AGI & SAM Agi & Sam are an emerging designer duo, who believe that fashion should never be taken too seriously. They continuously add humor in to their collections and are famously known for the use of bespoke prints. They have recently changed PR agencies from Bloody Gray PR to Exposure Edit PR. Bloody Gray clientele strictly includes emerging designers, as they mainly focused on editorial content and catwalk campaigns for Agi & Sam. Exposure Edit PR, focus on creating innovative campaigns for their clients which means that Agi & Sam will soon be gaining recognition based on their aesthetics. The brand have recently show cased their S/S2013 and A/W 2013 collections with Fashion East. The inspiration for their last collection was based on when the duo where both young and were forced to watch cheesy 80’s programmes with their nan. The collection was called ‘Granddad, can we watch cartoons now?’. As a group we decided to focus on Agi & Sam as we were really influenced by the humor that they incorporate in to their brand ethos. It gave us a lotto play with and think about in regards to creating possible PR campaigns.
Scan from research book
From research book
From research book
COMPETITORS h-p:// webapp/wcs/stores/ servlet/ TopCategoriesDisplay? storeId=12555&catalog Id=33056&geoip=hom e Â
Topman is a high street brand, that mainly focuses on urban trends, as they appeal to young trendsetters. They are a potential competitor due to the comparison of cost between Topman and Agi & Sam.
h-p:// www.aquabyaqua.c om Â
Aqua by men is boutique like brand who specialize in urban wear. Like Agi & Sam they also incorporate prints in their garments to enable a distinctive look. Also like Topman their clothing is a lot let cheaper than Agi & Sam.
From research book
Our first written brief
Below is a personal reflecLon of wriLng the campaign brief.
MARKET OVERVIEW A section of the pitch document that is required is a market overview analysis. Therefore I have scanned through Mintel and WGSN to see what discussions and analysis’s have been conducted about the current economic state. I came across a report both on WGSN and Mintel, discussing the current euro debt crisis. Its states that European countries Spain, Italy and Greece are in trouble. The cost of helping them out has caused other European countries to result in recession. This will effect individuals disposable income in regards to luxury goods. Another report that I came across was based on the effectiveness of social media campaigns in 2013. It states that a social media campaign will see ‘higher engagement and longer-term consumer loyalty’. The use of social media seems highly useful for Agi & Sam, as it is a free and there is no financial loss if the campaign doesn't work. Also due to the recession, Agi & Sam do not have money to spare. So a possible Facebook/ twitter campaign seems logic. WGSN january/2013_marketing_toptrends.html Mintel Report –
‘The Chap’ – Olympiad is a summer annual event held in London. It is a two day even that involves humor and invites people who are against modern culture.
Movember is a yearly event, where male and females throughout the month of November grow their moustache in aid for a men's cancer charity. People from all around the world parLcipate and in 2011 a staggering 73 million was raised. The relevance between Movember and Agi & Sam is the moustache. The brand have conLnuously used this symbol throughout their catwalk shows and it also is apart of their logo. Therefore I feel that Agi & Sam should involve Movember within their promoLonal campaign.
Campaign research
Campaign research
From research book
Sponsorship for Campaigns Finalizing our different secLons for our campaign, seeing as Agi & Sam are an emerging brand. Sponsorship throughout the campaign will help Agi & Sam to save money. As a group we were thinking of using Liberty as a possible sponsor, as Agi & Sam are currently stocked there. Therefore the relaLonship is already there so asking shouldn't’t be a hassle. For the music event, we thought it would be logical to use SpoLfy as a sponsor. As they adverLse up and coming bands. If they were a sponsor there would be no fee of asking emerging bands to perform at the event. Also an important sponsor would be Movember, as the campaign is in aid of this good cause. CollaboraLng with Movember, will iniLal help Agi & Sam to gain a good reputaLon and also gain a huge recogniLon. As Movember is a world wide organizaLonal charity.
REVIEW A]er our review presentaLon Jon menLoned that we should look at a campaign that was set-‐up for Whi-ard tea, as it involves 5 aspects of the iniLal campaign. Our main idea is a Music night, Jon stated that we shouldn’t be afraid of expanding the campaign. He also really liked the One Liner idea, and said that we should center the campaign around this idea as it is very strong and reflects the brands ethos of humour. Another pointer was that he said he has seen a lot of PR companies creaLng a music night as a last resort. Therefore we need to make us different and stand out from the rest. We were told to think outside the box in terms of humour and to look at The Chap – Olympiad event. As it contains a different aesethic and is very successful. I personally think the review went well, we were told to not use note cards for the final presentaLon. However, I am very bad at speaking a loud therefore a lot of preperaLon will be needed to perform and sell our campaign ideas. Basic layout presentaLon was noted, not to add white images on to a different coloured background. As it does not look professional and is also very messy.
ReflecLng from what was said in the review, as a group we all said it would be beneficial to use a white background, as it looks clean and sleek. By incorporaLng the Agi & Sam prints on the side and also a repeLLve moustache at the bo-om, we are appealing to the brand. If we were to pitch this presentaLon to Agi & Sam, they would see our a-enLon to detail and also knowledge of the brand; By adding li-le Agi & Sam signifying traits.