Tuxford academy life issue 7

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The official magazine of Tuxford Academy

Issue No. 7

Autumn Term 2016

Specialised opportunities: Something for everyone

Special feature:

Our successful former students! Highest A - C grades ever!

Welcome to Academy Life Academy Director’s Introduction It is with great pleasure that I can introduce the first issue of the academic year of Academy Life. The theme of this issue is ’Positivity and Motivation’; areas that are incredibly poignant to a lot of young people. I know that maintaining a positive attitude and staying motivated are imperative for success and so it is fantastic to read how our students are embracing their studies and the full range of exciting extra-curricular/enrichment opportunities on offer at the academy. It is also fascinating to read the stories from former students, which I know our current students will find inspirational – how could they not?! Dave Vernon, Academy Director

Dates for your diary DECEMBER



Year 9 Academic Tutorial Week


Curriculum Day 2


Creative & Expressive Arts Showcase Evening


Year 10 Academic Tutorial Week


Post 16 Celebration of Achievement Evening


Creative & Expressive Arts Showcase Evening


Non Uniform Day


Non Uniform Day


Inset Day


First day of Christmas Break




School re-opens after Christmas Break


First day of Easter Break


Year 11 Progress Evening


School re-opens after Easter




Year 12/Year 13 Academic Tutorials


Disco for Years 7, 8 & 9


Non Uniform Day


First day of Half Term Break


Inset Day


School re-opens after Half Term break


Year 9 Pathways Evening


Year 8 Academic Tutorial Week

Many thanks to all students and staff who contributed towards articles


Local author Lily Divall, inspires writers of the future


Students at Tuxford Academy were given an inspirational lesson in literature when eighteen year old author, Lily Divall, visited Tuxford Academy; ‘A False Creation’ is Lily’s debut novel. Interest was high, as students from all year groups listened intently as Lily introduced herself, talked in detail about her first novel and offered writing tips. Lily was inundated with questions from inspired students, keen to know more about her and the characters and plots within the novel. The novel was submitted for publication in August last year and in November 2015 Lily signed a contract with Pegasus publishing. Lily grew up reading the Harry Potter series and feels that these were her main inspiration for wanting to be a writer. Lily said “JK Rowling was able to create this entire world and yet still manage to make it fit with the one we live in, and that’s something I’ve ended up doing in my own writing.” Lily hasn’t written off the chance of a sequel and if her debut sells well, she is happy to put pen to paper again and continue the story, with the plethora of ideas she already has jotted down in her notepad, which she keeps close to hand at all times ready for when inspiration strikes! English teacher Carl Bingham said “Lily spoke passionately

about her love of writing and the process of her first novel being published. The students were captivated by the talk, most leaving with a determination to both devour her new book and draft their own masterpieces.” Pictured left to right are Year 7 students, Kyle Trickett, Ashleen McIntyre, Katie Gauntley, Luke Whiteman and Zachary Pearson.

Gypsy Roma Traveller – Historical production This summer, Year 7 and Year 8 students watched a fascinating theatre production by the Friends, Families, and Travellers (FFT) and Nottinghamshire County Council, as part of Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) Month. The purpose of the production was to highlight the historical significance of the GRT community, within the UK and beyond, and formed part of the Academy’s continuing work to promote British Values to our students. It is intended to run this event annually. Students undoubtedly learnt a lot and found the performance very interesting: • “Amazing” • “It was very moving, and very frustrating and very true.” • “I understood what it was about and did really enjoy the performance.” • “I think the play was interesting, teaching us about travellers in different times.”

Academy Life



Pat On The Back Examination Results – another year of impressive results 100% pass rate at GCSE (74% A* - C) and 99% pass rate at A level – well done to our students • Nathan Gill Year 9, Callum Macfie Year 11 and George Cordall Year 8 Won the Nottinghamshire Schools Golf competition in July and came 21st in the National event • Ella Surguy Year 9 Won the Silver Medal at the National Championships of Taekwondo in London in September • Jess Newton and Hannah Barnett, Year 11 students Taking part in the World Lifesaving Championships in Eindhoven in the Netherhlands in September

• Charlotte Brindley Year 13 and former student Sasha Heath Year 11 last year Both girls received Courage Awards in June this year • Ellie Myson and Georgia Simpson, Post 16 students The above girls are both air cadets with the 1403 Retford Squadron Air Cadets. They received their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award in July at The Palace of Holyroodhouse in Scotland

What Literature means to me... From a very young age I could invariably be found with a book in my hands. I always loved how good writers could offer an insight into worlds other than the rather dull one in which I lived! As I grew older I became increasingly fascinated by the rhythm of language; I was intrigued by how great novels were created and tried to imitate the often complex structure of novels that had made an impact on me in my own writing. These attempts at producing my own stories increased my confidence with language and helped develop skills that I would later use during my A-levels and my degree, ultimately leading to my appointment as an English teacher when I was 23.

during the 1930s. The reader sees the world through the eyes of Scout Finch as she comes to terms with growing up in a conflicted community.

My love of great literature has never wavered and I read voraciously to this day. It’s an interest I actively promote with every student I work with, firmly believing that it can enhance vocabulary and communication skills, and develop in the committed reader a relationship with books that will last a lifetime.

The Shining by Stephen King: A popular novel that many will be familiar with from watching Stanley Kubrick’s film adaptation. The novel, though, offers far more to the discerning reader. It’s much more than just a story about a haunted hotel. King paints a vivid picture of family dysfunction in a claustrophobic environment, with much of the book exploring the fractured personality of Jack Torrance. An enthralling read, but recommended for more mature readers.

Compiling a list of favourite books in such a relatively short space is almost impossible, but it’s given me an opportunity to think about a whole range of fantastic books that have made a lasting impression on me, some of which I’ve listed below. I’d also like to add for the benefit of any Tuxford student reading this that I remain indebted to Mrs Marsh (primary school teacher) and Mrs Williams (school librarian) who first introduced me to the idea of reading for pleasure. “I owe a lot to reading. And if you pick up the habit, I guarantee that you will, too…” To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee: A stunning coming-of-age novel that I frequently re-read. The book explores issues of childhood and racism in Alabama


Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie: A quite incredible novel about Indian independence. The beauty of the novel lies in its poetic use of language and the sophisticated nature of the story-telling. A wonderful read.

Time’s Arrow by Martin Amis: A morally complex novel that explores the horrors of the Holocaust as the narrative unfolds in reverse. A harrowing read, but also incredibly moving and more powerful than any other novel I’ve ever read. 1984 by George Orwell: Everyone should read this haunting novel that tells the story of Winston Smith’s rebellion against Big Brother and the Party. Terrifying, heartbreaking, and as relevant today as it was when it was first written. James Cooper, Senior Learning Mentor



Animal Farm is Ben’s favourite Animal Farm is a book which was written by the British author and socialist George Orwell and was published in 1945. Orwell wrote the book as he wished to destroy the ‘Soviet Myth’ that communism benefitted the Soviet Union. It is rated by Time Magazine as one of the top 100 English language novels of the 20th century.

The story starts with a group of animals who are mistreated by their farmer, Mr Jones. One day a pig called Old Major announces to his comrades that he had a dream where all animals were equal and fairly treated. When Old Major dies two pigs take up the fight for power, Snowball and Napoleon. One day, after a battle with Mr Jones, Napoleon arrived with dogs which bit and scared Snowball off. This is when he became a dictator of the farm. All who opposed him were eaten by the dogs and everything that went wrong was blamed on Snowball. The book follows the animals’ struggles, through their lives on the farm. For anyone wanting to understand the Soviet Union’s history or communism in general, I would recommend this book, as it presents all aspects of Stalin’s rule but through the perspective of animals, so is easily understood.

My top 10 favourite books 1. Animal Farm by George Orwell 2. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee 3. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson 4. I know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Dr Maya Angelou 5. 1984 by George Orwell 6. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K Rowling 7. The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien 8. The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini 9. An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield 10. Going Sole by Roald Dahl

My favourite author is J.R.R Tolkien because of his creative writing style. Ben Galbraith, Year 10 student

Goodbye after 20 years at Tuxford Sandy Dodd, Associate Leader of Student Services worked at the academy for 20 years and has now left to live closer to her elder son in West Yorkshire. (Her younger son is Joe Dodd in our Former Student special feature!) Throughout her time at the academy Sandy worked in a variety of roles including: Finance Administrator, Faculty Support Assistant in D & T, School Shop and Support Staff leader until getting her final role as an Associate Leader in 2014. Her passion for driving Support Services forward within the academy was exceptional and we wish her all the best for the future.

Academy Life


Academy Focus

“A rising tide At Tuxford we care for all our students equally regardless of ability and we are committed to encouraging growth mind-set learning. Lessons at school are designed to encourage maximum progress and mentally stretch all our students, which is especially important to those students who are achieving a higher level of thinking than the rest of their year group. More Able students are provided for at school through a wide variety of methods (this doesn’t necessarily just mean extra or harder homework!), but rather incorporating flexible progression of tasks (so stages can be progressed or missed if understood quicker than the rest of the class) and posing higher level questions to the whole class, that will appeal and challenge thinking to those that are able to take on more complex thinking.

A strong partnership between school and parents Miss Tivey also suggests the following ways parents can support their child’s learning (whatever their abilities) by encouraging them to: 1. Watch educational programmes and discuss them together 2. Read quality newspapers

‘All students have a right to be educated according to their potential needs and abilities.’

3. Take part in extracurricular activities to develop social skills

Maxine Tivey, Leader of Cross Curricular Skills and G&T/More Able

4. Visit museums, nature reserves and art galleries; nurture their enthusiasm

In addition, each school curriculum area also organises specialised opportunities within the subject areas which are open to all our students, these include prestigious opportunities like National Mathematics and poetry competitions, Theatre and Drama clubs, exciting trips to places like New York and leadership opportunities e.g. leading activities at school events (e.g. Modern Foreign Languages – language taster sessions at Open Evening). At Tuxford we believe that ‘a rising tide lifts all ships’, and experience has shown that all our students have benefitted from being in a learning environment with students who work at a more advanced level. ‘Supporting every student is at the core of Tuxford Academy’s values.’

5. Discuss school work 6. Discuss career options/plans for the future 7. Encourage them to play strategic games such as Chess 8. Be involved in family decision making 9. Use the library 10. Do jobs around the home to develop responsibility and leadership skills 11. Exercise regularly 12. Enjoy a variety of music and investigate other genres 13. Include them in your interests 14. Encourage friends of all ages to stimulate social skills and leadership

Mr Vernon, Academy Director

Taking part in extra-curricular clubs can help learning: At Tuxford we are proud of the broad range of extracurricular activities we can offer our students. Extracurricular activities are ideal ways to stimulate, stretch and challenge our students. In particular Chess Club, Astronomy, STEM (Science, Technology and Engineering and Maths) and University workshops are often attended by more able students. But again, all students are welcome/able to come along.

It is proven that attending an extra-curricular club will benefit students’ learning – both academically and socially – and we actively encourage all students to join in the learning, make friends and have fun! All of the clubs are open to any student at the academy. So why not encourage your child to have a go or if you are a student come along?! All the clubs are advertised at college receptions and more information can be found on our website. www.tuxford-ac.org.uk/Extra-Curricular-Clubs



Academy Focus

lifts all ships” Like chess or want to have a go? Chess Club meets every lunch time in H10. Have you ever tried 3 or 4 way chess!? We enter the Delancey Schools Challenge every year!

Like Astronomy Club? In the spring we visit the Lincoln Astronomy Club observatory to look through their telescope and have a lecture! Last year we watched the transit of Mercury across the sun using our solar filter!

2009 - 2016 – Students now attending Russell Group University places Russell Group is deemed the top achieving universities in the country. Last year 21 of our students were awarded top university places with 77 students going on to universities throughout the country/abroad in total. We are also proud to say that all of our students have secured jobs or higher education places since leaving the academy. Name





Bacon, Jack

Liverpool - Geography

12. O’Connell, Anastasia UCL London Global - English


Beaman, Jacob

Southampton - Music

13. Oksuz, Henry


Duane, Laura

Cardiff - Physiotherapy

Newcastle - Electronics & Computer Engineering


Ferris, Charley

Nottingham - History and Politics

14. Parkes, Lydia

Nottingham - Chemistry


Foster, Jake

Leeds - Biochemistry

15. Purnell, Grace

Manchester - Politics & Sociology


Hawley, Elle

York - Philosophy

16. Sinclair, Ben

Sheffield - Computer Science


Higgs, Isaac

Liverpool - Chemistry

17. Vassiliades, Emilia

Sheffield - Law


Howford, Katie

Sheffield - Dentistry

18. Wainwright, Fay

York - Biology


Macphail, Georgina Cardiff - French/Spanish

19. Whelan, Katie

Newcastle - Foreign Languages

10. Marsh, Chloe

Nottingham - Pharmacy

20. Whittall, Oliver

Sheffield - History & Politics

11. Marson, Carter

Leeds - Nursing

21. Wilmott, Adam

Nottingham - Mathematics

2016 Tuxford P16 Centre results – ‘Highest number of A-C grades ever!’ For course information and information on Tuxford Academy’s P16 Centre please visit www.tuxford-ac.org.uk/Post-16-Prospectus

Academy Life



DALP Games, 12th July 2016 This year’s DALP Games took place at the spectacular new Harvey Hadden Sports Village. The £16 million new venue provided a fantastic location for the DALP students, who this year, in a new programme to previous years, were treated to competing on a state of the art 400m, 8 lane athletics track and field and the only 8 lane, 50m swimming pool in Nottinghamshire!

a swimming gala style competition and KS4 students went head-to-head in a gripping handball competition in the sports hall.

The students from all seven DALP Academies competed in a vast variety of athletics competitions during the morning, including long/triple jump, obstacle, and track races. The students performed brilliantly and even the occasional rain shower did not perturb their outstanding performances.

The overall, final score was announced by Mr Pickering, DALP Chief Executive, who congratulated East Leake Academy in winning the DALP Games 2016! Mr Pickering said; ‘An amazing venue and the best DALP Games to date. Well done all.’

This year for the first time DALP welcomed Walton Girls to the competition. ‘The students really loved the day and participating; they are a competitive bunch!’ Katie Sandell, Walton Girls.

All students involved on the day, were presented with a medal to congratulate them on taking part and doing so well. DALP Student Engagement Coordinators, Nicola Manning and Kirsty Rafferty, who organised the event, would like to thank all DALP Academies (staff and students) for supporting the event and making it a real success.

After a quick lunch, the students then moved on to the afternoon activities. KS2 and KS3 students participated in


‘The swimming in particular was a very good addition. The DALP Games were a real success!’ Jamie Bird, Teacher, Retford Oaks Academy.


Special Feature: Former Students

Former Students Successes At Tuxford we are incredibly proud of our former students and love to hear about what they get up to after leaving school. This year in particular it has been lovely to hear from some of our students and so we would like to share

their stories with the hope that you enjoy reading about our former students who we consider fabulous role models for our younger students. We hope that you enjoy reading all about what and how they achieved their successes.

Final words of advice from Annie O’Connell… After receiving my A Level results I was asked to write an article all about my motivation and lifestyle during my studying which led to me achieving the grades I did, alongside being heavily involved with the school’s production of ‘Billy Elliot’. I’ll be honest, I found it difficult to know where to start because the truth is, for the most part of my A Level years, I didn’t lead what you would call a ‘balanced lifestyle’. I spent a lot of time stressed, emotional, and exhausted - which I know many current A Level students will be able to relate to! However, although my lifestyle was in no way perfect, there are a few key things that I took away from the experience which I thought other students may find useful: • Make a timetable. Seriously, I made a revision timetable in Years 11, 12 & 13 which enabled me to plan my revision from February to exam time. Starting early and having a plan meant that I had plenty of time to fit everything in properly, and was never worried about whether or not I’d get everything covered. Find a way that works for you, but definitely plan your time - in the long-run you will thank yourself. • Figure out how your brain works. For me, I’m a very

visual learner, which meant that all of my revision was centred round images and colours that would make stuff stick in my brain. For some it’s listening, for others it’s working with other people. Find a few key ways you remember things and use those methods to revise. • Cut yourself some slack. You will have bad days, you’ll mess up, and some weeks your organisation will go to pot - I promise it isn’t the end of the world. Every now and then have a day off, spend some time with people you love, or just go to bed. Take some time to remind yourself that you are more than your grades, and when you go back to it all tomorrow, you’ll feel much better. It’s important to remember that no one has it together all the time - I certainly didn’t, but just concentrate on doing the best that YOU can, and in my eyes that in itself is the real achievement.

Annabel Grant – Top Graphic Designer Annabel Grant, graduated this year from Huddersfield University with a first class BA Honours Degree in Graphic Design after three years full time study and was also awarded the prestigious Chancellor’s prize for outstanding achievement. This prize is only awarded to around 20 out of 20,000 final year students at the university. During her undergraduate studies she gained practical experience by way of a work placement at a commercial graphic design company and is now a full time graphic designer at this company. Her university tutor gave her the following reference:“Annabel is an extremely diligent, hardworking and talented individual who has always gone out of her way to get the most from a brief. She is highly creative, possesses a strong set of technical abilities, and has never been afraid to tackle new territories or to learn new skills. She has likewise demonstrated her ability to manage risk and professional relationships in a highly efficient fashion. She has consistently produced impressive work and

has always delivered within deadlines. Annabel’s final year project work was innovative, contemporary and aesthetically rich. Her dissertation topic was timely and innovative and she demonstrated a considerable aptitude for research. She was able to manage her dissertation; technical study and project work efficiently, and had a strong, holistic understanding of the relationship between each of these components.” Annabel would like to thank all the staff at Tuxford Academy who supported her during her time there and prepared her for higher education studies at university, without whom she feels she would not have been so successful.

Academy Life


Special Feature: Former Students

Harry Pickard voted top for teaching by students Harry Pickard left Tuxford Academy in July 2011 and went to the University of Greenwich in London to read Economics. He graduated in July 2014 with a First-class honours degree. In September of that year he started his masters in Economics at The University of Sheffield and continued his studies, embarking on a PhD in September 2015. He was awarded a full scholarship by the Department of Economics and his research interests lie in the field of political economy. As a PhD student, Harry teaches first year undergraduate students in tutorial sessions. Last year, economics students at the university voted Harry as the best economics postgraduate tutor for that year. The annual awards organised by the department’s undergraduate Student Staff Forum are given to the lecturer and tutor that students find the most engaging and can explain the complex areas of the syllabus.

Harry said “I’m very proud to win this award. Tutorials are really important for the students because in these small group sessions they can apply their understanding from the lectures to specific exercises and really get to grips with the important economics techniques.”

Joe Dodd – hard work is a pleasure not a chore Recent news that grammar schools might be reintroduced has particular resonance for me. I failed my 11+ exam and went to a local comprehensive school. Although it has been a bumpy ride, under the old system I would have been thrown on the rubbish heap. Thankfully I was granted a second chance. In August 2009, I received my GCSE results and knew I could and should have done much better. I needed to make a change - instead of going to the new Post-16 College in Retford, I opted to start my A levels that September at Tuxford Academy. Tuxford gave me a second chance to achieve my potential and I knew that I might not get a third go. I had some catching up to do but with the tireless love and support of my parents and the commitment of great teachers in the Humanities faculty, I discovered, not only that I had the capacity to achieve, but also the joy of learning. My expectations of myself were transformed from being satisfied with the minimum five C grade GCSEs to a real belief that I could get into one of the best universities in the country. After working hard and resitting exams I eventually achieved the necessary grades to gain acceptance to study politics at Newcastle University. I was delighted. My upward trajectory did not stop here, I continued to explore my academic interests and study diligently. I graduated two years ago with a first-class honours and was awarded the ‘John Wiseman Award’ for the best overall grade in my year. I am no


longer held back by a lack of confidence and inability to work hard. I have since had opportunities to live, study and travel in Brazil and China. I have spent the past two years in Germany and adore the language and the culture – it’s not just sausages and lederhosen. After getting a taste of studying abroad, I have recently enrolled at Freiburg University in Germany to do a masters degree – Master of Science in Environmental Governance. This is a two year course which includes an internship in the field. I have not quite decided what I would like to do when I graduate but hopefully, I will be able to use my skills and experience in whatever career I pursue. Although I sometimes like to put my recent achievements down to hard work, the truth is that I discovered my passion for politics, history and philosophy as well as reading and writing. This made everything I did I pleasure rather than a chore.


Achievement & Awards

Mr Cox reflects on ‘best ever show’ I am immensely proud of what our students achieved in producing ‘Billy Elliot’. The show was a considerable challenge and the most complex piece we have attempted to date. However, with a committed cast, a dedicated live band and a hard-working technical team, we produced something very special that our students and our audiences will remember for a very long time. Rehearsals started in January, but the search for Billy began in October. Twelve boys trained for the role and each worked extremely hard in all three disciplines; Acting, Singing and Dance. The role eventually went to Jamie Kirkland, whose commitment and dedication to the part was phenomenal. Not only did he have to learn to dance from scratch, but he had a very gruelling rehearsal period and managed to remain positive throughout. He was a fantastic Billy and we are very proud of him. Although the role of Billy is a pivotal one, it is the ensemble that really makes a show of this scale a success and lucky for us we had a brilliant cast! As always, it was a privilege to watch our students perform and my sentiments were certainly shared by our great sell-out audiences.

to develop a wide range of transferable skills and be part of something unique and memorable. ‘I loved every minute of it and it was a drama experience to never forget!’ (Jamie Kirkland – Year 9 student) ‘It was a life-changing experience for me. Performing in the school production made me realise my passion for the arts and I feel very proud to have been involved in it, I will never forget it.’ (Kathryn Daly – Year 10 student )

These productions really are a team effort and fully encapsulate our academy motto; Excellence Through Teamwork. I hope that this production inspires a new generation of performers to come through and engage in the arts at Tuxford. The Performing Arts are a great way for students

Academy Life


Achievement & Awards

From a 30 seconds run, to 26.2 miles I originally started running because I’d heard of a beginners’ running course that was starting close to home, back in 2012. Maybe I was inspired by the London 2012 Olympics (I can’t exactly remember) but I had never been a runner before in my life; I thought running was an impossible task. However, I thought I would give it a go and from week one of the course we did a 30 second run followed by a two minute walk, and I thought - I can do this. Eight weeks later, I was up to 30 minutes (5k) – and I’d been bitten by the running bug. That was the start of my motivation, and, after a few longer runs, such as the Worksop and Retford half marathons and the Great North Run, I decided to push even further and aim for the marathon distance. Getting in first time on the ballot seemed like a sign! My very first race was a Race for Life for Cancer Research in 2013 in Clumber Park. Little did I know when I ran that race (in support of colleagues who were battling), I was soon to have a real surprise, when an early test revealed that I was actually in the early stages of breast cancer – a trial funded by the NHS and Cancer Research. After a three month break – back to square one, then the ballot. Our tutor group ODH sprang into action – they have been brilliant over the years with families joining in massive bake sales, smoothie bikes and any madcap scheme possible! The fundraising started to build up. Tuxford’s brilliant Charity Committee also contributed. Staff and students were superb: many used the


online tracker to follow my progress. I think my Year 11 boys thought I might collapse! Eating porridge as fuel at 6am each Saturday morning became part of the weekly routine. Ten mile runs through October, November and December, as well as midweek runs became as much part of my week as marking! Being able to cover ten miles without fuss turned out to be a good base for January – when the ‘real’ training started – and training runs started in the dark and went on for much longer, only stopping in enough time to get to Hillsborough for the match. The day itself was as special as I’d hoped for. Messages of support flowed in and I truly enjoyed every mile – it’s not often that you get the freedom to run past iconic sights like Tower Bridge, Big Ben and The Mall. When I reached 26 miles, I realised that I’d run the whole thing, with no walking, and made a dash for the finish. Quite a difference from that first 30 seconds, and a fabulous £800 has been raised for Cancer Research. And, three years to the day since I had the test – on Sports Day – I ran into school on the last leg of Mr Tegerdine’s epic 26+ mile run. What an atmosphere! And what a difference 3 years makes. Serendipity in action. I’m hoping to support a local cause for the next adventure. Ms Higgins, Associate Principal


Achievement & Awards

A light jog to work On the morning of 15th July 2016 my alarm went off at 3.30am, playing its usual bit of music to gently wake me up. Fortunately, this didn’t take very long because I hadn’t had very much sleep being too excited, and a little nervous, about the day ahead - I was running the best part of 29 miles/46 km (a marathon and a bit) to Tuxford Academy Sports Day from my home in Nottingham, finishing with a lap around the track with my amazing tutor group WJT at 10am. The idea for the run surprisingly didn’t begin as an idea to run anywhere. The idea was simply to do something positive, do something that would inspire our students to get outside and exercise and to raise some money for a charity that could provide support to our students with mental health issues. I settled on a ‘big run’ because it was simple and didn’t require travelling, much equipment or a lot of cash. Four years ago I had only ever run a mile, and it was a huge struggle! Running for me was hard hard work and I never thought for a minute I would run a marathon. I used to watch the London Marathon on TV awestruck at the fact people were running for 4 hours or more. I steadily built up my stamina, distance and speed by practising every week slowly increasing the distance up to run the Nottingham Half Marathon in 2013, then the Full Nottingham Marathon in 2014.

My run to school was a challenge, it took me five hours and I then had a full sports day Slacklining with Mr Wray to cope with! However, it was a hugely uplifting and positive experience. The support from fellow staff members and our students in many ways absolutely made the day. We also raised over £1500 for Young Minds - amazing. Next time you think you can’t achieve something - just try - you’ll get there in the end whatever your goal. Adopt that positive mind-set and just go for it! P.S. Ask Mr Science Stephen how far he ran the day after me - you’ll be amazed. Mr Tegerdine, Assistant Principal

Academy Life



Jess Newton and Hannah Barnett take part in the World Lifesaving Championships Emergency Response Competition (SERC). This involves rescuing eight casualties in a variety of distressed states in 1.5 minutes. In a big field of over fifty teams, their SERC team won their heat to guarantee them a place in the top 16. In the final, they again performed really well, finishing in 10th position overall. They were one of the youngest teams in the event.

Year 11 students, Jess and Hannah travelled to Eindhoven in the Netherlands in September to compete in the World Lifesaving Championships. This followed six months of fundraising by the girls enabling them to travel with Retford & District Lifesaving Club, to compete at these championships.

Hannah and her team mate Georgina Tomlinson then went on to compete in the youth women’s 12.5m line throw. They qualified with the fastest time in the heats and went on to take the Line Throw event and win the Gold medal in a time of 14.38 to become the World Interclub Champions for 2016. Jess competed in the manikin tow and manikin carry and achieved a personal best time.

The World Lifesaving Championships take place every two years and is made up of National Teams, Masters, Interclub Youth and Interclub Open championships. This year saw nearly 4,000 athletes from over 60 countries converge in Eindhoven, where the pool section was hosted. Hannah and Jess were in the Interclub Youth championships.

They both thoroughly enjoyed their experience at the World Championships. They met other young people from all around the world, volunteered to help on the poolside when the Youth events finished and even learnt some Dutch! They enjoyed swapping swim hats and rash vests, and came home happy and proud to have helped Retford & District Life Saving Club have its most successful championships so far.

They competed as part of a team of 4 in the Simulated

Well done girls!

Sports Results






U14 Girls Football

v Ridgeway Academy

Lost 3 - 1


Y10 Boys Football

v Selston

Lost (competition)


U13 Girls Football

v Arnold School

Lost 4 - 1


Y9 Boys Football

v Outwood Valley

Lost 4 - 3


Y10 Boys Football

v Outwood Valley

Won 2 - 1


Y12/13 Football

v Toothill

Won 3 - 2


Tuxford Academy Golf Team

Woodhall Spa

Won the Nottinghamshire Schools Golf competition and finished 21st in the National event


Y9 Boys Cricket

v Notts High

Lost (competition)



v Magnus, Toothill, JWSPE & Minster

Lost 3 - 1


Y7/8 Boys Cricket

v Portland

Won (competition)


Year 9 Boys football

v Newark Academy

Won 5 - 4


Year 11 Boys Football

v Priory

Lost 6 - 3


Post 16 Boys Football

Carre’s Grammar

Lost 9 - 1


Year 11 Girls Football

V Portland



Teaching school

Excellence through partnership


Trent Valley Teaching School Alliance Tuxford Academy has played a leading role in professional development within Nottinghamshire since 2007 when it became a designated Training School, achieving Teaching School Status in April 2012. Teaching schools are outstanding schools that work with others to provide high-quality training and development to new and experienced school staff. They are part of the government’s plan to give schools a central role in raising standards by developing a self-improving and sustainable school-led system. With an alliance of Strategic Partners, Trent Valley Teaching School has responsibility for leading a ‘self-improving school system’. Furthermore TVTSA collaborates with a number of other Teaching School Alliances in Nottinghamshire in an endeavour to ensure a wide range of opportunities for staff in both Primary and Secondary schools/academies. TVTSA takes pride in its personalised approach. Our alliance schools benefit from a varied menu of opportunities from which choices may be made to meet individual school/academy needs. We welcome new ideas and initiatives and are always eager to welcome and second new colleagues to our team as advisers, professional tutors or leaders of education. For more information: www.tvtsa.co.uk

Initial Teacher Training We aim to provide the highest quality teacher training for local people in local schools We offer open days giving a genuine school experience, as well as advice about the best possible and most appropriate route into teaching. Open days are offered in a variety of primary and secondary schools. Book a place on an open day. We place trainees in a number of our alliance schools in all phases and work with our local Higher Education Institutions to support trainees throughout their journey into teaching. For more information: getintoteaching@tvtsa.co.uk

Meet the Team From left to right: Serena Sellick, Claire Hallam, Marianne Atkins, Constantinos Tsimbiridis, Liz Rew and Jamie Tegerdine

Excellence through partnership

Marnham Road, Tuxford, Newark, Nottingham, NG22 0JH

Excellence through Partnership

email: bookings@tvtsa.co.uk

Web: www.tvtsa.co.uk Academy Life

twitter: @tvtsa 15

Sandy Dodd, Associate Leader of Student Services

A fond farewell after 20 years

Marnham Road, Tuxford, Newark, NG22 0JH

Tel: 01777 870001

Fax: 01777 872155 Email: office@tuxford-ac.org.uk


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