FAU AL Fall 2011 Newsletter

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Fall 2011 Newsletter


FAU Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters



The Intellectual and Cultural Hub of FAU Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters newsletter. The College is at the center of the intellectual and cultural life of the University. Though a newsletter can provide only a glimpse of all that is happening, I think you’ll agree that these stories show that the

College of Arts and Letters is a place where education, art and culture are thriving. While summer 2011 seems like a distant memory, I want to celebrate several things that happened on campus and all over the world. The success of all of these events were the result of the hard work and contributions

of faculty, staff, students, alumni and the community. My greatest appreciation to all of you, the ones that make this place the heart of our university. – Heather Coltman, DMA Interim Dean, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters


of Arts and Letters ASIAN



More than 6,200 people attended the Department of Theatre and Dance’s Festival Repertory Theatre productions on the Boca Raton campus this summer. “Hooray for Hollywood: An Original Music Revue” and “The 1940s Radio Hour ran from June 24 through July 17 with EQUITY actors performing alongside of FAU students. Sold-out crowds showed their appreciation with standing ovations throughout the four week run.


FAU received a Title VI Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Languages grant of $200,000 from the U.S. Department of Education to enhance Asian Studies at FAU.


Also, the TOPS music camp, now in its 18th year, hosted 122 campers this summer, several of whom received scholarships through Publix and two anonymous donors. And, for the fifth year in a row, the Mary and Robert Pew Public Education Fund and the department of music sponsored a week-long band camp for 95 deserving campers from low-income elementary schools in Lake Worth and Belle Glade.

The Asian Studies Certificate at FAU includes coursework on East Asia, South Asia and West Asia,and the Middle East. Grant funds have been used to add to the curricular offerings in Asian Studies, including Mandarin Chinese and Modern Standard Arabic language courses. The grant has also funded faculty research and course development. (Continued on page 2)

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The following A&L professors

Faculty from the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, in collaboration with the Office of International Programs, coordinated many study-abroad programs this past summer. Through these programs and others, close to 100 undergraduate and graduate students from the College spent time in Ecuador, Ghana, Spain, Sicily, Ireland and Bosnia. Some examples of this work follow.



received travel grants to conduct research in their respective areas of interest: Mehmet Gurses (Political Science) traveled to Iraq and Turkey in the summer of 2011 to conduct research on his project, “Democratization through Mediation: Challenges and Opportunities in PostWar Iraq.” Eric Hanne (History) spent six weeks in the archives of the British National Library working on his project, “Navigating Hegemony: The Mazayadids of Hilla.” Alejandro Sánchez-Samper (Music) traveled to Nepal to conduct research on his project, “Anthropological Field Recordings of Nepalese music and ambient sounds of the Nepalese Countryside.” While there, he recorded the album “Nepali Ho: Traditional and Contemporary Music of Nepal.” Naihua Zhang (Sociology) conducted research in China on her project, “Gender and State Formation in Socialist China: Women’s Organizations as an Institutional Actor inside the State.” In addition, the grant is supporting faculty development and curriculum enrichment at FAU and in the secondary schools through public lectures and faculty workshops. The following faculty won awards to support development of new courses in their field that will serve both their home departmental majors and the Asian Studies Certificate:

Don Adams (English): “Asia in Western Literature and Film” Carla Calarge (Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature): “Voices from the Middle East and North Arica: Francophone Muslim Women in Literature and Film”

Mary Cameron (Anthropology): “Asian Medical Systems” Jacqueline Fewkes (Honors College): “Honors Islam in Asian Cultures” Ken Holloway (History): “Introduction to Asian Studies” Doug McGetchen (History): “Gandhi and Hitler: (Non-) Violence in History” Renat Shaykhutdinov (Political Science): “Government and Politics of Central Asia and the Transcaucasus” For more information, contact Michael Horswell (Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature), Eric Hanne (History and the Asian Studies Certificate Program) or Cathy Meschievitz (Office of International Programs).

Karina Brennan, a Political Science major and a member of FAU’s Diplomacy Program, travelled to Bosnia and Herzegovina for a three-week human rights training program. The program, organized by Global Youth Connect, is offered in wartorn regions such as the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda as a way to provide students with a greater understanding of world politics and threats to global peace.

TOP rated The 2011 ranking of Model United Nations Programs ranked FAU’s Diplomacy Program as the third best in the North American East regional grouping of schools that compete in organization-hosted simulations such as National Model UN in New York. The ranking is the result of FAU’s top award in New York, two awards in San Francisco and award for best delegation in Maastricht, The Netherlands in 2011.

Julieanne Ulin (English) took FAU students to Dublin, Ireland, one of only four cities in the world to receive the designation of City of Literature by UNESCO. The course “Ireland’s Literary Landscapes” allowed students to encounter the writings of James Joyce, W.B. Yeats, Lady Gregory, and J.M. Synge while visiting Dublin, Galway, Sligo and the Aran Islands. Charise Muller, a Sociology and Psychology major, spent part of the summer on a FAU Ghana study abroad program doing an academic internship with the Ark Foundation, an advocacy based women’s rights NGO in Accra, Ghana. Frédéric Conrod (Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature) led the second FAU study-abroad program in Madrid, Spain this past summer. The group of 14 students met up with a wide range of artists. Images: (Top) Students at the Aran Islands, Ireland (Bottom left) Karina Brennan (Bottom right) Students in Ecuador.

The Ecuador Field School Programs, coordinated by Michael Harris, (Anthropology) , have operated courses for anthropological and archaeological training in methods for undergraduate and graduate students in Salango, Ecuador since 1997. The program includes students from FAU and universities in the U.S., Europe and South America. During the spring 2011 semester, Kevin Petrich (School of Communication and Multimedia Studies) and five students created an audio documentary about the field school. Visit http://proteus.fau.edu/ wavelengths/html/archive2.html and choose ‘Arts and Letters’.

The Department of Visual Arts and Art History held its first ever four week summer art course in New York City taught by Blane de St. Croix. Artists, art critics and gallery directors made presentations and students visited the Guggenheim, the Museum of Modern Art and several smaller galleries in the Chelsea District.

Michael Zager (Music, Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Performing Arts) was a visiting professor at Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand this past summer. Zager worked with students and faculty there to continue to develop a commercial music program based on the one he developed at FAU. He also produced an album of Thai and western music. In the past, Zager worked in Thailand two times as a Fulbright Scholar. Josephine Beoku-Betts (Center for Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies) received a Fulbright Scholar Award for teaching and research at the University of Sierra Leone for the



2011-2012 academic year. Beoku-Betts will work with the Gender Research and Documentation Center and the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. Her research will focus on women’s peace movements and post-war reconstruction in Sierra Leone. She will teach two graduate courses on Women, War and Peace Building and Global Perspectives on Gender. Walter Hnatysh (Visual Arts and Art History) received a South Florida Cultural Consortium (SFCC) Visual and Media Artists Fellowship in the amount of $15,000. Hnatysh was one of 12 recipients that were selected during a two-tier panel process, which included the participation of regional and national arts experts. An exhibition featuring the works of the 12 recipients is scheduled to be presented at the Art and Culture Center of Hollywood, 1650 Harrison Street, Hollywood, in October.

Images: (Left top) Michael Zager, (left middle) Josephine Beoku-Betts with student, (left bottom) Detail from Doodle by Walter Hnatysh.

Don Adams (English) recently returned from sabbatical in Vietnam where he served as a consultant to the English programs of two universities in Ho Chi Minh City. Both universities are working to alter their academic structures and strategies, which have been based upon the centralized Soviet ministerial model, in an effort to encourage and foster individual effort and achievement on the part of both faculty and students. Adams worked with colleagues in these efforts and is investigating the possibility of developing cooperative educational programs between these universities and FAU. Paul Raeburn (School of Communication and Multimedia Studies) has been selected by the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society, as the 2012 recipient of its James T. Grady-James H. Stack Award for Interpreting Chemistry to the Public. One of the oldest and most prestigious accolades in journalism, the award dates to 1955. The award cites Raeburn’s work as science editor and chief science correspondent at the Associated Press from 1981 to 1996, where thousands of his articles were distributed to more than 1,700 newspapers and 6,000 television and radio stations worldwide. Raeburn came to FAU in 2010 to develop a new graduate program in science, medical and environmental journalism. Congratulations go to the 2011-2012 Master Teachers Award recipients, Jeffrey Morton (Political Science) and Amy Broderick (Visual Arts and Art History). The Master Teachers Awards are given by FAU’s Center for Teaching and Learning to tenured teaching faculty members who demonstrate excellence inside and outside of the classroom through consistent leadership and focused collaboration for student learning. Recipients are charged with promoting scholarship at the university, facilitating the professional and intellectual development of faculty and graduate students, and providing leadership in the discussion of what it means to work in a learningcentered institution.



Congratulations to the following Arts and Letters Faculty that received promotion and tenure in 2010-11: Don Adams (English) Promoted to professor Barclay Barrios (English) Promoted to associate professor, received tenure Clarence Brooks (Theatre and Dance) Promoted to associate professor, received tenure Taylor Hagood (English) Promoted to associate professor, received tenure Ben Lowe (History) Promoted to professor Douglas McGetchin (History) Promoted to associate professor, received tenure Ryan Moore (Sociology) Promoted to associate professor, received tenure Chris Robe (Communication and Multimedia Studies) Promoted to associate professor, received tenure Marianne Sanua (History) Promoted to professor Derrick White (History) Promoted to associate professor, received tenure

NEW FACULTY welcome Welcome to New Faculty: Ariel Baron-Robbins (Visual Arts and Art History) Visiting instructor, MFA, University of South Florida George Christakis (English) Instructor, MFA, FAU Kelly DeStefano (English) Instructor, MFA, FAU Kate Detweiler (Anthropology) Assistant professor, PhD, New York University Claudia Dunlea (History) Visiting instructor, PhD, University of Hamburg, Germany Kathryn Johnston (Theatre and Dance) Visiting assistant professor, MFA, University of South Carolina Amel Khalfaoui (Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature) Assistant professor, PhD, University of Minnesota Melanie Loehwing (Communication and Multimedia Studies) Assistant professor, PhD, Indiana University Briar March (Communication and Multimedia Studies) Instructor, MFA, Stanford Nuria Martinez (Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature) Visiting assistant professor, PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder Valentina Martinez (Anthropology) Visiting instructor, MA, Southern Methodist University Ryan McGeough (Communication and Multimedia Studies) Instructor, PhD, Louisiana State University Deandre Poole (Communication and Multimedia Studies) Instructor, PhD, Howard University Asuncion Sher (Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature) Visiting instructor, MAT, FAU Kristine Shockley (Political Science) Visiting instructor, Emory University Jose Sebastian Ternus (English) Instructor, MA, FAU





The William F. Dietrich Eminent Scholar in Philosophy, whose areas of specialization and research include Constitutive Phenomenology and Theory of the Cultural Disciplines. In His Own Words: “Phenomenology is an analysis of mental life and objects as related to by processes in it.” During the summer of 2011, Embree presented a lecture titled “Seven epochēs” at the Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists in Arlington, Virginia and at the International Human Science Research Conference, Oxford, UK. He also presented “A Phenomenological Correction of Schutz on Culture for Cultural Science” at the “Conference Phenomenology as a Bridge between Asia and the West” in St. Louis, Missouri. The Portuguese translation of Embree’s Reflective Analysis: A First Introduction to Phenomenology was released in September. Other translations of it have already been published in Castilian, Chinese (both types), English, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian and Russian. Publications that appeared this summer include “Cultural Anthropology in Schutzian Perspective,” Phainomena, “La justification des norms analysées de manière réfléchie,” Bulletin d’Analyse Phénoménologique, “The Justification of Norms Reflectively Analyzed,” and “Indirect Experiencing Reflectively Analyzed,” PhaenEx.


Raddock Family Eminent Scholar in Holocaust Studies

Lester Embree Dietrich Eminent Scholar in Philosophy

Frederick Greenspahn

Gimelstob Eminent Scholar in Judaic Studies

Richard Shusterman

Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities

Michael Zager

Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Performing Arts

Visiting Scholar: Michael McGlynn Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Arts

Irish Music Specialist and Composer Michael McGlynn will be here for two week-long residencies in Fall 2011 and Spring 2012. Both visits will culminate with a concert of his works performed by FAU choral groups. McGlynn’s music has been recorded and performed by such internationally recognized vocal ensembles as the BBC Singers, the National Youth Choir of Great Britain, the Phoenix Chorale and Chanticleer. In 1987, he founded the choral group Anúna, which has released 14 albums.



Foster Stanback was selected as the 2011 Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters’ Distinguished Alumnus. Stanback was recognized for his interest in global social change, environmentalism and philanthropy. He is a managing partner at various domestic and international firms, including the Optimus Growth Fund and Global Express, S.A. He is actively involved in equity and commodity markets and has a special interest in companies developing green technologies. Stanback holds an M.A. in Sociology from FAU, an M.A. in Psychology from the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology and an M.S. in Marketing and Technology from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Stanback currently resides in Irvine, Calif. with his wife and three sons. Foster said this about his experience at FAU: “FAU was a watershed moment in my life. The insights I gained from studying sociology there gave me a whole new perspective on the world. This knowledge has definitely made me a better businessman, but more importantly, it has given me a sense of urgency about working for social change and doing all that I can to make this world a better place.”

ONE TO watch The School of Communication and Multimedia Studies is enhancing its film production course offerings with the addition of film director and cinematographer Briar March as instructor on the Fort Lauderdale campus. March has more than 10 years of production experience and has received over 20 international awards for her directing, producing and cinematography. Most recently, her documentary There Once Was an Island: Te Henua e Nnoh, which tells the story of the inhabitants of an island in the Pacific that is disappearing because of climate change, was selected as winner of Best International Film at the Rome International Film Festival (Rome, Georgia) and Winner of Audience Award at the Festival International Du Film Insulaire (France). There Once Was an Island is screening this Fall at festivals in South Africa, Argentina, Iceland, Scotland, Canada, Germany, Spain, Taiwan, New Caledonia, the Bahamas, Australia and at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival in October.

FAU’s Distinguished Alumni awards recognize alumni in each college who demonstrate exceptional service and commitment to the community or to their profession.

LIVING ROOM theaters An average of 1,200 people are visiting the Living Room Theaters each week and the total number of visitors since the opening in 2010 is well over 50,000 people. In a nod to the popularity of the theaters, LRT made Boca Magazine’s Top 100 Best of Boca listing this past summer. Also, speaking on WLRN’s first Florida Film Critic’s Circle Roundtable, film critic Hap Erstein called the theaters “one of the best art house theaters in the area” and a great addition to the cultural scene. For a full list of show times, visit fau.livingroomtheaters.com.

Florida Atlantic University Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters 777 Glades Road, P.O. Box 3091 Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991


of Arts and Letters E-LEARNING at FAU FAU has established a new Center for E-Learning with the mission of increasing and improving e-learning across the University. This fall, 67 FAU faculty members are involved in e-learning, including the Arts and Letters faculty below: Ancient Philosophy, Carol Gould (Philosophy) Anthropology of Violence, Max Kirsch (Anthropology) Class, Status and Power, Ann Branaman (Sociology)

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Arts and


Gender and Culture, Mary Cameron (Anthropology) History of American Technology, Sandy Norman (History) History of Photography, Lynne Bentley-Kemp (Visual Arts and Art History) Introduction to Music Business, Alejandro Sanchez-Samper (Music) Latin American Culture and Civilization, Michael Horswell (Languages, Linguistics, Comparative Literature) Mass Communication Theory, Fred Fejes Communication and Multimedia Studies) Modern Latin American History, Barbara Ganson (History) World Music Survey, James Cunningham (Music) Writing for Management, Richard Potter (English)

Make a gift today – fauf.fau.edu/artsandletters Audra Vaz, Annual Giving and Scholarships: 561-297-2337 | audra.vaz@fau.edu Laurie Carney, Major Gifts: 561-297-3606 | Lcarney@fau.edu Attend a performance, exhibition or public lecture Contact Gail Vorsas, 561-297-0033 | gvorsas@fau.edu to receive our weekly e-mail update or join our mailing list Join the FAU National Alumni Association www.faualumni.org Alumni – Update your records at Fauf.fau.edu/update

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