Crystal Resonance Magazine Vol 1 Issue 3 Sept 2013

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Crystal Resonance Magazine

The Journal of Crystal Healing Modalities Vol.1 Issue 3 September Equinox 2013

Crystal Resonance Magazine A publication of Crystalis Group, LLC PO Box 827 Hardwick, Vermont 05843 USA Phone: (802) 441-4116


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The first magazine for crystal healers, by crystal healers! Please contribute your learning so that the community can grow! Submissions: Please see our website at www. for precise details on submission of articles, photos, and other items of interest to crystal healers. We welcome contributions from all healing paths and from healers around the world! Discernment: The intuitive information shared in this magazine is derived from the subjective, personal experiences of the practitioners who have contributed it. The methods and information outlined in the articles may or may not work for you in the same way it has worked for them. Any intuitive, psychic or channelled information included here is the perspective of the contributor and does not necessarily represent the opinion or belief of those at Crystal Resonance Magazine or Crystalis Group, LLC.


Volume 1: Issue 3 September Equinox 2013

September Equinox Grid by Leo McFee

Birthing Potent Crystal Grids by Raelene Byrne

Crystal Grids for Spiritual Ascension by Ashley Levy

Crystal Grids

by Joseph O'Connell

Inner Truth Crystal Grid by Crystal Starshine

Stellar Beam Calcite: The Ultimate Spiritual Enlightenment Tool by Abdulla Ahmed Al-Noaimi

The Primary Crystal Grid & Its Uses by Naisha Ahsian

Please take personal responsibility for your relationship with your stones and guides, and always use your personal discretion and your discernment to determine what is true for you.


Any information on the healing properties of stones and their uses are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or psychiatric condition.

Practitioner Directory Training Program Directory

Crystals and stones are vibrational tools, and the information published herein is regarding the vibrational support of healing only. Cover Photo © 2013 by Leo McFee Photo this Page © 2000 by Naisha Ahsian Model: Tiffany Cathcart

Call for Articles:

Our next issue will focus on connecting with and using stones in your everyday life 3

•From the Editor The language of crystal healing can be confusing, as the same terms are used to mean different things...

N a i s h a A h s i a n

Like all languages, the language used by crystal healers is complex and specialized, but that doesn't mean it's precise! Healers from different traditions may use the same term and mean wildly different things, all the time believing that everyone else's definition is the same as their own. Over the span of a few short years, the meaning of a term that was coined by one person can change dramatically as that term is used differently by others-- due to either a misunderstanding of its meaning, expansion of a definition due to increased knowledge, or simply because someone has a different perspective on what it should represent. These differences in terminology can be quite confusing within the community, but are even more confusing to those who are learning about crystal healing on their own. A case in point is the term "crystal grid". For some, this term represents a very precise use of crystals according to specific rules and theories; while for others, it simply means any collection of stones used for a particular purpose. In this issue we're going to explore some different definitions of what a "crystal grid" is, as well as how to create them. I'll be putting in my two cents with an article drawn from a two day workshop that I teach, called Crystal Grids, Portals and Dimensional Doorways. I've been presenting this information on grids for many years now, and it is always a joy to "turn on" others to the potentials within a geometric grid, or the intention focusing power of a crystal array or mandala. I hope you enjoy this exploration and are moved to contribute your own ideas for future issues!

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Leo McFee

On Our Cover

Crystal Sun Academy

September Equinox Grid

This Crystal and Gemstone Grid was co-created over a number of days for the 2013 Fall Equinox in Vermont. The intention of the grid is three fold, bringing in the qualities of imagination, love and sovereignty. The grid was created in three stages, adding more stones each day, until it felt complete. Co-creating grids with the Mineral Kingdom for the greater good has been a passion of mine for nearly 20 years.

Stones contained in the grid: Quartz cut Pyramid (Top) From Left to Right; Andularia Moonstone, Citrine, Multi Color Raw Fluorite, Lepidochrosite in Amethyst, Pink Tourmaline, Purple Apatite, Quartz with Golden Herderite, Columbian Quartz, Double Double Terminated Madagascar Clear Quartz, New Zealand Carnelian, Seraphinite, Rhodochrosite, Ice Quartz from Brazil, Arkansas Clear Quartz Point, Snow Quartz from Colorado, Rose Quartz from Bahia Brazil, Malachite/ Cornetite, Manganocalcite from Colorado, Praisolite (Green Amethyst), Arkansas Clear Quartz Point, Arkansas Smoky Quartz, Azumar, Tabular Rutilated Quartz, Tabular Columbian Lemurian Quartz, Blue Jade from Russia, Golden Celestite from Poland, Faden Quartz from Pakistan, Azumar, Smoky Quartz, Hypersthene, Pyrite Sun, Quartz with Golden Herderite, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, New Zealnd Greenstone (Jade), (continued)... ď‚š5ď‚›

...(cont.) Rutilated Quartz, Citrine Cathedral Quartz, Raw Sugilite, Raw Carnelian, Besednice Moldavite, Thulite from Turkey, Smoky Cathedral Quartz, Madagascar Amethyst, Green Jade from British Columbia, Gem Silica from Arizona, Tabular Clear Quartz, Larimar, Natural Platinum Crystal from Russia, Tugtupite from Greenland, Gold Crystal from Venezuela, Arkansas Clear Quartz point, Raw Australian Opal, Brandberg Amethyst Points from South Africa, Thunder Bay Amethyst from Canada, Pyrite from Peru, Midnite Black Obsidian, Golden Selenite Points from Mexico, Green Quartz Elestial from Madagascar, Aegerin (Black), Arkansas Clear Quartz multi point.

The Primus Activation Healing Technique™ C e r tif i cati on Training Work shop

with Naisha Ahsian At The Golden Eagle Resort in beautiful Stowe, Vermont USA

October 19 & 20, 2013 Become certified as a practitioner in the Primus Activation Healing Technique (PAHT Pract.) with Naisha Ahsian, the creator of the system.

Click Here for more information or visit 6

An aura photo of the energy during a recent training in South Africa.

Raelene Byrne

Birthing a Potent Crystal Grid Creating crystal grids and mandalas is a deeply healing experience. For the last few years I have created many crystal grids at events and meditations. These all hold an incredibly beautiful energy and offer the wisdom to all who attend these events. Healings occur, energy moves, deep insights are gifted, and people as a collective then take that experience into the world they exist in, to benefit those around them. NEVER underestimate the power and energy that crystals offer when they work together in grids and mandalas. As a caretaker of many beautiful crystals and the devas that reside in them, I have incredible respect and reverence whenever I work with them. From my experience, I listen to what they want to do, what they want to share and where they need to be. Even when I do healings with people, I use crystals that ‘speak ‘to me about the person I am working with and the best way to bring about awareness for them to engage in their own healing. To begin the process of creating or birthing a powerful crystal grid, I normally have a theme, an inspiration that will arise in regard to the event, or meditation that I will be facilitating. As I allow that ‘theme” or inspiration to play in my mind, heart and feelings, messages start to filter through as well, and some are quite deep. When I am ready to create a grid or mandala, I sit amidst 100’s of clear quartz points and many pieces of raw rose quartz. These are the ones I love working with and I do bring in others as required. From the moment I open my self by surrendering to the wisdom of what the crystals want to create around the theme and to what is to be revealed, it is as if the crystals are talking to me. The image of what I am to create forms, not in my mind, but as I place the crystals on the floor. It is as if the energy of the theme, and the symbol that the crystals want to create for a potency for others to feel, filter through me. The times I have ‘prepared’ what I am to create, I have ALWAYS been over ridden by the energy of what the crystals wish to present. As I place each crystal in its position, messages come through and I finally get to understand in my human mind, what is really being created and what is to be shared. Once everything is in place, I then add flowers, fresh from my garden, or from neighbors. Flowers bring a sense of grace, colour, and also add to the potency with the devic energy that pulses in them. As we know colour has a powerful vibrational healing aspect, so adding the colour of flowers, heightens the energy of the crystal grid, as well as softening. I like to think that I am honouring the work of the crystals by decorating grids with the bounty of nature. 7

I LOVE, fire and candle light, so use many tea light candles in and around the grids. The feeling is like sitting around a camp fire. Inviting, warm and hypnotic, and a PERFECT way to soothe the spirits and souls of people so they can dive deeply into themselves in meditation Once the tea lights are lit, the whole grid comes to life. The energy is palpable, amplified and expanding with each moment. I allow the grids and mandalas about 20 minutes to settle, before I open the space to others. Many people who have attended these nights, have felt the energy long before they are able to see or sit with the grids The size does not matter as it is ALWAYS about the intention. In my world I am fortunate enough to have a fabulous community hall, old and quaint that houses grids that can be 2-3 meters in length. This enables all those who attend the opportunity to sit or lie close to, then to walk, or stand in the grid at the end of the event. This is when people will sometimes ‘wobble’ as the energy has become so potentised. Each time I create these, the wave of energy that is transmitted into the “field” around us is strong. Every time we sit in groups, gather with a united intention, we amplify that energy many times to create change in the greater world. Our responsibility is to keep reminding one another that our thoughts do indeed create our world, that our feelings do indeed attract and that what we put out comes back many times. Start using crystal grids from your own inspirations, add the intentions and send the enrgy into the world for the change that we are all working towards. Support, alignment, gratitude and grace are some benefits of creating a grid that is from your own heart.

Raelene Byrne, internationally recognized healer, meditation

facilitator, Sacred Sites Freedom Quest Retreat facilitator, writer, public speaker, spiritual mentor, educator, belief code breaker, 5th dimension visionary, shamanic practitioner and much more has been offering her skills from the heart to the heart of others for many years, and lifetimes. Raelene uses her highly intuitive skills with people from across this global village to assist and support them to release their limiting beliefs, embrace their birthright of freedom, which opens them to become the leaders in their life and their world.



Ashley Levy

Love & Light Crystal School

Crystal Grids for Spiritual Ascension Crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine in which subtle energy given off by a crystal is used to treat the body, mind, spirit, and the emotions. Crystals exhibit a type of orderly perfection, which helps to bring healing light and loving encouragement to all beings. The most important thing to keep in mind when beginning to use crystals for healing is that a crystalÕs power is relatively inert until you intentionally direct its energy. It is not the crystal that possesses healing energy; it is your intent to heal that can manifest results. A simple way to utilize the healing power of stones is with the creation of a crystal grid. Grids consist of crystals placed in concise, geometric arrangements in order to affect the flow of energy for a specific purpose. The properties of the stones used, combined with their arrangement in a sacred geometric configuration, creates a unique energy frequency that can be used to enhance your intention and manifest your desired result. Triangle: Represents empowerment, amplification, the trinity (the power of three), and preservation Square: Represents balance, equality, protection, earth energy, stability, the four directions (the compass points), and harmony Pentagon: Represents harmony and a connection with the 5 elements (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit/ ether) Hexagon: Represents, transformation, the joining of the etheric (spiritual) and the physical (grounding), the balance of male & female energy, spiritual expansion/ascension, and transcendence A crystal grid may be as large or as small as you like. You can use any size of stones. You may use all one type of stone or many different types (depending on your purpose and intention). To activate and enhance the energy of your grid, you may use a clear Quartz crystal laser wand to energetically link all crystals within the grid. When using a laser wand in this way, it becomes a Master crystal. To begin, "draw" three clockwise circles around the grid (if your intent is to add energy to the situation) or three counter-clockwise circles around the grid (if your intent is to remove energy from the situation). Visualize each of the stones being connected with rays of white light, linking the energy of each individual stone into one unit. Finally, point the termination of your laser wand toward the center of the grid to infuse it with universal energy so that it may carry out its purpose (it is suggested that you hold your intention in your thoughts while infusing the grid with energy). 10

If your grid is disturbed and crystals are moved out of alignment, the grid will need to be re-activated. Additionally, if you add stones to the grid or take stones away, the grid will need to be re-activated. To create a crystal grid, you may follow these guidelines: Clear yourself and your space of all negative or unwanted energy. Ground and center yourself. Create a purpose or intention for your grid (be as clear and concise as possible); it may be helpful to write this message out on a small piece of paper and place it in the center of your grid. Select the stones you will use to create your grid (you may do this intuitively, by dowsing with a pendulum, by scanning the energy with your hand, etc.); it is recommended that you select stones that have properties that correspond to your overall purpose. Select a sacred geometric layout (You may do this intuitively, by dowsing with a pendulum, etc.); it is recommended that you select a geometric shape that corresponds with your overall purpose. Place the stones (with intention) into the geometric arrangement you have chosen. Activate your grid. Devote time each day to connect to the energy and intention of your grid; you may choose to do this by meditating (within your grid if it is large or while gazing at it if it is small), by drawing energy into your body from the grid (by standing within it if it is large or by placing your hands over it if it is small), etc. This will make your grid a place of personal power, healing, and recharging of your energy. Give thanks for the energy you receive from the grid and then re-ground and center yourself before returning to your day-to-day thoughts. Grids can be used for a variety of purposes, but as you begin to wake up to the spiritual energy of the fifth dimension, it may be helpful to create a crystal grid to help you through the evolution of your conscious awareness. By raising your energy vibration (through positive actions and thoughts/intentions) you are able to advance your state of awareness and move further down the path of spiritual awakening. As you evolve into higher states of consciousness, you may begin shed the habits, behaviors, and programs that are no longer needed by your higher self. This spiritual ascension is often accompanied by many uncomfortable "ascension symptoms". These ascension symptoms can be disruptive to your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual state. This "spiritual shedding" can be challenging, but it is often a necessary part of spiritual evolution. Here is an example of a crystal grid that may be used as you begin to evolve spiritually and move toward the fifth dimension; this grid utilizes the follwing healing crystals (see photo at the beginning of the article): Blue Celestite: (Also known as Blue Celestine) Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) to enhance telepathy, to facilitate communication with one's spirit guides and totem ď‚š11ď‚›

animals, to stimulate the intuition, to enhance feelings of peace and compassion, to stimulate hope, to over come loss and conquer grief, to enhance group communication and aid in working toward a common goal, and to open the throat chakra to allow one to speak his or her inner-truth. Aqua Aura Quartz: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) or 6th Chakra (Third Eye Chakra/Brow Chakra) for opening one to psychic insight, to strengthen the heart chakra energies, to connect the heart chakra with the throat chakra (allowing one to speak his or her inner truth), to help one to grow and evolve as a spiritual being, to connect one to his or her spirit guides, for astral travel, and to facilitate shamanic journeying. Since this is a variety of Quartz, the healing properties of Quartz also apply. Sugilite: (Also known as Sugelite, Sugalite, Lavulite, Luvulite, and Royal Azel) Use at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra to aid in opening one to divine energy, to enhance meditation, to promote astral travel, to stimulate lucid dreaming and dream healing, to aid one in learning and understanding shamanic practices and rituals, to communicate with one's ancestors or spirit guides, and to aid in working with the Violet Flame of St. Germaine.

Ashley Leavy has been drawn to work with crystals and stones since childhood.

After years of self-study, she began learning crystal healing from professional instructors. Ashley soon began teaching her own classes and officially founded the Love & Light School of Energy Medicine in 2011 as a way to reach out to people in need of classes all over the world. She also owns and operates a flourishing new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts in Madison, Wisconsin. She is a published author and is currently writing a book on crystal therapy.


Joseph O'Connell Crystal Grids Crystal Grids are responsible for me being where I am, in the the area of crystal healing. I have been interested in and collecting crystals all my life, but especially in the past 7 years or so. I have always thought that crystals contained power or attributes that were special. Why have I been collecting all of these crystal & mineral forms? There must be some use or way I can utilize these crystals. But how? I have thought about that for years. Then one day I walked into a New Age store, while on vacation in FL, and saw a set up crystal grid. I immediately knew that this was a way to utilize my crystals! I searched online for information on crystal grids and came upon Spiritwhisperings and Hibiscus Moon. I took the Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healing class and realized that the power was in us to utilize crystals in a positive way. I've learned so much about crystals and many off chutes of the power of crystals.

Choosing grid stones: In choosing crystals for a crystal grid, I use several methods. First I have the purpose of the grid, where I try to find stones related to the subject of the grid, such as prosperity or protection or something as specific as studying or an illness. I like to reference such books as The Book of Stones Who They Are & What They Teach by Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, Crystal Grids and How They Work by Hibiscus Moon, Stones Of The New Consciousness by Robert Simmons, The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, and The Crystal Healer by Phillip Permutt. Sometimes, especially when I have several choices, I use a pendulum to choose and I always go with my heart & intuition for those stones related to my crystal grid topic.

About Joseph On a cold, snowy day in February, in upstate New York, Joseph M. O'Connell was struggling, with his Mother to be born. Had this have been 1853 instead of 1953 neither would be here today. I think that this near death or birth experience as well as some others, have given me (and my Mother) a spiritual experience, that has increased my awareness in New Age and Metaphysical interests, such as astrology, which I have also practiced for over 30 years. I have taken voluntary early retirement from a hospital that I worked at for 20 years as an equipment tech and hope to start a crystal healing practice and open a healing center locally. I now reside in Central Vermont with my wife & two cats and crystals. ď‚š13ď‚›

Crystal Starshine

Inner Truth Crystal Grid

On Fridays I am at a local book store doing readings and I had the sudden urge to do a crystal grid. They have many flower of life grids to choose from and I felt called to the wooden one. I took it over to the rows of crystals in the store and started adding to the grid intuitively, just picking stones as I felt called to them. The center piece is Pink Agate, then there are six Clear Quartz laser points, the next layer consists of six Moonstone tumbled pieces and on the outer layer I alternated Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise. Upon completion of the grid I stood and meditated with my hands over the grid pondering on the meaning of the grid and what it was intended for. I wrote out Inner Truth Grid and under the title I wrote “to help bring out your inner truth by cutting through emotions and grounding you with Divine love”.

I always tell my clients to go with your intuition to build a crystal grid, not to worry about size because size is not of the essence when intention and love go into building one and always make it for the highest good of all. Many Blessings, Crystal Starshine << << <<


Abdulla Ahmed Al-Noaimi

Stellar Beam Calcite The Ultimate Spiritual Enlightenment Tool For many years, I have been enchanted by Stellar Beam Calcite and decided to make it one of my “Sacred Stones”. More than any other crystals, my experiences with Stellar Beam Calcite were unique, spiritually enlightening, and life enriching. Some of the most amazing experiences were of shifting between dimensions with ease; just like being in an elevator where you choose the level of your destination. The shift of consciousness starts by passing through dimensions closer to where human beings live, seeing various types of Earth Spirits (like Gnomes), and by then ascending higher and seeing a group of the famous extraterrestrials known as "the Greys" with very upset faces, and then ascending to dimensions higher leaving them behind! Unlike some other interdimensional tools, there was a sense of protection when connected to Stellar Beam Calcite. In another experience, I felt a strong revolving vortex energy stimulating the Crown Chakra, then a line of energy shot from the Solar Plexus and united with the Crown Chakra, followed by a “burst” of energy above my head reflecting stimulation of even higher chakras! This was such a mystical experience, witnessing the union of the Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras with higher chakras, which linked my personal will with “Divine Will”, an essential activation needed to fulfill our life purpose on Planet Earth. Stellar Beam Calcite never ceases to amaze me with richer experiences every time. One of the richest experiences I ever had was feeling a focused, strong energy stimulation on the Crown Chakra as well as the Third Eye Chakra, and a static electricity-like sensation and buzzing as if something is on the verge of being activated. Later on, a miracle happened, with my body literally glowing with a bight natural golden citrine-like energy. This experience, confirming what Naisha Ahsian called the “White-Golden Light”, infused my body with high frequency energy that irradiated all negative thought forms.

Experimenting further with Stellar Beam Calcite, I felt the typical “Trio” stimulation of the Solar Plexus, Third Eye, and the Crown Chakras, and then a thunder-like energy struck from the Crown downward, reaching the Solar Plexus. Then, I became aware of several spiritual entities. It was like a portal or doorway that had been opened, allowing me to connect with guides that needed me and had been waiting to connect with me. One of these guides was a Tibetan Monk with a tiger as a pet, wearing a medieval monk’s robe. Upon questioning this guide and asking him for a simple message about his mission, a map with pathways lit up, with some shown as green paths and others as red paths marked as danger zones. With the aid of Stellar Beam Calcite, I have been able to experience some wonderful connections with some of my major guides. Many people who know me personally know what this crystal means for “Arabian Tiger”. In my opinion, Stellar Beam Calcite is one of humanity’s treasures on planet Earth for spiritual evolution, life enrichment, and spiritual enlightenment.

About "Arabian Tiger" My Name is Abdulla Ahmed Al-Noaimi, known as “Arabian Tiger”. Born and raised in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Arabian Gulf, I am a naturally born clairvoyant who can see the energetic fields of human beings. I have an ever-excelling and expanding ability in the practice of Mediumship, am a Healer and am growing and expanding my skills in a very potent way. I am a creative "Crystal-Master" developing modalities to be published by using crystals as powerful spiritual tools to enrich our everyday life and bring our heart-felt desires into manifestation. I am the founder of the group Crystalline Enlightenment on Facebook, with an extension as a video channel on Youtube, which have been established to share knowledge and life experiences using crystals as a potent tool leading to a path of Enlightenment. Facebook: or E-mail:

Naisha Ahsian Crystalis Institute

The Primary Crystal Grid & Its Uses One of the most important grids I have ever encountered in my work with stones is also the most simple. It is the simple placement of six clear quartz crystals that have all been brought into resonance with one another to create coherence in their energy, and have also been programmed equally to carry the most healing energy I have ever found-- the energy of Love. This simple grid is called a Primary Grid because it is the first and most important tool in setting the energy of any healing or meditation space. In this article I'll describe why this grid is so important, and how it can help to purify, protect and amplify the energy within your sacred space. To begin, I'll need to explain a bit of the grid theory that I have been teaching in my healing training courses and personal growth workshops for over 20 years. That's because it is quite a bit different from the more common concept of crystal grids. In fact, I haven't seen any other teaching about grid work based on this premise. So, to prevent confusion, I'll have to begin with a bit about how crystals are formed. Each crystal forms upon one of fourteen geometric templates called the Bravais Lattices, after their discoverer Auguste Bravais, who defined them in 1850. These lattices describe how the atoms of chemical elements combine and pack themselves to form the inner geometry of the crystal, and therefor, its outer geometry as well. The inner geometry of a crystal is very important, as it describes how the crystal carries energy and gives us an understanding of the quality of its energy and its sacred geometry. These geometries are consistant from the atomic level of a crystal's base units, all the way up to the completed crystal form. This creates coherence in the energy of the crystal, and determines that stone's fundamental ability to oscillate with electromagnetic energy (light). In my definition of a "crystal grid", the overall form of the grid-- its geometry-- is based upon the internal geometry of the stones used in that grid. In other words, if a crystal is hexagonal in its internal structure, the overall form of the grid would need to be hexagonal in order to create coherence in the grid's energy. Let's look at this theory in a real-world way. A clear quartz crystal is forming in a soup of chemical elements under very high heat and pressure. Within this soup is a "seed", which is one complete molecule of quartz (SiO2-- meaning one silicon atom and two oxygen atoms). This molecule

attracts other atoms of silicon and oxygen, which begin to stack themselves in a hexagonal form until six molecules form one complete base unit of the mineral, which is also hexagonal in its form. These base units then begin stacking themselves around this hexagonal energetic core in an offset screw (for single terminated) or double offset screw (for double terminated) form, until all of the silicon and oxygen are used up, or the temperature and pressure variables change to prevent further "growth" of the crystal. And, voila! You have a beautiful, complete quartz crystal that is hexagonal from its base unit to its finished form. If those variables become favorable again in the future, the crystal may once again begin to grow, creating another layer that is precisely based upon this continuous hexagonal structure. This hexagonal structure is very important in the next piece of the puzzle. So far, we have everything in the stone organized around hexagonal structure, which is a precise blueprint that describes a mineral based upon the number six-- from it's initial seed, through its base units and all the way up to its final form. To create a primary grid of this material, then, the overall form of the grid must be hexagonal, and the number of quartz crystals used in the grid must be six or multiples of six (12, 18, 24, etc.). This mimics the internal structure of A clear quartz crystal has six facets, the individual stones used and, most important, creates coherence within the marking it as a hexagonal internal internal space of the grid. The form of the grid itself creates an "etheric crystal" structure. form that is informed by the geometries of the crystals contained within it. This etheric crystal extends its energy field above and below the grid itself, creating a three dimensional, hexagonal, geometric energy field that has distinctly different energetic qualities inside and outside the grid itself-- very much like those energetic anomalies that are measured in genuine crop circle formations. Just as all quartz crystals are unique and are scaleable-- coming in many different sizes from tiny seed crystals to giant Earth Keepers, grids of quartz are scaleable too. They can be tiny grids that would be used around a single chakra in a healing session, a larger grid that would surround the body on the table, or a large Primary Grid that would be used to shield and protect the entire healing or meditation room. It is this room-sized Primary Grid that we'll be exploring here. Our Primary Grid is going to be constructed of six clear quartz crystals. They should be of the same general size (based on weight, not length, to ensure equal mass). For a room sized grid I prefer six large hand-sized quartz crystals (as shown in the photo). It is important that the crystal are all rougly the same size to help them be coherent and to easily move into resonance with one another. So, if you need to use smaller crystals to attain this, it's fine. A good size clear quartz crystal for a healing room or meditation room grid. Too large and they become hard to program. Too small and the resonant field is not high enough amplitude.

Each of these six clear quartz crystals needs to be cleared using your favorite technique (I find the most effective is sound vibration). Then, you'll need to program each crystal to ensure that all six of them are vibrating with a similar energy. This enhances their ability to move into resonance and it allows them to have better coherence and communication within that resonant field. ď‚š18ď‚›

In my Becoming the Human Crystal Program, my students use the Primus Activation Meditation to program each stone individually-- meaning that to program all six stones for the grid, you would do the meditation with one stone each day, taking six days in all to program all of the grid stones. On the seventh day you would complete the grid as we do in the next step. By programming each individually, the program is stronger and the resulting grid is much more powerful and coherent in its energy. Once all six of your crystals have been programmed, you will set the grid by placing the six crystals around your room or space. This placement does not need to be exact. The space between each crystal becomes like one of the sides on a clear quartz crystal. If you look at several crystals you'll notice that they are very rarely exactly equal on all sides. Some sides are markedly longer in certain types of crystals (such as tabular crystals or "tabbies"). So, if your room is irregular in shape, don't worry about setting the stones so that they are exactly and equally placed. It makes no difference energetically. The etheric crystal that results from the grid will have its own unique shape! I like to place my crystals upright in terra cotta plant pots filled with sand. This gives the crystals a solid base without having to be flat on the bottom. The sand is also mostly quartz, so that adds to the resonant field and coherence of the grids. Placing the stones upright in the plant pots allows them to receive energy in through their bases and direct it out their terminations, creating the etheric crystal form over the interior of the space.

Having the stone upright allows for the proper flow of energy to create the etheric crystal over the grid area. Here are a crystal in a terra cotta flower pot, and one in a carved Cedar bowl.

Once all six crystals are placed around the room you will need to activate the etheric crystal by sitting in the center of the grid and doing the same meditation you did to program each crystal. As you sit in the center of the grid and vibrate with the energy with which all six crystals are programmed, you will trigger the etheric crystal to form and to begin to vibrate. This, in essence, creates a "force field" within the space that is based upon the energetics and qualities of the vibration of the hexagonal geometry. This also places you in the center of the etheric crystal that has been created by the grid. This means that you become the termination of the crystal-- the magical 7th point implied by the meeting of all six sides. This is the point of power within the grid and a great place to put your healing table or to sit in meditation.

What are the properties of this hexagonal grid? The hexagonal structure is one that is the foundation for most silicates, and silicates make up the largest family of crystals on the planet. Over 90% of the Earth's crust is silicon expressed as quartz. Therefor the energy of the hexagonal grid is one of the foundational energy templates for this planet. In sacred geometry the hexagon is the form of the double pyramid, also called the star of David in judaic tradition. This is the triangle of Earth pointing down, and the triangle of Heaven pointing up. This sacred form represents the union of Spirit and Matter; the application of spiritual knowledge on Earth, and the consecration of Earthly forms so that they can carry more spiritual energy. The hexagon in numerology carries the properties of the number 6, which are community, protection, cooperation, physical healing, and the Path of Service. Having these qualities in the etheric crystal of your Primary Grid makes a very special healing and meditation space ď‚š19ď‚› indeed!

Once the grid has been activated, use that space for your regular meditation practice. This will keep the crystals programmed and resonant, and will act to continually strengthen the grid. If something occurs in the grid to affect its energy significantly-- such as a difficult energy release during a healing session-- you can clear the stones, reprogram them, and re-establish the grid. The base resonant frequency of this grid is so strong, however, that it takes a lot to shift it from it's programmed use. Keep in mind that this grid will greatly amplify anything that goes on within it. This meanst that it is not a good idea to grid your entire living space with a Primary Grid. Its amplification abilities may amplify any less-than-favorable energies in the living space as well, such as electromagnetic fields or the energy of a fight you may have had with a partner or family member in that space. Reserve the Primary Grid for an area of your space that is dedicated to healing or meditation. Use the etheric crystal you construct there to amplify your spiritual work, and as a place for energetic cleansing and realignment when you need them. It is essentially an energy pod that will amplify your healing work, increase the power of your spiritual pursuits, and act as a decompression chamber from the energies of the world. Once your Primary Grid is complete, you can place a crystal array or mandala within it. Arrays are any organization of stones that is not based on the internal geometries of the stones used in the grid- essentially, what is commonly thought of as a "crystal grid". For instance, you might create a grid for "abundance" that contains many stones reported to have the energetic properties of "abundance". Those stones are not necessarily the same in their geometry, however, so they are unable to communicate with one another in the same way that stones of the same geometry can. It can be more like a tower of Babel, rather than a choir of Angels! When you place an array inside the Primary Grid of clear quartz, however, the amplitude of the larger grid causes the stones in the array to communicate. It then amplifies the energy of the array and gives it coherence. This, in essence, "flavors" the energy of the entire grid with the energy of the array. This theory of Bravais Lattice geometry grid creation lends an exciting boost to grid work, and while it takes a little study to completely understand and use the geometries effectively, it is well worth it in the increase in power and amplification over the more common crystal array. For the many people that have attended my Crystal Grids, Portals and Dimensional Doorways workshop, the increase in effectiveness has been well proven. I hope that you prove it to yourself by experimenting with a Primary Grid in your healing or spiritual space!

Naisha Ahsian is an internationally acclaimed author and teacher on the subjects of

vibrational medicine, the healing power of crystals and minerals, and spiritual growth. She is Director of Crystalis Institute for Personal & Planetary Transformation in the United States.

Naisha is co-author of the best-selling Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach. She is the creator of The Crystal Ally Cards: The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge, and author of The Little Boo of Infinite Abundance: A 30 Day Course in Healing Abundance Consciousness. She is also creator of the patent-pending Socratic Subliminal technology. Naisha has developed two vibrational healing modalities; the Primus Activation Healing Technique™ which utilizes the energetic power of the human heart, and Crystal Resonance Therapy™ which utilizes the healing power of crystals and minerals. 20

Training Program Directory

This directory is a paid listing of training programs in crystal healing and vibrational therapies. Listing in this directory does not constitute an endorsement by Crystal Resonance Magazine.

Online & U.S. Online

Crystalis Institute Contact: Naisha Ahsian Phone : (802) 441-4116 Skype ID: Crystal_is Certifications: Crystal Resonance Therapist ™ (CRTh), Certified Primus Activation Healing Technique Practitioner (PAHT Pract) Crystalis Institute offers professional training and certification in Crystal Resonance Therapy™ and the Primus Activation Healing Technique™. In addition to certification courses, the institute also offers personal spiritual growth training through the Becoming the Human Crystal Program and other online programs. We have been training Lightworkers worldwide since 1997. All programs were developed and are either taught or supervised by Naisha Ahsian, co-author of The Book of Stones and author of The Crystal Ally Cards and The Little Book of Infinite Abundance. The programs at Crystalis Institute are rigorous. We don't teach crystal healing, we train crystal healers. Our programs are not about learning just a technique, but developing your own personal ability to connect with the stones, perceive and manipulate energy, and channel specific energies through the Human Crystal. Students in our clinical healing program are eligible for membership through the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (; an independant association providing insurance and professional support. In addition to training as a healer, Crystalis Institute offers shorter programs for personal development and spiritual evolution.

Love & Light School of Energy Medicine Contact: Ashley Leavy 21

Phone (630) 254-4685 The Love & Light School of Energy Medicine is an Approved Provider of Continuing Education through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) and is endorsed and accredited by the World Metaphysical Association (WMA). Our professionally-trained instructors are passionate about sharing their knowledge of energy healing with students from around the world. Our reputable energy healing school offers classes and workshops on a range of energy healing topics (from Crystal Therapy, to Reiki, to Aromatherapy, and so much more). Our instructors are able to offer you a unique experience, as they each specialize in a particular field of energy medicine. It is our goal to share our knowledge of alternative approaches to healing in a manner that is educational and fun. We strive to reach all types of learners and to provide exceptional education to our students.

Arizona Infinite Light Healing Studies Center Contact: Laurelle Shakti Gaia Phone : (928) 204-1216 Sedona, AZ Certifications : Crystal Healer Levels 1, Intermediate, Advanced Crystal, Reiki 1 & 2, Reiki Master Teacher, Karuna Reiki Master Teacher My name is Laurelle Gaia. Crystal and spiritual healing is my life purpose and has been since I was 7 years old. I have been practicing and teaching professionally for 25 years. In addition to Crystal classes, I teach Reiki and have served as the Director of Teacher Licensing for the International Center for Reiki Training for over 22 years. Below is an example of just one of our student testimonials The information contained within our crystal healing courses inspires respect for crystals and stones and introduces methods for the application of crystal energy in daily life, as well as in healing sessions for self and others. An emphasis on Earth Healing is an important part of the courses. The intermediate class also provides training in use of Vogel Crystal Healing Wands. An attunement to Lemurian frequencies is also included in each level of this training program. Our healing center is located in Sedona, AZ, one of the most beautiful and sacred places on the planet. Our center is referred to as Peace Place. We are the current home of "Leilani", a nearly 800lb magnificent multi-terminated clear quartz cluster. She carries both Atlantean and Lemurian frequencies, as well as a strong connection to the Platinum Ray. Leilani "works" at Peace Place, where she often provides spontaneous healings or energy transmissions to her visitors.

This directory is a paid listing of practitioners in crystal healing and vibrational therapies. Listing in this directory does not constitute an endorsement by Crystal Resonance Magazine.

Practitioner Directory Australia

Australian Capital Territory Karyn Fearnside Earth Resolutions

List Your Practice in our directory! Visit our website at www.crystalresonancemagazine. com to submit your listing.


Phone : 04 1943 1362 I became interested in crystals in the mid 1980's when I held one and it made my hand buzz. I read about and collected them and finally had a chance to practice working with them when I did Crystal Vibrational Therapy with Susie Nelson-Smith in 2006. Susie studied with Katrina Raphael, and her course went for 21 days spread out over a year. This included 18 case studies working from beginner level to advanced. Since then I have really enjoyed working with clients when the opportunity has arisen. I also have 2 children (9 & 12) and a part time job in disability support. CVT is rewarding in that I feel I gain as much as the client does, I always feel refreshed and peaceful afterwards. I incorporate many of my own ideas into my practice and I have just started to work with Crystal Skulls. Certification: Crystal Vibrational Therapy Click to Email

New South Wales Jennifer Allan Cocoon Therapies Bondi, Sydney

Phone : 04 0700 8736 A gentle form of chakra balancing, meridian & aura cleansing. Energetic & physical body realignments. Combining essential oils, music to calm the mind so we can step out of own way and heal. Focus on your own abilities & awareness with crystaline & elemental energies. Simple stuff. Certification: Crystal Therapy Click to Email ď‚š36ď‚›

Queensland Stephanie Lister Crystalicious Massage Maleny

Phone : 0447 196 984 My journey with crystals started at a critical time in my life and evolved into a deep passion of the tools the earth offers us for healing and support. Along with the study of Crystal Resonance Therapy™, Reiki and Massage, I immersed myself in travelling throughout the world connecting with the sacredness of the earth, the wild spirit of the land and ceremony in many different cultures. As the journey continues my intention through Crystalicious Massages and monthly new moon circles is to facilitate womin to immerse themseves in the delicious well of ancient knowledge that resides within their hearts, the door way to our infinite potential and the divine Medicine Womin that resides within us all. Certification: CRTh, Reiki, Massage Click to Email Peta Anderson Soul Choice Imbil

Phone : 07 5488 6714 There is nothing like the healing abilities of crystals! If you are ready to heal yourself and break free from self imposed restrictions, then open yourself to the rest of your life, the life you want to live! Soul Choice provides a relaxed, professional place to facilitate your healing through the modality of Crystal Resonance Therapy™. It really is a.... Soul Choice! Certification: CRTh, PAHT Practioner, Reiki Master/Teacher Click to Email

Canada Ontario

Sandie McArdle Ottawa

Phone : 613-617-5588 My aim is to help people become more conscious. What does that mean, you might ask? So often in this lifetime we have chosen to be blind to things we have created that are now in the way of our becoming the person we are meant to be. I help to uncover these bits and to help the client understand them, love them and where appropriate to let them go or change them into something that does work. My desire is to help people learn to live a life which is grounded, neutral and heart-centred. Certification: Reiki Master, CRTh, Psychdramatic Bodywork, Counsellor, Angel Therapy, BARS Facilitator, energy facilitator Click to Email 37

Patty Scrivens TAO Crystals & Healing Centre Ottawa

Phone : 613-288-2274 As well as offering the above services, I also offer a full range of workshops at the centre and other energy medicine modalities through other certified practitioners. Long distance healing is also available.We look forward to serving you. Check us out at or taocrystals. Certification: CRTh; Primus, Crystal Ally Card Reader, Crystal Healer, Algonquin Medicine Ceremonies, Order of Melchezidek Click to Email

United Kingdom England

Lynne McDermott Blueskyz Healing Heanor, Derbyshire

Blueskyz is a community interest company, that works on a not for profit basis, to provide a facility which offers a local, and regional wide service. We bring together a wide range of therapists who are drawn to Blueskyz, and therefore we can offer an extensive variety of holistic therapies. Crystal Resonance Therapy is available through myself. In working with a diverse group of healers and educators, we are able to collectively share information and build the platform for integrated holistic health and education. Certification: CRTh, PAHT Practioner, Hazel raven college of BioDynamics Crystal Therapy Click to Email

United States Arizona

Linda Herzog Tucson

Phone : (520) 907-4889 Crystal Resonance Therapy TM is based upon aspects of both quantum physics and Newtonian physics, utilizing basic laws of energy movement and electormagnetism to effectively shift energetic blocks and patterns within the physical body and energetic field. During a session the client experiences warmth, well-being and a release from limiting patterns and blockages. Clients often report a sense of heightened connection to their spiritual guides and a sense of expanded conciousness. Sessions include an intake, full energy system assessment and balancing, appropriate crystal or stone placement and guided meditation. Crystal Resonance Therapy™ was created and taught personally to me by Naisha 38

Ahsian, an Internationally known crystal expert, Director of the Crystalis Intstitute for Personal and Planetary Transformation and the co-author of the Book of Stones. If you are in the Tucson area and are interested in experiencing a Crystal Resonance Therapy Session please contact me! Certification: Certified Crystal Resonance Therapist™ Click to Email

California Toni Crotty, CRTh, PAHT Pract., CAMT Be Well and Wise and Playful! Oakland

Phone : 510-339-7276 Toni shepherds clients on the path to wellness, wisdom, personal growth, healing, and self-discovery, with compassion, humor, healing hands, and a healing heart. Fully clothed clients, relaxing or sleeping comfortably on a massage table, receive harmonizing Crystal Resonance Therapy™ (or Jin Shin Jyutsu.) sessions. Trained and gifted with the ability to hear the body's wisdom and crystal guidance, Toni assesses and balances energy, placing crystals appropriately while ushering clients into the Primus state, the most healing energetic state. Afterwards, Toni suggests crystals, elixirs, and self-care for maintaining the feelings of balance and vitality. Certification: MA, CRTh, PAHT Pract., CAMT, Jin Shin Jyutsu. First Crystal Resonance Therapist on the West Coast Click to Email

Colorado Sandra Marie Alasandra Healing Center Centennial

Phone : 303-520-4552 As an energy therapist, I identify energy imbalances and use appropriate techniques to help bring your energy systems into greater balance and harmony. Certification: Crystal Resonance Therapist (CRTh) Click to Email

Florida Tevia Chiert Ft. Lauderdale

Phone: 954-777-6946 I have seven year of experience as a Reiki Master practioner and Reiki Master Teacher (2005). Certified Crystal Resonance Therapist (2007) and completed my Crystal Resonance Therapist Teacher training 39

under Naisha Ahsian (2009). Certification: Crystal Resonance Therapist (CRTh) , Reiki Master Teacher, Primus Activation Healing Technique Practitioner (PAHT Pract.) Click to Email Fran Oppenheimer RN, LMT, CPEH, CRTh Holistic Healing Hands Gainesville

Phone : 352-275-1848 Fran Oppenheimer RN, LMT, CPEH, CRTh has been a practitioner of the healing arts for over 20 years. In addition to being a Registered Nurse specializing in the care of critically ill children, and a licensed massage therapist, Fran has trained in Homeopathy, and is a nationally certified practitioner of Esoteric Healing(CPEH). Fran has also completed a 2 year intensive training with Naisha Ahsian, co-author of The Book of Stones, and is certified in Crystal Resonance Therapy™ (CRTh). Fran delights in bringing the energetic into the physical and combining her skills in various modalities to assist clients in finding balance and ease in an effective and helpful way. Fran has an active practice in Gainesville, FL. Certification: RN, LMT, CPEH, CRTh Click to Email

Georgia Carol Hendrickson Savannah

Phone : 912-247-4555 Sessions generally include aspects of Crystal Resonance Therapy™ , Psych-K. and a bit of Reiki, depending on the needs of the client. All sessions are held in strictest confidence. Distance healing sessions are available on request. Sessions involving only Crystal Resonance Therapy™ , Reiki or Psych-K. are available as well, if desired by the client. Intuitive readings using The Crystal Ally Cards are available and can be conducted via Skype for those outside of the local Savannah area. Certification: CRTh, Crystalis Institute Instructor for Becoming the Human Crystal class Usui & Tibetan Reiki Master, Psych-K Practitioner Click to Email

Indiana Maria Celeste The Center For Creative Healing /Gems by Celestial Dancer Indianapolis

Phone : 317.690.1335 A healing wellness session with MariaCeleste leaves you feeling powerfully encouraged to go forth seeking new dimensions. Maria uplifts the spirit and renews your heart and your faith in yourself and in those with whom you choose to journey. Maria Celeste utilizes her gifts and talents for teaching and coaching and channeling all around the world in and for churches, profit and non-profit organizations, with groups and with individuals. Maria Celeste offers a wide variety of services for the 40

individual and for groups; for special occasions, classes and products. Certification: An Ordained Minister in the Church of Melchizedek; A Third Order Dominican;Clairvoyant,audient, sentiet Medium/Channeler/Advisor; A Fourth Degree Reiki MasterTeacher/Practitioner; Certified under Melody as Master of Crystology Level I & Level II...Laying on of Hands, Laying on of Stones; Certification in Crystal Resonance Therapy™ from the Crystalis Institute under the direction of Naisha Ahsian. An ERT and Kinesiology Practitioner; A Certified Teacher -Coach of Success: Full Living; a contemporary approach to spiritual responsibility. Trained and Coached by Father Justin in the Silva Method, a method designed to elevate the creative powers of your mind by the use of visualization and imagination, positive thinking and meditation. Click to Email

Maine Sheila Cook Rooted Resonance Portland

Phone : 207-749-3832 Certifications : CRTh, PAHT practioner Click to Email

Missouri Anahata Roach Anahata Crystal Therapy St. Louis

Phone : 314-616-5416 Crystal Resonance Therapy™ sessions are offered as well as Crystal Ally Card readings. For more information on Anahata and her practice, visit her website at Certifications : CRTh, Usui Reiki Master, Sekhim-Seichim-Reiki Master Teacher, IET Click to Email Nia Kallhof Crystals of Light Address Willow Springs

Phone : 417-252-4538 Nia is available to do Crystal Resonance Therapy™, Crystal Workshops, Meditation Instruction at Hearthaven in Missouri or at your location. CRT is gentle and non-invasive, including "laying on" crystals and meditative techniques. Nia, a certified CRT practioner will use interview and energetic assessment to determine which crystals and stones to place on your body and in what arrangement. As the stones are positioned, she will energetically activate each one. Your physical body and energy field will be brought into resonance with the crystals for maximum effect. You will receive guidance to balance your enegy centers and allow a free flow of energy. When all the stones have been placed, you will be brought into resonance wit the full spectrum 41

of Light energy, a relaxed pleasurable state, allowing for optimal physical and emotional healing, as well as spiritual expansion. You may also be guided in a meditation to find and clear "stuck" energy patterns. Nia will consult with you about which stones were used and how this relates to your physical and emotional health and spiritual growth. Certification: Primus Practioner, CRTh(crystal healer), Breathwork Rebirthing Practioner, Divine Mother Meditation/yoga instructor Click to Email

New Hampshire Carolyn Trott Red Horse Wellness Newton

Phone : 508-904-6857 Certified Crystal Resonance Therapist™, Certified Holistic Health Coach by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Reiki Level III Click to Email Skye Stephenson Jade Journeys Keene

Phone : 603-762-1259 Dr. Skye Stephenson offers crystal healing sessions that help facilitate balance and grounding. A trained CRT crystal healer, she has developed a unique type of crystal healing that draws upon various shamanic traditions as well as her own channeled information. Dr. Stephenson is involved in both individual practice, as well as place healing (ie. setting up crystal grids,etc) and group crystal sessions to help promote collective transformation. She lives in Southern New Hampshire, and is very open to barter and/or exchanging of services. Certification: Crystal Resonance Therapist (CRTh) Crystal Healer Click to Email

Tenessee Rev. Dr. Nancy Pedersen Nancy's Holistics Memphis

I am here to help you be the best person you can be and to help you realize your dreams. Certifications : CRTh, Reiki/Seichim Master, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Chakra/Aura Therapist, Certified Akashic Records Practitioner, Certified Intuitive Divination Practitioner Click to Email 42

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