NDSS Campaign

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N at ional Down S Yn dro m e So c i et y C a m pa i gn D e si g n e d b y N i cole M cK i n n on

ndss n a t i o n a l d o w n s y n dr ome s ocie t y NDSS target audience is anyone from early teens to middle aged adults. They are unaware of the struggle people with down sydrome face everyday when it comes to finding acceptance. They could be the jocks at the local highschool that judge down syndrome kids for looking different and dont give them a chance to make friends. It could be the expectant mother that fears to have a down sydrome baby. It is the people that doubt the abilities of those born with disabilites. The objective of this campaign is to spread awareness to society about people born with down syndrome and support their acceptance and inclusion in society. The ads will encounage a stop to bullying and for the viewers to take a harder look at these peolpe that have been diagnosed and see them for who they really are on the inside. People with this disability may look and act slightly different but they are people with dreams and aspirations just like you and me and just like anyone else, if you work hard enough you can reach your goals. The main message of the campaign is that people born with down syndrome are just as capable to reach their dreams like everyone else in the universe. Nicole McKinnon

one d a y i wi l l b e i n a b a n d .

People born with down syndrome are completely capable of achieving their life goals. In fact, many adults with down syndrome are employed and some even work in the entertainment industry.

s top d oubting and start bel iev ing.

one d a y i w i ll t r a v e l t he wo r l d .

People born with down syndrome are completely capable of achieving their life goals. In fact, many adults with down syndrome are employed and some even get the chance to see the world.

S top d oubting and start bel iev ing.

o ne d a y i w i l l b e a n a r t i s t .

People born with down syndrome are completely capable of achieving their life goals. In fact, many adults with down syndrome are successful artists who’s works are exhibited in museums and private collections around the world.

s top d oubting and start bel iev ing.

Rudely Interrupted S a t u rday O ctobe r 19 th at t h e Sa i n t A u gu st i n e A m ph i t he a t e r


LIVE AT 6:00PM •� ONLY $20.00 • ALL PROCEEDS GO TO NDSS Rudely Interrupted is one of Australia’s truly unique independent rock bands. Five out of six of Rudely Interrupted’s members have a physical or cognitive impairment. Based in Melbourne, Australia, Rudely Interrupted is famous for their music and have toured the world challenging people’s thoughts on disability.

stop doubtin g a n d st a r t be li e vi n g .

NDSS 569



National Down Syndrome Society Follow us and be inspired by the millions of people with Down Syndrome and watch them as they achieve their goals! Share your story by tagging @ndss or #thisismystory and we will randomly choose and re-post someone’s story weekly. :) The most inspiring story will win a $100 visa gift card!!!

82 likes Kayla_harrison All made up pretty and ready for my first dance recital at school! All the hard work pays off! So excited! :) #thisismystory #dancelife #beautiful 82 likes Kayla_harrison All made up pretty and ready for my first dance recital at school! All the hard work pays off! So excited! :) #thisismystory #dancelife #beautiful

NDSS launches their instagram page! The already existing My Great Story Campaign can now be shared on instagram rather than just ndss.org. Post a picture or video of your inspirational story and tag us. We will share one of your images weekly and the most inspirational post will win the prize.

one day i will be an artist.

People born with down syndrome are completely capable of achieving their life goals. In fact, many adults with down syndrome are successful artists who’s works are exhibited in museums and private collections around the world.

stop doubting and start believing.


can do m ore than j ust bag your groceries. � stop doub ting and st art believing.

NDSS teams up with Publix to bring awareness and open the eyes of the public about Down Syndrome...the possiblities are endless.

winter formal dance Stop doubting and start dancing! December 17th 7:00pm - 10:00pm

One couple will be crowned

Mister and Miss Snowflake Welcoming all ages! orlando world center marriott 8701 World Center Drive Orlando, Florida

D e si gn R at i o n alE ...... NDSS is a sophisticated and down to the point association. They are here to help, create motivational events and bring awareness to the public about people born with Down Syndrome. The three campaign ads are designed to be easy to read, clean cut and neutral. They are not targeting a specific gender or age, but rather society as whole. There is a single image to catch your attention and a straight to the point statement meant to bring understanding and awareness to the viewer. The fundraising concert poster follows the same theme as the three ads. There is a single large image that bleeds off the page to catch the eye. Followed by the concert information that is in the same typeface that is carried out through the campaign NDSS is a very dedicated association and consistent with all their programs and campaigns so the ads, posters, and media must follow suite. The Instagram that brings further media and support to the My Great Story Campaign is designed for followers to take part in sharing their inspirational stories through pictures and videos. Currently NDSS is only sharing these stories through their website and youtube. Instagram has become such a popular social media network that this addition to the campaign with spread awareness and inspiration to other even deeper into society. The interactive idea of all grocery bags at Publix being printed with the quote “I can do more than just bag your groceries” is attention grabbing and straight to the point like the rest of the campaign. It is speaking directly to the reader and maybe even catching them off guard which only digs the message in deeper. The bus stop poster is the “art” ad. This ad was chosen to be the bus stop poster because the colors help it speak the loudest. On the bustling busy streets it is hard to grab people’s attention, especially since people are viewing thousands of images daily. The bright colors will draw the viewer. The Winter Formal poster is consistent with the rest of the campaign with its one image and simple, easy to read text. The typeface changes due to the formality of the event, thus drawing attention to the followers of NDSS.

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