The Pie Shed Brand Guidelins

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Introduction A brief introductory section all about who we are and why our branding is so Important to us.

The Logo An in depth insight into how and how not our logo should be used along with tips on spacing, colours and layouts.

Colour Pallet Information table of all the colours used in our brand and how they can be achieved in every colour profile. Rules regarding the use of colours can also be found in this section

Typeface All the information you need regarding our fonts and how they should be used accordingly

Pattern An insight into what our house pettern is and what it the correct way to use it.

Tone of Voice Everthing you need to include and say when designing a piece for the pie shed.


These brand guidelines have been created to maintain the pie sheds identity through all areas of our business. It is important to us that this is upheld as it protects the impression we want to give off to our customers, ensuring there faith and support for the business. What is important to remember is that our company is not just a brand, it is a traditional family run business who care deeply about our customers and there beliefs. Ensuring there faith in us that we can deliver the handcrafted quality they know and love. Included in these guidelines is information on where the brand derives from and why it is important that this is so consistent along with other information such as our logo, house font and colour pallet. We hope this can help you to design compelling and intriguing objects that would be a great accompaniment to our business.

Our Logo. Our logo is our most valuable asset as it tells you who we are. This means it needs to be treated carefully. In every instance the logo must maintain its hand drawn appearance consistent with the gaslight style from which it derives. This is essential to ensure that we are true to our Victorian heritage something which we are extremely proud of. The logo must be displayed on every form of printed media or advertising, be this billboards posters or packaging. The logo must also be used on all digital products. There are many ways to use our logo and a huge variety of products on which it can appear. Some of these instructions are quite strict so the information on the next few pages should help you through. If your looking for something in particular heres a quick reference guide to get you to where you want to be.

Primary Logo Clear Spacing Size Guide Do’s & Don’ts


To maintain our heritage and to ensure that we fit in with our Victorian market location our logo must be used must appear only in the house colours, primarily in its original hand drawn format or in one of the following primary logos. Sometimes this may not be suitable for a particular product in which case our secondary logos can be used. These colours have been specifically chosen as they derived directly from the Victorian era making it crucial that you do not change them or display our logo in anything other than the options shown. Where possible it is preferred that the coloured logos are used however we do also allow a monochrome version.

Primary Logo

Secondary Logo

Monochrome sketch and digital versions

C78, M27, Y56, K11 R85, G131, B118 #558376

C5, M8, Y20, K0 R241, G233, B212 #F1E9D4

C61, M65, Y61, K51 R70, G58, B58 #463A3A

Spacing Our logo needs plenty of clear spacing to stand out. If there are lots of other elements on the page its impact could be lost losing us trade or effectiveness. The exclusion zones shown above refers to the minimum amount of free space that should be around the logo at any one time. Remember though this is just the minimum so its probably best to give it as much space as possible to stand out. No other elements should cross into this clear space especially other businesses logos or colours not part of our brand.

12 X 8cm The minimum size for our logo in any case is 6 X 4cm around half the size of the logo shown above. This is deemed acceptable to ensure that our logo does not lose it impact and remains legible at all times. For an A3 Document the logo should be no smaller than 12 X 8 cm and for anything smaller than this it should always be no smaller than 6 X 4cm. On screen the logo should be no smaller than 1418 X918 pixels


The size of our logo is crucial on smaller documents or promotional material. This is due to the intricate nature of its design. To avoid causing any problems with sizing please make sure that in whatever you produce our logo is no smaller than the guidelines shown above. Alternatively go as large as you like you cant make us stand out enough! Just make sure it fits on the page and nothing is cut off.

The Do’s & Don’ts. Do use our logo on all of our products, ensuring that it is clearly visible applying the clear space rules and size guides. Don’t crop, Rearrange or stretch our logo in any way, this would distract from our logo and ruin its impact. Do stick to the colors we have provided as they represent us a company. Don’t use our logo on any thing other than a product or Professional material produced by anyone other than the pie shed. Don’t be tempted to place our logo in any shapes. Don’t animate our logo in a way so that it will appear different. Don’t overprint or obstruct any part of our logo. Don’t use any old representations or alternative versions of our logo on anything to represent our brand Don’t accompany our logo with anything other than our chosen typeface.

Primary Pallet

C20, M99, Y100, K11 R182, G35, B37 #B62325

C44, M15, Y55, K0 R151, G182, B138 #97b68a

C77, M73, Y52, K56 R45, G43, B57 # 2d2b39

C78, M27, Y56, K11 R85, G131, B118 #558376

C61, M65, Y61, K51 R70, G58, B58 #463A3A

Secondary pallet

C5, M8, Y20, K0 R241, G233, B212 #F1E9D4

Colours The colours for our brand where chosen specifically to reflect the who we are so please don’t misuse them. Many hours of research and experimentation when into producing this colour pallet ensuring it was the best it could possibly be so why change it? Colours are instantly recognizable and by there misuse the brand could get lost. We don’t mind where you use them or how you use them just don’t change them. As part of our brand we have two colour pallets. The first the primary pallet should be used in the highest quantity and has been designed to work together on anything we produce. The secondary pallet has been created to compliment the primary pallet and should be used only as little additions. We also allow the use of our black and pure white as part of our branding.

Typeface Typefaces can say allot about a business like who they are and what they are about. Here at the pie shed we have three typefaces Two which are used for our logo and a third one witch we like to use on all of our products, Because of this we would ask you not to use any other typeface when producing material for the pie shed. It is crucial to not this goes beyond the posters and advertising but into other things such as letters or emails. The two fonts that make our logo are Hustlers Rough Demo and Bosox full. These fonts where chosen to represent the Victorian location and heritage of our shop so are crucial to telling people who we are and what we are about. The third and final font we use is Calibri. This font is chosen to represent the warm family run persona we wish to give of.




For any titles, subheadings or main bodys of text the font that muct allways be used is calibri. This is because the fornt reprisents us a warm freandly company with no hidden stings of fancy extras. the font is clear and easy to read making it suitable for lager amounts of text or clear bold heddings. When using the font for a heading it muct be in bold no smaller than pt 18, for a subheadding it must be itallic no smailler than pt 14 and all main bodys of text should be regular no smaller than pt 8.



As part of the pie shead brand we like to use allot of pattern. Its just something else to make us stand out and apper more recognisable. The pattern we use was designed specifically to reprisent the all the pies we sell and make. we encourage ou to include our patterrn in whatever you design just ensure that it only appers ontop of a house colour background. Do not change it in anyway and it must allways be white.

Tone of voice

Just like every commercial venture we are always competing to offer our customers the best quality of service, the best product and a the biggest number of sales. This means we need to be as clear as possible in what we offer. Points need to be made about how we are different to everyone else and by choosing us what will make the customers experience better. It is essential that in whatever we do we are able to communicate this. As well as our visual identity, which includes our logo, colours and typography, our verbal identity is a crucial part of who we are and how we connect with people, weather thats customers, fellow staff, suppliers or business partners. The more consistent we are in rearguards to our tone of voice the more likely it is that people will understand what makes us special. The way we express ourselves has to be joined up and consistent so that people admire, respect and, crucially, trust us. For instance it would be no good us trying to sell our home grown, home backed family business if we didn’t sound like one. To help we have devised several key points that need to be mentioned in whatever you produce for the pie shed. Firstly it is crucial that you mention all our food is home made daily and brought fresh to the shop everyday. Secondly we are a family run business we have no connections to any larger group or chain. Finally we ensure that all of our products and packaging are as green as they can be making use of recycled materials and minimum uses of plastics.

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