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Educat i on may13’ Bachel orofAr chi t ect ur e[ ] SchoolofAr chi t ect ur e [ Col l egeofEngi neer i ng,Ar chi t ect ur eandTechnol ogy] Okl ahomaSt at eUni ver si t y

Pr of essi onalExper i ence

may aug11’ _decj an11’ McFar l andAr chi t ect s[ ] Tul sa,Okl ahoma [ I nt er nAr chi t ect ] schemat i cdesi gn,desi gndevel opment , const r uct i onadmi ni st r at i on,of ficeadmi ni st r at i on j anmay13’ St udi oTeachi ngAssi st ant[ ] Okl ahomaSt at eUni ver si t y [ fir styearst udi odesi gni nst r uct or ] sect i onsuper vi si on,desi gncr i t i ques,r esear ch, figur egr ound,pr opor t i on,conceptdesi gn

Pr ofici enci es

Desi gn [ i deat i on,pr obl em sol vi ng,t eam wor k] Gr aphi cRepr esent at i on [ i nk,penci l ,col ormar ker s,wat er col our s] Di gi t alRepr esent at i on [ phot oshop,r hi nocer os,r evi t ,aut ocad]

Ref er ences

Conni eMcFar l and[ Fi r m Pr i nci pal ] McFar l andAr chi t ect s 9east4t hstSui t e500 918. 749. 8100 MohammedBi l bei si[ Facul t y] Okl ahomaSt at eUni ver si t y 101Ar chi t ect ur eBl dg 405. 744. 6043 Jef f r eyWi l l i ams[ Facul t y] Okl ahomaSt at eUni ver si t y 101Ar chi t ect ur eBl dg 405. 744. 6043 Ni ck. For t hman@Oks t at e. edu 918. 281. 9119 10814For es tLakeDr . Sapul paOkl ahoma74066

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