An INTOTALO EGGscellent EGGventure..6

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Kind-of-Commercial-Break - Course Concept

H e i k k i’s ng) i s i r p r e t n E Fi rs t ( Ste p s . . .

Will I be able to make a living?

What am I go ing do wi th myse lf?

Wh at idea s m igh t wor k?

Wh at a b o ut me b e c om i ng s e lf-e m p lo ye d?

Friends & Colleagues didn’t seem to take his new idea seriously.

& conventional business advice left him feeling in a dark mood.

Walking into Intotalo, Heikki found himself welcomed enthusiastically.

He also found out that the idea of enterprise isn’t simply about having a business idea...

Entrepreneurship really begins inside of you Heikki – business ideas bubble up during practical experiences & by listening to peoples needs.

First Steps Enterprise Coaching... Could that be something for me?

So, if you feel ready to test your ideas for real & to challenge your knowhow as well... Welcome!

Entrepreneurshi p need not be a lonely experience either – a community of like-minded individuals really helps energise any enterprise. That’s the reason First Steps Coaching isn’t founded on the idea of individuals flicking through foldersof-theory, but instead invested in the action of groups experimenting in business together. Learning-by-doi ng...


g is b a se d o n Firs t Ste p s C o ach in . Th e G OAL is to g in o d & r u o v a e d n e a s INTO p rac t ic e . e id r u o y t u p y ll a re

The core charac teristics of an entrep reneur are learne d during group training session s & then tested out by individuals in learni ng experiences.

ing te amfo cus go es to bu ild e th g in nn gi be e In th as so on as di vidu al ai ms, bu t sp ir it & defin ing in ds al l io n w ill sh if t to war ct re di e th le ib ss it ’s po ne urs. .. ci ng be ing en trep re ti ac pr ts an ip ic rt pa

Coaching the team sold Dur ing Hei kki’s Firs t Ste p ks worth app rox imately soc llen han d-k nit ted woo i Tow n in just one wee k! 12 000 euros: in Kaj aan

Sooner than you think it will be time to begin building your business net work & develop your enterprising ideas further. Taking the first steps into anything new can be really challenging, yet once taken they also make us better able to go on...

New contacts are made virtually...

?€ well as in the real world.

Business plans are explored individually, in groups & with experienced entrepreneurs.

Taking the First Steps towards entrepreneurship is a huge undertaking & so taking that first leap-of-faith INTO the unknown never feels easy. First Step Enterprise Coaching will encourage you to have a go!

Le e n a

K at ja

To test her idea Leena began her “holiday help” ser vice idea, Talli-piika (Stable-hand), during the course & Katja also decided to try her children’s clothing store (kids stuff) out-for-size, for just one month, in order to explore it’s potential profitability. Kimmo, on the other hand, invested his time & efforts in developing new models for his innovative “construction blocks”. After the tryout, they all felt a lot more confident about themselves, their companies & their business ideas. Now I feel more confident & ready to explore being an entrepreneur more.

K immo

Test might be made as independent projects or be practiced via the Intotalo’s company trade name & registered cooperative.

S in ce 2003 First Step En te rprie

Co aching in INTOTALO ha s en abled mo re th an 60 pa rt icipa nt s to ta ke th eir First Step s INTO th e excit ing wo rld of cre at ing ne w en te rp ris e & lea rn ing First Ha nd wh at it ta ke s to ma ke busines s & wh at it me an s to be an en trep re ne ur.


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