Tuxford transition folder 2016

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Transition Brochure

Welcome to Tuxford Academy A message from Mr Cotton, Executive Principal Your son or daughter is joining Tuxford Academy. Thank you for choosing us. We believe that our academy is rather special and we are pleased that you have reached the same conclusion. This brochure will hopefully help to answer some of the many questions you and your child may have regarding the start of their secondary education at Tuxford Academy. You will receive further personalised information from the academy in September, such as login details to be able to access PARS Insight (parent portal) and sQuid (lunch payment system), along with an academic calendar which will give you an overview of the key dates for the year. We are confident that your child will settle in quickly and enjoy life at Tuxford Academy - and that as a parent or carer you will find us always helpful and welcoming. We are proud of the excellent level of communication we have with parents and carers. Please take the time to read the following information and keep for future reference. We know that there will be 101 questions and ‘what ifs’ from students new to the school and hope that the information included will help to answer some of them. Your son or daughter will gain much more information during Transition Week. However, if you have further questions after reading this booklet then please feel free to get in contact either via phone to the relevant person (please see contact section) or by email to parents@tuxford-ac.org.uk and your query will be directed to the relevant member of staff.

Student Information and Consent Sheet Accompanying this information booklet is the student information and consent form. We ask that parents or carers complete the form at their earliest convenience and return it to the academy. It is essential that every part of the form is completed in full. If your son or daughter is using a name other than their legal name then please make this clear on the consent form and contact College Reception to arrange for birth certificates and other relevant documents to be viewed. If a new name has been registered as the legal name, we will also need to view the relevant certificates. However, it is the legal (registered) name that will be used by examination boards as they keep a permanent record of qualifications for all students in the UK.

Lunch During Transition Week students will either need to bring a packed lunch or money to buy a meal. At Tuxford, students are able to buy a hot meal in two locations: The Canteen, which offers hot meals and puddings and also sandwiches, jacket potatoes and soups or, in our Clumber Café where we offer hot and cold snacks such as paninis and sandwiches. Students can view the menu by visiting www.tuxford-ac.org.uk/Menu. If you live locally to the academy and would like your child to come home for his/her lunch then please write to Mrs Ashley, Student Welfare Manager (Ext 550) at the academy with your consent.

sQuid Accounts At Tuxford Academy we operate a cashless catering system, which uses biometric data from student fingerprints to pay for meals. Money can be credited to student accounts by using coins or notes in machines at the academy. Alternatively, parents or carers can add funds electronically to their child’s account via our secure system called sQuid. When your child joins us in September he/she will be able to pay for food and drinks with cash until they are set up with an account. More details about sQuid can be found at www.squidcard.com. Please note that if you already have a sQuid account at a primary school, you will still need a new account at Tuxford Academy.

Transport and Buses Nottinghamshire County Council is responsible for the buses that transport students to the academy. We operate a ‘Bus Buddy’ system on most routes. Bus Buddies are Post 16 students who monitor behaviour on the bus and report any issues to academy staff. Further information and contact numbers for buses can be found on our website www.tuxford-ac.org.uk/School-buses or alternatively please visit the Nottinghamshire County Council website for further information on home to school provision www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/learning/schools/schooltravel/. Please refer to the information in the accompanying letter regarding transport for Transition Week.

Photography of Students at Tuxford Academy We may wish to take photographs and videos of students for a variety of reasons ranging from archive records to press coverage of achievements. In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, we are required to seek the permission of parents and carers before recording such images. Below is a list of the types of images that we may wish to take of your child during his/her time at the academy. Please read the list carefully then complete the section regarding photo consent on the student information form. If you do not sign this section we will assume that you give consent. • Individual/group photographs of children working in classrooms etc. for display in school (when names will be given in full). • General photographs of children working in classrooms or around the academy for our archives (which could be published at some point in the future as a record of an era). • Photographs of academy events and achievements (e.g. educational visits, sports day, dance and drama etc.) for academy publications and the website. Names may be given in full. • Press photographs and news stories on the academy’s website (of award ceremonies, individual achievers, academy events etc.). Names may be given in full. • Photo portraits by professional photographers to be offered for sale to parents and carers as an academy fundraising activity. All photographs and images of children will be taken and used in accordance with the academy’s photography policy, which requires staff to exercise professional judgement regarding the suitability of images and their use. You may withdraw your consent at any time. Archive copies of images may be retained for future reference.

Trips & Educational Visits Your child will have many exciting opportunities to take part in off-site visits and trips throughout his/her time at Tuxford Academy. The Department for Education has advised schools and academies that a comprehensive, all-encompassing, oneoff consent to trips in general is all that is needed from parents or carers to cover the whole educational visits programme for a student’s time at the academy. The new policy removes the need for parents or carers to opt in to trips. In its place they have the right to opt out of a visit if they have good reason for doing so. Parents or carers also have the responsibility to notify trip leaders of any relevant information or medical issues affecting their child’s participation. Parents and carers will still be fully informed of proposed trips outside normal school times. Staff leading the visit will be required to submit arrangements to the Principal prior to the trip in order that all can be deemed satisfactory.

Biometric Data Recording & Storage The academy currently uses two systems which contain recorded biometric data (in the form of encoded fingerprint images) to identify students. These are: • Cashless catering system - used to pay for meals served in the academy during normal curriculum hours. • Eclipse library lending system - used by the academy for lending books to students. • Post 16 attendance recording All data in these systems is securely held within the academy for the time that students are enrolled. Data is used for the above systems and deleted when students leave us. Please ensure you sign your consent form for biometric data recording and storage on the student’s information sheet. If you do not sign this section we will assume that you give consent. Where students request us not to use their biometric data, this will take precedence over the wishes of parents or carers as outlined in the relevant legislation. In these circumstances we will inform you that a change of preference has taken place.

Medical Information Please complete the medical information section in full. Please note it is your responsibility to ensure that medical information is up to date at all times. Our First Aid Co-ordinator can be contacted on ext. 567 or via email to firstaid@tuxford-ac.org.uk

Website Please visit www.tuxford-ac.org.uk for all the latest news and information on forthcoming events. The website is updated regularly and we ask parents and carers to visit the site often as we endeavour to list any changes to event dates or for emergency notices such as snow closures. You will also be able to view information on faculties, curriculum, the academy calendar, events, policies, read our termly magazine ‘Academy Life’ and even take a virtual tour! There is also a parent and student portal from where you will be able to access PARS Insight and sQuid accounts.

Who to Contact From September, your child’s Tutor will be your main point of contact. Tutors will contact you during the Autumn term to introduce themselves and let you know how your child is settling in. Listed below are other key contact numbers: Tuxford Academy Number 01777 870001 Once through to the recorded message the following extension numbers are required: Reporting Absence Option 1 (must be reported daily) Main Reception 511 or press 3 Ash/Willow Reception 522 Ms Lee Beech/Oak Reception 555 Mrs Watson Attendance/Student Welfare Manager 550 Mrs Ashley Head of Ash College 521 Mr Macpherson Head of Beech College 554 Mr Mosley Head of Oak College 554 Mr Thompson Head of Willow College 523 Miss Vause/Mr Gaughan SENCO 552 Mrs Nichol School Shop Transition Manager

531 553

Mrs Heathcote Miss Hethershaw

Any queries can be emailed to parents@tuxford-ac.org.uk and will be directed to the relevant member of staff.

Uniform The academy shop sells all uniform items except trousers, skirts and shirts. The shop is open Monday to Friday 1.10 - 1.40pm. Parents are welcome to visit the shop during this time; alternatively you can send your child with cash or a cheque. The shop will also be open during the Coffee Evening in Transition Week and the day before the start of term in September. All other dates will be listed on the website. Please note we are unable to accept cards at present. Cheques should be made payable to Diverse Academies Trust. A letter will be sent out in September to all parents of Year 7 students in the academy explaining registration for online payments for trips and uniform. Please contact Mrs Heathcote, Shop Manager (Ext 531) if you have any queries regarding uniform. The Academy uniform comprises: • Compulsory dark blue blazer with academy logo • Academy tie (four college colours) • Medium grey trousers/pleated skirt

• Black shoes • Dark blue v-neck sweater with academy logo (optional) • White shirt (plain white, formal style, stiffened collar)

Please note it is important that the trousers and skirts conform to the recommended formal style so that uniform standards can be maintained. Should you wish to buy the following items from other outlets it is imperative that you purchase them within the following guidelines. Trousers Medium grey; formal cut Skirts Medium grey; pleated; the hem should be no more than 5cm (2”) above the top of the knee. ‘Pencil style’/tight fitting skirts are not allowed Shirts Plain white; formal style; no logos; stiffened collar; no fitted blouses The following items are compulsory for Physical Education lessons: • A pair of navy shorts (may be purchased from sports retailers) • A pair of plain (knee length) navy football socks (may be purchased from sports retailers)

• A yellow Tuxford Academy t-shirt • A yellow and blue Tuxford Academy rugby shirt • A pair of sports trainers for footwear

Whilst not compulsory, the PE department also recommend that students purchase Tuxford Academy tracksuit bottoms. Please note that no branded sportswear such as Nike, Adidas, Hollister, Converse etc. are allowed. Also, although the academy policy permits one pair of stud earrings to be worn at the academy, these must be removed for PE activities. Students need to have their PE kit with them for every timetabled PE lesson. You can also purchase our uniform from: K & H Sports Just-Schoolwear Just-Schoolwear

3 Appleton Gate, Newark, NG24 1JR – Tel: 01636 704331 289 Main Street, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8ED – Tel: 01159 621 128 – Option 3 12 High Street, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 7DZ – Tel: 01159 621 128 – Option 2

Items can be purchased online from Just-Schoolwear. Please visit the forms and policy section of our website to view the uniform policy.

College System Tuxford Academy operates a college system with vertical tutor groups. There are four colleges; Ash, Beech, Oak and Willow. There are approximately 15 tutor groups within each college with approximately four students from Years 7-11 in each. Older students are ‘buddies’ to new students during Transition Week and also when they start in September, ensuring they know their way round the academy, where to be when, and help to answer any questions they have about life at Tuxford. In September your child’s tutor will get in contact via telephone or email to update you on how your child has settled in.

Communication We are trying to reduce our impact on the environment by cutting down on the use of paper wherever possible. One major area where we can achieve this is by using parental emails as a means of communication, rather than letters. If parents and carers could supply us with an email address we will use this for ‘day to day’ contact. Important documents will still be issued by letter. Sometimes the academy will need to contact parents or carers quickly, for example if the school is to close early. To do this we will use SMS text messages and/or email. To ensure that we communicate effectively please remember to update the academy of changes to contact numbers and emails.

Out of Academy Appointments We ask that where possible, parents and carers book appointments for dentists, doctors etc. before or after the academy day. If your child should need to leave the academy during the day he/she must: produce written consent from home, present this at the relevant college reception first thing in the morning and collect an Authorised Absence Pass. For students’ safety this pass must be presented at main reception as your child signs out and leaves the premises. A security question may be asked before your child is released.

Equipment for Lessons Basic stationery is required for all lessons. However, the Maths faculty would like all students to have the following items with them for all Maths lessons: • Scientific calculator (please ensure your child knows how to use their own calculator) • 30cm ruler • 2 x HB pencils • 2 x black pens

• • • • •

2 x red pens Protractor/angle measure Pair of compasses Eraser Pencil sharpener

The Academy Day - Sample Timetable Lesson






Period 1 8.45 - 9.35am Movement Time 9.35 - 9.40am Period 2 9.40 - 10.30am 10.30 - 10.50am






Movement Time French

Movement Time Drama

Movement Time Geography

Movement Time English

Movement Time Music


Learning Time

Learning Time

Learning Time

Learning Time

Break English

Break Science

Break History

Break PE

Break Science

Movement Time ICT

Movement Time English

Movement Time Spanish

Movement Time PE

Movement Time Dance

Lunch Maths

Lunch Design and Technology Movement Time Design and Technology

Lunch English

Lunch Geography

Lunch Science

Movement Time Art

Movement Time Maths

Movement Time French

Period 3 11.15 - 12.05pm Movement Time 12.05 - 12.10pm Period 4 12.10 - 1.00pm Period 5 1.50 - 2.40pm Movement Time 2.40 - 2.45pm Period 6 2.45 - 3.30pm

Movement Time Philosophy and Ethics

PARS (Including Rewards and Sanctions) PARS is the system that we use at the academy for registers, attendance, recording of homework and behaviour, and much, much more! Students are able to accrue positive PARS points as rewards for many things from good behaviour to ensuring they have the correct equipment with them for lessons. PARS points then feed into our rewards structure allowing students to earn bronze, silver, gold and diamond awards each year. Parents, carers and students are able to view their PARS points on PARS Insight.

PARS Insight As part of our continuing efforts to improve communication with parents and carers, we are using a system called PARS Insight. PARS Insight provides secure online access to view a selection of your child’s data via an internet connection. The system will allow you to view some of the attendance, behavioural, and assessment information we currently hold and will enable you to inform us of any changes to your contact details (especially for mobile phone and email). Students can also log onto Insight to see some of their behaviour and attendance data - we are using this facility to sustain positive habits regarding behaviour and attendance. Progress reports are also available via PARS Insight as they are compiled in the academy. Over time we hope to enhance this service to include homework tasks, exam entries, and discussion areas. During the first few weeks of term, letters and emails are sent to parents and carers, containing individual login details for access to PARS Insight. The Insight website is available via a link on the Parent Portal section of our website (www.tuxford-ac.org.uk). We advise that you change your password after logging in for the first time, and hope you find the data in PARS Insight a valuable addition to the services we already provide to you and our students.

Learning Resource Centre (LRC) The LRC, with its stock of over 10,000 books, journals, DVDs, audio recordings and computers, is a mainstay of learning and teaching within school. All Year 7 students will be using the resources during the coming year, particularly in English lessons, and will be encouraged to come in their own time for homework research or recreational reading. The LRC is fully staffed throughout the day from 8.40am to 4.00pm, though the facilities are available whenever the school is open. Students are invited to visit before, during and after school where they can read quietly, catch up on homework or gain access to the internet for research purposes. A range of services are offered to all students including printing, scanning and photocopying.

Student Lockers Every student is allocated a locker when they join in Year 7. In order for us to be able to continue offering this, we are asking for a deposit from you to help with the upkeep of them. A deposit of £5.00 from each student covers the costs of ordering the keys. All deposits will be returned when the key is returned to us in Year 11. You will receive further information during Transition Week with a form to complete and return along with your child’s deposit.

Students’ Mobile Phones Students are allowed to bring mobile phones to the academy but there are strict rules concerning their use. On site, they are only to be used before and after school and at break times, and then only in the designated social areas. For the rest of the day, they must be turned off. Their use is prohibited in the learning areas (classrooms, corridors and other learning spaces) at all times. If you need to contact your child during the school day, you should contact Main Reception. Please do not contact your child directly through their mobile phone - even if it is during the break times.

Lost Property We make every effort to reunite students with their lost property, but unclaimed items can sometimes accumulate at an alarming rate. Please make sure that items are named where possible. We urge students to claim property before the disposal deadline (at the end of each term). College receptionists will direct students to the lost property office.

The Hub (Free After School Club) The Hub is a safe place to be for our KS3 students. The facility runs from 3.30 - 5.00pm. Snacks and drinks are available at a small cost. Year 6 students are welcome to use the Hub during Transition Week. For more information on extra-curricular activities please visit www.tuxford-ac.org.uk/Extra-Curricular-clubs.

Modern Foreign Languages - Choices All students will have the opportunity to study two modern foreign languages from Year 7. The subjects that we currently offer are French, German and Spanish, with French being compulsory. If you have a strong preference for your child to study either German or Spanish please write a short letter outlining your reasons and include this when returning your student information and consent sheet to the academy. Letters received are logged carefully and we will try and honour your request, but please be aware we are unable to offer any guarantees. If no letter is received we will assume you are happy for your child to learn either of the two languages in addition to French.

Frequently Asked Questions What should my child wear during Transition Week? Your child should wear their primary uniform. However, there will be an activity day on the Friday of Transition Week which will be a non-uniform event. You will receive further information on what is needed for the activity day nearer the time. What will my child be doing during Transition Week? Your child will be given a timetable on the Monday. The week will consist of a variety of lessons and activities to give them a taste of life at Tuxford Academy. Will my child be with their friends during Transition Week? Your child will be in one of eight mixed ability teaching groups. We usually put between 2 and 4 friends in each group. When will I know what College and Tutor group my son/daughter will be in? Your child will be told on the Monday of Transition Week. If he/she has a brother or sister at the academy they will be in the same College as them but not in the same tutor group. How do I find out about clubs and activities after school? There will be enrichment club stalls at the coffee evening during transition week. New Year 7s will have the opportunity to find out more about clubs/activities and sign up for September. Each year we also produce an enrichment booklet which details what clubs and activities are offered to students. This will be sent home at the beginning of the academic year. This information is also on the website and will include any changes to clubs as we progress through the year. Will I get a chance to meet my child’s Tutor? Each year you will be invited to the academy to meet with your child’s Tutor for an Academic Tutorial. Your child will normally attend this meeting with you. Tutors will discuss your child’s progress in all subjects and set targets for improvement. How will I know my child is progressing? There are three data points throughout the year. After each data point you will receive a report on your child’s progress and one of the reports each year will include their Record of Achievement. How will I know how my child is settling in at the academy? Your child’s Tutor will contact you before the end of September either via a phone call home or an email to let you know how your son/daughter has settled into life at Tuxford Academy. We encourage parents and carers to get in touch if there are any issues you would like to discuss, but please be reassured that we will contact you if there are any problems. Will I get a chance to come to Tuxford Academy for another visit? During Transition Week we hold a drop-in coffee morning and an informal coffee evening. At each session, key members of staff will be available to answer any questions you may have about your child’s transition to the academy. There will also be the opportunity during the evening session for your child to show you around the academy and for purchases to be made from the school shop.

Diverse Academies

Learning Partnership

Marnham Road Tuxford Newark Nottinghamshire NG22 0JH Executive Principal: Mr D Cotton Tel: 01777 870001 Email: office@tuxford-ac.org.uk

Fax: 01777 872155 www.tuxford-ac.org.uk

Constituent member of The Diverse Academies Trust and of The Diverse Academies Learning Partnership Chief Executive Principal: Mr C B Pickering

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