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PACKAGES& PRI CI NG BL I S S F ULBUMPS A23hourphot ogr aphys es s i on wi t hyournewbor n.I ncl udesaphot owi t h mum anddad,s t udi opr opsandout f i t s ,hai r andmakeupand5x( 5x 7)pr i nt s .


PEEKABOO A34hourphot ogr aphys es s i onwi t h par ent sands i bl i ngsi fwant ed.I ncl udes hai randmakeup, s t udi opr opsandout f i t s . Youal s or ecei ve10di gi t al i magesondi s k, 25bi r t hannouncementcar dsanda 10x8pr i nt .


WAT CHMEGROW 4pr of es s i onal 23hourphot ogr aphy s es s i onsus i ngs t udi opr opsandout f i t s .T hes e ar et akendur i ngmat er ni t y,atnewbor n, 6mont hsand12mont hsol d.Par ent scan bei ncl udedi fwant ed.I ncl udes10di gi t al i magesf r om eachs hoot( 40i nt ot al ) ,25bi r t h announcementcar dspr ovi dedaf t ernewbor n s es s i on,12x 12phot oal bum cont ai ni ngas el ect i on ofi magesf r om t hef i r s tt ot hel as ts es s i on( cr eat ed af t erl as ts es s i on)hai randmakeupavai l abl e i fr eques t edandatanaddi t i onal f ee.


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