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DURI NG YOURS ES S I ON Onceyouar r i veIgi veyous omet i mei nmys t udi ot or el ax ,f eedands oot h yourbabyi fneeded.Is t ar tmys es s i onsbyt aki ngs omepor t r ai t sofyourbabyi na var i et yofpos i t i onswhi l et heys l eep. Af t ert hatwewi l l moveon t os omer el at i ons hi ppos es wi t hMum,Dadands i bl i ngs af t erwhi chIwi l l moveon t ophot ogr aphi ngyour newbor nwi t hanypr opst hat youhavechos en.Bef or e youl eave,Iwi l l as kyouf or per mi s s i ont ous eyourbabys i magesi nmymar ket i ngand act i vi t i es .Ineverus ei mages wi t houtpar ent al cons ent .

AF T ERYOURS ES S I ON Now youcangohomeandr el ax andl ookf or war dt os eei ngt he beaut i f ul i magest hatwi l l s oonbe your s .Igot hr ought hei magesf r om yours es s i onands el ectt hebes t . OnceIhavet he“f i nal cut �s el ect ed Imet i cul ous l yedi teachi ndi vi dual pi ct ur et ocor r ectanybl emi s hes . Youri mageswi l l ber eadyf or del i ver ywi t hi nt woweeks .Younow havewonder f ul ,pr eci ousi magest o r emi ndyouoft hei nnocenceof yournewbor n,andyouhave document edi nabeaut i f ul , meani ngf ul waywhatt hos ef i r s t f ew daysofl i f ewer el i ke.BL I S S !

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