June Newsletter Division 1

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KEY CLUB Summer of Service

June, Issue 1

Volume 1 Issue 1

Greetings from your Lt. Governor By Lt. Governor Nicole Jones Hi Division 1 Key Clubbers, I am Nicole Jones, your new Lt. Governor from Westhampton Beach High. You can come to me for any key club advice or questions. It’s finally summer time! We have been waiting all year to put down our books and relax in the sun. School may be coming to a close but Key Club is just beginning! Keep in mind that just because your club isn’t meeting you can still have service projects or fundraisers. While vacationing, brainstorm ideas of how you can help your home, school and community. Think of how you can take full advantage of the warm weather and summer crowds. Also make sure to contact your club president and advisor to embark on those ideas. Keep up your Key club Spirit, and have fun!

What’s Up with Division 1? > Those of you who attended the first divisional were part of a discussion on Beach Clean ups. If you weren’t at the divisional, have no fear I will be sending out information in a separate e-mail about dates, times and specific beaches. Any suggestions contact me! We live in such a beautiful beach area, so why not help out by getting the whole division together to clean up! > Also the next divisional will most likely be a pool/bbq meeting at my house in August, further information will be sent on that as well!

In this issue! Lt. Governor Greeting


Governors Message


District Treasurers Letter


District Secretaries Letter


District Editors Letter


District Webmasters Letter


Executive Assistant Letter


“Continue to Fundraise”


International Projects


Summer Projects


Project Eliminate






Paperwork Contacts Reminders 10

Join the division 1 Facebook group!


Governors Greeting Governor Domenick Pesce Hey New York District Key Club! For those of you that don't know me, my name is Domenick Pesce your District Governor. I'm extremely excited to be working with all of you this 2011-2012 service year. I will see to it this year that we reach new heights as the Mighty New York District Key Clubbers we are! So, can you believe it's already June? School is coming to a swift close, and the Summer is rolling in fast. With this great Summer atmosphere, comes some great time to participate in some exceptional Key Club events. Please, stay in good contact with your Lieutenant Governor! Remember that Key Club is a year round organization; be sure to stay active during these warm and sunny months. Touching quickly on the subject of District Board news, the Board and I have been hard at work getting ready for the Summer as well as the new school year. Now that Executive Board members like our EA, District Editor, and District Webmaster have been appointed, it's time to kick things into speed for the Summer. In this first June addition of your Lieutenant Governors monthly Newsletter you're in store for some really interesting things. Be ready to be informed of things such as Club Spotlight Submissions into the Empire Key, Project ELIMINATE, our 2011-2012 District Projects and much more. Take the time to peruse and leaf through, you might find out some things you didn’t know before. Finally, please stay in contact with the District! If you are not subscribed to the New York District website (www.nydkc.org), as well as the Official NYDKC Facebook Group (on.fb.me/meTPeC), what are you waiting for? Go to the homepage and subscribe! Encourage your Key Club friends to subscribe as well. I'm looking forward to our year as NYDKC's so much! We're due for some change, and the gears are already in serious motion. (Also feel free to add me on Facebook if you'd like!) Stay connected and you'll be hearing from me soon!


KEY CLUB DIVISION 1 newsletter

DISTRICT NEWS District Secretary’s Letter By Daniel Ivan Lin Hello, New York District! My name is Daniel Ivan Lin, your newly elected District Secretary for the 2011-2012 service year. It is my pleasure to be working with you this year. I mentioned before that as District Secretary, I want to be someone that you can look to for help, advice, and questions. I hope that through increased communication, we will be able to reach greater heights in our mission to serve. As finals and regents week starts to arrive, many of you will be busy studying. However, please remember to keep up with your responsibilities. The monthly report form is due on the seventh of each month and is the key for relaying your club’s activities, progress, and problems to the district. It is essential that you fill it out with the utmost care and thought. Please note that you are still expected to fill out a monthly report form even if your club has not had service projects in the past month. The election report form is a form containing the contact information of your club's officers and faculty advisor and it is essential that that it is filled out to ensure easy communication throughout the district. Please submit the election report form as soon as possible. Feel free to email me at daniellin.sec@nydkc.org if you have any questions. Please be sure to subscribe to the New York District Secretaries Google Group (http://groups.google.com/group/new-york-district-key-club-secretaries) and the official Secretaries Group on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_191839670863138&ap=1). I hope that you will not let me down as I have promised not to let you down. It is our work together that will truly bring forth changes and innovation to this great organization. Let’s make this a great year. Enjoy your summer!

District Treasurer’s Article By District Treasurer Emily Gicewicz Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying the last few days of school (if that is possible.) FRF are vital to fill out if your club wants to get credit for any fundraiser you have done and you definitely deserve the credit. Now some of you may be thinking to yourselves “what does this crazy person mean when they say FRF?” Well, an FRF is an abbreviation for Fundraising Report Form. I know all of you know where the FRFs are, but here is the link just in case it had slipped your mind, http://nydkc.org/index.php?option=com_jforms&view=form&id=3. The form is very easy to fill out and once it is completed, all you need to do is mail or email me a proof of the fundraising activity (it can be a check, letter from charity, etc.) and a copy of the form. When I receive it I will update it on the FRF spreadsheet which can be given upon request by emailing me or by joining the Treasurer Google Group, which I hope you had joined already. If you are a club treasurer it would be a great idea to take advantage of the social network opportunities I set up. I know all of you have emails so please join our NYDKCTreasurer Google group, http://groups.google.com/group/nydkc-treasurers. This group will keep you updated on important dates and paperwork. There is also a Facebook group called New York District Key Club Treasurers, please join it for important updates made easy. You can email me any questions but if you would like you can also post it on http://nydkctreasurers.wordpress.com/. I set this up to help all of you, so take advantage of it! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at emilygicewicz.treas@nydkc.org, this email is 3 where FRF’s should be sent. My mailing address to mail printed out proofs is 33 Helen Lane, West Sand Lake, NY 12196.


DISTRICT NEWS Editor’s Letter By Amber Lee Hey, New York State District Key Club! A lot of you do not know me yet and even more of you have not formally met me yet. With this, I am your newly elected District Key Club Editor, Amber Lee. As Editor, I have many thoughts and ideas for the Empire Key, a very essential part of my duty. The Empire Key would not be a state newsletter without the incorporation of all LTG’s and Key Clubs around New York State. I look very forward to working with all of you and rushing everyone to hand in their newsletters. I’m sure that it will be an awesome year! To keep closer contact, I have created a Facebook group : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_115609408526712&ap=1. I would like all Editors to join. Creative ideas and suggestions can be shared. It will also be a great place to gain a stronger connection since internet will be one of our main communication uses. Updates will also be provided weekly or as much as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at amberlee.editor@nydkc.org or contact me at (347)6533656. I will be sure to reply. Have a great summer! (Work is still in session during the summer)

Webmaster’s Letter By Oscar Tan Hey New York District Key Club! This is your newly elected Webmaster of the New York District, Oscar Tan for the 2011-2012 service year! Being the Webmaster has given me a great opportunity to further enhance the communication between the District and the clubs. As District Webmaster, I have already begun with editing the District website. Recently, I’ve updated the website with all the District Board’s and LTG’s contact information. I have also provided an up-to-date description for our District Projects. Please, feel free to take a look at the updates and changes at www.nydkc.org.

I would like to ask all Key Club Webmasters to join the Official New York District Key Club Webmasters group at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_176878475703658&ap=1. I have many goals for the upcoming year and I look forward to working with the board to provide success and service. With all this happening so far, I hope to make Key Club updates and news more accessible. Feel free to provide me with suggestions and I will definitely look into answering all your questions. My email can we found on the District website or it is listed below. oscartan.tech@nydkc.org


Message From Executive Assistant By Executive Assistant Yasmin Soliman

Hey New York District Key Clubbers, My name is Yasmin Soliman, and I am the new District Executive Assistant for the 2011-2012 service year. As Executive Assistant, I will be helping Governor Domenick Pesce by serving as a liaison between the upstate and downstate regions of the New York District. Therefore, I will assist the Governor in any requested help or paperwork and review all proposed amendments thoroughly in conjunction with my duties as the laws and regulations committee chair. I was Lieutenant Governor of Division 10 last year, so I have experience as a member of the District Board. If you cannot reach Governor Domenick and have any questions, you may contact me at (646) 270-3895 or e-mail me at Yasminsoliman.ea@nydkc.org. I am very excited to work again on the District Board, and I look forward to working with you all of you this year!

Continue to Fundraise! By Division 4 Lt. Governor Nicholas Viviano Hello Key Clubbers! This past year has flown by and before we knew it, it has almost come to an end. But even though the year ended in a blink of an eye, New York District Key Clubs were able to raise an unprecedented $200,000 to the District’s Charities with $50,000 as the year’s goal. This year, with new charities, a new committee staff and a new fundraising goal, we eagerly embark on a new year of service to make a difference in our schools and communities. Our ten District Charities are much diversified ranging from eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus to ending human trafficking and slave labor trade. This year, the New York District Key Club aims to raise $200,000 for the ten charities including Kamp Kiwanis, Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation, Local Causes, Project Eliminate, Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center, Not For Sale, Make-AWish, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, the Christian Appalachian Project, and Architecture for Humanity. However, raising money is only a part of the puzzle. What’s the other piece? The other piece, which is sometimes forgotten but just as important, is awareness. In order to get people outside your Key Club Homes to donate at your fundraisers, they need to be educated on all the beneficial things that these charities do. Why would someone donate to a cause they do not have knowledge of? Lieutenant Governors Stephanie Penna, Kelsey Habla, Josh Hill, and Alexandra Marrone along with your Committee Chair Nick Viviano are here to answer any questions you may have about any of the charities along with ideas about how to spread awareness and fundraise. We wish you all a successful year of service!


International Projects By Lt. Governor Sarah Brady

Unfortunately, I know that a lot of clubs tend to die down toward the end of the year as we begin to put halt on the number of events that we do. But, it should be expected that everyone come up with at least one solid idea during our break for the summer or upcoming school year. This can include a service project or fundraiser for one or more of the International Projects and Programs. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the International partners of Key Club, they are the Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes, and UNICEF. The Children’s Miracle Network is a nonprofit organization that raises money and brings awareness to benefit hospitalized children. Money raised goes to purchasing up-to-date equipment, train stall, conduct research, start outreach programs and provide health care for those whose parents cannot afford it. March of Dimes is an organization that tries to improve the health of infants by preventing premature births, birth defects and infant mortality. UNICEF is an organization that assists children through their community. They focus on improving health care, basic education, water, and sanitation in more than 150 developing countries. I’m sure many of you have heard of Trick-or-Treat for UNIFEC. These three programs are great and need your help! So just remember over the summer that you should brainstorm with your club or even just friends, and try to come up with an idea for this service year on how to benefit one or more of these organizations. You will hear shortly of the goals set forth by your International Projects and Programs Committee. Let’s make sure we surpass these goals!

Summer Projects By Division 15 Lt. Governor Katie Coley Hello New York District Key Clubbers! I hope your school year is winding down nicely. As summer is approaching and school is ending, remember that it is not the end of Key Club. Every club should still be doing service projects over the summer and continuing to be active. There are many ways that your clubs can remain active throughout the summer that are both fun and exciting. As many of you know, Alex’s Lemonade Stand was chosen to be one of the district projects for the 2011-2012 key club service year. To help support this foundation, key clubbers from your neighborhoods can work together to create a lemonade stand and sell different cool beverages during the upcoming, hot summer months. There is nothing better than a cool drink on a stifling day. Another idea is to host a car wash in the school parking lot or another open space nearby. Walks to raise money are also always a great idea when you have the area to do them in. You can also combine a barbeque after and gather crowds that are willing to participate. Fundraisers held indoors at bowling alleys or an indoor area is a nice break from the heat and allows time for fun away from the sun. Are you looking for a chance to just hang back and chill and have a break from the fundraising? Throw a picnic or a pool party and invite key clubbers where members and officers can discuss ideas for next school year... Get to know more people and be ready when September comes. As the different division key clubs differ in size and location, some of these ideas will work better for some clubs than others. The varying clubs can alter the projects to fit their unique needs. Remember, Key Club doesn’t end just because the school year ended. Finally, good luck on all of your final exams/ regents and enjoy the summer!


DISTRICT NEWS Project Eliminate By Division 19 Lt. Governor Sean O'Connor Hello Fellow Key Clubbers! As the kickoff to the service year has already happened, it is now time to FUNDRAISE FUNDRAISE FUNDRAISE! My name is Sean O’Connor, and I am the Lieutenant Governor of Division 19. I am also the committee chair for my favorite District Project, Project Eliminate! For those of you who do not know, Eliminate is the newly acquired Kiwanis project, which will be kicked off this summer. Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus, also known as MNT, is a disease that is claiming the lives of 60,000 innocent children and 30,000 mothers each and every single year. MNT’s effects on the youth of the world are sickening. Tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. This disease can and will be cured. Key Clubbers around the world can help cure this disease by 2015 by only fundraising $110 million! By curing this disease, we can help save over 360,000 lives! With committee members Lieutenant Governor Marcus Mosely, Lieutenant Governor Gresa Shala, and Lieutenant Governor Bryan Comanici, and Governor Domenick Pesce, I plan to make Project: Eliminate become THE strongest District Project in the history of the mighty New York District! seanoconnor.oriskanykeyclub@yahoo.com


Division Spotlight!

CAR WASH! By Emilie Schmelzer

On Sunday, June 5, members of Westhampton Beach's Key Club spent their day in the sun at a car wash benefitting the club. Some members stood on the side of the street, attracting the attention of passerby with bright-colored signs, while others washed, rinsed, and dried the cars so nicely that they sparkled in the midday sun. Luckily, many cars out on the road were dirty with the remnants of springtime's pollen, so the Key Club members ended up washing about 25 cars, pickup-trucks and convertibles alike. $249.00 was raised by the afternoon. The car wash lasted from 10:30 a.m. to about 2:00 p.m., and took place in the parking lot of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post on Montauk Highway in Quogue. The Key Club decided to donate $50.00 of the money raised to the VFW, an organization that works to improve war veterans' health care and benefits. Because of the fundraising success, the club plans to hold a couple more car washes by the end of the summer. In this way, Westhampton Beach's Key Club will be able to start off the school year with enough money in the bank for their various community service projects.

Lookin’ Good Division 1!


Paperwork DIVISION 1 East Hampton Eastport Hampton Bays McGann-Mercy Riverhead Westhampton









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Talk to your secretaries to get in those Election Report Forms and Monthly Report Forms ASAP!

Contact Information New York District Executive Board Governor Domenick Pesce domenickpesce.gov @nydkc.org Secretary Daniel Ivan Lin daniellin.sec@nydkc.org Treasurer Emily Gicewicz emilygicewicz.treas@nydkc.org

Division 1 Lt. Gov Nicole Jones nicolejonesltg@gmail.com


Editor Amber Lee Amberlee.editor@nydkc.org

719 Patrick st. Westhampton Beach NY 11978

Webmaster Oscar Tan oscartan.tech @nydkc.org

Kiwanis Committee Member Mr.

Executive Assistant Yasmin Soliman yasminsoliman.ea@nydkc.org



Reminders! 

Check out the district website- nydkc.org and join mailing list

Also look at the Division 1 Facebook group and your e-mail

Send this newsletter to your friends

Stay active over the summer

And talk up Key Cub!


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