Background: MAG Group is one of the most prominent group of companies in the Middle East region. With over 2,000 employees spread across multiple business interests in various sectors from real estate, industrial, commercial to services. With the growth of social media, majority of businesses are taking advantage of this new medium to engage with their employees, customers/clients, business partners, government institutions, news media and the general public. For an organization/company to be modern, it should be active in the various social media forms: Network
Contact to stakeholders on a personal/friendly level
Contact to stakeholders on a professional level / Used for high quality recruitment For quick updates to stakeholders
Currently, MAG Group has very limited social media presence as evidenced by the table below: Channel/Network Facebook LinkedIn Twitter
Number of Followers/Likes 73 Likes (No Official Account) 40 Followers (No Account)
Objectives: 1. Portray MAG Group as a modern company by creating, enhancing or increasing social media presence through effective and efficient engagement with its various stakeholders (employees, customers/clients, business and government partners, news media) using the available Social Media channels. 2. Have a unified approach among various social media platforms to remove the possibility of confusion and wrong information provided to the public.
Overall Process: Planning Phase: >> Planning and set-up of necessary social media structure and goals. 1. Social Media Team/Committee – In-charge of anything related to social media. Internally selected (ideally 1 representative from each MAG Group company). 2. Support Group – Legal, I.T., Human Resource, Management 3. Goals – Achievable and realistic measures of success for the social media team/committee. 4. Social Media Playbook/Concepts – Set of guidelines on how to engage in social media. This will also allow for a unified approach among the various social media platforms.
Foundation Phase: >> Creation of Social Media Accounts/Profile based on concepts formulated in the Planning Phase. >> Invitation to MAG Group employees. Build-Up Phase: >> Start of engagement with followers/subscribers, social feeds. >> Connecting with relevant contacts (industry leaders, business/government partners, Media contacts, etc.) Special Campaign Phase: >> For major increase in the number of social media contact and significantly improve awareness amongst public and media. Maintenance Phase: >> Monitoring and Improvement of Social Engagement if necessary.
As of April 30, 2013 Nick Anthony F. Cuntapay
FOUNDATION PHASE (Internal) (Creation of Social Media Profile/Image)
Re-create MAG Group Facebook Page (New Look) Request Transfer of current account
Approval and Support from Top Management
BUILD-UP PHASE (Engagement with Social Contacts)
Monitor/Track Industry for useful insights on what to post > Partners > Competitors
Research on Interesting Topics First Facebook Posting
Internal invites to MAG Group Employees (Emails) Target: 500 likes
> Industry News > Everyday Life
Update Status/Answer Questions/Share Posts
SPECIAL CAMPAIGN PHASE (Increase Awareness and Presence)
Develop Facebook Campaign (with a Social Media Agency) > Increase "Likes" > Increase Awareness
Implement Campaign Target: 1,000+ new likes
MAINTENANCE PHASE (Monitoring and Improvement)
Monitoring/Research of Industry, Competitors and Partners > Topics to Post > News > Other Information
Posting Updates, Sharing of Links Minimum 5 post per week
Subscriber/Fan Engagement Evaluate Campaign
Minimum 3 post per week
Regular Review of Social Media Health > Monthly Meeting of Social Team
Establishment of Social Media Team/ Council In-Charge for All Social Media Related Activities
Creation of Twitter Account
Monitor/Track Industry for useful insights on what to tweet
Monitoring/Research of Industry, Competitors and Partners > Topics to Post > News/Events > Other Information
Research on Relevant Topics/Trends Initial Twitter Posting
Kick-Off Meeting for Social Media Team/Council Definition of Roles and Responsibilities
Posting Updates, Sharing of Links Minimum 3
Tweet/Answer Tweets Internal invites to MAG Group Employees (Emails)
Follower/Fan Engagement
Minimum 2 tweets per week
Target: 250 followers
Regular Review of Social Media Health
Follow/Track Relevant Users
Creation of new MAG Group Profile
Creation of Social Media Playbook/Rulebook Guidelines for Social Media Interactions Concepts on Social Feeds (What to Post)
Request Deletion or Transfer of current account
Edit Profile as needed > News > Announcements
Internal invites to MAG Group Employees (Emails) Target: 100 Followers
> Monthly Meeting of Social Team
Develop LinkedIn Awareness Campaign (with Social Media Agency) > Increase Awareness amongst business people
Implement Campaign
Monitoring/Research of Industry, Competitors and Partners > Topics to Post > News/Events > Other Information
Posting Updates, Sharing of Links
Search and Connect > Business Partners > Former Employees > Partner Agencies
Evaluate Campaign
Involve Mr. Moafaq?
Regular Review of Social Media Health > Monthly Meeting of Social Team