Building Services Project 2

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LIM PUI YEE 0313605


















4.1 Introduction 4.2 Literature Review 4.2.1

Fire Safety


Fire Protection and Prevention

4.3 Passive Fire Protection System 4.3.1


Fire Detection System and Alarm Devices

Heat Detector

Smoke Detector

Fire Break Glass Call Point

Fire Alarm Bell

Fireman Intercom System

Fireman’s Switch

Fire Control System

Fire Control Room

Fire Pump Room

Fire Sprinkler System

Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System

Dry Riser System

Wet Riser System

Hose Reel System

Fire Hydrant System

Portable Fire Extinguisher

4.4 Passive Fire Protection System 4.4.1



Fire Roller Shutter

Opening Protection

Fire Door


Fire Escape


Emergency Lighting and Signage


Smoke Curtain


Fire Extinguisher



5.1 Introduction 5.2 Literature Review 5.3 Centralized Mechanical Ventilation System 5.4 Fan Coil Unit 5.5 Types of Fan 5.5.1

Propeller Fan


Axial Fan




Supply Air Diffuser/Grille


Return Air Grille/Fan

5.6 Smoke Extraction System 5.6.1

Fire Damper



6.1 Introduction 6.2 Literature Review 6.3 District Cooling System 6.4 Chilled Water Air Conditioning System 6.5 Components of Chilled Water Air Conditioning System 6.5.1



Cooling Tower

Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled Motors (TEFC)

Air inlet louver and screen

Valves and pump

Condenser water system

Air Handling Unit (AHU)

Air filters

Cooling air coils

Blower/mechanical fan

Water Chiller






7.1 Introduction 7.2 Literature Review 7.2.1






7.3 Types and Components of Mechanical System 7.3.1




Traction Lift

Machine Room


Cable System

Suspension Rope & Guide Rails


Key Control Panel

UBBL codes applied by JKR


Steps & Rail Guide



Electric motor

Top and bottom sprocket assembly







This research report will look into the details of the services present in Publika Solaris Dutamas such as fire protection system, mechanical transportation, mechanical ventilation system and air-conditioning system. Thorough analysis and synthesis on the components and the functions of these systems in a building’s operation. A conclusion of these system will be generated through our understanding of these services in regards to the Uniform Building-By-Law, Malaysian Standards requirements as well as other relevant rules and regulations.


First and foremost, we would like to thank Mr Aizam, the manager of SCM Property Services Sdn Bhd of Sunrise UEM Group and also Ms Jaisree Bjiakumarin, the Senior Building Executive of Property Management who had been kind enough to give us permission to conduct a site visit and in-depth study on the systems of Publika and Solaris Dutamas. In addition, we would


like to express our deepest appreciation for providing us with guidance to complete this report and giving us much suggestion during our meeting sessions. Nevertheless, we would also like to thank our tutor, Ar Sateerah who has been guiding us throughout the tutorial session and making calls to Publika to get their approval for this site visit. Last by not least, we would like to thank each member that has put in much effort in cooperating with each other and helping one another in making this project a successful one.


Figure 3.1 Publika Solaris Dutamas


Publika Solaris Dutamas located at Sri Hartamas, is an


entertainment offerings such as art galleries, boutiques,

upscale neighbourhood shopping mall with a variety of stores and merchandise shops as well as restaurants. The layout of the four-storey Publika is simple and follows an H-shape with a skylight that lets in plenty of natural light. And next to the mall are residential buildings and offices. Founded by Sunrise Company, Publika was launched in April 2005 and the entire development was completed around the end of 2009. Sitting on a 17-acre freehold site, it comprises 2.14 million square feet of built-up space that houses over 400 retail outlets, 1,000 office suites and 800 designer suites. Solaris Dutamas is famous for its well-integrated living-and-business development with a promotion of the arts to further enhance the wellbeing and vitality of all those who live, work and visit.


4.1 INTRODUCTION Fire Protection systems are one of the most crucial systems to be included in every building’s design and construction. In the event of fire outbreak, the fire protection system will ensure that the building is equipped and capable of controlling and extinguishing the fire. The fire protection system is divided into two major components known as the Active Fire Protection System (AFPS) and the Passive Fire Protection System (PFPS). These components are further divided into their







characteristics and functions.

FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM Figure 4.1 Fire Protection Components

This research paper will study in depth of the chosen building Publika of Solaris Dutamas to have a deeper understanding of the Fire Protection System adopted by the commercial building which is an upscale neighbourhood shopping mall. Both active and passive fire protection system is being studied here and explained in a detail manner. They are discussed and compared to the rules and regulation set by Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia.


4.2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4.2.1 Fire Safety Fire plays a vital role in our everyday routine. However, is it important to have appropriate building services and regulations to control Fire because of the release of heat and products (i.e., smoke, toxic and combustion products) are hazardous to life and properties. There are two different types of fire protection systems: (A) Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Passive Fire Protection is the installation of products or systems which when installed prevent the passage of hot gasses and flame from passing between fire-isolated compartments. By creating a fire resistant compartment between rooms and floors, passive fire protection greatly slows the spread of the fire from the room where it originated. These products and systems do not require mechanical or electrical activation and once installed require no maintenance. (B) Active Fire Protection (AFP) Unlike passive fire protection, active fire protection systems interact with their surroundings e.g. by operating fans for smoke extraction, operating a fire sprinkler to control or extinguish a fire, or opening a vent to allow assisted natural ventilation. Active systems are particularly useful in larger buildings where it is difficult to ventilate central areas through natural openings such as windows, smoke and heat extraction systems are often used. Passive fire protection (PFP) in the form of compartmentalization was developed prior to the invention of or widespread use of active fire protection (AFP), mainly in the form of automatic fire sprinkler systems. During this time, PFP was the dominant mode of protection provided in facility designs. With the widespread installation of fire sprinklers in the past 50 years, the reliance on PFP as the only approach was reduced. Lobby groups are typically divided into two camps favoring active or passive fire protection. Each camp tries to garner more business for itself through its influence in establishing or changing local and national building and fire codes. The relatively recent inclusion of performance based or objective based codes, which have a greater emphasis on life safety than property protection, tend to support Active Fire


Protection initiatives, and can lead to the justification for a lesser degree of fire resistant rated construction. At times it works the other way around, as firewalls that protrude through the roof structure are used to "sub-divide" buildings such that the separated parts are of smaller area and contain smaller fire hazards, and do not necessarily require sprinklers. The decision to favour Active Fire Protection versus Passive Fire Protection in the design of a new building may be affected by the lifecycle costs. Lifecycle costs can be shifted from capital to operational budgets and vice versa.

Figure 4.2 Fire Triangle

Four things must be present at the same time in order to produce fire: 

Fuel or combustible material

Enough oxygen to sustain combustion

The chemical, exothermic reaction that is fire

Enough heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature

Fuel, oxygen and heat referred to the Fire Triangle. Further clarifies the definition of combustion by adding a fourth component which is chemical chain reaction, depicting the concept of the rapid, self-sustaining oxidation reaction. The Fire Tetrahedron depicts the growth of ignition into fire. Therefore, by removing on these components above, fire will extinguish. Essentially, fire extinguishers put out fire by removing one or more components of Fire Triangle or Fire Tetrahedron.

Figure 4.2: Fire Tetrahedron


4.2.2 Fire Protection and Prevention Fire protection include  Fire alarm devices  Fixed firefighting equipment  Having a permanent water supply  Include portable firefighting equipment Fire prevention include  Include storage  Ignition hazards  Open yard storage  Temporary building


4.3 ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM The active Fire Protection (AFP) is a very important and integral part of any fire safety strategy which is activated either mechanically or electronically during the event of a fire outbreak. The AFP basically consists of the manual or automatic fire fighting system installed in a building with the function to give warning in the case of a fire. The AFP System is further divided into different categories; fire detection, smoke and heat extraction system, fire suppression and sprinkler system. Below are further explanations on the active systems found in Publika, Solaris Dutamas:

4.3.1 Fire Detection System and Alarm Devices Fire Detection systems are critical components in a basic building as they are designed to provide warning of a fire outbreak before the situation worsens, hence allowing the appropriate firefighting actions to take place. There are specially two ways as to how a fire detection system works; automatically or manually. Detectors such as the smoke and heat detectors carry out the automatic activation whilst the manual activation is by breaking the glass at the call point unit or fire alarm pull station. The primary objective of a fire detection system is to alert the users of the building through audio and visual means. After a fire has been detected, this will activate the fire suppression and control system so that firefighting actions will be carried out.

8 Heat Detector

Figure 4.3 Heat Detector located in Publika, Solaris Dutamas

Figure 4.4 EST International Heat Detector (Source:

UBBL – SECTION 225. (1) Every building shall be provided with means of detecting and extinguisher fire and alarms together with illuminated exit signs in accordance with the requirements as specified in the Tenth Schedule to these By-Laws Heat detector function best in fires that involve high flames, intense heat and little initial smoke. The Heat detector above is conventional I type heat detector that considered as a fixed temperature unit type. The heat detector composed of a heat sensitive eutectic alloy that will reach the eutectic pint changing state from a solid to a liquid during fire. When the ambient temperature increases sufficiently to predetermined level where the heat detector will operate. For most fixed temperature heat detector, when the surrounding temperature


reaches 58 degree Celsius. Thus, it is encouraged to install heat detectors in areas that pose a higher likelihood of high flames and intense heat. The heat detectors are intelligent Addressable Heat Detectors by EST. Spacing of heat detectors Spot type heat detector spacing ratings are based on detector installation on a flat, smooth ceiling that is 3m high. The listed spacing equates detector operation with the opening of a standard sprinkler head within 2 minutes (+/- 10 seconds) located 3 m from the same fire. Spot type detector spacing is shown in the figure below. Detector coverage is typically represented as a square because most structures have flat sidewalls. Actual detector coverage is a circle whose radius is 0.7 times the listed spacing. Since all of the area within the detector’s circle of coverage is suitable for detecting a fire, the shape and dimensions of the detector coverage square in the figure below may be modified.

Figure 4.5 Heat Detector Spacing (Source:


When installed on the ceiling, spot type heat detectors must be located a minimum of 10 cm from side walls. When installed on side walls, the detector must be between 10 cm and 30 cm from the ceiling, as shown below.

Figure 4.6 Heat Detector Placement (Source:

11 Smoke Detector

Figure 4.7 Smoke Detector Placement in Publika

Figure 4.8 EST International Smoke Detector (Source:

UBBL-SECTION 225 (1) Every building shall be provided with means of detecting and extinguisher fire and alarms together with illuminated exit signs in accordance with the requirements as specified in the Tenth Schedule to these By Laws Smoke detectors sense the presence of smoke particles. In order for a smoke detector to sense these particles, smoke must travel from the point of origin to the detector. When evaluating a particular building or location for detector layout, likely fire locations should first be determined, and paths of smoke travel from each of these fire locations should be determined. Wherever practical, actual field tests should be conducted. The most desired location for smoke detectors would be the common points of intersection of smoke travel


from fire locations throughout the building. Ceiling height, construction, and ventilation play significant roles in smoke detector performance. When a fire occurs in the building, the first procedure to be taken place in the active fire system is the smoke detector positioned on the ceiling on every floor. To protect the whole floor area, a few smoke detectors placed everywhere around the particular floor in every level to detect the presence of smoke. The closest smoke detector within where the fire is taken place will detect the smoke and then automatically signals the fire alarm control panel located in the control room. In the Publika, the smoke detector used are of the EST brand or Edwards Systems Technology describes as Intelligent Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detectors which gathers analog information from its smoke sensing element and concerts it into digital signals (Edward Systems Technology International, 2012) Spacing of smoke detector The spot type smoke detector spacing recommendation of 9.1 m is based upon the detector installation on a smooth ceiling that is 3 m high. Detector coverage is typically represented as a square, because most structures have flat sidewalls. Like spot type heat a detector, smoke detector coverage is a circle whose radius is 0.7 times the listed spacing. Since all of the area within the detector’s circle of coverage is suitable for detecting smoke from fire, the shape and dimensions of the detector coverage square may be modified.

Figure 4.9 Smoke Detector Spacing (Source:


Under floor installations When spot type smoke detectors are installed under raised floors, they are subjected to high air velocities and dust levels. Detectors should be installed base up or base vertical (never down) as shown in the figure below. This minimizes the effects of dirt, dust, and mechanical interference from cabling.

Figure 4.10 Permissible smoke detector under floor mounting (Source:

Figure 4.11 Smoke Detector located in Publika Level 4-6

14 Fire Break Glass Call Point The fire Break Glass Call Point is a manually actuated device which has to be activated by the occupants of the building. In every building, the call point should be placed strategically and visible to all the users so that it would be much easier to activate in the event of a fire. Call points are used to initiate an alarm signal and operate by means of simple button press. Connected to a central alarm system in the building, they are usually linked to a local fire bridge dispatcher as well. To activate via the call point, occupants are just required to break the glass and this will triggers the alarm system. It is very easy to break as the glass is a very fragile element. The call points used in Publika is of the DEMCO brand as well.

Figure 4.12 The Fire Break Glass Call Point located in Publika


Figure 4.13 Diagram of the DEMCO Break Glass Call Point specifications (Source: tml)

As mentioned earlier, the fire break glass call points require careful placing and positioning. Below are some guidelines on the correct placement in accordance to the Fire Action LTD (2014): 1. It should be placed on the exit routes and in particular on the floor landings of staircase and at all exits to the open air. 2. It should also be located so that no person needs to travel more than 45m from any position within the premises in order to give an alarm (30m if layout is unknown). 3. Call points should usually be fixed at a height of 1.4m above the floor, at easily accessible, well-illuminated and conspicuous position free from obstruction. 4. The method of operation of call points in an installation should be identical unless there is a special reason for differentiation.

Figure 4.14 Fire Break Glass Located in Publika at Level 4-6

16 Fire Alarm Bell UBBL-Section 237 Alarm Bell must provide a minimum sound level of 65db (A) pr +5db (A) above any background noises, which is likely to persist for more than 30 seconds. Fire alarm bells are important components in the Fire Detection system as the sounds generated are usually the first warnings that make users aware of the fire threats in the building. The fire alarm bells are activated by the fire detectors. Publika’s alarm bells are DEMCO branded. Designed professionally to meet the needs of firefighting and the detection systems with central control equipment, the simplicity of the design incorporates fewer working parts, thus encourage easy installation and high level of efficiency capable in operating under the most adverse conditions (DEMCO INDUSTRIAL SDN BHD,n.d).

Figure 4.15 A DEMCO Fire Alarm Bell found in Publika

Figure 4.16 Specifications of a DEMCO bell according to universal regulations (Source:

Figure 4.17 Fire Alarm Bell Located in Publika at Level 4-6

17 Fireman Intercom System The fireman Intercom System provided a reliable two-way emergency voice communication system between the Master Console handset at Fire Command Centre and the remote handset stations which is located around the building. This system comprised of the remote Handset Station and the Master Control Panel. The master control panel comprises of a Master handset, as System Control Module and Zone Control Modules. During a fire break out, a call alert lamp will flash with audible signals at the master control panel whenever there is an incoming call. As the handset is lifted to answer the incoming call, the audible signal will be silenced. The master control panel is also equipped with a fault indicator unit which enables an easier identification of the fault at hand. The master control console is located in the Fire Control Room of Publika.

Figure 4.18 Remote Handset Station

Figure 4.19 Master Control Panel located in the Fire Control Room


Figure 4.20 Master Control Panel located in the Fire Control Room Fireman’s Switch A Fireman Switch functions to switch off or isolate the power supply of certain power systems in the building. This switch is only operable by a fireman during an emergency situation. The fireman switch is located in every level of a building and is categorized into a few switches depending on the type of electrical supply to be switched off. To be specific, it is mostly used by the firemen to turn off neon lighting or hazardous electrical equipment in the case of a fire breakout. It can also be used to run the under voltage release or shunt trip in the main incoming breaker. If there is a fire in the building, the fireman uses an insulated rod to pull the handle which isolates the utility supply to the building (ABB, 2012). In Publika, the Fireman Switches are mostly found in the emergency staircase areas so that it is easily visible for immediate action.

Figure 4.21 Fireman’s Switch located in the emergency staircase


4.3.2 Fire Control System Fire Control Room UBBL-SECTION 238 Every large premises or building exceeding 30.5 meters in height shall be provided with a command and control center located on the designated floor and shall contain a panel to monitor the public address, fire brigade communication, sprinkler, water flow detectors, fire detection and alarm systems and a direct telephone connection to the appropriate firestation by passing the switch board. The fire control Room plays a very important role in a building. It could be described as the centre or heart of the building as this room houses all the control for the building’s fire protection system, fire pumps, secondary water supply, air handling systems, stairwell door controls, communication system and the elevator control. The key cabinet which has access to all keys in the building is also located in the fire control room. This is to make it easier for the fire fighters to move around if an emergency were to occur. The fire control room is Publika is located at Basement 1.

Figure 4.22 Fire Control Room Entrance located at Basement of Publika


According to Consumes Fire Department (2014), the exterior access door should be full sized and clearly marked “Fire Control Room� with a minimum of 3 letters contrasted in colour from the background. 1. Have a minimum floor area of 10 meters square and may be larger depending on the required equipment. 2. Preferable adjacent to a lift lobby or any other location as designated by the relevant authority. 3. Be accessible via 2 travel oaths. One from the front entrance and the other from a public place for a fire isolated passageway, which leads to a public space and has a two hour fire rated door. 4. Have an independent air handling system if mechanical ventilation is provided throughout the whole building. 5. Be adequately illuminated to not less than 400 lux. 6. Provide the ease of communication (through telephones and loudspeakers) with all parts of the building, and with other fire emergency services. 7. Be provided with insulation from ambient building noise. 8. Be under control of the Chief Fire Warden or a similarly appointed person.

Figure 4.23 Manual Control Panel will all the fire detectors and location layout


Figure 4.24 Manual Control Panel will all the fire detectors and location layout

Figure 4.25 Master handset panel

Figure 4.26 CCTV monitors in the Fire Control Room

Any fire control room must contain the following details: 1. Automatic fire alarm and sprinkler indicator boards with facilities for sounding and switching off alarms and visual status indication for all relevant pumps, smoke control fans, air handling systems, generator and other required fire safety equipment installed in the building depending on the circumstances and system present in a building. 2. A telephone directly connected to an external exchange. 3. The control Console of the emergency warning and Intercommunication system. 4. A blackboard or whiteboard not less than 1200mm. 5. A pin board not less than 1200mm wide x 1000mm high. 6. A raked plan layout table of a size suitable for laying out the building plan. 7. A repeater panel of the lifts position indicator board. 8. A switch to isolate background music when required. 9. Remote switching controls for gas or electrical supplies. 10. Building security, surveillance and management systems if they are completely segregated from all other plans.

22 Fire Pump Room The fire pump room plays a crucial part in order for a fire fighting system to actually work during a fire breakout. The fire pump room houses all the pump systems and water storage tanks. The main systems that function through the fire pump are the sprinkler and hose reel system. The fire pumps can be powered by diesel, electronic or steam.

Figure 4.27 Fire Fighting Pump Room Entrance located at Basement of Publika

Figure 4.28 The Fire Pump Room with its pumps


(a) Pumps Pumps are required in order to provide adequate supply of water to each riser at all times. All the pumps are connected in parallel, with their suctions permanently “wet” when the tank is filled. There are three main pumps known as the Jockey Pump, Duty Pump and Standby Pump.

Figure 4.29 Jockey Pump

Figure 4.30: Standby Pump

Figure 4.31 Duty Pump

The Jockey Pump is an apparatus that works alongside a fire pump as an apart of the fire protection system. It function to maintain the pressure in the sprinkler piping system. It also assists in the prevention of drainage when a fire breaks out and water starts rushing into the pipes. Jockey pumps are only used for the sprinkler system. If a fire sprinkler is activated, a pressure drop will be sensed by the fire pimp’s automatic controller, which stimulates the fire pump to start working. The Duty Pump functions when the pressure in the pipe goes down to 35 PSI, and supplies enough pressure of water in order to maintain the system and make sure it is running well. However, if the duty pump encounters any form of problems which prevents its proper operation or goes down to 25 PSI the standby pump will automatically be activated from the master control panel if required. The Standby Pump shares the exact function as the duty pump. As mentioned above, it replace the duty pump when it is not functioning or needs to be switched off manually.


The readings on the pressure switches for the 3 pimps to cut in and out:

Figure 4.32 Readings of pressure switches for the 3 pumps

Figure 4.33 Readings of pressure switches for the 3 pumps


(b) Water Storage Tank The Water Storage for the sprinkler system and the hose reel system is located in the basement. The water storage tank used in Publika is molded in a sturdy steel formwork to store fire-fighting water for sprinkler system and hose reel system. The quantity of water plus the amount required in order to satisfy daily peak demands is available in the fire water storage tank.

Figure 4.34 Water Storage Tank

Figure 4.35 Location of Pump Room at Basement of Publika

26 Fire Sprinkler System UBBL-SECTION 225. (2) 

Sprinkler valves shall be located in a safe and enclosed position on the exterior wall and shall be readily accessible to the Fire Authority.


All sprinkler systems shall be electricity connected to the nearest fire station to provide immediate and automatic relay of the alarm when activated.

The sprinkler installation is designed to operate automatically in the event or a fire. When a fire occurs, hear rising from the fire is absorbed by a silicone based liquid contained inside the glass bulb of the nearest sprinkler head. This causes an air bubble inside the glass bulb to expand. When the temperature surrounding the sprinkler risers above the rated temperature of the sprinkler head, the glass bulb breaks and ruptures the seal between the sprinkler head orifice and the system pipe work. This allows water from the sprinkler system to discharge through the sprinkler head in a predetermined pattern. In the case of the solder strut type of sprinkler, the glass bulb is replaced by a strut made of metal with a low melting point. When the strut melts in a fire, the sprinkler releases water extinguisher the fire. Each Sprinkler head is designed to operate individually, so in the event of a fire, only the sprinkler heads nearest the fire will be activated. Without the introduction of an accelerated fire, four sprinkler heads or less would normally activate in a fire. When a sprinkler head is activated, the flow of water through the sprinkle supply pipe work will be registered b the flow switch on the local sprinkler floor control valve. The activate flow switch will send a signal to the fire alarm panel which will then send a visual and audible signal to the fire affected area and to the fire brigade. As water flow through the sprinkler system, due to the activation of a sprinkler head, the water pressure in the system falls. When this pressure falls below 90% of the standing pressure, the sprinkler jockey pump will start. If the system pressure continues to fall and falls below 80% of the standing pressure, the duty sprinkler pump will start automatically and the jockey pump start automatically. Once started, both the duty and standby sprinkler pumps must be stopped manually at the pump controller. When the fire has been extinguished beyond all doubt, the following procedure should be carried out under the control of the fire officer in charge:


1. Close the isolation or butterfly valve on the relevant sprinkler floor control valve 2. Manually 3. Replace activated sprinkler heads 4. Open the isolation or butterfly valve on the sprinkler floor control valve.

Figure 4.36 The Sprinkler System distribution from the water storage tank and is pumped by the 3 pumps up to the sprinkler valves (Source:

Publika is protected throughout by an automatic sprinkler system. The sprinkler system is the wet pipe system which considered as one of the most common ones implemented in today’s building. This system is hydraulically designed to provide a water spray density in accordance with the following schedule, which is based on LPC requirements. The sprinkler system for Publika is tapped off from existing sprinkler pipe line by others. The sprinkler system is connected to the pump system consisting of the Jockey, Duty and Standby pump mentioned in the previous sub-topic. Every floor of the building is provided with one number of flow switch and one number of isolation valve c/w micro switch. The flow switch and isolation valve are installed just outside the main tee off from the main distribution pipe for their respective floor and it has been marked, via a sign board for easy recognition for maintenance purpose.


Advantages of using wet pipe system in accordance to VFP (2014): 1. System us simple and reliable. This system has the least number of components thus it has the lowest number of items to experience malfunctions. 2. Relative low installation and maintenance expense. Wet pipe sprinkler system requires the least amount of time for installation due to their overall simplicity. Maintenance cost savings are also realized since less service time is required in comparison to others systems. 3. Ease of modification. This system is advantageous since the modification involve shutting down the water supply, draining pipes and making alterations. Following the work, the system is pressure tested and restored. 4. Short term down time following a fire breakout. Wet pipe sprinkler system requires the least amount of effort to restore. Sprinkler protection is reinstated by replacing the fused sprinklers and turning the water supply back on.

Figure 4.37 Diagram showing the components of a typical Wet Pipe System (Source:

The sprinkler water outlet in Publika are located at ceiling level and a good distance of about 2.5 meters is in between. The sprinkler itself is the spray nozzle which will distribute water over a defined fire hazard area. The components of a sprinkler include frame, thermal operated linkage, cap, orifice and deflector (NEDCC, 2014)


Figure 4.38 The components of a sprinkler head (Source:

Below are the function of the specific components: 1. Frame – The frame provides the main structural component which holds the sprinkler together. Water supply piping is connected to the sprinkler at the base of the frame which holds the thermal linkage and cap in place and supports the deflector during discharge. Frame styles include standard and low profile, flush and concealed mount. Special coatings are also available for areas subject to high corrosive effect. 2. Thermal Linkage – Thermal linkage is a component that controls water release. The linkage holds the cap in place and prevents the water flow under normal conditions. If the link is exposed to heat, it will weaken and release the cap. Common linkage styles include soldered metal levers, frangible glass bulbs and solder pellets. Each link style is equally dependable. 3. Cap – The cap provides the water tight seal. It is held in place by the thermal linkage, and falls from position after linkage heating to permit the flow of water. Caps are constructed solely of metal or a metal with a Teflon disk. 4. Deflector – Its purpose is to break up the water stream discharging from the orifice into a more efficient extinguishing pattern. Deflector styles determine the way the sprinkler is mounted, with common mounting styles known as upright, pendent, and sidewall sprinklers which discharge water in a lateral position from a wall. The sprinkler requires proper mounting as it is designed to ensure proper action.


Figure 4.39 Upright Sprinkler head found in the car park area

Figure 4.40 Upright Sprinkler Head Diagram (Source:

The Upright sprinkler stands above a pipeline connected to it and its head is projected upwards. It is widely found in mechanical rooms and other inaccessible areas to provide better coverage between obstructions. It also has a water deflector on the top so that the water coming out of the orifice shoots upward spread in a circular pattern like a pattern sprinkler.

Figure 4.41 The Recessed Pendent Sprinkler head found in ground floor

Figure 4.42 The Recessed Pendent Sprinkler head found in ground floor

Figure 4.43 Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Head Diagram (Source: /systems/)

The recessed pendent sprinklers head hangs down from the ceiling connected to the pipe which is hidden beneath the ceiling. Its water deflector is placed at the bottom and its spreads water in a circular pattern. Recessed pendent sprinklers have a higher water flow speed than the upright sprinkler as the radial water pattern flow between the sprinkler orifice and deflector in comparison to the upright sprinkler which is between the orifice and somewhat above the deflector.


Figure 4.44 Location of Sprinkler Head at Ground Floor

32 Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System (Co2)

Figure 4.45 Co2 Fire Suppression System installed in LV room for fire extinguisher

Carbon dioxide in fire protection term, gases that protects electrical equipment from being burnt such as it sectors, transformers and switchgears. Carbon dioxide is an effective fire suppression agent applicable to a wide range of fire hazards. Carbon dioxide works quickly, with no residual clean-up associated with a system discharge which translates into minimal business interruption. Heat or smoke detectors will detect the heat and sound the alarm and Co2 gas will flood to the room for high pressure storage cylinders. The gasses are sent via pipes to the ceiling and under flood distributors. Carbon dioxide is lethal to a person’s health so occupants must evacuate swiftly in a limited amount of time. The cylindrical tank are stored in the corner of rooms. Once detected by the heat triggers, the Co2 released, curtain walls go down and when doors are shut, two indicators will show when the gas operation is over. Red means gases are still present and green means it is already clear and safe to go in.

Figure 4.46 High Pressure Co2 System Arrangement (Source:


High-pressure systems came equipped with “squibs� that explosively ruptured discs to release gas from the pilot cylinders. High-pressure gas released into the header from the pilot cylinders caused discs on the slave cylinders to rupture to discharge the remaining gas. This process was used for both the initial and delayed portions of the CO2 system. In recent years, squibs have become obsolete, since they are no longer manufactured. Squibs are being replaced by pneumatic/electrical discharge devices that perform the function of discharging the pilot cylinders, after which operation of the system is the same as before. For this modification, equipment that typically needs to be replaced are the fire control panel, pilot and pressure operated cylinder discharge heads and valves, selector valve, and various connection components. High-pressure systems require that the content of the CO2 in the cylinders be verified every 6 months to ensure availability of sufficient CO2. CO2 cylinders must also be hydrostatically tested every 12 years. High-pressure cylinders must also be replaced or refilled after a discharge, a time-consuming, labor-intensive, and potentially risky chore. In order to eliminate the numerous high-pressure cylinders and associated maintenance tasks, high-pressure systems on large generating units are being converted to low-pressure systems in some cases, depending on design and cost considerations.

Figure 4.47 Co2 Control System Overview Source:


Figure 4.48 Location of Co2 Fire Suppression System at Basement of Publika Dry Riser System UBBL-SECTION 230 

Dry riser system shall be provided in every building in which the topmost floor is more than 18.3 meters but less than 30.5 meters above fire appliance access level.

A hose connection shall be provided in each firefighting access lobby.

Dry shall be of minimum “class c” pipes with fittings and connections of sufficient strength to withstand 21 bars water pressure.

Dry risers shall be tested hydrostatically not less than 14 bars of pressure for two hours in the presence of the Fire Authority before acceptance.

All horizontal runs of the rising systems shall be pitched at the rate of 6.35 millimetres in 3.05 meters.

The dry riser shall be not less than 102 millimetres in a diameter in building in which the highest outlets is 22.875 meters or less above the fire brigade pumping inlet.

102 millimetres diameter dry risers shall be equipped with a two-way pumping inlet and 152.4

The dry riser system comprises of a vertical pipe with the functions of distributing water to multiple levels of a building. It plays a very important role in the fire suppression system. Dry risers are normally installed in fire escape staircases with an Infill (Breeching Valve) at the building’s ground floor and Landing Valves which usually located on every floor (JP Fire Protection System Ltd, 2009). When a fire is caught in a building. Dry risers are somewhat a form of internal hydrants which is used by the fireman in a fire outbreak. Usually dry, they depend on the fire engines to pump water into the system.


Figure 4.49 Dry Riser Inlet found in Ground Floor, Publika

Figure 4.50 Typical Installation of the Dry Riser (Source:

36 Wet Riser System UBBL-SECTION 231 Wet rising system shall be provided in every building in which the top most floor is more than 30.5 meters above the fire appliance access level. This system is comprised a series of manually operated landing valves located at each floor in the building. These landing valves are supply with water from water storage tanks (directly feed from water main) via a pumpsets. Water from the storage is pumped to the landing valves via a series of riser mains. This system provides a readily accessible source of water in sufficient quantities and at a pressure which allows the fire brigade to efficiently fight a fire on any floor or area in the building. Wet Riser System Layout The wet riser pump set are consists of 3 pumps. One of is arrange for duty operation, second is for standby operation and third a much smaller flow rate and is known as a Jockey Pump. Each pumpsets are connected via pipe manifolds. The duty and standby pumps are designed to operate when the landing valve has been operated. The jockey pump will run, in the event of small leaks in the pipe network or a small pressure drop in the system, the jockey pump will operate to increase the pressure to the correct operating pressure. This will prevent the duty and standby pumps from activated. Each wet riser pumpsets is connected to a 25mm diameter pressure sensing pipe. These pressure sensing pipes are connected to pressure switch. Pump operation is dependent on the pressure switch which are used to start (cut in) and stop (cut out) the pumps to maintain the required water pressure. Standby generator set will back-up the power supply in the event of power failure from TNB to make sure the pumpsets are working during such failure. Each pump starter has manual and automatic modes of operation to allow testing of the pump to be carried out. Pump starter panel have externally mounted indicators for phase indication, AC Fail, Start, Stop, Run, AC On. The pump starter panel is configured to provide duty, standby and jockey pump control in a manner which prevents the possibility of three pumps running at the same time. A timer relay is also installed at jockey pump controller. This timer keeps the jockey pump running for a predetermined minimum time after each automatic start to prevent the pump from starting and stopping too frequently. The motorized valve is used for the incoming supply to wet riser


tank. The functioning of motorized valve is to control the incoming supply water to wet riser tank. When the Jockey, Duty or Standby pump is running, automatically the motorized valve is open and the Jockey, Duty or Standby pump is stop, automatically the motorized valve is closed. Each pump starter panel has manual and automatic modes of operation to allow testing of the pump to be carried out. Pump starter panel have externally mounted indicators for phase indicator, AC Fail, Start, Stop, AC On. The pump starter panel is configured to provide duty, standby and jockey pump control in a manner which prevents the possibility of three pumps running at the same time. A timer relay is also installed at jockey pump controller. This timer keeps the jockey pump running for a predetermined minimum after exam automatic start to prevent the pump from starting and stopping too frequently. The pumpsets pressure settings have been label at of the respective pressure switch to indicate the cut in and cut out pressure. A 65mm diameter landing valve is connected to 150 mm diameter wet riser supply pipes at each floor level. Each landing valves is complete with a quick coupling adapter, which is compatible with the fire brigades standard hose connection. These quick coupling connections are screwed directly onto the discharge outlet of the landing valve. A removable plug secured by a chain is fitted t each landing valve. A 30 meter of 65mm diameter rubber lined canvas hose is provided at each landing valve. These hoses are stored on a hose cradle adjacent to each landing valve. Each canvas hose is completer with a diffuser nozzle.

Figure 4.51 Wet Riser Pipe located at basement of Publika


Figure 4.52 The Wet Riser System distribution from the water storage tank (Source:

Figure 4.53 Location of Wet Riser Pipe at Basement of Publika

39 Hose Reel System UBBL-SECTION 231 A hose connection shall be provided in each firefighting access lobby. The Hose Reel system is designed to provide the first manual of defense against fires and is designed for use against small fires. The pipeline of the hose reel system is pressurized at all times. Turn on the 1 diameter hose reel gate valve, pull out the hose and discharge water from the nozzle, the pressure in the pipeline will drop. The hose reel system can easily be operated by one person and required minimum operator instruction. It is however, recommended that some instruction on the operation of fire hoses be provided for at least some occupants on each flow of the building. Hose reel system consists of two pumps. One is arrange for duty operation, second is for standby operation. Each hose reel drum was equipped with 25mm diameter x 30 meter rubber hose c/w Jet and Spray nozzle. A ball valve is installing before each of hose reel drum for easy maintenance. The valve must be kept in close position at all time. An adjustable nozzle is fitted to each hose. The nozzle can be adjusted to vary the throw and flow rate of the water supply. All the hose reel drums are mounted at designated location as shown in the as built drawing. Each hose reel pumpsets is connected to a 25mm diameter pressure sensing pipe. These sensing pipes are connected to pressure switches. The pump operation is dependant on the system pressure switches which are used to start and stop the pumps to maintain the required water pressure. A reserved water is stored in the tank at roof level available to be used in any contingency of hose reel system has been used. Pump starter panel has manual and automatic modes of operation to allow testing of the pump to be carried out. The pump starter panels are configured to provide duty and standby pump control in a manner which prevents the possibility of two pumps running at the same time. The pump operation is dependent on the pressure switch which used to start and stop the pump to maintain the required water pressure. A timer relay is also installed in each pump controller. This timer keeps the pump running for a predetermined minimum time after each automatic start to prevent the pumps from starting and stopping too frequently. The pumpsets pressure setting has been labeled at the respective pressure switch to indicate the cut in and cut out pressure. It is noted that under no circumstances shall the hose reel to be


used for cleaning and washing. The hose reel is meant only for first aid firefighting which manually operated to defense again small fires. The pipeline of the hose reel system is pressurized at all times. Turn on 25mm dia hose reel gate valve, pull out the hose and discharge the water from the nozzle, the pressure in the pipeline will drop. When the hose reel used in shut off, the pressure in the pipeline will built up again and when it reached the cut out pressure of the duty and standby pump, it will stop automatically. The hose reel drum is swing type and the hose can be pulled out in any direction. The nozzle can provide spray and jet discharge patterns and it can be done by adjusting the nozzle head. Standby generator set will back up the power supply in the event of power failure from TNB to make sure the pumpsets are working during such failure.

Figure 4.54 The Hose Reel System distribution from the water storage tank (Source:


The correct procedure for operating a hose reel is as follow: 1. Proceed to the hose reel nearest the fire. 2. Open the 25mm diameter valve located near the hoe reel drum. 3. Swing the hose reel drum out and unreel the rubber hose by walking in the direction in the fire approximately 20ft from the fire. 4. Once the pressure in the pipeline drops below the present value of the pump pressure switch, the pump will run automatically. 5. When the hose reel used in shut off, the pressure in the pipeline will build up again and when it reached the cut our pressure of the sprinkler jockey pump, the pump will stop automatically. 6. The hose reel drum is swing type and the hose can be pulled out in any direction for use. 7. The nozzle can provide spray and jet discharge patterns and it can be done by adjusting the nozzle head. When the fire has been extinguished. 1. Stop the flow of water by turning the adjustable hose nozzle. 2. Rewind the rubber hoe onto its reel. Care should be taken not to kink or jam the hose. 3. Swing the hose reel back into its “Normal� position. 4. Turn off the hose reel valve.

Figure 4.55 Hose Reel located outside Management Office


Figure 4.56 Hose Reel located at Basement of Publika

Figure 4.57 Readings of pressure switches for the 3 pumps

Figure 4.58 Location of Hose reel Tank


Figure 4.59 Location of Hose Reel at Basement of Publika

44 Fire Hydrant System UBBL-SECTION 225. (2) Every building shall be served by at least one fire hydrant located not more than 91.5 meters from the nearest point of fire brigade access. A fire hydrant is source of water which is provided in the most urban, suburban and rural areas with public water services to enable the fire fighters to tap into the water supply easily in attempts of extinguishing a fire. The fire hydrant system consists of a system of pipe works connected directly to the water supply to provide water to all the surrounding hydrant outlets. To use the fire hydrant, the firefighters would only need to attach a hose to the hydrant and open a valve located on it provide a powerful flow of water. Normally, the hose is attached to the fire engine which has a booster pump to enable an increment in water pressure.

Figure 4.60 The Fire Hydrant System distribution from the water storage tank (Source:


The fire hydrant found in Publika is a two watt fire hydrant made up of cast iron that could withstand high water pressure. The positioning and placement of a fire hydrant is very important so that the path will not obstruct the hose’s movement. Fire hydrant are also required to be visible to occupants of the building therefore it must comply with the local authorities rule.

Figure 4.61 The Fire Hydrant located at Publika

46 Portable Fire Extinguisher UBBL-SECTION 227 Portable extinguisher shall be provided in accordance with the relevant codes of practice and shall be sired in prominent positions on exit routes to be visible from all directions and similar extinguishers in a building shall be of the same method of operation. The fire extinguisher is installed to enable occupants to react as early as possible when there is an initial stage of fire where the equipment are portable and east to operate. The first extinguisher include a mounting bracket, safety pin, squeeze lever, discharge nozzle and pressurized with nitrogen at 150 psi to give a throw of effective range 5-7.5 meter and discharge the contents within 10-15 seconds. The fire extinguisher is labeled with operation instruction together with illustrations. Different type of fire further divide the fire extinguishers into 5 categories which are:

Figure 4.62 Classification of Fire types (Source:


Publika is protected by portable fire extinguisher which consists of: 1. ABC multi –purpose dry chemical powder fire extinguisher 2. Co2 gas fire extinguisher

Figure 4.63 ABC Dry Powder Extinguisher found in Publika

Figure 4.64 Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher found in Publika

ABC Multi-Purpose Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher Extinguishers of this type contain an ammonium phosphate base agent, stored pressure for discharge. For class “A” the fire extinguisher agent has the additional characteristic of softening and sticking when in contact with hot surfaces. In the way, it can adhere to burning materials and from a coating which will smoother and isolate the fuel from the air. When applying the agent, it is important to try and coat all burning areas in order to eliminate or minimize the embers which may be a potential source of recognition. The agent itself has little cooling effect and cannot penetrate below the burning surface. For this reason, extinguishment of deep seated fires may be not accomplished unless the agent is discharges below the surface of the material is broken apart and spread out. Class A fire refers to carbonaceous material such as wood, cloth, paper, rubber and many plastics. For use of Class ”B”, flammable liquid fires, the stream should be directed at the base of the flame. Best results are generally obtained by attacking the near edge of the fire and progressing towards the back of the fire by moving the nozzle rapidly with side to side sweeping motion. Care must also be taken NOT to direct the initial discharge directly the burning scattering of the burning material. Class B fire refer as flammable liquids, oils, grease, tars, oil base, paint, lacquers and flamer gaseous.


Open fire involving and electrical component Class C are relatively minor and by a short application of the extinguishing agent. The fire can be effectively extinguished without disturbing electrical continuity. Co2 Gas Fire Extinguisher The Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher is more suited for Class B, C and E fire involving flammable liquids and electrical hazards, Co2 is harmless when it comes to electrical equipment, thus it is ideal for modern office. Co2 vapor displaces air around the fire and combustion ceases. However, there is a minimal cooling effect, so there are higher chances for the fire to restart if the temperature increases. It is deemed unsafe in the presence of wood, cloth and paper. Many fires are small at origin and may be extinguished by the proper use of fire extinguisher. Fire extinguisher represents an important segment of any overall fire protection program. However, their successful functioning depends upon the following conditions having been met: 1. The extinguisher is properly located in working order. 2. The extinguisher is at proper type for a fire which may occur. 3. The fire is discovered at an initial stage which is still small for the usage of extinguisher. The correct procedure for operating a portable fire extinguisher is as follow: 1. Removes safety pin 2. Aim nozzle at base of fire. 3. Squeeze lever to extinguish the fire.

Figure 4.64 How to use the Fire Extinguisher (Source:


4.4 PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM (PFPS) Passive fire protection systems are systems that act as a secondary resistance to fire. They are building materials that are always present and available within the building. They do not do any hands on firefighting but act to compartmentalize fire, save lives and protect structures. Thus, unlike the active fire protection system, they do not rely on the operation of any mechanical or electrical device to be triggered or activated. In order to give easy accessibility to the occupants during emergency, the passive fire protection system is planned to locate evenly at every floor of the building. They are used manually by them in order to take immediate actions during fire emergency or any emergency stations. There are a few types of passive fire protection system:

4.4.1 Compartmentalization Compartmentalization is implemented in many commercial building. It is the component which separates parts of the building into compartments to help the prevention from a rapid spreading fire. Fire Roller Shutter

Figure 4.65 Example of a fire roller shutter


The fire roller shutter door is designed to provide a fire resistant between different areas of a building. It is made of steel ideally employed for applications where there are high risks of fire or where open areas are able to channel the fire out. The main purpose of the fire roller shutter door is to prevent the spread of fire and damage to the building by giving it a barrier, whilst also protecting certain areas of the building especially designated fire escape routes. There are two types of operations: Electric operation – Doors operated by geared motor units which come complete with an emergency hand chain allows the door to close at a safe speed upon activation Manual operation – Actuation of the door is by manual hand chain. The door is left open and left to close under activation from a fire.


4.4.2 Opening Protection Fire Door

Figure 4.66 Single leaf fire door

UBBL-SECTION 162. (1) 

Fire doors of the appropriate FRP shall be provided

Opening in compartment walls and separating walls shall be protected by a fire door having a FRP in accordance with the requirements for that wall specified in the Ninth Schedule to these By-Laws.

UBBL-SECTION 164. (1) 

All fire doors shall be fitted with automatic door closers of the hydraulically spring operated type in the case of swing doors and of wire rope and weight type in the case of sliding door

Buildings are compartmentalized to delay the spread of fire from one area to another. These compartments are linked by fire doors to allow the flow of circulation around the building. The fire door when closed act as a barrier to stop the spread of fire and when opened it is a means of escape during emergency.


The fire door is made of timber and it plays a major role in resisting the heat and pressure accumulated in the room. In Publika, fire doors are placed at all fire staircase route on every floor. It is also required to provide resistance to the passage of a well-developed fire must be fitted with intumescent seals. (As shown in Figure 67) They remain dormant during normal circumstances but expand greatly in the heat of a fire to close the gap of the door and its frame.

Figure 4.67 showing the intumescent seals


Figure 4.68 Automatic door closers were installed in every fire exit door

The automatic door closer hinge and device were installed to fulfill the requirements of Bylaw Section 164(1). The purpose of installing this device is because the fire rated door is mean to be always closed all the time.


4.4.3 Fire Escape UBBL-SECTION 168 

The required width of a staircase shall be maintained throughout its length including at landings.

Except as provided for in by law 194 every upper floor shall have means of access via at least two separate staircases.

The required width of staircase shall be clear width between walls but handrails may be permitted to encroach on this width to a maximum of 7.5 millimetres.

Tiles on staircase-riser maximum 180mm and thread minimum 255mm.


No exit route may reduce in width along its path of travel from the storey exit to the final exit.

There are two types of fire escape horizontal and vertical escapes. The escape routes are indicated in an escape route plan which will normally be displayed near the lifts or fire doors for easy reference during emergency.

Figure 4.70 Escape plan showing horizontal and vertical escape in Publika


Horizontal Escape The horizontal escapes are generally designed pathway that are considered the fastest route the occupants can take during emergency. Publika’s horizontal escape is direct as it is the area of platform in front of the fire exit door. It is more performance based rather than a perspective approach to design. Vertical Escape

Figure 4.71 fire escape staircase in Publika

Vertical escape is emergency staircases designed to be easily accessible to escape to the safety area or for the fire fighters to enter the building in an event of a fire. The staircases are stressed from the ground level floor to the highest floor. It is installed inside the Publika but separated from the main areas of the building. The emergency staircases must be remained obstructions free all the time so that it will not slow down the process of evacuating when it occurs. Material used to construct the staircases reinforced concrete which is more suitable because it has high strength and stability to withstand the massive weight exerted by the occupants in a rush of evacuating. It is also naturally resistant to fire and heat. It also helps to slow down the passage of heat that moves through the building within the small fire escape area and prevents the overheating of an enclosed small area.


4.4.4. Emergency Lighting and Signage

Figure 4.72 KELUAR signage located above the fire door in Publika


Storey exits and access to such exits shall be marked by readily visible signs and shall not be obscured by any decorations, furnishing or other equipment.

A sign reading “KELUAR” with an arrow indicating the direction shall be placed in every location where the direction of travel to reach the nearest exit is not immediately apparent.

Every exit sign shall have the word “KELUAR” in plainly legible letter not less than 150 mm high with the principle strokes of the letter not less than 18mm wide. The lettering shall be in red against a black background.

All exits signs shall be illuminated continuously during periods of occupancy.

Fire escape door are indicated with neon green Exit signs above it, an emergency lights are installed within it to give some light if the main electrical supply has been cut off. Exit emergency signage indicate the way to safety outdoor area or assembly point. It is a clear and effective guidance tool, helping to reduce panic and confusion by providing a clear directional system. These signs are lit 24/7 for emergencies. The letter are written in block letters sufficiently big enough to be seen and bright green to attract attention when lights are out. In Malaysia, the exit signage is written in Malay, the word “KELUAR” mean EXIT. Based


on the photo, the exit signage is located above the fire doors, directing the occupants toward the fire escape staircase. The signs are located at specific positions with no surrounding disturbance. It is a stand-alone sign.

4.4.5 Smoke Curtain UBBL- SECTION 161. (1) Any fire stop required by the provision of this Part shall be so formed and positioned as to prevent or retard the passage of flame. Smoke curtain is a fabric that made of incombustible material to prevent fire and smoke spreading. In Publika, we could find the smoke curtains were installed on the top of entranced of mechanical and electrical systems rooms. A smoke and fire detector were installed in all these room for detecting purposes. During the event of fire, smoke curtain will be automatically dropped down to form a barrier between interior and exterior to prevent fire spreading from room to another space. Thus, it is really effective in isolating fie source with the cooperation of another components of passive fire protection system.

Figure 4.73 Smoke Curtain found in Publika


4.5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION In conclusion, it is safe to say that Publika has got all the necessary Fire Protection Systems and the equipment for it. This shows that it is definitely a safe building that has abided by law stated in the Malaysian Uniform Building Bylaw (UBBL). All the components in the active and passive fire protection system are following all the rules and requirements defined, thus it shows that Publika was planned and built very well in term of fire safety.


5.1 INTRODUCTION Balanced/Combined ventilation system can be found throughout the area of Publika, Solaris Dutamas. Balanced/combined ventilation were installed in most parts of the interior of Publika, Solaris that doesn’t have access of Natural Ventilation. There are a few types of Mechanical Ventilation system which includes a smoke extraction system and indoor extraction system. Each system plays an important role of:


Moderating internal temperatures.

Replenishing oxygen.


Reducing the accumulation of moisture, odours,

bacteria, dust, carbon dioxide, smoke and other contaminants that can build up during occupied periods. 

Creating air movement which improves the

comfort of occupants Due to large coverage area, mechanical ventilation is driven by central mechanical ventilation system which connected with a series of ductwork within the building. AHU aids in supplying air to and extracts air from the interiors like, kitchen, basement carpark, washroom and interiors of the mall. Typically, they comprise an insulated box that forms the housing for; filter racks or chambers, a fan (or blower), cooling elements, sound attenuators and dampers. For other smaller areas like offices, fan coil unit were used instead to enhance


5.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Mechanical ventilation in a building is a continuous process of supplying and removing air in an enclosed space by means of mechanical devices to control indoor air quality, excess humidity, odours, and contaminants built up inside a building via dilution or replacement with outside air. The main function of mechanical ventilation is to expel stale air containing water vapour, carbon dioxide, airborne chemicals and other pollutants and replace it by drawing in outside air, presumably contains less pollutants and water vapour as well as circulate the air throughout a building. Thus, it is important to have mechanical ventilation as: i.

It preserves oxygen content and remove carbon dioxide at the same time.


It controls air humidity for human comfort.


It prevents heat concentrations from machinery, lighting and people.


It removes excess condensation.


It helps in dispersal of concentrations of bacteria, dilution and disposal of contaminants or pollutants such as smoke, dust gases and body odour.


It provides proper fresh air flow along with appropriate locations for intake and exhaust.


It also act as an alternative to the unreliable natural systems.

There are two types of mechanical ventilation system which are supply system, extract system, or a combination system. In a supply system, fresh air is supplied by a central supply fan and creates a positive pressure inside which forces stale air to flow out naturally. This system is usually used in boiler plants and factories. Whereas in an extract system, the central exhaust fan channel out stale air and creates a negative pressure inside the building causing air to move in naturally to replace it. This system is most commonly seen in basements, kitchen, attic, indoor toilets or bathrooms and also crawl spaces. As for a combination system, it consists of both supply and extract system; and thus by using an extract fan smaller than inlet fan, light pressurization of the air inside the building is created to prevent dust, draughts and noise. Fresh air is supplied and stale air is picked up from multiple points. This system is usually found in cinemas, theatres, sports centres as well as basement, attic and crawl spaces.


UBBL Section 41. Mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning. (1) Where permanent mechanical ventilation or air-conditioning is intended, the relevant building bylaws relating to natural ventilation, natural lighting and heights of rooms may be waived at the discretion of the local authority. (2) Any application for the waiver of the relevant by-laws shall only be considered if in addition to the permanent air-conditioning system there is provided alternative approved means of ventilating the air-conditioned enclosure, such that within half an hour of the air-conditioning system failing, not less than the stipulated volume of fresh air specified hereinafter shall be introduced into the enclosure during the period when the air-conditioning system is not functioning.

(3) The provisions of the Third Schedule to these By-laws shall apply to buildings which are mechanically ventilated or air-conditioned. (4) Where permanent mechanical ventilation in respect of lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors is provided for and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Third Schedule to these By-laws, the provisions of these By-laws relating to natural ventilation and natural lighting shall not apply to such lavatories, water-closets, bathrooms or corridors.


5.3 CENTRALIZED MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM Due to large coverage of basement carpark, central mechanical ventilation system were installed and controlled in a fan room at the basement of Publika, Solaris Dutamas. Central mechanical ventilation system is a balanced system that uses both inlet and extract fans, maintaining the internal air pressure at a similar level to the outside air and so reducing air infiltration and draughts. The central mechanical system is controlled by a building management system (BMS) to maximize occupant comfort and minimize energy consumption. Regular inspection and maintenance will be carried out to ensure that systems are operating optimally. The images below show the fan room located at the basement carpark of Publika, Solaris Dutamas. .

Figure 5.3.1 Entrance of the Fan Room.

Figure 5.3.3 Central Mechanical Ventilation System.


Figure 5.3.2 The Cooling coil is exposed to the exterior of the fan room to remove heat from air extracted from the internal spaces of basement carpark.

Figure 5.3.4 The location of Fan room at Lower Ground Plan, Block C, Solaris Dutamas.


How it works? Figure below shows all the components of a forced-air system. In this system, several of these components are combined into one unit. Forced-air systems utilize a series of ducts to distribute the conditioned heated or cooled air throughout Publika, Solaris Dutamas. A blower, located in the system, forces the conditioned air through the ducts. Central air handling units have damper controls to provide fresh air extracted from the exterior of the building which is essential for the first stage of cooling. When the external air temperature is higher than the space temperature the dampers should be overridden to provide a minimum level of fresh air. Enthalpy control should also be considered to improve free cooling. Temperature sensors were installed in the conditioned areas for the services to be controlled. The temperature control mainly provides minimum energy consumption for the designed occupancy conditions. The control system of the central mechanical ventilation system was set up to avoid simultaneous heating and cooling and minimize energy consumption.

Figure The diagram above shows how hot air is extracted from the space into the central mechanical ventilation system and reintroduce the cool air into the enclosed spaces of the building.

Figure The components of a central mechanical ventilation system used in Publika.



A fan coil unit (FCU) is a simple device consisting of a heating or cooling coil and fan. It is part of a mechanical ventilation system found in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Typically, a fan coil unit is not connected to ductwork, and is used to control the temperature in the space where it is installed, or serve multiple spaces. It is controlled either by a manual on/off switch or by thermostat.

Due to their simplicity, fan coil units are more economical to install than ducted or central heating systems with air handling units. However, they can be noisy because the fan is within the same space. Unit configurations are numerous including horizontal (ceiling mounted) or vertical (floor mounted).

In Publika, Solaris Dutamas, fan coil unit is only installed in small spaces such as offices and lobby because FCU only work effectively in small areas.

Figure 5.4.1 Steel bar grille, FCU and diffuser located at Ground Floor Plan, Block C, Solaris Dutamas.


Chilled water is piped to the Fan Coil Unit (FCU) located within the space. The cool water pipes are connected to the cooling coil in the FCU, while room air is drawn into the FCU where it is cooled and dehumidified for being supply to the room. The air filters installed in the system cleans the air and hence reducing the air bond contaminants in the air conditioned space. The process continues until it reaches the optimum temperature set by the user. The thermostat within the area will detect and send signals to the FCU to automatically extract warm air and extract cool air into the interior space.

Figure The components of FCU.


5.5 TYPES OF FAN Fan is an important device for impelling air through inlet point or ducts, forming part of the distribution system. Fan is crucial to circulate indoor air at those times when the indoor air is cooler than the outer air. Rate of gaseous exchange relies solely on effective air movement. Therefore, fan is essential to draw air from the interiors without natural ventilation. There were two types of fans found within Publika, Solaris Dutamas which includes propeller fan and axial fan.

5.5.1 Propeller Fan Propeller fan is a great device in freeing air discharge from wall and windows. Propeller fan is commonly used in residential and commercial buildings without ducting. On the other hand, propeller fan allow large volume of air to the exterior but not allowing air to be force through a long duct because of the low pressure. Propeller fan works better under a small area and its well-known for economy friendly, ease of installation & low noise level. Propeller fan can be found in small spaces like kitchens and other small enclosed rooms in Publika, Solaris Dutamas.

Figure Wall Mounted Propeller Fan found on the wall of a small enclosed room.


5.5.2 Axial Fan An axial fan is a type of a compressor that increases the pressure of the air flowing through it. The blades of the axial flow fans force air to move parallel to the shaft about which the blades rotate. The fan consists of an impeller with blades of aero foil section rotating inside a cylindrical casing. The air flows through the fans in a direction of parallel shaft which were installed in basement carpark of Publika, Solaris Dutamas. Axial fan works in conjunction with the centralised mechanical ventilation system to extract hot air from the basement and channeled it to the centralized system through a series of ductwork. Axial fan is chosen because it’s able to extract air effectively under low pressure when compared to propeller fan.

Figure Axial fan found under the basement car park to extract exhaust air

Figure Axial Fan Specification.


5.5.3 Ductwork Ductwork ventilation ducts plays an important role to channel gas across the building to ensure better indoor air quality. Ductwork ventilation ducts should be constructed of steel, aluminium, glass-fibre batt or mineral-wool batt or other approved material. The main reason behind this is because the use of ducts presents the inherent possibility of spreading fire, heat, gases and smoke throughout the building or the floors/areas served.

Figure Series of metal ductwork found at the ceiling level which channels the hot air from the basement of the carpark to the fan room.

Figure The yellow ductwork channels fresh air from the exterior to the fan room.


Figure Sections above shows how duct transfer processed air into the interior of the buildings.

5.5.4 Supply Air Diffuser/Grille Diffusers normally located at the edge of the ductwork where the supply air is released into the room. They do not require any generation of power and create low-velocity air movement in occupied rooms in any desired directions while producing minimum amount of noise. Most of the diffusers in Publika, Solaris Dutamas are rectangular and circular air diffusers are either exposed or concealed in ceilings or walls.

Figure Supply air diffuser found in the interiors of Publika, Solaris Dutamas.


5.5.5 Return Air Grille/ Fan Return air grille functions to channel air back to the designated AHU rooms. It is covered with grillwork to cover the duct behind it and avoid big objects from entering the duct and damaging the internal of the AHU. Grills installed are adjustable, allowing people to shut the room off so the furnace cannot pull air out of it. The amount of air allowed through the air grille can also be moderated with grill installed. A return air grille is often fitted with a filter to trap smaller particulate materials before they have a chance to get into the ductwork. This limits the amount of cleaning needed and also keeps the system running smoothly, reducing the risk of clogs caused by dust, pet hair, and other materials. Air grilles and fans are programmed to remove warm air from the interiors at specific period of time to prevent overheating.

Figure Return air grille mounted on the wall of the enclosed room at the basement of the Publika, Solaris Dutamas.

Figure Specification of Return Air Grille in Publika.


5.6 SMOKE EXTRACTION SYSTEM Smoke and fumes given off by the fire that are the greatest danger to people trapped in buildings. Therefore, Publika, Solaris Dutamas is equipped with special smoke extraction systems. Such systems are able to remove very large quantities of smoke and poisonous fumes so that escape routes for occupants and access for the fire and rescue services remain clear.

5.6.1 Fire Damper Fire damper avoid fire from spreading from one room to another room and is usually placed at the compartment walls. The damper is the key element of any smoke extraction system since its primary task is to move to a position that ensures safety – either open or closed depending on the type of system. When an emergency occurs it must be possible for the dampers to be brought to their safe position by means of a control signal and kept there. It is also important to be able to operate the dampers even when the smoke extraction system is already working. A ventilation system with fire dampers and a separate smoke extraction system for efficient removal of smoke.

Figure Light blue represent how fresh air is extracted from the environment and supplied to the system when a fire broke out. Dark blue arrow shows how smoke is extracted from the interior to exterior through a series of ductwork.


6.1 INTRODUCTION Air conditioning system served to produce and maintain a programmed internal environment, despite of







conditioning system includes facilities to control temperature, humidity, air cleanliness, air movement and heat radiation. In Malaysia, a hot and humid country, the air conditioning system becomes widely used in most of the buildings to maintain the thermal


comfort of users in the building between 19 and 23


various choices of systems and the choice of system

degrees celsius to stay comfortable indoor. There are depends on building purpose and occupancy. Some of the systems include room air conditioner, split unit air conditioning system, packaged unit air conditioning system and centralised/ plant air conditioning system. This research paper will study in depth of the chosen building Publika of Solaris Dutamas to have a deeper understanding of the air conditioning system adopted by the commercial building which is an upscale neighbourhood shopping mall. Being a rather large mall, the air conditioning system in the building is chilled water system distributed through district cooling system method.


6.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Air Conditioning System is a cooling system designed to give proper ventilation to a specific environment. ACMV System maybe a customized air conditioning system installed in any industrial, commercial or household setup. The Air Conditioning system is responsible in controlling the amount of cool air going in to a specific venue reaching the target point as required and designed. This temperature regulation also includes other factors that may affect the quality of fresh air in an area like balanced distribution of oxygen, proper level of air humidity as well as elimination of foul odors, high thermic environment, air impurities, excess carbon dioxide and other floating bacteria that may exist in high humid surroundings. Air conditioning (often referred to as 'A/C' or 'AC') is the process of altering the properties of air (primarily temperature and humidity) to more comfortable conditions, typically with the aim of distributing the conditioned air to an occupied space such as a building or a vehicle to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality. In common use, an air conditioner is a device that lowers the air temperature. The cooling is typically achieved through a refrigeration cycle, but sometimes evaporation or free cooling is used. Air conditioning systems can also be made based on desiccants. In the most general sense, air conditioning can refer to any form of technology that modifies the condition of air (heating, cooling, (de-) humidification, cleaning, ventilation, or




in construction,






heating, ventilation and air conditioning is referred to as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC -as opposed to AC).


6.3 DISTRICT COOLING SYSTEM (DCS) District cooling system (DCS) is the production and distribution of chilled water from a central source to facilitate air conditioning to multiple buildings through a network of underground insulated pipe network. Thus, this system is suitable for large-scale building like Solaris Dutamas to distribute chilled water to all buildings. The typical District cooling system comprises the following components: (a) Central Chiller Plant (b) Distribution Network (c) User Station How it works? The technology of DCS is simple, water is cooled in a location (a) the central chiller plant which generate chilled water for cooling purposes through chilled water system which will be discussed more later. Then, the chilled water is distributed to all parts of the building in need of cooling through (b) the distribution network. The distribution network is a series of underground insulated pipe network. The same water is then fed back to the production plant to be cooled again. The (c) user station comprises of air handling units (AHU), heat exchanger and chilled water piping in the building.


6.4 CHILLED WATER AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM Publika, Solaris Dutamas uses chilled water system for its air conditioning system. The chilled water air conditioning system is a system that employs water chillers. As its name suggest, this system uses water as its refrigerant. Chiller is used to remove heat from the water which is then circulated through other components to absorb heat from the space. Chilled water air conditioning system is commonly used in applications that need large cooling capacity such as hypermarket, industrial process, and commercial air conditioning such as shopping malls. However, this system is not as popular in Malaysia. In fact, Publika is one of the two buildings that is adapting the chilled water system as its air conditioning system. Another significant advantage of this system is that the compressor unlike a typical air conditioning system compressor (As shown in Figure 6) that needs to be installed outside of building.

Figure 6.0 Typical air conditioning compressor

Other reasons Publika chose this system are: (a) Environmentally friendly as it uses water to replace gas refrigerant that will pollute the air (b) Aesthetically pleasant because of the absent of air -con compressors (c) Low Maintenance compared to other systems as it normally only requires replacement of filters and if pipes leaking occurs only water is lost instead of hazard refrigerant (d) Energy Saving as the chiller will not be activated until the temperature of the water reservoir reaches above a certain temperature (e) Safer and no hazard of having refrigerant piped all around the building as it uses water instead of gas.


The chilled water system comprises of the following components (As shown in Figure x): (a) Cooling Tower (b) AHU/ FCU (c) Water Chiller How it works? The Chiller will be that main component where the heat exchange occurs. The water will leave the chiller at 7째C and circulate through the building to Air Handling Units and Fan Coil Units. The water cooled the space and will return at about 13째C to a reservoir/ice tank which is hidden behind a wall in the carpark area. (As shown in Figure 6.3) When the water in the reservoir reaches a certain temperature, the water will be send to the chiller again and the process will be repeated. The unwanted heat receive from the chiller during heat exchange is disposed to the cooling tower through pipes. The water entering the cooling tower are about 35째C and will drop to 29째C when leaving the cooling tower. The center will then re-enter the chiller to collect waste heat energy again. This process will be repeated.

Figure 6.1 Components of Chilled Water System


Figure 6.2 Entrance to the basement Chiller Plant Room

Figure 6.3 Wall of Reservoir / Ice Tank

Figure 6.4: Reservoir / Ice Tank in Chiller Plant Room


6.5 COMPONENTS OF CHILLED WATER AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM 6.5.1 Cooling Tower A cooling tower is an evaporative heat rejection device by dissipating heat to the atmosphere and provide cooling to the rest of the water stream to a lower temperature. For large multistory buildings like Publika and Solaris Dutamas, the EVAPCO AT cooling tower are mechanical-draft cooling towers which rely on power-driven fans to draw or force the air through the tower. This mechanical-draft cooling tower used is utilising heavy duty totally enclosed fan cooled motors applied to closed circuit coolers and evaporative condensers in addition to cooling towers. How it works? Warm water from the heat source is pumped to the water distribution system at the top of the tower. The water is distributed over the wet deck fill by means of large orifice nozzles. Simultaneously, air is drawn in through the wet deck fill opposite the water flow. A small portion of the water is evaporated which removes the heat from the remaining water. The warm moist air is drawn to the top of the cooling tower by the fan and discharged to the atmosphere. The cooled water drains to the basin at the bottom of the tower and is returned to the heat source. The vertical air discharge of the cooling tower reduces the chance of air circulation, since the warm and humid air is directed up and away from the unit. Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled Motors (TEFC)


For a totally enclosed fan cooled motors (TEFC), air is drawn out over the surface of the motor by a small fan attached to the opposite drive end of the shaft. Fins on the motor frame helps to enhance the heat transfer for cooling effect. The patented fill design used in the cooling tower functioned to induce high turbulent mixing of the air and water for superior heat transfer with high water loadings. The fill used here has excellent fire resistant qualities; up to water temperature exceeding 130̊​̊ F (55̊ C).

Figure 6.5 showing fan and sill casing section

81 Air inlet louver and screen The air inlet louver and screen used are designed to effectively containing the recirculating water and reduces the potential for algae formation inside the cooling tower. With the two pass louver system used, the water droplets are captured on the inward sloping pass, eliminating splash out problems. The patented louver design which completely encloses the basin area helps to block the water from direct sunlight, thereby reducing algae formation. Water treatment and maintenance cost are substantially reduced as well. Besides, the low air pressure drop feature also results in lower fan energy consumption and operating cost. Valves and pump Since cooling tower water systems are open to the atmosphere, the water is prone to contamination and must be chemically treated. The system used in Publika include the normal pumps and valves, and will also include a chemical treatment station.

Figure 6.6 showing air inlet louver and screen of cooling tower


Figure 6.7 showing air inlet louver and screen and also water outlet connection pipe of cooling tower

Figure 6.8 showing ladder and access door which allow easy servicing of the fan motor and water distribution system of cooling tower

83 Condenser Water System The condenser water system connects the chiller to the cooling tower through supply and return piping. Water cooled in the tower is “supplied” to the chiller, which adds heat to the water and “returns” it to the tower.

Figure 6.9 showing condenser water return (to tower) and water supply (from tower)


6.5.2 Air Handling Unit (AHU)

Figure 6.10: Air handling unit in AHU room

An Air Handling Unit, often abbreviated to AHU, is a device used to regulate and circulate air inside the building. The basic function of the AHU is take in outside air, re-condition it and supply it as fresh air to a building. All exhaust air is removed, which creates an acceptable indoor air quality. It is usually a large metal box situated in the AHU room. Inside the AHU room, supply duct, return duct and chilled water ducts can be found. The walls of the AHU room are covered with aluminium grating as acoustic insulation to reduce the noise pollution produced by the AHU machine. Control panel is also found inside the AHU room as it is necessary to regulate every aspect of the AHU, which detect the air flow rate using the common control components including temperature sensors, humidity sensors, sail switches, motors and controllers. When the air flow rate is enough to maintain the temperature, it will signal the building management system, thus reduce the air flow to conserve energy. There are a total of 10 AHUs in Publika, Solaris Dutamas located in the building. AHU is used for bigger areas in Public, Solaris Dutamas like Publika Mall however FCU which will be discussed later will be used for smaller areas like offices.

Figure 6.11 Locations of one of the 2 AHU rooms in the building


Figure 6.12 AHU room


Figure 6.13 Cross section of AHU

The Air Handling Unit (AHU) comprises of: Air Filters

Figure 6.14 Example of cooling air coil in AHU

Air filtration is essential in order to provide clean dust-free air to the building occupants. The air filters are placed on the side of the AHU. Filtration cartridges is typically placed first in the AHU in order to keep all the downstream components clean. The air filters will be removed and cleaned or replaced with new ones if the filters are punctured or torn.

87 Cooling Air Coils

Figure 6.15 Air Filters of AHU

The cooling air coil is present in the AHU as a heat exchanger for cooling effect, air is draw from the return air duct and blow through the cooling coil by blower fan to be directed to all the spaces. The coils use chilled water for cooling. They are made of copper tubes with copper or aluminium fins to aid heat transfer. Other than that, cooling coils will also employ eliminator plates to remove and drain condensate. Blower/ Mechanical fan

Figure 6.16 Example of blower in AHU

The circulation of air is distributed by the blower in the unit. A blower is present in the Air Handling Unit, typically placed at the end of the AHU and the beginning of the supply ductwork. They are often augmented by fans in the return air duct, pushing the air into the AHU to get cool again. A thermometer is found inside the blower to control the blower fan to turn off until the room temperature raises again.


6.5.3 Water Chiller

Figure 6.17 Water chiller in chiller plant room

A water chiller is a device that removes heat form a liquid via a vapour compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. This cooled liquid flows through pipes in a building and passes through coils in handlers units (AHU), fan coil units (FCU) or other systems, cooling and usually dehumidifying the air in the building. The water chillers are placed in chiller plant room located at the basement of the building. There are three components in the water chiller: Evaporator

Figure 6.18 A chiller shell and tube evaporator

The chillers evaporator is a heat exchanger that transfers heat form a process or air conditioning water circuit to the chillers cooler liquid refrigerant. As heat is transferred from the water to the chillers refrigerant the gas boils inside the tubes and resulting


vapour is drawn into the chillers compressor. Hot water will enter the shell at one end, chilled water leaving at the opposite end. Compressor The compressor compacts the refrigerant vapour and pumps it to the reversing valve.

Figure 6.19 A compressor in water chiller Condenser The condenser is a major component of a water chiller. It converts a gas to a liquid to obtain either the substance or the released heat. There are two types of condensers, the water cooled condenser that rejects the heat of the refrigerant to water flowing through it and the air cooled condenser that in which refrigerant flows through the tubes and rejects heat to air that is drawn across the tubes.

Figure 6.20 A condenser in water chiller


How it works? The cycle begins in the evaporator where a liquid refrigerant flows over the evaporator tube bundle and evaporates, absorbing heat from the chilled water circulating through the bundle. The refrigerant vapour is drawn out of the evaporator by the compressor. The compressor then “pumps� the refrigerant vapour to the condenser raising its pressure and temperature. The refrigerant condenses on or in the condenser tubes, giving up its heat to the cooling water (or air). The high pressure liquid refrigerant from the condenser then passes through the expansion device that reduces the refrigerant pressure and temperature as it enters the evaporator. The refrigerant again flows over the chilled water coils absorbing more heat and completing the cycle.

Figure 6.21 showing how the condenser and evaporator works


7.1 INTRODUCTION In Publika mall, Solaris Dutamas, there are 3 types of mechanical vertical and horizontal transportation: a) Elevator b) Escalator c) Travellator


64 lifts and 26 escalators are distributely fixed throughout the commercial, office and residential block of Solaris Dutamas. Mitsubishi and Otis are the mechanical transportation brands that are used in Publika. Each components of elevator, escalator and travellator will be further explained and analyzed the operation of system operation with the aid of diagrams and pictures. The entire system and specifications will be analyzed in accordance to the Malaysian Uniform Building By-Law requirements as well as other requirements to identify the efficiency in its design. A justification of the specifications of the lift system will be clarified in the summary.


7.2 LITERATURE REVIEW Mechanical transportation system is an integral part of modern buildings, used to move goods and people vertically or horizontally between floors. Common types of transportation system such as lifts, elevators, escalators and travellators not only helps to reduce energy, and it saves a lot of time. 7.2.1 ELEVATOR In a building with more than four storeys, an elevator shall be provided. Elevator is an apparatus for raising and lowering people or things to different floors of building. Elevator is also essential in a building less than four storeys if access for elderly or disabled is required. It is introduced to bring convenience to the users by allowing them to access varies levels which saves time and energy. The quality of elevator performance is determined by a few factor: - The hoisting capacity - Waiting interval - Acceleration rate of the car - Speed of the lift the - Time taken for passengers to enter and leave the lift - Different type of elevator There are 2 types of elevators: 

Electric elevator -Traction with machine room -Machine room-less (MRL) traction

Traction lifts with machine room are lifted by ropes and is use for mid and high-rise applications and have much higher travel speed than hydraulic elevators. A counter weight makes the elevators more efficient by offsetting the weight of the car and occupants so that the motor does not have to move as much weight. The machine rooms are normally sited at the top of lift shaft, this is to minimize the length of rope and optimize the efficiency.


A machine room-less traction is attached to an electric motor above the elevator shaft because it does not have a dedicated machine room. The control boxes are located in a control room that is adjacent to the elevator shaft (highest landing). The car lift, cables, elevator machine, control equipment, counterweights, hoist way, rails, penthouse and pit are the principle parts of a traction elevator installation. 

Hydraulic elevator

Hydraulic elevators are used for low-rise buildings (2-8 stories). The load imposed is lower compared to electric traction lift. There is no counterweight for the larger lifts. It achieves accurate floor leveling with smooth acceleration and travel.

7.2.2 ESCALATOR An escalator transports people between floors of a building. It consists staircase whose steps move up or down on tracks that remain the surfaces of the individual steps horizontal. Escalators are used abundantly in public buildings. Escalators are able to move a large numbers of people, and they can be places in the same physical space as a staircase. There is no waiting interval settings for escalator (can be adjusted during heavy pedestrian traffic). Another function of escalators is to guide people towards specific direction. 7.2.3 TRAVELATOR A travelator is a slow moving conveyor mechanical transport system that transport people across distance horizontally. It can be used by standing or walking on them. Travelators are often installed in pairs, one being the opposite direction to the other. Travelators are mostly used in public buildings to transport passengers to move across considerable distances. Travellators can be used in:



passageways between concourses and the terminal


within particularly long concourses


as a connector between terminals


as access to a parking facility or a ground transport station

Figure 7.0 Basement 2 plan of Publika


Figure 7.1 Second floor of Publika


Figure 7.2 Section of Publika Mall


Figure 7.3 Fourth floor plan of Solaris Dutamas


Figure 7.4 Roof plan of Solaris Dutamas


Figure 7.5 Lift Overrun (roof) plan of Solaris Dutamas Residential block



7.3.1 ELEVATOR Control system

Figure 7.6 Control system of elevators in Publika Mall and Solaris Dutamas

101 Traction lift

The brand of elevator used in both Publika and Solaris Dutamas is Kone Elevator, traction lift with motor room. Due to the smaller population and fewer storeys of Publika Mall compared to Solaris Dutamas, the elevators in the former serves less passenger compared to the latter, hence the difference in the speed setting between two elevators.

Figure 7.7 Schematic diagram showing the parts and components of a traction lift (Source:

102 Machine Room

Figure 7.8 Geared traction system in machine room

Figure 7.9 Diagram of a Machine Room (Source: Mechanical Transportation lecture slides)


The machine room is located at the top of the lift shaft as this position minimizes the length of rope and optimize the efficiency. The room should be ventilated and consideration must be given to the transmission of sound by insulation the concrete base of the machine from the walls and floor. The walls and ceiling are painted to avoid the formation of dust, which can damage the equipment and cause a breakdown of the electrical circuit due to poor contacts. The overhead lifting beam directly over the machine is installed for positioning of dismantling the equipment and an access hatch in the floor, above the landing, through which the equipment can be lowered for repair or replacement is required.

Figure 7.10 Geared traction system (Source:

The geared traction elevators have a gearbox that is attached to the motor, which drives the wheel that moves the ropes. It is capable of travel speeds up to 152m per minute. The maximum travel distance for a geared traction elevator is around 76m. With an appropriate drive and control system, a geared traction machine can give almost the same high-quality, accurate, smooth ride compared to gearless installation.

104 Hoistway Hoistway is the space enclosed by fireproof walls and elevator doors for the travel of one or more elevators. It includes the pit and terminates at the underside of the overhead machinery space floor or grating or at the underside of the roof where the hoistway does not penetrate the roof.

Figure 7.11 Shaft of elevator hoistway (Source: Elevatorpedia, 2013)

105 Cable system

Figure 7.12 Cable system

The elevator design of Solaris Dutamas is the roped elevator. The car of elevator is raised and lowered by traction steep ropes. The ropes are attached to the elevator car and looped around a sheave. A sheave is a pulley that grips the hoist ropes to the elevator car.

106 Suspension rope & Guide rails

Figure 7.13 showing the guide rails and suspension rope

Guide Rails are T-formed steel tracks that run the length of the hoistway with guiding surfaces to guide and direct the travel of the elevator car and counterweights. It is usually mounted to the sides of the hoistway. Suspension ropes (hoisting cable) are suspension steel wire ropes for car and counterweight. Generally working in 3 to 6 in number, they are attached to crosshead and extending up into the machine room looping over the sheave and then down to the counter weights.

107 Counterweight

Figure 7.14 Elevator car Counterweight (Source: Elevatorbob, 2010)

Counterweight is a tracked weight that is suspended from cables and moves within its own set of guide rails along the hoistway walls and guide rail. Counterweight is used to balance the mass of the car and a portion of rated load so that it will be equal to the dead weight of the car, with additional 40% of the rated load. It also reduces the necessary consumed power needed to move the elevator.

108 Key Control Panel

Figure 7.15 Key control panel beside the lift

The key control panel used in elevators of Solaris Dutamas and Publika Mall can only be activated by the proper keys, hence it is restricted to repairmen, elevator operators or firemen. It is used in conjunction with a push button to restrict access to a floor. It is also a manual up / down controls for elevator technicians to be used in inspection mode. UBBL CODES APLLIED BY JKR Section 153 1. All lift lobbies shall be provided with smoke detectors. 2. Lift not opening into a smoke lobby shall not use door reopening devices controlled by light beam or photo-detectors unless incorporated with a force close feature which after thirty seconds of any interruption of the beam causes the door to close within a present time.


7.3.2 ESCALATOR The brand of escalator being used in Publika Mall is OTIS. The escalators in the mall transport people between floors. Due to the fairly uncrowded mall, the escalators serves lesser amount people at one time, hence the slower speed setting of the escalators.

Figure 7.16 Escalator of Publika

Figure 7.17 Diagram of components of escalator (Source: Syney Elevator, 2015)

110 Steps & Rail guide The steps are made of die-cast aluminum or steel. The one piece steps are added painted on yellow demarcation lines to indicate their edges. All risers and tread of escalators in Publika Mall are cleated with comb-like protrusions that mesh with the combplates on the top and bottom platforms and the succeeding steps in the chain. A continuous metal chain that forms a closed loop links the steps. The front and back edges of the steps are each connected to two wheels. The rear wheels are fitted into the back track while the front wheels are fitted into the narrower front track. The position of the tracks controls the orientation of the steps.

Figure 7.18 Escalator step on railing (Source: Escalator Elevator, 2012, Escalator Parts, 2010)

111 Combplates

Combplates are walk-on plates that are installed on the escalator steps for passengers to step. It also provides mounting for the comb segment and combplates switch actuator.

Figure 7.19 Combplates on escalator steps (Source: Faigle, 2014) Railing

Figure 7.20 Railing of an escalator (Source: Archiexpo, 2015)

The railing provides a convenient handhold for passengers to grip on while they are riding the escalator. The outer layer is made of rubber, and polymers. The cover is designed to resist degradation from vandalism.

112 Electric motor The electric motor stops and starts the operation of escalator and also supply electric power to the Drive Unit. The drive machine, together with the gear reducer provide the torque to drive at a constant speed. The electric motor is typically a three-phase AC mounted unit.

Figure 7.21 Electric motor of an escalator (Source: Aadi Power, 2011) Top and bottom sprocket assembly Drive wheels are installed at the top and bottom to drive the steps. The top sprocket drives the moving steps while the bottom sprocket turns the steps.

Figure 7.22 Sprocket part to assemble the drive wheels with the steps (Source: Precision escalator, 2012)


7.3.3 TRAVELATOR The brand of travelator being used in Publika Mall is Fujitsu. Similar to escalators, the travellators in Publika Mall transport people from floor to floor. The moving surface of the travellators are reinforced rubber belt or series of linked steel plate running on roller. In Publika, the ordinary incline travellator is used. There are only one pair of travellator in Publika near the supermarket, this is to ease the movement and usage of supermarket trolleys to carpark basement.

Figure 7.23 Travellator l Located next to the supermarket in Publika


Components of Travellator

Figure 7.24 Schematic diagram showing basic components of travellator (Source:

Figure 7.25 Structure of travellator (Source:


The building services we have analyzed in Publika Mall, Solaris Dutamas are fire protection system, mechanical ventilation system, air conditioning system and mechanical transportation system. Overall, we have concluded that the services system in Publika Mall, Solaris Dutamas complies with the UBBL and everything is functioning well. Through this project, we are able to learn about the different roles of each services system in commercial buildings. Each of this system plays an important role in ensuring the proper function of the building. Each system has their own components which perform different functions to ensure the system will run smoothly.


The fire systems including both the active and passive fire protection systems in Publika Mall, Solaris Dutamas has got all the necessary equipment that abided by law stated in UBBL. It also has a well-planned fire escape route for excavation during emergency. The Publika Mall, Solaris Dutamas considered as a large scale building has provided efficient mechanical ventilation equipment to ensure the indoor air quality and temperature is maintained well for users’ comfort. The building also runs chilled water system which uses water instead of gas refrigerant as its air conditioning system to enhance the mechanical ventilation. Not to mention, Publika Mall, Solaris Dutamas is one of the 2 building that uses this air conditioning system in Malaysia. Moreover, the mechanical transportation system of escalators are suited to the design of both Publika Mall and Solaris Dutamas. However, the elevators are applicable in Solaris Dutamas not Publika mall due to the small population and seldom usage of lift in Publika. The Publika Mall utilizes the escalators and travelators more. The site visit to Publika Mall, Solaris Dutamas has definitely helped us to develop further understanding of each system in the mall with the aid of explanations of the managers who led us. There is no doubt that this knowledge will be useful in the future in our design works as we do not only consider design in a building but also consider the building services in a building while designing.


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