Give and Get Involved 2021-2022

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give and get


Nichols School is a generous community with a tradition of philanthropy at its core. Steadfast support has been a significant part of the school’s history since its founding in 1892. The school is fortunate to receive gifts from parents, grandparents, alumni, friends, faculty and staff. It’s what sets us apart from most other schools. Thanks to the kindness of donors, Nichols has remained the premier independent school in Western New York. Ongoing support through donations and volunteerism illustrates a true belief in the school and its mission. Gifts to Nichols make a tremendous difference in the lives of our students – both to those attending our school today and for generations to come – and have a meaningful impact on the lives of many. When you contribute your time, resources, or talent, you become part of a long tradition of helping Nichols maintain its position as a school of excellence. The investment your family makes in the school has a tremendous impact on our ability to sustain its exceptional faculty, programs and facilities. It maintains the upkeep of our first-rate academic buildings and technology, and delivers the best resources for outstanding extracurricular programs such as athletics, arts performances, robotics and student wellness. Every gift to Nichols makes an impact.

Give and Get Involved



Why should parents

Give and Get

Parents and family members who are fully invested in the life and work of the school help create a more vibrant community and help to instill lessons of gratitude in our students. Without a doubt, students thrive when their families are involved and invested in their lives at school. The more engaged you are, the more everyone is rewarded, especially your family. The act of giving reaffirms tradition and values imparted here at Nichols, and encourages our students to grow into adults who make philanthropy a priority in their lives—and ultimately, they become alumni who understand the value of giving to their alma mater.

expectations of parents? What are the

While contributions vary, we expect that each family makes an effort to support the school at the highest level they are able. However, participation is key. As with all independent schools, Nichols does not receive local, state or federal funding, and relies on the generosity of its community to sustain it. The school was

founded through the support of benefactors, and continues to grow because of our families’ commitment to giving. We hope you will feel fully invested in the life and work of the school, and choose to contribute to The Parent Fund, a division of the Nichols Fund. The devotion and involvement of our parents makes our community special. Our goal for The Nichols Parent Fund is 100% participation each year.


Nichols School

What kinds of


are available for getting involved? Nichols School is always planning events and

entertainment, and plenty of fun. Nichols Night is

working to provide engagement opportunities

typically attended by about 350 parents, friends,

and raise much needed funds in support of

and alumni. All proceeds benefit our students’

our students. There are many ways parents can

educational experience.

get involved and support the school’s philanthropic efforts: • Volunteer for Parents’ Association events and activities • Join the Parent Fund Team • Planning the Nichols Night Auction

Nichols Night Auction

Nichols Night is successful because of the volunteer efforts of the parents in planning and implementing our major fundraiser. You can volunteer on a committee, donate a gift or be a sponsor on behalf of your company or family. There are ways for everyone to get involved! The Nichols Night Auction offers a great chance to support Nichols in a variety of ways, and it’s one of

The Nichols Night Auction takes place annually in the

the most exciting events of the year. To get involved

spring, and is the school’s major fundraising event.

in the planning or make a donation, please contact

It features silent and live auctions, great food and

the Advancement Office.


2020-2021 Financial Summary

Total Gifts

n The Nichols Fund = 1,250,015 n Endowment = 50,639 n Restricted = 23,453 n Special Events = 363,641 n Financial Aid Gifts = 677,181 n Other Gifts = 49,574 $






2020-2021 Operating Budget


n Tuition and Fees = 75% and n Gifts Fundraisers = 13%


Nichols School

n Endowment = 6% and Student n Rentals Services = 6%


n Salaries and Benefits = 60% n Facilities Maintenance and Operations = 4% Athletic n Instructional, and Student Support = 9% n Capital Expenditures = 4% and n Administration n Financial Aid = 16% Fundraising = 7%

The Nichols Fund The Nichols Fund provides unrestricted annual

The Parent Fund is a noteworthy division of the Nichols

funding that supports the student experience such

Fund. Contributions from current Nichols parents

as professional development for faculty, classroom

and family members reflects their confidence in the

resources, the arts, athletics, technology, and much

school’s mission to provide an outstanding education

more. All gifts to the Nichols Fund help ensure

to their students.

each and every student has an exceptional learning experience in the classroom, on stage and on the playing field, and in the community.

2021-2022 Nichols Fund Co-Chairs Scott Saperston ’90 P’20,’22 and Monty Pooley ’80 2021-2022 Parent Fund Leadership Team Co-Chairs Molly Boscarino P’23,’27 and Jamie Kelly P’23,’28,’28

Give and Get Involved


FAQs What is the Parent Fund? grandparents and is used to support every

What is the difference between the Nichols Fund and other types of giving?

student in every class each year.

Gifts to the Nichols Fund are spent during the fiscal

Why is participation so important?

year they are given. Gifts to the endowment are

The Parent Fund is the division of the Nichols Fund that is supported by current parents and

All gifts of every size matter. Your participation in the Parent Fund, a division of the Nichols Fund, sends a strong message about your confidence in our school and the education your children are receiving. Last year, 100% of the Board of Trustees supported the Nichols Fund. In addition, your commitment speaks volumes to prospective families, foundations and corporations who gauge their interest in supporting our school on the overall parent participation rate.

Who is asked for gifts?

invested and the interest from that investment is spent. Restricted gifts are spent on specific funds designated by the donor.

Why give to the Nichols Fund when I already pay tuition? Tuition alone does not cover the actual cost to educate each student. We rely on the generosity of our parents, alumni, faculty/staff, trustees, and the entire Nichols community to help us provide an excellent Nichols education.

parents of alumni/alumnae, grandparents, as well

Will my gift be eligible for tax deduction?

as faculty and staff.

Absolutely! Your gift to the Nichols Fund is fully

Everyone in the school community is encouraged to participate: trustees, parents, alumni/alumnae,

tax-deductible in accordance with tax laws.


Nichols School


by the numbers FUND 2020-2021 raised




100% of faculty members pursued professional development opportunities

14 30

average class size

acres of campus


robotics teams

championship-winning athletic teams


The senior class was admitted to a total of different institutions which includes some of the most selective colleges in the country




of the operating budget





student led clubs

students benefit from these funds everyday




community service opportunities

Give and Get Involved


Giving Cost of Excellence The Nichols Fund is our main source of unrestricted, flexible funds. These funds allow Nichols to address the immediate needs of our students and our school, providing resources to support success. The majority of our resources support our students, faculty, and staff. Programs, curriculum, technology, and facilities will change over time, but people remain our greatest investment.

Covering the Cost Nichols School could not operate without the assistance of current parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, parents of alumni, and friends. Tuition revenue represents 75% of the school’s annual funding. The remaining 25% must come from other philanthropic sources.


Nichols School

Give and Get Involved


Embracing Challenge

All in for our students

The student experience at Nichols is unique. From

At Nichols, ours is a collective greatness. For more

the classroom to the playing field, the Nichols

than 130 years, Nichols has benefited from a shared

community is unconditionally encouraging, instrumental

passion in the form of generous donor support and

in developing students’ character and tenacity and

investment. Now it’s our turn to create the most

opening doors to future opportunities. Founded to

exceptional experience and expand access for

prepare students for life’s challenges and opportunities,

talented students. All iN: The Campaign for Nichols

Nichols is the leader among independent schools in

School is our bold $35 million initiative to define the

Western New York and beyond.

future of our school.

While the finest education is truly a gift, it is not free.

To continue our longstanding success and to continue to build it for the century to come, we must invest in

To continue to educate our children in the Nichols

key initiatives that define our strengths, advance our

way and to encourage them to embrace challenge as

mission and enrich the student experience.

a means to discover themselves, we must embrace a challenge of our own. We must support all that Nichols has represented for more than a century, continue to

iNclude We will attract the best and brightest students and

push the highest standards of educational innovation

provide the means for them to attend Nichols and

and faculty excellence, and make the Nichols

thrive. $18,000,000 for Nichols financial aid will allow

difference available to every student with potential. We cannot do that without you.


Nichols School

us to admit qualified students without regard to the family’s financial circumstances.

Through our generous alumni, parents and friends, Nichols has maintained the Named Scholarship

iNnovate We will enhance a campus learning environment

Program to offer financial assistance to qualified

where we can fulfill our mission to educate the whole

students who might otherwise not be able to

child. $4,000,000 will continue to improve our campus

attend our school. As the cost to provide a Nichols

as a supportive learning space.

education increases, the number of students requiring scholarships to make a Nichols education possible is

The construction of our new Student Commons made

increasing as well. Therefore, it is critically important to

an immediate impact on the entire Nichols community

support this initiative.

and will have a positive effect on our academic


environment and scheduling. The construction is complete. Now, we seek financial support to provide

We will recruit, retain and support outstanding faculty

innovative learning opportunities and creative

and never lose sight of the connection between


the excellence of our teachers, the innovation of their programs and our students’ ultimate success. $7,000,000 will provide the means to keep

iNvest We will grow the Nichols Fund to ensure that

salaries competitive, present ongoing professional

Nichols is a vibrant institution and a leader among

development and foster an innovative learning

independent day schools in Western New York and

environment in and out of the classroom.

beyond. $6,000,000 will ensure that every day we can provide our students with rigorous academics

To ensure an extraordinary student experience, we

and a wholly encouraging environment.

must attract and retain talented faculty and staff and continually challenge them with ongoing learning,

The Nichols Fund impacts every aspect of school

just as we do our students. Creating endowed chairs

life and plays a crucial role in enriching the lives

and programs ensures that teachers and coaches

of our students and faculty. Gifts to the Nichols Fund

have the resources to match their passion so they

provide our most flexible and dependable source

can continue to inspire and empower our students.

of funding and support salaries, extracurriculars, financial aid, innovative programming and other vital needs. Every gift to the Nichols Fund for the duration of the Campaign will count toward our All iN goal.

For information on how you can help define the future of Nichols School please contact Leslie S. Garcia, Director of Advancement at 716.332.5163 or

Give and Get Involved


Parents’ Association Every parent is a member of the Parents’ Association.

There are many ways to get involved at Nichols.

Our Parents’ Council Mission is “To help parents

Parents may serve:

navigate and engage in the Nichols journey through

• on the Parents’ Council - Executive Council, Grade Rep or At-Large member

communication, education and community building.” We achieve this by providing opportunities for as many parents as possible to participate in different ways (forums, enrichment programs, education programs, coffees, service events, Zoom calls), and by supporting an inclusive culture, helping the transition from Middle to Upper School, strengthening communication, and team building; all while using technology to help where possible.

• on committees that help facilitate our events including our Nichols Night Auction • on the Parent Fund Leadership Team for the Nichols Fund parent campaign • as a Parent Mentor for new families • as a Parent Ambassador for admissions events • as a chaperone for field trips in the Middle School • as a Library volunteer • as a host to an international student

Parents’ Association Slate for the 2021-2022 School Year President(s) Carolyn Coppola P’22 Dede Koeppen P’23,’26

7th Grade – Class of 2027 Hillary Green P’27 Tara Manteghi P’27

Vice-President(s) JJ & Priscilla Bennett P’23,’26 Amat Fatimah P’28

8th Grade – Class of 2026 Monica Claringbould P’26 Christine Fontaneda P’26

Correspondence & Records Erica West P’23,’26

9th Grade – Class of 2025 Jessica Baird ’92 P’21,’23,’25 Carolyn Kiddy P’25,’27 Monica White P’23,’25

Ex-Officio Julie Gicewicz P’14,’15,’19,’21 5th Grade – Class of 2029 Leah Mayer P’28,‘29 Julie Plata P’22,’22,‘29 6th Grade – Class of 2028 Jamie Kelly P’23,’28,‘28 Marianne Lagutaine P’24,‘28 14

Nichols School

10th Grade – Class of 2024 Michelle DiTondo P’23,’24 Margaretta Hamilton P’24 11th Grade – Class of 2023 Shannon Martin P’23,’25 Lisa Stapleton P’23

12th Grade – Class of 2022 Terri Rich P’21,’22,‘23 Darcy Zacher ’88 P’12,’13,’20,’22,‘22 At-Large Molly Boscarino P’23,’27 Cheri Carter P’24,‘26 Carmen Fors ’92 P’19,’22,’22,’25 Rima Khan P ’21,’24,‘26 Lisa Gelman-Koessler ’93 P‘26 Kirsten Maidment P’22,‘24 Leah Mills P’28 Dawn Ryan P’23 Lillie Wiley-Upshaw P’21,’23 Danessia Scott-Warren P’19,’19,’22,‘24 Continuing At-Large Brenda Ricotta P’21,‘24 Sharon Suchak P’25,‘29 Sarah Draper-Washington ’08 P’26

Ways to Give • Online/Credit Card – To make a gift online, visit • Venmo – Find us on Venmo @NicholsSchool. • Checks or pledge forms can be mailed to Advancement Office, Nichols School, 1250 Amherst Street, Buffalo, New York 14216. • Gifts of Stock – Contact your broker to make an electronic gift using the following delivery instructions: Affleure Financial Account Name – Nichols School Account # – HDQ-348848 DTC# 0226 Account Custodian: National Financial Services Broker/Dealer Commomwealth Financial Network Contact Tarik Kawi 716.881.9000

• Contact – If you would like to learn more about philanthropy at Nichols School or discuss how to make a gift, please contact: Leslie S. Garcia Director of Advancement Ph. 716.332.5163 Sara Wiese Assistant Director of Advancement Events & Marketing Ph: 716.332.5175 Stephanie Angelakos Parents’ Association Liaison Ph. 716.332.5154 All gifts to Nichols School are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID/EIN: 16-0755808

We welcome and encourage your participation. NICHOLS SCHOOL 1 2 5 0 A M H E R S T S T. , B U F F A L O , N Y 1 4 2 1 6 716.332.5151 A D VA N C E M E N T @ N I C H O L S S C H O O L . O R G W W W. N I C H O L S S C H O O L . O R G

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