"Substratum" by Andrew Martin Smith

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for solo piano

Andrew Andrew Martin Martin Smith Smith


Substratum for solo piano


Duration: ca. 1:15

Copyright © 2018 by Andrew Martin Smith Published by ADJ•ective New Music, LLC (ASCAP) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

PERFORMANCE NOTES While aspects of this particular composition may seem humorous, one should perform the piece with an utmost seriousness and sincerity befitting of the time in which it was created.

PROGRAM NOTE This “great, marchy waltz” was composed for Nicholas Phillips and the #45Miniatures project in December of 2018. Substratum is a mingling of musical materials taken from the national anthems of both the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America. The work is polytonal, with the pianist’s right hand written in B minor (ish) and their left hand written in B-flat major (ish). The common tone of D(onald) ties these seemingly disparate tunes together in an unsettlingly seamless way. With the future of all things being unknown to those in the present, the performer can choose to end the composition in one of two ways: they may choose to wait until America is great again before playing the final chord, or, if they deem the United States to be a continuously evolving social experiment—an imperfect system of checks and balances that is simultaneously strong and deeply flawed— they may choose to perform the final chord, or not, regardless of America’s greatness. Ultimately, this choice lies with the particular pianist and their individual perspective. After all, the United States of America is a free country...for the moment.

ABOUT THE COMPOSER Andrew Martin Smith (b. 1984, Sharon, CT) is a composer, clarinetist, and musical entrepreneur. Through his music he explores the sonic ramifications of interdisciplinary influence and inspiration, highlighting the similarities shared between seemingly disparate disciplines, artistic endeavors, and stylistic trends. His compositions have been included in contemporary music festivals and conferences throughout the United States and Europe. Smith received degrees in music from the State University of New York at Fredonia and Bowling Green State University (BGSU). His primary composition instructors have included Mikel Kuehn, Elainie Lillios, Burton Beerman, Andrea Reinkemeyer, Donald Bohlen, and Karl Boelter.

for Nicholas Phillips

Substratum #45MINIATURES

Duration: ca. 1:15

Andrew Martin Smith (b. 1984)

A great, marchy waltz (q = 88)



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Copyright © 2018 Andrew Martin Smith Published by ADJ•ective New Music, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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December 9, 2018 Fredonia, NY

* The performer may choose to wait until America is great again before playing the final chord. If the performer deems the United States to be a continuously evolving social experiment—an imperfect system of checks and balances that is simultaneously strong and deeply flawed—then they may choose to perform the final chord, or not, regardless of America's greatness. Ultimately, this choice lies with the performer. After all, the United States of America is a free country…for the moment.




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