Nick Marinos Resume

Page 1 3109 Grand Avenue, #458 Coconut Grove, FL 33133 Mobile: 78 6.571 .8510 Office: 408.90 5.2317



ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN INDEPENDENT CONSULTING PROJECTS Client: Merritt Engineering Consultants, Davie, FL Project: Commercial and Residential

Master of Architecture (Professional Program) Class of 2012 University of Miami (Coral Gables, Florida, USA) LEED GA (USGBC)

Designed (Revit & AutoCAD) renovations and new buildouts for a Telecom company – multiple interior/exterior spaces, with a focus on high building security. Also worked on various interior/exterior residential renovation projects (estates, and a condo). Designed and presented 3D architectural concepts to the clients, and detailed structural drawings.

Master of Engineering (Electrical) Class of 1987 Concordia University (Montréal, Québec, Canada) Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) Class of 1983 Concordia University (Montréal, Québec, Canada)

(Left: residential façade; Right: secure lobby perspective) Client: WHA Architects, Coral Gables, FL Project: Mixed Use Multi-Story Building Modeling Conceptual 3D modeling (Revit & AutoCAD) and 2D plan mark-ups for mixed-use multi-story contemporary building proposals.

Diplôme d'études collégiales (Pure & Applied Sciences) Class of 1980 Vanier College (Montréal, Québec, Canada)

LANGUAGES English (fluent) Greek (fluent) French (functional)

PERSONAL U.S. Permanent Resident Canadian Citizen Married Client: MathPros, Inc., Natick, MA Project: Course instruction


Prepared and delivered an introductory course in 3D modeling (Catia - Part Design Workbench). This was a 2 day course that covered modeling of complex 3D shapes. (Right: Ionic column exercise)

References available on LinkedIn. Engineering CV available on request.

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Niichola as Marinos ARCH HITECTURALL DESIGNER & ELLECTRICAL EN NGINEER INDEPENDENT CONSULTING C G PROJECTSS Clien nt: JAS Group p Architects – Dec 2015 to Jul 2016 Posittion: Architecctural Projectt Manager Specialty commerrcial and resid dential projeccts:  Designed D a deental clinic bu uilding - a 2-sttory building in South M Miami.   Designed D another dental clinic suite (Ass-built) in Sou uth Miami.  Re-designed R 2 single-story residences (aadditions and d r renovations) a provided architectural design supp and port for o other projectss.  Responsible R fo or producing construction documents, coordinatingg with MEP an nd structural engineers, e intteracting w the clients, developerrs, artists and 3rd parties. with Clien nt: Universityy of Victoria (C Center for Aeerospace Research), BC, Canada Proje ect: Catia Geenerative Shape Design Co ourse Prepared and deliivered an advvanced coursee in surfaacing (Catia Generative Shaape Design). This was w a 4-day intensive course which covvered all of the GSD G workbench features. Class Exercise: Norma an Geddes Car 1933-GSD 1

Clien nt: A. Bierman (FIU), Miam mi Beach Proje ect: Japanese and Miami Beach B Sculptu ures Concceptual and co omprehensive 3D modelin ng (Revit, Catia). Modeled and 3D printted Sou Fujim moto's LA Smaallhouse and vario ous custom scculptural form ms.

Sake BottleGiveawayy

Sa ake Pavilion

Sou Fujjimoto's LA Sma allhouse

Miami Beach Lookoutt

Page 2 Miami Beeach Lookout


Client: Phi Cubed, Inc. & Facchina Project: Florrida Internatiional Universiity (FIU) Parking Gara age ―3D Mod deling Modeled thee structural elements, sitee and MEP for a new parkin ng garage, using Revit. Created C manyy new BIM-aware MEP fam milies at the LOD L 300 levell. Clash detecttion reports were creatted and thee design was reendered, usin ng Lumion.

Clien nt: Phi Cubeed, Inc. & Klew win Proje ect: FIU Amb bulatory Caree Center ― 3D D Modeling Modeled the FIU Ambulatory Care C Center, using Revit. 3 digital mo odel was mad de from existiing 2D plans The 3D and elevations (structural with w architecctural). The desiggn was rendered, using Bu unkspeed within a virtual envirronment. This work was done while the t building was being con nstructed, and discrepaancies and onstruction) omissions in the 2D drawingss (used for co ng the way. weree flagged alon

Clie ent: Phi Cub bed, Inc. Projject: Mango os Restaurantt ― As-built Doccumentation I prrocessed laser-scanned po oint cloud datta taken from m a 2 story ~15K K square foo ot gutted reestaurant and d nigh htclub interio or in Orlando, FL, using a Faro laser scan nner. Using th hese point clo oud data setss, I created an n extrremely accurrate model of o the emptyy space. This inclu uded the all duct d work, pip pes and structure. Due to the huge size s of the daata sets and the overlapping nature off the cloud points (since multiple m overrlapping scans nto one mod del, to yield a weree taken), I wrote custom software to dilute and integrate thee point cloud data sets in s reduced file size with w sufficien nt accuracy. From F this mo odel, I created the virtual reality wherre accurate measurement m can be b taken at an ny time – basically bringingg the model to t the architeect’s office.

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Niichola as Marinos ARCH HITECTURALL DESIGNER & ELLECTRICAL EN NGINEER INDEPENDENT CONSULTING C G PROJECTSS Clien nt: LEXI Comm munications, Inc. Proje ect: Containerr Architecturee Model― Exp ploratory Worrk for Modula ar Designs I created a very accurate 3D model of a shipping con ntainer that could d be used ass a “buildingg block” to fu urther explorre ideas for contaainer-based architecture.. The model is based on o the ISO shipp ping containeer detailed sp pecifications (ISO 1AA Typ pe Steel Dry Cargo o Containers), and includes the structure, s do oors/hinges, gaskeets, floor systtem and hardware. The model (LOD D 500) is ve ery parametrric and can be quickly ontainer mod dels, such as confiigured to represent any or all typical co the 20ft/40ft 2 mo odels, standard and hi-cu ube heights, or anything else in i between. Also, A this mod del includes the material properties p to allow for accurate structural and therm mal analysis. P Proposals I helped writee and edit various architectural propossals with my colleagues at Phi Cubed, Inc. Besides these, I h have worked on many prroposals overr the past 15 5 years whilee operating my engineerring business. I have e experience wiith MS Projecct (and also worked w with Primavera), P a have useed MasterFormat, UniForm and mat and O Omniclass classification sysstems. I use the t RSMeanss resources (b books and onlline) to help estimate e my projects and have expeerience generrating MTO scchedules deriived from thee building model. C Continuous Le earning I have taken the opportunity to compleete many courses that are offered by Dassault D Systè èmes. These courses in ncluded Advvanced Surfaacing, Know wledgeware, HVAC Mode elingand thee Enovia co ollaborative lifecycle m management platform.

U UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI PROJECTS P S 2011  Haaiti Schoolho ouse May - Sep – Desiggned a schoolhouse for a small rural town t in La Coulline, C Haitii. This prroject was sponsored s byy the non-profit philanthropic group p "Partneers in Health”” – headed by b Dr. Paul Farmer. F I deeveloped this proposaal as part of the t Universityy of Miami Alumni Studio. The directivee was to create a safee design (conforming to th he IBC) that was w simple to o w a relattively low co ost, using lo ocal labor an nd materialss. build, with Constru uction of the actual a school has since been completed d. The top pographical su urface was crreated, usingg Globalmapp per and Revitt. Environ nmental analyysis was donee, using Climaate Consultan ntandEcotectt. Revit was w used to co ontain the ovverall design and a the details were donee in CA ATIA, and then imported into Revit. RSMeans cosst database was used to o derive the building costts.I also did a strucctural simulattion which tessted my desiggn proposal with w forces th hat reflected the t severe eaarthquake maagnitudes (per ASCEE 7-10) and th he hurricane-fforce winds. Page 4

Niichola as Marinos ARCH HITECTURALL DESIGNER & ELLECTRICAL EN NGINEER U UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI PROJECTS P May 2011  Modular Pre-fab Housing: a Scientific Approach (Masster's Thesis - UM) – Fo or my M.Arch thesis, I opted o to do a project that stron ngly reflectss my engin neering approach. A prep fabricated housin ng unit buillt around a dodecahedron spacee-frame structure was detailed d and proposed. The T superior strength h of the do odecahedral space-frame (a plato onic solid) waas demonstraated and com mpared to other geom metric forms. This project was initially done e, using Reviit (Architectu ure, MEP & Structure) at the early concepttual stage, and a ous other geometrical form ms were explo ored. The dessign vario was then t realized d (each part, sub-assemblyy and assemb bly) and detaiiled as a kit of parts, using Inventor and d Catia plaatforms. Thee design wass structurallyy simulated d, using both Inventor an nd Catia builttin tools. The pressentation plaates were detailed d with h exploded views (Inven ntor Publisher) to illustratee the assem mbly processs for each sub-assembly s y. Photorealistic renderings were produced usingg 3 model. In addition, thee the conceeptual Revit 3D detailed Inventor dessign was imm mersed into a photorealistic virtual reality setting s usingg Showcase e and various rendered views weree extraacted and presented.A ph hotorealistic video was ccreated from the Showcase virtual reeality, to dem monstrate thee adap ptability of th he design pro oposal to diffferent contexxt. The design was animated a witthin different virtual realityy context setttings. Nov 2010  Perm makitchen Trailer (Fall 2010 Design//Build Studio o - UM) - Colllaborative efffort to design n and build a mobile kitcheen for a South Florid da non-profiit organizatio on ("Earth Learning") L th hat serves to o educcate the lo ocal commu unity about food prep paration and preseervation.We began with an old 30-fo oot trailer an nd stripped it i down n to the chassis. We then cleaned and reinforced th he chassiswith steel members. A structural steel s frame was w then desiggned and weelded onto the chasssis.I blueprinted the chasssis, developed the strucctural, electriical, plumbing draw wings and dessigned a novvel, retractab ble sanitary taank, using Re evit MEP and system - with Revitt Structure. I also designe ed and simulaated a solar photovoltaic p detaiiled engineering specificattion, per the client's c requirrements.

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Niichola as Marinos ARCH HITECTURALL DESIGNER & ELLECTRICAL EN NGINEER U UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI PROJECTS P Maay - Aug 2010 0  Kausay Wasi W Clinic (Summer 2010 Studio S - UM) - Tw wo proposalss were developed for the non-profit Kausay Wassi Clin nic, located in n a small Perruvian mounttain foothill town t of Coyaa (near the larger town of Cuscco). Thee first involved expanding the existin ng clinic. This included a detailed design that was deeveloped as a 3D model in Revit. This project began affter I blueprinted the origginal clinic, siince plans did d not exist. Passivee ventilation was a major objective as the t owner did d d. Vernacular architecturee not wish to have an A/C systtem installed obe structuree) was retrofitted with a concrete c stru uctural system m (ado (tie-beams & tiee columns with w CMU inffill), to creatte a safe and d efficient structurre - given thee earthquake prone region n. The originaal 575 57 sq ft clinic was re-designed and expaanded into an n adjoining lo ot with h an addition nal 8023 sq ft.. The second s propo osal involved developing a new clinic deesign on a neearby site to the t old clinic,, which was to be ceded to o pending a po the Kausay K Wasi organization, o olitical electio on outcome. This was a much m larger sitte, where thee owner again n wisheed to use paassive ventilattion, except for the operaating room areas a that weere to have a small A/C system s with a gasoline generato or backup sysstem. This clin nic was desiggned with a stterile core an nd included amenities that typically aree h A tie e beam and tie t column fraaming structu ure (with CMU infill) was developed. The T ~22K sq fft found in a small hospital. n out). clinicc was designeed around an open air courrtyard (looselly covered to keep the rain For both b proposals, the contour topograph hical maps weere generated from the satellite geogrraphical inforrmation cloud d of po oints (using Globalmappe G er). The plan, elevation, and section drawings, and many photo orealistic rend derings, weree geneerated from the t 3D Revitt model. Thee environmen ntal informattion for the proposals was derived, using u Climatee Conssultantand Eccotect, with th he required weather w file derived from a Russian Meteorological database. d

May 2010  Maritime e Museum/SSwordfish Caafé and Pedesstrian Walkw way (Spring 201 10 Studio/Ind dividual Desiggn - UM) - A retrofit plan was proposed forr the unused d Port Blvd. bridgge railroad liine in downtown Miamii. The unused railroad adjaceent to the port bridgee was converted into a publicc tree-lined walkway w and park, with a monumental and sculptu ural museum m/café d near the middle of theb bridge, (Swordfish Café) located to co ommemorate sport fishingg. A con ncept along with w the site was developed as a 3D model, m using Revit R Architecture. The conceptual c m massing tool (w within Revit) was used to create the sculptural form ms, as well as the bridgge geometry. The renderings were prroduced from m the Revit model m usingg 3ds Max.

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Niichola as Marinos ARCH HITECTURALL DESIGNER & ELLECTRICAL EN NGINEER U UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI PROJECTS P April 2010  The e Guest Hou use (Spring 2010 /Individual Desiggn - UM) - Blueeprinted an existing e house e 2D to 3D, ussing Revit. (Arch hitecture/MEEP/Structure)) Interrior and exterrior lighting was w formally designed d and included in the 3D 3 model, alo ong with the photometric p d data. Photoreealistic renderings were produced p (Me ental Ray) thaat accurately illustrate the liighting propo osal. An HVAC C system was designed and d simulated (Reviit MEP) as weell as all of the e plumbing. An A electrical design d was proposed (panel schedule s and wiring diagraam details.

Dec 2009  Miam mi Beach To ownhome (Fall 2009 Studio//Individual Design - UM) - A contemporary townhome e with lower floor retail (mixed-use) design d was proposed p for a vacant com mmercially-zo oned site in Miami M Beach. The proposal wass modeled in n 3D, using Revit R Architeccture. A com mplete desiggn and set of drawingss were produced, includ ding architecctural, strucctural and HVAC. Renderin ngs were generated from the t 3D model. The lightiing and mateerials were caarefully choseen to control both artificiaal and natural light and d its colors.. The propo osal included d an upper floor aparttment, a 4000 sq ft reside ence with thee requisite green space, ass well as ground floor reetail space - on a 30ft-widee lot.


Jan 2008  Middleton Drive House e (Individual Project) P

- Developed a 3D topograaphical modeel and massingg de home in th he Santa Cruz plan for a teerraced hillsid mountains (N Northern Caliifornia).

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