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4 METHODS FOR CREATING NON-VIRAL TRAFFIC Method #6: Blogging This is a term I’m sure you’re all familiar with. I’m confident that you’ve visited at least one blog in your internet lifetime. They are very popular sites; anybody with any kind of interest in any topic has usually created at least one blog on that topic. It’s hard to find a niche that doesn’t have a blog associated with it. It’s a very popular style of Web site, and one of the reasons they are so popular is the content on blogs is fresh; they tend to get updated very frequently. We want to take advantage of the popularity of blogging in order to drive viral traffic to our revenuegenerating sites. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s involved. As we just mentioned, blogging can generate an awful lot of traffic, but they can be a lot of work. Again, the reason that the blogs can generate the traffic that they do is because of the freshness of the content, so in order to keep the content fresh you have to keep writing content. If people visit a Web site or a blog that doesn’t have some fresh content on it, they’re quickly going to find other sites to visit, so keep that in mind. Because of this, we want to find something that we enjoy writing about because we’re going to be doing a fair amount of writing. It is a lot easier to write on a topic that you actually enjoy reading about. You’re going to be doing a lot of research so it pays to write about something that you enjoy. We’re looking at about three to five articles per week, at least; obviously the more, the better. One of the benefits of establishing a blog is they get picked up by RSS aggregators; RSS stands for Really updates on all of their favorite blog sites. You, as the blog author, register your blog with these aggregator sites; they will send out alert messages to all your subscribers saying that new content has arrived, and they in turn will come and visit your site. One of the best ways to bring new visitors to your blog is by posting on other blogs and related forums. As I mentioned earlier, it’s difficult to find a niche or a topic that doesn’t have at least one blog already associated with it. There are going to be, in most cases, hundreds if not thousands of blogs on any given topic. And along with blogs are the other kind of popular sites, called ‘forums’. These are places where people can post messages and respond in threads and that sort of thing. If you can find other blogs and forums that are related to the same topic that you’re writing about, then drop in and contribute to those blogs and forums. Leave a link to your blog in your signature or in the post itself. It’s important to remember that spam is pretty easy to spot on these forums and blogs, so when you’re out there make sure that you post something insightful and useful to the community; it benefits you in the long run because you soon become recognized as an established member, and it all comes back to that topic we spoke about earlier - trust. If they trust what you’re writing they’re going to be more likely to visit the links that you’re offering, which are going to be links to your revenue-generating sites. If you make a comment about a different blog on your blog, this is called a trackback. How this works is that the other blog will get a note saying that you talked about their site on your blog, and in most cases they’ll return the favor and include a link back to your blog. You’re getting twice as many eyeballs for very little effort. The nice thing about blogging, again, is that it’s completely free. There are many free blog sites available, including and A lot of people blog professionally as their sole method of income. They find that not only does it drive traffic to other sites that they have in their network, but the blogs themselves generate great revenue from ads, affiliate links, and so on. It’s nice to make an impressive living just by writing about things that they enjoy. If you get to that level you might want to look into getting your own domain name. The thing about these free blog sites like blogger and is that they will have their name in the URL. At some point in the future, if it’s becoming that successful for you, take a look at getting your own domain name and installing blog software on there. This can be done via your host and, again, it doesn’t cost anything extra. A way to generate income while also driving traffic to other sites in your network is to put AdSense on your blog. These are those ad blocks that you’ll see on many sites that you visit every day – they’re everywhere. The reason they’re everywhere is because they’re very popular, and they work. You put these AdSense ads on your site and the nice thing about them is they tend to be related to the topic on the page, which helps with click through, and this can add up to a substantial amount of income. Like I said, these popular blogs can get a huge amount of traffic and make a lot of money just from AdSense. Once you’ve built up a decent following you can use the trust that you’ve established with them to promote affiliate offers for even more income. How does this work? Well, if you’ve got a loyal following at this point, you can post a note on your blog saying, hey, I just found this really awesome product. It could be a book, it could be a physical product, or anything that you think will be of value to the visitors on your blog. Publish that link on your blog and you can start getting some serious money coming in from these affiliate offers. Affiliate marketing is an internet marketing technique all its own. Super-affiliates make six-figure incomes, easily, every year. It’s not easy to do, but it’s also not impossible; there are a lot of them out there, so it’s definitely something to explore. I just want to reiterate how important it is to keep your content fresh and unique - don’t just recycle stuff on your blog. If you keep things interesting and fresh, you’ll get traffic for years and years. Try writing three to five articles per week and you’ll get people coming to your blog daily – and a lot of them!

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Method #7: Social Bookmarking This is a great way to increase your ranking in search engines, and by doing so increase the amount of traffic coming to your Web site. Sites like StumbleUpon, Digg, reddit, have become extremely popular in the last few years. These are community sites where people will put links that they find interesting and that they think other people would like to see. If they like what they see they’ll go and post their own version of that bookmark as well. So if you submit a link to these sites, what happens is they get voted up or down by the community on that site, based on their popularity. If someone goes there and they like what they see, they’ll vote it up; if they don’t like what they see, they’ll vote it down or not vote at all. The highly popular sites get voted up and those float to the top of the front page. If your link ends up on the front page of any of these social sites, the amount of traffic that you can get is pretty astounding. It’s hard to imagine just how quickly this traffic can flood in. I’ve experienced this myself and it definitely raised my eyebrows. It’s tempting to vote up your own submission so that it gets those eyeballs, but the people that run these sites are pretty smart and they can spot this type of click fraud fairly easily. You’ll get banned pretty quickly, and you don’t want to get banned. So whatever you do, do not vote for your own link.

Method #8: RSS RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it’s one of those technologies that many people aren’t really aware of, but those that are use it all the time. Let’s take a look at how we can use it to generate some viral traffic for our Web sites. There are really two uses for RSS: pushing and pulling. Let’s talk about pushing first. Pushing allows you to broadcast updates from your sites to RSS readers. We talked earlier about blogging. Well, one of the neat things about blogging is the ability to send updates to people that subscribe to your site. The nice thing about this is that they can be browsing other sites, and if they have an RSS reader set up with your RSS feed, they will get an alert on their reader letting them know that your blog has new content for them to view. RSS has become very popular with blogs and news sites. They’ve really hopped on the bandwagon here and are making use of this push technology to alert subscribers that there’s a new news headline or new content on the Web site. They’ll send the headline out to the RSS aggregator site and draw the subscriber back to the main site to view the full article. That’s RSS push technology in a nutshell. Pulling is a great way to add some fresh content to your site, all on autopilot. It’s really quite neat. There are a lot of programs and scripts that have been written especially for this purpose. When you plug one of these scripts or plugins into, for example a word press blog, it will go out and grab content for you and actually write it onto your Web site. It’s a fantastic way of generating some new, fresh content all the time. Search engines love it. They want to see Web sites that are kept updated and fresh. It’s a terrific way to generate some viral traffic to your Web site, especially with the push technology that RSS allows. You should definitely take a look at RSS, especially if you’re setting up a blog. The two go hand in hand.

Method #9: Write Free Content for Other Sites As we just went over in some detail, blogs out there need fresh new content all the time. We’ve talked about this quite often now during this series. Fresh, new content - not only do human beings love to read it but search engines love to see that as well which is very, very important as far as ranking goes. What you do is you find blogs about things that you’re interested in and you approach the owner about writing for them. As we mentioned earlier, blogging can be hard work because there’s a lot of writing involved in order to keep that content fresh. Oftentimes, you’ll find bloggers who just don’t have the time to write as much as they want to. If you approach them and say, listen, I’m willing to write some articles for you, they’re probably going to be very interested in taking you up on that offer. What you do is you send them a sample of your work so they can get an idea of your style. And when they do accept your work, how you benefit from this is you include an “About the Author” box in your article that links back to your site. So, you write the article for this other blog, they get some great content, but the caveat is that you are able to include a little “About the Author” box at the bottom of the article. It states who you are and what your interests are, and always includes a link back to your main Web site.

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