Crystal Resonance Magazine Vol 2 Issue 2 June 2014

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Vol.2 Issue 2

June Solstice 2014

Crystal Resonance Magazine The Journal of Crystal Healing Modalities

Crystal Resonance Magazine

The first magazine for crystal healers, by crystal healers! Please contribute your learning so that your community can grow! Submissions:

Contents Volume 2: Issue 2 June Solstice 2014 Ancient Allies: Using Fossils as Supports for Energy Work by Christopher Lee Matthews Three Citrine Secrets For Prosperity & Abundance by Ashley Leavy The Crystal Layer by Diane E. Gordon


How I Learned to Be More Grounded Using Astrology & Crystals, And How You can Be More Balanced, Too. by Toni Crotty


Labradorite Cover Photo Š Jiri Vaclavek Fossil Cover Photo Š Christopher Lee Mathews

Practitioner Directory Training Program Directory Please Note: Our directories are now live online. Clicking on a directory header above will take you to that directory on our website.

@From The Editor Naisha Ahsian

Aloha! Crystal Energy Images Reiki Charged... Sunlit Crystals

If you are a regular reader of Crystal Resonance Magazine, you may notice that I have not written an article for this issue. It is not for lack of things to say, but rather, a lack of time. Like many people I've spoken with lately, my life has been an electrified vortex of craziness these past few months. It seems this year has been one wonderful, intense shift after another, and I find myself needing to prioritze my focus if I'm to get done what is important, and not just what is urgent. My passions are healing facilitation and teaching others. At the moment, my healing room is torn apart as we remodel. Several of my Becoming the Human Crystal six-month programs and Crystal Resonance Therapy Certification one year programs are all coming to completion at once over the next couple of weeks. After a feast of activity, it seems my plate will soon be emptying. Yay! The Universe is making some space for me to focus on completing my next book, Crystal Immersion: Walking the Path of the Crystal Initiate. I'm looking forward to immersing myself in that work for the month or so, before I once again begin travelling and teaching in late summer. Our next issue will be for the September Equinox, so I'll be back on board then. I hope that you will send in an article or contribute to supporting the magazine through a directory listing or advertisement. Our last issue reached over 500,000 people in less than 3 weeks! It is amazing to me that there are so many of us out there. With that many readers, I'm sure someone must have something to share! Our article submission guidelines are on the website at www.CrystalResonanceMagazine. com. I look forward to hearing from you!

Ancient Allies

Using Fossils as Supports for Energy Work by Christopher Lee Matthews

Text & images ©2014 Christopher Lee Matthews. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.


hat are fossils and why can they be used for energy work?

Although fairly uncommon in today’s metaphysical community, there is a long history of spiritually using fossils from prehistoric tool makers to Renaissance lapidaries. The word comes from the Latin fossilis “something obtained by digging” and originally referred to all materials found in the Earth other than metals. Over time the meaning narrowed to specifically refer to the preserved remains of plants and animals. Only a tiny percentage of living things become fossilized, making them a rare connection among the mineral and animal or vegetable kingdoms. While a fossil represents an individual organism, the rock preserving it is usually part of a broader cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Many are found in limestone, a rock primarily composed of calcium carbonate, more familiar as the minerals calcite and aragonite. Other planets have little to none of it. While it may form through purely chemically processes, most limestone on Earth originated in marine deposits produced by the breakdown of a vast number of shells over time. Fossil whale ear bone (upper left), shark tooth (lower right), and amber (upper right)

Fossil baculite (left), orthoceras (center), and belemnite (right).

Because they were once alive, fossils have a special affinity for working on the subtle body. Each has its own metaphysical properties like stones, often derived from their original biology, form, and traditional symbolism. Their preserving rock is thought to add its own qualities. For example, because of its connection to calcite and aragonite, limestone is associated with purification, directing and amplifying energy, and holding a spiritual charge, as the building materials for many sacred structures and the mother stone of most caves, our original temples. Most energy work modalities seek to balance the subtle body by locating and removing stagnant energies, replacing them with fresh ones, restoring proper movement and structure, reintegrating parts of the system to the whole, and spiritually sealing the work for longevity over time. Fossils can support all of these different stages of energy work.

How can fossils be used to scan, clear, and direct refined energies to the subtle body? Different parts of animals and plants may be associated with scanning, clearing, and directing energies because of their biological function, traditional symbolism, or physical characteristics. Some examples include fossil whale ear bones, used to read energetic “vibrations” and fossil shark teeth. While obviously suitable for scraping, fossilized shark teeth were once known as “tongue stones”, thought to be petrified snake tongues and were associated with transmutation, well being, and intuitive development. The plant kingdom has its own tools. Amber is fossilized tree resin. It originally served a protective function for the plant, trapping sources of damage like insects and covering up injuries like a medicated bandage. When amber is rubbed by fur it develops a negative electric charge, drawing light weight objects to it. This physical trait is interpreted as both calling in beneficial energies and drawing off heavier ones, like a sponge. Fossils that come to a point are also suitable for scanning, by pinpointing areas of disturbance, clearing, and directing energy. This technique is similar to the use of a phurba, a Buddhist ritual dagger, for both diagnosis and energy work by some Himalayan shamans. Some examples include Fossil crinoid plate (beneath), sutured ammonite (left), and split nautiloid (right). an orthoceras, a straight shelled nautiloid, a baculite, a straight shelled ammonite, and a belemnite, a squid like animal with a bullet shaped internal shell. Pointed fossil like the belemnite were once thought to be “thunderstones”, stone darts left by lightning strikes, associated with purification, spiritual protection, and potent energies.

How can fossils be used to balance the chakras, nadi, and protectively seal the aura? Certain fossils resemble the structure of individual chakras or the entire chakra system. As the name implies, the crinoid or sea lily is thought to resemble a flower on a stalk. It also looks like contemporary depictions of the individual chakras, blooming just beyond the body but anchored in the spine. Sea lilies often break apart into round, geometric, or floral shaped discs, traditionally associated with devotion, abundance, and like all naturally holey stones, spiritual sight. Both the fossil ammonite and nautilus have compartmentalized shells connected together by a thread like organ called a siphuncle, used to maintain their buoyancy. This structure resembles the energy body with its spaced out chakra points connected together by channels. Therefore they carry the signature for chakra balancing, clearing the nadis (“energy channels), and directing the proper flow of kundalini from chakra to chakra. Ammonites may also be placed over individual chakras during energy work, directing energy along the clockwise or counter clockwise orientation of the shell to regulate their spin.

Fossil trilobite (upper left), sea urchin (upper right), and sand dollar (below).

Certain fossils are associated with shielding the chakras or entire energy body, like the trilobite, sand dollar, and sea urchin. Trilobites are an extinct group of anthropods that somewhat resemble a horseshoe crab. They look like suits of armor and most species could roll into a tight

sphere like a pill bug, suggesting an ability to seal the aura. They were know historically as “scorpion stones” and used for transmutation, protection, and purification. Fossil sand dollars and sea urchins were used in folklore to protect doors and windows. Because they can resemble the vortex of a chakra or the entire aura at a distance, they may be used to either shield or balance the entire subtle body or specific parts of it. Sea urchins were known historically as “serpent eggs” and represented success, well being, and longevity. About Christopher Lee Matthews I am an energy worker, blending sound, crystal, and energy work modalities, and land artist, making temporary installations of natural, found, and recycled materials for earth healing. I am part of the Metaphysical Department (, a division of Enter the Earth (www.entertheearth. net). We are an Asheville, North Carolina based company specializing in rocks, minerals, and fossils from Madagascar. I can be reached at

Join with us for this FREE event! Create a deeper relationship with Crystals and Stones—a partnership that transforms your life as it helps to uplift the world. The Crystal & Stone Guardians Telesummit is a free event that will show you how to partner with Stones and Crystals to fully express your divine purpose. 20 teachers are coming together July 29 through August 11 for two 1-hour calls every weekday. There's no cost to attend, and even if you can't attend the talks live, you'll get access to each replay for 48 hours. Experience presentations from: Naisha Ahsian of The Crystalis Institute • Marilyn & Tohmas Twintreess of Calista Ascension of Atlantean Crystal Healing • Smadar Lorie of Song of Stones Lourdes Lebron & Tara Mideaker of • Charles McAlpine of The Magic of Crystals Lauren D'Silva of Touchstones School of Crystal Therapy

...and many more! Registration opens Tuesday, July 8th Click Here to register, or visit

Three Citrine Secrets For Prosperity & Abundance by Ashley Leavy Text & images ©2014 Ashley Leavy. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Citrine Secret #1 Revealed: Citrine is a wonderful stone for enhancing prosperity and wealth. It helps you manifest things into your life. To create a Citrine crystal prosperity grid, place four Citrine crystals (tumbled stones or points) in a perfect square shape. The overall size of the square does not matter, but small tabletop grids are my personal preference. The square is a symbol of stability and abundance, and so, these qualities are connected with the sacred geometric energy of the shape. By using Citrine to create a crystal grid, you will be combining its natural manifesting qualities with sacred geometry (the language of the universe). Crystal grids create a huge force for positive change. To charge the grid with energy, have a clear focus or intention for your grid in mind as you place your stones in the square arrangement. Don’t just have something vague or generalized like “Prosperity” as your intention. If you have a focused and precise intention, then your message will be crystal clear to the universe. Your intention may even be a specific goal connected to prosperity in your life (like an annual salary, number of clients per week, a set dollar amount to put toward savings each month, etc). Keep your crystals cleansed and make time to enjoy the energy of your grid regularly.

Citrine Secret #2 Revealed:

Citrine is awesome for helping people control spending habits. If you're a little bit of a shopaholic, then you can use place a Citrine in your purse or wallet or keep one in your pocket (especially if you know you're going to a store that's particularly tempting). Your stone can help remind you to spend responsibly and curb your spending habits. At the same time, it works to bring prosperity energy into your field. I know it sounds simple, but it works!

Citrine Secret #3 Revealed:

Citrine is amazing for self-confidence and inner strength. I know we are talking about using Citrine for prosperity, but since so many of us feel (consciously or not) like we're not deserving of prosperity or wealth, self-confidence is often interwoven with our ability to manifest abundance in our lives. Citrine can help you to realize that you do deserve abundance in your life and helps you to be more open to receiving it. To use Citrine for increasing your self-confidence (and ultimately celebrate receiving abundance in your life), hold a cleansed Citrine crystal over your Solar Plexus Chakra for approximately 8-10 minutes (1-3 times per day). It is best if you can do this while focusing on a specific intention (similar

to the intention used for a Citrine crystal prosperity grid, but focused instead on self-confidence, innerstrength, self-worth, and the ability to receive). You will need to intuitively decide when to discontinue this practice. It can be a slow process and may be quite some time until you start to feel differently and see results, but stick with it (making sure to change and refine your intention when you start to see changes). About Ashley Leavy Ashley Leavy is a crystal healing instructor for the Love & Light School of Energy Medicine, as well as the Founder & Educational Director. Teaching others about crystals is Ashley’s passion and her purpose. Ashley’s experience is based on almost a decade, and 100+ classes, of professional crystal healing training. Because of her expertise Ashley has been a featured guest on NBC, has been interviewed about crystal healing for over ten radio shows, has had articles published in many more newspapers and magazines (including Crystal Resonance Magazine), and has been featured as a guest blogger on hundreds of energy healing and wellness blogs. She is also the author of the new book, “Auralite-23: Transformational Amethyst from the Cave of Wonders." For more information, please visit

The Crystal Layer by Diane E. Gordon, CCH

Text & images ©2014 Diane E. Gordon. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.


healer walks into her healing room. She dims the lights, pulls the shades closed, lights a bundle of white sage and smudges her space. She says a prayer of sacred space while she clears the energy in the room. After choosing and lighting the appropriate incense for the session, she lights a candle and turns on some sacred space music. She gathers her crystals, tuning forks and essential oils that she will use during the session. Her color light panel is ready and aligned with the table. She has gone about a layered ritual in her preparation for a healing session. Do you utilize layers of healing modalities in your practice? It’s wonderful and soul filling to provide healing to another person. When we offer a healing to another person…whether it is relaxation through massage, balancing through Reiki or reflexology…we are offering a high vibration state that the client is matching with their own energy. Do you find that you prefer to have certain stones in your healing area or on your body while you offer healing to another? Crystal healing has been around for thousands of years. Crystals are a direct connection to Gaia and the pure divine healing that she offers. Crystals store healing energy and divine consciousness of mother earth. When you are drawn to a crystal…take into consideration that it may have chosen YOU rather than the opposite being true. Crystals and stones have a direct link to our human bodies and our energy fields. Have you ever had the experience of walking into a rock shop and feeling a bit light headed? That would be the effect that a group of crystals can have on the human being when not grounded. When you utilize crystals in your healing practice as a layering of healing, you add a rich and profound energy to the experience for both you and the client. Setting up a crystal grid in your healing space can set forth your intentions to the Universe. The crystals that you choose may be utilized intuitively in so many ways. You may be drawn to lay the stone on or near the client. You might be moved to just give the stone to

the client. Setting up crystals around the client while they receive massage or another healing modality adds a blanket of healing energy. After the session the client can be given a mojo bag of appropriate crystals. Just by carrying the bag in their pocket, the client is continuously receiving the benefits of the crystals. At times I will ask the client to choose from the variety of stones I used on them during a session. Whichever stones they are drawn to are the ones that I put in their mojo bag. Crystals can truly add a rich layer to your healing practice. When the healing space has been cleared and crystals are placed either in grids or just around the healing space they provide a healing network of energy for which to start your session. If you are a Reiki healer, the use of crystals in your energy work will be palpable! With Reiki you feel the flow of energy in your complete being and most especially in your hands. When you add crystals to the mix, you are not only intensifying the energy given, you are directing it with laser precision. Specific combinations of crystals bringing desired results. There is a myriad of books to draw information from in regards to the physical and spiritual properties of stones. But the best resource is your own intuition! My teacher, Hibiscus Moon, imparts the importance of using our intuition when encouraging her students to use what they are moved to use…no matter what the book says. I find this to be some of the most valuable advice from my teacher as we ultimately rely on our intuition when doing any kind of energy work. You may find yourself drawn to certain stones and have a sense of “knowing” that they are for YOU! TRUST that sense of “knowing” as it is a valid form of sentience. Your intuition & Higher Self will guide you to what stones to work with. By offering a mojo bag of healing stones to your client they are taking the experience with them in more than one way. Not only does the experience stay with them mentally with the holding and gazing of the stones, but it stays with them energetically. The stones are carrying the healing energy of the session they were used in. When we have set the layering of energy into place by preparing our healing space…we are showing our clients that their complete wellbeing is our goal for them. They are given the gift of warmth and positive vibration when they walk into your space that has been set with intention by prayer, crystals, candles and incense. Feeling the warmth and serene energy of your space with the colors and lighting as they sense the comforting energetic support that has been set by the clearing of and setting up of deliberate energy. Exuding the energy of love and nurturing to them in the way we speak and our actions. The soothing and healing energy of massage…the relaxing blanket of energy from crystals placed upon the body while Reiki energy is directed and floods them with healing warmth! Their vibration is raised and their body is rejuvenated. Consider the layers that are calling to you. Start with some crystals and oils for yourself

and your own layering of self healing . You will know which crystals are right for you as they will draw you in and send you their love! Trust that the crystals will find you and trust your intuition to recognize . Hold the crystal in meditation and see what messages come to you. The connection that can develop between you and your crystals as healing tools is truly unique and will bring profound experiences to your life! Trust your inner wisdom and above all‌.have fun! About Diane E. Gordon, CCH Diane E. Gordon ACM Is a certified Advanced Crystal Master through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy and a third degree Kundalini Reiki Master, jewelry maker, artist and poet. She enjoys sharing healing energy through Reiki imbued intentioned jewelry and healings while homeschooling her two girls. She is a cbd wellness activist and can be found at

The Primus Activation Healing Technique


Certification Training Workshop with Naisha Ahsian

The Primus Activation Healing Technique is a profound energy healing modality that allows both beginner and advanced healing practitioners from all modalities to utilize the power of the heart's energetic field in both healing and the current evolution of humanity. The technique is based upon sound scientific theory that teaches us the basic physics of energy and energy transference, the physiology of the human body and how the body processes energy; as well as the proper energetic, emotional and physiological state for a healer to maintain to ensure effective energy transference.

Upcoming Certification Workshops

The Primus Activation Healing Technique utilizes specific techniques to synchronize the brain and heart, creating a powerful energetic field to emanate from the PAHT facilitator. This field is then transferred to the recipient through the physical law of resonance, using meditative techniques and progressive hands-on healing positions. The Primus Activation Healing Technique was designed to be used as a stand-alone healing modality, but it can also be combined with any other healing technique to enhance their effectiveness. Many of our graduates are Reiki Masters and Teachers, who use Primus to increase the power of their Reiki sessions. Primus is also the foundation for effective Crystal Healing.

For more information or to register, please visit

Go deeply into yourself... Using crystals, the natural elements and your own life experience, you can explore your deepest self, enhance your intuitive abilities, connect with your guides, and clear your human crystal. The Becoming the Human Crystal Program through Crystalis Institute is a fully facilitated, six month online program for spiritual growth and personal healing. Created and facilitated by one of the world's most respected teachers on crystals and spiritual growth, Naisha Ahsian, this program is appropriate for anyone who wats to take their practice with crystals and stones, and their relationship with self, deeper. REGISTER NOW for upcoming programs. Each class is limited to 15 participants and they fill quickly. Click Here or visit Classes begin September 13th and October 27th, 2014

How I Learned to Be More Grounded Using Astrology & Crystals And How You can Be More Balanced, Too. by Toni Crotty

Text & images ©2014 Toni Crotty, unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.


n midlife, I became aware that I had experienced my whole life from either outside my body, or only in my head. Fortunately, at the same time, I learned that living life in my whole body was an option. In fact, it was a much richer and more fulfilling option. So I began exploring how I might attain this unfamiliar state of occupying my entire body. One of the first techniques that worked was using outstretched arms to gather up all my energy that was dispersed around me, and then using my hands to push it down into my body. I could feel the energy come in, though it all stayed in my head. One day, I was inspired to visualize that I was putting a ladder down my neck, and climbing down out of my head, into my body. It worked. I had awareness of myself in all my body. Still I needed energy grounding practices and meditations, and strong awareness and intention, to keep me grounded. To me, being grounded meant aware that I was occupying my body, walking on the earth. It didn’t come naturally to me. For a time, I wore magnets around my ankles to keeping pulling my energy down out of my head. Next, I was able to trade in the magnets for an anklet made of garnet crystals. It worked, though I didn’t know why. The answer came much later, in Naisha Ahsian's Elemental Astrology webinar. I felt so fascinated when I learned that the astrological signs are related to the elements, (Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind) just like crystals are related to the elements and carry elemental energy. I decided right away to check my birth chart for my elemental balance.

Toni wearing a hematite necklace

I was not at all surprised that I am low on Earth element planets in relation to the other elements. Though I was shocked that of the twelve planets in my birth chart, I have no Earth element planets at all. Zero. Zip.

The Earth element represents our physical body and our ability to feel grounded, so it is a stabilizing force much needed to meet physical survival needs. Wow. I came in with none. Earth operates in polarity to Wind, and guess what? Wind was stealing the show. I have seven planets in Wind. The Wind element governs all mental processes. No wonder I was in my head! Then I discovered that I had only one Water element planet. The Water element rules movement in the body, our emotions, communication, and relationships. None of those are good to be without. Water operates in polarity to Fire. My four Fire element planets give me creativity, passion, and the ability to take action, so I didn’t miss the Water as much as I missed the Earth. Though I can still feel the imbalance. So as the saying goes, knowledge is power. I quickly learned which stones carry earth element energy. I found that the garnet in my anklet carries earth element energy, which is clearly needed for my elemental balance. Now I understood why it felt grounding to me. I bought some crystal beads and stretch cord, and started making myself simple bracelets and necklaces. First I created some earth element bracelets, anklets, and necklaces. You can see in the photos my earth element hematite heart necklace and bracelet, and my red jasper fish necklace. None were expensive, though all are very effective. My black tourmaline bracelet is in the photo with the moonstone bracelet. I loved those moonstone beads, though was aware that they carry Wind element energy. So I put some earth element stones with them, and I feel fine wearing the bracelet. Over time I found that I could wear all the elements depending on how I feel. So each day I tune in and choose what feels balancing to me. Here are the steps for you to do the same. 1. Download a free astrology chart online if you don’t already have one. You will need your date, place and time of birth. One place you can get one is 2. Check the table included here for the symbols of the planets, so you can identify which planets are on your chart. Then use the table to find their element. Total up the elements. 3. Notice if they are equally distributed among the elements. If they aren’t, choose crystals of the elements you want to increase. I enjoy wearing the stones as jewelry, though I have also put tumble stones in my pocket, my bed, or the bath. Trust your intuition on which stones to use, and how to use them. 4. If your elements are in balance, use the elemental information to choose crystals when you want to enhance particular elemental energy. (More detailed information on resonating with the elements, including descriptions of the elemental energies and the elemental energy of some stones, is available from my Crystal Resonance Therapy colleague, Silla Von Faulk Trueworthy at www.bodykneadsandenergetics. com/-1-RESONATING-W--THE-ELEMENTS.html

5. You can use The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach, co-authored by Naisha, to find the element of each crystal listed. I found that the garnet stones in my anklet are earth element stones, which were clearly needed for my elemental balance. Now I understood why wearing the garnet anklet feels grounding. About Toni Crotty Crystal allies enrich the daily life and work of Toni Crotty, MA, CAMT, CRTh, a Transformational Wellness Coach, Holistic Teacher, Energy Healer, and founder of Be Well and Wise and Energized! Toni shepherds clients and students on the path to vital health, peace of mind, personal power, and spiritual wholeness. After being certified in Acupressure, and Jin Shin Jyutsu, and trained in Flower Essence Therapy, Toni was captivated exploring the power of crystals in a two year Shamanic Apprenticeship. Blessed to study with the world renowned, Naisha Ahsian, Toni is certified in Primus Activation Healing Technique and Crystal Resonance Therapy. Proud to be the first to bring CRT to the West Coast, Toni has been offering compassion, humor, healing hands, and a healing heart to clients in the Francisco Bay Area for nearly two decades. Toni serves the world community with Phone, Skype, and Distance Healing Sessions. Learn how to begin your healing journey with Toni today at http://

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