, 2018

Please impeach the Baby.

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