July Newsletter Division1

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KEY CLUB Division 1

Summer of Service

July, Issue 2

“Beaver ONE, beaver all!” Lieutenant Governor’s greeting Lt. Governor Nicole Jones

In this issue! Hellooooo fellow Key Clubbers!

Lt. Governors Greeting

Hope that you are all enjoying your summers so far! I know I have! So far my favorite experience of the summer was attending the Key Club International Convention in Phoenix, Arizona! At the Convention I was able to meet Key Clubbers from all around the world, attend informative workshops, vote for the international board, learned about different service organizations/ opportunities, and enjoy the Key Club spirit! Now that I am back in New York, I will be able to share what I learned at International Convention with our division! It was an incredible experience; later on in the newsletter you will see an article about what it was like for me. Any questions you have about anything call, text, email, or Facebook me at any time! Remember, its summer! So use the time to your advantage, and be the leader that you are!

What’ Up Division 1

Messages from the district board

My international Experience Club spotlights Paperwork status Contacts Reminders

What’s Up with Division 1? First Beach Cleanup: TO BE ANNOUNCED! Bring: friends, a Key-Club shirt if possible, sun screen. Sign up: by contacting me Prepare for: fun in the sun cleaning up the beach and meeting other key clubbers from other schools!

Summer Divisional Where: My house: 719 Patrick st, Westhampton Beach. When: Sunday, August 21st 4:30am -8:00pm Bring: key club spirit, a bathing suit and towel, and maybe a potential member (freshmen!) RSVP: ASAP Prepare for: lots of key club information, meeting new people, food, and swimming.

Messages from the District Board Hey New York District Key Club, I hope everyone’s summer has been treating them well. Although I don’t like to admit it, we’re just about half way through, with a new school year drawing closer. As Key Club progresses during the Summer I would encourage you all to get involved and start planning and attending those projects. Just a few weeks ago the New York District Board (and a few Key Club Officers) returned from the gorgeous Phoenix, Arizona where the Key Club International Convention was held. We had just fewer than thirty Key Clubbers from the New York District represented at workshops, social events, and of course the house of delegates. Some of the entertainment at the convention consisted of Keynote speaker, Eric Saperston, who told us of his inspiring life changing journey , and Craig Karges the “extraordinist”, who was the award-winning entertainer wowing Key Clubbers with his mystical illusions. Meeting members from all over the United States as well as from foreign places such as Italy, Jamaica, and Aruba was a truly unique experience. Key Club ICON, this year was one of true amazement, an experience in which I’ll never forget. I hope next year many of you will get the chance to attend the 2012 Key Club ICON in the beautiful Orlando, Florida! (For those of you that are wondering, yes...Disney.) Hope you all enjoy your summer, but don’t forget about Key Club. Summer provides Key Clubbers with the chance to perform some seriously successful projects, take advantage of it! Also don't forget to subscribe to the New York District website (www.nydkc.org), as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (on.fb.me/meTPeC). -Gov out I am Amber Lee, District Editor from 2011-2012. One of my main jobs as District Editor is to create the District Newsletter known as “The Empire Key”. Now, what is “The Empire Key” It’s comparable to all newsletters from your home Key Club, but my newsletter is just a guide for the District with greetings, important District news, District Projects, Service Spotlights, and New York District’s way of service. As one of my goals, I will be creating most likely four issues of “The Empire Key” (one per season). There will not be less. A log will be sent out each month for required articles from LTGs. It is important that you submit articles and contribute to our newsletter. There are over 5000 Key Clubs of this world. One can’t possibly travel to every country and club to see what they are doing. This is where newsletter comes in handy. We get to view the service provided by the District during that season/month. Your own club or school can be starred on more than one page! There are over 5000 Key Clubs of this world. One can’t possibly travel to every country and club to see what they are doing. This is where newsletter comes in handy. We get to view the service provided by the District during that season/month. Your own club or school can be starred on more than one page! You’re designs, thoughts, articles, and anything you wish can be incorporated. I encourage all LTGs to convince the editors of your division to make newsletters following graphic standards and Key Club colors. Believe it or not, we can hold a whole new way of communication just by flipping our pages. We show our passion, color, and family through every word and thought we have for Key Club. The Empire Key is the District’s way of expressing the District’s hard work and keeping the Key Club core values of character building, inclusiveness, leadership, and caring. Stay tuned for my first issue of “The Empire Key” being released during August of 2011. Any questions, any ideas, or any suggestions, email me at amberlee.editor@nydkc.org or contact me at (347) 653 3656. Amber Lee Key Club District Editor


KEY CLUB Division 1 July newsletter

Messages from the District Board Hello New York District! My name is Daniel Ivan Lin, the District Secretary for the 2011-2012 service year. It has been fun working with some of you and I want to let you know that we are off to a good start. Please make sure however to keep up with your club's paperwork during the summer. Remember that even though it is summertime, you should still be committed to Key Club. It is important that we continue to serve our home, school, and community. Though events are limited during the summer, it is vital that you submit your club's monthly report forms (MRF), is a key device for relaying information from your club to the district. The form is due on the 7th of each month and can be submitted through the online submission (on the district website), by email (use the PDF form of the MRF), or by snail mail. Submitting these forms can ensure that your club gets credit for service they have done. Even if you do not have service projects that month, still submit your MRFs. If you ever need to submit a monthly report form late, please make sure to email me (daniellin.sec@nydkc.org). This way, not only do I know that you need more time, but I know that you will be submitting your club's monthly report form. If you ever need help, please do not be afraid to ask me. Later this month, I will be sending out Tips for Club Secretaries, a guide that will prove to be extremely useful in many areas. For the election report form, form please make sure that you send it if you haven't done so already. This information is needed for the District Directory. I have started a blog / website for club secretaries, nydkcsec.wordpress.com, acting as a forum for questions and inquiries, and provide important updates. Feel free to follow it as often as you like and hopefully it will be updated every two weeks. As a reminder, please subscribe to the New York District Secretaries Google Group (http://groups.google.com/group/newyork-district-key-club-secretaries) and the official Secretaries Group on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_191839670863138&ap=1). Remember to keep up the good work. Enjoy your well-deserved summer! -District Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin

This is your New York District Key Club Webmaster, Oscar Tan. I’ve recently updated the NYDKC official website. Please, take a look. If you notice on the home page of this website, there is a section labeled ‘Service Spotlights’. So, what exactly are service spotlights? Each month, key clubbers submit club spotlights. Club spotlights usually show an article about a certain service event attended. Along with the article is a picture that portrays a service duty performed by Key Club members of your Home Club. This is rather simple, because even a few words can be a spotlight. Service Spotlights that stand out are often posted onto our New York District Key Club website, <nydkc.org>. How do you get your Service Spotlight onto the website? When your Service Spotlight article is finished, simply send it to Amber Lee via amberlee.editor@nydkc.org or your LTG to post on his/her newsletter. Our District Editor will then choose the spotlights and send it to me. I will post it on the official website. Service Spotlights are a great way to show off what service your club has done, and it may be featured on the front page! So, use some time and just submit those spotlights. Oscar Tan New York District Key Club Webmaster



Messages from the District Board Hello, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Having just returned from being trained as a District Treasurer at International Convention, I am excited to soon be putting that training to good use! Even though dues are due in November, it’s not too late to start collecting. It can be the difference between handing them in on time and being late. Start asking members that will be in your club next year and discuss this at summer meetings. Many club treasurers mentioned the need for dues resources on the Treasurer Survey, and I am currently working on it hopefully out during September. If you have not completed this survey please click on this link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5D9HX5. As the new school year approaches, club treasurers should be beginning to make the club’s budget. It is essential for the club to make more money for the club’s fund. Start a budget if you don’t have one, because they do help. It’s another reason to collect dues now; you will know how much money you will gain in your club fund (usually $1-3 per member). When making your budget, take everything into consideration, from Kiwanis visits to the end of the year party. It is better to budget an event that you may or may not plan rather than not budget it at all. Make sure to know if your club requires an approved copy from the school administration. If you had the opportunity to see the FRF spreadsheet, I am amazed with the treasurers of the mighty New York District. In three months, we beat our goal. Out new goal is 100 FRFs by LTC. As a reminder, after you fill the FRF, please send me proof of the fundraising from a copy of the check to letter from the organization. Keep them coming! Stay tuned for more resources being release. As always if you have any questions or ideas, please email me at emilygicewicz.treas@nydkc. Don't forget to join us on Facebook and Google!! Lastly, check out my newly released Treasurer Tribune for more information. Yours in service Emily Gicewicz District Treasurer K-Family Relations: Why do we need to connect with our K-Family counterparts? Many of us know that we, Key Clubbers are not the only members of the K-Family; along with Kiwanis, there are also K-Kids, Builders Club, Circle-K, and Aktion Club. But, why do we need maintain contact with other members of the K-family? Maintaining relations with the younger members of the K-family is important, because it gets the younger kids interested in community service; this teaches them the Key Club core values as they move along in the Kfamily. One easy way to connect with the younger children is to do something they love…color! Visit a K-Kids Club during the holiday season and make holiday cards for your local nursing home. Your local Kiwanis can also be one of the most important assets to your Key Club. Whether it is a problem with your advisor or you’re in need of financial support, Kiwanis is always there for help. To strengthen relations with your Kiwanis, invite them to come to your club meeting, this will show that you want them to be a part of your own club. Another way to strengthen relations with your local Kiwanis, Circle-K, or Aktion Clubs, is to plan an event with them; it’s as easy as contacting the president of the club and planning a meeting. Once you have that initial meeting planned, the rest is simple: plan your event. But how do you get in contact with the other members of the K-Family? One easy way is to get contact with your Kiwanis; they are one of the most valuable resources and will always be there to help. Another way is to contact your Lieutenant Governor whom can help with any questions that you may have about the K-Family. Ellen Dooley Division 16

What is a fall Rally and DTC? Hey, Key Clubbers! How has your summer been so far? As our summer vacation begins to slowly come to an end towards August, it means that it’s time for Fall Rally planning! As many new members are joining our Mighty New York District, they may be wondering what exactly are Fall Rallies and DTC’s. Fall Rallies are a great way to not only train officers, but motivate members and raise money for a charity. Some Key Clubbers aren’t able to make it to the annual Leadership Training Conference, where large training sessions are held for the various officer positions, and this is where Fall Rallies and DTC’s also known as Division Training Conferences, come into play. Basically, two to three divisions collaborate on a huge Rally and plan workshops with guest speakers to assist in officers training. Because three Divisions make up a lot of members, Division Training Conferences come into play. At DTC’s we basically have a smaller Fall Rally with only one Division. Mini charity projects are also held at these two events to help raise funds for a cause that is usually voted on at the event. All officers and members are strongly recommended to come to both of these events. There will always be resources for members and officers to take back to their home clubs. If anyone has questions about either of these two events, don’t hesitate to ask! Yours in Leadership and Service, Andrew Abbey Division 26 Lt. Governor aabbey.ltg@nydkc.org

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

East Hampton Eastport Hampton Bays McGann-Mercy Riverhead Westhampton

Amityville Bellport Copiague Lindenhurst Patchogue-Medford Sayville William Floyd

Half Hollow Hills East Half Hollow Hills West Huntington Northport High School Smithtown Ward Melville

Fall Rally will be at Patchogue-Medford High School this fall!

My International Convention Experience International convention was a life changing event. From the District tour which took us to Las Vegas for the hoover damn, Utah for white water rafting, and to Arizona for the Grand Canyon; to the actual convention in a huge hotel filled with key clubbers from all over the nation. I met kids from Germany, Aruba, Canada, and from all over the United States (including Hawaii!) Every one of them were part of the same organization as you and me, two years ago I thought Key Club was just in my school, wow was I wrong. The best part about each of the people I met was that they were all motivated to make a difference in the world. The convention included many workshops, speakers, a service fair, and the election process for the international board. I attended many informative workshops, got tons of packets and brochures on organizations and ideas, and voted in caucus. All of these things showed me how fantastic our service year is going to be! Every moment of ICON was full of inspiration. Every person I met, every workshop I attended made me love Key Club even more (which I was pretty sure was impossible.) I can’t wait to share my ideas and experience with you to better our division!

These Bracelets paid for a kid to go to school The Chili Pepper guy is from the South West District!

So many Kids!

Seeing the Grand Canyon!

If you got this penguin and you posted a picture on FB Kiwanis donated to Project Eliminate

Making new Friends from NY

CLUB SPOTLIGHTS! Riverhead’s Annual Senior-Senior Prom By Samantha Gao

Senior- Senior Prom a memorable night for many Riverhead Key Club members and for many senior citizens that attended. Riverhead Key Club held the annual Senior- Senior Prom at the local senior center. This year we held it on the first day of June. Every year Key Club members will go through the senior center asking elders if they would join us for the night to dance and have a great time. Also each year there is a different theme and this year we chose the theme “Under the Sea”. Like any other prom there is a prom king and prom queen. The senior citizens would vote on who would become the next king and queen. Key Club members would walk around and dance the night away, even if many are in wheel chairs we would hold their hands and just sway back and forth. People would think just because they’re old they can’t dance, but one of the nurses bribed the elder who eventually did get up and dance (she had some moves especially for an elder). Many would stand up and dance,, I personally got one of the elders up to dance, even though he had a hard time but I let him lean on me for support so he was able to enjoy the night. Overall everyone left there with a smile on their face.

CLUB SPOTLIGHTS! My name is Brittany Tesoriero. I'm 16 years old, and I am in the Eastport South Manor Key Club. I've been a member for the past two years of my high school career and it's been an amazing experience. This coming year, I will proudly be serving as my club's treasurer. The memory that has stuck out to me the most was when my club members and I made coloring books for children in need. I believe they were given to kids who were in a hospital in a poor area of Brooklyn, New York.

We got together and created front and back covers for coloring pages that we printed out, that would eventually be assembled together to form the child's personal coloring book. We made special designs for boys, and special designs for girls, and we had such a blast making them, as we do with every project in our club. It was not only a great bonding experience with my members, but it felt amazing to give back. back That is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world, to have the comfort of giving back to people who are in need. We wrote them encouraging notes such as "You are beautiful" and "Stay positive". positive" It was a wonderful way to wrap up a great year.

I encourage anyone to join their school's Key Club. Forget the fact that it looks good on a college transcript, but focus on the feeling feeling that will come from helping and comforting someone who is less fortunate. It's a humbling experience, and any high school student who is looking to broaden their horizons, or further develop their peer, and humanitarian skills, should consider membership in the Key Club.

Thanks for letting me share my story, Brittany Tesoriero Eastport South Manor Key Club Treasurer Fearlesslybt@aol.com


East Hampton Eastport Hampton Bays McGann-Mercy Riverhead Westhampton





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l m j s v n l w i y s i j j t a h g o d




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x x x


Presidents and Secretaries Please take a look at this chart and make up what you are missing asap! Even if you didn’t do anything one month fill out an MFR anyway!

Try this fun word search!

Summer of Service! s q l t g r f c l c c a x w h m q k l o


y y s t d k i w a n i s j w y k b p r x

WORDBANK bbq beachcleanup carwash commitment communication divisional friends fun fundraiser icon kampkiwanis keyclub kiwanis

leadership lemonadestand meetings members newsletters outside poolparty projects service spotlight summer volunteering

Contact Information Governor Domenick Pesce domenickpesce.gov@nydkc.org Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin daniellin.sec@nydkc.org Treasurer Emily Gicewicz emilygicewicz.treas@nydkc.org Editor Amber Lee amberlee.editor@nydkc.org Webmaster Oscar Tan oscartan.tech@nydkc.org Executive Assistant Yasmin Soliman yasminsoliman.ea@nydkc.org Lt. Governor Nicole Jones nicolejonesltg@gmail.com Kiwanis Committee Representative Mr. Farrell jpfjresq@optonline.net


Check the division 1 facebook group Service doesn’t stop when summer starts Divisional is coming up! Recruit new members Any suggestions about the beach clean ups contact me I’m always here to help through phone calls, email, texting, skype, and facebook

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