Starry dog Books - samples

Page 1

Single letter sounds a g t c m s

Single letter sounds a g t c m s p b f i u

r, p, b f, i, u v, y z, j, n e

Rearrange the letters on the left to make words.

Write the words in the blocks on the right. The first one is done for you.

t r a g f i t b a p m a i b t r g a p t a m r a g b a p a c

r a t

Number lines

Colour by numbers

Single letter sounds a g t c m s, r p b f i u

Say the sounds for these letters: v, y, z , n, e r p b f , u a g t c m s

Say the sound for each letter on the racetrack from start to finish. If you make a mistake, go back and start again. How fast can you go? start

b b

p p p


f f

v y n z e r m m

u u

e e

a a

n n

g g

t t

z z

c c

r r v

v y y

s s

Single letter sounds a g t c m s p b f i u, v, y, z, j, n, e

v, y, z, j, n, e o, l, h, d, w, k

Blend the sounds to make words, then circle the real word in each pair. jaguar / japuar jet / jec yarz / yarn nyt / nut zigzag / zigyag jumz / jump juice / juize vap / van zebra / zebja egj / egg nurse / nyrse ear / eav

Say the sound for each letter, then say a word that starts with that sound. How many did you get?

Subtraction wheels Missing numbers

11 10
score /24 12 13 p b t s d
z y u e
i k
h f
r g l a c n w v m
34 35
Use the number line to help you. Colour in the cat by doing the sums. The numbers in the colour key are the answers to the sums. 1 2 4 3 5 20 – 2 = 18 start 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 2 6 9 10 19 – 10 = 18 – 9 = 13 – 8 = 17 – 2 = 20 – 13 = 11 – 5 = 14 – 5 = 16 – 1 = 6 6 – 1 5 – 0 5 – 1 5 – 1 4 – 3 4 – 3 5 – 0 5 – 0 5 – 2 5 – 2 5 – 2 5 – 1 5 – 1 6 – 2 5 – 1 5 – 1 5 – 2 6 – 0 6 – 0 6 – 1 6 – 0 6 – 0 36 37 10 14 9 8 18 15 13 7 17 - 4 12 9 19 8 15 17 14 10 - 8 12 16 17 13 11 8 14 9 - 5 14 15 9 12 8 7 10 6 - 6 20 13 18 16 15 14 17 19 - 9 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - 7
Jumping backwards along a number line is an easy way to subtract. Jump once for every number you want to take away.
reach her nest by answering the sums.
20 – = 15 8 – = 4 50 – = 40 25 – = 11 48 – = 23 19 – = 16 The squirrel has hidden some numbers. Help him complete the sums by filling in the missing numbers. Subtract the middle number from the numbers around it. Write the answers in the gaps on the petals. Upper case letters Missing capitals Trace the upper case (capital) letters of the alphabet in order. Fill in the missing capital letters in order. Names of people and places start with a capital letter. Write your first name on the lines. A G B H C I D J E K F L M S X N T Y O U Z P V Q W R A B J N V R 24 25
consonants The black letters are consonants. Trace the beginning consonants. When I was at the beach I saw a... d og c oat k ite h at l og j ellyfish s eal b oat c rab w hale f ish a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z bone 34 35 Fill in the missing ending consonants to complete the words. m at n et p ebble r ock t owel eg foo bab cla hea ar T-re tai ski
Numbers and Maths
Phonics and Reading Writing and Spelling Workbooks - 64pp
Big Fun Activity Book - 72pp 4 ab c defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz c start start C C C c c c c ot c an c ar c rab c oat c ube Circle six things that begin with c 5 abc d efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz d p b d d b a p c d a d b d c a d D D D d d d d og d ot d ress d eer d oor d rum Help the dragon find the d Circle each letter d 27 Vowels and consonants Vowels Consonants Hint n s i e a o u r d Write a V next to letters that show vowel sounds. Write a C next to letters that show consonant sounds. your mouth is fairly open, it’s a vowel sound. your mouth is fairly closed, it’s a consonant sound. b c d f g h k l m n p q r s t v w x y z a e o u 28 Short words p g b n p p t b g b g ut c b pa f n ug co Write the missing letter. 31 My day – lunchtime Help the tomato find the pizza. Circle the thing that your lunch is cooked in. Draw what you like to eat for lunch 32 My day – afternoon The afternoon comes after the morning. Draw a line from the word to the afternoon activity. Match these afternoon activities to the pictures. afternoon I play with my toys I watch TV I have a nap My feelings 40 How do you feel today ? Tick the boxes. happy angry scared confused excited surprised sad bored tired 41 Draw what happened to make you feel that way. Circle what you like to do when feelings get too much. You can circle more than one. Go outside and move around. Ask for a hug. Tell someone how you feel. Take deep breaths. Helping out around the home makes it a nice place to live. Draw lines to match each thing to where it belongs. Draw a toy you might put away in the toy box. Helping out 45 Draw lines to match the pictures to the people who can help. Help the boy get to the person who can help him. There are rules to help you stay safe Sometimes symbols are used to show rules. People can help you stay safe and healthy. Staying safe 47 60 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 12 twelve twelve 12 12 12 Trace and copy. Circle the number 12 hidden in the picture. start twelve 64 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 sixteen sixteen sixteen 16 16 16 Trace and copy. start Help the pirate find 16 gold coins. A-Z Vowels and consonants My day Feelings Wellbeing Counting

Reading and Phonics

Numbers and Maths

Writing and Spelling

Q Q q q q ueen q uilt q uack

This is one quarter.

R R r r

r q

q uestion q uiet q uick

r ing r abbit r ug

? 4

fou r sta r dee r

Trace the words that begin with r


rocket rainbow

Find and circle these words in the grid.

r o b o t p r a t r r o b i n t q r a m x r i c e s t t

abcdefghijklmnop q rstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopq r stuvwxyz

s ea s ock s eal

Trace the picture and the s


T T t t

bu s dre ss hor s e

t ree t op t eddy

Trace the letter t

ha t ba t ca t

Which one wins the race – the truck, the train or the tractor?

Tom and t eddy have t ea.



Draw a line from the letter to the words that start with s s nake

S S s s start swing tiger

abcdefghijklmnopqr s tuvwxyz

2nd 1st 3rd

abcdefghijklmnopqrs t uvwxyz

Write and Wipe Activity Book - 24pp x3 titles Beginning Letters (consonants) Trace the beginning letter. Then match the word to the animal that makes the sound. Trace the beginning letter of each word. n p q r s n p q r s s queak r oar q uack n et p ig s un Trace the beginning letter of each word. t v w x y z t v w x y z t ap v an x -ray Draw a line to match each word to its beginning letter. Yacht rhymes with hot. Trace the yacht. web top zip t z w Ending Letters (consonants) picni c el f mu g Say what each picture is out loud. Then draw a line to the correct ending letter. Trace the ending letter. b c d f g k l m b c d f g k l m n p r s t w x y z n p r s t w x y z Write the correct ending letter for the clothes. Trace the ending letter. pe n Jazz is a style of music. Trace the two z letters. ca bo boo dres ja zz to y ca r p l g m d b k f Middle Letters (short vowel sounds) h a t b e d b i b p o t b u n Trace the middle letters. They make a short vowel sound. a e i o u a e i o u Write the missing short vowels in the gaps. c p b n fr g dr m v t Say what the picture is out loud. Then circle the short middle sound. Trace the middle letters. Then match the words to the pictures. r e d h u g d i g p a n e a u o e 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 13 13 thirteen thirteen Circle 13 stick insects hiding in the leaves. thirteen Trace and copy. start fourteen fourteen 14 14 14 Trace and copy. Help the pirate sort the 14 jewels. How many green jewels are there? How many red jewels are there? fourteen start Green Red 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 5 5 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 + = + fifteen fifteen 15 15 15 Trace and copy. Trace 5 slices of salami on each pizza. How many slices are there altogether? fifteen start start sixteen sixteen sixteen 16 16 16 Trace and copy. Help the dinosaur cross the swamp. Draw a line from 0 to 16 start 2 0 3 5 6 7 10 9 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 17 17 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 17 20 14 17 15 16 11 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 seventeen 17 seventeen 17 seventeen Circle each number 17 Count the wheels. How many more wheels do you need to make 18? + = Trace the number and word. start 18 eighteen 18 eighteen Trace the number and word. Help the monkey find 18 bananas. eighteen p o abcdefghijklmno p qrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmn o pqrstuvwxyz o ven o ctopus o wl f o x c o t m o p Trace the letter o then match the words to the pictures. Help the octopus find the ocean. O O o o o strich o tter o wl parrot
/ carrot ink pink
/ cot hen / pen
Trace the pig and the p p
Circle the words that start with p
P P p p
ig p ie p in
p oon
p ig
rice robin ram rat robot
in three quarters of the circle.
the queen.

Activity pads - 96pp x2 titles

Colouring and activity books

Fun Maths

Fun Writing and Spelling

Toilet Time for Girls

Series cover style Sticker sheet for use on poster

Sticker poster

Time for Boys Toilet Time - 16pp x2 titles Babies wear nappies. Nappies are wet and smelly. But, look at me! I am a BIG boy. I wear underpants. This is my toilet. It is for BIG boys. can pull down my underpants all by myself! Rebecca Gilmour, Toilet Time Toilet Time Toilet Time Board Book: Boys As your child’s first and most important teacher, you can play key role in laying the foundation for successful future. Tap into your child’s natural curiosity with the Junior Explorers® series and start your child’s early learning journey. With its focus on the core learning areas of literacy and numeracy, and the broader learning areas of life skills and emotional intelligence, Junior Explorers® will help your child become school-ready and life-ready! Parent tips Explore the Toilet Time Board Book: Boys with your child to help them learn the important steps using the toilet independently. Exploring the Toilet Time Board Book: Boys As you read each page with your child, invite him to tell you in his own words what the page is about. Ask questions as you go, such as Why do you think the boy washed his hands when he finished? to help your child understand the toileting process. Practise some of the basic skills from the book with your child, such as pulling underwear down and up to build confidence. Exploring some more! Talk with your child about what he will say when he needs go the toilet and initially schedule some regular toilet times to minimise the Take time teach your child how to wash his hands properly. Show him how to wet his hands first and then to count slowly to 20, once soap has been added. Talk about why you need make sure you wash every part your hands, including between your fingers. Make poster together and put the bathroom to prompt your child to follow the steps order. 2 + AGE 2 + AGE Motorskills Speaking EX ORE OG HER y y g u n hinkler explore it’s curious global curious universe explore But, look at me! am a BIG girl. wear underwear. Babies wear nappies. Nappies are wet and smelly. This is my toilet. It is for BIG girls. I can pull down my underwear all by myself! Richmond Hill Psychology, Images Hinkler Books Pty Ltd hinkler explore universe hinkler explore hinkler global Hinkler Pty 2023 Parent tips Explore the Toilet Time Board Book: Girls with your child help them learn the important steps in using the toilet independently. Exploring the Toilet Time Board Book: Girls As you read each page with your child, invite her to tell you her own words what the page is about. Ask questions as you go, such as Why do you think the girl washed her hands when she finished? help your child understand the toileting process. from the book with your child, such as pulling underwear down and up to build confidence. Exploring some more! Talk with your child about what she will say when she needs to go to the toilet and initially schedule some regular toilet times to minimise the risk accidents. Take time to teach your child how wash her hands properly. Show her how wet her hands first and then to count slowly 20, once soap has been added. Talk about why you need to make sure you wash every part of your hands, including in between your fingers. Make a poster together and put in the bathroom prompt your child to follow the steps in order. Toilet Time Board Book: Girls As your child’s first and most important teacher, you can play a key role in laying the foundation for successful future. Tap into your child’s natural curiosity with the Junior Explorers® series and start your child’s early learning journey. With its focus on the core learning areas of literacy and numeracy, and the broader learning areas life skills and emotional intelligence, Junior Explorers® will help your child become school-ready and life-ready! Toilet Time Toilet Time 2 + AGE u n y 2 + AGE Coordination Speaking EXP RE TOGE HER CM K
Series cover style Sticker sheet for use on poster Sticker poster

First Learning Library

8x 10pp titles

Titles: ABC





In The Garden



Aa apple Bb bird Dd deer Cc carrot Ee envelope monkey zebra bath
Numbers Numbers
bath toy socks shoes
plants snail train doll’s house Front cover style All 8 back covers make up a scene when placed together Packaging for 8 titles

Phonics, slide and reveal flashcard packs

x2 titles, 16 cards per pack

Slip box packaging for the cards

My Year of Questions - 144pp

365 activities forCURIOUS BE CREATIVE EVERY DAY Start out on an adventure of self-discovery by asking yourself some of life’s big (and small) questions! This super fun drawing and writing journal has a thought-provoking question for every single day of the year. Imagine how animals think, tackle famous philosophical questions, define your style... plus hundreds more activities to get you thinking, sketching, and writing for the next 365 days. What are you waiting for? It’s time to ask, reflect, and create! C AT VICKY EGAN & CHARLOTTE FARMER
Hairstyles and Dreamcatcher
books - 32pp
Hairstyles (we also did the styling and photography for this title) Dreamcatchers (we also did the model-making and photography for this title)


Keep your painting skills sharp by painting this pointy cactus! 1. Choose a rock and paint it all over with base coat of two or more layers of light blue. 2. Use pencil to draw the outline of the cactus and pot shape. Include the heart feature on top. Paint the shape with two coats of white paint. 3. Paint the cactus pot purple with lilac band around the top. Paint the cactus light green. Paint the heart shape bright pink. Then use your pencil to draw heart on the pot and paint it bright pink. Apply two or more coats of each colour. Prickly Project You Will Need • Rock Pencil and eraser • Paints: light blue, white, light green, purple, lilac and bright pink (see colour mixing on page 8) • Black paint pen Paintbrush • Protective finish (optional) 6. Use your paint pen to add thin black outline around all the shapes. 5. Use your pencil to add the cute, happy facial features of oval eyes, tiny nose and mouth. Use your paint pen to make the eyes black and add little eyelashes. Then use pencil to add two small, reflective round shapes to the eyes. Apply two or more coats of white paint. 4. Use your pencil to sketch on the four curved lines that define the cactus sections, as shown. Go over the lines with your black paint pen. 26 27 fingers on the prickles! Great job but mind your You Will Need Rock • Pencil and eraser Paints: light blue, white, light pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple (see colour mixing on page 8) • Black paint pen Paintbrush • Protective finish (optional) You’ll love painting a rainbow array of colours on this rock. A-lotl! 1. Choose rock and paint it all over in base coat of light blue. Apply two or more coats. 2. Use a pencil to draw on the outline of the axolotl, including its gill shapes. Paint the body and gills with two or more coats of white paint. 3. Paint the body of your axolotl, and the six triangular shapes that connect to the gills, with two or more coats of light pink, as shown. Adorable Axolotl 7. Use bright pink paint and the tip of your brush (or a toothpick) to add thin, short prickles all over the cactus, as shown. This completes your cute cactus rock! HandyHint To make super-thin lines more easilyusing a brush,try dippingyourpaintbrush in waterand then straight into a small drop ofpaint.Mix it thoroughlyuntil the texture is creamy– not liquid.This will make the brush tip more pointed and the paint glide more smoothly. 29 28 You Will Need Clay 60 g (2.2 oz) – about the size of a ping pong ball • Clay tools Rolling tool • Paint: white, yellow, pink, blue, green, orange, magenta • Paintbrushes • Baking paper ‘Glaze’ substitute Petal Picture Stand This picture-perfect petal picture stand is a great place to display your favourite snaps! 1. Divide your clay into two balls. Refer to the image for the proportions. 2. Using your hands and fingers, gently press the larger piece of clay into flat disc shape about 1.5 cm (0.6 in) thick. Push it into semicircle shape. Make the back flat and the front more rounded. 3. Using a cutting tool, mark where your photo will sit with straight line, and gently cut down about halfway to the bottom of your clay. Gently angle your cut so that your photo will lean back slightly in the holder. Use your tool to push the clay in the cut aside. Then with your fingers and a sponge, gently smooth the surface. 4. Take the smaller ball of clay and roll it out flat to about 0.5 cm (0.2 in) thick. Using a sharp tool, lightly sketch a small semicircle on the clay – this will be the centre of your flower – and five teardrop petal shapes. Make sure the shapes will fit on your picture stand. Cut them out and smooth the edges of each piece. 12 13 5. Take the picture holder, and using a sharp tool, lightly score where the flower pieces will attach. Then score the back side of each flower piece. 6. Use a brush to apply some slip to the scored area on the picture holder, then gently push each piece of the flower into place, scored sides together, welding and smoothing as you go. 7. Gently smooth the surface of your entire picture holder. Use a piece of paper or cardboard to check that your picture cut is deep enough and at a good angle to best display your happy snap! Then leave the clay to dry completely for 24 to 48 hours. 8. Once the clay is dry, paint it with thin coat of white paint as a base coat. Then paint the middle of the flower yellow and 1 petal each in pink, blue, orange, green and magenta. Apply 1-2 coats of paint as needed. Top it off with a layer of ‘glaze’ (see page 7). Your picture-perfect Petal Pi c t u re Stand is ready to display your perfe c t picture 1. Divide your clay into two balls. Refer to the image for the proportions. 2. Roll your larger ball of clay into flat disc shape about 1.5 cm (0.6 in) thick. Use your fingers to push it into a circle shape. Cut away any excess clay if needed. 3. Use your fingers to gently press into the clay to create a lip around the edge of the dish. With your fingers, gently push and pull the dish into a rounded but slightly wonky, organic shape. Smooth and shape the edge of the lip as you work. 4. Take your smaller ball of clay and divide it into three smaller balls, with one slightly larger than the others. Cut each piece in two as shown, so each ball has one larger and one smaller piece. 14 You Will Need • Clay 180 g (6.4 oz) – about the size of a small apple Clay tools • Rolling tool Paint: white, yellow, pink, blue, green, orange • Paintbrushes Baking paper • ‘Glaze’ substitute • Strong adhesive glue
Trinket Tray This magical trinket tray is the perfect place to keep your special treasures! 5. Take the smaller pieces and squash and roll them into toadstool stalk shapes. Then take the larger pieces and gently roll and shape them into toadstool caps (see the picture for shapes and sizes). Use a sharp tool to score the bottoms of the caps and the tops of the stalks. Apply slip, then press the pieces together. 6. Gently smooth the surfaces of your wonky dish and all the toadstools. Place the toadstools on the dish to check that there is flat area for them to attach to. Adjust your dish if needed. Then remove the toadstools and leave the dish and toadstools to dry for 24 to 48 hours. 7. Once the clay is dry, paint the tray and toadstools with white base coat. Then paint the dish light green. Paint your toadstools pink, blue and yellow. Apply 1-2 coats of paint as needed. Add small leaves and flowers to the tray in dark green, pink and orange, and put a white dot in the centre of each flower. Add white spots to the toadstools. Apply a ‘glaze’ (see page 7), then use strong adhesive to glue each toadstool to the tray. 15 Yay! Your magical Toadstoo l Trinket Tray is readyto store all you r treasures! WITH KIT MAKE ME ZestyEarringsLemon You Will Need • Greaseproof paper Acrylic rolling pin Conditioned clay, yellow 3 g (0.11 oz), green 3 g (0.11 oz) 2 x 2 mm (0.08 in) thick craft stick guides • Scissors Non-serrated knife • Small, circular cutter (optional) Needle tool or toothpick 2 x earring posts • 2 x cm (0.4 in) jump rings 2 x jewellery pliers 1. Cover your work surface with greaseproof paper. 2. Weigh out g of yellow clay. Using an acrylic rolling pin and your mm (0.08 in) guides (see page 9), roll the yellow clay flat. Keep flipping the clay as you roll to stop it sticking to your surface. To make the lemons 3. With scissors, cut two lemon shapes out of greaseproof paper. These are your templates. They should be approx 3 cm (1.2 in) long 1.5 cm (0.6 in) wide. Lay the templates on top of the yellow clay. 4. Using a non-serrated knife, cut around the templates and remove any excess clay. 5. Repeat step with g (0.04 oz) of green clay. Then cut out two small leaf shapes from the rolled clay. You can either use a knife to do this, or you can place a small, circular cutter on the edge of your disc of clay and push down, as shown. Keep the scraps for step 8. When life gives you lemons, make earrings of course! Add a refreshing burst to your outfit with these fun and fruity earrings. To make the studs Easy peasy!YourZesty Lemon Earringsareready to wear! 13 12 6. Roll two 1 g (0.04 oz) pieces of green clay into balls. Press them into flat discs about 3 mm (0.04 in) thick. 7. Using needle tool or toothpick, add one hole to each of the four pieces (see page 10). Use the same tool to add some surface dots to create lemon skin texture. 8. Push the earring posts through the green discs and cover the flat section of the post with scraps of green clay from step to secure. 9. Bake all the pieces for 45 minutes at 140 °C (284 °F) (see page 8). 10. Once the pieces have baked and cooled, use pliers to open jump ring (see page 11). Thread on the pieces as shown, then close the jump ring. Repeat with the second jump ring. Handy Hint When creating the green discs, to stop your fingerprints embossing the clay, use small piece of greaseproof paper between your finger and the clay. WITH KIT MAKE ME 9. Push an eye loop pin into the centre of the icing. Gently press some colourful polymer clay sprinkles into the icing to finish. Bake for 45 minutes at 140 °C (284 °F) (see page 8). 10. Once the cake has baked and cooled, use jump ring to connect the eye loop to the bag charm ring (see page 11). 14 15 You Will Need Greaseproof paper • Conditioned clay, white 11 g (0.38 oz), purple 6 g (0.21 oz) • Acrylic rolling pin • 2 x 2 mm (0.08 in) thick craft stick guides • Ruler Non-serrated knife • x eye loop pin • Polymer clay sprinkles 1 x jump ring • 1 x bag charm ring • 2 x jewellery pliers Tweezers (optional) Crafty Cupcake Bag Charm Every time you see this delicious cupcake bag charm, it will remind you to embrace life’s little indulgences. After all, ‘life is what you bake it!’ 1. Cover your work surface with greaseproof paper. 2. Weigh out 6 (0.21 oz) of white clay and roll it into ball. Use your finger to flatten the ball slightly into an approx 1.5 cm (0.6 in) wide disc. Put in the oven to bake for 15 mins at 140 °C (284 °F). 3. Using an acrylic rolling pin, roll the purple clay into flat, oblong shape slightly longer than 4.7 cm (1.8 in) long. Use your 2 mm (0.08 in) guides (see page 9) to get an even thickness. Keep flipping the clay as you roll to stop it sticking. 4. Create a foldedpaper texture by repeatedly pressing the edge of a craft stick into the clay, as shown. 5. Once the white cake has baked and cooled, measure its height and circumference and cut greaseproof paper template for the ‘paper’ case. Put the template on the purple clay. Trim the clay to the size of the template. 6. Carefully wrap the purple case around the white base. 7. Weigh out 5 (0.18 oz) of white clay. Use your hand to roll it on the greaseproofed work surface until it is an even 10 cm (3.9 in) long snake shape. 8. With your finger, lightly roll one end to make it pointed and use knife to cut the opposite end on diagonal. Place the diagonal end inside the cupcake next to the join in the purple case. Then begin to coil the icing around into a neat spiral. Handy Hint Use tweezers to add the sprinkles. Tweezers make the sprinkles easier to pick up and accurately place on the icing. Attachthecupcakecharm to your bag! So swe e t !
Rock Painting Air Dry Pottery
Clay Jewellery
Project/activity books - 32pp

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