Rhino Stomper

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R H i N O ST O M P E R a catalogue of images from the video

Nicolaas Maritz https://sites.google.com/site/nicolaasmaritzgallery https://sites.google.com/site/nicolaasmaritzmusic https://soundcloud.com/nicolaasmaritz

Nemesia*Press DARLING 2015

INTRODUCTION For some time I have been fascinated with the difference between the silence and immobility of paintings, which are my usual medium, and the ‘noise’ of moving images, such as one might find in film and video. This has been turning around in my mind since first pondering the visual images conjured up by my imagination, when listening to music. Without aiming for a commercial product, I have been combining groups of composite images (made up out of computer-manipulated photographs of a selection of my paintings, drawings and prints) with one of my music compositions, with the idea of creating a sort of visual vibrancy, with an aural component; another ‘form’. This publication catalogues the images used for the first of these projects, a video titled RHINO STOMPER, which can be viewed on youtube at https://youtu.be/oDudXuSTLZI I have always been wary of getting sucked into joining the tide of popular ‘agendas’ created and fuelled by the media with a plethora of amazing generalizations. I maintain that an artist’s subject matter suggests itself from somewhere within. At least this has been my own experience. But to react with horror and a growing sense of anger to the wholesale slaughter of rhinos for the sake of dubious aphrodisiacs, does not seem to me so outlandish an ‘agenda’ to support. It seems to me that the more people know about it the better. Public awareness is often the deciding factor when solving such problems effectively. Forget pop video. Forget the idea of ‘movie’. Forget agitprop. Forget ‘story’. This is sound and vision bearing only one message: THE PLIGHT OF THE RHINO! Nicolaas Maritz Windhoek, Namibia August 2015

NICOLAAS MARITZ Paintings, Drawings & Prints Full colour, 100 page monograph with artist’s notes. Includes comprehensive Introduction, Biography, Exhibitions List, Collections and Bibliography.

This book is available from: 

Penny Dobbie Gallery, Cape Town: 021 424 8349 / denarius@mweb.co.za

Kalk Bay Modern, Cape Town: 021 788 6571 / kbm@iafrica.com

Clarke’s Bookshop, Cape Town: 021 423 5739 / books@clarkesbooks.co.za

Book League, Darling: 022 492 2667 / bookleague@telkomsa.net

Dawid Ras, Johannesburg: 082 492 9777 / mdawidr@iafrica.com

Nicolaas Maritz, Darling: 022 492 3202 / 078 419 7093 / maritzstudio@telkomsa.net

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