Nickel Belt News
Volume 57 Number 15
Friday, April 14, 2017
Thompson, Manitoba
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We look forward to serving you. Ϳͷ-A Kelsey Bay Thompson, MB R;N ͷS Ph: Ͷͺ-ͽͽ;-ͽͶͺ; Fax: Ͷͺ-ͽͽ;-ͽͷͺ
“There was once a town in the heart of [Manitoba] where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous [forests] … the countryside was, in fact, famous for the abundance and variety of its [small mammals] … then a strange[1,000-kilometre long and 100-metre wide transect right-of-way cut through] the area and everything began to change. Everywhere was a [perspective] of death. There was a strange stillness. The [small mammals] – where had they gone? Many people spoke of them, puzzled and disturbed … only silence lay over the [transects … and the minds of the NRMT students]”. The above excerpt was paraphrased from the first chapter - “A Fable for Tomorrow” - in Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, a book my wildlife management instructor lent to me some time ago with the intention of solidifying my humility and wonder regarding the nature of science and my interest in natural resources conservation. As our term assignments end, it is proving to be one of his most lasting contributions to my education. Rachel Carson’s 1962 publication captured national sentiment while touching off debates about the responsibility of science for each of us. She deliber-
ately wrote for the public rather than for a narrow scientific audience and she remains an example of what one committed individual can do to change the direction of society. In reading Silent Spring, I too felt a need to report on, and interpret, my research experience here at University College of the North (UCN) while enrolled in the Natural Resources Management Technology (NRMT) program. One research project my class participated in this past year was a small mammal (less than 30 grams) biodiversity survey which included shrews and voles. Shrews are one of the world’s few venomous mammals with an ability to eat its own weight each day to fuel a heart that beats 760 times a minute – 10 times faster than ours! And voles are amazingly effective in the control of sawflies on the honeycombed forest floor (leaving only four-toed front footprints in contrast to the five-toed shrews) as they consume about 200 cocoons per day that live within the spongy soil of the forest floor! Unfortunately, a contemporary concern in Northern Manitoba (and UCN’s service area) includes habitat fragmentation and the alteration of environments essential for small mammals which effectively control insects, support forest sustainability, fur production economies, and northern living cultures. An estimated 100 square kilometres of boreal forest in this provincial expanse is presently being altered to create high voltage direct
50 Selkirk - Thompson Plaza
current (HVDC) right-ofway power line corridors. Consequently, investigating small mammal abundance permitted me the opportunity to examine my assumptions and perceptions as to how well these small mammals are using the environments available to them. A century of small mammal species research has generated countless hypotheses and vigorous debates concerning accurate determinations of population estimates directly related to environmental habitat alterations and species interactions. Hence, by examining abundance estimates from northern field collections and place-based methodologies, local judgments can be made as to how well small mammals are adjusting to regional
Nickel Belt News photos courtesy of Kirsten LeBlanc environmental modifications. This concern is particularly relevant regarding interactions and natural resource-related development in northern Manitoba
as trapping of furbearers is regionally prevalent (Manitoba Conservation, 2017). To determine affect, a simple sampling design and catch per unit effort utilized
two identical one-hectare grids in a similar geographic region during the same September five-day period. Additionally, we Continued on Page 8
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Nickel Belt News •
Friday, April 14, 2017
Numerous junior miners active in the Snow Lake area Four junior miners were either drilling, thinking about drilling, or finishing up drilling in the Snow Lake area as the calendar flipped from March to April 2017. An endorsement to the diversity of the Snow Lake Camp, the variety of minerals (Ni, Au, Cu, Zn, Co, Li) these companies search for greatly contrasts the proximity of the deposits within the camp. All four properties are situated in a 20-mile radius of the Town of Snow Lake. Firstly, in a March 6 release, Wolfden Resources Corporation announced favourable initial results from their winter drilling program, which began in early February on the Company’s 100 per cent-owned Rice Island property. The property encompasses 26 square kilometres and is located 10 kilometres southsoutheast of the Town of Snow Lake. Wolfden advised the drill program has successfully extended nickel-copper-cobalt mineralization within a recently discovered feeder structure, contiguous to the historic Rice Island deposit. “Specifically, the first four (4) drill holes tested a prominent electromagnetic conductor at shallow depth, believed to be reflecting mineralization located to the southwest of the known deposit, in an area where there had been no historical drilling,” the company’s release read. “All four of the drill holes intersected significant nickel-copper-cobalt mineralization highlighted by hole RI-17-30, yielding an intercept of 2.24% Nickel, 1.42% Copper and 0.10% Cobalt over 8.30 metres.” The company says that
My Take on Snow Lake Marc Jackson this new zone of mineralization, known as the Boundary Zone, is interpreted to be a feeder dike or conduit. Further advising that conduits are an important component within magmatic Ni-Cu-Co mineralizing systems and on their own can be hosts to economic deposits. The Boundary Zone remains completely open along strike to the southwest and to depth. “The remainder of the winter drilling program will test a series of conductors believed to be related to the Boundary Zone that continue for at least 700 metres to the southwest of drilling completed to date,” the company says. “Additional drilling will be completed on a series of strong conductors underlying the New Lower Zone on Rice Island.” Previous drilling completed by Wolfden on this zone returned intercepts of up to 2.32 per cent Ni, 1/29 per cent Cu and 0.16 per cent Co over 21.1 metres as well as 3.97 per cent Ni, 0.95 per cent Cu and 0.18 per cent Co over 4.60 metres; it also remains open at depth. Additional drill results will be reported as they become available. Next, on March 17, Copper Reef Mining Corporation announced they had mobilized a drill to their North Star-Gold Rock prop-
Faculty of Social Work
Northern Social Work Program The University of Manitoba, Faculty of Social Work at Thompson has EXTENDED the date for accepting applications to the Northern Social Work Program. The deadline for submitting applications is April 21, 2017. The program is scheduled to begin September 2017. Students may complete the Northern Social Work Program as a fulltime or part-time student. The program provides post-secondary education for Residents of Northern Manitoba, in particular those who have not had the opportunity due to economic and cultural reasons, lack of formal education, linguistic barriers or residence in remote areas. Relocation to Thompson will be required. Individuals can apply either under ACCESS or EXTERNAL categories. The ACCESS category is for mature students, 21 years or over, who have under 30 credit hours of university level courses. The EXTERNAL category is for regular students who have 30 credit hours or more of university level courses and are in good academic standing. For both categories, applicants must have resided in Northern Manitoba for 6 months or more prior to the application deadline or have been a long term resident of the North. For information or applications contact the Faculty of Social Work at Thompson at 204-677-1450 or No Charge Dial 1-866237-5509 or visit programs/ northern/591.html
erty, west of Snow Lake. The company was preparing to drill seven holes in its New Discovery vein, finishing up by the end of March, as part of its first phase of a larger drill program in their Gold Rock Vein area. “The New Discovery vein is on a separate parallel structure approximate 300m east of the North Star-Gold Rock structure and is virtually unexplored along a strike length of 4 km,” said Copper Reef. “The Discovery vein itself has been traced for 80m in outcrop before striking under muskeg to the north and south. A mapping and prospecting program in the area of the new vein returned gold values up to 93.44 grams per tonne gold from grab samples collected this past fall. At the south of end of the vein, an old pit 3 by 4 meters was found, circa 1920’s, where a 2m wide mineralized vein is fully exposed. There is no record of this vein or pit.” On the heels of that announcement, on March 21 Rockcliff Copper Corporation announced they had recently completed surface geophysical survey which identified a large untested conductive plate below Hudbay Minerals’ Pen Zinc Deposit, which itself is partially located on Rockcliff’s 100 per cent
Nickel Belt News photo courtesy of Marc Jackson Rockcliff Copper graphic showing the ‘untested’ down-dip conductive plate on their Penex Property. owned Penex zinc property. The “Penex” is located less than 200 metres from updip near surface portion of the Pen deposit. Rockcliff’s property hosts the down dip continuation of the Pen deposit and is part of their “Snow Lake Project.” Ken Lapierre, president and CEO of Rockcliff, was quoted in the release and he noted, “In exploration, geophysics is crucial in discovering buried conductive plates that could end up becoming high grade base metal mines in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake mining camp. We are fortunate to have acquired 100% interest in the Penex Zinc Property by staking. The Property covers the down dip continuation of the high grade Pen Zinc deposit where it crosses onto our Property at approximately
300-350 metres vertical. With our geophysical survey identifying a strong untested conductive plate immediately below the known deposit and continuing to at depth of at least 800 metres vertical bodes well for highgrade zinc mineralization to continue on the Property. We will continue to explore and prepare the Property for a planned drill program in 2017.” Finally, on April 4, Far Resources advised that they were mobilizing a drill to their Zoro Lithium Property, located east of Wekusko Lake’s Crowduck Bay. This Drill Program is expected to further advance the geological understanding of the property and to position the company for ongoing exploration on Zoro, including upcoming drill programs.
Norway House RCMP looking for home robbery suspect Norway House RCMP are searching for a suspect who broke into a residence, demanded cash and then assaulted the homeowner on April 1. Josh Muskego, 23, of Norway House Cree Nation, is wanted for robbery, obstructing justice and break and enter. RCMP say he is known to stay in Norway House and Thompson and may also be in Cross Lake. Police believe the suspect and the robbery victim know each other. Anyone with information about this incident can call Norway House RCMP at 204359-6715 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-2228477. Secure tips can also be submitted online at www. RCMP photo Norway House RCMP are looking for Josh Muskego in or by texting “TIPMAN” plus a connection with an April 1 robbery. message to CRIMES (274637).
Back in early January the company announced assay results from their initial seven-hole, 1,140 metre drill program on the property. The focus of the program was to verify historic drilling on Dike #1, one of its seven known lithium-bearing dikes. Each of seven drill holes intersected lithium-bearing pegmatite mineralization over intervals of up to 28 m. These intercepts compare favorably with historic data reported by Green Bay Uranium Ltd. in 1956. The main lithium-bearing mineral present in all holes was coarse-grained spodumene. With these four companies hard at work bolstering their portfolios and proving up their properties, the mining related prospects of the area can’t help but benefit.
CORRECTION The last sentence in the article “MKO launches mobile mental health crisis response and community wellness teams” on Page 1 of the April 7 Nickel Belt News was cut off partway through. The full sentence read, “We look forward to building on this interim measure to ensure that long-term sustainable mental wellness supports are in place for all First Nations in Manitoba.” The Nickel Belt News apologizes for the error.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Nickel Belt News •
Page 3
Ramona’s requiem: Land-based science and my learning in Northern Manitoba
Thompson Citizen illustrations and photos courtesy of Ramona Muster If you were out on your boat and you caught a walleye that is 705mm in length you could tell your family and friends the age of that walleye by looking at my graph.
Holy Week Schedule
I settled into my environmental education in 2015 with a hunger to understand and a desire to protect fish and wildlife. So, in writing this article, I would like to share some thoughts while I bridged the gap between being a student of ecological complexity (and “having” to count bugs in the stomachs of Catastomus commersoni), and someone who appreciates the awesome beauty of nature – simply for what it is. For the record, I will enjoy forever the fascinating moments registered in my mind that I shared with friends made here in the Natural Resources Management Technology (NRMT) program in The Pas. All that is missing now from the pleasure of retrospect is the swishing of river water while calculating stream discharge, the solace of studying Sander vitreus age and growth patterns on tranquil northern lakes, the silence of conducting a grouse transect in a mixed boreal forest, and the amusing “dart-to-nowhere” of the last boreal red-backed vole (Myodes gapperi) that I was able to release unharmed from a Longworth Live Trap at the end of a small mammal density and diversity study. I’ve learned that human population and consumption are continuing to increase, and the province’s per-capita natural resources are shrinking. Long-term prospects are not promising. New strategies to save flora and fauna will require more than lectures, and as with all affairs, a caring and moral reasoning is needed. Where students are expected to achieve increased test scores within dramatically short time intervals, my education and research here in these northern courses, to some extent, was a state of mind – an attitude of in-
St. James Anglican Church 10 Caribou Road Palm Sunday, April 9 11:00 am - Holy Communion Wednesday, April 12 7:30 pm - Holy Communion Maundy Thursday, April 13 7:30 am - Holy Communion Good Friday, April 14 11:00 am - No Communion Saturday, April 15 7:30 am - Easter Vigil • Holy Communion & Baptism Easter Sunday, April 16 11:00 am & 7:30 pm - Holy Communion
St. Lawrence Roman Catholic Church 114 Cree Road Holy Thursday, April 13 7:00 pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday, April 14 3:00 pm - Celebrations of the Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday, April 15 9:30 pm - Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday, April 16 10:00 am Service
Lutheran-United Church of Thompson 52 Caribou Road Good Friday, April 14 7:00 pm - Evening Service Easter Son Rise, Sunday, April 16 8:00 am - Service followed by a light breakfast (all are welcome) 10:30 am - Easter Sunday Communion Service and Baptism (all are welcome) Baptism is by pre-arrangement only
Thompson Pentecostal Assembly 126 Goldeye Crescent Passion Week Service Schedule April 9 - 16 at 7:00 pm
quiry integral to my new habits as a reflective wildlife technician. I learned an approach to research that was empowering, rather than one being driven by a lack of practical. Working outdoors added land-based dimensions facilitating my engagement in careful, diligent inquiry, not for the purpose of memorizing new facts, but to acquire information that had practical application to a solution of specific challenges related to my assignments. My studies here in the north have brought together a land-based action and reflection, theory, and a pursuit of practical solutions to
issues of pressing concern to “local” people. More generally, the mixing of quantitative and “naturalistic” approaches literally changed my study habits, making my work more productive, successful, and enjoyable. In this experiential manner, learning provided me the possibility of understandings that were truly transformational, requiring friends, rigorous and systematic investigation, and a moral process of inquiry to look-think-and-act. My research on walleye determined female fork-lengths were three per cent shorter and their average weight was 14 per cent heavier and that a model for conserva-
tion could be represented by the following formula Y = 46.144x + 76.292! It also taught me to plead on behalf of scientific research regarding sustainability, careful management, and proper assessment. Even as I note and remember all the experiences I have shared, and the fact I could not find my instructors knife that I lost somewhere in the boreal forest while conducting field work, my cycle of pleasures is complete; and the pleasure of retrospect gives way to my anticipation for graduating. I find myself looking forward. My name is Ramona Muster and I want to make a difference.
Palm Sunday
Thompson Pentecostal
Brent Denham
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Cohle Bergen
Salvation Army
Colton Murphy
Christian Centre Fellowship
Karen O’Gilvie
First Baptist Church
Dan Murphy
Good Friday
St. John’s Lutheran-United
Murat Kuntel
Easter Sunday
Thompson Pentecostal
Arnie Pederson
We will have a light lunch following the Easter Sunday service, with everyone bringing dainties and TPA providing sandwiches.
Gateway Bible Baptist Church 159 Cree Road Easter Sunday, April 16 11:00 am & 7:00 pm - Easter Service
Page 4
Nickel Belt News •
Beaver Flooring
will be in town until April 17, 2017. Are your hardwood floors water stained, looking in rough shape? Call for a free estimate. Toll free 1-877-287-3567. Cell 204-791-0032
In Memory: Mary Ann Irwin Jan 25, 1962 - Apr 17, 2011 Forever Remembered, Mom, Dad, Darren, Kim, Shannon, Dustin, and Friends
FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 Minago Bay. Reduced to $100,000. If interested, call 204-348-7493. 34nb-tfn-nb Tire Sales & Service Passenger - Light Truck - ATV Trailer - RV - Golf Carts - Forestry - Retreads - Section Repairs - Tubes Wheel Balancing - Repairs
90 Hayes Rd. Thompson, MB Phone 677-3925 or Toll Free 1-877-677-9955
510 • RETAIL/ OFFICE SPACE OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 500-5000 sq ft. available. Cameron/Hoe building 81 Churchill Drive. Contact Joe Aniceto. 204-679-0490 or Neil Cameron 306477-5668. 19nb-tfn-nb COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT AT SOUTHWOOD PLAZA. CALL 1-250491-3946 OR 204-677-2957. 06-tfn-d
606 • GENERAL NOTICES HOPE LOTTERY GROUP When the lotto Max reaches $60 million we play! members wanted. Contact 204-307-1945. 12nb-gcd-17-d
183 Cree Rd, Thompson MB, R8N 0C2 Toll free: 1-800-565-2401 PH: 204-778-8387 FAX: 204-677-4087
Looking for a kitchen helper and cook. Experience preferred. Apply at the front desk
BOSTON PIZZA 4 Moak Crescent, Thompson, MB R8N 2B7 Wanted: Full time cooks to prepare and cook menu items. Minimum one year experience with cooking certificate. Starting wage $12-13/hour depending on experience and training. Apply within. DOAK’S BULK FUELS is looking for a driver- class 1 or 3. In town deliveries and long haul. $25-$27 per hour plus benefits package. Send resume by fax: 204-778-4474 or drop off at 250 Station Road. 14nb-2-d
call 204-677-4534
Help Wanted Permanent Full-time / Shift work For the Thompson Regional Airport Authority Qualifications: Applicants must have experience operating heavy equipment. Incumbent must have a valid class 3 driver’s license with the ability to obtain airbrakes. Must be able to manage and prioritize his/her workload. Effective interpersonal skills, communication skills and proven ability to work co-operatively in a team environment are essential. Knowledge in the aviation industry would be an asset. Incumbent must have a clean driver’s abstract record for seven years and provide a clean criminal record check. Duties: Reporting to the Operation Manager the incumbent must be willing to be deemed proficient and operate heavy equipment in a safe and appropriate manner. Heavy equipment will include trucks, front-end loaders, graders, snowblowers, sweepers and other pieces of equipment. Incumbent must also clean, maintain and secure all equipment as directed by legislation, policies and procedures. The incumbent will also provide regular maintenance to airport grounds including brush cutting, lawn mowing, painting and minor repairs to buildings and fences as well as assist in road and runway maintenance, assist maintenance staff in various duties as required and operate small equipment and hand tools. The incumbent must be willing to work within and comply with all Transport Canada aviation related safety and security regulations. Applicants are requested to indicate in their covering letter or resume how they meet the qualifications of the position. Incumbent will be subjected to shift work including weekends. Starting salary is $26.62 per hour. Closing date will be April 14th, 2017. Apply by mail to:
• Large 1-bedroom available • Smart card onsite laundry • Fully equipped fitness room • All utilities included • Onsite security 7 days a week
He Only Takes the Best God saw that she was getting tired, A cure was not to be, So he put his arms around her, And whispered,“Come with me.” With tearful eyes we watched her suffer, And saw her fade away, Although we loved her dearly, We could not make her stay, A golden heart stopped beating, Hard working hands to rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best.
Equipment Operator
Need to fill a
Friday, April 7, 2017
Thompson Regional Airport Authority Box 112 Thompson MB R8N 1M9 Fax: 204-778-6477
Are you a nurse who would enjoy providing excellent care to Manitoba’s First Nations people? Do you have a desire to support individuals living with Type 2 Diabetes? Then this is the opportunity for you. Under the auspices of the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba, the Mobile Diabetes Health Care Service Delivery Team nurse (Thompson Team) will work collectively with the Diabetes Integration Project staff to implement diabetes care, screening and treatment services in First Nation Communities in the Thompson Region. POSITION SUMMARY: • The Diabetes Health Care Team Nurse will provide mobile diabetes care and treatment services to individuals living with Type 2 Diabetes within First Nation communities including the following: • Diabetes Complication and Risk Factor Assessment; • Medication Review/Foot Inspection/Footwear Inspection; • Assess Emotional Wellness, Nutrition and Physical Activity Screening; • Diabetes Education Counselling Services; • Capacity Building – Community Health Staff and Clients; • Referral Services/Data Entry. The work involves extensive travel to the First Nation communities in the Keewatin Tribal Council/North Region. The incumbent must be flexible and be able to travel upon request for overnight travel up to 4 days per week. Travelling alone may be required at times as well as occasional travel to the Southern Region. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: • Completion of a Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing, Registered Nurse, or Licensed Practical Nurse with relevant experience from a recognized educational institution and current registration from their respective College regulatory body; • Knowledge of 2013 Canadian Diabetes Association Clinical Practice Guidelines; • Familiarity with and ability to apply care algorithms; • Proficiency in computer software programs; • Must be professional and must maintain confidentiality at all times; • Excellent verbal/written communication skills; • Must have a valid Manitoba Driver’s License; • Must be able to lift approximately 50 lbs of equipment; • Knowledge of First Nation customs, values and traditions. CLOSING DATE: April 21, 2017 AT 4:30 P.M. (CST) Please submit a cover letter and resume identifying your qualifications, salary expectations to the attention of: Deborah Simmons, Human Resources Generalist/Governance Strategist Email: We thank all who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted. Employment Equity is a factor in selection. Applicants are requested to indicate in their covering letter if they are from any of the following groups: women, aboriginal people, visible minorities and individuals with disabilities
Office Hours Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Contact Edith/Mary @ 204-677-9880
Nickel Belt News
Published weekly by The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp. of 141 Commercial Place, Thompson, Manitoba, R8N 1T1. The Nickel Belt News is owned and operated by The Prairie Newspaper Group LP, a division of GVIC Communications Corp. Advertising rates are available upon request and are subject to change
without notice. Conditions of editorial and advertisement content: The Nickel Belt News attempts to be accurate in editorial and advertising content; however no guarantee is given or implied. The Nickel Belt News reserves the right to revise or reject any or all editorial and advertising content as the newspaper’s principals see fit. The Nickel Belt News will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an advertisement, and is not responsible for errors or omissions in advertisements except for the space occupied by such errors. The Nickel Belt News will not be responsible for manuscripts, photographs, negatives and other related material that may be submitted
for possible publication. All of the Nickel Belt News’s content is protected by Canadian Copyright laws. Reviews and similar mention of material in this newspaper is granted on the provision that the Nickel Belt News receives credit. Otherwise, any reproduction without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. Rights to any advertisements produced by the Nickel Belt News, including artwork, typography, photos, etc., remain the property of this newspaper. Advertisements or parts thereof may not be reproduced or assigned without the consent of the publisher.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Nickel Belt News •
Page 5
Good Friday celebrates greatest act of love the world has ever known Can you imagine how you would feel if someone willingly were to die in place of you? In Auschwitz, a concentration camp during the Second World War, 10 prisoners were condemned to death because another prisoner had escaped. One of the condemned prisoners began to cry out that he would never see his wife and children again and continued sobbing. A 47-year-old prisoner from the ranks stepped forward and asked to die in his place. The exchange was made and Maximilian Kolbe, the substitute, was the last of the 10 to die in the starvation bunker. Jesus came forward and did that for you and for all the people before and after you. He died because our sins had condemned us and he stood in our place. Jesus, the father’s only son, a Jew like many of the people in Auschwitz, was innocent of any crime. He loved us. He was willing to suffer and give his life that we might
Spiritual Thoughts Sister Andrea Dumont live. His imprisonment and death were slow torture. When passers-by looked and saw this agonizing man hanging on a cross, their gaze saw only a criminal, a failure, a loser, and they walked on, perhaps relieved that he was punished. They did not know that he chose to suffer and give his life’s blood because he loved us. Does what he did make a difference to you? It should! You can change your destiny. The choice of how you will live the rest of your life is up to you. No matter what your past has been, what you do now spells out how you will live for all eternity. You may not be
able to change the circumstances of your life, but you can change your momentto-moment choices and your attitude. Look for one good moment in each day with gratitude. Reach out for God’s gift of love. If walking in the footsteps of Jesus or with him is already your way of life, pray daily for those who still struggle to attain this. They are your brothers and sisters. If you are one who is still struggling, open your eyes and heart to God’s love for you. He takes you and loves you where you’re at. Turn to him for help to do what you have to do to mend the inclination you
have to make bad choices. Ask for his help to avoid the temptations that surround you. Don’t try to go it alone. If you ask he will be there for you. Lean on him and like him when he carried his cross, get up when you fall. This Friday is called Good Friday because we celebrate the greatest act of love that the world has ever known. We are saddened by the cost, and by our share of the blame, which caused such intense suffering. Crucifixion was so horrendous and cruel that the Romans abolished it as a form of execution. Don’t be fooled by our sanitized pictures and crucifixes. It was bloody, horrible and cruel. But on the third day after his dead body was removed and buried, he rose triumphant and glorious as will each of us who live in his love and persevere in right choices. May the Joy of the Resurrection be yours. Happy Easter. Celebrate!
Position: Program & Services Administrative Clerk – Thompson Central Office Full-Time Permanent The Program & Services Administrative Clerk is responsible to provide administrative support services to the Agency staff and projects. The incumbent is expected to exercise initiative and independent judgement in determining work priorities, work methods to be employed and action to be taken on matters. Qualifications: • Related post-secondary education such as a diploma or certificate in an administrative/office course or a combination of education/experience will be considered • Minimum of 2 years in administration required • Effective written and verbal communication skills • Computer literacy, including effective working knowledge of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook required • Ability to use general office equipment efficiently and effectively • Superior time management and multitasking skills, and the ability to prioritize tasks with minimal supervision • Pro-active with an ability to work under own initiative with minimal direction, as well as within a team setting • Willingness and ability to undertake training needed in order to fulfill the changing requirements of the job • Motivated individual with proven initiative Working Conditions: • Must be able to work in fast paced environment • Must demonstrate strong work ethic and be reliable • Must adhere to confidentiality when working with sensitive information Must have satisfactory Prior Contact, Child Abuse Registry • Check, Criminal Record Check and Driver’s Abstract • Must possess a valid driver’s license and have access to a vehicle Closing date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Snow Lake Manitoba Career Opportunity – Assistant Administrative Officer The Town of Snow Lake invites written applications for the position of Assistant Administrative Officer. Under the direction of the CAO, the Assistant Administrative Officer is responsible for various administrative and financial duties related to the operation of the Town. The successful applicant must possess: • • •
Strong organizational, analytical and communication skills; An understanding of administration and municipal accounting; The Certificate in Manitoba Municipal Administration (CMMA) or a willingness to work towards one. A similar combination of education and experience may be considered. Ability to communicate effectively with the public, employees both unionized and non-unionized as well as external stakeholders.
Remuneration will be commensurate with education, experience and qualifications and includes a comprehensive benefits package. Please submit application, complete with resume and three references, by April 21, 2017. Applications can be sent to: Town of Snow Lake Box 40 Snow Lake, MB R0B 1M0 204-358-2112 (Fax) The Town of Snow Lake wishes to thank all applicants for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Position: Family Enhancement Worker One (1) Full-Time Permanent Position
JOB OPPORTUNITY - 5 Vacancies Family and Community Wellness Centre – NELSON HOUSE CHILD DEVELOPMENT WORKER – Full time/Permanent The Family and Community Wellness Centre is seeking applications for full-time Child Development Workers. The purpose of the newly funded JP-CFI Project is to help provide support and respond to children with complex needs and their families in partnership with other professionals and agencies. These services should significantly contribute to quality of life ensuring that children, young people and their families are enabled to experience a life that is as full and as normal as possible. Position Summary: The Child Development Worker position will provide a comprehensive community health service in conjunction with its health care team. The Child Development Worker under the supervision of the Case Manager will provide a model of service delivery for children with complex needs and their families. Such as developing tools to help the child learn life skills, assist families who have children with developmental and/or physical disabilities, provide respite services to families. Service is intended to strengthen families and support parents to care for their children at home in their own community where children grow and thrive. Qualifications: • Health Care Aide or a ECE/Child Development background preferred; • Minimum 3 years working experience; • CPR and First Aide Certification; Valid Manitoba Driver’s License; • Knowledge of First Nations culture; • A highly-motivated individual who is innovative and has a proven ability to work with a very high degree of accuracy and attention to detail; • Excellent time management and facilitation skills; • Effective verbal and listening communications skills; • Strong leadership, critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills.
Summary of Position: The Family Enhancement Worker will be responsible for providing supports to families in crisis, in order to address risk and strengthen family functioning. The Family Enhancement Worker undertakes thorough assessments and comprehensive planning with families, and follows a solution focused, strength based approach to making change. The Family Enhancement Worker will utilize services, develop service plans, coordinate the services needed and arrange connections to community resources. The Family Enhancement Worker will ensure that services are being delivered in accordance with provincial legislation and standards and that all programs and services are also in accordance with the policies, procedures and specific directions/ directives of Awasis Agency. Qualifications: • Knowledge of CFS legislation, issues and standards • Excellent assessment, interviewing, and counselling skills • Excellent written and oral communication skills • Good organizational, time management and prioritizing skills • Demonstrated ability to prioritize workloads and meet deadlines • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook • Must be self-motivated with the ability to work independently as well as a team setting • BSW Degree preferred with experience in child welfare or combination of education and experience in a related field • Enrolled or interest in the BSW program is ideal • Sensitivity to and an understanding of First Nations culture and values • Ability to speak the Cree language would be considered an asset Working Conditions: • Must be able to work in a fast paced environment • Must demonstrate a strong work ethic and be reliable • Must be willing to travel • Must have satisfactory Prior Contact, Child Abuse Registry Check, Criminal Record Check and Driver’s Abstract • Must possess a valid driver’s license and have access to a vehicle Salary: Salary will commensurate with education and experience
Employment equity is a factor in the selection. Applicants are requested to indicate in their covering letter or resume if they are from any of the following groups: women, indigenous people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities.
Please forward your resume and a cover letter and indicate in the subject line the position you are applying for : SALARY RANGE:
33,378 – 38,693
A cover letter indicating the position applying for and updated resume can be sent to:
4:30 pm April 21, 2017
Human Resources Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba 100 – 701 Thompson Drive Thompson, MB R8N 2A2 Fax: (204) 778-8428 Email: Awasis Agency provides continuous training and a great benefits package to employees We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Submit All Applications to: Amanda LeDrew Director of Human Resources Family & Community Wellness Centre Nelson House, MB. Phone: 484-2341 Fax: 484-2351 The successful candidate must undergo and provide a Child Abuse Registry and Criminal Check upon hire. TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE FROM THOMPSON TO NELSON HOUSE
Closing Date:
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
A cover letter indicating the position applying for and updated resume can be sent to: Human Resources Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba 100-701 Thompson Drive Thompson, MB R8N 2A2 Fax: (204) 778-8428 Email: Awasis Agency provides continuous training and a great benefits package to employees. We thank all applicants who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
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Nickel Belt News •
Friday, April 14, 2017
2017-2018 TMHA Representative Coaching Positions TMHA is now accepting applications for representative coaches for the 2017-2018 season. Applications can be found at show/747662-coaching-resources They should be submitted to TMHA President Matthew Steeves at 175 Westwood. The deadline for submission is April 24, 2017.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TIPI Insurance Partners is a Manitoba-based, First Nations-owned insurance operation specializing in all lines of insurance including property, liability, pension and benefits and many specialty products. We provide what we call, Total Community Coverage.
TITLE: Human Resources Clerk AY2 – Nelson House Job Summary
We are an economic development initiative of, and for, the communities. We invest heavily in training and career development from within our member communities. TIPI provides the highest quality products and services to our members. And, importantly, we are owned by many of the groups we serve.
Reporting to the Director of Human Resources or designate, the Human Resources Assistant is responsible for the technical and administrative support services.
JOB OVERVIEW Reporting to the Senior Member Service Representative (SMSR), the incumbent is responsible for operating and maintaining the Northern Manitoba Regional Office in the Thompson KTC Building. This position will appeal to those with solid organization and administrative qualities. Training for the role will be provided. SKILLS AND DUTIES
TITLE: Payroll and Benefits Administrator/Nelson House – Nelson House JOB SUMMARY: Under the supervision of Chief Financial Officer the Payroll and Benefits Administrator is responsible for developing and maintaining the accounting computer system, processing organizational payroll as well as entering, updating and maintaining an accurate administration base with our benefits provider. Commuter transportation from Thompson is available if required. DUTIES: • Maintains and updates the payroll Database by entering, updating and removing employees from payroll and benefits. Processes organizational payroll, reviews error reports and directs/ • participates in error correction with HR Clerk. • Prepares Monthly disbursements and reconciliations to Benefit Carriers and for all premium deductions from employees. • Analyzes and reconciles general ledger for all benefit premiums. • Designs and implements agency forms and time sheets. • Processes annual increments and organizational T4’s, prepares manual checks, and issue ROE’s. within the federal/provincial legislated time frame. • Assists in year-end audit preparation and reporting. • Provides input towards improving service delivery. QUALIFICATIONS: • Completion of the Payroll Management Certificate Program or Minimum of Grade 12 and completion of a recognized accounting program. • Other combinations of Education and Experience may be considered. • Handling difficult and sensitive situations, using sound, independent judgment within specific guidelines and regulations. Communicating effectively with co-workers, superiors, the general • public, representatives of other organizations and others sufficient to exchange or convey information • Minimum of 2 yrs experience as a payroll clerk in a computerized payroll environment. • Other combinations of skills and experience may be considered • Ability to set priorities and work in a team setting • Ability to remain positive and enthusiastic under stressful conditions • Well-developed written and oral communications • Excellent organizational and time management skills • The successful completion of a Criminal and Child Abuse Registry check are required of all FCWC positions upon hire. SALARY RANGE:
42,895 – 49,071
4:30 pm April 21, 2017
Submit All Applications to: Amanda LeDrew Director of Human Resources Family & Community Wellness Centre Nelson House, MB. Phone: 484-2341 Fax: 484-2351 *******Transportation from Thompson available to successful applicant if required*******
University College of the North (UCN) is committed to building a workforce that is representative of the populations we serve. Applications are invited from individuals who have a demonstrated interest and ability to work with Aboriginal learners and mature students. Preference will be given to Aboriginal candidates.
COMMUNITY EDUCATION COORDINATOR Classification: Training Consultant Full-Time Regular Position Thompson, Manitoba Competition No: 17-021 Closing Date: April 27, 2017
Please visit our website for more detailed information about UCN and this employment opportunity. At, select “UCN Careers”, and select from the list of positions to view. Thank you for your interest in UCN.
THE INCUMBENT: • must have experience working with MS Office and Excel • will be required to liaise with TIPI personnel in order to resolve issues with members • must have sound interpersonal and oral communication and service skills • will be required to maintain an up-to-date filing system • will be required to speak regularly with SMSR to review procedures • will be required to assist in organizing new member applications • will be trained for the position and be offered the opportunity to become licensed KEY COMPETENCIES: • Post Secondary Education with a diploma/certificate in business administration and/or equivalent combination of experience and education • High organization and multi-tasking skills • Energetic, self-motivated and results-oriented Interested applicants are requested to submit a personal résumé and cover letter and three references to: or fax to 204 949 3503 Attention: Human Resources by May 1, 2017. We thank all those who apply. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.
Qualifications: The successful candidate will have strong writing skills with strong organizational and interpersonal skills and ability to work with little supervision. Successful candidate should be enthusiastic, professional, co-operative and committed attitude and have computer training and experience with Word, and Excel. Be Creative and demonstrate initiative and commitment to achieving professional information management standards. Valid Manitoba’s Drivers License & Criminal Records Check & Child Abuse Registry Check is required for all Family & Community Wellness Centre Inc. employment upon hire. SALARY RANGE:
36,381 – 41,227
4:30 pm April 21, 2017
Submit All Applications to: Amanda LeDrew Director of Human Resources Family & Community Wellness Centre Nelson House, MB. Phone: 484-2341 Fax: 484-2351 *******Transportation from Thompson available to successful applicant if required*******
MANITOBA KEEWATINOWI OKIMAKANAK INC. (MKO) WELLNESS COORDINATOR ASETS Administrative Assistant 12-Month Term, Possible Permanent Location: Thompson Sub-Office Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc (MKO) is seeking a highly motivated individual that will perform the functions of Aboriginal Skills & Employment Training Strategy (ASETS) Administrative Assistant. The successful candidate will support the administration of ASETS programs with its MKO First Nation communities. RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the ASETS Financial Administrator, the duties of the ASETS Administrative Assistant: • Assist the ASETS Financial Administrator to ensure that all transactions incurred by the ASETS program are processed and recorded on a regular basis; • Assist with the review of general ledger accounts and Excel spreadsheets on an as-need basis; • Perform data entry for daily transactions, and for monthly or quarterly financial reporting as required by the ASETS/MKO Contribution Agreement; • Ability to copy, cut and paste in Word documents; • Photocopying, emailing, faxing, scanning, creating pdfs, filing and other forms of record keeping; • Other duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: • Must be computer literate and be proficient with MS Office (specifically Word and Excel); • Working knowledge of Sage 300 Advanced (ACCPAC Version 2016) or the willingness to learn computer software, is an asset; • Ability to work independently and with a team; • Attention to detail; • Ability to speak a First Nation language is a definite asset. A comprehensive benefits package is provided. Interested candidates are invited to submit in confidence, a cover letter with resume along with at least 3 work related references by DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: April 19, 2017 @ 4:00pm Applicants should forward a cover letter, resume and three references to the attention of: Oliver Veuillot, HR Coordinator 205-55 Selkirk Avenue Thompson, MB R8N 0M5 Phone: (204) 677-1600 or 1-800-442-0488 Fax: (204) 778-7655 Email: Only those applicants considered for further review will be contacted for an interview.
Thompson (866) 677.6450
Demonstrated Skills & Abilities • Provides general clerical support to the Human Resources Dept. such as arranging meetings, appointments, making reservations, travel arrangements, typing a variety of confidential written material from rough draft or verbal instructions. • Prepares and maintains a variety of files and records, including official personnel files. • Creates database to retrieve, input and track data and information. Compiles data from personnel records and prepares reports using the personnel system database in the computer. • Accepts applicants and notifies candidates regarding the outcome of selection procedures, organizes materials and sets-up rooms for interview, assists in preparing job announcements, advertising • Perform other duties as assigned.
Under the general direction of Keewatin Tribal Council (KTC) Director of Health, the Wellness Coordinator will assist member First Nations in developing their own Wellness Teams, supporting and participating in current Mental Wellness programming and capacity building, providing guidance and mentorship to community based workers. The Wellness Coordinator will provide assistance to all KTC member bands as requested by the KTC communities and will assist with developing of a cultural appropriate assessment and treatment approaches. QUALIFICATIONS: • Must possess a Degree/Diploma from a post-secondary institution in a health related or social work field with a demonstrated ability in counseling skills; experience with First Nations, community health planning, policy development and ability to build capacity within the communities; • Additional training or certification an asset i.e.: ASSIST, Critical Incident Stress Management, Mental Health First Aid First Nations and/or Psychological First Aid. Effective interpersonal and critical thinking skills required. Ability to interact professionally with culturally diverse staff, clients, and consultants preferred; • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with maturity and poise to interact with executives at the highest levels of government, business, and academia; • Knowledge of government policies related to self-determination of First Nations people and how these policies have affected them; • Ability to work independently and take initiative; • Minimum of 2 years of experience in management and supervision; • Strong organizational skills with great attention to detail and the ability to set priorities; • Knowledge of Microsoft Office 2010 applications required; • The incumbent must possess effective communication and conflictresolution skills; • Must be willing to travel on short notice to remote fly-in communities; • Ability to speak Cree or Dene would be a definite asset; • A valid Driver’s license required and access to a reliable vehicle; • Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Checks; • Child Abuse Registry Check. A written application with detailed resume, including at least two (2) references with written permission to contact the references and your latest immediate supervisor should be submitted to: Lisa Beardy, Office Manager 23 Nickel Road Thompson, Manitoba R8N OY4 Email: Fax: 204 677-0256 Closing Date: April 21, 2017 Late applications will not be accepted Applications will be accepted until 4:00 pm, April 21, 2017. We would like to thank those that apply for the position but only those being considered for an interview will be contacted. For further information or a full job description contact Lisa Beardy, KTC Office Manager.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Nickel Belt News •
Page 7
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Thompson Eye Care is looking for a hardworking, fashion-forward individual to join our team. The successful candidate will be friendly and have excellent communications skills, in person, in writing and on the phone. We are willing to train, however, office and/or retail experience is an asset. A high school diploma or equivalent is required.
Ranked among Canada’s top employers, Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries takes pride in providing its employees with safe, respectful workspaces, competitive benefits and compensation, plus excellent opportunities for advancement and growth.
Competitive wages and some flexibility in hours to the right candidate. Approx. 30hrs/week. Resumes can be dropped off at Thompson Eye Care in the Westwood Mall or emailed to
Find out more at
Position: Child & Family Services Worker One (1) Full-Time Permanent Position
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AWASIS AGENCY OF NORTHERN MANITOBA LOCATION: FOX LAKE SUB-OFFICE FOX LAKE, MB Position: Child & Family Services Worker One (1) Full-Time Term Position (to June 15, 2018) Reporting to a Unit Supervisor the Child & Family Services Worker is responsible to implement the policies, procedures and specific directions/directives of Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba when working with families and children in the field of child protection. The duties would include managing a case load, conducting interviews and assessments, compiling case particulars for Court, investigating/ follow up on allegations of child protection issues, maintaining regular visits, ensuring accurate and timely documentation, developing long/ short term case plans, developing/facilitating workshops, community education and networking with collateral resources/services. Qualifications: • Bachelor of Social Work Degree with experience in child welfare preferred or an equivalent combination of experience and training may be considered • Strong commitment to community based service delivery • Knowledge of CFS legislation, standards and issues • Knowledge of Child & Family Services Information System (CFSIS) • Excellent assessment, interviewing, and counselling skills • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Good organizational and time management skills • Demonstrated ability to prioritize workloads and meet deadlines • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook • Must be self-motivated with the ability to work independently as well as a team setting • Sensitivity to and an understanding of First Nations culture and values • Ability to speak and/or understand the Cree and/or Dene language would be an asset Working Conditions: • Must be able to work in a fast paced environment • Must demonstrate a strong work ethic and be reliable • Must adhere to confidentiality when working with sensitive information • Must be willing to travel • Must have satisfactory Prior Contact, Child Abuse Registry Check, Criminal Record Check and Driver’s Abstract • Must possess a valid driver’s license and have access to a vehicle Salary: Salary will commensurate with education and experience Closing date: Friday, April 21, 2017 Employment Equity is a factor in selection. Applicants are requested to indicate in their covering letter or resume if they are from any of the following groups: women, indigenous people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities. A cover letter indicating the position applying for and updated resume can be sent to: Human Resources Department Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba 100-701 Thompson Drive Thompson, MB R8N 2A2 Fax: (204) 778-8428 Email: Awasis Agency provides continuous training and a great benefits package to employees We thank all applicants who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AWASIS AGENCY OF NORTHERN MANITOBA LOCATION: THOMPSON SERVICE DELIVERY OFFICE (TSDO) THOMPSON, MB Position: Child & Family Services Worker One (1) Full-Time Term Position (to March 30, 2018) Reporting to a Unit Supervisor the Child & Family Services Worker is responsible to implement the policies, procedures and specific directions/directives of Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba when working with families and children in the field of child protection. The duties would include managing a case load, conducting interviews and assessments, compiling case particulars for Court, investigating/ follow up on allegations of child protection issues, maintaining regular visits, ensuring accurate and timely documentation, developing long/short term case plans, developing/facilitating workshops, community education and networking with collateral resources/services. Qualifications: • Bachelor of Social Work Degree with experience in child welfare preferred or an equivalent combination of experience and training may be considered • Strong commitment to community based service delivery • Knowledge of CFS legislation, standards and issues • Knowledge of Child & Family Services Information System (CFSIS) • Excellent assessment, interviewing, and counselling skills • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Good organizational and time management skills • Demonstrated ability to prioritize workloads and meet deadlines • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook • Must be self-motivated with the ability to work independently as well as a team setting • Sensitivity to and an understanding of First Nations culture and values • Ability to speak and/or understand the Cree and/or Dene language would be an asset Working Conditions: • Must be able to work in a fast paced environment • Must demonstrate a strong work ethic and be reliable • Must adhere to confidentiality when working with sensitive information • Must be willing to travel • Must have satisfactory Prior Contact, Child Abuse Registry Check, Criminal Record Check and Driver’s Abstract • Must possess a valid driver’s license and have access to a vehicle Salary: Salary will commensurate with education and experience Closing date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 Employment Equity is a factor in selection. Applicants are requested to indicate in their covering letter or resume if they are from any of the following groups: women, indigenous people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities. A cover letter indicating the position applying for and updated resume can be sent to: Human Resources Department Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba 100-701 Thompson Drive Thompson, MB R8N 2A2 Fax: (204) 778-8428 Email: Awasis Agency provides continuous training and a great benefits package to employees We thank all applicants who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted
Reporting to a Unit Supervisor the Child & Family Services Worker is responsible to implement the policies, procedures and specific directions/directives of Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba when working with families and children in the field of child protection. The duties would include managing a case load, conducting interviews and assessments, compiling case particulars for Court, investigating/ follow up on allegations of child protection issues, maintaining regular visits, ensuring accurate and timely documentation, developing long/ short term case plans, developing/facilitating workshops, community education and networking with collateral resources/services. Qualifications: Bachelor of Social Work Degree with experience in child welfare • preferred or an equivalent combination of experience and training may be considered • Strong commitment to community based service delivery • Knowledge of CFS legislation, standards and issues • Knowledge of Child & Family Services Information System (CFSIS) • Excellent assessment, interviewing, and counselling skills • Excellent written and verbal communication skills • Good organizational and time management skills • Demonstrated ability to prioritize workloads and meet deadlines • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook • Must be self-motivated with the ability to work independently as well as a team setting • Sensitivity to and an understanding of First Nations culture and values • Ability to speak and/or understand the Cree and/or Dene language would be an asset Working Conditions: • Must be able to work in a fast paced environment • Must demonstrate a strong work ethic and be reliable • Must adhere to confidentiality when working with sensitive information • Must be willing to travel • Must have satisfactory Prior Contact, Child Abuse Registry Check, Criminal Record Check and Driver’s Abstract • Must possess a valid driver’s license and have access to a vehicle Salary: Salary will commensurate with education and experience Closing date: Open Until Filled Employment Equity is a factor in selection. Applicants are requested to indicate in their covering letter or resume if they are from any of the following groups: women, Indigenous people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities. A cover letter indicating the position applying for and updated resume can be sent to: Human Resources Department Awasis Agency of Northern Manitoba 100-701 Thompson Drive Thompson, MB R8N 2A2 Fax: (204) 778-8428 Email:
Awasis Agency provides continuous training and a great benefits package to employees We thank all applicants who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted
WORK WITH US & GROW A CAREER Glacier Media Group is growing. Check our job board regularly for the latest openings:
Page 8
Nickel Belt News •
Friday, April 14, 2017
Study defied assumptions
Thompson RCMP Drug Tip Line
Continued from Page 1
Telehealth Family Education For Those Experiencing Dementia
Community Mental Health: Roles & Services Presented by: DĂƌůĞĞ ŚĂŶĐLJ͕ Kd ZĞŐ͘ ;D Ϳ Ͳ ommunity Outreach Worker, Seniors ŽŶƐƵůƚĂƟŽŶ dĞĂŵͬ,ĞƌŝƚĂŐĞ >ŝĨĞ ^ h͕ ^ŽƵƚŚĞƌ ,ĞĂůƚŚ Ͳ^ĂŶƚĠ ^ƵĚ
Tuesday, March 21, 6:30 - 8 pm
hŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐ WƐLJĐŚŽƐĞƐ Θ ŶdžŝĞƚLJ ŝŶ ĞŵĞŶƟĂ Presented by: ƌ͘ >ŽŝƐ ^ƚĞǁĂƌƚͲ ƌĐŚĞƌ͕ ZE͕ WD,E; Ϳ Ͳ ZĞŐŝŽŶĂů ůŝŶŝĐĂů EƵƌƐĞ ^ƉĞĐŝĂůŝƐƚ͕ ZĞŚĂďŝůŝƚĂƟŽŶ Θ 'ĞƌŝĂƚƌŝĐƐ WƌŽŐƌĂŵŵĞ͕ tŝŶŶŝƉĞŐ ,ĞĂůƚŚ ZĞŐŝŽŶ ʹ ĞĞƌ >ŽĚŐĞ ^ŝƚĞ
dƵĞƐĚĂLJ͕ Ɖƌŝů Ϯϱ͕ ϲ͗ϯϬ Ͳ ϴ Ɖŵ
Please arrive by 6:15 pm
Northern Spirit Manor 879 Thompson Dr., Thompson, MB ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ ZŽŽŵ
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for today. I was shocked and in psychology, this cognitive dissonance is the mental stress (discomfort) experienced by a student who is confronted with new information that contradicts existing beliefs and ideas. Leon Festigner’s 1957 theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how human beings strive for internal consistency. I am now a person who is motivated to try to reduce the cognitive dissonance occurring from my new learning experience. The challenge, it would seem, is for me to rethink my biases in such a way that my future focus is on productive contributions to research that lead naturally to a truer role for negotiation and the unpredictable aspects of results. This shift in my thinking has farreaching consequences for how I will think, communicate and learn after I graduate. I want to make a difference.
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Limited seating! To register for one or both seminars: Online: Email: Phone: 1-800-378-6699 Please use reference code: “Thompson”
trialed two 100-metre transects containing Longworth Live Traps in a pilot study to determine whether future students could advance past technique. To compare and contrast density and diversity, a “control” (undisturbed old growth boreal forest) and “treatment” plot (traversing a previous but vegetatively-similar forest type “altered” by the construction of a 2008 hydroelectric right-of-way) were selected. Results indicated a combined total of 34 small mammals (eight control and 26 treatment) were captured. Total captures in the old growth control (untreated and pristine) plot included two species: six red-backed voles - Myodes gapperi (four males and two females) and two masked shrews - Sorex cinereus (two males). Total old growth control plot
small mammal biomass was 115.258 grams per hectare (100 metres by 100 metres). Total captures in the hydro corridor treatment plot included four species. Harvest was comprised of 12 Myodes gapperi (four males and eight females), nine Sorex cinereus (seven males and two females), three meadow voles - Microtus pennsylvanicus (one male and two females), and two arctic shrews - Sorex arcticus (two males). Total hydro treatment biomass was 325.527 g/ha indicating a 210.269 g/ ha greater biomass harvest relative to the control plot! In summary, the hydro treatment site contained an additional two species, produced 70 per cent more small mammals, and generated 55 per cent more biomass compared to the control site. So much for my initial assumptions and perceptions … a [non]-fable