A Conversation Research DOC.

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“A CONVERSATION “ What is a conversation and what does a conversation involve...

When you think of a conversation it would be easy to jump ahead and simply assume that this brief is all about two or more people talking to one another face to face discussing a random subject. Conversations however can be far more complex than that and can take on a variety of forms either visual or oral. Conversations in essence are a way to communicate with one another and express feelings or ideas in ways that other can understand. This however is not all they can do and in order to for fill this brief an understanding of how conversations take place, between who or what conversations take place and why? In out everyday lives millions of conversations can take place around us at anyone time. Some are obvious like people talking on the street but others can be far more complex. The conversation our own brain has with our body sending hundreds of messages and singles every second to help us stay alive is just one example. Another is perhaps the unspoken conversations between individuals such as feelings that cannot

be fully expressed though speech alone but can be shown through physical actions or endearments. The most complex of things to understand about conversations is perhaps the multiple levels that can be divided up and take on there own unique meanings. Each conversation we have is unique to that certain situation and environment in which it takes place a simple change such as the people involved can come up with a completely different result in the end topic and the emotions involved. For example a conversation with a inanimate object such as when you get angry with something for now working properly will be completely different to a conversation in witch you are angry with another human being. Another example is perhaps when you have a conversation between people of a different age or perhaps someone with a disability. Often deaf people communicate in a silent manor through sign language or written communication As part of this project I first want to start off by really looking indepth to all the types of conversation I can think of and exploring what makes these conversations different and unique. This will then hopefully inspire me in a direction that I wish to take my project forward.

BASIC CON VERSATION Before looking into more complex examples of conversations, I need to need to understand what the most basic types of conversation are and how these types of conversation are carried out. The image on the right hand page is a diagram of the four main types of conversation according to the “How to speak dictionary” by Mike Clayton. Binging with Casual conversations the book explains that these are “ A conversation with low stakes and little contention, held between two people who respect one another. Casual conversations pass easily and comfortably” Based on this you could expect that this type of conversation would take place between people that know one another on a regular basis or with people whom although maybe strangers have a similar interests or goal. This goal can then be recognised by all individuals in the conversation and lead to free flowing casual conversation. Examples of people who may be involved in such conversations are friend groups or family members. Following of from casual conversation the next thing to look at is Complicated conversation “A conversation with some combination of contention, consequences, emotional baggage, polarity of views, and fear. Complicated conversations are necessary but difficult to hold” This type of conversation is usually the one used to resolve issues that an individual might be having. Unlike casual conversations these discussions do not have to be between individuals who respect one another but can be between anyone an every one at a given time. This is because we are constantly problem solving in our everyday lives and it is necessary to be able to communicate this type of conversation in many situations. This could be like when abroad when you cannot speak the language or when you enter a new

environment for the first time and you have to rely on strangers to resolve an issue you may be having. The third type of conversation is Mature Conversation “Conversations that have a real impact on the world, for example by creating new thinking, sharing insights, developing plans or making decisions. They improve relationships, help us to develop, and make people feel good. Mature conversations are characterised by self- and mutual-respect, respect for facts, evidence and reason, responsibility and willingness for accountability, and by genuine choice in how to respond” These are the conversations that help us develop into the individuals we are and vastly improve our learning. Conversations like this usually take place within a political or educational environment but can also evolve out of problem solving similarly to complicated conversations. Unlike complicated conversations however mature conversations wont descend into arguments and are often beneficial to everyone involved. The final type of conversation is Unproductive conversation “ The opposite of mature conversations. Unproductive conversations serve little or no purpose. They make neither party better informed, happier, or wiser. They resolve nothing, generate no new ideas, make no progress, and do nothing to improve your relationship. They don’t even make a pleasant pastime. How to Speak so People Listen describes four common examples: critical, petulant, stifling, and submissive conversations.” Out of all types of conversation that exist these are the ones that we try to avoid the most as they hold no benefit to us at all. Conversations of this nature are usually short in length and in most cases are basic greetings or passing comments that hold non or very little relevance.

FIG: ”The Conversation” by William Hodd McElcheran

TYPES OF CONV ERSATION Before coming up with any ideas of where I would like to take this project I first want to discover all the different ways that people engage in conversations. I have already discovered the four main distinct types of conversation that take place however if I don’t understand how these conversations take place this information is irrelevant. The first most obvious form of communication is verbal communication. This is said to be the most used form of communication and often the results of oral conversation are more productive and efficient. It is important to understand that oral conversation do not necessarily have to take place face to face and can take on a variety of forms. Several examples include online web chatting, mobile/telephone and text to speech recognition. The next from of conversations that exist is written communication. This is generally used for

sharing more complex information that requires numbers and charts. Written communication is also handy for having a conversation when individuals are miles apart through means such as text or email. In today’s culture there is a high increase in this type of communication and it is rapidly increasing in popularity over other forms due to the increase in digital devices. This is an interesting fact to consider and is something that I could potentially develop many ideas from. The third and final type of basic conversation is body language although this may not easily be recognised as a form conversation body language Is the best example of non verbal communication we have and in fact it is often the fact that you can tell more about an individual from the way they behave and react than what they actually say and respond.




ADVANCED CONV ERSATION For this project it would be easy to chose one of the more basic forms of conversation such as body language, verbal or written conversation. I feel however that there is a greater possibility for creative development if I choose a more abstract form of conversation To do this I need to start exploring into examples of this type of conversation and see what ideas I can generate from this research. The first thing I have decided to look at is conversations in the form of images. Sign language seemed the obvious place to start to me. This is because it has set rules and guidelines that i and find easy to understand quickly so I could start generating ideas. Most people know what sign language is and understand that it is a form of communication

for people that are audio impaired. Sign language actually comes under a group of manual coded languages known as (MCLs) what is surprising to know is that they weren’t actually developed by deaf people but by people who can here and also have many different variations. The “Rochester method” for example involves spelling out every single letter where as the “mouth-Hand systems works on the principal of gestures that represent the phonemes of oral language . traditionally though the most common form of sign language is spoken English and this is the version that most people will recognise. Using disabilities as my next starting point i then started to look into other alternative conversation techniques that have been developed for people with disabilities.

Although this research was all relevent to my project I dont really want to take it any furtur than the primary reserch stage. It would be good to do a project on this theem however i dont want to jump into my forst idea and feel

like I need to explore other oppertunities. The next step of my reserch therefor will be to look into a few other ideas I have and explore what projects I could devise from them.

Instead of a regular mind map to generate lots of ideas for this project i wanted something more organised that shoed the diercr relationships of ideas and the ordering of which I thought of them so i could quickly illimate some of my weeker ideas from the stronger ones. This flow diagram therefor is all about early initial ideas developed for the project. To begin with i took three main themes and then broke each down into ideas that could be projects themselves rather than reserch points or other relevent information that you sometimes might find on a mind map. From these ideas I can now begin to explore several in more detail and focus purely on idea genration deciding on what needs to be researched later.

CONV ERSATION IN SCIENCE One idea that I would really like to develop further for this project is somehow including the conversations that take place around science. What I mean by this rather than just two people discussing science I would like to show the conversations that take place inside the human body. There are many cycles that take place leading to indefinite possibility’s of where I could take this project. To start with I will begin looking at the conversations that go on inside the human brain as these are the most obvious, however by the end of my research I hope to have been able to look at more abstract forms of conversations such as the chemical reactions that take place because of certain factors within the body. The possibility’s of where I go from

here are then not limited to human beings I could also perhaps look at the conversations between nature and its environment for example the conversation that takes place between a plant and the sun. In my initial ides I mentioned briefly in the diagram about interstellar conversations the issue I have with this is I feel it could become very similar to last years earth artefact project so I should probably discount this idea now instead of taking it any further and wasting what time I have left on the project. Of the three ideas I have proposed to take further I feel as if idea one has the most potential and would produce the best end result. Before deciding on a set idea however I feel the need to explore each idea in more detail.

STRUCTURE OF CONV ERSATION The second main idea I have for this project is all based on the structure of conversations. This idea came about after completing my mini brief before the main project. What I discovered while carry out this brief was that conversations are very hard to predict and often they go off on tangents that where once related but eventually become irrelevant. For my project I think it would be a really

good idea to investigate how conversations change and develop depending on different factors and then find a way of displaying this information in a graphic format. Out of all my three main ideas I feel as if this and my science based project are my strongest however I will develop them all further before making any final decisions about my project.

CONV ERSATION IN TECHNOLOGY The third main idea I have for this project is to somehow incorporate conversations in technology. This could either be a combination project of actually conversation and technology such as people exchanging text messages or phone calls or it could be more in direct such as web discussions or computer to computer conversations. What I like about this idea is there are many of ways that I could take the project and hopefully something interesting would come out of it. I allready kow of several examples

of conversations in tecnology exsisting so I would have some good reserch ideas to come off of however i need to be carefull to insure that what i create is not just a copy of something else that exsists. If I am to go with this idea to start with i will begin looking at all the diffrent ways people can have conversations with tecnology and also what the topics of these conversations are. secondary to this research i will also look at how tecnology converses with itself in the sending of coding and electrical messages.


The first step of understanding the “ A Conversation� brief was all about looking at the different ways that conversation data could be visualised. Weather this is through a specific art/ design protect such as the image used above or alternatively a more basic approach such as written text or a spoken play. The first example I came across was an article by Jean Burgess (w://mappingonlinepublics.net/2010/07/30/ visualising-topic-based-networks-masterchef/) who is a Senior Research Fellow in the Creative Industries Faculty, for Queensland University of Technology. The article itself explains that what Dr Burgess was doing was a form of comparison between the #ausvotes data her research team had been collecting and other topics of shared interest among Australian Twitter users. In this case it turned out to be a high-rating Australian prime-time tv program Masterchef. Although this is not something would like to base my brief on specifically about as it is something i know nothing about or have much interest in the project stood out to me as it shows just how

diverse this brief can be and without getting to far ahead of myself shows an example of something that i could possibly work towards by the end of the project. The idea of possibly looking into the idea or global conversations and specifically digital conversations however is something i would be interested in as this allowed my project to expand and would make it very relevant to subjects that i know and understand. Looking specifically at the image above i find the overall appearance of how the conversations between twitter uses discussing Masterchef and the Australian vote a very creative way of displaying information an d it appeals to me at despite how abstract the image is it can still be understood given the right information and depicts a unique way of showing a conversation in a digital format. Using this as a starting point my next step will be to look into other ways that conversations can be visualised and he different forms of conversations that can take place to create the images shown.


As part of this project we where first asked to carry out a three minuet conversation based on a topical new story. using this as a starting point for ide generation i came up with a few good ideas. the most prominat of all these ideas was a project based on the structure of conversations. This idea came about after i listened back to my recorded conversation. what i didcovered was that i found it reallyt hard to keep my conversation on topic and it tended to alter into diffrent subject areas. Another issue was that it all sounded very scripted and un natural probably due to the fact that the participants knew they where

being recorded. Using this as inspiration i then thought about how i could visualise the complexity of the structures of conversations and weather there was some kind of link between the envioment and conversations. At this time i think this is a really strong idea for me to take furthur and could turn into a sucessful project. A few early ideas i have come up with without wanting tobe too specific about my final piece is potetially developing some kind of map or infographic explaining the flow and structure of conversations. similar exmples can be seen in the images selected for this page.

CONVERSATIONS IN SCIENCE The human connectome project is a tool created to construct a map of the complete structural and functional neural connections in the human brain allowing users to Navigate the brain in a way that was never before possible. As part of my project I addressed upon an idea that I would quite like to base my project on the connections in the human body making this website a perfect tool to use. Although it is too complex for me to be able to understand essentially what the software

does is allow you to fly through major brain pathways, compare essential circuits, zoom into a region to explore the cells that comprise it, and the functions that depend on it. The images produced by this soft-wear are incredible and clearly show the vast amount of connections and conversations that go on inside our brain at any given time. Using this as a starting point I should now be able to come up with a few ides as to where I would like to develop my project further.

My first thought on what I could do with the images generated by this soft-wear is to perhaps find a way of animating the images reflecting the ways the connections change a light up based of conversations that we have . Although this would be a good idea it would be for too complicated for the amount of time I have left on the project and unless the information was factually correct I feel it would have no real relevance. Based on this fact I then started thinking about other ways that I could display this information in my own graphical manor. Many things crossed my mind at this point such as using paint or illustration however I felt that these where too flat and didn’t really represent the three

dimensional textually of the original images . This is when peter Crawley came to mind. As part of the lecture program we had touched on peter Crawley work as an introduction to the module and where introduced to his method of stitching art work. One piece of work inparticular caught my attention and it is in this image that I can see clear links between the work he produces and the images generated by the human connectome project. The piece in question is called order and chaos and i feel perfectly represent what i would try to recreate. In order to do this i must now look into the work of the artist and find out what inspires him and perhaps find out the techniques he uses to create his work.

BRAIN CONVERSATIONS The brain communicates with itself by sending out chemical information from one neuron, or nerve cell to another. Brain chemistry is the sum of all the chemical messaging that takes place in the brain, which allows it to carry out its daily functions, such as generating movement, speaking, thinking, listening, regulating the systems of the body, and countless others.

Every day, researchers are learning more about the chemicals that the neurons in the human brain use to communicate with each other. They now know that all the feelings and emotions that people experience are produced through chemical changes in the brain. Foe example happiness that a person feels at getting a good grade on a test, winning the lottery, or reuniting with a loved one occur through complex chemical processes. So are emotions, such as sadness, grief, and stress. When the brain tells the body to do something, such as to

sit down or run, this also sets a chemical process in motion. These “chemical communicators,” or neurotransmitters, are the “words” that make up the language of the brain and the entire nervous system. most emotions in the brain are linked to three chemicals including serotonin, dophamine and Gamma-aminobutyric acid. using this information one option for my project would be to creat an info graphic showing how therse three chemicals influence the conversations that go on inside our brain and how they work.


Out of my three major ideas I feel that I have too strong ideas that I would like to go with and take forward to the end of this project. The first of these idea is a graphical interpretation of the conversations that go on inside a human brain this could then either presented as a static two or three dimensional piece or alternatively an animation. In order to decide on which will be my best way of progressing I first think that I need to do some development into my ideas and also research into potentially other existing material that maybe helpful. At this stage initial thoughts such as the sewn work of peter Crawley or alternatively the paper creations of Yulia Brodaskya. Once I have then completed this research I will then go onto experimenting some of my own designs and analyse how successful or not they where.

One issue that I have with this idea I that I don’t just want to visualise what I think a conversation would look like but would rather have some scientific fact behind it. To solve this issue a potential solution would be to look at some scientific papers and see if I could find images of parts of the brain that are active in certain situations. At a quick glacÊ it appears as-if if emotions are the thing in which the most research has been carried out potentially giving me a solution to my problem. Aside form this issue another concern I have is the amount of time I have left on this project I would love to be able to create a detailed piece shown in some of the images above however I worry that if I do not decide on an idea soon I will not have time to experiment enough and create an impact-full final piece that expresses my ideas.


Peter studied and continues to work in the field of Product Design. He also creates Stitched Illustrations. The illustrations are created by hand piercing various stocks of paper with a pin and then stitching the paper with a needle and cotton thread. The first piece was inspired by a road trip across America, and the desire to illustrate the journey. The illustrations have been used commercially by world leading brands, publications and advertising agencies. Illustrations are held in private collections in the UK, Europe and North America. Peter’s work has been featured in leading art and design publications and exhibitions. http://www.petercrawley.co.uk/index.php?/about/

Out of all of Crawley ‘s work it is the piece called order and chaos that visually appears most visually similar to the original brain scans and would represent the complex images most accurately. What i wish for my project to do however is make sense of the chaotic brain scans and his pieces that are more organised like his Fibonacci sequences

of his architectural drawings that would be more suitable for what i am trying to achieve. Using this artists work as inspiration i have decided that i would quit like to try creating my own creations that I could potentially develop further. Before I star this however i will need to come up with a few designs of what I could create to save time.



Yulia Brodskaya, born in 1983, is a highly regarded paper artist and illustrator. She uses two simple materials-paper and glue, and a simple technique that involves the placement of carefully cut and bent strips of paper -to make lush, vibrant, three-dimensional paper artworks. Soon after discovering her passion and unique style, Brodskaya has swiftly earned an international reputation for her innovative paper illustrations and was named the ‘breakthrough star’ of the 2009 by Creative review magazine. Her modern take on the paper craft practice has helped her build an impressive list of clients in just a few short years, from Hermés to Starbucks to Godiva, Target, Sephora, The New York Times Magazine and many others (more than 100 projects over the 5 years). http://www.artyulia.com/index.php/About


After choosing two artist styles that i felt could work to graphically interperate my reserch imagery of the human brain i decided to have a go at tryin to recreate some for myself. The first experimant consisted of sewing a brain in the style of peter crawley. This work was extreemly time consuming to produce and took around six hours to complete altough the finnished piece is higly effective. iOut of the two experiments i completed i feel as if this one was more sucessfull and shows better the connxtions in the human brain. I do however have severall issues with this work. making this piece was extreeemly time consumeing making me think again about weather this was a viable concept for my final peice. Also other issues i have is weather this image actually displays a conversation and meets the brief. i feel asif it does not do this and is more a piece of art work rather than a graphic piece good enough to develop furthur.

The second experiment i concluded was in the style of Yulia Brodaskya. Of the two experiments this is my favourate and i feel asif it is the most visually interesting. Unlike the other piece this took far less time to complete taking around two hours. Again though i feel asif i have the same issue with the acual image reprisenting a conversation. Bothe images seem to me to be more a artistic work trying to visually show a conversation rather than the detail needed to meet the brief. Due to this reason I feel like this experimentation has failed and i should try to develop a newer and better idea to use for my project instead. One very early i dea i have have is to pottentially creat an info graphic of an annimation that could actually explain some og these conversations however first i will need to find some relevent information and facts suitable for this idea.

INFO GRAPHICS Although i am relitively happy with the results of my early experimantation i have been struggleing to make the connextions of how the images I have created portray a conversation in the brain. At this present stadge the images dont really reprisent the conversations themselfves but rather the chaotic nature of the conversation that take place. For this reason i therefor feel asif my idea does not correctly forfill the brief we had been given and insted i should look for a solution for my problem. As we only have little time left on this project i dont wish to throw

away all the work i have allready done so i need to adapt and come up with a new idea. At present i feel like the best way forward is to turn my designs into infographics that could fully explain how conversations in the brain work and the effect topics of the conversations that take place. two early ideas i have include pottentially looking at the two diffrent sides of the brain (right and left) to see how they differ. or allternitively look at all the diffrent conversations that take place under diffrent emotions.

An info-graphic is a simple easy way of displaying information in a fun visual and engaging manor. Iconographic make use of hight quality layout vector imagery and typesetting to create a way of displaying information in a simplified manor. There are many different versions of info graphics /data visualisations but they all share a common goal and that is for the information to be shared and accurate with the right numbers and figures to back it up. After all they are all about facts and information. In essence an info-graphic is a tool to educate and inform the audience on a particular subject backed up by data rich visualization of thesis. They are a way to build awareness and inbound links with the benefit of being a cheep alternative to other more complex

marketing campaigns. There are many benefits to info-graphics the first most important is due to the fact that 90% of the information to our brains take in is visual and a massive 50% of our brains is dedicated to processing this. Info-graphics are therefore the perfect visual tool to display information. Another great thing about infographics is that they appeal both to both people who learn from images and people who learn from text as they include just the right amount of each if you get the balance right. Below is an image take from HTTPS://www.customermagnetism. com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/what-is-aninfographic.jpg which gives some helpful tips on how to create a successful info-graphic.


Biography Nicholas Felton spends much of his time thinking about data, charts and our daily routines. He is the author of many Personal Annual Reports that weave numerous measurements into a tapestry of graphs, maps and statistics reflecting the year’s activities. He was one of the lead designers of Facebook’s timeline and the co-founder of Daytum.com. His most recent product is Reporter, an iPhone app designed to record and visualize subtle aspects of our lives. His work is a part of the permanent collection at MoMA. He has also been profiled by the Wall Street Journal, Wired and Good Magazine and recognized as one of the 50 most influential designers in America by Fast Company.

1000 TRILLION CONVERSATIONS The human brain on average has over 1000 trillion synapses. this mean that at any one given second there is the potential for 1000 trillion conversations to take place. Using this main face i have decided on a final theeme for my info graphic. what idealy i would like to do is reprisent a hundred trillion in as many graphical ways as i can think of. this idea came about after i was questioning weather it would be physically possible to show a

hundred trillion dots bu after some quite complicated maths i came to the conclusion that it would take over 10 thousand sheets of paper. because of such the huge scale of the numbers i would need to be quite createive with the statistics i used and needed to think of a way of reprisenting them in a way people could undersatnd. To start off with i drew up some simple sketches to show how this could potentiolly work.

The first idea was all based on weight. to star with i thought of the lightest physical thing could think off and came to the conclusion of a feather. then using the weight of a feather i calculated how many tonnes 1000 trillion feathers would weigh. The second idea was how long a piece of rope 1000 trillion mm long would be and cased on that figure how many times it would wrap arounf the earth. My third idea uses time to reprisent the numbers. finally my fourth idea uses the

inspiration that 10000 trillion is more than all the stars in our galaxy. What i understand is that this is not enough to fit an infographic and that will need to come up with some more satistics for my final design. i also need t start thinking about the final design for my info graphic and what i would like it to look like which is what i will be moving onto next. i can then take these basic sketches and produce more detailed versions for my final design.



As I have decided that I am definitely going to create an info graphic for my final piece I needed to design a few layouts that I could work with. The images above are scans of six of the quick illustrations I created as possible ideas. At the moment my favourite design is the top centre as I quite like the tiled structure of the info graphic, this would help separate individual points I would like to make clearly and easily. The issues with these designs however is that I don’t have my content designed yet so I need to work on what each individual tile is going to say or the image that they should have in them.

COLOUR SCHEME & THEORY Color theory encompasses a multitude of definitions, concepts and design applications - enough to fill several encyclopedias. However, there are three basic categories of color theory that are logical and useful : The color wheel, color harmony, and the context of how colors are used. A color circle, based on red, yellow and blue, is traditional in the field of art. Sir Isaac Newton developed the first circular diagram of colors in 1666. Since then, scientists and artists have studied and designed numerous variations of this concept. Differences of opinion about the validity of one format over another continue to provoke debate. In reality, any color circle or color wheel which presents a logically arranged sequence of pure hues has merit. Primary Colors: Red, yellow and blue. In traditional color theory (used in paint and pigments), primary colors are the 3 pigment colors that can not be mixed or formed by any combination of other colors. All other colors are derived from these 3 hues. Harmony can be defined as a pleasing arrangement of parts, whether it be music, poetry, color, or even an ice cream sundae. In visual experiences, harmony is something that is pleasing to the eye. It engages the viewer and it creates an inner sense of order, a balance in the visual experience. When something is not harmonious, it’s either boring or chaotic. At one extreme is a visual experience that is so bland that the viewer is not engaged. The human brain will reject under-stimulating information. At the other extreme is a visual experience that is so overdone, so chaotic that the viewer can’t stand to look at it. The human brain rejects what it can not organize, what it can not understand. The visual task requires that we present a logical structure. Color harmony

delivers visual interest and a sense of order. In summary, extreme unity leads to understimulation, extreme complexity leads to over-stimulation. Harmony is a dynamic equilibrium. Secondary Colors: Green, orange and purple These are the colors formed by mixing the primary colors..Tertiary Colors: Yelloworange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green & yellow-green. These are the colors formed by mixing a primary and a secondary color. That’s why the hue is a two word name, such as blue-green, red-violet, and yellow-orange. How color behaves in relation to other colors and shapes is a complex area of color theory. Compare the contrast effects of different color backgrounds for the same red square. Red appears more brilliant against a black background and somewhat duller against the white background. In contrast with orange, the red appears lifeless; in contrast with bluegreen, it exhibits brilliance. Notice that the red square appears larger on black than on other background colors. Observing the effects colors have on each other is the starting point for understanding the relativity of color. The relationship of values, saturations and the warmth or coolness of respective hues can cause noticeable differences in our perception of color. http://www.colormatters. com/color-and-design/basic-color-theory Using these rules i then set about sesigning my own colour scheems for my infographic payin close attention to the theory of colour harmony. This was because i needed my infographic to be bold and bright to help it stand out however, i was in danger of v=over complicateing my design by doing this so a compramise had to be found.

The solution to this was to choose a maximum of three bodd colours that worked well together and then add the additional colours of white and black. I didnt realy want my piece to feel educational and dull nor did i want it to be aimed at a particular gender. this ment that i needed to

choose right nutral colours that also needed to be bright. The colour scheem that i eventually consisted of a turqoice blue, yellow and pink. Using these colours I will now devise several templates for my infographics and see how the colours work together in my designs.

Aside from just how the colours look as a scheem i also wanted to carry our a few test to see how the work together. The first test involved seeing how text worked on the colours. From this test it was clear to see that the best colour for placing

text on is dark gray. comparitively the worst colour is pink. from this i can establish that the base colour for my infographic should be the dark gray and then use the other colours to acentuate my designs.

The second test i wanted to do was to see if the appearence of my colours where affected due to the base colour that they where on. this is important to ensure that i keep my infographic looking uniform throughout. From this test i can

see that the only prolems i would have is the apperance of the blue on the yellow and pink as it makes the colour look less saturated compared to on black or on white.

LAYOUT DESIGN Although i dont yet have my contenrt made for my infographics i do want to see how my colour scheem would work incorporated into the templates I had drawn previously. Out of all the designs i feel like the top two (left and middle) work the most sucesfully and i can easily imagin how these designs would look once content has been added. The least favourate of all my designs is the bottom middle lthough you can see what the infographic is clearly about it doesnt leave much room for other content however. At present i feel like my designs should be A3 in size however I am willing to adjust this depending on the amount of content i design and wish to include potentilly doubleing the size i currently have in mind. For my designs i would like to include some form of graphs pictures and text meaning i will need to ensure my layout works perfectly so that the viewer can easily understand what I have created. This might not be correct first time so if possible i would like to test the infographic out on an audience to see if it is sucesfull at meating all it needs. then if neccasary I would be willing to adapt and change the designs.


In a standard human brain there are over 1000 trillion synapses. this means that at any given second the human brain can make up to 1000 trillion conextions and send a message though every single one of them. If you then look at these conxtions as the way a human brain has a conversation you can start to underastand the complexity of the conversations that go on inside our brain. As part of my project i wanted to try and reprsent these conversations in a new and engaing way that everyone could understand as sometimes science is quite complex and confusing. This is where the idea of an infographic came from. What an ifographic would do was allow me to show more complex nformation such as the huge numbers involved and the mathmatics behind them but in a more fun rather than boaring way. But just how do you show 1000 trillion conversations? The most obviouse way wouldbe perhaps to vusualise 1000 trillionhowever after some

quite complex maths i discovered that this is simply impossible and would take over 10000 sheets of paper to put a dot on everyy mm or the page! therefor i had to come up with a new solution. Instead of physically tring to represent 100 trillion i should look at how i could graphicly represent them and came up with a few basic sketches. from this i then started to create some very basic inforgraphic templates and colour scheemes. the next step was to try and create a suitable main imagery for my piece. I tried out a few initial sketches and came to the conclusion that i would very much like to create a very retro theemed icon as not only do i find them personally interesting but they also seem to be a common feature of the infographics i had reserched. After this i then moved on to vectorize three of my designs in Adobe illustrator so i could apply my colour scheemes and see how they work as part of my templates.

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