Community Lending for Tasmanians
Member Agency News Edition 7: April 2014 in this edition HESS Subsidy Update StepUp Loans NILS Micro Business Loans Budget of the Month Facts and Figures
Hi Everyone When people start calling you Neil because you are the coordinator of Neil’s Network (NILS – get it!) you start to think you have probably been around a little bit too long. And it’s true, I have been around a while, but it’s equally true that I still love working here. We have a brilliant mob of dedicated and creative employees working hard to get as many loans out, as quickly as we can.
NILS Easter opening hours The NILS office will be closed on Friday 18th April and reopen on Tuesday 22nd April. During Tuesday 22nd and Thursday 24th April the office will be opened with limited staff but someone will be here to answer any questions you may have. The whole of the NILS team will be back to normal on Monday 28th April.
ish you all w S IL N t a We d safe n a l u f r e d n a wo ak! Easter bre NILS is proudly supported by
With your amazing support we will issue more than 2200 microfinance loans and 100 microbusiness loans by the end of the year. Because of you and 150 other wonderful volunteer loans officers across Tasmania we have grown by 300% in 4 years. We acknowledge too, the wonderful support that we have from state and federal governments and from our corporate partners – NAB, Aurora Energy and the Federal Group. They believe in us and are delighted with this unique partnership between government and the corporate and community sectors. It’s important to know that NILS is also supported by all the major political parties, so that, regardless of the colour of our new government, we can continue to help low income Tasmanians. In line with our strategic plan we have a number of projects in place which will help us reach our goal of 3500 loans by 2017. Most exciting is our work to develop greater online access to NILS for our clients and our member agencies. I hope this newsletter gives you some sense of how excited we are about our work and about how we plan to do it even better. Rick Tipping NILS Coordinator
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